The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 09, 1897, Image 1

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I . . . Wt . Jtlc 00k Shrtbmte * fx I
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1 v Have Our Merchants Degenerated ?
f \ This is a question which it seems to us
| t could be answered by the word "yes" .
HjF Several years ago this city drew trade
nf § from a radius of forty or fifty miles and
Hl the firm name of some of the merchants
H f [ was a by-word forty miles down in Kan-
| 1 sas as well as in Nebraska. It is not
Hjgf that way today and it is getting worse
1 \ instead of better. What is the reason for
P this ? We have a number of the same
H * merchants ; they carry just as good stocks
HV * of goods ; sell just as low and of course
H if , lower in accordance with the times than
Hf they did then. The fact of the case is
Hfjf this. The merchants have degenerated
Hj | and have fallen iuto back-east ways ; they
B 4 v have got to be mossbacks. They wait
Hf - . for trade to come to their doors and do
Ht I not seek for it as they did in times past.
m\ Five or six years ago most men in busi-
H / ness who pretended to be merchants advertised -
* vertised ; the columns of the home papers
/ were filled with announcements ofprices.
H * People read these announcements and
Hit were drawn to Red Cloud to do their
Hi trading. Then it was hard for the pa-
Hi * pers to find room for all the advertising
H \ the merchants wanted to place in their
R \ columns but now a newspaperman has to
H % get on his knees to even get a little bit.
H. * The merchants have declined in business
U % push and are penny wise and pound
Jft foolish. Leaving out the fact that trade
% is gained by advertising there is nothing
\ which speaks so well away from home
m for thrift of a city than the advertising
| that is seen in the local paper. Youniav.
\i \ be away from home and some friend
! * will receive a paper and if it is well filled
\ with advertisements of the home tuer-
i chants j-ou will hear him remark that
s the town must be a live one for the rea-
C son that the papers are well patronized.
\ If they are lacking in this respect he will
\ say that the town don'tamounttomuch.
* / Ponder over this and if } 'ou cannot place
ft a. ten dollar advertisement in the paper
t. put iu a one dollar one. Red Cloud
F Chief.
.f = = = = = =
1 The Sunrise Rally.
y As per arrangement.four months since ,
\ a union sunrise rally was held in the
zf Congregational churchSunday morning ;
% and it is gratifying to note that over two
\ hundred of the converts of the late revival -
\ vival and others attended the meeting.
. L. E. Cann led the meeting , which
\ opened with the singing of patriotic
g . hymns. Then followed prayers , short
W , talks , experiences and testimonies.which
P * made up not only a unique , but a very
' entertaining and profitable meeting. In
fact , Independence Day could not have
been more appropriately inaugurated ,
t meaning as it does more than fireworks ,
I red lemonade and oratory , but is rather
W a time for thanksgiving and prayer. The
fe rally was a source of encouragement and
I pleasure to many. Messages from absent
f converts and those who were unable to
V attend were read , showing that the per-
r sons in question had a deep and lively '
\ interest in the meeting.
Is Took Both Games.
f The McCook base ball club restored
i itself to the high place in the public af-
r fection lost by the Indianola game by
v the thorough manner in which they defeated -
/ feated both the Arapahoe and Cambridge
\ teams at Arapahoe , Monday , at the cele-
i bration of the nation's birthday. In the
I * morning at nine o'clock they played the
\ Cambridge aggregation , which only succeeded -
< ceeded in making three scores while our
g * boys reached home base seventeen times.
U After dinner the Arapahoes and McCooks
W crossed willows and while the Arapahoes
% were not so badly beaten , the victory
\ was complete enough. The score was
/ eleven to seven. A number went down
H 1 * * from here to witness the games , which
I i fully wiped out the defeat of Saturday.
I 1 % } No Celebration Here ,
I 2 McCook did not celebrate , this year ,
I % giving way to her neighbors and helping
K swell the crowds at their celebrations.
3 Howeverfireworks were in evidence from
\ Saturday morning till Monday night ,
i and there was a slight effort at decoration
1 especially of flying the National flag.
