The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 16, 1897, Image 3

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    H jK Tbe Critics Humbled.
I JM Manager The critics say that in
I * & tto play * 'A Wroagdo : Wife" you don't
I at exhibit enough emotion when your
H \ m husband lea\es you , never to returri.
si % Popular Actress Oh , I don't don't
HJjjtf V I ? Well , I've hatl two or three hus-
HS 1 bands leave me. never to return , and
Blw v I guess I know as much about hot ? to
Kl if J& ac * un cr these circumstances as
KM ? anybody. Puck.
K I LJ filiake Into lonr Khoec
Y % Allen'B Foot-Ease , a powder for the
I $ 'eet- * ' cures Panful. Bwollen , smart-
I 'Cm lne tect and lnBtantly takes tbe sting
I V-l out of corns and bunions. It is the
I 'At 4 greatest comfort discovery of the age.
I * SI I Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting
H 9E | or new shoes feel easy. It Is a certain
I fS cure for sweating , callous and hot ,
I J * tired , aching feet Try it to-day. Sold
H v # by all druggists and Bhoe stores. By
IsrK mail for 25c , n BtamPBTrlal Packagf
Hi V FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted , Ism
m\\ oy. N. Y.
H j It nor Native Food.
H sM A little girl who has recently moved
I ) M hero from Boston was very sorry to
I li leave the hotel where the family
l | boarded for some weeks before going
H 1 § ! to housekeeping.
I J'ftj "It just makes mo homesick to
Ww ' thins about it , " she said to a friend.
If "But why. dear ? It wasn't as nice
Hm a5 your own home. "
{ "No. but they had beans to eat
t > S/ there three times a day. " said the lit-
H $ \ tic Hubster. Detroit Free Press.
mm \
Mm1 \ ltev. P. Slaglo. of Golden. 111. , writes :
HPjk ( " 1 was often almost cru/ed with pain in
H fvV " temple ami oye. Have u-ed two packages
\ / of Dr. Kay's Renovator nnd think it an
/ , # excellent remedy. "
I j&7 * " 1' J01' ar0 Rlc frou ay cause , there is
I jfv no reutodv more likely to cure you than
m ! Dr. Kay's Henorator. Send for a valua-
Bfe flK l'le cS-pi pe : book "Dr. Kay's Home Troat-
jf J ) : tient , " It has 5ft recipes and treats nearly
fr * , all discuses. Address Dr. B. J. Kay Medical -
% | ' ical Co. , Oroaha , Neb.
I ) ff ' Jn the Kcd Sea.
I J | In the waters of the Bed sea the
If cessation of the engines on a steamer
I { Jj for an hour means extreme physical
J L- sufferings for passengers ; for a day
ip * it would involve absolute torture.
Ii | | " The wind which prevails every day
TO is a hot , asphyxiating blast , and its
I iL continuous directions are from north
I * jpt and south toward the center. As a
K p result every passing vessel is sub-
I % jected to two days of almost wtol-
1 f\ . 'erablo heat followed by two days of
I v - comparative comfort
* Skj , I Sound Reasons for Approval.
jap ' There are several cogent reasons why tha
fE ? medical profession recommend and the pub-
m . lie prefer Hostetter'a Stomach fitters above
IK- tlie ordinary cathartics. It does not drench
and .weaken the bowels ; but assists rather
than forces nature to act ; It is botanic and
safe ; its action Is never preceded by an lnter-
> nal earthquake like that produced by a dras
tic purgative. For forty-five years past It
has been a household remedy for liver ,
stomach and kidney trouble.
! A Severe Operation.
Cholhe "You look
very pale to
day , me deah boy. "
Chappie "Ya as ; I took ethaw
this mawning. "
> "Chollie "Tookethaw ! "Did you
MB \ • have a tooth drawn ? "
I wf Chappie "No ; the doctaw put a
Ik powus plaster on me back. " New
l York Press.
Wb JJ ? Oont Tobacco Spit and bmoke Your Life Away.
m J& * h * ° * laIt tobacco easily and forever , be mag-
H ff \ netic , fall of life , nerve and vigor , take No-To-
l I Bac. the wonder-worker , that makes weak
t \ men strong. All druggists , 50c or 1. Cure
H guaranteed. Booklet and sample free. Address
H ; Sterling Remedy Co. . Chicago or New Yorlo
HBf Lost at the Age of Seventy-Six.
