I " K Co t or Stopjiln- Train. I : KT * iv : i hcries ° calculations it hai H JBS been demonstrated that it costs a rail- H 3k' road'tun * cunts to stop a locomotive L Jp und four cunts for each stop of a pas- HS ) bftiger car. It often happens that a Hr passenger does not mahe any move to Hk leave the train until the order is" given HJP ) to go ahead , and a train must be HJE / brought to a stop again to let theslow- S going passenger off. This little inci- H # dent costs the railroad company six- m teen or twenty cents , sometimes as M % much as the tardy passenger has paid. M R This is one of the little leaks that a M M railroad company undertakes to guard m | f against , and the number of coaches to m M u train is limited to save expense of 1 at stoppage , as well as to lessen the V Si number of pounds of coal consumed h § 7 ant wear anc tear ° f * ts rnnnfrgcir- • if ; Tlic I'ollowinfr littler. H \sl MrDrAuSnt : Your h'ttcr. asUms ; my lin- % TM ntvhsioiisas a i > lisiiaii , of the Mack Hills B comitry as a health resort is befoie niu. H II i N I made a itersonal investigation of the Hot. I Hi \ Sirhis | ; in j-ciuili Dakota , and believe they TC are of Rival value to invalids. Water , free H % i from organic compounds or rliuinicat 1m- Ak jim 11 It-- , . -iikI : i delightfully pure , dry atmos- w jiliere with plenty of sunshine , aie essential I 9- , ! • ' 11"P - ' > i > ' f diseased I issues , and such A conditions obtain at Hot Springs. S. II. Hut f _ J am specially interested in the study and treatment of nervous diseases , and it was for ihe purpose of informing invself of the licue. - Jiekil effects to be derived to that class of y "suffering humanity" thai I directed mv In \ vesications. For such ailments I find the | : ilmospheric conditions especially commend- J able , lieln light and whoilv free from ihat. ! / humidity so prevalent in this and lower * aliitudes. The clear , mire springs are con stantly issuing out of the ro-ks at a temporal al arc about ecjual to the normal body heat and potent in therapeutic properties that are very superior in benefitting nervous affec tions. The high altitude provides a pure , dry air not possible in other health resorts , however artificially beautilied. Tot lie pleasure seeker , • who is desirous of rest and recuperation from the daily duties of routine business or nro- * Jessionul life , there is no better locality. * Hotels an- inviting and moderate in rates , vIdle a tramp over the hills , or ride in the t stage coach , or on horse-bark to the nuiner- \ oils resorts is inexpensive , and lie who visits Niagara Falls to view its majesty may see a . grander work of nature in tue gteat Wind ff l ave of Hot Springs. S. I ) . p jii > yoit iia"i > it ? If you wish to know the name of the prominent Omaha physician that wrote t the letter , 1 will tell you. and at same Sp time mail you a map and time card showing that the "North-Western Line' " is the most dirict to these springs. .7. It. Buchanan. G. P. A. , P. E. & M. V. K. It. , * Omaha , Neb. L New Treatment for Nervous Disease * . p > This novel method consists in snben- taneous injections of a solution of the * phosphate of soda , which , riot entering 5 the system by the digestive tract , acts ' directly on the nervous system. The Brown-Sequard elixir was not always , harmless , but in many instances pro- JJ dueed local inflammation at the point B xvhere the injection was made or other \ unpleasant consequences. But no jr * -uch serious objection is likely to be V } . raised to the use of a solution of five v grammes of the phosphate of soda in M 100 grammes of sterilized , distilled | -water. . V $ } DRCXK FOK TWENTy YEARS. ' % > A correspondent writes : "I was drunk / on and off for drunk - • < over twenty years , ' % xvhen I had money , sober xvheii 1 had none. K Many dear frieuds 1 lost , and numbers f jrax-e