\ Closed the Shop.
3 * * * On account of ill-health and quiet
5'I times Andrew Carson has decided to
T close his meat market for the present at
\ least. The shop was closed on Monday
{ morning. We hope the times and Mr.
i Carson's health will soon warrant the
/ opening of the shop. The dairy business
I will continue as usual.
I § We defy competition , quantity and
I J quality considered ; Binding twine 5 cts.
I % per pound ; Machine oil 30 cts. pergallon
I gf\ at Troth's.
E j \
I % Keep cool and comfortable these hot
B m days. We can fit yon out in all that is
fj | necessary. Famous Clothing Co.
fft ( Hammocks at McMillen's drug store.
I S- TVall Paper at McConnell's.
ff . - * • < rii iiMw iiiiiiiiiiuMji ujt.g s
E. J. Wilcox celebrated the Fifth at
Mrs. Harry Barbazett has been on
the sick list , this week.
F. M. Kimmell attended Editor's day
at the Crete Chautauqua , Wednesday.
Dr. J. A. GuNN arrived home , Mon
day nighf , from his trip to Red Oak , la.
Miss Grace Townsend left , this
week , for her home in eastern Nebraska.
F. S. Wilcox arrived home Wednes
day , from his trip to New Mexico afier
Mrs. Sarah Haley expects to visit
iu Holdrege during the next five or six
Miss Lizzie McAdams was an east
bound passenger on No. 4 , Saturday
W. S. Summers , the well known Lin
coln lawj'er , had business in the city ,
Friday last.
P. E. McKillip , late fusion nominee
for county attorney , visited McCook
friends , Saturday last.
J. L. BARGER of Carroll , Iowa arrived
in the city , Wednesday , and is visiting
his mother , Mrs. M. E. Barger.
Mrs. J. E. Sanborn and Miss Grace
left on Thursday morning for Chicago ,
to bt absent some time on a visit.
W. H. Davis , who has been at Guide
Rock for some months , arrived home ,
Saturday night , on a visit to the family.
Miss Cora Schoonover drove down
from Trenton , Tuesday , to make a few
days' visit with S. E. Callen and family.
Mrs. H. W. Cole and the children
departed , today , for Geneseo , Illinois ,
to be absent during the heated term.
Mrs. F.M.Washburn and son return
ed home , Tuesday night on 5 , from
their visit to relatives and friends in
Oliver Thorgrimson left on Sun
day morning for Sweetwater , Buffalo
county , to be absent about a week visit
ing friends.
Miss Mabel Wilcox left on 2 , last
Saturday morning , for Chicago , on a
visit to relatives and friends , to be gone
several weeks.
Judge G. W. Norris spent Monday
night in the city on his way home to
Beaver City from delivering a Fourth of
July oration at up the valley.
Mrs. F. A. PENNELL and Dollie de
parted on Monday morning for Lincoln ,
Neb. , Boone and Thayer , Iowa , to be
gone a number of weeks on a visit.
Frank Carruth took in the Inter
national Gold Mining convention in
Denver , July 7-9. He was one of the
delegates appointed by the governor.
Mrs. A. C. Ebert and the baby re
turned home on 3 , Saturday night , from
a visit of a number of weeks down in
Kansas and Arkansas with her relatives.
Charles Garber of McCook arrived
in the city , Tuesday morning , and will
visit in this vicinity and down in Kansas
for a couple of weeks. Red Cloud Chief.
BERT Beyrer
Tuesday morning , for Toronto , Canada ,
where they will attend the annual con
vention of the Epworth Leagues of
• Miss Rache Berry returned from her
Denver trip , Tuesday , and left again ,
Thursday morning , on an extended visit
to relatives and friends in Chicago and
other Illinois points.
H. Thompson went up to Denver ,
Tuesday evening , to attend the Interna
tional Mining convention. He will also
visit the Cripple Creek country , where
with a brother he is interested in a min
ing property.
