The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 09, 1897, Image 2

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V. 31. KI31BLELL , Publisher.
McCOOK , - : - - : - NEBRASKA
Lincoln's board of education wants
$185,775 to run the schools for the next
A district reunion of old soldiers is
advertised to be held at Silver Creek
beginning Aug. 9,1897.
IloN. Petkk Jenskx has just re
turned from New Mexico , where he
purchased 12,000 sheep which will be
fed on his Jefferson county ranch.
David R. Meyers of Omaha , convict
ed of attempted murder of his wife ,
will serve three years in the peniten
A man named Cramer was killed hy
lightning in David Miller's pasture
near Greenwood during a recent se
vere storm.
W. A. Paxton , jr. , 'has sold his
ranch , a few miles west of Omaha tc
Ij. W. Hill , the consideration given in
I the deed being § 35,000. The ranch
contains about 800 acres of land.
Cuius Rasmussex , the young Swede
"boy charged with stealing a horse
from his employer , M. W. Walston ,
was. upon examination , bound over to
the district court of Dodge county.
Governor Ilor.coim lias decided to
attend the unveiling of the Logan
Btatue in Chicago July 23. The gov
ernor will be accompanied by his staff ,
the party leaving the city on July 20
at 1:40 p. m.
The Dodge county jail is full of
prisoners , some paying the penalty of
i their crime and others awaiting trial
at the fall term of the district court.
J The criminal docket will be unusually
large this fall.
I The supreme court of Nebraska has
I adjourned for the -summer vacation
I j -without passing on the Omaha charter
| l , cases. This will send the cases over
! i until September as the court does not
I sit ia July nor August.
( P. D. Smith , the largest resident
I landowner in Roone county , who lives
S about a mile west of St. Edward , has
I purchased the Squires property , near
the railroad. He will move the build
ings off and erect a large grain ele
J. B. Johnson and Harriet A. John
son , husband and wife , proprietors of
a confectionery and restaurant at Ben
edict , were arrested and taken to
Omaha to answer to the charge of sell
ing liquor without a government
William Shreeve , charged with
criminally assaulting Mrs. Sarah Mc-
Knight , a Avoman 70 years of age , liv
ing near Syracuse , pleaded guilty in
the district court of Otoe countj and
was sentenced to nine years in the pen
itentiary at hard labor.
Horatio Ernest , a liver3-man from
Hemingford was taken to Omaha by
T > eputy D. S. Marshal Palmer for sell
ing liquor without a revenue stamp ,
pleaded guilty and was fined $10 and
costs. John Roher of Bloomfield
pleaded not guilty of selling liquor to
J. W. Hunts Farcer of the Thurs-
"ton Republic Charles McKenzie , Judge
John G. Downs , and others , are about
to consummate the organization of a
creamery association at Pender. The
required number of shares of stock is
about made , and within thirty days the
enterprise will have taken shape.
A call has been made for a mass
-meeting of the citizens to discuss the
question of a new court house for
Platte county. The meeting will be
lield : at Columbus. The present quar
ters were built over twenty jears ago.
and the offices are beginning to feel
crowded for room. It is the intention ,
if the matter carries , to spend about
510,000 for a building.
Anton HomiANN , a farm hand resid
ing near Fontanelle , passed a check
for S2G. purporting to be signed by EL
W. Ncibaum.on II. Ulumenthal , which
Ulumenthal found to be forged. His
suspicions were aroused at the time ,
but as Hohmann had been in the habit
-of cashing cheeks issued by his former
employer , H. W. Neibaum ofFonta
nelle , he cashed the check. Hohmann
has slapped.
These are the new officers of the
Nebraska state league of republican
clubs , as chosen at the annual conven
tion which was held in Omaha : Presi
dent , Charles E. Winter , of Omaha ;
vice president , Brad Slaughter of Lin
coln ; secretary , Ed. J. Mock , of Alma ;
treasurer , P. J. Hall , of Saunders
county. All the officers , and the dele
gates to the national convention ( sixty
in number ) were elected by acclama
The memorial services of the late
TVm. A. McKeighan , who for four
years represented the Fifth district in
congress , were held at Cole ' s park ,
Hastings , and were attended by a
couple of thousand people. The ad
dress of weleome was delivered by Mr.