me good advice to no purpose : but , thank God. an aujjel hand came at last in 4 tiie form of my poor xvife , who administer- . /J * < d your niarx elous remedy , "Anti-Jag , " ' p4" to uie without my knowledge or consent. "St1 * 1 am now sax-ed and completely trans- jM Jormed from a xvorthless fellow to a sober aL and respected citizen. " m . If 'Anti-Jag" cannot be had at your 3H | drugpist. it xvill be mailed in plain xvrapper isS with full directions how to give secretly , Mr < ai receipt of One Dollar , by the Itenova SK rheniical Co. , GO Broadway , New York , or jsL iiiey will glndlv mail full particulars tree. | L Effect of I'ro.t at Niagara Falls. Wj - The xvear and tear of the elements IV A nn aS"ara ina3 * e better remarked in .111 early spring than at any other season. * E i , Ureat boulders are continually fa.ling I from the faces of the cliffs where the3" T t xxere loosened by the action of the % \ frost , and the same process , no doubt , * \ is going on in the stone under the \ , \ cataracts. The erosix-e power of the fc | ? . \ x\aterfall is not so great , but xvater. B > I xvind and frost together make the re- * * - \ , 1 cession of the gorge , particularly on r \ tlie llorseshoe side , quite perceptible. \ The editor of this paper advises his readers tlmt a free package of Peruviana , f the be t kidney and liver cure ou earth , xvill be delivered FREE to any sufferer , if xvrit- ten for promptly. I'r.tcrviAXAliEMKDT Co. , f "stf ath St. . Cincinnati. Ohio. tL General ( > rat Keplio to : i Snob. * * The anecdote is told of General Grant J , that soon after his nomination for the presidency " ne xx-as in the city of , 3u V jf r xvhere he had not been expected , and yg * xvas known to but few. and there , on a < | | rainj * Sunday , entered a church and 2 ik took a seat in a vacant pew not far | from the pulpit. The man xvho rented aw or oxx-ncd the pexx- came in. and seeing 0 s > me one in the seat , sent the sexton jsP to ask him to leax-e it. xvhieh the gen- L eral did , simply saving : " 1 supposed I l5 | it xvas probably the pew of a g ntle- JrS' man or I should not have entered it. * ' jyp / pifS PcnMacntlCnn'd. > ofituraorvousnf alt JjK * Iirxt day b u-e of Dr. Klmpn t .Nrr Restorer. * . s s.nd lor FREE S' .OO trial Lottie and trestiso W \ -iu-E-U. KLISE.Ltd-.H31 ArcliM. . rialadelphia. Pa. Mi i \ J One Caper if si t.eorgia t'yclone. \ / The xvind sometimes cuts very queer jfr- . ' capers An old colored xvoman in the § | t , ) upper part of Georgia owns a very Jf large wash pot , xvhieh s.he claims xvas K turned inside out by a cyclone. She V says the pot is as good as ever , only j j the leg ? and handles are on the inside ft , now , and pester her xvhen > he stirs the | clothes. H \ CoeV Coacli Kulaara A I the oldest and be t. It will breakup * co"il Uiilcfcfr / I thi ii njthinsel . It i al a } . rt.lial.UTi \ iU W J Chraiu W Ellicott Squeer-I notice that the Mj. new restaurant managers are going toY * Y\ r-"t in Boston girls As "lady waiters. " ' j/\ Kllmore Yes : they believe it will save \Sj them the cost of ice and electric-fan | C nowcr. | Lillics of the valley are in high favor f with brides and debutantes. K Wo-To-Kac for Firty Cenlg. jk , Guaranteed tobacco habit cure , makes Tveak pr % tncu stroau. Wood pure. 50c. 81. All drucgibls. WF The shiftless man is always away • from home x\ lien a good opportunity iuocks. