The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 16, 1897, Image 7

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H If \ CHAPTER XVI. ( Continued. )
1 JJE Indeed , in this particular winter , aft-
I * er the nndnE anstostog of the treas-
1 $ < ure , the Desprezes had an anxiety of a
HI W very different order , and one which lay
E j\- nearer their hearts. Jean-Marie was
I J % Plainly not himself. He had fits of hec-
H i'Mt 'tJc activlty , "when he made unusual ex-
M \jk ertionB to please , spoke more and fast-
I % .m * er' and redoubled in attention to his
H g % lessons. But these were interrupted by
H \i spells of melancholia and brooding
H ff\ silence , when the boy was little better
KiJP 'than unbearable.
i |
1 % "Silence , " the Doctor moralized
R \A ' 'you see , Anastasie , what comes of si- J
Kj ' fv Jence. Had the boy properly unbo-
Hj t somed himself , the little disappoint-
HifiStf tment about the treasure , the little an-
41 I noyance about Casim 'ir's incivility ,
fiu / 'would long ago have been forgotten. J
H fi As it is , they prey upon him like a j
Ihf disease. He loses flesh , his appetite
d $ Is variable , and , on the whole , im-
I % .paired. I keep him on the strictest
JL regimen , I exhibit the most powerful
I , ijg tonics ; both in vain. "
HfSfc "Don't you think you drug him too
III much ? " asked madame , with an irre- ,
I 1 * I ipressible shudder.
I J "Drug ? " cried the Doctor ; "I drug ? '
I m Anastasie , you are mad ! "
I [ I Time went on , and the boy's health
K > & still slowly declined. The Doctor
&J2 * * * blamed the weather , which was cold
Mm. anii boiBterous. He called in his con-
MWfrere from Bourron , took a fancy for
I \ him , magnified his capacity , and was
I , Jfr , .pretty soon under treatment himself
ft s | it scarcely appeared for what comM -
M\ \ \ plaint. He and Jean-Marie had each
Wi \ medicine to take at different periods of
lWi the day. The Doctor used to lie in
a& \ wait for the exact .moment , watch in
M | .hand. "There is nothing like regular-
K * "ity , " he would say , fill out the doses ,
1 -and dilate on the virtues of the
& draught ; and if the boy seemed none
w , the better , the Doctor was not at all
J& v the worse.
J if Gunpowder Day , the boy was partic-
I vfiularly ; low. It was scowling , squally
I fh\ • weaneHuge ; ' broken companies of
I r clouds sailed swiftly overhead ; raking
I % .gleams of sunlight swept the Tillage ,
I C .and were followed with intervals of
I V darkness and white , flying rain. At
I Jb times the wind lifted up its voice and
I * t f I bellowed. The trees were all scourg-
I w\ \ * ns themselves along the meadows , the
I • -last leaves Hying like dust.
I T\ The Doctor , between the boy and the
I \ -weather , was Jn his elements ; he had a
L \ .theory to prove. He sat with his watch '
Hr 4 * V : out and a barometer in front of him ,
j i waiting for the squalls and noting their :
Hk effect upon the human pulse. "For the ;
R true philosopher , " he remarked de-
m * lightedly , "every fact in nature is a '
K toy. " A letter came to him ; but , as its
Mpr .arrival coincided -with the approach of ;
| Jjy , another gust , he merely crammed it '
• jS * * ntas pockets , gave the time to Jean-
Kim .Marie , and the next moment they were •
Bl ; both counting their pulses as if for a
Hfiswager. .