John C. Stephens. Hon. J. S. Gillim
of Red Cloud responded. Governor
Holeomb and others made addresses ,
and a subscription was started for the
the erection of a monument.
The complaints against the assess
ment of three of Lexington ' s principal
merchants is still being heard before
the commissioners. Some peculiar
features are being developed in the
fight. The assessor's returns do not
j show any cash in Dawson county
i "whatever , and men who are known to
liave from § 10,000 to § 50,000 in loans ,
-warrants , tax titles , etc. . make no re
turns for taxation. Numerous com
plaints are being filed against this
class of people.
A number of Beatrice people are pre
paring to organize.what is to be known
as the Gage county institute of
sciences. The object and purpose of
the organization will be to study all
branches of natural history and collect
j ) a museum of everything pertaining to
the county and state geology.
The new creamery at Rogers has
commenced operations.
John Power , farmer , is in the county
jail at Fuller ton , charged with remov
ing from the county chatties which he
liad mortgaged. He admits running
the property out of the county and
selling it. He will also be called upon
fo answer toachargeof adultery.
ii i iiinHMitflllM'liUH'MllillimillUllfrrtfTWOT ' '
10 IB 111 STOCK Kill
. . .
' 1 1 1. *
The Republican Senators in Caucus D <
clnro for Taxes on All Transactions
In Stocks and Bonds A Stamp
Tax on Stock Issues Alio
Probable Changes in
Tobacco Schedule.
Washington , July 3. A provisio
for a tax on stock and bond transac
tions in connection with the tariff bil
was agreed upon at the caucus of Re
publican Senators. It was suggestei
by Senator Lodge of Massachusett
and grew out of a statement that wit :
the tea and beer provisions with
drawn , the tariff bill was likely t
fall short to the extent of S15,000,00i
in providing sufficient revenue to mee
the demands of the government.
The suggestion as made by Mr
Lodge was that a tax of 2 cents pe
share should be levied upon ever
share of stock sold at a stock exchangi
or at any other place and that a simi
lar tax of 2 cents should be collectei
upon all bonds sold on stock exchange
or elsewhere. The caucus acceptei
the suggestion , but decided to leavi
the formulation of the amendment
with possibly a change of rates , to tb <
finance committee.
The committee took the matter uj
to-day but did not reach a definite con
elusion. A rough estimate places thi
amount of revenue the provision wil
furnish at $7,000,000.
Senator Elkins seconded Senate
Lodge's efforts in behalf of the tax
making a vigorous speech. It is nov
understood that the amendment wil
also provide for a stamp tax on al
issues of stock , whether when a com
pany is originally formed or it sub
sequently enlarges its issue. The rate
suggested is 5 per cent of S1C0 of stock
The caucus , also at the suggestior
af Senator Pritchard , receded fron
the proposed changes on manufnc
tured tobacco , including snuff anc :
smoking tobacco , leaving only the
provisions in regard to cigars and cier-
ircttes of the internal revenue fea
tures of the bill. A decision was
reached to make the rate on cigarettes
louble that proposed by the finance
: ommittce , or § 2 per thousand on
; hose weighing less than three pounds
per 1,000 , and increasing the rate foi
; hose of larger size.
: hampagne Honght With Forged Chocks
and Certain Saloon Keepers Favored.
San Francisco , July 3. The plight
) f fugitive Internal Revenue * Collector
A'elborn is far worse than the investi
gating officers of the federal govern-
nent at first supposed. It is asserted
; hat while he was buying champagne
vith checks he had no right to sign ,
le was assuring saloon men that they
leed not pay their licenses. It is not
ret known how many saloon keepers
mjoyed his favor in this regard , but
he investigation will be continued.
V warrant has been issued for the ar-
• est of Welborn , but the United States
narshal has so far been unable to lo-
: ate him.
Bad Seed * From Abroad.
"Washington , July 3. A report on
mre seed investigations submitted to
Secretary Wilson says that thousands
if pounds , probably tons , of grass
md clover seed are shipped annually
nto the United States , which contain
, 'd sorts of vile weed seeds. In this
vay such pests as the Russian thistle ,
Janada thistle , wild mustard , chess ,
! odder , wild daisj' , treferl and plain-
ain were introduced here.