Mrs. Edwards arrived from Pacific
Junction , Iowa , Sunday night , to help
nurse her daughter , Mrs. Minnie Mar
shall , who is ill with consumption and
with a sister , Miss Nettie , occupying the
Mike Hogan dwelling.
Miss Zetta Dawson will return to her
home in Republican , next week. Mrs.
J. A. Harris , with whom she has been
staying for some time , will accompany
her and visit relatives and friends there
for an indefinite period.
Postoffice Inspector St. Clair
was in the city .Tuesday. He had been at
Indianola looking up an unusually large
sale of stamps made during a recent
quarter , a fact often noticable in many
places abont the time salaries are to be
adjusted for the ensuing year.
Hammocks at McMillen's drug store.
. . . .
IMB.WW.I 1. * 1 I H
| |
At Indianola.
The nation's birthday was celebrated at
Indianola on Saturday , and in the absence
of a local observance quite a large com
pany of our citizens went down to com
memorate with them. Perhaps a hun
dred and fifty people went down in vehi
cles and on No. 80 , which was held for
the special accommodation of those desir
ing to go down to Indianola on that oc
The Brigade band of our city provided
the music , which was one of the most
pleasurable features of the day notwith
standing the organization was consider
ably crippled as to numbers , many being
detained on the road and in the railroad
offices. Then , too , our base ball club
provided itself as a chopping block for
the Indianola team. The stirring par
ticulars of the game may be summed up
briefly in the score , which was 12 to o
iu favor of the other fellows.
The celebration was held in a small , but
cool and shady grove , just south of In
dianola and owned by W. O. Bond. It
was convenient to town and very com
fortable. And the weather was perfect ,
which brought out a large and happy
The formal programme was short ,
consisting of an address of welcome by
Willis Gossard , reading of the Declara
tion of Independence by Miss Ora Smith
and an address by Rev. Adams of the
Adventist faith. Music by the Brigade
band sandwiching the several numbers.
No effort was made at elaboration in
the line of amusement , but the ball game ,
foot races , horse races , pigeon shoot ,
bowery dance , etc. , provided a scope and
variety of pleasure quite sufficient for all
pleasurable purposes and evidences were
npt wanting that the people enjoyed
themselves in a full measure.
In the evening there was a dance in
Beardslee's hall which attracted a goodly
crowd and furnished trippers of the light
fantastic much joy. Members of the
Brigade band assisted in the music for
this affair.
The onty unfortunate feature of the day
was the accident to one of the riders in
the running race at the fair grounds.
The lad in some way fell from his horse
and was quite painfully injured , though
no bones were broken.
Box Elder Celebration.
A number of our people celebrated
with the people of Box Elder at Bolles'
grove , Saturday , and report enjoying
' the day very much. On account of the
rain it was deemed inexpedient to hold
the celebration in Warner's grove as at
first proposed , and Bolles' grove was
chosen. Here a number of hundred
people gathered and passed a delightful
day , numerous amusements and sports
being provided to assist in the entertain
ment of the people.
William Valentine of our city was the
principal speaker. His address was a
practical one somewhat outside the usual
Fourth of July oratorical spasm , rather
along educational and agricultural lines ,
but it held the closest attention and re
ceived the merited appreciation of all.
H. H. Berry followed with some brief
All in all the occasion was a happy and
comfortable one , such as can always be
enjoyed in such unequaled weather and
pleasant surroundings as were afforded
at the Box Elder celebration.
Soldiers' and Sailors' Reunion.
Indianola , Nebraska , June 23 , 1S97.
Comrades : Yourselves and families are
hereby invited to attend the 7th Annual
Reunion of the Soldiers and Sailors to be
held at Indianola.September 7 , S , 9,10,11 ,
1897 , at which time we hope to meet all
in Fraternity , Charity and Loyalty.
Comrades , we have already engaged
tents for your and your families'accommo-
dation yet it would be well for all Com
rades having tents and covered wagons to
bring them along. We hope this circu
lar will be read at all meetings of the G.
A. R. Posts in this District from now till
September , also that you request your
local paper to publish the same.
