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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1897)
By F. M. KIMMELL. S1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. It is gratifying to know that Chief Justice A. M. Post has final- I ly surrendered to the urgings of I his many warm friends over the I state and has decided to stand for H reelection to the supreme bench. H Doubtless this determination on the part of Judge Post means fi- H nancial loss and the most uuremit- ting toil to him , for the salary is I paltry and the duties of the office HI most pressing and laborious , but II the Judge's loss will be the dis- II tinct gain of the Republican party 11 and the people of the state of Ne ll braska. Judge Post is in every 11 essential well , nay eminentlyqual- II ified for the position he has held II during the past few years , and the II Republican party will honor itself | g by recognizing the ability and IK splendid record of Judge Post by m renominating him for the supreme HI bench , for no man in the state over- H measures the Judge in the severe Hi requirements , mental , moral and H judicial , for a judge of the supreme H court of the state of Nebraska. Hj And not only is Judge Post pre- H eminently fitted in all particulars III for the place , but the conditions as J well call clearly and loudly for his B retention on the bench , where he K has made a clean , honorable and M able record. It is indeed a pleas- ure for The Tribune to learn of his decision and to urge upon the I Republican party of the state what we consider its duty , the renomi- nation of Judge A. M. Post of Oo- lumbus for judge of the supreme lj court. H There is nobackward step in bu- Hj sinessalthough the season of mid- summer quiet is near. Improve ment continues , gradual and pru dently cautious as before , although in many branches evident where f no signs of it were a few weeks ago. lj Business men of the highest stand- H ing in all parts of the country have gradually perceived that the tide I has begun to rise and are regulating I their contracts -investments I and plans for the future with a I confidence quite unknown to them I a short time ago. Great changes B before the adjournment of Congress B are hardly to be expected , but re- B moval of uncertainty is with reason i expected to bring into operation I buying forces which have been restricted - : stricted for months. Meanwhile j it is encouraging that crop prospects - \ pects still grow brighter ; that the industries meet a gradually in creasing demand for products ; that I labor questions which had a threatening aspect have been adjusted - * justed , and that the Treasury maintains its ample strength not withstanding some exports of gold ; brought about by premiums paid i ' on behalf of foreign governments. " Dun's Review , June 26. * In issuing the official call for i the National Republican League of the United States , which is to be held in Detroit , July 13,14 and 15 , President "Woodmansee says : "We I cannot overestimate the importance of this convention to the Republi can party. Our victory of last I year does not guarantee perma nency of power. We must keep our organization well equipped for the contest of ' 98 , when we will again vote for members of Congress , and in many of our state elections this year the terms of members of the United States Senate are at stake. " Burning , itching skin diseases instantly re lieved by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , une ! qualled for cuts , bruises , burns. It heals without leaving a scar. A. McMillen. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cares Piles. Scalds. Bares. Adding : Disabilities Together. One of the cruel strokes at the veterans by the Cleveland Admin istration was Order 224 prohibi ting Examining Boards from ad ding together minor disabilities 'to make a pensionable rating under the act of June 27 , 1890. This was malignant in concep tion , and harshly unjust in execu tion. . It was one of the devices employed to nullify the Disability Act. Cleveland and his followers lacked the courage to repeal out right that admirable but terribly slandered piece of legislation , so they resorted to all manner of tricks and subterfuges to defeat its operation. Order 224 was one of the most cunning and effective of these. The object of the Disability Act was to give a pension not exceed ing § 12 a month to every man who was incapacitated for manual labor. This was its true intent and purpose , and it should have been administered solely to that end. But unless a man had some one specific disability and under the Lochren rule , it had to be an exceedingly severe infirmity sufficient to entitle him to a rating , he was denied a pension. The injustice of this is clear to every reasonable man. The meas ure of a man's disability is not any one infirmity , but the sum of all from which he suffers. They all contribute to disable him , and two lesser disabilities will cripple him more than one more severe. JFor example , a man with moderately bad rheumatism may get along better than one with slighter rheu matism coupled with hernia and chronic diarrhoea. The disabilities have always been taken togeather under the old laws , and the only * reason for varying the custom of • she Bureau was eagerness to do ' anything and everything to nullify and invalidate the act of June 27 , 1890. Order 224 still stands on the books of the Pension Bureau , but we are in daily expectation of its repeal by Commissioner Evans. Last week Representative R. D. Sutherland , of Nebraska , intro duced the following bill , which , if passed , will sweep away the obnox ious order , and prevent any future duplications of it. