The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 18, 1897, Image 7

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    / ' ' < i wi.iiLMM l . . : - . ,
1 Periodical Sick Headaches.
f '
H V or Jntcreat to Women , Wecuuso In This
H -J' * " o They Proceeded From an All-
H ' mem ' .
i'ecullar to the Scz.
1" From the Hcrald-Dcmocrat. Huron , S. D.
KMA few years since , J. "W. Kcllcy came to
Hi ? Huron , South Dakota , from Osceola , Iowa ,
Hjri aud Purchased an interest in the Huron
' ' if * * ' 't'V 5i1 * ! in immensc structure , having a
Bf capacity of 200 barrels of flour per day.
HMp ° ° a after his arrival Mr. Kcllcy's family
Pjjp removed here and some months later they
gt ? "were joined by their son Elmer and family ,
l he having purchased an interest in the con-
cjb ccrn , and the Arm became known as J. "W.
Hgfft Kelley & . Son. Since their arrival they
Kft < t have built up an immense trade for their
gb patent roller flower , and ship many carloads
K ( every month to eastern and other markets.
HHI When they came to Huron , Mrs , J. * W.
Hfigr Kelley was in very delicate health and the
v4si change of climatcand onditions seemed to
Uk benefit her. But thef relief proved only
H'V ? . temporary , however , for after a few months
4 1 residence here she lapsed into the same in-
H& Ann physical condition that had been her
Ef . lot for then nearly twenty years. Her ail1
* | \ merits were those peculiar to women , and
fWi which women alone can best understand.
Hff , la addition to these troubles Mrs. Kelley
H ' was a sufferer from acute sick headache.
Kl Tliis would come upon her at intervals of
m $ about two weeks , continuing for two , three
H | > or four days , much of the time compelling
J. her to keep to her bed. Because if her
Mf affliction she was quite unable to do her
k housework , visit her neighbors or attend
Hr church. This worried her greatly , for slio
BiK is a devout Christian and lives according
K'i' to her profession. As Rev. B. Ji. Burtt ,
HlJjinstor of the Congregational Church , to
H > V' ' which Mrs. Kelley belong ? , said of her one
ml\ evening at the close of service :
HujA "Mrs. Kelley is indeed a true mother in.
Hr | \ Israel ; she is conscientious and earnest ,
Bft faithful and devoted a Christian in tno
| truest sense of the term. "
H- / -In replying to inquiries touching her case
B f Mrs. Kelley said :
HBBl/jr "I am sixty j'ears of age , and was born in
Hti Incw York state , where I lived for fourteen
* f years , then removed with my parents to
H Bj x , Miclikran , living there about the same nnm-
Hf \ bcr of years , then went to Iowa , remaining
H * there till we came here four years ago or
Ha [ more. 1 have been troubled with weaknesses
Hg peculiar to my sex for the past twenty-five
B < years. During that time my husband has
Bk\ expended a large amount of money feeing
B" physicians and buying remedies , but 1 found
H. ' little rejicf. Physicians told me the womb
HjA "was badly disarranged and no permanent
1 V relief could be afforded till the change of
H ; i life had fully taken place. In this tBey ,
- 1 like myself , were disappointed. To add to
> , icy other troubles a headache , painfull } *
Hp sickening wpuld come upon me about every
Hf two weeks. I became quite discouraged
R\ 'ind for a time ceased doctoring almost en-
ft < 0 > , tirely ; I had lost faith in the science of
HJf medicine , both of the old school and new ,
Bp , and cared to expend no more money in that
HBH K way.
tm&td' & "About a year ago my son read in some
J newspaper an advertisement of Dr. Wil-
Hf \ liams' Pink Pills , and urged me to try them.
H Sc 1 hesitated because I had tried so many
H & [ } > patent medicines without securing the
B * ( much sought and long hoped for relief. But
B IP G insisted so strongly that I finally def -
f cided to give them a trial. Almost from
a the first 1 experienced relief , and after
V using the first box a change for the better
was so apparent that I took courage and
continued to use them strictly according to
directions , until a short time since. I am
so much better , as any one can see. that I
have gradually discontinued their use. I
take them now , but not regularly. 1 am a
firm believer in Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills ,
I and have no hesitancy in recommending
them to any who may be similarly afflicted
as myself. What they have done for me
they will do for others. 1'
, ' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain , in a
* condensed form , all the elements necessary
to give new life and richness to the bleed and
" if * J restore shattered nerves. They are an un-
BkM failing specific for such diseases as locomotor
HI \ ataxia , partial paralysis. St. Vitus' dance ,
HHR : sciatica , neuralgia , rheumatism , nervous
BJT\i headache , the after effects of la grippe , pal-
HW Jts * pitation of the heart , pale and sallow com-
Hl jpT \ ] ) lexions , all forms of weakness cither in
Bif/ male or female. Pink Fills are sold by all
HlKC , { dealers , or will be sent post paid on receipt
H Kyi < of price , 50 cents a box , or six boxes for
HHE$2.50 ( they arc never sold in bulk or by the
H 300) , by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine
HHL Company. Schenectady , N. Y.
