The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 02, 1897, Image 4

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    By F. -KIMMELL. .
RepublicanfJBBj , ] ttesPaPor
Quite a responsible bit of pr
perity lias struck that city , a
Omaha is "looking up , " as it we
The Armour packing hou
to cost a cool million , is now unc
way and means large things j
the packing industry of the sti
of Nebraska.
The recent adoption of the gc
standard by a large number of i
tions has stimulated greatly t
gold production of the wor
Last year's productions were co
sidered phenomenal , but it is n <
quite apparent that those of 18 !
will be far exceeded by those
1897. Presentindications warra
the belief that the mines of i.
world will this year turn out nearer
or quite § 250,000,000 in gold.
In sentencing Ex-State Treasu
er Jos. S. Bartley to twenty yea
in the state penitentiary at hai
labor and pay a fine of § 803,768.9
Judge Baker sought to make tl
j punishment fit the crime. Tl
r justice of the sentence will be re
j ognized and admitted byall. Tl
| supreme court has granted tl
I application for suspension of sei
[ . • tence and admission to bail , penc
\ ing a review of the case on erro :
! and has fixed the bail at § 125,00 (
\ over the objection of the attorne
Plenty of new potatoes.
Corn up here is very clean.
Early cabbage has graced San
McClain's table for nearly a month
Mrs. "Wm. Sharp is the mothe.
of a new boy ; weight 12 pounds
It has been too wet to cultivate
corn up here since last Friday
A gentleman from Sioux City
Iowa , was looking over the country
here , recently.
Thos. Peal intends getting t
thresher and go to beating oui
small grain at a rapid rate.
H. IL Bixler's people are mak
ing preparations for kraut , nexi
winter. Last Saturday they sei
out 2,000 plants.
A lengthy and very interesting
program was carried out on Chil
dren's Day by the Sunday school
at the Coleman school house.
B. E. Thomas of Lyons county ,
Iowa , drove over this county , last
Friday. He thought the country
and crops were immense. They
are about dried up back there. The
largest corn not a foot high and
burning up already. He said the
best crops he had seen were in this
connty. They were far better than
he expected to see.
At the school meeting in district
58 H. Wales was elected modera
tor for three years. A teacher
was selected , who should take
charge of the school for a six-
month term. Preference was ex
pressed pretty freely as to who
should have charge of the school.
It was so plain that the board can
make no mistake as regards the
wishes of the patrons of the school.
Auntie came very near furnish
ing the subject for a first-class fun
eral , the other day. She was on
the point of going to the cellar for
cream for breakfast when she was
unavoidably detained two minutes ,
and during that , time half of thereof
roof of the cellar fell right where
she would have been standing had
she went after cream. It was a
very narrow escape , as the roof
wasdirt and a foot thick.
The Brady children are recov
ing from a siege of the measles ,
A big time is in store for tin
who can stand the racket at I
Elder tomorrow , if it doesn't rn
Another unusually heavy dev
pour of rain Tuesday night v
worry those having grain ready
the reaper.
TV. S. Hanlein writes from G
coma , "Washington that he v >
spend the summer vacation
Vancouver , B. C.
The demand for binders is i
creasing and owners of threshi ;
machines are preparing for t
good time coming.
The heavy rains of last Erid
night and Monday this week ha
somewhat retarded the harvesti ]
of the early small grain.
George Henderson who has bei
down in Knox county during tl
past year returned a few weeks ag
being troubled then with rheum
News is as scarce as it very we
could be. The rain and weathe
growing crops and work are d <
inanding the attention of evei
The baptising services at tL
SVillow , under the directions (
ttev. Yivian and which were ai
lounced to take place next Sunda
lave been posponed till July 17.
Crops in general are now in fin
hape. In fact everything is i
more prosperous and flourishinj
ondition than for a loner tim
nd everyone is correspondingl ;
Plans are now being made to in
ade plum thickets of the nortl
Ken try" this fall Avhere a plenti
il supply of wild fruit is usually
> und and the trip makes a jollj
Jennie Goheen will be our next
lacher for the Divide school ,
he taught here several yean
* o and is remembered here foi
si' amiable and clever manner in
le school room.
Those pesky little grasshoppers
lat were so alarmingly numerous
jring the past month seem to
ive disappeared almost entirely.
ow if the hail goes the other way
ed Willow county should harvest
le grandest crop since ' 91.