Troops to Honor Lojan's Memory.
Chicago , July 3. At the request of
ienators Cullom and Mason , Secretary
Uger has decided to have 2,000 regu-
ar troops take part , July 22 , in the
eremonies at the unveiling of the
ohn A. Logan monument. The troops
rill be drawn from Forts Sheridan ,
Vayne and Brady , and Jefferson bar-
Montana's New Strict.
Butte , Mont , July . The law proh
ibiting gambling in Montana , which
rent into effect yesterday , was uni
ersally observed. It even prohibits
haking dice for drinks and , according
o the attorney general's construction ,
lakes playing cards for prizes in so-
ial gatherings unlawful.
Shoe Workmens * Wages Reduced.
Brockton , Mass. , July 3. The last-
rs of the shoe companies here will be
sked to accept a reduction , which
leans an average loss of fifty cents a
ay each. The change will directly
ffect about 7,000 men. The new
rice list will be accepted under pro-
2st , but a strike will follow.
tlssourl Telephone Stock Increased.
Jefferson Citv , Mo. , July 3. The
tell Telephone Company of Missouri ,
'ith offices at St Louis , filed with the
2cretary of state to-day a certificate
f increase of capital stock from § 400-
30 to S2,000,000.
S. G. Went worth In Dead.
Lexington , Mo. , July 3. S. G-
" entworth , one of the pioneers of La-
lyette county , and one of the best
uown men in Missouri , died at his
ssidenee in this city at 1 o ' clock yes-
trday aftcrnooj.
Finance Commlttco SufTors Several Ui :
expected itcverscs.
Washington , July 3. The financ
committee suffered some nncxpectc
reverses' during the progress of th.
tariff bill yesterday , being defeate
on three important votes. Cotto
bagging was placed on the freelist , 3 (
to i5 , and cotton ties also by a vote c
29 to 23. The duty on white pine Inn
' ber was reduced from § 2 to § 1 pe
' 1,000 , 3 to 31.
The amendment on pine occasione
i the greatest surprise and led to a gei
r eral breaking up of party lines o
both sides of the chamber. Durin
• the early stages of the debate , th
I duty on lumber , including pine , wa
placed at § 2 after a protracted contest
Mr. Teller returned to the contest an
moved to place white pine lumber o
the free list The amendment wa
defeated by the close vote of 32 to 3c
four Republicans , Baker , Carter , Hans
brough and Quay , joining with th
Democrats , Populists and Silver Rt
publicans in the affirmative , whil
three Democrats , Bacon , McEuery an
Martin , voted with the Republicans ii
the negative. Following up this clos
vote , Mr. Mantle , Silver Republican
moved to reduce the rate on whit
pine from § 2 to § 1 , and this was car
ried by a majority of one. Two Re
publicans , Baker and Carter , votei
with the Democrrts in the affirmative
and three Democrats , Bacon , McEneri
and Martin , with the Republicans ii
the negative.
The bill is now completed with the
exceptions of the reciprocity sectioi
and some comparatively minor par
Trust Provision of the Wilson Law t <
Bo Continued.
Washington , July 3. The Repub
lican senators held what they decided
should be their last caucus on th <
tariff bill last night. Among th <
points decided were the following :
To report no anti-trust amendment
To withdraw the original finance
committee provisions for a duty on ten
and an increase of 44 cents per barrel
in the tax on beer.
To provide for a tax on bond ant
stock transactions.
The greater part of the time was
given to the proposition for a provis
ion against trusts. It was decided thai
it would be extremely difficult to se
cuso legislation that would be effect
ive , and that upon the whole , it was
impolitic and unwise to undertake it
A report was made and a resolution
adopted authorizing the presentation
of an amendment providing in express
terms for the continuance in effect oi
the terms of the Wilson law , which
makes it unlawful to form a trust in
imported articles.
Japan Decides to Withdraw Her Min
ister to America.
Washington , July 3. Toru Hoshi ,
the Japanese minister , is likely to be
recalled at an early date.