K $ > > o Mylo There.
Bgj , Little Miss Brickrow We're livin'
B ? in a very stylish and exclusive Tboard-
Ey ing house.
HL Little Miss Backcourt Huh ! You
Bjk can 't make anybody believe that.
Hpr Little Miss Brickrow Why not ?
R/ • Little Miss Backcourt You're too
Bf fat.
B Beautiful Stones to Be Seen at the
fi Diamond Palace.
B , Every day in the week and every
P\V hour in the day one can see crowds
bg&T around the show windows of THE
Hjr cause of it all is the now widely known
HL White Topaz. The White Topaz , or
| E : carbonated diamonds , have come to be
HT recognized as the nearest thing on
B earth to genuine diamonds , so near in-
Bt deed is it that the proprietors of the
BvT DIAMOND PALACE do not hesitate to
\ place real diamonds in their windows
, amidst their display of White Topaz ,
| and allow the public to pick them out
V at the selling price of the Topaz.
The latter stones have all the lovely
L brilliancy of the diamonds , sparkling
Ei U steadily and with -wonderful fire. The
j | thousands of these * stones in the win-
w' dews forms one of the most gorgeous
f\ \ displays and has proven an attraction
f\i \ -which is one of the features of Chi-
cago. (
In order to find out the advertising
medium best suited to their business ,
w Ibis enterprising concern offers to send
V a genuine White Topaz to all those
wp\ . -who will cut out and send them their
B [ advertisement , which appears else-
S Avhere in this paper , together with 25c
IB in stamps.
% euccessful institutions , has many imi-
-mk tators , who endeavor to sell cheap
W rhinestones and other pastes claiming
B ' they are topaz. We caution the pub-
Jk lie to be careful , as THE DIAMOND
M * PALACE , American Express building ,
% Chicago , are the sole importers of these
§ stones-
K ) Old Thlneas Stnart's Fishing : Tarty.
m ) Phineas Stuart of Livingston county.
\ > Jlich. , has just celehrted the 103d aa-
* > nivereary of his birth by giving a fish-
M ing party , at which he himself was
\ present.
i T \ Piso's Cure for Consumption is the best
tM , \ of all cough cures. Geonre W. Lotz , Fa-
| TC \ L-ucher , La. , August 2G , 1S95.
V V Everybody likes fun , but no one has
V J jnuch of it.
K To Cora Constipation Forever.
t Take CascareTs Candy Cathartic. 10c orSSa
fr If C C. C. fall to cure , druggists refand moaer.
W * The dog"is mentioned thirty-three
B -tames in the Bible
wiwi WiWiUm , \ , mi 1 1 njfiULi ' * •
By Amy Randolph. .
S3 fie OUNG folks are
/s lffifcw 6UCa fools ! " said
tePlff Aunt Huldah Petti- *
" " XJJU bone , with acri-
C vCp monv' "Married
1 L indeed ! What does
I \ \ < * UW.indeed
if )2V ) wi our Katle want t0
'jlwf tydK th a good home
v y and a steady place
J P ' as a typewriter ?
Here have I lived
these ) five and fifty years without getting -
ting | married , of even thinking of it
and Katie , at nineteen , is engaged1' !
Neighbor Jackson smiled. He
thought I , judging from her pronunciation -
tion j of the last word , that Aunt Huldah
Pettibone would have made no contemptible -
temptible ' actress. And as he mentally
contrasted 1 Katie Fielding's blooming
cheeks < and violet eyes with Aunt Hul-
dan's Roman nose and , her sallow com-
pleion he didn't at all wonder that the.
old 1 lady had lived here five and fifty
years without an eligible offer of mat-
"Young folks will be young folks , "
said he , indulgently.