Comrades don't forget the place and
date. The citizens of our city will give
you a welcome that you will always re
Hay , Corn , Straw , Wood and Water
free to all Soldiers and their families.
W. P. Elmer , Willis Gossard ,
Adjutant. Commander.
We defy competition , quantity and
quality considered ; Binding twine 5 cts.
per pound ; Machine oil 30 cts. pergallon
at Troth's.
Linen , cotton and silk handkerchiefs.
A fine variety at the
Famous Clothing Co.
Staple stationery , best quality at low
est prices , at The Tribune office.
Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , at McMil
len's drug store.
Wall Paper at McConnell's.
German Methodist Regular ser
vices at 9 o'clock , every Sunday morn
ing , in the South McCook Methodist
church ; services in German.
Rev. M. Herrmann.
Baptist Preaching at 11 ; subject ,
Jonah. Evening service at 8 , continuing
the sermon on the coming of the Lord.
A most cordial welcome to all.
4 Geo. W. Sheafor , Pastor.
Catholic Mass at 8 o'clock a. m.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. ,
with choir Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. Hickey , Pastor.
Episcopal Morning service at 11:00.
Evening service at 8:00. Sunday school
at 10:00 a. m. Evensong on Wednesdays
at S p. m. A. F. MORGAN ,
General Missionary.
R. A. Russell , Assistant.
Christian Services every alternate
Sunday , commencing with the first Sun
day in May at 11 and 7:30 o'clock in
McConnell hall. Sunday school every
Sunday at 10 o'clock.
Elder C P. Evans , Pastor.
Methodist Sunday school at 10.
Preaching at 11 , subject , The Finished
Work of Christ. Epworth League at 7.
Preaching at 8 , subject , The Moonlight
Ride. Prayer-meeting on Wednesday
evening at S. Bible study on Thursday
evening at 8. A welcome to all.
J. A. Bvdo > j , Pistor.
Congregational Morning theme ,
"Fruit-growing in Southwestern Nebras
ka. " Evening topic , * 'Developing Ideals. ' '
Sunday-school at 10. Endeavor society
at 7 , topic , "Conversion of the World. "
Leader Russell McMillen.
, Prayer-meet
ing Wednesday tveing at S. All are
cordially invited.
Hart L. Preston , Pastor.
Sold Two Quarters.
The "board of county commissioners
were in Lebanon precinct , Wednesday ,
appraising some state school lands.
They sold two quarters : J. W. Hupp
got a quarter in 36-2-26 , and Walter
Devos and Smith 'Lake each bought an
eighty-acre tract out of 16-1-26. The
price is $7 per acre , the minimum al
lowed by law. The matter was closed up
about ten o'clock Wednesday night , the
last day before the new law went into
effect. The commissioners traveled
about sixty-five miles during the day.
The sale now goes to the state board for
final action.
Mrs. G. R. Snyder returned home
with her husbandWednesday night on 3.
E. McCann , formerly of Perry , but
now of Ong , was a city visitor , yesterday.
Miss Lizzie McAdams visited friends
in Lincoln first of the week , returning
home Tuesday night.
KnuTe Augustine was a passenger
on No. 4 Saturday evening for Grand
Island where he will visit friends a few
Rev. G. W. Sheafor expects to enter
upon his summer vacation , next week ,
spending the time at Colorado Springs
with relatives.
E. E. Stayner and wife of Hayes
county were the guests of L.W. Stayner ,
Wednesday. They were en route home
from a visit home , Edgar , and went
up the Imperial line , this morning.
Card of Thanks.
I desire through The Tribune to ex
press to the kind and Christian people of
McCook my grateful thanks for their
kindness and sympathy during my
daughter's sickness and death. Although
a stranger among strange people she
received that care and sympathy that
comes only from loving hands and
Christian hearts , to whom my heart goes
out in gratitude. May God's blessing
rest upon them. Mrs. a. Edwards.
House Paints , Floor Paints ,
Buggy Paints , Wagon Paints ,
Family Paints , Enamel Paints ,
And all kinds Varnish Stains at
H. M. Finity has purchased the John
Whittaker residence on north McDowell
street , which he will occupy middle of
this month. The house he now occupies
will be for rent.