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS , GOME GOOD STORIES FOR OUR JUNIOR READERS. JaeUV Uooiiicr.iti ? . Or llio Storjr ii Little Uoy Who Wan Too F nnl ol IMaylnK Trick * lie's a Ilriek Souit Talf'h oT l'crll. An Evening Cuc t Cfft F in the silence ol /r \ / / this lonely eve , / j > With the streel / fiChM i lamp pale ' VI 'J\sjk ) flickering or \ rf y / . ? J An ' anujel xvere tc \ < t K fr whisper me- YOrBeliev. - //y W \ U sliall be Kiver /fir/t/ llK'eCall ! " - -j < ij whom siiould J ( ( { call ? And tlien I were tc see thee sliding in Clad in known garments , that with empty fold Lie in : ny keeping , and my fingers , thin As thine were once , to feel in thy safe hold ; I should fall weeping on thy neck and say , "I have so suffered since since" Bul my tears Would stop , remembering how tliot eount'st thy day. A day that is x\-ith God a thousand years. Then what are these sad days , months years of mine. To thine eternity of full delight ? What my whole life , xvhen myriad lives divine May xvait , each leading to a higher height ? I lose myself T faint. Beloved , best. Let me still dream thy dear humanity Sits xvitli me here , my head upon thy breast. And then 1 xvill go hack to heaver with thee. • lack's l ooiuer ns > Aunt Flora xvas making some wal nut creams that last afternoon in March. She had to crack the nuts very carefully to get them out xvhole , and some halves of shelves xvere not brok en at all. Jack's sharp eyes discovered them in the coal-hod. "Oh. goody ! " cried he , "they'll be just the thing to fool Teddy xvitli lo- morroxv , Aunt Flo. I'll stick them to gether and he'll think they're regulai xvalnuts. " "I xvouldn't , " said Aunt Flo. "He is such a little boy , and he will be disappointed. I wouldn't , Jack. " But Jack would. He picked out shell ; enough to make three xvalnuts , then he got the glue-bottle and stuck them to gether so carefully you xvouldn't have known they ere ever cracked. "Don't- they look just good enough to eat ? " laughed he. "Noxv , x\-hen they get dry I'll put them in a paper bag and give them to Teddy in the morn ing. " Then he ran out to his play , whist ling ; and he played so long and hard that he didn't think of the xvalnuts again until he came home from school next day , at noon. Aunt Flora had put them away for him , however. She told him where to find them. "On the second shelf of the dining room closet , in a paper bag. " said she. Jack's face had a sober look. He thought perhaps Aunt Flo didn't like his joke. "Maybe I hadn't best fool Teddy , " said he. "Guess I'll take them out and fool Johnny Wilson. I haven't been fooled today , Aunt Flo. " But Aunt Flo did not answer , and when Jack got to the fining room he found Teddy there. It did seem too good a chance to be lost. Jack took the bag of xvalnuts from the closet shelf. "Hello , Teddy ! " said he ; "have some nuts ? " "Oh. yes ! " cried Teddy , running to get the tack hammer. Ho liked wal nuts almost better than anything else. "You're the bestest boy , Jack , " he said. said.At At xvhieh Jack looked sober again. I think he felt a little bit ashamed. After all. it xx-asn't the best of fun to fool a little five-year-old boy. and his oxvn brother , too. But he gave Teddy the bag. In less than two seconds down came the hammer on the first walnut. It cracked very easily , indeed , and it had the funniest kernel you ex-er saxv in a nut a bright nexv dime ! It didn't take long to crack the other txvo , yon may be sure ; and there xvere thirty cents enough to buy two xvhole pounds of walnuts. "Oh , oh ! " cried Teddy , astonished beyond measure. "Are they mine ? Where did 'em come from ? " Jack's face xwts red as a rose. He was almost ready to feel cross about it : but looking up , he saw Aunt Flo smiling in the doorxx-ay. and laughed instead , a little sheepishly. " 1 guess I'm like the story you told about the man that threxv the boom erang. Aunt Flo , and it came back and hi ; him , " said he. "But I'm glad of i ; just the same. " Youth's Companion. lie's a lirick. When a boy does something tha ; is particularly good or noble his com rades say "He ' s a brick ! " for to call a fellow "a brick" is as high a compli ment as one boy can pay to another. If we stop to think about it , though , iteems rather strange that a brick fhould be chosen as a standard for measuring