"And fools will be fools , " sharply
supplemented Aunt Huldah. "It's nothi
. ing against this man who is coming
philandering after Katie , but I dare
say he's a poor , miserable , shiftless
fellow , no better than the rest of 'em.
I'd like to see the one that could fool
me ! "
! "So should I , " I thought , but did not
saj * . Neighbor Jackson , as he took up
the basket of pearl-white , new-laid
eggs for which he had been waiting ,
} and departed across the winding
meadow path , while Aunt Huldah , returning -
turning } diligently to her dish-wasll-
ing , pondered with renewed earnest
ness ] as to the general folly and sentimentality -
mentality of the present degenerate
age. ;
All of a sudden , however , glancing
up , she saw a nose flattened against the
window-pane the nose belonging to
a tall rubicond , not ill-looking man
of , some forty years of age.
"Go away , " said Aunt Huldah.
"Why , Huldah Pettibone , " uttered
a ; mildly insinuating voice , "have youi
forgotten me ? Me , Hiram Pearson.
that went to Californy twenty-odd
years ago ? "
"La * sakes alive ! " said Aunt Huldah.
"And here you're back again , like a
bad < penny , eh ? "
. "I'm back agin , sartin , " said Mr.
Pearson. "About the bad penny busi
ness ] , I won't take it upon me to swear.
Bnt I always was a truth-teller , and
I'm ready , free and frank , to own up
that I've corns back for the very same
reason 1 that I went away ! "
. "La ! " said Aunt Huldah. "And what
was that ? "
"Can't you guess it , Huldah ? " in
quired , Mr. Pearson , with a look of in
describable ( languishment in his little ]
gray ! eyes.
"I never was no hand at conundrums - ]
drums , " said Aunt Huldah , dryly.
"Then I may as well speak it out '
for ] love of you ! " said Mr. Pearson. [
"Get out ! " said Aunt Huldah.
"And I don't care who knows it , "
added the valiant lover. "I've been ' '
in i the peddling business , but I could
pay ' no 'tention to it. all along , of -
thinking ' of you. And I've tried the '
t I
iff yvmsBi Phi
lightning-rod agency , but there ain 't
no lightning could electrify you out
of my mind. So. here I be , Huldah
Pettibone , with my heart in my hand ,
and you may take it , or you may
trample it under foot , just whichever
you please ! "
"That's all nonsense , " said Miss
Pettibone , not without an incipient
simper at the corner of her lips.
"And now. " pleasantly added the
middle-aged lover , "I've opened a for
ty-nine cent store at Cranch's Corners ,
but I can't put no sperit into my busi
ness so long as I'm thinking of you.
There now ! "
Miss Huldah could not but smile.
Even fifty-five years old there was a
certain satisfaction in being made love
to !
"I'll defy Dr. Rosebury to say I nev
er had a beau after this , " thought she ,
but she only said , with a toss of the
head : "Ef you can leave off sulking
long enough , you'd better come in and
have a bite of something to eat and
a cup of cold coffee. "
"I don't care nothin' about eating , "
said Mr. Pearson , but , nevertheless , he
entered and made a good meal. And
af tenards he sat down in' the parlor
and retold his marvelous California
experience to Miss Huldah , and ex
plained to her the wonderful financial
successes of forty-nine cent stores In
general and his in particular.
• "I'm bound to be a millionaire before
I die , " said he , "but , all the same , I
shan't enjoy a cent of my monej' , Hul
dah , if you don't enjoy it , too ! "
. "Nonsense , " said Miss Huldah.
I But Mr. Pearson , who had succeeded
, In getting hold of her hand , gave it a
goutle squeeze by "way of answer ,
which expressed a world , 6T tender
At the week's end Katie Fielding ,
who always came home of a Saturday
afternoon , to keep her Aunt Huldah
company until Monday morning , ran
Into | the buttery , where the old lady
was ccrewlng down her patent jars ol
canned blackberries.
"Why , Aunt Huldah ! " she cried , rosy
and breathless , "who on earth Is that
old loafer smoking his pipe in the back
garden j ? I never was so startled In
my life as when I saw him ! "
"Old loafer , indeed ! " cried Aunt Hul
dah , bristling up. "I'm sure , Catherine
Fielding ] , I don't know who you could
ha ] * seen. The gentleman as smokes
once ( In a while out there is Mr. Hi
ram } Pearson , the rick merchant , as is
just settin' up business at Cranch's
\ Corners you've heard of the Forty-
Nine Cent Store there , haven't you ?