Away over beyond the gulch
id the store , up hill and down
de is where James Kinghorn , Sr. ,
res and has besides other attrac
ts a fine orchard. Several of the
> ung people were invited over
ere last Sunday and thoroughly
joyed an abundance of the most
licious cherries that were Justin
ime condition. "Before meetin'
ne" a lot of nice cream and cake
the finest order were served and
d my oh me such a time.
Bixby of the State Journal is
oining our Welty of Eurnas for
preme judge. But Bix is fond
The free silver fellows carried
5 Ohio Democratic state conven-
n by storm. Grover wept.
They don't make much fuss about it. " We
speaking of DeWitt's Little Early Risers ,
famous little pills for constipation , bihous-
5 , and all stomach troubles. They never
> e. A. McMillen.
Buy your fireworks
3 The Bee Hive.
lon't nauseate your stomach with teas and
er herbs , but regulate your Jiver and sick
dache by using : those famous little pills
wn as De\Vitt\s Little Early Risers. A.
Western Star Wash-
' , $4 , at Knipple's.
urninjr , itching- skin diseases instantly re
ed by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , une-
lled for cuts , bruises , burns. It heals
lout leaving- scar. A. McMillen.
eWitt's Witch Haze ! Salve
Cures Piles. Scalds , Burns. I
Orrie Murray of Cambridge v
in town , Tuesday.
Weather permitting this pli
will be largely represented at i
celebration in Indianola.tomorn
A ten and a half pound girl ca
to make her home with Mr. n
Mrs. F. A. Hodgkin , Tuesday , 1
E. Joslin and two of his daug
ters left , Tuesday evening , for
week's visit with friends at Frar
lin , this state.
E. E. Smith had two cars
cattle and one of hogs on the Sou
Omaha market , Tuesday , returni :
Wednesday morning.
O. Frost spent a couple of da
here , first of the week , and left
gain , Tuesday evening for the eas
ern part of the state.
M. W. Duncan , formerly in tl
grain business here and now
Unadilla , this state , visited friem
briefly here on Monday.
E. Hopt witnessed the dran
Esmeralda , given by the class <
97. of the McCook schools at th
place , Friday evening of last wee
Unconscious contact with poise
vy was the cause of Freem. Utt <
: arrying an arm about as big as
at man's leg , a couple of da }
his week.
At the school election , Monda
fternoon , J. E. Hathorn was elect
d director for the full term an
I. W. Clark treasurer for two year
3 fill vacancy.
Mrs. H. F. Tomblin went to Be
trice , last Friday morning , am
aturned , Sunday morning , wit ]
er sou Earl , who has been attend
lg the institute for feeble minde (
\ that place.
Miss Lizzie Williams returnee
om Imperial , Wednesday even
ig of last week , and left on Tues
ly evening of this week for ai
: tended visit with her sister , Mrs
rm. Bently at Edgar , this state ,
Responding to a telegram ivom
s father stating that his mothei
as not expected to live , S. W.
lark departed on 4 , Wednesday
ening , for their home at Council
luffs , Iowa.
A new Moon came to townMon-
ly the 28th , and owing to its pop-
arity the other little Moons are
.ffering a partial eclipse. It is of
e gentler persuasion and Mr.and
rs. E. It. Moon have undertaken
keep it in the path good Moons
ould tread.
Members of the Masonic lodge ,
th their families , participated in
picnic in their hall , Thursday of
st week , and they report a very
sasant time. After dinner the
nual installation of officers was
Id and the following were in-
cted into office for the ensuing
ar : A. G. Keys , W. M. ; W. F.
Her , S. W. ; J. M. Brown , J. W. ;
Grisell , chaplain ; A.L.Cochran ,
sretary ; E. E. Smith , treasurer ;
H. Keys , S. D. ; C. W. Keys ,
D.F. ; F. Tomblin , tyler.
dn last Saturday morning , Dr.
M. Brown was thrown from the
of his windmill tower to the
> und , a distance of about twen-
three feet , and was picked up
jonscious with his right hip dis-
ated and evidences of being in-
ed internally. The doctor had
unted the tower to repair the
eel and as it revolved a broken
tion knocked him from the plat-
tn to the ground. He did not
over consciousness until after-
> n when it was found that his
arnal injuries were not so seri-
i as at first supposed. Dr. W.Y.
gje of McCook was telegraphed
and on his arrival in the even-
set the dislocated hip , and at
sent the doctor is doing as well
sould be expected.