I\\ Alexander Brownlie , of Tumut ,
RlpP New South Wales , who has reached
EjB , the venerable age of seventy-six , was
Hfat * lost recently while prospecting in
Hffr the langes and wandered absolutely
HflfT without food for eight days. But he
Hh had water to drink and a pipe to
Vl ' smoke , and he came back to civili-
He zation , if not well , at least alive.
HVi The best , at ' half tbe price ; all grocers will rem -
m fond your mo aey If you are not s&tfifled.
| m ) \1 > 'evr Australia.
Hf 3l Two hundred Australians under
HE ) the leadership of William Lane , are
H , t founding a "New Australia" in Para-
I B * guay. The colony proposes to settle
Ijf 400 families in the country within a
L / Hn. Winslorr * * Soothlnc Sjrtip
| k1 For children tcethlng.sof tens the gums , rednees inflam *
E b ; oaHou , jJlays p&ln , cores Triad colic 25 cents a bottla.
W \ Every man is satisfied with his own
t argument.
H V > Heceman's Camphor left Trith Glycerine.
H jt\ Cures Cbapped Hands and Knee. Tender or Sore Feeti
jm ChUttlalas , Vila , &c C. O. Clark Co. , New Haven. Ct
Efij The more thriving a woman ' s plants
Hiir . look , the better housekeeper she is.
M f * Edncate Tour Bowels "With Catcsreta.
HTl Candy Cathartic , cure constipation forerer.
H ft' J 1DaIf C C. C. fail , druggists refund money.
W 'f The only thing a gentleman can af-
H [ ford to strike is an attitude.
m\ds&r \ f [
& tlrink W mmm >
mm \ Hi RES I Keeo m 8 f '
K \Rootbeer/C00l-Dnim |
KtflRESQuenche $ \
W Maotbeeyyourthirst\ \
m&H ( fy Melton lighted the
"fZEsJIu li c en lamP and
( rS aMs iv JI set lt Jn the mItldle
ST JiS jSr' of the table.
" S tS ' "We mJ6ht as
' 'l . .y" % & } $ % well have supper , "
* ' &flLv # * sne Bad"Your !
' Zsil&t t ' * fatuer prob'ly
Fred and Polly
drew up their chairs , and Grandmother
Melton brought a steaming bowl of
mush from the stove and dished it into
two smaller bowls.
• Tin hungry as a bear , " observed
Fred , between mouthfuls. "I think
it's a shame we have to go so far to
school. There isn't a single boy or
girl In Springville that has to go half
so far as we do. "
"I don't see why father doesn't move
down there , " complained Polly , pour
ing more of the rich yellow milk over
her mush ; "he could get to his work
just as well , and it would be ever so
much pleasanter than this lonesome
place. "
"You must remember that your
father isn't a rich man , " answered
Grandmother Melton , gently. "He
owns this cottage , and if he moved he
would have to rent another home , and
perhaps he couldn't sell this one. "
The Meltons had only been in their
new home since the summer before. '
Both Fred and Polly had enjoyed it
very much indeed during the pleasant
warm weather of August and Septem
ber. Then the wide , swift Mississippi
had gleamed through the willows and
there had been unlimited boating and
swimming and fishing. But with the
coming of winter the roads choked
full of snow and ice , and the winds
swept up the river sharp and cold , and
it was a dreary , lonesome walk of four
miles to school at Springville. As the
winter progressed they had complained
more and more , and now for a week ,
owing to the spring freshets , P.olly had
been unable to go at all , and Fred was
compelled to make a long detour over
the bluffs to avoid the lagoons in the
river bottoms.
"They'll all get ahead of me , " Polly
nad sobbed ; "and I can't pass my ex
aminations. "
That morning Father Melton had
< gone up the river to help watch the
levees. Reports had been coming from
St Paul , St. Louis , Cairo and other
points farther up the great river that
the wa ter was rising rapidly. The
levees must be watched night and day
to prevent breaks. On leaving his
home that morning Mr. Melton had
told Fred that he would be back be
fore , dark , and that there was no dan
ger to fear from the water. All his
neighbors had told him that his cottage -
tage was high enough to be safe , even
in the greatest floods.
"It's after 9 o'clock now , " said Polly ,
as she arose from the table ; "I wonder
where father is. "
"I'd go out and watch for him if it
wasn't raining so hard , " said Fred ,
- and then he looked around toward the
doorway , anxiously.