All : thecountry's a-talkin * about it.
It's a-goin' to revolutionize commerce
and Mr. Hiram Pearson's a-goin' to
be ] your uncle ! "
. "What ! " cried Katie , with wide-open
blue eyes. "You never mean to tell
me , Aunt Huldah , that "
"Yes , " said Aunt Huldah , "I'm goin'
to 1 be married. Why shouldn't I ? Miss
Burdett Coutts got married , and I'm
a i good ten years younger than she is.
And he's loved me faithfully this thir
ty-odd 1 years and I'm to be a lady and
keep 1 a pianny and a hired gal and a
canary < bird all of my own ! "
Katie knew not what to say. She
stood i gazing at her aunt in breathless
surprise : and dismay.
"Dear Aunt Huldah , " said she , "do
let 1 me understand. Are you really in
earnest < ? Have you actually made up
your ; mind to this important step in
life ] during the one week in which I
have ] been absent from you ? "
"Yes , I have , " said Aunt Huldah ,
giving a screw to the last jar of black
berries ] which cracked it half way down
the i side. "So there ! "
And then she related the whole story
of ( Mr. Pearson's long and constant
love ] , his financial successes , and the
great j enterprise now in process of com
pletion ] at Cranch's Corners.
"And , of course , " added unsuspecting
ing Miss Huldah , "I considered it a
very great privilege to be able to in
vest my little savings in a business
like ] that , as is sure to return at least
a hundred per cent. And I told Hiram
that you had some money in the savings
ings bank at only four per cent that
you would be glad to place with him
if "
"Not if I know it ! " cried Katie , with
spirit. "Dear Aunt Huldah , stop and
consider ! The very looks of this man
proclaim him to be a swindler ! Has
he given you any security for all this
money ] ? "
"Security ! " cried Aunt Huldah.
"What security do I need ? Ain't we
to be married just as soon as I can get
my wedding dress made ? "
"But you never have given him your
money ! "
"Why shouldn't I ? " said Aunt Hul
dah. "Yes. I have. And I'm to have
cent-per-cpnt interest for it , once the
Forty-nine Cent Store gets well under
way. But it ain't that so much , " she
added , with elderly bashfulness , "as it
is that we love each other me and
Hiram. You 11 like him , Katie , when
once you get acquainted with him. He
ain't no insignificant whiffet like
Abram Holley , your young man ! Make
haste and help me to get out the best
table-cloth he's to take tea here to-
nigh W"
"But you'll let me consult Abram
Holley about the matter , Aunty , "
pleaded Katie. "He's a lawyer , you
know : he'll understand "
"I don't consult nobody but myself , "
said Miss Pettibone , loftily. "I'm a
phrenologer , and a physiognomer and
a judge of people's character. And
I've knowed Hiram Pearson more
years than you've been born ; so just
dish up the apple-sauce , and leave off
talking , while I go out and call Hiram
to tea ! "
"Dear , dear , " said Katie sadly to herI I
self , as she poured the stewed sweet
apples into the blue-edged bowl which
would have crazed a votary of the
ceramic art. 'What a tool Aunt Hul
dah is ! To think of getting married at
her age ! "
But Aunt Huldah called and called
and only echo replied.
"How provoking , " said Miss Petti
bone. "He must be gone to the post-
office. "
If he had , however , the postoffice was
a long way off , for Mr. Hiram Pearson
never came back. Neither did Aunt
Huldah's coupon bonds , her little bag
of gold eagles , nor her five one hundred
dollar bank notes , which he had so
kindly offered to invest. And , upon in
quiry being made at Cranch's Corners ,
the Forty-nine Cent Store was found
to be but a vision of Hiram Pearson's
fertile brain.
And Aunt Huldah was left to bewail
herself in tears and impecuniosity. Not
even the neighbors sympathized with
her. They only smiled shrewdly at one
another , and said , under their breath :
"No fool like an old fool. " New
York Ledger.
Scotland's Fast Train.
It is now claimed that the Caledon
ian early morning train from Carlisle
to Aberdeen is the fastest train in
the world. An expert in speed
who made the trip says that for twen
ty miles the average was 72.S miles
an hour , and for two miles 8L6. The
whole performance is described as the
ordinary work now on the Caledo
nian , and far in excess of English
times. The engine was the Duna-
lastair , which , in addition to large cyl
inders , has the largest boiler of any
locomotive in Great Britain. In ten
years the Caledonian has reduced t.he
time from Carlisle to Aberdeen from
7 hours 32 minutes to 4 hours and 31
A "XTax Sprlr/j.