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Con gress assembled , That in applica tions for pensions under section 2 of the act of June 27 , 1890 , or for am increase under the said law , now pending or hereafter to be made , it shall not be necessary for the applicant to allege any special or specific disability , but a general allegation that the claimant is suf fering from a mental or physical disability of a permanent charac ter , not the result of his own vic ious habits , shall be sufficient. Sec. 2. That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provis ions of this act are hereby repealed. The first gathering of Republi cans in a National Convention since the victory of ' 96 will be that of the National Republican League in Detroit , July 13. Re duced railroad rates make it easy for Republicans to attend. It looks as though the convention were to be a great gathering. It is interesting to note the evident desire that Detroit has for the nominating convention in 1900. "They don't make much fuss about it. " We are speaking of DeWitt's Little Early Risers , the famous little pills for constipation , bilious ness , and all stomach troubles. They never gripe. A. McMillen. Western Star Wash er , $4 , at Knipple's. Don't nauseate your stomach with teas and bitter herbs , but regulate your Jiver and sick headache by using those famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. A. McMillen. One Minute Cough Cure , cures. That is what it was made for. PLEASANT RIDGE. O. E. Boone's baby is sick with the measles. E. C. Goehring was cutting wheat , Tuesday. Grasshoppers are doing some damage to wheat. Mr. Hipp has very fine crops on the upper Driftwood. J. W. Jones and W. F. Esher were cutting rye Tuesday. A. D. Lord finished laying by 130 acres of corn this week. Archibald Speer and son James were laying by corn first of the week. Alex. Haining has a fine crop , and so have most of the farmers in that vicinity. Be sure to remember the ap pointment at Pleasant Ridge next Sunday morning. George Meyers has 75 acres of slean corn with one sunflower left in the field to shade a turtle-dove's aest. Al Hatcher says he would like ; o know where Charley Burton : ound all those old traps that he piled into his buggy. Lyman Brown says he came jack to Nebraska because it is a jood country and there were people ple that he wanted to see. It is encouraging to most of us vho have passed through the Irouth stricken'years in Nebraska o notice tkeffine prospects all a- ound for a bountiful crop this 'ear. Your correspondent attended the elebration on Saturday at the Jtone ranch. It was a success in every particular. The exercises were held in a beautiful grove of elm trees. There were patriotic speeches by a number of good speakers , interspersed with excel lent music by the Culbertson band. The Cornell glee club composed of Messrs. Powers and Hinkle and Misses Paddock and Flood also furnished good music. There were 500 or 600Jpeople there from the towns of Culbertson , Trenton and Cornell and the country around. The Ladies' Aid society furnished refreshments and took in 310 at their stand presided over by Mrs. Roger Barnes. Money will be used in building a new church. Last but not least there was an abundance of good things to eat. The people all unite in saying that it was a harmonious celebration of a glorious day. TYRONE. A Mr. Rodes and family are stopping a few weeks with George Shafer. Some spent the 3d at Holbrook , some went to Lebanon and some stayed at home. Mrs. Phoebe Gowdy from Kan sas is visiting with her parents , Mr.and Mrs.Kimptonof this place. Dr. Bennett's new house which he is having built on his farm will add greatly to the appearance of the place. One form of reciprocity that will prove convenient as well as advan tageous has just been agreed upon between the authorities of the United States and Mexico. It is ; he exchange of weather reports by which Mexico will apprise this country of approaching cyclones and in return for that service the United States weather bureau will tip a wink to Mexico whenever a cold wave starts in that direction. Mutual advantage must necessarily result from this arrangement , and by the same token there is no reason perceptible why it should not be extended throughout the civilized world. Kansas City Star. DANBURY. J. P. Schoolfield , our