The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 09, 1897, Image 8

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I Work Moving at h Satisfactory Kato In
AViiHliliicton It Is the Farmer * and
I ArttHsinx' Tliut This Congress Is Worfc-
lug Var Press Oj > lnloiis.
< The rate of progress being made on
the tariff bill in the seriate Is phenome
nal. And what is more to the point ,
those changes made by the senate fin
ance committee which seemed to meet
7 with popular disapproval are being
j eliminated by the Republican caucus ,
and the bill by the time it gets back to
the house 5s likely to be so nearly in
Its original form that it will be satls-
factory to the people and to the members -
" bers of that body and so get promptly
upon the Statute books.
The senate Republicans have decid
I ed to restore the house sugar schedule ,
whch ! is especially gratifying to many
people because it deprives the Demo-
srats of any opportunity to charge that
. the trust controlled the forming of
that schedule or any other schedule of
the bill. It is believed that the house
I rates on v/ool will also be restored.
j The rate of speed made on the bill Is
very favorably commented upon by
experienced legislators here.
I , "It is not surprising that the people
of the United States , " said Senator
Burrows , speaking of this subject , "are
anxious ' to see the tariff bill passed
and are urging congress to make what
ever speed is possible. They have
suffered so much from the effect of low
tariff in the past few years that im
patience with any unnecessary delay
would be entirely justifiable. But if
they were to consider the situation as
. we find it here they certainly would
, , . . . . . , Jrao . . . mm..o mM-f „ . , . , |
| M f runmir
"You think the rate of speed which
is being made in the bill then is at least
up to the average ? "
"Much more than that. The present
generation of congressmen in either
branch of that body never saw a tariff
bill framed , considered and passed In
anything like the brief space of time
which has been or is likely to be oc
cupied in this one. Every year v > f
growth of the country , growth d im
ports , growth of manufactures and
growth of the various interests In
volved adds to the complications In the
framing of a new tariff law. Yet this
one has been framed , passed by the
house and half of it passed over In the
senate in a phenomenally brief space
of time , and there is good reason to be
lieve that it will be passed by the sen
ate before the end of the month. "
"So that it is probable that the first
four months of the new administration
will witness the completion and final
enactment of the tariff law promised in
the platform framed at St. Louis ? "
"Yes. And what is more , It will be
the quickest work which the United
States has even known since Wash
ington in this line. No congress since
the first one ever framed and passed a
tariff law within the first four months
of its existence as a congress , and
President McKinley will be the first
executive since Washington given an
opportunity to attach his signature tea
a general tariff measure within four
or five months of his inauguration as
president. "
"Then the progress being made by
congress on this bill instead of being
a proper subject for criticism because
of slowness is just the reverse ? "
"Yes. The speed made in framing
and completing the bill , as I have al
ready indicated , is much greater than
usual , even when a single party con
trols both branches of congress , and
when it is considered that this is not
not think that progress is slow or that
there has been any unnecessary de
lay. "
"Do you mean that the situation here
I Ik such as to make the progress upon
the tariff bill unusually slow or that
congress is actually making the usual
speed in the consideration of the tariff
I bill ? "
"Both. Conditions are entirely un
usual. It has very seldom happened
that congress has seriously attempted
to pass a general tariff measure when
its two branches have not been in ac
cord and there have been very few
if any cases when it has succeeded in
doing so with the party in power at the
[ j white house only controlling one
I branch of congress. Everybody knows
j j that the Republican party is not in
j j control of the senate and cannot hope
J to be before March , 1899. The senate
has now 89 members so that 45 is re-
quired as a majority , and as the Re-
! fbc Hungry Dog.
publican party has but 43 members it
Is perfectly clear that it does not and
eannot control the senate politically.
* n view of this fact It cannot be ex
pected that the party can conduct leg
islation in that body as It would be
ible to do under other circumstances.