The reason for the minister ' s recall
are two fold , not the least potent
of which is said to be the feel
ing of the Mikado's government and
of the minister personally toward
the United States over the Hawaiian
difficulty. The minister himself feels
insulted because the state department
did not apprise him of the negotia
tions which led to the signing of the
treat } ' for annexation of Hawaii , and ,
while the Japanese home government
is incensed on account of this and
what it terms lack of consideration of
its rights in Hawaii in the framing of
the treaty itself , the condition of Jap
anese politics affords a second reason
for the minister's recall.
Appointment by Injunction.
Paf.kersburg , W. Va. , July 3. John
W. Thompson , the newly appointed
Republican United States marshal ,
was compelled , by a mandate isstied
by Judge Jackson , of the United States
court , to reappoint the old set of
deputy United States marshals , who
are Democrats. Marshal Thompson
intended to appoint new men , where
upon an injunction was obtained under
the civil service law , with the result
already stated.
Negroes Won't Get Them.
Washington , July 3. Judson Lyons ,
the negro , will not be postmaster of
Augusta , Ga. Postmaster General
Gary has- said so. The postmaster
general said this was a social as well
is a political matter , and that he
tvould not inflict on any communitv a
colored postmaster , provided it never
had one before.
Double Arkansas Murder.
BENTONVILI.E , Ark. * July 3. James
Burgin and wife , living a few miles
aut , were murdered last night in bed
by being beaten on the heads. Rob
bery was the motive. No clue.
Kansas City Grain and lve Stack.
Hard Wheat No. 2. 62 = : No. a 59c ;
So. 4. 5255c ; rejected 45So0c
Soft Wheat No. % 65c : No. 3 , 62c ;
tfo. 4 , 56&c ; rejected. 50355c.
Corn No. % 22c ; No. 3. 2lKc : No. 4 ,
LOc ; no grade. 17& & White corn No. Ii ,
J2Hc ; No. 8. 21Hc ; No. 4 , 20c.
Oats No. 2.17lAc : No. 3. 16c ; No.
i. 14@15c : No. 2. white 22c : No. 3 , 18 ®
19 ; ; No. 4 , ITQIT c.
Rye No. 2. 29c. No. 3. 27 = : No. 4. 25c.
Bran 37@38c perewtin 100 lb sacks.
Hay Choice timothy. 3838.30 : No. 1.
S7.50 : No. 2. ; ' 636.50 ; clover , mixed. No. 1.
7 ; No. 2.14.5035 : choice prairie , IG6 50 :
Zo. 1. 15.7o : No. 2. 4@4.50 No. 3. 1S3.50.
Jhoice new prairie. S5.00 ; No. 1 , J5.50 ; No.
! , § 4.50 ; No. .1 , SJft3.50.
Cattle Reciipts , 4.653 ; calves. 220 :
hipped. 8a2 cattle calves. The market
ras steady and active on the light dressed
leef steers and slow on heavier.
Dressed bsef anJ export steers. $4.00 ©
.90 ; native heifers , $3.2034.10 ; native
ows. ? 2.00ST .00 ; native feeders. 1.003
.30- native stockers. * 2.5'J34.4U.
Hogs Receipts , 15,931 : shipped. 612.
'he market was 5 to 10 cents lower.
Sneep-Receipts , 2.10.1 : shippsd , 1,325
'he market was active and strong. • " " "
: it =
Seatenco Lacks but One Year of Belt )
tbo Maximum Fine Is Also Imposed
Double the Amount of the Em-
bezelemnnt Apprnl to the
Supreme Court.
lie Gts Twenty Tears.
Omaha dispatch : Ex-State Trca :
urer J. S. Bartley was sentenced b
Judge Baker to twenty years in th
penitentiary at hard labor and to pa
a fine of S303,7G8.90 , or double th
amount of his embezzlement.
The sentence was passed after th
court had overruled Bartleys motioi
for a new trial , and only after ever
step was taken by the defense oi
which it could raise questions for sul
mission , not only to the supreme cour
of the state , but on which the cas
could be carried into the United State
courts to the supreme courts of th
United Stales this latter object be
ing accomplished by the claim of tin
defense that the imposition of a fine ii
addition to the imprisonment denic ;
Bartley a right guaranteed to him bj
the United States constitution.