editorcel- ebrated in Orleans. We were visited by another rain on Friday evening. Most of the Danburyites cele brated at Indianola. The. farmers are all very busy harvesting their small grain and alfalfa. Real estate has been changing hands very rapidly of late in this small city. Messrs. Clifford Naden and Will Sandon started for Pueblo , Colorado rado , Tuesday. Simeon .Billings is having a new dwelling house erected in thesouth- east part of town. Dr.W. A. DeMay returned from Michigan , Saturday , where he has been visiting with his aged mother- Several Danbury citizens at tended the Sunday school picnic , the Fourth , on the Sappa near De catur , Kansas. E. L. Dennis , our new lumber man , is treating the buildings at the lumber yard to a coat of paint , which improves the looks of the buildings wonderfully. Vim , vigor and victory : these are the char acteristics of DeWitt's Little Early Risers , the famous little pills for constipation , biliousness ind all stomach troubles. A. McMillen. BOX ELDER. John Wepp of Frontier county ivill live high for some time , as he secured several of the prizes award- id on the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. L. Nichols of Chi- jago arrived on Tuesday , and are visiting a sister of the latter , Mrs F. E. Werner of this place. There was a select A. P.A. cele bration at the grove , Sundaywhich though small , was spirited , judg ing from the fireworks exploded during Sunday school time. There is to be a basket meet ing at Box Elder , Sunday , July 18th. There will be preaching in in the forenoon , and in the after noon there will be baptismal ser vices and reception of members. Moritz Mohler is having a "peck o' trouble" with the water ques tion. His well has failed and he is financially unable to sink a new one. To add to his general good fortune , several of the neighbors have shown their usual tendency to extend a helping hand to the af flicted by refusing to allow him to use water from their wells. The celebration was largely suc cessful , the majority voting it as such. Mr. Valentine was as good as his word in giving something new in the line of Fourth of July speeches. The remarks by H. H. Berry were also appreciated. The contests were all spirited , from the fat men's race to climbing the greased pole. There were a few who were disappointed by the ab sence of the dancing bowery , butte to the largest portion of those present it was a pleasant disap pointment. It heals everything but a broken heart may be said of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Piles ; and rectal diseases , cuts , burns , bruises , tetter , eczema and all skin troubles may be cured by it quickly and permanently. A. McMillen. Awarded HighesV Honors World's Fair , ' DR * WCfr w CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. GERVER. Harry Edward of McCook is cowboy for Samuel Ellis at present. Harvest has commenced in ear nest this week , and bids fair to be a bountiful one. The school meeting decided to hold an 8-months term of school , and levied us a tax of 17 mills. A. 0. Ely's mother arrived here a few days ago from Ohio , and will make her sou an extended visit. Mrs. John Rowland of Banksville will leave there in a short time for a six-months' visit to her old home in Ohio. Arthur Dodge and Henry Rich ardson of this place furnished the music at Matt. Droll's dance , on the evening of the 3d. Most of our people celebrated at Cedar Bluffs , Kas. , this year. The usual routine of exorcises was suc cessfully carried out. Oration was delivered by Rev. J.M. Bell of Mc Cook. Deputy Sheriff Ryan sold under tax sale some old traps that be longed to Phillip Katzenmyer , at the residence of O. L. Thompson's , last Friday. It seems as though old and worn out traps are in bet ter demand and at better prices than new ones. A gentleman termed a McCormick - ick expert was in this vicinity , last week , setting up binders. Through J some hook or crook he got Ed Lawther's and Samuel Ellis's ma chines mixed together and could not tell whether the pieces belonged : o the binders or a locomotive engine. We suggest that we have nany farmers with far more ex perience. If yoxi want Fruits go where they are kept. At Knipple's , of course. There is a time for everything ; and the time to attend to a cold is when it starts. Don't wait till you have consumption but prevent it by using One Minute Cough Cure , the great remedy for cough , colds , croup , bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. A. McMillen. INDIANOLA. I. A. Sheridan went in to Lin coln , Tuesday , witn a shipment of horses. J. J. Lamborn returned to Wil cox Tuesday night , after spending Saturday and Sunday here. A. J. Rand visited his numer ous friends here on Saturday. He was on his way west from a trip to Omaha. County Attorney and Mrs.H.W. Keyes were in McCook , Monday , the board of county commissioners being in session. H. W. Keyes is putting a num ber of hundred dollars into im provements on his house. He will have one of the cosiest homes