Our cornet band will furni
music for the celebration at Ca
bridge , tomorrow , the 3d. It v
be assisted by Wm. Boucher
Kearney and W. Geo. Sheppard
The strawberry and ice croi
social by the Christian Eiich
society , Wednesday evening ofli
week , was a pronounced succe
from a financial as well as soc
Several oi our farmers are la
ing by corn , this week.
Marvin Jones and family a
visiting his brother Frank at Tre
ton , this week.
News scarce this week as ever
body is busy watching crops grc
and thinking about the good tin
coming in the fall when the
gather their crops.
Bevs.H.H.Beriy and J. M. Be
will preach at the Pleasant Bidg
3chool house on Sunday , July tl
Llth , at 11 o'clock A. M. and i
the Everist school house at3 P. ] \
There are plenty grasshoppei
m the small grain in this vicinitj
Some of farmers here say they ai
lot doing any damage and som
> redict that thev will soon b
lumerous enough to destro
iverything green.
We think The Tribune had bet
er send the artist to school awhile
s that old gentleman that buy
is stationery from The Tiubunj
3 decidedly ugly , to say nothing o
f the other photograph in las
'eek's paper. I'd hate to be an edit
r , And have my picture took , By i
ewspaper artist , If that's the waj
ley look.
Buy your fireworks
, t The Bee Hive.
Vim , vigor and victory : these are the char
teristics of DeWitt's Little Early Risers , the
mous little pills for constipation , biliousness
d all stomach troubles. A. McMillen.
Fine showers , Monday and Tues-
* y-
Bye is about ready to harvest ,
id is generally good.
C. E. Boatman went to McCook ,
onday , to get a binder.
O. L. Thompson aud family vis
it ! friends near McCook , Sunday.
Grasshoppers are damaging the
iieat badly in this neighborhood.
Austin Dutcher and family of
liltoii visited at J. H. Wade's
mday afternoon.
On account of sickness and death
the neighborhood the Children's
ay exercises were postponed un-
last Sunday , when an excellent
ogram was rendered to a full
Last Thursday abont twenty of
3 neighbors treated B. M. Wade
a regular old-fashioned surprise
fty , in honor of his G9th birth-
y. All brought well filled bas
is and a general good time was
Buy your fireworks
) The Bee Hive.
heals everything but a broken heart may
aid of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Piles
rectal diseases , cuts , burns , bruises , tetter ,
: ma and all skin troubles may be cured by
lickly and permanently. A. McMillen.
ghesV Honors World's Fair ,
ire Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free ;
Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant , ,
Lee Sommors killed three cc
otes , recently.
D. J. Osborn has harvestec
good crop of alfalfa.
Some oE M. L. Brown's corn
the Willow was under water.
The Willow was out of its ban
in some places after the rain , Si
urday morning.
The farmers are delayed som
what in their corn cultivating <
account of wet weather.
Henry Carothers and son Erai
have purchased a harvester in pai
nership for the coming harvest.
Eev. E. J. Vivian of Box Eld
will hold service at Zion Hill chun
Due week from next Sunday nigl :
Let the correspondents not fo
jet The Tribune in their but
: ime but put forth every effort
ind some item of interest for i
nany readers.
Another good rain , Monda ;
3rops are looking fine. Rye ha :
resting has begun. E. Traphage
s cutting his rye , and A. Prentic
rill commence soon.
There wero2 inches of rainfal
iaturday morning last , and during
be storm lightning struck th
ouse of G- . Phillips doing bn
mall damage. No one was livin <
i the house.
School meeting in district 7 <
assed off very quietly , reelecting
' . Carothers as treasurer for torn
E three years. There will be si :
lonths school for the next year
nnraencing the first of Sept.
Mrs. W. H. Epperly gave hei
lions such a hoeing during the
y weather that it came near ios-
g the crop , but with a barrel oi
• o of water for irrigation and
ith the rain , they will be saved.
K you want Fruits
o where they are
ept. At Knipplc's ,
There is a time for everything ; and the time
attend to a cold is when it starU. Don't
it till you have consumption but prevent it
using One Minute Cough Cure , the great
tiedy for cough , colds , croup , bronchitis and
throat and lung troubles. A. McMillen.
The Electric Belt show is still
The Loornis sisters visited their
it teacher , Miss Lena Beck , Sat-
The Fourth comes on the 3rd
s year. Come to Indianola and
.y all day.