A touring tailor became pugilistically
drunk , last night , and attempted to run
the town. He rested in the bastile over
night and was ordered to vamoose today.
Linen and celluloid collars and cuffs.
Latest styles and best grades.
The Famous Clothing Co.
Wall Paper at McConnell's.
"r- * " • 1 i | .1. . j mi _ . h iin
In Fine Shape.
All things considered the officers and
men of the Western division handled the
largely increased traffic of the Christian
Endeavor excursion specials in fine shape.
Notwithstanding the facts that the divi
sion was short of crews and had to utilize
its motive power fully , the rush and press
of business was carried with but one acci
dent. Of course this was not accom
plished without hard work and much careen
on the part of the officials and employes
in all departments , but the results en
title them to a mead of praise just the
same. The Western division has always
proven itself equal to every emergency
and ever ready to respond promptly to
every demand that can be made upon
its traffic facilities.
A Rank Failure.
Editors' day at Crete was a rank fail
ure , on account of the omission of the
duly appointed committee to make ar
rangements for a programme and the al
most entire absence of editors from the
meeting. The Chautauqua management
performed its part. The lecture of Dr.
Washington Gladden of Columbus , Ohio ,
was excellent , containing much.valuable
suggestion and admonition , having for
its aim and purpose the incitement of
newspapermen to do better , cleaner and
nobler work in their profession. All the
conditions were favorable for an inter
esting , entertaining and creditable day ,
but the two above enumerated. So far as
the editors are concerned it was distinct-
I3 * discreditable.
Helped the School Fund.
Tuesday evening , Gillie.wife of Walter
J. McDonald , manager of Dr. Caun's
Electric Belt Advertising Co. , had her
husband arrested on thecharge ' of drunk
enness and assault. The gentleman ap
peared before Police Judge Berry and
pleaded guilty. He was fined $5 and
costs. He then had his wife arrested on
the charge of assault. The case was
continued until Wednesday morning ,
when McDonald appeared , dismissed the
case and paid the costs , both cases
costing him about twenty dollars.
She Enjoins Him.
Mrs. Sophia Griswold has commenced
an action in the district court enjoining
her husband , J. B. Griswold , from dis
posing of the $700 due from insurance
companies for the loss of the Griswold
home and contents , recently. The par
ties are living apart and an action in di
vorce is progressing. She seeks to en
join him from disposing of the money
until the divorce case is settled.
Rainfall for Six Months.
The total rainfall as reported by the
Burlington for the six months ending
June 30th is S.99 inches. Of which 3.25
inches fell in April , .11 in May and 5.63
in June. Besides there was a total snow
fall of iS inches , 5 inches in February
and 13 in March. The total in other
parts of this county has been much
Died of Consumption.
Mrs. Minnie Marshall of Pacific Junc
tion , Iowa , who has been here for a few-
weeks for her healthdied about 5 o'clock ,
Wednesday afternoon , of consumption.
Her mother and sister were at her bed
side at the last , and they left for Pacific
Junction , Thursday night , with the re
mains , which will be interred there.
A Union Meeting.
The Methodist and Congregational
brethren held a union meeting in the
Methodist church , Sunday evening. The
service was of a patriotic sort , the music ,
addresses , etc. , taking on that color.
The building was crowded and the exer
cises pleasing.
Declared Insane.
The board of insanity , G. C. Boatman ,
W. V. Gage and S. R. Smith , sat on the
case of William B. Flint , Tuesday , and
found said Flint to be a proper person for
confinement in the asylum at Lincoln ,
where the sheriff will shortly take him.
No Violation of Confidence.
It is no violation of confidence to state
that it has been sufficiently sultry , this
week , for all humane or practical pur
poses , the thermometer indicating from
104 to 10S in the shade.
The constituting of Bethel Chapter. O.
E. S. , of Culbertson , takes place this
Friday evening , July 9th. Many of the
members of Eureka Chapter of McCook
will be present. Some will drive up , and
athers will take the evening train.
