The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 18, 1897, Image 4

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    * By F. M. KIMMELL.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| J The Orleans Progress has been
l\ \ ensmalled. It isn't bigger'n a
* | minute now.
? r
Jl. Colonel- Mitchell is still try-
I ing to boom an "impossible circula-
t\r \ tion. In a bloviating fit , last week ,
f I he makes the astounding statement
| that "Jamiary 1st. 1897 , will see
1 ' our list crowding 2,000" . But , as
| The Tkibune has had occasion to
} remark in the past a few times ,
the Colonel must not be taken
The suicide of Barney Barnato
1 is one of the sensations of the
week. "Worry and drink caused
him to drown himself in the ocean.
And now the wind may be expected
I to be knocked out of the South
I African stock swindle with dis
patch , and hundreds of speculators
I will be ruined. But the supply of
[ suckers will remain undiminished.
| Gambling is the great universal
J curse.
Among the Nebraskans that have
| been recognized by this administration -
| tration , thanks to Senator Thur-
| ston's efforts , none are cleaner and
[ abler than W. E. Andrews and
| George Meiklejohn ; and it is a
| , ' satisfaction to observe how unani
mous are the expressions of con
gratulation and gratification upon
their appointment. Such men are
a credit to the party and will never
disgrace it.
In England a "society of church
beggars" has been organized for
the purpose of lessening the num
ber of bazaars and entertainments
held for charity and church pur-
| poses. The arguments in favor of
I keeping religion and charity and
amusements separate may not ap
peal to us over here very strongly ,
but there will be a vigorous assent
to the proposition that the returns
from these entertainments are not
large enough to justify the amount
of money and energy put into
them. A daughter of Lord Salis
bury gives the society considerable
prestige in England. Lincoln
The tenth annual convention of
t the National Republican League
to be held in Detroit , Michigan ,
July 13-15 , promises to be one of
the most interesting conventions in
the league's history. The necess
ity is felt of keeping the organization -
< " • tion well equipped and in readiness
for the congressional contest of
* • 1898. The splendid work of the
if league in the past is recognized by
J President McKinley who has borne
f the following tribute to its effectiveness -
/ iveness : "There has never been in
| the history of parties in the United
p ' States , any such potent agency for
jf * the dissemination of political information -
\ formation as the National Repub
lican League" .
The movement for a tariff commission -
% mission has taken a definite form
wi ' in a bill introduced by Kepresen-
* " tative Fowler , which offers to es-
P' tablish a tariff commission for the
P- purpose of investigating federal
% - > t taxation , recommending changes
X" therein , and adjusting any inequalities -
? ' ities in existing law. The measure -
| * ; ure provides for a commission of
W seven members , to be appointed
| k , by the president , defines their
\ / ' " powers and duties , fixes salaries
Xi ' of commissioners and their secre-
f taries , fixing proper safeguards ,
P- and is a reasonable and safe measure -
ure looking to the amelioration of
the ills of perennial tariff agita
tion and tinkering , and consequent
quent business disturbance.
The Republican League of th <
state of Nebraska will hold its an
nual meeting * in Omaha , June 29th
at 8 o'clock p. m. , for the purpoBi
of electing officers for the ensuing
year and thirty delegates and thirty
alternates to represent the state ii
the national league convention t (
be held in Detroit , Mich. , July 13
; 14r , 15 , 1897 , these delegates anc
alternates to be selected as follows
Six each from the state at large
and four each from the six con
gressional districts. Representa
tion is : Three delegates at large ,
one delegate for each fifty mem
bers or major fraction , and the
president , secretary and treasurei
as ex-officio delegates. Creden
tials should be in the • hands of the
state secretary on or before Sutur-
day , June 26th , 1897. .
The Courier is at least amusing
betimes , and its recent utterance ,
"there are 6o few stalwart Repub
licans in McCook" , reminds one of
how unspeakably and ridiculously
funny the Colonel can become on
occasion. 200 and over stalwart
Republican plurality are "so few"
to a funny mind.
Nebraska newspaper men will
learn with sincere sorrow and re
gret of the tragic death of W.