He caught his breath suddenly. Then
he half rose from the table and pointed
at the floor. Grandmother Melton
dropped her fork noisily on her plate
and her eyes followed the direction in
dicated by Fred's finger. Polly sat still
and gazed at the other two , wonder
ing what it all meant.
There on the floor , crawling from
the crack under the door , was a dark
wriggling object. . At first Fred had
taken it to be one of the swamp rattlers
so common to the Mississippi bottoms ,
and his first impulse was to spring for
his father's rifle which stood in the
• Its the flood , " said Grandmother
Melton when she could get her wreath.
By this time the black ribbon of
water was spreading , slipping-into the
cracks and creeping out over the floor
toward the table. Polly broke into a
cry of terror. Even Grandmother Mel
ton seemed uncertain what to do.
Fred suddenly roused himself. He
remembered that he was the man of the
house , and that he must watch over
and protect it in his father's absence.
So he sprung from his seat and threw
open the door , not without a throb of
fear. It was dark outside , and the rain
came down in torrents. Curling up
over the step they could see the muddy
water , and they could hear the sound
of it slapping against the house. It
stretched away into the darkness in all
directions as far as Fred coulu bee. He
knew that it already must be a root or
more high around the house.
"The levee's broken , " said Polly , in
a scared awed voice. "Do you think
we'll be washed away ? "
At that moment something bumped
the side of the
against house with so
much force that the dishes rattled.
Kred ran to the side window , peered
out , and found that a big log had
.vashed down against the building.
• Grandmother Melton , who was usual
ly cool and brave under the most try-
Jug circumstances , was wringing her
'hands in terror.
"Hun upstairs , " shouted Fred , "and
Polly and I'll bring all the stuff we can
with us. "
Grandmother Melton waited no long
er. She crept up the narrow stairway
to the little attic. Fred ran to the cup
board and began filling his arms with •
( lishes of food , while Polly in her ex
citement seized the first thing that
came to hand grandmother's rocking-
chair and struggled up the stairs
with it
"We'll need clothing more'n anything
else , " called Grandmother Melton.
Fred ran back. "The floor-of the cot
tage was now entirely covered with
water. He splashed through it and
seized all the clothing , coats and jack
ets he could carry. Polly bravely
wiped away her tears , and when Fred
brought the loads to the stairway she
aMPgsrtayf i Wl'tfy i * T < aw ifitinrwawMiiw iiiiiwiwiwiw ii i
ran with them to the bedroom where
Grandmother Melton was sitting.
By this time 'the 'Tmllditfg had'begtn
to shake and quiver as the water beat
against it
"She's going soon , " shouted Fred.
"I'm afraid the water will' reach us
up here , " suggested Grandmother Mel
ton.Fred looked up. The celling was low ,
and just above him there had been an
old trap-door , now nailed up. In
stantly Fred seized the ax and burst
it open. Above they could see the dark
sky and the rain coming down in steady
torrents. Fred piled a trunk on top of
the table and climbed out on the roof.
He couldn't see far , but he could
hear the roaring of the water from
every direction. His heart sunk ; he felt
sure that they all would be drowaed.
Suddenly something thumped heavily
against the side of the building , and
the next instant the front end of the
room went up and grandmother and
Polly slipped down toward the rear
end. Fred narrowly escaped being
hurled off the roof.
"We're going ! We're going ! "
screamed Polly.
"We're just off the foundation , "
answered Fred , as bravely as he could.
Then he swung back down into the
bedroom and. helped Grandmother
Melton and Polly up through the trap
door to the roof. He covered them up
as well as he could and told them to
cling to the ridgepole whatever might
happen. Then he ran down for a coil
of clothesline. This he tied firmly to
the window at one end of the bedroom ,
carried the other end up through the
trap-door , along the roof and dropped
it over the eaves. Down he went
again and fastened it to the other win
dow frame. It would do to hold to.
Hardly had he finished his work when
the building gave another great lurch.
"Hold on , " shouted Fred.
The words were hardly out of his
mouth when he found himself thrown
violently from his feet He caught a
glimpse of the water pouring up the
stairway and then the lamp was cap
sized and went out. Next he found
himself pounding about in the water.
"Fred ! Fred ! " came the agonized
voice of Polly.
"Here I am , " spluttered Fred. In
falling he had caught the edge of the
trap-door and Polly helped him to the
"We had all we could do to hold on , "
gasped Grandmother Melton.
"We're moving , " shouted Polly.
They rocked and scraped and bump
ed along , with the water swirling and
crashing around them.