the worth of a boy. There is surely nothing very wonderful or fine about a brick. But. like a great many other sayings that do not appear to have much sense , we shall find , by- looking up the origin of the expression , that it started out with a very sensible inclining. In order to get at its be ginning , xve have to go back into &n- t-int history for a distance of uine hundred years before Christ all the way back to the time of Lycurgus , th < gicat Spartan ruler. Plutarch tells ui that Lycurgus had a great many wise and curious notions as to hoxv peoph should live and how the affairs of Mi country should be managed. One of hi- ideas xvas .that there xvas no necessity for building a wall about a town > f the soldiers xvere properly trained to pro tect the place. On one occasion an am bassador from a neighboring countr ; came to see Lycurgus , and he askei hoxv it xvas that he had no xvalb around the town. "But xve have xvalls , ' replied Lycurgus , "and if you will cow. with mo I will show them to you. ' Thereupon he took his guest out upir the plains where the army xvas drawr up in battle array , and , pointing tc the ranks of the soldiers , he said : "These are the xvalls of Sparta , ani every man is a brick. " So you ce = when the expression xvas first used n had a great deal more sense than it ha' now. Titles of l'crll. While three men were hunting ir Idaho , one gax'e a shout , and the others ran to his assistance. They found hiir clinging to some x'ines. that grew or the edge of a great hole in the ground at least thirty feet in diameter. Aftej hauling him out , he explained that h had xvalked into the hole xvhile lookint ahead for game , and only saved himseli by the merest chance. The hunter : came back the next day xvith ropes ant lowered a man into the pit. He report ed that it xvas nearly sixty feet deep and half-xvay down xvas narrowed ii like an hour glass , so that any living thing falling into the pit could nevei get out without assistance. As a proof the floor of the pit xvas strewn xw.l the carcasses of bear , deer and lessei game. The luckless animals at differ ent times had evidently fallen into the pit , perhaps xvhile being chased , and of course , xvere unable to climb the xval > 3 , xvhieh inclined toxvard the nar- roxv opening. Nobody of any sense ex- - er hunts for a grizzly , but xvhen one comes in sight hardly any one can re frain from firing at him. This xvas the case xvith txvo men in Montana , xvhc were going over the mountains on z narrow trail , xvhen they saxv a grizzly on the rocks above. Both men prompt ly took to shelter and consulted. The grizzly xx-as evidently coming to i spring nearby to drink , and was mind ing its oxx'n business , but one of the men thought he saxv a chance , anc fired. The bullet hit the bear in the neck. This merely irritated him enougl to make him look around for his tor mentors , and presently he was in ful chase. They ran at a lively pace , bu1 would have been caught had they not scrambled up the rocks. The grizzly scrambled up , too , but presently al sounds of pursuit ceased. Looking back , they saxv the bear jammed be tween two rocks. Before he could bad- out , one of the men ran back and pu ; a ball in the grizzly's ear , and the chase xvas over. It xvas such a narrow es cape , however , that .the hunters re solved to avoid grizzlies in future. In Los Angeles , a resident exhibits the skin of a mountain lion , got in i peculiar xvay. He xvas riding leisurely among the foothills xvhen a mountain lion crossed his path , and xvas slink ing axvay. as it generally does , xvhen he rashly fired at it xvith a light shot gun he carried. The lion , slightly xvounded. came back in a rage anc ' made a dash at him. The horse shiee : and the man xvas thrown , striking his head against a rock , and causing in sensibility. When he came to his senses his horse was