Morton Smith , Sunday afternoon ,
by drowning in the Hudson river.
A. cousin , A. E. Guilmette , was
ilso drownzd , and Miss Alvina
jxuilmette narrowly escaped a sim-
lar fate.
The resignation of James E.
STorfch leaves the way open for the
> arly appointment of J.E.Houtz of
Jincoln as internal revenue collec-
or , and it is stated that the ap-
lointment will be made in a short
It is Dr. Cleveland now. Prince-
on has honored the ex-presi-
ent with the degree of LL. D.
lore's luck to you , doctor , next
) ecoration Day.
President McKinley. has sign-
cl a treaty of annexation with
[ awaii and the matter is now be-
) re the senate.
General Stewart L. "Wood-
ord of New York has been nonii-
ated by the president for minister
) Spain.
ww _ _
Essie Dunham was home over
Cultivating corn is the order of
the day now.
Estel Cratty is visiting at W.A.
Holbrook's , this week.
' Cora Tirrill is staying with Mrs.
J. H. "Wade , this week.
Quite a number from this place
attended the Children's Day exer
cises at Banksville , Sunday morn
ing , and at the Dodge school house
in the afternoon.
A Rev. Mr. Broadfoot of Iowa ,
an old friend of J. Pickrell , visited
him , part of the week. The rev
erend gentleman preached very
able and interesting sermons at
the Prospect Park school house ,
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
Western Star Wash
er , $4 , at Knipple's.
Don't neglect a cough because the weather
is pleasant ; before the next storm rolls around
it may develop into a serious difficulty beyond
repair. One minute Cough Cure is easy to
take and will do what its name implies. A.
Tinware of all kinds
at Knipple's.
Sick headache can be quickly and com
pletely overcome by using those famous little
Jills known as"De\Vitt's Little Early Risers" .
\ . McMillen.
Try those hams at
Knipple's. Only 10c.
a Pound. Good.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns. |
J. W. Dolan and H. W. Keyee
were McCook visitorsThursday.
Judge Keyes is building two
new porches to his cosy dwelling.
Indianola will celebrate the 4th
on Saturday the 3rd. A good time
is expected.
P. P.Wright last a valuable cow ,
Tuesday. Too much alfalfa at
one time.
Mrs. Brittell of Bartley and a
Miss Clark of Imperial visited Rev.
Crago's family , Monday.
J. S. Phillips and Marion Powell
were attracted to the county capi
tal , Monday , on business.
Last Thursday night , the Con
gregation alists gave * a reception to
their new pastor , Rev. Turner.
Miss Lola Brown of Missouri , a
niece of TV. H. and Judge I. M.
Smith , is visiting her uncle's fam
ily here.
Subscriptions for The McCook
Tribune as well as orders for job-
work or advertising can be left
with C. W. Beck.
Several of the young people
were up from Bartley , Tuesday
night , to attend the Knoll-Chapin
company entertainment.
S. R. Smith went in to Lincoln ,
Monday night , to attend the grand
lodge meeting of the Masonic order
Df which he is grand orator.
Sheriff J. R. Neel went in to
Omaha , Monday night , to attend
ike meeting of Nebraska sheriffs
aeld in the metropolis , Tuesday.
Jo Stephens was down from his
Frontier county home a few days
igo. He says that the farm is the
) est place for him , and reports
srops good.
Miss Nellie Stockton is visiting
• Id friends in Indianola. Tke
roung ladies of the town will have .
. picnic in her honor , Thursday in
rWell's grove.
Editor J. S. Phillips left , TVed- -
lesday morning , for Lincoln. He <
rill also go to Missouri ere he re-
urns. We presume the Reporter
rill make its appearance just the *
The programme at school creek ,
ist Sunday afternoon , was good , ,
the children all doing well. In the
absence of the absence of the Supt ,
Mrs. J. C. Sidden the assistant had
charge of the services.
The Children's Day exercises
were conducted in both churches ,
last Sunday morning. The Rogers
orchestra rendered efficient service
at the M. E. church , and the whole
programme was good.