in the county. F. H. Strout returned home , Monday evening , the shop in which he was cutter at McCook having closed for the present. He hopes to return to the county seat in the near future. The probabilities are that Hon. , J. J. Lamborn will attend the Republican - i publican National League meetino- ] in Detroit , next week. If so the ] Republicans of Red Willow county ' ivill have stalwart , enthusiastic j representation. John is straight goods , a yard wide , and warranted not to rip. The Commissioner of Pensions does not agree with the Democrrtic idea that the duty of examining is to invent ways and means of keep ing old soldiers from getting pen sions justly due them , and so dis missed about five hundred Demo cratic examining surgeons who seem to have thought that their chief duty during the past four years. i ftm 1 POWDER Absolutely. Pure. i Celebrnted for its great leavening j strength and henlthfulncss. Assures the j food against alum and nil forms of ntlul- 1 teration common to the cheap brands. A Rovai , Baking Powder Co. , Nrw j | York. U Reasons Why Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Dlarrhooa Remedy - . edy Is the Best. m 1. Heause it affords almost instant relief in J case of pain in the stomach , colic and cholera I morbus. j 2. . Because it is the only remedy that never i fails in the most severe cases of dysentery and J diarrhoea. 3. Because it is the only remedy that will , - cure chronic diarrhoea. / j 4. Because it is the only remedy that will j prevent bilious colic. J 5. Because it is the only remedy that will j \ cure epidemical dy-entcry. * 6. Because it is the only remedy that can j always be depended upon in cases of cholera I infantum. ] 7. Because it is the most prompt and most / M reliable medicine in use for bowel complaints- . j S. Because it produces no bad results. \ 9. Because it is pleasant and safe to take. j 10. Because it iias saved the lives of more people than any other medicine in the world. ( The 25 and 50c. sizes for sale by L. W. Mc ' Connell & Co. , Druggists. 1 Go where Fruits are ( ' n to be found. That is I at Knipple's , the lead- j Lug * grocer , sure. m "Last summer oneof our grand-children was M lick with severe bowel trouble , "says Mrs.K.G. M Jregory , of Frederickstown , Mo. "Our doc- A or's remedy had failed , then we tried Cham- M jerlam's ColicChoIera and Diarrhoea Remedy H vhich gave very speedy relief" . Kor sale by H . . . W. McConnell Ac Co.Druggists. H Try that 15 cent box 1 paper at The Tkjbune M office. Worth 25 cts. J Also cheaper grades. M Mr. C. L. Hasbrouck , a druggist at Mendon , | Mich.saysall of the good testimonials that H have been published by the manufacturer of 4 | Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea H Remedy could be duplicated in that town. H For sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Druggist. H A § 7.50 Churn for M § 5 , the eelebrated Cyclone - k clone , at Knipple's. ' " . H You may hunt the world over and you ufdl H not find another medicine equal to Chamber- 4 H Iain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy H for bowel complaints. It is pleasant , safe and H reliable , ror sale by L.V. . McConnell & Co.S Druggists. / H Full line Crockery at Knipple's. k John Griffin of Zanesville , 0. , says : "I never | lived a day for thirty years without sufferinir - H agony , until a box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel H halve cured my piles. " For piles and rectal < H troubles , cuts , bruises , sprains , eczema and all H skin troubles DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is M unequalled. A. McMillen. M Iiiavale cheese , very | fine , at Knipple's. M "I crave but One Minute , " said the public H speaker in a husky voice ; and then he took a H dose of One Minute Cough Cureand proceeded - H ed with his oratory. One Minute Cough Cure H lS .McMulen. ? e -ilUalIed for throat and lunC troubles. A. | H H The manufacturer who is preparing to H put a chainless bicycle on the market j l next season estimates that it will cost at * | least Jrso. He has secured a large j H number of patents on the chainless H devices , it is reported , and will have no H trouble to keep up his prices because he ' | will have little or no competition. But f H : he public will hardly pay $ r5o for anew * - vheel when half the money will buy one H ust as durable and is perfectly satisfac- , . . B ory in every other respect. This maker ' H 11 find his trade next year is the wheels fl H hat sell less than $75. A few riders will H > ay a large amount to be in the fashion H mt the masses will take the moderate H > nced vehicle and be content J H ? F. I ) . Burgess , 9 J l | | Plumber and rv I Steam Fitter i \ McCOOK , NEBR. J M k Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass Z | | L Goods , Pumps , and BoilerTrimmings ? | j Agent for Halllday , Waupun , Eclipse I J H 7 WmdmiMs. Basementof the Meeker. 9 V / Hi J Phillips building- . T M D Witt's Colic & Chole X T < 1 . . Pleasant. . ' „ ultS. Safe totake ! . M