The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 07, 1897, Image 5

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K § Ganschow I
B' 1 m , | "P1m | I
V § [ JO ? I 5 OS 3 ]
H 1 | | and I w. j §
V § hs Dark Tan Si1 |
j If ! of all Kinds l\ \ §
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B A § 3 Repairing . : I firllOo' AU 5 !
) gy Done. Lau CO Mail is
L * ISIs Short 111 * -7 Attended jv = = |
B 12 • MISS6S ' M
? 1 1 * Children's ' j I 1
I j I Oxfords | = j i
II 'and \f \ I
F II i oanoais * ! &
H $ i f 4p iq i pinp \ nrp i i
§ i 11 ttjllaUltj oil Mi ! p
P l y I McCOOK , NEBRASKA. f P j
. 5 -d& FOR © S P
B uftfi § EVERY member of $ ? 2
T V PiN Cpjjl38jfa EVERY farm , in §
B i S n P Sx EVERY village , in § § ?
Ho RS Y SoHhKIN N EVERY State and Ter. gjjj *
m. 5 5 pS S M A FOR Education , g p
K W W Y'5 ; gg S Q | EOR Noble Manhood , % ? $
K 5 \ JfcSi A FOR True Womanhood jfep
lt N It gives all important ne"ws of the
H S Nation and World , the most reliable TO
H 5jv 3 market reportsbrilliant andmstrucgjj
W M w tive editorials , fascinating shortTstog
K 5 ries , an unexcelled agricultural eJJfe
Hp ufttd partment , scientific and mechanical Sifai
Hi v § information , illustrated fashion artigfe
H' H G eles , humorous illustrations , etc. , etc.
1 J 5 ea5 ?
KR fe EOR $1.50 , CASH IN ADVANCE. § $
fj 5JWJ3 Address all Orders to THE McCOOK TRIBUNE. gM3
MW kn Write your name and address on a postal card , send it to Geo. W Best , fe ? S
Hm ffjfli Tribune office , New York City , and a sampie copy of the New-fork Weekly Tribune 5"JIIJl5 " {
Hb f ife wi"be maUed t0 you' a5
K | IX ! H0W T0 GETIT F0R $3.50. m
HH hvj r ] To he educated oue must read \ % \
Hi\ y j f A AT the hest literature. > /S / i
l F e est literature is expenVy l
Bfl S Unparalleled sive . i i
H | f f \ Leslie's Illustrated Weekly , y
H | ; OFFER published at no Fifth Avenue , f 5
Kk Cf New York , is full of the best 10
Ik < fe. " ' -r things. Its illustrations are txx/yl
P' . I l superb ; its stories charming ; and its literary departments are yf j
Hl fiv/91 : edited with consummate skill. |
tf 1 32 Such a paper is a great popular educator. It should be in j
EV S | every home. 0 ]
PK l v The subscription price of Leslie's is $4 per annum. ag p
KI l t e ma e e unparalleled offer of a copy of Leslie's Illus- jCj
m | x | trated Weekly and a copy of our own weekly for one year , at b =
Br r pCj only $3.50 for both. 1
K , \ T ° sucb offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever V &i
Sm ' r e , na e aBa n- i
K\ i l Remit by postal order or check to j l
1 / - , jOj THE TRIBUNE , MeCook , Neb. - ji
BhllUW VcCIOE , 17EB2AGSA. HlHll
No. 2. Vestibuled Express , daily ,
Lincoln , Omaha , St. Joe ,
Kansas City , St. Louis.Chi-
cage , and all points south
and east 5:55 A.M.
No. 4. Local Express , daily , Lin
coln , Omaha , Chicago , and
all points east 9:00 P. M.
N0.148. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday ,
Hastings and intermediate
stations 5:0 ° AM -
No. 76. Freight , daily , Oxford , Hol-
drepe , Hastings 6:45 A.M.
No. 80. Freightdaily , Hastings and
intermediate stations 7:00 A. M
No. 5. Local Express , daily , Den
ver and intermediate sta
tions SI5 P. M.
No. 3. Vestibuled Express , daily ,
Denver and all points in
Colo.Utah and California , 11:40 p.m.
N0.149. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday ,
Akron and intermediatesta-
tions 6:00 A. M.
No. 77. Freight , daily.Stratton.Ben •
kelman , Haigler , Wray and
Akron 3:20 P. M.
No. 63. Freight , dailyStrattonBen-
kelman , Haigler , Wray and
Akron 5:00 P. M.