Owing to some useless talk about
school matters , Prof. W. J. Dob-
son and wife have declined to sign
contracts for next year , or at least
until after school election , so there
will probably be a vacancy in their
The Knoll-Chapin combination
gave a very good entertainment at
the opera house , Tuesday night.
Mr. Knoll and Miss McNeil are
superb with cornets , and Mr. Cha-
pin as an impersonator has few
equals. He rendered Rip Yan
Winkle to the satisfaction of all.
The reception which the south
has just given to President McKin
ley has been the most enthusiastic
ever accorded a republican chief
magistrate in that region , and has
not been surpassed in heartiness by
any ever given to a president of
any party in any locality. Section
alism in politics has virtually dis
appeared. The present time de
serves the name "era of good feel
ing" almost as fully as did the pe
riod covered by Monroe's presiden-
3y which received that designation.
. ' , _ .
ifirtfenwiawi irrmi tin i Tflfiiniwt.i' r > " m jnpmp r ' mm * h
A. D. Lord has corn in tassel.
The hail , last week , missed us ,
for which we are thankful.
The farmers are rejoicing ovei
the good rains that we have had
Mrs. A. J. Hatcher has a fine
garden and A. J. has a fine pros
pect for a good crop.
Marvin Jones and family of
Salem , Neb. , are visiting his bro
ther J. W. of the Ridge.
Friends of Samuel Ellis and
wife in this vicinity sympathize
with them in lhe loss of their be
loved son.
Several of the Ridge people at
tended ihe Children's Day exer
cises at the Everist school house ,
Sunday. There was an excellent
program rendered , and the music
under the supervision of Mrs.Robt.
Rogers was very good. The chil
dren deserve praise for their splen
did entertainment. After the exer
cises Rpvs. H. H. Berry and J. M.
Bell both gave instructive talks.
Not only piles ot the very worst kind can he
cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , but ec.
zema , scalds , burns bruises , boils , ulcers and
all other skin troubles can be instantly relieved
by the same remedy. A. McMillen.
Grandpa Bastian is improving.
Robt. Barr of McCook was in
town , Monday.
About 8 inches of rain fell in
n the last week.
W. H. Harrison went to Omaha ,
SrVednesday , with stock.
A. Barnett was looking over his
lew lumber yard , Tuesday.
Fred. Miller attended the K. P.
) icnic , Sunday , near McCook.
Martin Nilsson was in Orleans ,
londay of this week , on business.
W. A. DeMay left , Wednesday
aorning , for a two week's visit in
Oscar Everist and Charlie Oman .
reve McCook visitors , Thursday , ,
n business. i
Mrs. J. W. Ruby has been (
ranted a widow ' s pension , which 1
be will receive about one year's '
ack .
pay. i
W. A. Minniear went as a dele- (
gate from the Masonic lodge/Tues
day , to Lincoln to attend head
lodge there that is being held , this
Subscriptions for The McCook
Tribune as well as orders for job-
work or advertising will be re
ceived at the Bank of Danbury by
Clifford Naden.
Don't thin your blood with sassafras or poi
son it with blue-mass ; but aid Nature by using
DeWitt's Little Early Risers , the famous little
pills for constipation , biliousness and stomach
and liver troubles. They are purely vegetable.
A. McMillen.
Some for ten , some for twenty and some for
thirty years have suffered from piles and then
have been quickly and permanently cured by
using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , the great
remedy for piles and all forms of skin diseases.
A. McMillen.
If you want Fruits
go where they are
kept. At Knipple's ,
of course.
Terrible Accident. It is a terrible acci
dent to be burned or scalded ; but the pain and
agony aud the frightful disfigurements can be
quickly overcome without leaving a scar by
using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sake. A. Mc
HighesV Honors World's Fair ,
K pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
rom Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
Postmaster Gets Into Trouble.
James McAleese , until Intely postmas
ter at Thornburg , Neb. , wnsnrrnignedhi
the United States court Tuesday ou the
charge of using cancelled postage stamps.
He pleaded guilty , but his sentence was
suspended during good behavior.
