The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 21, 1897, Image 8

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has demonstrated ten thormand
times thut it in almost infallible
irregularities and derangements.
It has become the leading remedy
for this class of troubles. It exerts
a wonderfully healing , strengthen
ing and soothing influence upon
the menstrual organs. It cures
• • whites" and falling of the womb.
It stops flooding and relieves suppressed
pressed and painful menstruation.
| For Chaugo of Lifo it is the best
i I D medicine made. It is beneficial
i " M during pregnancy , and helps to
; | n3 bring children into homes barren
' 1 M for years. It invigorates , stimu-
, II lates , strengthens the whole sys-
i tern. This great remedy is offered
i ' [ I to all afflicted women. Why will
I I a y woman suffer another minute
H M with certain relief within reach ?
fi m Wine of Cardui only costs $1.00 per
| M H bottle at your drug store.
! H For advice , in cases requiring special direc-
j K H tiitns , address , qwuuj symptoms , the "TMdle * '
! g ' H Advisory Department , " The Chattanooga Med-
5j icine Co. , Cluxttanuoya , Tcnn.
flj I Rev. J. W.SMITH. Camden , S.C. , says :
ill "My wile used Wine of Cardui at home
' 31 for falling of the womb and It entirely
'IB ' 9 cured her. "
WANTKD AT ONCK : Active agents
for each county. Exclusive control and
no risk. Will clear 12 to 25 hundred dollars
lars a year. Enclose stamp for full par
ticulars , or 25c for $1 sample. Big Rapids
Mineral WatkrCo , Big Rapids , Mich.
April 2-21110.
Balk Seeds of all
kinds at Knipple's.
Estimate of Expenses.
Estimate of the neccssn.iv expenses of Red
Willow County , Stale of Nebraska , for the
year 1S97 :
County bond J $ 3,000.00
North Valley bond
Willow Grove bond 2,000.00
Indianola bond 200.00
llartley Village bond 500.00
School District bond 7,000.00
County General 12,000.00
County Bridge 6,000.00
County Road 3,000.00
Soldiers ' Relief 500.00
High School 1,500.00
! By order of the Board of County Commis
sioners of Red Willow County , Nebraska ,
January 13th , 1807. R. A. Green ,
May l4-4ts. County Clerk.
[ norvai. ititorimts , attorneys. |
In the matter of the estate of Cynthia Rog
ers , deceased. Notice is hereby given that m
pursuance of an order of Hon. Edward Bates ,
one of the Judges of the District Court of Sew
ard county , Nebraska , on the 14th day of Sep
tember , 1890. for the sale ol the real estate
hereinafter described , there will be sold at the
front entrance of the Court House in the city
of McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
( that being the place where the last term of
the District Court within and for said county
was held , ) on the 24th day of April , A. D' ,
1S97 , at one o'clock p. in. , at public vendue to
the highest bidder for cash , subject to all liens
and incumbrances thereon at the time of the
death of saiddeceased , the following described
real estate to-wit : The south half ( S. Vz ) of
J the northeast quarter ( N. E. K ) and the north
west quarter ( N. W. 34" ) of the northwest quar
ter iN. W. li ) and the north half ( N. ) of
the southwest quarter ( S. W. X ) and lot two
(2) ( ) in the northeast quarter ( N. E. J ) of the
northeast quarter ( N. E. % ) and lot four (4) ( )
in the north half ( N. Vz ) of the northwest quar
ter f N. W. H ) and the south half ( S. M ) ot the
northwest quarter ( N.V. . JO , all in section
twenty-fixe (25) ( ) in township three (3) ) , north
j of lange twenty-nine (29) ( ) , xvest of the 6th l\
M , in Red Willoxv county , Nebraska. Said
1 sale will remain open one hour. Dated March
- [ 26di 1897. Walter N. Rogers ,
'h ' Administrator
of the estate of Cynthia Rogers , deceased.
The above described lands having been
duly offered for sale on this April 24th , 1897 ,
m pursuance of the above notice , and not hav
ing been sold for xvant of bidders , said sale is
therefore adjourned to Saturday , May 22d ,
1897 , at 1 o'clock p. m. , at the place mentioned
in said original notice. Dated April 24th , 1897.