N0.175. Accommodation , Mondays ,
Wednesdays and Fridays ,
Imperial and intermediate
stations * . . . 7:00 A. M.
Sleeping , dining and reclining chair cars
( seats free ) on through trains. Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in the
United States or Canada.
For information , time tables , maps and
tickets , call on or write C. E. Magner , Agent ,
MeCook , Nebraska , or J. Francis , General
Passenger Agent , Omaha , Nebraska.
Roadmaster C. A. Parson was down
from Akron , Friday last.
Clothing to order is our main special
ity. Get our prices before j-ou order
elsewhere. Famous Clothing Co.
Section Foreman S. S. Frederick has
purchased what is known as the Webster
residence , corner of Monroe and Dudle } * .
firakeman W. S. Tomlinson and fami
ly visited relatives and friends in Oxford ,
Sunday , between east and west passen-
i ger trains.
Lineman William Brown " extended'a
telegraph line up Marshall street , to
Chief Dispatcher Forber' new residence ,
Saturday last.
The Burlington is experimenting with
a pneumatic car cleaner which is said to
be a great success and will reduce the
cost of janitor work on coaches.
T. G. Rees , agent for the companat
Farnani , was elected generalissimo at
the election of officers of Nebraska
Knights lemplar in Lincoln , last week.
Brakeman Steve Dwyer was called
down to Beatrice , Tuesday , by the illness
of his brother John , thh company's well
known commercial agent at that place.
Brakeman W. C. Cox has been sent
to Pittsourg , Kas. , by the local B. of R.
T. , to look after and care for Elsie Hobbs ,
who recently lost a leg in the Pittsburg
Train-master Web. Josselyn of Orleans ,
Roadmaster T. A. Wilburn of Red Cloud
and Assist. Supt. E. P. Highland of
Denver were at headquarters , last Fri
day , with their pay-rolls.
The company is carrying out the com
mendable idea of planting some trees
and gr ss about each of its stations. A
small green plat of this kind will do
much to relieve the barren appearance
of the surroundings of the average rail
road depot.
' 'Speaking of fast runs" , remarked
one of the Burlington's finest , the other
day , to the railroad editor , "Engineer
Frank HawkswOrth with engine 310
made the run from Hastings , recently ,
132 miles in 140 minutes , and never stole
a minute out of Oxford. He never turned
a hair on the old 310 , either" . Next.
Bert Mowbray , brother of Mrs. C. E.
Pope , arrived in the city , last Saturday ,
from Ogden , Utah. He is on his way to
attend the national '
telegraphers' conven
tion in Peoria , Illinois. He left east
ward , Wednesday evening , and will visit
the Mowbrays in Lincoln and the Sirco-
loumbs in Sheridan before returning to
The catcher service in the railway
mail service , whereb3 * mail is 'dropped
into cranes at small stations from fast
trains , is giving the postal authorities
much annoyance , and complaints are
frequent. Acting General Superintend
ent Myers of the railway mail service
has issued two orders to correct abuses.
One prohibits the use of damaged or in
secure catcher pouches , and the other
directs division railway mail superin
tendents to instruct postmasters as to
properly hanging catcher pouches on
the mail cranes. Both of the orders are
due to reports indicating that the mails
are frequently exposed to loss or damage
by use of damaged catcher equipment
and improper placing of sa ks in the
small cranes. The second order is issued •
with a view to avoiding failure to secure 1
mails at catch stations and to prevent !
damage to equipment. '
Fireman Walter Stokes is still on the
sick list.
Auditor W. P. Foreman was at head
quarters , Tuesday.
C. F. Heber visited his mother in
Denver over Sunday.
The pay car will be here on No. 5.
next Tuesday evening.
Conductor S. L. Moench has sold his
interest in the hog ranch.
Operator McManigal is temporarily
relieving Operator Davis at Yuma.
Conductor J. H. Burns has purchased
the lot adjoining his residence property.
Fireman Charles Coleman and family
were Hastings visitors , over Sunday last.
Conductor George Beck is having his
residence property enclosed with a neat
picket fence.
Mrs. Mose Carmony , who has been
visiting Red Cloud friends , arrived home ,
last of past week.
Engineer Barney Lewis leturned , close
of week past , from looking after his in
terests down near Lincoln.
A bridge special is going over the di
vision , this week. Chief Engineer I. S
P. Weeks , Superintendent of Bridges C.
P. Olson , Supt. A. Campbell and Divi
sion Supt. of Bridges W. S. Perry are on
the special.
Conductors and Mesdames C. E. Pope ,
Frank Kendlen , V. H. Solliday , C. VV.