standing ox-ei him , and a dead lion lay a little dis tance axvay. He examined the beast and found its skull crushed like ar eggshell. The horse had got a fail crack at him with his heels , and made an end of him. Ceremonial Laws of Savaccs. In a recent lecture on "Primitix-e Re ligious Expression" in Nexv Haxen Conn. . Professor D. G. Brinton said that ceremonial laxv is found to exist in ex- - cry tribe , and is obeyed xvith surprising punctuality. It is often absurd and ri diculous , but is obeyed just the same Among certain tribes it is against this laxv to roast a pig. only boiling of tha. animal being allowed ; xvith othei tribes no fuel from two different species of trees may be used for th > same fire and in ; Kamtchatka a cer tain tribe has a ceremonial laxv xvhieh prohibits the scraping of snoxv from the boots with a metal knife , and anothei law xvhieh threatens xvith boils anyone who kills a very young duck. It is be- liex-ed that punishment for the infrac tion of of these - any laxx-s falls not upor the indix-idual , but upon his tribe. Dar win found very little religion amen : . the Patagonians , but the severest ceremonial menial laws in x-ogue. An Elephant-Hunting Ad\etiturc. Selous. the African elephant hunter en one occasion had a marvelous es cape. He xx-as chased by an infuriatei elephant , throxx-n from his horse , xvhict ran axx-ay , leaving him upon the ground Before he could rise the elephant xvas upon him. and. falling upon his knees sent on. ' of its sharp tusks through hi thigh into the ground , for a moment pinning him there. Scions , xvhile suf fering terrible agony , did not lose hh presence of mind , but pretended to ik dead , xvell knoxving that this xvas hi. only hope. The elephant watched him closely a moment , then , thoroughly de- t-eived , pulled his tusk out and ran oft into the xvoods. receiving as it went It& quietus in the shape of a bullet , which the hunter's companions had not dared to fire before , fearing that the animal would fall on him. Professor Bailey , of Ithaca. N. Y. . has succeeded in grafting tomato on potato vines. In this case the toma toes grexv to full size , but the pota toes remained small. a MADDENED BY FOOD. Insane Trcaki or Aiiliinit I'le.li I'pon n Kentucky Man. Thomas Odcll. a young man of 2L years , living seven mi' ( * s > bade of Greenup. Ky. , has met death in a strange manner , lie had been u puzzle to physicians for several years. lie xvas affected bv what he ale to such an extent that whn he indulged in beef e-ting about an hour afterward he would become restless , and wander out in search of cattle and bellow as an ox. and would get down oa his hands and eat grass like a cow. When he par took of mutton his actions xvere those of a sheep , and he xvould plaintively bleat like a lamb. When he ate chicken he would go out and scratch for worms xvhieh he xvould devour xvith apparent relish. After eating fish he xvould xvander to the creek and go in swimming. Lately his father kil.ed several squir rels , of which the son ate heartily for dinner. He left the house shortly after and xvas folloxvcd by the father. The father saw him entering an oak grove , and soon saxv his son jumping nimbly from limb to limb , at the same time barking like a squirrel. Ilecallctl for him to come doxvn , but this only seemed to make the boy want to escape , and he attempted to jump from one tree to another , but missed and fel. to the ground , a mangled , breath less mass of humanity , and expired in less than five minutes. I5i-j Karruijrs Coming in A ain. "Monster earrings. " says a jeweler , ' 'belong to thee a of cannil a'ismand xvidow-burning , and I never expected to see the mastodonic oriental fashion sxx-elidom has decreed revived , but English creed that big earrings must be xvorn again , so be prepared to see the lobes of ladies' auricles weighed clown xxith