To what particular section of tin
constitution the defense refers is no
disclosed , and Bartley's : > .iiuys
when asked failed to ma.wo anj
Bartley was returned to the jail t <
await the action of the supreme court
on an application for a suspension ol
sentence and leave to give bail. Latei
in the day the supreme court suspend
ed sentence and fixed the bail bond al
S125,000 , and when such a bond it
given Bartley will be released from
When digtrict court convened Attor
ney Mahoney filed a motion asking tc
be allowed to call Capt. V. H. Mostyn ,
chiel of the Mostyn decective agency ,
for oral examination in support of
the motion for a new trial. In sup
port of this motion Mr. Mahoney filed
his own affidavit to the effect that he
had asked Capt. Mostyn to make affi
davit that his agency had been em
ployed to furnish detectives to watch
the Bartley jury and had furnished
such detectives. The affidavit of Mr.
Mahonej' stated that Mostyn had re
fused to make any affidavit in the
County Attorney Baldrigc objected
to the introduction of oral testimonj'
in support of a motion for a new trial
and also objected to calling Mostyn to
the witness stand for the reason that
Pe had been exempted by the statutes
from disclosing the business of his
i Judge Baker said he did not see how
ihe employment of detectives or addi
tional bailiffs could afreet the jury in
* iy wajHe said he had instructed
the jury to inform the court if there
was any complaint to be made , and if
they had been intimidated in any wav
by these additional bailiffs or d ' etect-
ives , they would undoubtedly have in
formed the court to that effect. The
[ notion was , therefore , overruled.
. Counsel for defense offered a number
bf other motions but they were all
Judge Baker then asked if there was
my reason why sentence should not be
passed upon the defendant. The de-
ense made no reply and the county
ittorney remarked that there could be
ao more appropriate time.
The defendant was ordered to stand
before the court and the court asked
! iim if he had anything to say why
sentence should not be passed upon
In a clear voice Bartley replied : "Not
it this time. ' "
The court then entered in the dock-
it the sentence , which he afterward
: ead in these words :
"It is the sentence of this court that
rou be confined in the penitentiary of
.his state at hard labor for the period
) f twenty years and pay a fine of S303 ,
Special Announcement.
The leaders in educational circles of
Nebraska :
Hon. W. R. Jackson , state supcrin-
endent public instruction ,
Lieut.Gov. . Harris ,
Chancellor MacLean ,
Prof. Hill M. Bell of the Lincoln
formal ,
J. W. Crabtree , president Nebraska
eachers' association ,
C. G. Pearse , superintendent public
nstruction , Omaha ,
Prof. H. W. Clemmons of the Fre-
nont Normal ,
md the county superintendents from
he various counties reached by the P.
5. & M. V. R. It. in Nebraska , have
ignilied their intention of going over
he North-Western Line to Milwaukee.
It was found necessary to provide
pecial accommodations for the party.
L through sleeper from Lincoln to
lihvaukce has been engaged. Leave
jincoln 1:45 p. m. via F. E. & M. V. R.
L Wahoo , 2:40 p. m. Fremont , 3:50
k m. Missouri Valley 6:10 p. m. Ar-
ive Milwaukee 10:50 a. m.
Teachers and others taking advant-
ge of the low rates to Milwaukee on
ccount N. E. A. , from points on the
luperior and Hastings lines , and also
rom the main line and branches west
n the F. E. & M. V. R. R. , can secure
lehping car space in this through car
y applying to the nearest agent of the
\ E. fc M. V. R. R. " Rate for double
erth , accommodating two people ,
rom Lincoln or Fremont to Milwau-
ee , S3.
Through chair cars will be provided
• here necessary.J.
J. It. Buchanan ,
( en 'l Pass. Agt. F. E. & M. V. R. R ,
Omaha , Neb.
Twine for Nebraska.