I am not criticising the speed which is
seing made nor would anybody be Jus
II tified , I think , in doing so , even if the
Republicans actually controlled both
Branches of congress. "
> aM' ,
- " w * " * " * " "
the case with the present congress the
progress which is now being made is a
matter for general congratulation rath1
er than criticism. "
"Do you expect to see an immediate
revival of prosperity , business activity
and of manufactures immediately after
the enactment of the new law ? "
"I expect that business men , manu
facturers and others whose interests
are directly or indirectly affected by
the tariff will have an intelligent basis
upon which to take up business threads
again. It is not to be expected , of
course , that people who have a year's
supply of foreign goods in stock will
immediately give large orders to man
ufacturers or that the manufacturers
themselves will be able to resume busi
ness with the number of men or the
rates of wages which will be practi
cable after the enormous supply of
goods in the country has been absorb
ed. Yet it is reasonable to expect that
the effect will be felt in a measurable
degree and that if the people recog
nize the conditions and enter cordially
and cheerfully upon the work of get
ting , beck to the prosperity which we
had under protection the desired re
sult will come. But it should be re
membered that recovery from four
years of enormous importations of for
eign goods under a low tariff cannot
be overcome in a day or a few days , or
even a few months. What the people
want to do now is lay aside all doubts
as to the future and resume business
with courage and confidence.
The Common Scold.
The Democratic papers that take their
cue from Mr. Cleveland and more par
ticularly the Mugwumps who would
like nothing better than to see the Re
publican efforts for tariff revision
frustrated , are continuing to whine and
growl and scold because congress is
consistent and does not-abandon tariff
legislation work for the purpose oi
taking up the currency problem. Thev
maintain that the latter subject is the
one which the people want to have
solved. This is an erroneous opinion ,
but if these people want to cling to
it there is no law on the statute book
forbidding them doing " so. Burlington
( Iowa ) Hawkeye , May 22 , 1897.
Coolie Labor " Results.
The fifty-seven cotton mills of Japan
have made an average profit of 10 %
per cent for the half year ended De
cember 31 , 1896 , after allowing for the
reserve funds. The Indian Textile
J- -i . . . . i .t. i i . .i\.l in -i . , ' . ii . ' , , " . • , • , yy • * " . j'm'pi . ' - ' - wmjwMHwwyjg .ij/.i..i..A. 1LU'1L'j'J.J'V1' , ' ' „ M 1'1"1 - !
- -
They WoVt Crawl Back.
The question of reuniting the dan >
ocratic factions is coming up again for
general discussion , but the tenor and
temper of the observations along this
lme are not of a character to encour
age a lively hope of harmonious agree
ment. The popocratlc leaders , as a
rule , insist upon holding to the Chicago
cage platform of ' 96 as the arbitrary
standard of democratic faith and prin
ciple , and would have sound-money
democrats humbly confess themselves
deserters and prove their repentanca
by coming back to the Bryan organi
zation and swallowing the Bryan plat
form. Hon. Richard Bland , in an in
terview of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch ,
referring to the sound-money demo
crats , says :
"Any man who voted against Mr.
Bryan is not a demccrat. It makes
no difference how many Jeffersonlan
cradles he has rocked in , if he failed
to stand by the Chicago platform he
is not a democrat. There is no com
promise to be made with the bolters.
There is no disposition to prevent
them from coming baric into the par
ty , but they should understand that
in order to be democrats again they
must do the coming back themselves.
I see no more reason for compromising
with Palmer and Buckner than with
the man who voted for McKinley. The
principle is the same. "
We take it that few democrats , who ,
upon principle , refused * o support Mr.
Bryan and his undemocratic platform ,
are willing to yield to this arrogant
and dictatorial assumption upon the
part of the popocratic leaders and
stultify themselves by surrendering
their honest and earnest convictions
and crawling into the Bryanite ranks
on sufferance. Nashville Banner
( dem ) .
Free Trade Arguments Kxposod.
The free traders , who found their
tariff law a complete failure in every
legitimate branch of the government
service , have taken refuge in the statements -
ments that its reductions in revenue
duties caused an increased market
abroad for our domestic manufactures.