"It's our first voyage , ' said Fred , with
an effort to laugh ; "p'raps we'll wind
up in the Gulf of Mexico. "
But Polly didn't laugh ; neither did
Grandmother Melton.
A few minutes later they heard some
one shouting far out on the stream nd
they saw the glimmer of a lantern.
They shouted in return , but there was
no answer , and presently the lantern
was swallowed up in the darkness and
the three castaways were even more
lonesome and terrified than before.
They were compelled to cling firmly
to the rope and the ridgepole all the
time , for the house was continually
bumping against obstructions in the
stream and careening and jolting like
a boat in a rough sea. Besides this ,
they were wet to the skin and shiver
ing with cold and fright. Occasionally
huge forms would loom up near them ,
and they would see the outline of trees
or buildings floating down the river.
They were momentarily afraid lest
their boat should bump into something
and be broken up. If this happened
they Knew they would have small hope
of escape.
Quite suddenly they felt the building
grind on something , and then , with a
jolt , it came to a standstill. Thjy
could hear the timbers strain and creak
and the current of the stream splashing
about it , but it did not move.
"Well , we're anchored. " said Fred.
"I suppose we're out somewhere on a
sandbar in the Mississippi. "
"Do you think we have reached
Memphis ? " asked Polly , anxiously.
To Polly it seemed as if they had
been drifting for hours.
For a long time they remained al
most still. Occasionally they joined
their voices in a great shout , but there
was no answer. Fred said the water
reared so loud that no one could hear
It , anyway , but it eased their spirits
to be doing something.
At last they started again , with a
jerk and a shiver , as if some oi the
timbers of the building had given away.
They bumped on for. what seemed an
cndleas time , and then , after scraping
alon ? for some minutes , they again
stopped. By this time the rain hai {
ceased and the moon shone out faint- .
through the clouds.
"There's lights , " cried Polly , joyfully.
Sure enough , on the hill , not such a •
great distance away , they could see i
many lights gleaming out over the 1
water. Nearer , there were other lights i
moving about , as if in boats. 1
"It's Memphis , " said Polly , and then 1
they all shouted at the top of their :
" i * lNi l lMlt > Ul riWI > M > lll M WWWllW WWa gaMBiWilff > lll UWUMIli
But no one heard them. The water
roared too loudly. So they sat for
hours and hours It seemed to tneni
until the gray light of morning began
to break In the east They strained
their eyes as it grew brighter and look
ed off across the gray flood of water
with Its scattering heaps of wreckage
to the town on the hill.
"I thought. Memphis was a bigger
city than that , " said Polly.
"It Isn't Memphis , " said Fred , with
a little joyful ring in his voice that
made Polly and her grandmother look
around quickly ; "it's Springville. "
"Springville ! "
And Springville lt was. They could
see the little weatherbeaten church on
the hill , and the red-brick schoolhouse ,
and Judge Carson's home , and a great
many other familiar places , although
some of the buildings that had stood
near the river had disappeared.
' 'But haven't we come only four
miles ? " said Grandmother Melton ,
looking greatly surprised.
Half an hour later two boats came
alongside and the castaways were car
ried ashore. On the bank Polly found
herself in the arms of her father , crying -
ing and laughing all at once. Father
Melton looked old and worn and wor
ried. He had given up his family for
lost , and he was bravely helping the
other people in the work of rescue.
After the flood was subsided the
Meltons went down to look over their
home. Father Melton hardly knew ,
what to do , but Polly spoke up quite
"I tell you , father , let's leave it right
here and live in it ; Fred and I won't
have so far to go to school. "
And what do you think ? That is just
what Father Melton did. He straight
ened the house around , built a new
foundation under it , and the Meltons
are living there today , quite happy and
contented. So you see the flood helped
two persons at least Polly and Fred-
Chicago Record.
Varying Power of X-Rays.
At a recent meeting of the Royal so
ciety in London a description was
given of the change that occurs in the
penetrative power of the X-rays in
proportion as the air is more and more
completely exhausted from the vacuum
tube in which the rays are produced.
At a certain degree of exhaustion the
rays penetrate the flesh and show the
bones of a human hand in shadow.
With a greater exhaustion of air the
• flesh becomes almost perfectly trans
parent , while the bones remain opaque.
With a still higher degree of exhaus
tion the rays begin to penetrate the
bones ; and with the highest vacuum
through which the electric discharge
will- pass , the bones themselves be
come almost as transparent as the
flesh. Similar variations in penetrat
ive power can be produced by increas
ing o - decreasing the power of the
current , or by varying the electrical
resistance of the tube.