gr'-at heax-y combinations of mctalu and jexvcls. I xvonder xvhy the women stop short of xvearing rings in their * nails ttuck r.o-es and ten-pennx through their upper lips. A Dangerous Lethargy. The foientiiner of a train of evils , which too often culminate fatally , is inactivity or lctliaifry of the kidneys. Not only is Hripht's disease. "diabetes , gravel , or some other dan- joous integral disease of the organs thein- sflxes to he apprehended , hut diopsical diffusions from tlie hlood. rheumatism and gout , are all traceable to the non-removal fiom the blood by the kidneys of certain im- puiities. Hostetter's Stomach Hitters depu- latesthe blood , renders the kidneys active and ptevents their disease. The Ileit Way to Learn. Rogers , the poet , xvon a reputation for caustic speech : but he had a great distaste for the "small beer * ' of per sonal gossip. "I xvonder hoxv the Blanks are able to keep a carriage , " a lady once said to him , in his own house , and the poet at once turned to a serx-ant to say : "Go to Blank Square xvith Mrs. Proctor ' s and my compli ments , and ask hoxv the family con trive to pay for their carijiajre. TO CURE A COLI5 IK ONE DAY. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure , :5c Not l'sirticular. "We take breakfast here at ' ! , " the mistress informed the nexv servant. "Don't change your arrangements for me. mum. 1 can find something for myself when I come down later. " Hall's Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure. Price , Vac. Kngllslimen IvnoM-n to Frenchmen. The onlx- Englishmen that are knoxxn to the French people generally , it has been said in a jocular xvay , are Ilobin- son Cru.soe and the prince of Wales Cafe Iiobinson. restaurants built in trees , are among the latest Parisian fads. They take their name , of course , from Bobinson Crusoe. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Ca caiets Candv Cathartic 10c or 25c. I ! C. C. C. fail to cure , druggists refunil moaev. A man xvho i.s not x-ery smart , can gix-e good advice. i1IPp11Bgreat dcaI of I * l"pls * 1 i nonscnse ias been w ( I PP fk IP' ' w"ttcn o * be5 slfk l Iicvcd about il > W > g l glj blood purifiers. i if § 15 H What ? mmes the & gi jlglla -nal j blood ? I ) | THE HONEYS | | PURIFY m BLOOG | I AND THEY ALONE. | g If diseased , however , they cannot , * 8 and the blood continually becomes W ft more impure. Every drop of blood fe a in the body goes through the kidneys , si the sewers of the system , every three minutes , night and day , while life % m endures. & w puts the kidneys in perfect health , and p nature does the rest. g > f 1 he heavy , dragged out feeling , the g ( | bilious attacks , headaches , nervous p unrest , fickle appetite , all caused by fe f poisoned blood , xvill disappear when w the kidneys properly perform their m functions. * There is no doubt about this , w Thousands have so testified. The p M theory is right , the cure is right and 9 health folloxvs as a natural sequence. 9 m Be self-convinced through perm - p m sonal proof. fe HALL'S Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RF.N EWER Beautifies an J .estoies Grav Hair to its original coicr and vitality ; prevents baidness : cures itching and dandruff. A fine hair dressing. 11.1' . Hall & Co. . Props . V sliua. X.ll. Sold hall .Druggists. WSKfBKKHamKEH&BSKEMMSRR BSSKBBK A SCIEXTIST SAVED President Barnaby , of Hartsville College , Survives a Serious Illness Through the Aid of Dr. Williams * Pink Pills for Pale People. , . . From tiic Kcpublicun Columtms. Iml. The Hnrtsville College , situated at Hurts- vi-le. Indiana , was loundel years ago in the interest of the United lSrethreii Church , wiiou the state was mostly a wilderness and colleges were nearce. " The college in well known throughout the country , former students having gone into all parts of the world. Sfi miL & K. I nu > r