They carefully conceal , however , the
explanation of the apparent increase in
our exportations. This explanation
lies in the fact , first , that the enormous
importations of foreign manufactures
compelled our own manufacturers to
either seek a market abroad or close
their establishments , and , second , that
increase in prices has swelled the total -
tal prices of exports rather than the
increase in demand. For instance , the
exportations of illuminating oils in
1896 under the Wilson law were twenty
odd million dollars in excess of those
of 1894 , under the McKinley law , and
indeed supplied one-half of the total
increase of that period. This increase
v/as , however , altogether in values and
not in quantity , the number of gallons
exported in 1896 being actually less (
than in 1894 , while the number of dollars
lars received was twenty odd millions
greater in 1896 than in 1894. The
same is true of other articles of export , .
notably solo leather , which increased
largely in price and consequently in
amount of receipts , though not increas
ing in quantity. Exchange.
Heavy Linen Imports.
The Irish Textile Journal , May 15 ,
gives the exports of linen manufactures
from 1 the United Kingdom to tha
United 1 States at 17,583,300 yards for the
J month of April , as compared with 6-
737,300 ' yards in April , 1896.
When Will It Drop.
, , , . , % : . 'If '
g& > i > \ | - -
The Complexion of the Senate.
People who are inclined to criticise
the senate for its apparently slow prog
ress on the tariff bill will understand
from the following statement from the
Washington Post the reason why the
Republicans find it impossible to make
rapid progress they do not control the
senate. The Post of recent date says :
"With the swearing in of Senator Mc-
Laurin , the political complexion of the
senate is established for some time to
come : It is as follows :
Republicans 43
Democrats 34
Populists 7
Silver Republicans 5
Vacancy ( Oregon ) 1
Total 90
Necessary for a majority 4a
That Tax on Tea.
The proposed ten-cent tea tax is not
meeting with favor among the wage-
earners in our factories. 1
" - " - - Ml It"M M HM MM M MMJ | M
Queer Ways or Growing Manly Why
the Children of Guhma Grow Up to
He Cruel Men and Women The Youth
ful Days at Octavo Feulllut.
Dirge at the Sen.
fjl na ] HE moon goes down
Uq fry and the shad-
r eWEJ W ows creep
/jyRSSi 3tt\ Like dark , lost souls
fmft&wm Kai ° 'er the HtarleSS
s fe / The dul1 wave
wSVA breads with a
" 'saJvEsXlMs sullen shock
' ' W MT Where the sea-bird
/av > APlt moans on the
% ' s sk b\ lonely rock ,
Ji - JN Oh. minstrel ! give
P rt your melodies
Solemn and tender as love and death.
Where the ribbed sands draw their line
of white
Along yon grass In the cold , dark night ,
There are two low graves where the
lovers sleep
Who were hurled to our arms by the
murderous Deep ;
Oh , minstrel ! give your melodies breath
Solemn and tender as love and death.
The bride was my sister ; the bride
groom my friend !
( Low with the wind let your melody
blend )
In the joy of young love , and alone all
to be
An hour on the waves thou murderous
Sea !
Oh , minstrel ! give your melodies breath
Solemn and tender as love and death.
Quocr Ways or Growing Manly.
In Guiana , if a child is slow in its
movements . , the parents apply an ant
to the child instead of a whip to make
it move faster. " This little ant bites
more cruelly than a mosquito , and its
bite is apt to be very troublesome aft-
erwards. , As you can imagine , this
treatment does not make the child very
kind to others , and the children of
Guiana , are said to be particularly cruel
to animals. The little boys of Guiana
do , not reckon their age by years , but
by their ability to endure pain. Un4
til , he gets to the point where he can
let - the Hucu ant bite him without winei i
ing , he is considered merely a baby.
Like boys all over the world , the lit-
tie Guiana boy wants to be a man , as
he understands it. So he cuts gashes
in his arms and breast and rubs into
the wounds the juice of a plant which .
stings , and bites , but this juice is said ,
to be also an antidote of snake poison.
Some j little boys
grow up with very
queer ( ideas of what
it means to be a
man. I remember passing a group of
little boys , little bits of boys , in a ten
ement , house street once. Before I
got to them I saw that they were
greatly excited , that -they were all
talking at once and talking very loud
ly. I walked slowly to try to find
out what was the cause of the excite
ment , and I found that the boys were
telling each other what thev meant to
be when they were men. One little
fat , chubby boy put his hands in his
knickerbocker pockets , swelled out his
chest , and said , with an air of pride
and decision , "I am going to det junk
( drunk ) when I det to be a man like
my papa. " You see , he did not have
very clear ideas as to what it meant
to be a man ; but he showed one thing ,
that he loved his father , and that his
father v/as to him the best kind of a
Octave Feuillet's Karly Days.