A Birds' Sea Resort.
Naturalists consider it a wonderful
fact that the Bermuda Islands have
only seven native species of land
birds , while no less than a hundred
and twenty-eight other species pay
visits to the islands. Many of these
visitors are birds which pass the sum
mer in the United States , and utilize
the Bermuda Islands as a convenient
winter resort , thus imitating some of
their human compatriots. Even some
American bats follow the example of
the birds by wintering in the Bermu
About 75,000,000 feet of logs are go
ing down the Connecticut river in New
Hampshire , bound for the mills.
A petition has been circulated in a
Michigan town requesting the council
rot to levy any taxes on account of the
hard times.
Switzerland has issued a new twenty-
franc gold piece , Helvetia being repre
sented on its face , a realistic peasant
girl's head. Around it are twenty-two
stars for the twenty-two cantons.
The ' municipal debt of London
amounts to 37,941.000 , which is less
than the proportionate debt of nine
out of ten of the next largest cities.
The estimated expenditure for 1S97-9S
is 2,452,000.
B. P. Hutchinson , known as "Old
Hutch , " is living at the home of his
son-in-law , E. A. Lancaster , in Chicago
cage He does not go out a great deal ,
and when he does venture on a walk
he is attended by some one.
In the public schools of Japan the
English language is required by law to
be taught The Japanese youth in the
open ports and commercial cities are
all eager tD learn English as a passport
to wealth , position vvemployment. \ .
A plausible ycunft man accosted a
Georgia farmer one day last week , and
in a verj- little while induced him to
pay $50 for a machine which he assured
him would turn brand-new
out - twenty-
dollar bills by simply turning a cran'i.
Senator Wellington , of Maryland , in
terests himself while the senate is in
session in looking over newspaper
clippings about himself. He subscribes
to a nfews-clipping bureau , and reads
everything thai is said about him with
a : great deal of interest.
Lightning struck the home of Mar
shall Spring , at Hiram , Me. , and set
fire to six rooms , besides tearing up a
board under Mr. Spring's chair and
melting a bronze bracket near which
one ' 'sf his children stood. The whole
family escaped unhurt however.
One of the gifts at a recent silvi-r
redding was twenty-five silver dolln-s
of 1897. There was some difficulty
found in making the collection of that
number of dollars of this year. At the
beginning of each new administration
the money in the treasury is counted ,
and late issues are hard to find. New
York Times. I
. , - • < - • - * < - - r - *
. _ . . , if * * .
| wnirmiiMiD'wii in wmwMtmmwmmammmMwwmmt
France larger Than Supposed.
About 8.000 square kilometers of
territory have just bcon added to
France , not by annexation , but by
an elaborate system of romcasure-
munt of the area of the republic.
Some years ago a Russian. General
Stebnitzki , created a sensation by
asserting that the actual size of most
European countries differed widely
from their published area ? . Franco
and Italy the most of anjTho
geographical department of the
French government inquired into the
matter , and a recalculation has
yielded the gratifying result men
tioned above. The method adopted
was to cut the country up into curvi
linear quadrangles by the meridians
and parallels of ten minutes. The
coast lines and frontier boundaries
required evaluation by a planimeter.
The area has been increased from
528,003 square kilos to 536.4G4 or
586,608 kilos , the experts can't quito
decide which.
To Colorado Spring * and I'neblo.
Burlington ltout via Denver.
• A throuph Sleeping car to Colorado
Springs ' and Pueblo via Denver is attached
to Burlington Route daily train leaving
Ch ago 10:20 p. m. Oftice , 211 Clark St.
Not a Matter of Pride.
• • You ought to be very proud of
your wife. She is a brilliant talker. "
"You're right there. "
• • Why , I could listen to her all
• • I often da"
FITS PermanentljfOured.TS' orncrvouenessaUe !
hrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Ureut > ervo Restorer.
Send lor FREE S .00 trial bottle and treatise
Da. R. H. KujJE.Ltd-.9il Arch St. . Philadelphia , Pa.
Large Hands and Feet.
Professor Lambroso , the Italian
scientist , concludes after investiga
tion that women of the criminal and
immoral type are invariably larger
of hand and feet and smaller in the
head than average women.
ur. Kay's Konovator , positive cure for
nervousness , constipation , dyspepsia and
liver disorders. See advt.