K * \ ffsr T alghtfall the
Wm J& $ ' w \ tempest Ifc be _
B * > tf - B W\ sieged the hamlet ,
I W iffli apparently from
to A H l \ every side \ % if
Wm / \ te M vrith. batterie of
Mm 'fa ? $ \ M cannon' tlie houses
I Wh * Q § "ssJ * $ shook and groaned ;
um- An iO live coals , were
II * - ' \
blown upon the
| M floor. The uproar
Is ' -and terror of the night kept people
Hjg long awake , sitting pallid faces giving
- -
Pl It was past twelve before the Des-
I f * " ' , prez family had retired. By half-past
une , when the storm wras already some
I v -past its height , the Doctor was awak-
| r aned from a troubled slumber , and sat
WW' ) UPA - noise still rang in his ears , but
n % -whether of this world or of the world
Jot ' sf dreams he was not certain. Another
W/ \ clap of wind followed. It was accom-
| jfcr ' panied by a sickening movement of the
He whole house , and in the subsequent lull
C Desprez could hear the tiles pouring
H J' like a cataract into the loft above his
B * "head. He plucked Anastasie bodily out
mJF' &i bed.
KT * 'Run ! " he cried , thrusting some
into her ii • ' "
R wearing apparel j "the
M\ 3iouse is falling ! To the ga\x < jn ! "
I V She did not pause to be twice bidden ;
Wjs&v : S xe vras ao'wn ie stair iQ sn instant.
P She had never before suspected herself
H of such activity. The Doctor mean-
K. while , with the speed of a piece of pan-
B iomime business , and undeterred by
Kg t 'broken shins , proceeded to rout out
We Jean-Marie , tore Aline from her virgin -
H ' -gin slumhers , seized her by the hand ,
H. and tumbled downstairs and into the
R garden , with the girl tumbling behind
B , -aim , stillTiot half-awake.
If The fugitives rendezvoused in the ar-
f bor by some common instinct. Then
He came a bull's eye flash of struggling
JS moonshine , which disclosed their four *
R Bgures standing huddled Irom the wind
It in a ruffle of flying drapery , and not
I * jfc without a considerable need for more.
-A.t the humiliating spectacle Anastasie
V clutched her night-dress desperately
W * * bout her and Turst loudly into tears.
Fv , The Doctor flew to console her ; but
I 16 -she elbowed lilm away. She suspected
I 1 | everybody of being the general public ,
WC 3rad thought the darkness was alive
| l -with ej-es.
K > \ Another gleam and another violent
I > .gust arrived together ; the house was
I seen to rock on its ioundation , and ,
lust as t&e light was qnce more
H *
eclipsed , a craBh which triumphed over
the shouting of the wind announced its
fall , and for a moment the whole gar
den was alive with skipping tiles and
brickbats. One such missile grazed the
Doctor's ear ; another descended on the
bare foot of Aline , who instantly made
night hideous with her shrieks ,
j j By this time the hamlet was alarmed ,
lights flashed from the windows , hails
reached the party , and the Doctor an
swered , nobly contending against Aline
and the tempest. But this prospect of
' help only awakened Anastasie to a
more active stage of terror ,
"Henri , people will be coming , " she
screamed in her husband's ear.
"I trust so , " he replied.
"They cannot I would rather die , "
she wailed.
"My dear , " said the Doctor reprovingly -
ingly , "you are excited. I gave you
some clothes. What have you done
with them ? "
"Oh , I don't know I must have
thrown them away ! Where are they ? "
she sobbed.
Desprez groped about in the dark-
ness. "Admirable ! " he remarked ; "my
velveteen trousers ! This will exactly
meet your necessities. "
"Give them to me ! " she oried fierce
ly ; but as soon as she had them in her
hands her mood appeared to alter
she stood silent for a moment , and then
pressed the garment back upon the
Doctor. "Give them to Aline , " she
said "poor girl. "
"Nonsense ! " said the Doctor. "Aline
does not know what she is about. Al
ine is beside herself with terror ; and
at any rate , she is a peasant. Now I
am really concerned at this exposure
for a person of your housekeeping
habits ; my solicitude and your fan
tastic modesty both point to the same
remedy the pantaloons. " He held
them ready.
"It is impossible. You do not under
stand , " she said , with dignity.
By this time rescue was at hand. It
had been found impracticable to enter
by the street , for the gate was blocked
with masonry , and the nodding ruin
still threatened further avalanches. But
between the Doctor's garden and the
one on the right hand there was that
very picturesque contrivance , a com
mon well ; the door on the Desprez'
side had chanced to be unbolted , and
now , through the arched aperture a
man's bearded face and an arm sup
porting a lantern were introduced into
the world of windy darkness , where
Anastasie concealed her woes. The
light struck here and there among the
tossing apple boughs , it glinted on the
grass ; but the lantern and the glowing
face became the center of the world.