Madame Octave Feuillet tells a pret
ty story of her famous husband's youth
in "Some Years of My Life. " During
the first few years of his literary la
bors , the author of the "Romance of a
Poor Young Man" was himself poor
and struggling. His father , who had
desired for him a diplomatic career ,
was bitterly opposed to Octave's
adoption of literature as a profession.
He even went so far as to refuse to
receive his son , and to withdraw
from him his modest allowance ;
but the young man's aspirations re
mained unchanged. He set himself dil
igently to work at the labor of his
choice , full of confidence in the future.
During this saddened and restricted pe
riod of his life , the only recreation he
allowed himself.strange as it may seem ,
was dancing. Passionately fond of this
amusement.he devoted all of his leisure
evenings to it , regularly attending the
students' balls , where he would dance
until he was redy to drop from ex
haustion. The masked balls of the op
era had for the hard working young
writer an especial fascination. Or e ev
ening he so ardently desired to attend
one of these balls that he pawned his
watch to obtain money enough to hire
a costume for the occasion. Now this
watch had been his mother's , and no
sooner had he entered his attic room
than he began to reflect upon what he
had done. Remorse followed exhilar
ation. He resolved to return the next
morning to the pawnshop , give back
the money and reclaim his watch. "I
passed the night , " he said afterwards ,
"gazing upon the ten francs I had re
ceived , my heart beating painfully , my
eyes filled with tears , and asking my
self if I would be strong enough to
absent myself from the ball. " The fol
lowing day he proved the strength of
his resolution by returning to the
pawnshop and redeeming his watch.
As in this instance he was , throughout
his whole life , actuated by a sense of
duty snd constrained by the most del
icate sentiments.
A Primitive South African People.
It we could find people who live in
communities in a condition that owes
nothing to our boasted civilization , we
need not confine our search to the in
terior of Africa nor to the yet unexplored -
plored regions of Central Australia.
The continent of South America supports -
ports nations that are still , at the close
of the nineteenth century , undeniably
primitive in their manners and arts.
The tribe of the Jlvar03 la a large ono ,
and ono of the moat distinguished , in
dependent and warlike in South Amer
ica. They speak a language of tholr
own , Jlvaro , and occupy the country
generally from the upper Pcstessa to
the Santiago River , down to the Pon-
gode Manserlche , on the Maranon.
They are hospitable and their houses
are large and built of palms. They
have a most perfect method of
scalping , by which the victim's head
is reduced to the size of a moderately
large orange , maintaining tolerably
well all the features. The skin Is cut
round the base of the neck , and the en
tire covering of the skull removed In
one piece. Tnl3 is then dried gradual
ly by means of hot stones put Inside
it , until the boneless head shrinks to
the required size. They also wear the
hair of their slain enemies in long
plaits around their waist. Great fes
tivities take place when a child , at
three or four years of age , is Initiated
Into the art and mysteries of smok
ing. The Jivaros of the PIntue have
the art of producing emesis nearly
every morning , with the aid of a
feather , because they hold that all food
romainlng in the stomach overnight is
unwholesome and undigested , and
should , therefore , be got rid off by any
means. They are satisfied the means
they have practiced through many
generations i is the readiest availabla
and : the most effective.
Oldest Theater In Kurope.
The oldest theater in Europe is that
of < Dionysius , otherwise named Bac
chus , at Athens , which is the prototype
of < all later theaters. It was founded
B. ] C. 320 , and when its remains were
excavated ( in 1S62 , the stage , the or
chestra < and lower rows of. seats were
discovered < to be in a fair state of
preservation. j The cave , where the
spectators sat , hewn out of the rock ,
proved j to have been large enough to
accommodate 30,000 persons. It has
in i the front row 67 marble thrones ,
each inscribed with the name of one
cf the chief Athenian priest , or of
some secular official. Of theaters which
have 1 been built within the last 300 or
400 years , the oldest in Europe is that
i ivithin the Vatican , built by Bramanti
in 1580. The oldest existing theater in
] England is Drury Lane , dating from
April. 1662.