Walter N. Rogers ,
of the estate of Cynthia Rogers , deceased ,
f First publication April 30-4ts.l
J fe
See Those. *
1 . . .
: I Buggies , |
a c
I $ I Surreys , I
I J Cahs „ , j
j 1 Road Wagons , I
e l ' I
r < I Refrigerators , |
: I Gasoline Stoves , |
: I Washing Machines , *
i I *
| I Gochran & Go's ' [
New YorK Fashion Letter.
As the season advances we find that
Eton jackets and the bolero nre becom
ing too ordinary for the ultra fashionable
and in order to jjet away from these
shapes double breasted effects are being
rapidly adopted. Outside coats , dress
waists and even ex'ening bodices are be
ing fashioned after this style. The ex'en
ing bodices are draped in soft folds which
cross at the waist line , and are fastened
with fancy buckles or buttons , giving
much the same idea that the surplice
used to have. This style is very becom
ing to almost any figure and gives an op
portunity of allowing a V shaped piece
in the front of the bodice , which can be
made of fine lace or embroidered chiffon.
Mosquitaire sleeves continue to be very
popular. Ex'en the summer lawns and
organdies which are not lined are made
up in this style. In making up these
sleeves it is necassary to use a tape on
inside seam of the sleeve to xvhich the
fullness can he tacked. Another idea is
to make a seam on the hack as xvell as
the front of the sleeve and stitch the
seams double so that a soft cord can be
drawn through the seam , and the full
ness distributed carefully and then caught
to the cord xvith invisible stitches. The
hand trimmings are made of lace.chiffon
or embroidered muslins and in many
cases fall down over the hand almost to
the knuckles.
The collars for light summer goxvns
become more and more elaborate as the
season advances. Dressmakers now
fpend almost as much time originating
new ideas for collars as they used to
spend in designing a whole gown. A
pretty neck trimming , beyond a doubt ,
a very necessary feature in the summer
Ribbons are used in great profusion
not only for collars and belts hut as waist
and skirt trimmings. They are used to
make a pretty contrast xvith the color of
the dress , rather than to match it. One
very pretty imported gown is now on ex
hibition at one of our prominent mo
distes. It is made of nile green organdie
over heliotiope silk. The bottom of the
skirt is trimmed xvith three rows of inch
xvide ribbon , each row being of a differ
ent shade of heliotrope. Three rows of
the same ribbon are applied around the
hips , and boxvs made of loops of the dif
ferent shades of heliotrope are used to
trim the xxaist and sleex'es. The effect
is very pleasing and artistic.
For the above information xve are in
debted to A. McDowell & Co. , 4 West
14th street , NexvYork , who publish the
only cheap imp-jr. . .1 Fashion Journal
sold in this country. "La Mode de Paris"
is $3.50 a year , 35 cts. a copy , and
"French Dressmaker" is S3 00 a year , 30
cts. a copy. These journals make a
special feature of lessons on practical
dressmaking each month. During the
next six months they xvill give a series
lessons on bicycle costumes xvhich xvill
be of great interest to both professional
and amateur dressmakers. If you can
not secure these book at your newsdeal
ers , send direct to the publishers.
J. B. Smith xvill soxv 40 acres to millet.
Miss Ella Smith is xvorking for Mrs.
Joe McBrayer in McCook.
Charlie Leach expects to have 40 acres
broken up and planted to corn.
The most effective sermon is a consist
ent , every-day , honest , upright Christian
Miss Grace Cole was out and spent Sat
urday night and Sunday at home on the
Rev. J. A. Badcon of McCook preaches
at the Coleman school house , Sunday ,
June 30th , at 3 p. m. fast time.
Quite a number went over to Zion
Hill church , Sunday ex'ening , expecting
to hear the Rev. E. J. Vivian preachbut
xvere disappointed as he was not present.
Wednesday night there xvas a heavy
rain from Hastings to Oxford. Tuesday
evening a good rain at Imperial. Our
time is coming.
It was decided , last Sunday , to proper
ly and appropriately observe Children's
day in our Sunday school. A committee
of three xvas appointed to arrange a pro
A gentleman from Fulton count } ' , 111.
arrived in McCook , Wednesday night.
He reports but little corn planted ; none
up yet. The ground so dry and hard it
is almost impossible to plow for corn.