McAleese found it difficult to make
both ends meet out at bis home iu Hayes
county , and be conceived the notion df
gathering the cactus which abounds in
that section of the state and selling it to
parties in the east. The idea was evi
dently n good one , for he did a land office
business so much so , that he exhausted
the supply of stamps in his office. He
told the court that he sent in a requisi
tion for more stamps , but they were slow
in arriving , end ns bis outside business
needed prompt attention , he took can
celled stamps and used them. When
the inspector called upon him he denied
having used the cancelled stamps , but
the evidence was so clear against him
that he weakened and confessed. He
then sought to compromise the matter
with the inspector , but found that this
plan would not work. He had a sack
full of the'Cactus in bis office when the
inspector called , all of them being ready
to mail to expectant purchasers. He
says he has made in the neighborhood
of $275 in the business , and his eagerness
to make shipments is what caused his
trouble. Omaha Bee.
Crete Chautauqua.
We have received a copy of the program
of the Crete Chautauqua to be held at
Crete , Nebraska , June 30th to July 9th.
The program is replete with talent of a
high order in every department. Prom
inent among the lecturers , teachers and
expositors are Dr. Washington Gladden
Df Columbus , Ohio , Dr. Willard Scott ,
3upt. of the assembly , Prof. W. Douglas
Vlackenzie , Mr. John B. Koehne , Mrs.
Mary Foster Bryner , Miss Kate Kimball
) f C. L. S. C. fame and Rev. Erwin H.
iichards the African missionary and ex-
) lorer. Music in abundance will be ren-
iered by such artists as Miss Marian A.
Treat , soprano , and Mr.Stephen Jelinek ,
ornetist , of Chicago. Slayton's Ten-
lesseeans , a supurb company of
: olored singers , and Francean , the
ironderful male soprano. Rovers
if fun will find no end of whole-
ome entertainnent in Mare the Wizard ,
iraig the entertainer and McCormicktbe
whistler , while the wonderful Amet-
Iagniscope. projecting Edison's splendid
loving pictures on the screen as busy
nd life-like as in a theatre will be wit-
essed for the first time by thousands. ;
ror further particulars write for program (
3 Geo. W. Baldwin , Secretary , Crete , (
To Subscribers of The Tribune. I
Readers of The Tribune will please j
member that cash is an essential in
le publication of a paper. The pub-
sber has been very lenient during the (
ast few years , on account of crop fail
res and hard times , and as a conse- *
uence many hundreds of dollars are
ue on subscriotions. We are now corn-
died to request all who can to call and J
lake settlement in full or in part. In t
lew of the facts , our subscribers must v
el the justice and urgency of this rp n
iest. The Publisher.
For Something : More Definite.
The lots proposition for a court house
site submitted to the county commis
sioners , yesterday , was not acted upon
by the board , and will be taken up at
the meeting in July. The commission
ers think lot 12 should be included in
the site , that some definite plans should
be submitted , and that the present prop
osition is too vague.
C. I , . DeGroff came up from Nebraska
City , last evening , on business of his
large interests here.
Wall Paper 4 cents a roll at
Should Consult The Best Physician -
sician Possible.
If all the sick mothers , invalid
daughters and diseased sisters in
this broad land would write to Dr.
Hartmanwhen failing to find re
lief else\vhereno , pen could describe
the benefit that would follow.
There are so many women , especi
ally married women , who draw
themselves wearily around from
year to year without any particu
lar disease , and yet miserable be
yond description. They ache and
tremble and thiob , growing more
nervous , tired and debilitated every
clay. For this class of sufferers
Pe-rn-na is the most
- - perfect rem
edy in existence. It relieves , it
soothes , it quiets it strengthens ,
and no tired overworked woman in
the land should be without Pe-ru-
aa in the house for one single day.
Those wishing a complete de
scription of female diseases , their
causes and cures , should send
; heir address to The Pe-ru-na
Drug Manufacturing Company ,
Columbus , Ohio , for a free copy
) f "Pacts and Faces , " a book show-
ng what Dr. Hartman's free treat-
nent has done for a multitude of
nvalid women.