Bennie Beck is spending this
ek with the Bogers family at
adeland farm.
Wheat is fine in these parts : so is
n. Let us be happy and stand
for Nebraska.
it the school meeting , Monday
; ht , J. W. Dolan and C. S. Quick
re elected trustees for 3 years.
Leon , son of C. H. Russell , was
en very sick , last week. Dr.
: en of Wymore was wired for
nsel. We are glad to report
t he is better.
Dr. G. A. Hobson died , last Sat-
ay morning , the funeral being
il on Sunday afternoon. The
30ns had charge of the services. ,
i sermon was delivered by Rev. ,
: ner.
Irs. Babcock and Mrs. Davis
Lincoln , directors of the Home
the Friendless , were here on
urday , on business connected
i the home. They returned on
lundav mornins : .
) ur people are expecting a big '
a the 3rd. With the McCook {
id it will be a success if we have
ling else. * Capt. Adams is ex-
: ed to deliver the oration. In the
rnoon there will be a game of
and other amusements. I
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its gr U lenvening
strength and liealthftilness. Assures the
food against alum ntitl all forms of adul
teration common to the cheap brands.
Royat , Baking Powder Co. , Niw '
Reasons Why Chamberlain's Colic. '
Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy Is the Best.
1. Beause it affords almost instant relief in
: ase of pain in the stomach , colic and cholera
2. it is the only remedy that never
ails in the most severe cases of dysentery and
3. Kecausc it is the only remedy that will
aire chronic diarrhoea.
4. lieciuse it is the only remedy that will ,
irevent 1'ilious colic.
5. Hecause it is the only remedy that will
lire epidemical dysentery. -
6. Itecause it is the only remedy that can |
I ways he depended upon in cases of cholera
7. ISecause it is the most prompt and most
sliable medicine in use for bowel complaints.
S. Because it produces no bad results.
9. Hecause it is pleasant and safe to take.
10. Because it has saved the lives of more
eople than any other medicine in the world.
The 25 and 50c. sizes for sale by 1 , . \ VMc
' onnell & Co. , Dru jjist * .
Go where Fru its are
o he found. Thsit is
it Knipple's , the lea ti
ng' grocer , sure.
"Last summer one of ourrrand-children was
: k with severe bowel troubIe. "says Mrs.K.C.
refjory , of Fredcrickstown , Mo. "Our doe
r's remedy had failed , then we tried Cliam-
xlam's Colic.Choleraand Diarrhoea Remedy
Inch cave very speedy relief" . For sale Ly I
W. McConnell & Co.Drugnists. M
Try that 15 cent box
aper at This Tkibuke
flice. Worth 25 els.
Jso cheaper grades.
Mr. C. L. I Iasbrouck , a druggist at Mention , *
ich.says all of the good testimonials that 1
ve been published by the manufneturer of
lamberla m's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
rmedy could be duplicated in that town. i
t sale by L.\V. McConnell & Co. , Druggist. M
A § 7.50 Churn for
5 , tli e eel eh rated Oy-
lone , at Knipple's. 4.
- * J
1 ou may hunt the world over and you will
find another medicine equal to Chamber- 1
i's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy 1
bowel complaints. It is pleasant.safeand
able. For sale by L.V. . McConnell & Co. ,
Full line Crockery
b Knipple's.
aim Griffin of Zanesville , O. , says : "I never
: d a day for thirty years without suffering J
ny , until a box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel 'T
ve cured my piles. " For piles and rectal > 1
ibles , cuts , bruises , sprains , eczema and all 1
i troubles DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is t
quailed. A. McMillen. |
Inavale cheese , very J
tie , at Knipple's. A
crave but One Minute , " said the public
aker in a husky voice ; and then he took a
: of One Minute Cough Cure , and proceed-
vith his oratory. One Minute Cough Cure
icqualled for throat and lung troubles. A.
F. D. Bukgkess , 9
Plumber and \
Steam Fitter 4
Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass fa S
ioods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings Z _ _
gent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse \ J
Windmills. Basementof the Meeker. 9 V
'hiilips building 1
Palace Meat Market * r 1
Two doors south of yjT fl
Commercial Hotel. < gp _
A. CARSON , Proprietor. | | J |
? 9
Everything usually in _
a First Class Market will W _ _
be found here. j | _ _
leave Orders for Milk Here * & jl
Vitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , ' 1
leawnt. Quick Results. Sale to take. 1