Wheat about all killed. There will not
be enongh wheat raised in the county
to furnish the farmers one-tenth of xvhat
they xvant to soxv , next fall. Many of
the fanners xvill eat " "
"corn-dodgers" un
til another crop is raised. Saxv no corn
up until he got about half \x-ay across
The entertainment given by the sing
ing class .came off , Saturday ex'ening , at
the Coleman school house. The house
xvas filled till there xx'as no standing
room. Order xvas remaikably good , con
sidering the crowded condition of the
house. The house xvas xvell filled by 8:30 :
but the manager held back the oerform-
ance until within a fexv minutes of 9:30.
As a result quite a number left before the
performance xvas through , and several
acts had to be omitted as it xvas getting
so late. It is altogether out of line of
business to hold a crowded house an
hour after time to commence , simply be
cause one or two of the performers had
failed to arrive. It should have com
menced promptly at 8:30 xvhether the
performers were all there or not.
Mrs. Anna Gage , wife of Ex-
Deputy I ) . S. Marshal ,
Columbus , Km. , says :
utes and with
scarcely any pain
rySent by Express or Mall , on receiptor price.
Sl.OO per buttle. Book "TO UOTUKltS"
mailed free.
To California , Comfortably. .
Ex'ery Thursday at 11:40 : p tn.M. T. , a
tourist sleeping car for Salt Lake CitySan
Francisco and Los Angeles leaves Oma
ha and Lincoln via the Burlington Route.
It is carpeted , upholstered in rattan ,
has spring seats and backs and is pro
vided xvith curtains , bedding , toxvels ,
soap , etc. An experienced excursion
conductor and a uniformed Pullman porter
ter accompany it through to the Pacific
coast. While neither as expensively fin
ished nor as fine to look at as a palace
sleeper , it is ju t as goods" to ride in.
Second class tickets are honored and the
price of a berth , xvide enough and big
enough for txvo , is only $5.00.
For a folder giving full particulars ,
call at the nearest B. & M. R. R. ticket
office , or xvritetoj. Francis , Gen'l Pass'r
Agent. Burlington Route. Omaha , Nebr.
December 26-351
Lots for Sale.
Lots 9. 10 , 11 and 12 in block 25 , Second
end addition to McCook. Make me an
offer on these lots. Address :
W. E. Dauchv , Topeka , Kansas.
For Sale.
Lots 1 and 2 , in block 23 , original Mc
Cook. Write to G. W. Jacobson , Free
dom , Illinois.
Summer underxvear , latest , at the
Famous Clothing Co.
Wall Paper 4 cents a roll at
McMili. UN's.
Wall Paper at McConnell's.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers ,
The famous little pills.
. . .FOR SALE BY. . .
. J ULLiiitilJ ( X bll.
. . .PER BUSHEL. . .
Duly 7S Cits.
Read the best coun
ty newspaper that's
The McCook Tribune
every time.
Memorial Service at Box Elder.
Memorial service will be held in
the Box Elder M. E. church , cm
Sunday rnoriug at 11 , May 23rd.
Saturday , May 29th , will be ob
served as Decoration day at Box
Elder. Services will be held in
the church. Speakers from a dis
tance will be present. After the
service in the church all will form
in line and walk to the cemetery.
From the cemetery all will go the
grove where a basket dinner will
be served. All are cordially in
vited to attend.
Sheds of the new yard nre going
up. this week.
Geo. Morgan has decided that a
house in town is worth two on the
Dr. W. A. DeMay made a busi
ness trip over to the county seat ,
Prof. Walter Pate has been hired
by the school board for another
term at an incrensed salary.
Graduates of the Oth grade have
an entertaining program prepared
for the last dav of school , the 28th
of this month.
A little water that the old Mis
sissippi could not control , this
spring , would be very acceptable
in this part of the country now.
Old. Simon wheeled up from
Orleans , Saturday , staying over
Sunday. He takes a trip to Wray ,
Col. , next week , and stops here to
attend the graduating1 exercises on
the 28th inst , on his way homo.
Danbury sends out ten cars of
stock , this week , four of hogs and
one of cattle to Omaha , and four
cars of hogs and one of horses to
Kansas City. J.O.Ashton and J.
E. Dolph go with the stock to K.C.
The ring' is busted.