aixis i' imn.NAin A reporter recontix called at tins famous s-ent ot learning mid was slnn into the room of the President , l'ruf Alvin 1' . Har- naby. When last seen by the reporter l'rof. Harnnby xvuin delicate health. To day he xvas apparently in the l > e-t of health , lures-pause to an inquiry the profc-sor saiil • "Oh , yes , 1 am much better than for sometime , lam now in perfect health : but my recovery xwis brought about in rutlier a peculiar wax . " "Tell me about it. " said the reporter. "Well , to begin at the beginning. " ' said the professor. "I studied too hard when at f-chool. endeavoring to educate mx self for the professions. After completing the common course 1 came liete. and graduated from the theological course 1 entered .he ministry , aud accented the charge of a A Historic Cathedral Doomed * The old cathedral in Herlin is being- pulled down 'n I a new one erectt-d. The emperor hi.o consented to allow papcrxveights to b made of the marble pavements and the step's of the altar where the late Emperor William ' s cof fin stood. Each weight bears stamped j upon it the xvords H xvhieh the em peror gave his permission as a guaran tee of its genuineness. Thex- are to be : sold for charitable purposes. My doctor said I xvou 'd die I ut. Piso ' s Cure for Consumption cured me. Amos Ke.ner. Cherry Valley , Ills. , > oJi. . IMC. Another Olfrr Tor Sljrht. | A. J. Miller , a wealthy merchant of Frankfort , Ind. , has offered to give $50,000 to anyone xvho xvill restore his sit , * t , lost three xears ago by a stroke of paralysis. Educate Your isovrcls fVitli Cascarotn. Candy Cathartic , cure constipation forever. lOc. ir C. C. C. fail , druzsists refund mout-y. Theosophy is the cultured and soul ful xvay of going crazy. United Hruthren Church nt n small piuco in Kent CountMich. . Hoing of un am bitious nature , 1 applied myself diligently to my work and studies. In time I uoticpd thut ' inx- health was failing My truiililit was indigestion , mid this with other trou bles brought on nervousness. " .My physician proscribed for mo for soiiiosometiiiie. and ndvised mo to tufco n change of eliunito I did as he requested niul xvns homo mi proved. Soon after. I cumo hero as professor in physic , and chemistry , mid later was financial a mit of this college The change agreed ith inc. and for a while mv health was bettor , but my duties were heavy , and again I found my trouble returning. Tins time it x\as more severe and in the winter I be came completely prostrated. I trio 1 xari cms medicines and different physicians Filially , J was able to return to mv duties Last spring 1 waselected president of the ' college. Again I had considerable work. ' and tiie troublewhich iiad not been entire ly cured , began to titled me. and ! nt fail J collapsed. I had ditlcrcnt doctors but none d. 'd me any good. Professor ' .ou man. who is professor of natural science , told me of ins experience with I > r Wil liams * Pink Pills for Pale People and urged mo to give tliem a trial , bi'causo tie\ ! had benefited him in a similar case , and 1 con eluded to try them • • The iir.st box helped me , and the -ci-i.nd gin e great relief , such as I had neveex i periciiced from Ihe treatment of mix phv i\ \ sicinti. Alter using six boxes ot the inedi JS cine 1 xvas entiiely cured. To day I am t , perfectly well. 1 leel butter and stronger Jj than for years. 1 certainly recitmmeiid : ' this medicine. " • To allay nil dmilit Prof. Parnaby cheer f nilv made an allidavit before Lym\s .1. Sci'KiiKit , Notary Public Dr. Williams - Pink Pills for Pale People aio sold by all dealers , or xvill be sent post t paid on receipt of price , .Ml cents u box or six boxes for i'2 f > < > ( they are never sold in * ' 4 bulk , or by the 100) . bv addressing ! > r Wil j liains ' Medicine Co. . Schenectady , N Y I The Hire t'la r . I Mamma "I am inclined to b > - . as- 1 picious of Mr. Smithers. " I Maud "Why. mamma , he a' .wjva I wears a dress suit when he calls ' I Mamma "Yes. but it is not aiw.ixs J the same one , my child.Judge -I _ _ , S75 S50 I I Western Wheel "Works I - > . MAKERS .vD - . Cf C * f t i. \ CATAL9GVE FREE. , .1 ENSIONS , PATENTS , CLAIMS. i JOHN W. MORRISWASHINGTON' .D C Late I'rlnrlpkl Examiner V B. Pennon Eurrzu. 