Anastasie crouched back from the in
"This way ? " shouted the man. "Are
you all safe ? "
Aline , still screaming , ran to the
new-comer , and was presently hauled
head-foremost through the wall.
"Now , Anastasie , come on ; it is
your turn , " said the husband.
"I cannot , " she replied.
"Are we all to die of exposure , ma
dame ? " thundered TJoctor Desprez.
"You can go ! " she cried. "Oh , go ,
go away ! I can stay here ; I am quite
warm. " .
The Doctor took her by the shoul
ders with an oath.
"Stop ! " she screamed. "I will put
them on. "
She took the detested lendings in
her hand once more ; but her repulsion
was stronger than she. "Never ! " she
cried , shuddering and flung them far
away into the night.
Next moment the Doctor had whirled
her to the well. The man was there
and the lantern ; Anastasie closed her
eyes and appeared to herself to be
about to die. How she was trans
ported through the arch she knew not ;
but once on the other side she was re
ceived by the neighbor's wife , and en
veloped in a friendly blanket.
EDS .were made
ready for the two
women , clothes of
very various sizes
for the Doctor and
Jean-Marie ; and for
the remainder of
the night , while
madame dozed in
. and the bor-
- - out on -
jjr -j-
d " derland of hyster
ics , her husband sat
beside the fire and held forth to the
admiring neighbors. He showed them ,
at length , the causes of the accident ;
for years , he explained , the fall had
been impending ; one sign had fol
lowed another , the joints had opened ,
the plaster had cracked , the old walls
bowed inward ; last , not three weeks
ago , the cellar-door had begun to work
with difficulty in its grooves. "The
cellar ! " he said , gravely shaking his
head over a glass of mulled .wine.
"That reminds me of my poor vintages.
By a manifest providence the Hermit
age was nearly at an end. One bottle-1-
I lose but one bottle of that incom
parable wine. It had "been set apart
against Jean-Marie's wedding. Well ,
I must lay down some more ; it will be
an interest in life. I am , however ,
a man somewhat advanced in years.
My great work is now buried in the
fall of my humble roof ; it will never
be completed my name Trill have been
writ in water. And yet vou find me
* * - * v
ii. i > j ii wii iwi'tiwii iiTTir iifwt '
. iiiiiii > ] Wi' minn > < liiWMLimiti ii iiuiiij
calm I would say cheerful. Can your
priest do more ? "
By the first glimpse of day the party
sallied forth from the fireside Into the
street The wind had fallen , but still
charioted a world of troubled clouds ;
the air bit like frost ; and the party ,
as they stood about the ruins in the
rainy twilight of the morning , beat up
on their breasts and blew into their
hands for warmth. The house had en
tirely fallen , the walls outward , thereof
roof in ; it was a mere heap of rub
bish , with here and there a forlorn
spear of broken rafter. A sentinel
was placed over the ruins to protect
the property , and the party adjourned
to Tentaillon's to break their fast at
the Doctor's expense. The bottle cir
culated somewhat freely ; and before
they left the table it had begun to
For three days the snow continued
to fall , and the ruins , covered with tar
paulin and watched by sentries , were
left undisturbed. The Desprezes mean
while had taken up their abode at Ten
taillon's. Madame spent her time in
the kitchen , concocting little delica
cies , with the admiring aid of Madame
Tentaillon , or sitting by the fire in
thoughtful abstraction. The fall of the
house affected her wonderfully little ;
that blow has been parried by another ;
and in her mind she was continually
fighting over again the battle of the
trousers. Had she done right ? Had
she done wrong ? And now she would
applaud her determination ; and anon ,
with a horrid flush of unavailing peni
tence , she would regret the trousers.