"I believe that Utah will one day
produce more mineral wealth than any
state in the entire country , " remarked
a gentleman who had at one time made
a tour of the country. "When I waa
in the then territory , I made a prospecting -
pecting trip Into the Uintah' reservation -
tion , located In the northeastern cor
ner of the state. During the trip my
self and partner came upon one of the
most remarkable curiosities In the west ,
a spring of mineral wax. Enough had
bubbled out upon the surface of the
ground to have satisfied the demand
for ten years. It was then worth S4
a pound , and was used for the insulat
tion of electric wires , yet there was
enough in sight at half the price to
have made us two rich for life , if we
could have carried it to market. Two
things stood in the way the mandate
of the government and the difficulty of
transporting the stuff overland some
several hundred miles into Provo. One
of these days the reservation will be
turned into the public domain and the
wealth It contains will flow into some-
body's pockets. As it is now , not a
soul is permitted to trouble a single
one of its resources. Well , we passed
on and left the spring with a sigh that
might have been heard at 'Frisco. "
New Orleans Times-Democrat.
The editor of thi puper advises his
readers that a free package of Peruviana ,
the best kidney and liver cure on earth , will
be delivered FREE to any sufferer , if written -
ten for promptly. Peih'viaxa Remedv Co. ,
2SG 5th St. . Cincinnati. Ohio.
Tacifie's Level Bottom.
The bottom of the Pacific between
Hawaii and California is said to be so
level that a railroad could be laid for
500 miles without the grade anywhere.
This fact was discovered by the United
States surveying vessels engaged in
making soundings with the view of lay
ing a cable.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure. Price , 75c.
Understood at Last.
An old Scotch lady , who had no rel
ish for modern church music , was ex
pressing her dislike of the singing of
an anthem in her own church one day ,
when a neighbor said : "Why , that is a
very old anthem. David sung that an
them to Saul. " To this the old lady re
plied : "Weel , weel , I nee for the first
time understand why Saul threw his
javelin at David when the iad sung
for him. " Exchange.
Educate Tour Bowels With Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic , cure constipation forever.
10c. If C. C. C. fail , drugffists refund money.
" \ any Midi Furnaces.
"Furnace * ' is a g-eographical name
not unusual in the Atlantic coast re
gion just below Mason and Dixon's
line. In many instances the actual
furnace is a mere tradition , but sixty
or seventy years ago many such fur
naces were built to smelt the bog-iron
ore usual in all that region. It was
once profitable to smelt this ore , but
the marvelous abundance and cheap
ness of iron deposits elsewhere have
made it impossible to carry on the
old furnaces.
Hcccman'n Camphor Ice vrlth Glycerine.
The original and only frcnuine CureChap.til Hands
and Face , Coldborey , < fcc. C. G.Clark &Co.X.HaveuCt.
"Long Raisns in France.
While the reign of Victoria has been
longer than that of any of her pre
decessors on the English throne , there
have been monarchs who have sur
passed even her phenomenal record.
Louis XIV. of France reigned for sev
enty-two years and Louis XV. , his suc
cessor and grandson , held the throne
for fifty-nine years. Thus two succes
sive menarchs reigned for the extraor
dinary period of 131 years.
Tilrs. "tVinslotv-s Soothing Sjrop
For children tcptliinp.'of tenllieimini. . reduce * inflam
mation , allays pam , cures ind colic. 25 centi a bottle-
Not a Mascot.
"What is this I hear about you
making a good deal of money at the
race track lately ? I never would
have believed it. " '
"It is so , though , " ' replied Jonah
H. Hoodoo. "There are a half dozen
fello ws paying me every day not to
bet on their horses. * * Cincinnati
If you are ' 'dead tired" ' tone up your
sybtem with Dr. Kay's Renovator. See ad.
A drunkard's idea of a smart man is
one 1 who doesn 't toueh liquor.
Holds the world's record for
loig-dis' fust running.
li is cool
in Colorado.
The real difference be
tween the summer temper
ature of Colorado and that
of Iowa or Nebraska is
only about ten degrees.
The apparent difference
is about thirty degrees.
July is the best month to
r : * i li visit Colorado In July the
J 3S729nH temperature is jnst right ,
{ llUllfiTUinfl t xe mountain resorts filled.