A Oncer Chick.
Mr. John Hess , of Brooklyn , N. Y. ,
lias a chick recently hatched that has
four legs and four wings. When it
came from the egg it walked and
looked like a weakling calf , but soon
became spruce and chipper. It had
its photograph taken , and then it died.
Now it's preserved in alcohol.
Accomplished Catg.
In the treasury department at Wash
ington there is one very wonderful cat.
According to Our Animal Friends , his
name is Tom , and when addressed he
will quickly respond , even waking out
of a sound sleep to go toward the
speaker. Sometimes , to confuse him ,
the clerks will sing out some word or
words to which the syllable "torn" is
emphasized , and to that he pays no at
tention. But let one call , "Tom , it's ,
dinner time ! " and forthwith he walks
across the room , reaches up with his
paws to a tin pail , claws it down , and
comes bringing it in his mouth. Tom
is passionately fond of music. At the
ciy of "hand organ" he climbs to a
high window seat , but at the words ,
"Here's a dog , " he slinks under a desk !
One of the most accomplished cats in
England belongs to Lady Randolph
Churchill. It is a Maltese Angora ,
without spot , and with a particularly
cunning face. This cat was bought for
the late Lord Randolph Churchill dur
ing that year or two when his strong
mind failed and every effort was made
to amuse him. He was afraid of dogs ,
taking a sudden terror at the sight
of them , but Miss Angora just pleased
him. She was sent from India by an
officer in that country who had taken
her parents there years before. Her
mother had been a watchcat. able to
keep guard over a tent , meowing if
a strange step came , and of course her
children were very bright. When this
Churchill cat was told to "go play the
piano , " she would immediately walk
back and forth upon the keys of the
baby grand in the boudoir. "Now sit
for your picture , " meant to assume a
[ demure position , with her paws in line ,
her tail neatly curled around them.and
her head nicely bent to one side , as if
trying to "look pleasant. "
Good for I'.vil. .
An organ grinder stopped to play in
front of a tenement house. A number
of , children gathered to hear him. A
large rude boy made a snowball and
threw it. knocking off the organ grind
er's , hat and it rolled into the gutter.
The man picked up his hat , brushed it
and put it on. Then he said to the big
boys , "Now , I will play you a merry
tune , " and he bowed and began to play
a lively air. The little children '
danced i , but the large boys Avere
ashamed , and walked away. The or
gan i grinder had taught them a lesson.
He had returned good for evil. 1
Three thousand Lascars , especially
imported < , are to be turned loose on Lonj j
don ' by the Peninsular and Oriental
and ; other steamship lines plying with
the 1 East , as their contributions to the
picturesqueness ] of the Queen's Jubilee
celebration < [
wmmmm mmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmxamr
I Mathcmntfeii nutl Money.
Husband Acft-JnUtig- your own
figures , you Hpontovuf&IOOthls year
In cheap frlnparlos which had to bo
thrown r.way after oucc wearing.
Xhut $10. ) would have bought a picco
of lace that would have lasted a life
time in fac\ could bo used by your " * 8
descendants or jonu'atoio. !
Wife Woli. ffivo mo SlOD. and I i
will buy the la. j for next year. /
Husband Um never mind : I I
don't think luce is vcry becoming to '
your style of beauty. Hero's ton
cents for another rufllo. /
Tim .Kantian TliUtln.
The power for mischief of the Itu.s * I
$ hm thlstlo is instanced by A. J. Love * 1
joy. of Koscoo. who reports an cxperl * I
: : K' it made by a friend of his in liot- i
tysburir , S. I ) . While driving one I
day one of the thistles came tumbling- I
alonsf in hi.s path. The happy thought f
came to him of tickothijf the this- %
tic with : i request to the poraon find- I
ih < r it. to let him know wheru it hail I
traveled to. Uu did no and turned it . I
looaO : t ii. In : i few davs word I
came ' from the thi.itlo sixty miles I
away. It. had distributed it > . * > ced the I
entire distance. I
Two Mighty Continents ,
North and rimithAmerlca.besldi'S Guatemala , >
t'hc j West Indies. Australia ami even Kuropo ,
are : tiu > Holds of usefulness in which IIo-uot
to r' . - > Stomach Hitters has doninnstruteu lt.i
value an an antidote to miliaria , and as a
remedy i for dyspepsia , cotistipatluii. rheuma
tism nouralcm. biliousness , nervousness and
loss ji j of appetite and .sleep. The Inhabitants. ,
tli i nicdical men of these countries , have .