No juncture in her life had so much ex
ercised her judgment. In the mean
time the Doctor had become vastly-
pleased with his situation. Two of the
summer boarders still lingered behind
the rest , prisoners for lack of a remit
tance ; they were both English , but
one of them spoke French pretty flu
ently , and was , besides , a humorous ,
agile-minded fellow , with whom th6
Doctor could reason by the hour , se
cure of comprehension. Many were the
glasses they emptied , many the topics
they discussed.
"Anastasie , " the Doctor said on the
third morning , "take an example from
your husband , from Jean-Marie. The
excitement has done more for the boy
than all my tonics , he takes his turn
as sentry with positive gusto. As for
me , you behold me. I have made
friends with the Egyptians ; and my
Pharaoh is , I swear it , a most agree
able companion. You alone are hipped.
About a house a few dresses ? Whai
are they in comparison to the 'Phar
macopoeia' the labor of years lying
buried below stones and sticks in this i
depressing hamlet ? The snow falls ; ;
I shake it from my cloak ! Imitate me.
Our income will be impaired , I grant <
it , since we must rebuild ; but moder
ation , patience , and philosophy wil- <
gather about this hearth. In the mean
while , the Tentaillons are obliging ; the :
table , with your additions , will pass ; :
only the wine is execrable well , 1 i
shall send for some to-day. My Pha- '
roah will be gratified to drink a decent (
glass ; aha ! and I shall see if he possesses - ]
sesses that acme of organization a (
palate. If he has a palate , he is per- .
feet. "
"Henri , " she said , shaking her head , ]
"you are a man ; you cannot understand - ,
stand my feelings ; no woman could ]
shake off the memory of so public a \
humiliation. " j
The Doctor could not restrain a tit
ter. "Pardon me , darling , " he said , "but
really , to the "philosophical intelli
gence , the incident appears so small a
trifle. - You looked extremely well "
"Henri ! " she cried.
( to bs contivijbd.i
Narrow Escapes.
Adam Yandever , one of the original
settlers of Tallulah , Georgia , was a
famous hunter and trapper. The his
torian of Georgia relates several of Mr.
Vandever's hairbreadth escapes , from
which we select the following :
At one time Mr. Vandever was en
camped on a lofty mountain in Union
county. To make an observation of
his surroundings he climbed upon an
immense boulder which stood upon the
brow of a precipice. Just then he heard
the howl of a wolf in che woods below.
He stepped to the far side of the bould
er , hoping to get a better glimpse of
the enemy. As he moved , the great
rock , which chanced to be delicately
balanced , began to roll , and an instant
later it was plunging over the preci
pice. Fortunately an oak tree drooped
over the boulder , and in that moment
of peril the woodsman gave an up
ward leap and grasped one of the
branches and hung suspended in mid
air while the great stone went crash
ing down the mountain side.
"I felt my hair turn white , " said the
old gentleman afterward , "when I real
ized how near I'd come to going along
with that rocking stone. The limb I
hung too wa'n't over-stout , and when
I swung back from over the cliff and
dropped to the ground I felt as weak
as a baby.
Trobably an Old Time Pugillst.
Parts of the skeleton of a prehis
toric animal "were found on the farm
of Alexander Graham of Liberty town
ship , Ind. , the fragments indicating
that the animal's jaw was probably
four feet long. A part of tiie jaw is
in good condition , as are some of the
teeth , which are about a foot long ,
but most of the bones were so far de
composed when uncovered that they
Chastisement is the work of the
Holy Spirit. When we sin the Holy
Spirit lashes us through conscience
and scourges us , and we cast ourselves
upon our knees and suffer more keenly
somUmes than in any bodily agony.
Rev. H. A. George.
An Intcrentlnf- Talk With the As-lit-
ant Secretary of Agriculture A Cool
ay for Bryan and HI * J'ree Sliver
( Washington Letter. )
Mr. Bryan , the late candidate for
the presidency has been in Washington
the past few days and has discovered
some rather troublesome facts about
the growth of our currency and espe
cially the growth of the gold supply
of the United States and of the world.