W wiUKtm with pleasure-seekers , and
WlliIlllTnBH t le cost ° * " reachhiK them
MJeUiuSH little more than half as
i k msji great as is ordinarily the
Write for information
about rates and tram ser
vice. Also for advertising
matter descriptive of Manitou -
itou , GHenwood Springs ,
Estes Park , Stc.
S. FRANCIS , General Passenger Agent ,
Omaha , Neb.
1 HALL'S I : |
Vegetable Sicilian
Beautifies and restores Gray
Hair to its original color and
vitality ; prevents baldness ;
cures itching and dandruff. '
A fine hair dressing.
E. P. Hall & Co. . Trops. , Ncshua , N. H-
Sold by all Druggists.
t I ' ' L J " 1JI • J " " ' " , "linn I . . _ . . . .tlM. ii" WJ pPI'f ' L' ' i i
. - - . . , / k.Jr , , , , ,
[ t | | | [ n | | _ l i , , , _ , „ , , , | M |
Burlington Konte Only S22.SO to Nan
June ! 29 to July H , account -tional
convention Christian Kudeavorers.
Special trains. Through tourist and
} palace sleepers. Slop-overs allowed at
and west of Denver. Return via l'ort-
lend ] , Yellowstone Park and lilack
llllls if debired.
Kndeax'orers and their friends who
take the llurlington Route are guar
anteed a quick , cool and comfortable
journey j , fine scenery ( by daj'light ) and
first class equipment.
. Berths are reserved and descriptive
literature furnished on request. See
nearest 1 $ . & M. R. R. ticket agent or
write to J. Francis , G. I * . A. , Burling
ton Route , Omaha , Neb.
Tit for Tat.
They are telling this story of how
Prince 3 Bismarck came to choose Dr.
Schweninger I for his personal phy
sician : At their first interview the
prince 1 lost his temper and growled.
"Don't ask so many questions , " to
which Schweninger replied , "What you
need is a horse doctor ; he asks no
questions. " Whereupon Bismarck
scowled ' and presently tugged at the
bell. 1 The doctor was in doubt as to
whether he was not to be shown out
into I the street. But the command Avas ,
"Fetch the doctor ' s things from the
station. " New York Tribune.
Slinlcn Into Your Shoes.
Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder for the
feet. It cures painful , swollen , smart
ing : feet and instantly takes the sting
out 1 of corns and bunions. It is the
greatest j comfort discovery of the age.
Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting
or ( new shoes feel easy. It is a certain
cure < for sweating , callous and hot ,
tired j , aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold
by ' all druggists and shoe stores. By
mail ' for 25c in stamps. Trial package
FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted , he
Roy , N. Y.
It Didn't Fit Anybody There.
"How do vou like j'our new minis
ter ? "
"Very much , indeed. He preached
a stirring sermon to-day. "
• • Yes ? "
"Yes. It was a denunciation of the
self-righteous , the pharisaical , the
envious , the speakers of evil , the cov
etous , the wealth worshippers in
short , it was a fine effort What a
pity that none of the people to whom
it was aDplied were at church to hear
jt ! _ N. Y. Press.
A Stout llackhone
Is as essential to physical health as to polit
ical consistency. For weakness of the back ,
lheurnatism , and disorders of the kidneys ,
the tonic and dietetic action of Hostetter's
Stomach Hitters is the one thins needful.
The stomach is the mainstay of every other
orsan. and by invigorating the digestion
with this preparation , the spinal column and
all its dependencies , are sympathetically
strengthened. The dyspeptic and bilious
will find it a pure vegetable stimulant and
A Marked College.
Dukane : "The college which will attract - ' >
tract the most attention this year does '
not possess a football team. " Gaswell : i
"Oh , nonsense ! " "It's a fact. " "What ; | I
college do you refer to ? " "The elector
al college. " Pittsburg Chronicle-Tele- 1
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Lite Away. I I
To quit tobacco easily and forever , be magnetic - J
netic , full of life , nerve and vigor , take o-To- -
Bac. the womler-workt-r. that makes weak
men strong. All druggists , fOc or SI- Cure I
guaranteed. Booklet and sample free. Address !
Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or New York. I
Some people laugh like amateur singers - I
ers trying to run the scales. '
FITS Perr anent ! > Cured. J cifit ornervoii5ncssartei
first day s Use or L r. Klme s ( iriatNerve Kesturcr
Send tor FREE S"i.OO trial bottle and treatise.
Di : . n. li. Kline. J.tAt.Ul Arch St. . Philadelphia , Pa.