The first big shipment of binding
( vine , used in all the modern self-
inding harvesting machines , was
rought into Omaha last week. It was
ne of the biggest shipments of any
ind ever received in Omaha. The
: ain consisted of forty-four large
reight cars. Each car contained
3,000 pounds of twine valued at G
; nts a pound , making the value of the
atire shipment S79,200. On both sides
f each of the forty-four cars were im-
tense banners bearing thi3 device :
Deering Binding Twine for Ne * j
raska. " i
Satei are Limited to Church , Scho
Hondo and Cemetery Turpoitcs.
An net passed by the last legislatui
prohibits the selling of rtny school Ian
after the act becomes a law , which wi
be on July 8. This is a matter of coi
siderable importance , as there is
large amount of this land held undc
lease , and it is probable that ever
leaseholder expects to purchase th
land at some time. If he does lie wi
have to make the purchase before Jul
8. 1807.
Land Commissioner 'Wolfe has give
considerable publicity to the effects c
this new law for the guidance of tlios
interested , and he says that if holder
of lease contracts desire to p'lrchas
such land or any part of it , complet
application to purchase must be file
with the county treasurer not late
than the close of the day on July 8.
By "complete application to pui
chase" it is understood that only holt
ers of lease contracts are entitled t
purchase such lands. Parties desirinj
to purchase must file their lease cor
tract with the countj' treasurer an
sign application for appraisement ain
sale of land , and as soon as the count
commissioners or supervisors ( the ar.
praisers ) make their return , tlier
should be paid : Lease rental to date o
application to purchase ; at least one
tenth of the principal ; interest on tb
remainder to the end of the year ; giv
G per cent , notes for unpaid principal
All must be done within the tiim
above mentioned , in order to consti
tute a legal filing for purchase.
Some have the impression that leasi
contracts may be transferred into sail
contracts at any time , and that tin
new law affeets vacant land only. Bu
this is not the case. Absolutely n <
school land maybe sold after the date
mentioned except for church , schoo
house or cemetery purposes. Existing
sale contracts are not molested.
It is provided that all appraisement'
must be reviewed by the board of edu
cational lands and funds , and if fount
to be out of proportion to the true val
ue of the land , that board ap
point new appraisers , and the lant ]
may then only be sold on the basis ol
this new appraisement. Commission'
ers are advised to take care to set the
price of such lands at the price fet
which they would be willing to sell ,
if they owned the land ; and Commis
sioner Wolfe feels that it is a duty cit
izens owe , in protection of the school
fund , to immediately inform liim oi
any errors in the valuation of such
land. If desired , such information
will be treated as confidential , and be
highly appreciated.
The Free Kmploymont Iturcnu.
The free employment bureau which
was created by the last legislature ,
and which is under the charge of the
deput } ' labor commissioner , is being
patronized by people from all parts of
the state. There are now 210 applications -
tions in for positions , and most of them
come from the smaller towns of the
state. There are also thirty applica
tions in from people who want to em
ploy help. Of these eighteen want
irls for general work , and there are
very few girls applying for such places.
The majority of the applicants want
clerkships or places as bookkeepers. A
number ask for railroad positions , and
there is quite a long list of printers , in
ivantof jobs. Many letters come to
; he bureau asking fbr clothing , groce
ries and money , under the impression
; hat the bureau is a general relief
) ftice.
The Chautauqua a miocoss.
A Beatrice dispatch .saj-s : The Chau-
.auqua assembly lias closed for ia . )7. In
.very particular it has been a wonder-
: ul success. During the entire session
; here has not been a weak day , either
n point of program or attendance ,
fhe attendance on the last day was
tilly as large as the day Talmage was
here , and not less than 15,000 people
mssed the gates. The Rock Island had
ixcursion trains from Topeka , Phillips-
> urg and other Kansas points , and , it
s estimated , brought into the city 5.000
> eople. The chief attractions the hist
lay were Rev. Sam Small , who preached
, sermon as 2 o ' clock , followed by a
ausical program by the Modoc club o'
: opeka , Kan. At night Prof. W. II.
) ana , of Warren , 0. , delivered an ad-
Iress upon "The Beauties of the
iible. "
IJattlingr with Kate.
The farmers in this part of Adams
ounty , says a Roseland dispatch , have
icen waging a fierce warfare against
he rats. A kill of 100 to 200 is con-
idered nothing out of the ordinary ,
ut on Friday.George Klem. with three
ssistants and a dog , got awav with
00 by actual count , around his feed
acks and corn cribs. The vermin
. 'ere never known to be so plentiful.