Mr. Bryan , it will be remembered in
his speeches last fall asserted that the
42 million dollars necessary to keep
pace with the growth of population in
the United States could not be pro
duced since the suspension of free
coinage of silver , and quoted Senator
Sherman in support of his theory that
this amount was necessary to be added
to the currency of the country each
year. He was undoubtedly right in his
quotation of Senator Sherman but it
is now apparent that he was both in
accurate and misleading in assuming
that this amount of currency cannot be
and iB not added to the circulating
medium of the country by means of
its present facilities. The coinage of
the mints of the country in the year
which ends with the present month
will be in round numbers 100 million
dollars , three-fourths of it gold , while
that of the calendar year 189C was 99
million dollars. Add to this the fact
that the money in circulation today is
$138,000,000 more than it was a year
ago and it will be seen that Mr. Bryan's
statements in this , as well as in many
other things , were to say the least ,
misleading. The director of the mint
estimates that the gold mines of the
United States alone will this year turn
out over 60 million dollars , which is
greater than in any j-ear except 1S53
when the California gold mines were
at their zenith.
The Retaliation Jlusraboo.
Recent statistics show that Japan
has sold to people of the United States
in the past decade goods amounting
to 313 million yen , the value of the yen
being about equivalent to the dollar ,
while she has bought from us goods
valued at only 78 million yen. This
simple fact disposes of all the hum-
buggery which the free traders are in
dulging in about the alleged probabil
ities that Japan will retaliate upon
the passage of the new tariff bill , by
shutting out American goods. The
shrewd Japanese are not likely to sus
tain this assertion which freed trad
ers are now making that there will be
retaliation against the United States
on account of our new tariff. Japan
has been especially pointed out as like
ly to take a step of this kind but her
financiers and statesmen will not take
a step which would close the markets
of this country to the products of her
own people 'when those markets are
four times as great as those which our
own goods supply in that country.
Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Talks. (
No man in public life is more closei i
ly allied to the farmer and his interests - ]
ests than is Asst Secy , of Agriculture ]
Brigham , whose record as master of '
the National Grange has brought him ]
In close touch with that important
element of the population. In a talk
with your correspondent a day or two
ago he made some interesting sugges
"The cause of the agricultural de
pression , " said he , "is not easy to name
in a word. Tariff for revenue and free
raw material are probably responsi
ble to a considerable extent Under
these principles the duties have been
taken from wool and lowered on other
agricultural products , thus operating
directly upon the farmers of the Uni
ted States by reducing prices. The
general revision of the tariff has in-
John Bull Gets Hurt.
terfered with other great business in
terests of the country and checked
production. The effect of this has been
to throw labor out of employment ; the
men who once had money to buy farm
products have been living only by the
greatest economy , and the surplus of
farm products has accumulated in the
farmers' hands. "
"What about the attitude of the ad
ministration , Mr. Secretary , and its
desire for speedy tariff action ? "
-administration has been earn
estly advocating the early passage of
a measure that will correct the evil
results of the Wilson low-tariff free-
raw-material law a measure which is
expected to give adequate protection to
the agricultural interests and with a
tendency to remove the present exist
ing depression. There has been less
delay than in any previous legislation
ol tie kind. Even the opposition has
not been captious in its efforts to delay
the passage of the measure , but has
ttiite generally recognized the fact that
* yy y. y < * ' 'Jl. ' ' " > * * * r- * e * mr * . - * - * * * / : * Jf
* " * * • " '
T'i 1 Tir mi i i inn hi iinii.iM-uiami.mj
the people rejected the 'tariff-for-reve-
nue-only * Idea and condemned the pol
icy which compelled the farmers and
some other Industrial classes to pro
duce the so-called 'rad-materlal' in di
rect competition with the cheapest
labor of the world , whilst other inter
ests were protected. The wool-grow
ers and wool-buyers are waiting with
some Impatience the passage of the bill
regulating- duties upon imported
wool und woolens. Wool is now ready
for market , and this suspense is very
detrimental to both seller and buyer , as
they do not know just what rates of
duty will be fixed. The farmers are
very earnest in demanding adequate
protection on all farm commodities
grown here in competition with sim
ilar products grown abroad and some
times imported into this country , and
the administration is fully committed
to this policy of giving ample protec
tion to agricultural products. The
farmers of Ohio are not so much in
terested in the duty upon hides as are
those who live in the great west , but
they believe it to be a matter of justice
and equity that there should be some
protection to the men who grow hides
as well as to the men who manufacture
from them. " "
' 'What do yon think about the re
vision of the tariff schedules in the
senate ? "
"The new tariff bill as ft passed the
house is believed to be more in the
interests of agriculture than the bill
as amended in the senate committee.