Good eating- & plant
ing potatoes 40 cts. a
bushel. In 10 bushel
lots 30c. Knipple.
l'uitedSt. . tf > Land Offi.- . McCo.ik , Nebraska ,
Apnl ioth , 1S17. Notice is IiiTt-bv jriwn
Charles ] • ' KUintt has filnl notice of intention to
make final proof before Register or Recei\er at his
office in Mel ook , Nebraska , on Saturday , the th
dav of June , 1807. on timber culture application No.
o .y > o , for the north h ilf southwest quarter and .south
half northwest quarter of section N'o. . . . in Town
ship Nd. 1 north , Ran t No. 30 , west 6th P. M.
He names .is witnesses 'lhonias C. Kelly , William
II. IStnjainiii , Daxiil Ilobinuner and Da\id II. Ik-
Murrin.ill of Rank \tlle. Nebraska.
A" . S. C.XMriti.i.i. , Register.
F'Jl a bottle or common < jla s xvith urine and
let it stand ixx'enty-iour liunr. . ; a stiiisnent r
bettliii" ; indicates an unhealthy condition of the
kidneys. When mine stains linen it is posi
tive ex'idence of k'dney trouble. Too frequent
desire to inmate or pam in the back is also
conx'incmg proof that the kidneys and bladder
are out of order.
order.WHAT 'IO DO.
There is comfort in the knowledge so often
expressed , that Dr. Kilmer's Sxvamp Moot , the
creat kidney rjniedy , fulfils every xxish in re
lieving pain in the oack , kindeys , liver , bladder -
der and ex-ery part of the urinary passages. It
corrects inability to hold urine : ind scalding
nam in passing it , or bad effects following use
> f liquor , xvme or beer , and ovetcomes that
unpleasant necessity of being compelled to
get up many times during the night to urinate.
' 1 he mild and the extraordinary effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the
highest for its xvonderful cures of the most
distressing cases. If you need a medicine vou
should have the best. Sold by druggists.pnce
fi.ty cents and one dollar. Vou may hax-e a
sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by
mail. Mention The Triw/nk and send your
address to Dr. Kil ner & Co. , ISiiighaniton , IM.
Y. The proprietor of tins papei guarantees
the genuineness of this offer. April 2-1 yr.
2 F. D. BUKGESS , 7
j Plumber and \
\ Steam Fitter \
m iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings < L
\ Agent * or Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse \
y Winanr ! s Basementof the Meekerv
% Phiups , buiding P
Small grain is needing rain.
Cultivating corn is the order of
C. S. Ferris has been around as
sessing this week.
Mrs. J. AY , Jones and Master
Bryce have the measles.
Farmers are most o them done !
listing corn. The corn that is up
is looking well.
Those who think it takes a dry
May to raise a good crop ought to
be well pleased at the present.
Eighteen of the Pleasant Piidge
people attended church at South
Side school house , Sunday after
L.A.Colter said , last Saturday in
town , that it would rain sure by
Tuesday night , and we expected to
see the rain come at that time , but
it did not ; so we think there is
another false prophet to add to the l
long list that have gone on before. . '
A gslt load of Extra
Smooth Potatoes at
36c. bushel in five bu
shel lots. Knipple. j
i f M This | m
I BlackwelPs Genuine \ rM
% You will find one couH > n Inside each 2 ounce Iiuj ; anil two cou | > oin Inililc cucli ounce butf. H
fe Uuy u bat ; , reud the coupon ami tteu how to get yourisliuru of } i 0.i > 00 in preaeiita. < . H
For Sale on Easy Terms.
Soo.oo buys the two-story house and
txvo lots south of brick school house. bi-ys the txvo houses south of
Al. Noren's.
52,500.00 buys the Spearman house anil
and three lots. 00 buxs the D. J. Smith livery
5400.00 buys the northeast quarter of
section ar , lange 1 , toxvnship30.
55,000.00 buys the I7 , and M. Rank
5300.00 buys the yuan property.
Other lots and lauds to be gix-en axvay
to those having a little sand and a fexv
dollars. Here is a chance to make money.
S. Cokdeai , , Agent.
In New Quarters.
I am now located in the Laycock store
room , xvhere I shall be pleased to see all
my old customers and man } ' new ones.