spoken In no uncertain terms concerning thu jr
efllcaoy i of the great household lemcdy. /
iSout-I.lfo in Slam. I
The boat-life of Siam includes almost - \
most all life. Business and pleas
ure , health and happiness , all ccntor
in the river or its branches. A boat
and a paddle are almost as natural ,
and indispensable possessions to a yj
Siamese as bis arms or logs. He has I
no notion of traveling any distance
except by boat , and the idea or living - i
ing in a place inaecossiblo by water
generally strikes him as absurd- / "
Three weeks to corao down stream
with a full cargo , a week to disposu
of it and indulge in the gaitics of tha
capital , four or live months to got
back with the emptied boat , and tha
rest of the year for farm-woric : ii
home such is the program of many
a Siamese family.
Hozemnn'H Camphor Sco • wltti Olycrrlne.
The original and only Bcnnlne CuroChappril Hun < l
and Face , Cold Sore * , ic. CO.CIark.tCo.N.HaTcn.Ct
\Vac s hi Mitt litrn Florida.
Remarkable stories arc current of j
wages in Southern Florida , and it is I
true that a skilled orange packer- , boy !
or man , can earn $1.50 a day , but the
employment is not permanent. It is
true , too , that ? 150 an acre has been
made in a single winter from toma
toes , but here again a little capital
and considerable knowledge arc re
quired. It is unsafe to seek employ
ment in Southern Florida without
some sort of guarantee.
rto-To-Iiac ror Firty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure , Tialcea Treak
men strong , blood pure. 50c. 81. All drusshtta
Mmlcal South Mngrica.
Handel's "Messiah" was reeontlj j
performed at Buenos Ayres , for the j
lirst time in South America , with a j
chorus of H00 and an orchestra of j
fifty performers. Special trains were iJ
run , the house was sold out an hou I
and a half after the opening of the Ibex
box office and the proceeds were M
§ 7.500.
Comes Back to Hood's 1
Whenever the Blood is Impure or
Health Poor. 9
"I have used Hood's Sarsaparilla as a H
tonic and blood purifier for a number of fl
years and I use it whenever I become debilitated - M
bilitated or my blood is impure and it has H
never failed to bring me back to my normal - M
mal condition. It always strengthens and H
invigorates the system. " R. M. PitATHKR , _ fl
DIG Sout h Street , Atchison , Kansas. H
Hood's Sarsaparilla fl
Sold by all druggists. Sisixfor$5. Getlfood's. ( H
ricod's Pills cure all l.ver ills. > cent3. M
Special Low Rates will be in effect to B
Put-in-Bay , Islands of Lake Erie , Lake I
Chautauqua. Niagara Falls , Thousand
Islands , bt. Lawrence River , Adirondacks , B
Lake George , New England Resorts , Now * m
York and Boston. To the Great Lakes ,
Cleveland. Sandusky , Toledo , Detroit. Benton -
ton Harbor. Mt. Clemens , Mackinac and
Michigan Reports. To the Northwest and _ I
AVest via St. Louis and Chicago. For I
ratefa. routes , time of trains and fii.lpar- I
ticulars apply to any agent "Big Foes I
Rocte , ' ' or address 1
e. o. Mccormick , 9
Passenger Traffic Manager 1
"Bin Four" Cinrfnnafi. 0. I
I 3 75 sao j f
'Western "Wheel "Works
IS 111 IB- II P ml"SK.KNNKSs ?
OBI I 8 Oyh t5 ! ' oarmlea * .
DROPSY 5.S5Ls SySKi * ?
B00FiNGrT'v ? asaae i
i * * o
„ t < .t Snb f tntesfnrPlMttai- 1
fl y H"il § " > Kton D.C Xofctill'patenfc r > " '