Rich Salmon Fisheries.
Oregon's salmon fisheries produce
about 600,000 cases a year and its
wool clip exceeds 15,000,000 pounds.
There are 25,003 square miles of
pine forests , and the annual gold
yield exceeds $1,000,000.
Piso's cure for Consumption has been a
familv medicine with us since 18C5. J. R.
Madison , 2409 42d Ave. , Chicago. Ills.
\Vl > at Papa Said.
John What did the old man say
when you asked him for his daugh
ter ?
Willie He didn't say a word ; he
whistled for the dog.
Ito-To-Bac for Firty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure , makes weak
men strong , blood pure. 50c. 81. All druscists.
An air of dignity sometimes misleads
a whole community.
+ + • r
iThere is a 1
IClass of People |
! I
Who are injured by thewse I
A of coffee. Recently there |
x has been placed , in all tbeX
grocery stores a nerr pre-j ! „
Z paration called GKA1N-O.X
X mada of pure grains , that X *
takes the place of coffee.
2 The most delicate stomach X ) i
x receives it without distress , jT'
and hut f c * can tell it froui , !
X coffee. It does not cost over j
T H as much. Children laayX }
drink it with greatbe efit. j
a 15 cents and -5 cents pcr + i j
J package. Try it Ask for 1
| Try Qrain = 0 ! t |
Vegetable Sicilian 1
Beautifies and restores Gray
Hair to its original color and I
vitality ; prevents baldness ; M
cures itching and dandruff.
A fine hair dressing.
E. P. Hall & Co. . Props. . Xdraa , KO. .
Sold by all Druggists. B
I $75 S50 j i
'Western "Wheel "Works
Cft/CAGO ttLJAfOty
L U Principal Examiner U. 2. rxzkat Bsxcm.
3 jzs. la last war , 13 adjudicative rfifrra t&tj. uucat
Dfi A PI Utf * The beat Red Bopo ItnoUntc Ser
K 1111 ! " l II11 Ic- per tq. 1U. cap * and Bails io-
IIWWI 8l Jlrnrt HnM tBnf r1lN < t r
Samples Xree. Tfc. rix ttiMLUi coorac covrw.O.J.
l l 1 qtiKkrflWandcurawont
rases. Send for book of testimonial * and lO Iaya *
treatment X'rec Dr. u.ii.CBKrr floxs.iaxae . ta.
UHllUkll Pike UuilrimsClnrtivTitt.UUlo
V/Tn. U. OMAHA. No29. . 1897-
When • writing to advertiser * , kindly men
tion this paper.
J DR. SAMUEL PITCHER , of By annis , MassacJvassUs , I
was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIAtlie same I
tJiat has borne and does now / lY s1Ts ? " * orh vsry I
bear the facsimile signature of ( aS px 7& cUbCwrapper. . I
TJiis is the original " PITCH ER'S CASTOfllA , " which has been I
used in the homes of tlie mothers of America for over thirtij I
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at tlie zurapper and see that it is I
tlie hind you liave always bought ST / / ? > , sr. " * on tL& I
and has the signature of- & S&4cu4wrap I
-per * Jfo one has authority from me to use my name except 9
The Centaur Company of which Chas. 2. Fletcher is I
President. I
March 8 , 18972Qt& * + jC- & * a s. x. . , I
Do Not Be Deceived. I
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute I
which some druggist may offer you ( because he makes a few more pennies
on it ) , the ingredients of which even he does not know. I
"The Kind You Have Always Bought3 * I
Insist on Having I
The Kind That Never Failed You ? 1
GolumDia Bicycles.
' * aH
a ai
1SS > 7 COLUJVIBIAS RpflllPpH 4 7 ? I
iVCUULeU tft & /v * '
The Best Bicycles Made , > #
> S96 COLUMBIAS TPr1 Pr1 fA # H ' M
f *
Second Only to 1897 Models.lYCUULCU lU % } % * \ M
'SS 7 HflLRTFORDS RpfhlPPf , frv Pad I
ReilllteU LO
Equal to Most Bicycles , OU
" " " • toros ap Reduced to 45 I
? S , tCrn1 ( Reduced to 40 I
HMSnSSis . Reduced to 30 I
Nothing : in the market approached the value of these Bicycles at I
the former prices ; what are they now ? I
POPE MFG. CO. ; Hartford , Conn. I
Catalogue free from any Columbia dealer ; by mail for a 2-c stamp. I