&AKlK < 3
Absolutely. Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavening
strength and bealthfulncss. Assures the
food against alum and all forms of adulteration - 4
teration common to the cheap brands.
Rovai , Baking Powder Co. , Nr.w
Mr. Isaac Horner , proprietor of the Burton
House , Burton , W. V „ and one of the most
widely known men in the state was cured of
rheuniatisni after three years of suffering. He
says : "I have not sufficient command of lan-
Ruaje to convey any idea of what I suffered ,
my physicians told me that nothing could he
ilone for me and my friends were fully con- A
vinccd that nothing hut deatli would relieve H
me of my suffering. In June , 1S04 , Mr. Evens , |
then salesman for the Wheeling Drug Co. ,
recommended Chamberlain's 1'ain Halm. At
: his time my foot and limit were swollen to
nore than double their normal size and it
seemed to me my leg would hurst , but soon
ifter I began using the Pain Halm the swell- * ,
ng began to decrease , the pain to leave , and <
low I consider that I am entirely cured ' . Kor
iale by L. W. McConnell iV : Co. , Druggists.
Go where Fruits are
to be found. That is
xt Knipple's , the leading
ing- grocer , sure. \
A. II. Tatter , with H.C. Atkins & Co. , In- i
lianapolis , Ind. , writes : "I have never before I
iven a testimonial in my life. Hut I will say *
tiat for three years we h.i\e never been with
lit Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diar- i
lioea Remedy in the house , and my wife 1
• ould as soon think ot being without flour as
bottle of this Remedy in the summer season.
Ve have used it with all three of our children
nd it has never failed to cure not simply
ton pain , but cure absolutely. It is all right. A
nd anyone who tries it will find it so" . For m
lie by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists.
Try that 15 cent box J
> aper at Tiie Tkibune
office. Worth 25 cts. {
Use cheaper grades. J
"There's no use in talking" , says W. II. M
roadwell , druggist. La Cygr.e , Kan. , "Cham-
: rlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem-
ly does the work. After taking medicines JM
my own preparation and those of others , I - |
ok a dose of Chamberlain's and it helped |
e ; a second dose cured me. Candidly and H
mscientiously I can recommend it as the H
: st thing on the market" . ' 1 he 25 and 50 m
mt sizes for sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , 1
uggists. j
A § 7.50 Clim-n forJ
> 5 , the eel ebrated Qjj ' m
lone , at Knipple's. ' 7\
Hundreds of thousands have been induced M
try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy by read
j what it has done for others , and having M
ited its merits for themselves are today its I
irmest friends. For sale by L.V. . McCon M
11 & Co. , Druggists. dm
Full line Crockery m
at Knipple's. j
"They are dandies" said Thos. Uowers , of M
the Crocket , Texas , Enterprise , while writing < fl
about DeWitt's Little Early Risers , the famous -
ous little pills for sick headache and disorders S
of the stomach and liver. A. McMillen. S
Inavale cheese , very
fine , at Knipple's. M
W' .li.Johnson , Newark,0.says , "One Minute JH
Lough Cure saved my only child from dying M
by croup" . It has saved thousands of others H
suffering from croup , pneumonia , bronchitis |
and other serious throat and lung troubles. A. <
McMillen. H
7 F. B. Burgess , 9 < fl
| Plumber and J
\ Steam Fitter j " 1
g McCOOK , NEBR. ? ' fl
Iron , Lead and Sev/er Pipe , Brass H
L Goods , Pumps , and BoilerTrimm ngs Z |
\ Agent for Halliday , V/aupun , Ec pse \ |
7 Windm''ls Basementof the Meeker7 H
J Phillips building H
§ Palace Meat Market # W
Xh Two doors outh of yV H
W Commercial Hotel. < Sp B
> ; >
| t A. CARSON , Proprietor. ] | M
% & H
& Everything usuallY in 1 | H
• * jf a First Class Market will tw H
* ? be found here. < 8 | | H
$ M 9
8J leave Orders for Milk Here # \ V
* # • 1
DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , U
Pleasant. Quick Results. Sate to take. H