Hot weather neckwear and hosiery.
See them at the
Famous Clothing Co.
Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , at McMil
len's drug store.
Hammocks at McMillen's drug store.
; i
Wall Paper at McConnell's.
For hail insurance see C. J. Ryan.
Selby can repair your old buggy tops.
Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , at McMil
len's drug store.
Have you been into look at Selby's
harness at the "Bee Hive" ?
1 1
Are you right with the editor on your
subscription ? If not , why not ?
County ticket making is now a harm
less diversion of the politicians. '
Latest novelties in summer wear , at I
reduced prices. I. T. Benjamin. I
Be in the swim. Buy one of those I
wonderful Vive Cameras from H. P. I
Sutton. I
An increase of 54 per month has been
granted Jacob Steinmetz on his present I
A number of city folk enjoyed a picnic > '
at Helm's at the mouth of the Willow , I
Monday. H
It is stated 7.2 inches of rain fell at I
Red Cloud , Saturday aw eek ago within
two hours.
The McCook people are showing unwonted - < B
wonted liberality in patronizing the free H
show , this week. H
New things in men's colored and white H
shirts opened , this week , at the fl
Famous Clothing Co. 9
Selby is now selling his own make of , H
leather suspenders at 40 cents ; same kind M
the old hundred per center is selling at M
60 cents. H
S. M. Cochran & Co. beat 'em all in fl
hog fencing. Get their prices and in- fl
spect their stock. Quality and cost will M
both stand the test. H
We defy competition , quantity and H
quality considered ; Binding twine 5 cts. H
per pound ; Machine oil 30 cts. pergallon M
at Troth's. M
Leave your order for a seasonable suit. H
See our lines of samples. , Quality , fit H
and low prices you can depend upon. H
Famous Clothing Co. M
Remember the social in the Phillips j H
store room , next Tuesday evening , by j H
the Ladies Aid society of the Methodist H
church. Ice cream and cake , and an entertaining - H
tertaining program. H
The only filing in district court , this H
week , was that of The Page Woven Wire H
Fence Co. vs. Olive V. Bower et al. H
Nothing of public moment in the county j H
judge's office , this week. j H
TheDingley tariff bill passed the senate H
on Wednesday by a majority often. And H
now an early agreement may be expected H
by the house , as the division between H
the two branches is said to be not wide. H
The Ladies Guild of the Episcopal H
church will give an ice cream social at H
the Meeker building , next Thursday H
evening , July 15th. Proceeds for the H
benefit of the church. Admission 10c. H
All cordially invited. H
On Monday McCook became an office H
for the issue of international money or- H
ders. McCook is bound to have all the H
accommodations and conveniences possible - H
sible in a city of her class. If you don't H
see what you want , ask for it. H
Dr. Cann's Electric Belt Advertising H
Co. has been playing here all week to H
full tents. Their methods catch the H
crowd and their money as well. And H
they are credited with manufacturing H
lots of fun , besides selling belts etc. H
If we can accept as facts the statements H
made as to the amounts of money taken H
out of the several towns down the valley H
by the electric belt people , they must H
be getting immensely rich. But perhaps H
these stories need to be generously dis- H
counted. j H
The threatened storm , which , however - H
ever , did not materialize , last evening , H
interfered somewhat with the success of H
the social given by the Dorcas society of H
the Congregational church on E. C. Bal- H
lew's lawn ; however , a fair patronage H
was accorded and pleasure had. H
Crash and other linen suits are a decided - H
cided novelty and comfort , when properly - H
perly made , shrunk and fitted by a first- H
class house ; otherwise they are a nuisance - H
ance and constant worry. See our sam- H
pies. Qualities and prices guaranteed. H
Famous Clothing Co. M
On account of the rain , the Ediscope H
and Phonograph entertainments in the M
east ward assembly room , last Friday H
evenimj , were not well attended. The H
Ediscope was like other entertainments H
of that kind , but of different names , but H
the Phonograph was considerably louder H
than those heard here in the past. H