Now that the measure is under discus
sion in the senate the representatives
from the agricultural districts are ex
pected to see that it is properly- amend
ed before it becomes a lawIt i3 very
cheering to note the breaking up of
partisan lines on this question. The
old tariff-for-revenue-only slogan , so
long relied upon by the leaders of one
of the great political parties , has large
ly lost its influence , and the represen
tatives of agricultural districts , with
out fear of the old-time leaders , do not
hesitate to support measures calculated
to give some portion of the protective
system to their constituents. I believe
that no party which- advocates free raw
material and protected manufactured
goods can ever again secure a strong
following among the agricultural
classes. "
"What do you say , Mr. Brigham , in
regard to the delay in the return of
prosperity ? "
"It is hardly fair to expect benefits
from a protective system before the
law has been enacted. People should
not forget that we are still living un
der the Wilson low-tariff-free-raw-ma
terial measure and that at present the
only advancement or improvement in
conditions is the anticipation of the
good effects of the new measure. Prog
ress on the bill is much greater than
has been expected by those well in
formed and familiar with tariff legis
lation , and the measure will undoubt
edly soon become a law , and not by
the votes of one party alone. But the
hue and cry against the delay in the
coming of prosperity is not properly
chargeable to the ignorance of the
farmer and workingman on this sub
ject. They are pretty well informed.
This cry comes principally from the
cheap politicians who are striving to •
make capital out of the matter. There ,
is no sense in asking for this promised
prosperity before the passage of a bill
which will cut off the enormous im- (
portations of foreign stuff , and give the
country a chance to right itself. When
the remedy is tried and fails it is time
enough for people to say that we are
mistaken and unable-to bring prosper
ity. " G. H. WILLIAMS.
A Warnins : From the TVe-st.
Recently a leading member of the
house of representatives who has busi
ness interests in the west made a trip
through Indiana and Illinois , and he
returned to Washington with a word
from the people , concerning the de
lay in the passage of the tariff bill ,
which should be heeded. The honor
able gentleman said , in speaking of the
situation he found in those great and
progressive industrial states of the
middle west :
The universal cry of the people is
for relief from the dangers which
threaten in the way of an overstock
ed market. The slight impetus that
has been given to industry in this
country by the assurance that a tariff
bill will soon be passed will be re
tarded by the fact that the increased
importations are crowding out Ameri
can goods and filling the markets with
cheap importations. These goods are
rereaing the west They are in bond ,
in warehouse , in transit and in store ,
inundating a market that has- already •
suffered from under consumption as
a result of the idleness and low wages
that followed the free trade policy.
I say the goods are cheap. They are
cheap and trashy. The mills of the
foreigner are running day and night
rushing out the cheapest possible fab
rications for the American market. I
have heard some Democratic repre
sentatives say that the Importations of
"cheap" goods would be a source of
gratification to the workingmen of the :
country. This is the usual Democrat
ic illustration of the beauties and
glories of free trade. I have yet to
hear the first Democrat explain what
satisfaction it would he to the Ameri
can workingman who is out of em
ployment because his factory is shut
down , and who stands in idleness
without a dollar in his pocket , to Team
that the shoddy imported goods are
selling at lower prices than they could
be produced by the mills and factories
of the United States.
The Senate's Good "Work.