Probably every man has made an '
honest effort to talk less , and failed.
The ! best , at half the price ; all crocers will re- '
fund.your jnoucy It you are not satisfied.
It is pretty hard to decide on the
meanest ' man you ever knew.
Everyone is more of a crank than he
is ] willing to admit. !
j _
- mJm i
iThere is a I § 1
iGlass of Peopte | ! if
i % if
Who arc injured by the use s | l
+ of coffee. Recently there * f& | |
J has been placed in all the T JII
grocery stores a new preJ 1 j j
t paratioa called GRAIN-O , % 3J |
mads o 'f pure grains , that T . jI
takes the place of colToe. y II
+ The most delicate stomach X Jl
J receives it without distress , T jl
and but few can tell it from " • II
< " il
. $ nffce. It does not cost over r II
. 4 * l
inasmuch. Children may |
drink it with great benefit. - II
< 3 > 15 cents and -5 cents per . . !
$ package. Try it. Aslc for II
Try Graira = 0 ! | l |
/JfOnared / hot l J'W W
Mq day Hires $ s - l m
V Rootbeer = - J > = I
i ) stands be- ( / r J5T ;
% tween you ' " ? / , , , < . < '
landthedisYf li j I
ft tressmg ef- • / / . . ; \ y ' M M
GJ fects of the heat.
ISiootlseeff | I
ft cools the blood , yj H
? * | j ll ? toiies the stom- ® SJ H
I J&l ach , invigorates III H
/W\ the bed - v * fuI1y | I
1 $ [ Js ) satisfies the thirst. X > \ M
\ \ YAdelicious.spark \ - m M
vyu I ling , temperance H
J Hrf ] drink of the highflfl / / [
' /j l est medicinal value. V ? H
J 11 Mtdr on'r b- UC * H
J I j I The Cliarlu K. Hires Co , Vhilx. Mk M
li ( ( A jocta e maV1 c " 0LJ. ) " } j * * fl
f I I A Sold cterTthcre. aS H
I S75 S50 • H
"Western 1vhcel ? "Works B
S i600 s < csna Hud nhrcla. All B
g vTA jjViilaf-es. UooOASSZr. tZlotli. H
ATf \ \ % . 0 J33 & . > ewlugn Urade'20model * , H
Ax\\ 1//b\ A \f7ft'uUypu'iraatcr < Jsifl225- *
fh iy'S i\i\Sl > ecial Vlrarlnrj Sale. * * * M
K" * - a tia3lstp inywherc on approval. H
rTJx SF ? K2SS7/RVOJ C " " * , niET.a r ronitVa-nl , |
IVx/jl\ VJ /r < sH < S Vjia'afktar3 " * " . " • ! ' ampV I > I H
> ry/fh\\/5r \ Cv//N > y to lctrIoc * thm. . Our rrpuritloa U |
N k / / \ \ f * Si [ y we'l k * > * 3 tarwi.icct the rMintrj. |
iS& s3" n > ! tatoncer > roar rpeeiJloJrr. * * * H
H. : % * . MEAD & PKENTISS. Chicaro , 111. H
hitSMSfiMO { -23" - 133 H
Don't jou kneu one jrth tJiviiis * AiSH-Juy , , 'i < fo | | | H
( t. l"ul ] > cfoniitIoiijiiullyiiiailca I'liKC u iZeiutva , | * * * H
CIeinicalCo.C6BroadwayN-i \ o'it'Iiy. . * | | H
Lite rriccipal zaiaiiier V. 3. Fensioa Surrax * H
Gjrs. lal stTtar' , 15adjudicating e.aisi. . att .ito. * H
OSSfflOCV ? quIckrtllffaaUcfrt-.worHt M
ca < - ? . Send for book of t < - > timoalnlH and lo tluys * M
treatment i'rec. . I > r. iLU.Kitzst'aSO.NS.JtUiatc.Ca. . H
m a K > EBfQ"BAH. B.WIULSON < i.CO. . "nrasb- H
&H. a S'sS & Nhinctr. [ > V r No ft-till patent * HH
f K k fcrSa B Jhccured.iw.yase botikTrt'e. * | | H
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 25. 1897. H
When vfritinj ; to advertisers i.ndly mention - * H
tion this paper. H
n it n Ti "r TTTn i t i uf litiir nir T- nun , - rf-Tii TTag ! * H
} | > iM f We have demonstrated , experts admit , and e\ery one is coa- B&I * ! H
'li'fj ' ' r l vinced that genuine White Topaz cannot be detected from real Vx ° r\// § 1 * | | | | H