My stock of cigars , tobaccos and smokers'
articles is unequaled in the city. In con
nection xvith my retail establish men t , I
run a cigar factory ; besides one of the
best appointed billiard and pool rooms
in the Republican valley. Everything
first class. J H. Bknnutt.
Wall Paper at McConnell's.
House Paints , IToOr Faints ,
Buggy Paints , Wagon Points ,
Family Paints , Enamel Paints ,
And all kinds Varnish Stains at
Quality in flour means more than you
ever thought of , probably. It is more
important than anything you buy. Al
ways get the Victor Patent and you have
the best. For sale by the
McCook Commission Co.
The ring * is busted , j
Good eatingplant1
iiig potatoes 4:0 cts. a ;
bushel. In 10 bushel\ \ J
lots 30c. Knipple. j I I
VITA I PTTP - Are tablets wnich Restore
. .
VIIML.I.I Itg Lost
Vigor , Develop
all Parts , bnnjj back Lent Powers and
return the patient to genuine Manhood and ' 1
Health. Case No. C0- < ) l says through the '
use of "Vitalettes , " I was speedily restored
to Health and perfect Manhood in every
sense of the word.
JOHNS PILE cURETowriten , Happf •
a severe case of Piles of 12 years' standing •
and I know xvill cure all m need who will try it
D D J * Cures Rheumatism , Salt-
" ' m u Rheum Catarrh
, , Constipation
and all Blood Disorderby purifying th < - ,
blood ; thereby causing- clearer and more i
beautiful complexion. It is the Greatest
Blood Purifier on earth. A Restorer of Per
fect Health.
Price by mail , Vitalettes , 51.00 or 0 bote- .
$5.00. Johns Pile Cure. 50cts..nd R. R. C
50 cts.
Johns & Dixon. Rochester , N. V
Mt'COOK. N'furasica. .
22& Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Oft , _ e
Rear of First National bank. |
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be firstclasWe do all kinds of !
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith |
& Bellamy , assistants. |
Z ZjVTRSr e7 e7 UTTER.j }
Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo. |
Egr-Stud'o Opixil. • 1'o-tofln.e. I
\ \ . V. ( JAC.h. S. C. liKACH. !
McCook , - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital ovet I'irst National il.tnk.
J. A. GUNN ,
McCook , Nebraska.
mrOKicc Over C. A. Leach's jewelry store.
Residence J. W. McKenna house. Prompt
attention given to all calls.
Z. L. KAY.
McCook. Nebraska.
X-r" ( Jfflce Rooms 4 and 5 over Leach's
jewelry .store. Residence In the Strasser
house on Marshall street.
Wanted-An Idea \ 1
Protect your Ideas : ther may bring you wealth. M
Write JOHN WEDDEKUUKN & CO. . Patent Attor- M
neys. Washington. D. C. for their 41.8UO prlzo . offer V
and list or two hundred lnrcntlous wanted. S
= " - , > M
tensions * M
Comrades , and all M
interested in Pensions , 1
come and see me. I've
had over ten years of p %
exxDerience. "Work di- . |
reet with. Pension office - J
ice and guarantee sat- 1
isfaction. I
C. W. BECK , J
IndianoJa , Neb.w
of Proprietor tile . . . . fl
We respectfully solicit your business , M
i and guarantee pure milk , full measure , Jfl
and prompt , courteous service. H
McCook Transfer Line. 1
j ifOiily furniture van in the k
city. Also have a first class house a
moving outfit. Leave orders for
bus calls at Commercial hotel or m
at office opposite the depot. k
Chase Co , Land and Live Stock Gs. |
hip or left shoulder - > \M
. .
Imperial '
Chase county , and Ueat f fl
nee. Nebraska Itnnfre. M
Sleft Wuter and the §
Frenchmnn creoks. in fl
Chase county. Nebraska.
Brand as cut on side of )
some animals.on hip and S
° f 8 ° mer any " 1
wnere on thranimal. .
The modern stand- J
cj ard Family Medi- " 1
vj cine : Cures the
J common every-day I
r J ills of humanity. M
Carpet Laying ,
Carpet Cleaning. U * • )
ce Iam still doinir cam.t i . - !
cleaning lawn cuttaf ayinS-
and ; - rpet
or write me before S" Wor &
SivW ? *
charKes are ver > - reasonablf Work- % !
Tribune ? T
office Tufe S . ' 2