Alleged Obscene Mall.
Deputy U. S. Marshal A. G. Keim.
rrested John Schmuck , a German cit-
; en of Beatrice , upon an in.ormation
led by Miss rora Hill , charging him
• ith sending obscene literature
firough the mails. A letter coupling
fie name of the complaining witness
: ith a doctor of this city and also with
hat of the complaining witness is the
round for the complaint.
Secret Dies "With Him.
Jobe Leadbetter , the man who shot
imself at Sargent , is dead. He leaves
o wife nor child to mourn him. His
earest relative in this country is II.
awding , a nephew. Although con-
jious until the last he would not tell
le reason for the act. All sorts of rulers -
lors are afloat , but nothing has devel-
ped yet to give cause for the suicide.
Liffhtnlnp Kills the Mother.
During a thunder-storm Mrs. Wier. a
irmers wife , residing south of Auburn ,
as killed by lightning. She was at-
mding to her household duties at the
me , and _ held a young child in her
: ms , which , strange to say. was unin-
ired , save being slightly shocked.
Yonnff Girl Arrested for Theft.
Sheriff Huberle returned to Ne-
raska City from Blue Springs , having
i charge Olive Clarkson.agirl IS vears
: age , who has been a student of the
; ylum for the blind. Prof. Mayne
mold , the optician , filed information
rainst her. charging her with the
left of 200 pairs of gold spectacle
ames , valued at S200. The girl is not
ind , but her eyesight is defective ,
mold fitted her with glasses , and a
w days later learned that she had
Id to a jeweler a quantity of spec-
cle frames , which he alleges belong
him. The girl's parents live in the
> rthern part of the state.
The Comptrollership or the Treasury No . 1
Dealrort for Good Itea ons. 'I
Danville , 111. , July a. Colonel W.
J. Calhoun , after consulting with his
.family and business associates , has de
cided to dcclino the position of comptroller - ' ]
troller of the treasury. He expresses J
gratitude to the President for considering - 1
ering his name , but asserts that ho ]
could not , in justice to himself , sacri- '
flee his law practice for a temporary
government position ' , which , he says ,
would hardly pay living expenses in.
Urldgcs and llottllnj ; Work * Strept'
Away and Other Iunmo Hone.
Excklsioi : Si'iUN'aH , Mo. , July 2. A .
fierce rain storm visited this section j
yesterday , causing a flood in Fishing
river. Every wagon bridge in this 1
vicinity and several railroad bridges C
were swept away and six houses near
the stream wrecked. The bottling- j
works were swept away. Many busl- '
ness houses were flooded and other
damage done. i
Plattsuuko , Mo. , July I. During a j
thunderstorm yesterday afternoon , !
while Mrs. John McClelland was sit
ting at her sewing machine iu her
home , eight miles north of here , lightning - ,
ning struck and inscantly killed her. 1
Her three little children , playing in /
the same room , were uninjured.
Welborn of the Sail FrancUco District
ICcinovcd for Criminal Act * .
Wasiii.vgto.y , July 2. Secretary
Gage has by telegraph appointed Mr.
B. M. Thomas acting collector of in
ternal revenue for the San Francisco
district , a special agent of the depart
ment reporting that he had found
wrong doing on the part of Collector
Welborn in connection with the ad
ministration of the collector ' s otlice
and that Welborn had left the city to
avoid arrest. The special agent in his
report said that Welborn was guilty
either of making a dummy appoint- i
ment. and purloining the salary at
tached to the place , or of making an
appointment under an agreement to
divide the salary.