B e 2i diamonds. * White Topaz U the stone you have read so much J ' 7U ft. | * H
pS 3KT , W about. The one that has looled the pawnbrokers. Place them s\Cc \ X cA sP' H
5cW , J by side with genuine diamonds and no one can tell the dif- \ > GlKt \ H
\\i/ ! lerence. We have sold thousands of these stones at from one s tJJ i i H HH
& -V wrt * to ten dollars , bat in order to introduce them quickly as well § T . A ' H
JS iSvV cs t0 , Indz the advertising mz&izm best suited to our busiK _ _ _ .i/y j j j H
r wffil cess , we make this / V2WJ |
TkT * * fj WeAill end yen a beautiful , hnlliant. J-x % & % . & &tZ& V r j 5 * H
S < feLj ! " rik ceruine White Topaz , which can be mounted M * ? * 5ft" * fey ! L § CVjk Is 1
i ® > & § $ i > a a nr.g. scarf or necktie pin. stud , cuff butg ? ftSfi greg ? ' Jfy _ &Z * S * • |
© S ' A/T gnV tons , locket or pair earrings. like any article F vKSjB * pftw ) cF ? vT * $ 1
ly t in this bcrd = r on receipt of igi K iM nl- & , |
ftW Pi TO These stones are exactly the same as those S VQ'Sl | T\ll' _ _ J' * H
\w3) ) \ , ve have advertlsed 3t one dciar ! 1
8r > j&l ? vv - - 1
gSs-f ' * 1 Th * ; offer for a few days only MjghWEzk * itQBTW 1
aC 7 J t ' ' e Cut out this advertisement and send it to us S cjEfegji * / 1 |
K'-i/a } Jfc&K together witn 25c la com or stamps and we K 3 S \ YewS B
jKll / / > SX will send you a white Topaz by return mail ; * * * 3 ? . _ * * Vt / / W 1
* 9 V * a. ' | p a stone thatycu can be justly proua of and one that positively cannot f tKT ei 1
fi P 5S S be detected from a real diamond. In ordering ; , be sure and stare c "B * | | | | | | | |
Of ! jHSi U whether small , medium or large stcne is desired ffi8 > fee TI 1
• SskJ genuine white topaz T & $ H
tt V bears no relation to other so-called imitation diamonds no matter JS pyi S B
| lcT under what name thev are advertised. They are the hardest of semia k/ | | f M
/ T K\ precious stones , impossible to detect from real diamonds and warranted tr 'v Jgp1 fl * H |
( SS Olvrw to retain their brilliascy. All ethers pale tomsignificacce when compared A. iT V * B | H
fi s s ) / ; UUll OUHilHli I bai C ) S ' * *
' U/H1T ? 7nDA7 V7 * / f H
j7 SS mnilL lUrAi. ' ' '
§ \ I
% We warrant each and every s 5 B W I' I' H
I i > B I , Topaz to retain Its brilliancy and P C Royalty and the four hendred C • * . H
"fc I S the mountings to give perfect > r who own celebrated and cotly I f \ \ | . / I H
| fe "k. I satisfaction. f I diamonds twt in necklace * , tiaras , i Jv/ , 5 * j H
J 3/1 WewillciveyonOneTlionaand S ? broochet. bracelaU and tlrde , | iT v. m f H
| 1V M ? Dollar * it you can Fhowthatwe S ) kceptherninburglarproof vaclts. ( m r * V < 3 ( * * * |
Milt r1 ? nave ever relned to replace a. \ j while tbeyrrearlnpabllctheeutct . | Vrw "V m H
J s it t White Topaz that was returned t S duplicates in TVbite Topcx and ' C a < te' I • H
# S\Vy\J" ! ' as ttnmtisJaetory. J no one ever detects the dUTrrence.j 2KT2l > i \ 1
P ry/I Whits Topaz are Good Enough for Royalty ; 5 23 1
I 111 yk Are ey Q ° ° d Enough for You ? J3 " * * ( f |
< tifeiKT *
Don't Miss It % . 3 1
E L \ . yI Send us twenty-five cents in coin or stamps and ycu will be \ f : 1 |
IUT * 3f * A delighted with the White Topaz thet you receive 1IM 1 1
j ! agN\ \ Money Refunded if Coeds are Not Satisfactory. * ul& M |