The United States senate started
nobly on its work of revising the
Dingley tariff and we trust there may
be no let or hindrance in the continu
ance of the good work. Senators ap
preciate the u2cesstty for prompt ac
, , * • J -j ° t " * il H
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i |
Howie Sew Fact * About Oar. Currency * >
Mr. Bryan's visit to WaHhlBgton wa
somewhat embarrassed by the Bimul-
tnneous announcement of the director
of the mint that the gold production of
the United States in 1896 was * $53" ,0SS. - *
000 and is likely to be over $60,000,000
in 1897. This figure for 1S9C is greater j
than for thirty years , and if the pro- j'
duction for 1S97 exceeds 60 millions , as i
is expected , it will be the greatest in f
the history of the country , with the
single exception of 1853 , which reached"
65 million dollars. The total coinage
of the mints of the United States in
the fiscal year just about to end will
be in round numbers 100 million del
lars. That of last year was In round
numbers 99 * millions. In the same con
nection it may be remarked that the
money In circulation in this country is
$138,149G12 greater than the circula
tion one year ago. Add to these Inter
esting facts one other , namely , that j
the gold production of the world this j
year is likely to reach 250 million dollars - 1
lars , or far more than any other year {
in history , and makes a very unpleasant - f
ant combination for the advocates of
free and unlimited coinage of Bilver.
Tlie "Stop Thief" Cry.
"Stop thief ! " is the popular cry of certain - I
tain classes of people at certain times. I
Somebody in Washington with a good H
memory has just brought to the surface -
face the fact that the gentlemen in the
senate who are now loudly shouting B
about the alleged advantages given to
the sugar trust by the new tariff are H
the very men who framed the sugar I
schedule of the Wilson bill , which , 1
brought such scandal upon the Dem- I
ocratlc party with reference to the I
sugar trust , whose stocks advanced 55 B
per cent in value while these very men H
were framing the sugar schedule , '
whereas the recent advance over which H
they are screaming is only 6 per cent H
Protect This Little Fellow. H
The wings of the Democracy are not H
'Happing together" very much these M
lays. H
The growth of manufacturing industries - H
tries in the south is producing its ef- H
feet in developing a protective sentiment - H
ment One-third of the membernhip H
from that section in the present con- H
grecs has supported high protection or j H
refused to vote against it. H
It will not be easy to induce the Ohio j H
workingmen who have been on half H
wages under the Wilson tariff law to H
vote to put a free-trader into the senate H
in the place of Senator Hanna , especially - H
cially when that action would make t H
certain that the Democracy would j H
control that body for the next two H
years. H
The recent developments in congress |
in which a large number of Democrats |
have abandoned the free-trade theory H
and supported high protection , coupled H
v.'ththe fact that a large number of H
Democrats in every state where there H
are campaigns this fall have refused to H
support the silver issue , are rapidly H
disgusting- Populist leaders and deciding - H
ciding them to dissolve the partnership H
existing between those two parties , and H
it is probable that fusion between Populists - H
ulists and Democrats will be impossible H
in the future. |
A slow but steady gain in business |
with an advance in prices , an increase M
in the number of hands employed and |
growth of new orders , and an increase |
in the amount of work done are pointed - |
ed out by "Dun's Review" in its last H
issue as a renewed evidence that business - H
iness 13 improving. A study of the j H
newspaper sentiment of the country as H
expressed in the publications of a'l H
sentiments shows a concurrence in the |
belief thus expressed that there is a H
marked and general improvement ini |
the business situation. M
Senators Jones , Vest , and Mills are H
good ones to arraign the Republican H
party because of a slight advance in H
sugar-trust stocks incidental with the H
adoption of the sugar schedule. It- was • j H
these very men who framed the schedules - H
ules of the Wilson law and sugar stock H
advanced 55 per cent in value while H
they were doing it , whereas these H
stocks have increased 6" per cent since |
the Republicans have been considering- |
the present bill. H
The t riff bill is making splendid H
progress , despite the fact that the H
mossback Democrats are taking up a M
good deal of time in scolding the |
younger generation of senators for H
theh- protection votes. Not only is the H
bill making good progress , but the H
changes made are proving extremely H
satisfactory , especially those relating H
to the tariff on pottery , tea , and rice. H
and the elimination of the proposed III * * H
crease In the beer tax. H