Only Relatives Present nt the Funeral , > 1
but floral Tributes Many. i
New Yoiik , July 2. The bodv of i
William F. Hoey , "Old Hess , " " was J
conveyed to its last resting place in m
Woodlawn cemetery to-da3 * . None d
but members of the family followed J
the body to the cemetery. The floral J
tributes almost covered the casket 1
from sight. Those who followed were \
his widow. Helena French , Charles E. i
Evans and his wife ; James Iloey , a m
brother ; Mrs. M. T. French , W. D. 1
Mann and several members ci the m
French family. 1
Des Moines , June 2 : . Patents have M
been alloxved to Iowa inventors but |
not yet issued , as foilo7/s : To J. McCormick -
Cormick , of Spencer , for a sprocket " " T
chain adapted to transmit power and f j
motion from a drive shaft to another / M
> haft that extends at ripht angles to '
ihe drive shaft. To C. IIohnsle ln , of
Waverly , for an improvement in the i
: ream separator for which he has ,
prior patents. An approximately bell j
shaped partition applied to the bowl j
is the main feature of the improve- 3
nent. To J. M. Fuller , of Ncwot.w J
: or a tender for traction engines can- M
lected therewith in such a manner fl
hat the tender will not interfere with
, he movement of the engine in round- j |
og curves , backing , or going over T
rregular surfaces. To Dr. W. S. I
jimpson , of Grlnnell , for a spring J
nattress for beds that prevents the M
tnnoyances and discomforts incident M
o the sagging when a person is im- jH
: umbent thereon. Auxiliary springs. fl
n brackets fixed to the corners of the W
jed support the mattress. To C. A.
juma , of Ida Grove , for a flue cutter- J
idaptcd to cut off a tube in a boiler J
> y simply striking a single blow with M
i hammer on the handle of the com-
) lete device. To E. A. Losee , of Lake J
'ity , for an automatic stock waterer m
hat allows animals to drink from cups fl
it pleasure without wasting water. I
L'o R. Turner , of Des Moines , for th A
ypewriter known as the "Jcwett " ' fl
nd manufactured bv " the Duplex |
: ypewriter Co. , of Des Moines. Val-
[ able information about securing ,
aluing and selling patents sent freo- tl
o any address.
Thos. G. and J. Ralph Orttig , M
Solicitors of Patents. I
notations From Xew York , Chicago. St. . |
iAinis , Omaha and Elbe where. H
utter Creamery separator 15 © . 15 f W
utter Choice fancy Country. . 10 @ 12 • M
SSS Fresh W& 8 9
pring Chickens Per lb VI < A 14 9
lens l'erlb . ( a . " J5 , M
emons-Choice 5Ie sin s 5 00 ® 5 50 V
' oney Choice , per lb Y.i fo 15 U
nionsperbu 125 © 150 iH
eans liandpicked Navy 1 00 5 1 10 a
otatoes New , per bu 85 to so
ranges , per box 3 50 to 4 00 fl
ay Upland , per ton 4 50 © 5 00
' ogs Light mixed 3 25 © 3 50 Megs
ogs Heavy weights 3 20 © 3 25 M
eef Steers 3 25 © 4 & > JH
ulls 2 00 © 3 30 jkM
'yoming Feeders 4 25 © 450 * fl
flkersand springers 3000 © 10 00 Sfe. iH
: ags 2 05 © 3 00 5 H
[ lives. . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 UO Q ; > 75 * v |
Westerns 2 50 © 3 10 |
ows 1 GO © 370 |
eifers 2 85 © 3 SO |
tockersand Ft'eders 3 00 © 430 fl
lieep Wethers. grasM-rs 3 25 © 375 H
lieep. Western Lambs.shorn. . 3 25 © 4 00 fl
rheatr-Xo. 2 Spring. CO < 63" > i .
orn.perbu i © 24 ?
afcsperbu 17 < jj 17 H
ork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 55 © 7 CO |
ard Per 100 lbs. 4 05 © 4 10 fl
attic Native beef steers 3 S5 © 5 00 |
ogs Prime light 3 45 © 3 55 M
lieep Lambs 3 00 © 5 15 jM
"heat No. 2 , red. winter * 3 © 751- * t. J
orn No.2 23 © 2S2 , lb. f 1
ats-No.2 215 © 22 5 * L 1
° > * 7 50 © S00 1
aru.- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 20 © 4 25
rheat No.2.hard &j © 63 H
orn-No.2 21 © S,5 * J
ats No. 2 20 © 2n2" 1
attle-Stockersand feeders. . . . 2 M © 4 1
ogs-Mi.xed as 3 45 J
tiec-p-Muttaas _ 2.C3 © 2.CO. M