3)Ii. in lull war , l ailjudnaling els. a - • . H I DROPSY ! c . ° yE - t ; f tfsiiiiiiuiiaiml 10 < li\i * H < -a-H „ SniI for iiook - - treatment J'reo. I r. il.n.au.VsM > , Atlanta , un. W. N. U. OMAHA. NOIi 1. -1 7. I When writin * ; to advertiser- . Kind > • ; • > H tion this jiapcr. B $ IS * * S3 ! k S Si l YoiTII find out what | ' I | jjj S SE ' jr Je * i H ga fe they arc when you I I L u\if ; \ ! d ST. JACOBS 01L = = = : . I jj is xvhen you put the crutches axvay , completely cured. O candlc the oil lamp ' ' gas- \ I \ 1 mw///u 7 / | 1 # C\V these arc stages in th < - cvoS J\yfyWWW///ti\"ys \ \ N \N Iubon of iiluminaticn , which \ y 's ' ' ' iodzy finds its highest expo- & 6 nent in the electric light. 6 % 9 Similar and no less stt king has been the evolution of grain ana ( I grass cutting machinery. In 1831 the scythe and the cradle were superseded by ) the McCormick Reaper. The intervening years have seen many improvements , r I Xyf until noxv we have that model Harveste- and Binder , the McCormick Right K H Vp Hand Open Elevator , and that veritable electric light of mowersom , the vc. H rf I , ii New 4. It is not only the handsomest mov/er ever built , but it is , in exery w- B sense of the word , the best and if ycur experience has taught you anything. < H Vfl it is that there's nothing cheaper than the best. , \ * \ McCormick Harvesting Machine Company ; Chicago. fj fl Jj The I.tht-RuTinintr M > .orrr.icl : Open Elex-ator Harvester , 'Tkl M . . . . . S ! M K/ The I.isl.t-kut.uinp MiCormitk ev.4 steel Mou-er. ftp The i.i ht-Kur.miifr McCormnk Vertical Corii I.nder and C § fU jS The I.ight-Kunnn < j McCorniick Liai-v Rcitr for ssle ever Trhere [ M Fork Crown I y In'h < l-fiTCoInm- bia models a feature J ofspt. lal-niportanre i 15 ihr double fork ! crown. It is a special construction which we have tried and 1 foaaJ to be the strongest. The crow n encased in nick cled c-i utcheons , • "xcludia dust or out. and givirg a . . rich , distinctive ? = ist..ccishio t c i vs : * fe'l'rj. finish , md that a ! a rot its ? . qlance the fact tha * the wheel is the Columbia is apparea' . $ ! ( 1897 Columbia Bicycles J1 STANDARD OF Si ft rt TO Alt THE WORLD.IWU ALlKE. 1896 Columblas , $75. j HARTF0RDS , next best , S60 , S50 , $45 $ \ POPE MFG. CO. , Hartford , Conn. < ( ATALO&UC * t flV * * V Ck i.v i tt L , It MAIL. fOW WS ' > NNNNX\\\\NN\\\X\NN\\V \ I Oift" . i to Dfr H To California 1 comfortably. I i nrnrw rm r i i m _ H Every Tl..il y , a4.35 B p m..h Lrt-i- - , .w pica : H lor Drav . . > .ttl 'L.j.iZ'i City , H San ? rc. . .s.r and Los M Ange " * - - ijf" Omaha via H the ' - Eon * " S'u-lizi'frn jH It it. • irp"teJ. upho.- H Etfre .n - .jt' . i , Has spring | sats i : . - . Us- & > , and 1a H 1 m l P'oviJf 1 v.ith curtains , | | iNHM Mm b dd.j.jr. 'o- - : > i , soap , etc j t lillllllillUlllfll • * ' * " i • "i * " . ' ti excursion. | imffttUHm cond'i mi .1 unifonaed H HiIiIIKlH Pullmar . . ' - ? • raccompany HilJijll H it thrci ' . t.j the Pacific ' 1 Coast p. M Not -si • "is.tvely tin. - | isheel nor m > f , ; Tol-okat | as a uala y - - ; eper. . but M just as oo < l to tiJ in M Fecond • lu * tj. , t t tp B honor * d. a.c * hpn' - " . - > f j" M a berth , xvn.it riniaca and M big en. v.ri. ' 'T ' • 3. 0,1liJ M so. Fir . . - tt. . - : 21 9 partif - . ivs * B J. FRANCIS , GneP - Atii , fl Oi.ah . N- ' H > % TPIITft H. B.WII.I-SON 6. CO. Vasb- H | ffl I fV I nFu'1- ' ' ' X - , ti 'I'at nt 1 K % I nil I Wtecureii. * . . . ; ; ; IiimiV free , M