Bronson and J. W. Line will leave tonight
for Los Angeles , Cal. , to attend the great
biennial convention of the O. R. C. A
glorious trip is before the party.
A two-year-old child of Section-hand
Root of Orleans was literally cut to
pieces , Wednesday morning , by No. 16.
As the train was passing the tool-house ,
the child suddenly ran to the track and
was struck by the engine and horribly
mangled. No blame attaches to the en-
ginemen or trainmen.
Mahara's Minstrels.
This well known company which is
billed to appear at the opera house , Me
Cook , Mondaj' , Maj' loth , is now play
ing to large houses in Denver. The
Morning News of Monday , May 3d , says :
"The only place of amusement open ,
yesterday afternoon , was the Lyceum ,
and that fact , in connection with a clever
show , drew large crowds to both matinee
and night performances. Mahara's min
strels are just what is claimed for them ;
clean , bright , up-to-date and with an
abundance of prett3' music and topical
songs. The first part , which of course
consists of singing and witticisms , pre
pared the audience for the several clever
specialties which followed in the olio.
The singing of Billy Young in conjunc
tion with his comedy work was the hit
of the show. Hilliard Brewer , the con
tortionist , was awarded a fair share of
applause. He certainly is a wonder and
his queer bending and dislocation of
joints merited all the encomiums tend
ered him. The skirt dancing of Le Roy
Bland , female impersonator , was a splen
did imitation of the prima donna dan-
suese and was well received by his audi
tors. The performance , taken as a whole ,
was pleasing and stale jokes were notice
able for their absence" .
Reserved seats 50 cents , now on sale
at McConnell's drug store.
For Sale on Easy Terms.
5S00.00 buys the two-story house and
two lots south of brick school house.
$ rooo.oo buys the two houses south of
Al. Noren's.
52,500.00 buys the Spearman house and
and three lots.
$1,000.00 buj's the D. J. Smith livery
$400.00 buys the northeast quarter of
section 2r , range 1 , township 30.
$5,000.00 buys the F. and M. Bank
$300.00 buys the Quan property.
Other lots and lands to be given away
to those having a little sand and a few
dollars. Here is a chance to make money.
S. CORDEAt , Agent.
In New Quarters.
I am now located in the Laj-ccck store
room , where I shall be pleased to see all
my old customers and many new ones.
My stock of cigars , tobaccos and smokers'
articles is unequaled in the city. In con
nection with my retail establishment , I
run a cigar factory ; besides one of the
best appointed billiard and pool rooms
in the Republican valley. Everything j
first class. J H. Bennett. |
= = = = =
A Hard Nut.
With a shortage of $3,000 now , and the
big taxes already paid in , the school
board has before it a financial nut which
it will not find easy to crack. As we
have indicated in times past a number of '
times the situation is becoming more and
more serious. 1
Strayed or Stolen.
One light bay mare , 6 years old , weight
about 1,000 pounds , white stripe in face. *
One dark mare mule , 2 years old , weight <
about 600 pounds. Finder will be suitably <
rewarded by addressing ,
James Ryan , Indianola , Neb.
Latest styles in men's , boys' and chil- '
dren's straw hats just received , atjlhe '
Famous Clothing Co. 5
_ I
II H i
P . . DRESSES. . . § § I
g g n v vvv s vrvvv' 'jvivvvnvv CxpS J t
$ $ Now is the time to buy them. s&2 I
g | Our line of Dress Goods is large , jgj
| H Prices are very reasonable. Come I
r 3 and see the line of wash fabrics for f | &
| | p Summer Dresses , the assortment is ,
pll good. Buy now before the best I
&b things are gone. You can save Ml I
§ H money by buying Ladies ' Shirt | § § H
p | Waists , Ladies ' Spring Capes , and H
58 $ Ladies ' Dress Skirts of us. s H
fjSg We still sell the G-D Corsets , gagjj H
gg § No better Corset sold at $1.00. § 1
m • 2S5
p $ Grocery Stock is always comp $ H
g | plete. Get our prices. § & ; H
m ckS H
( ! & AT THE . . . mM * H
i * i I
i Jg O. L. DeGROFF & CO. § &g • H
y f NATIONAL j g | H
8 I bankT ] M H
% & Authorized Capital , $100,000. Q x H
| P Capital and Surplus , $60,000 j | | H
g j GEO. HOCKSELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. | X | J l
. . . . . .
Hl W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEN NELL , Ass't Cash. Pg Hl
. . .
jgp A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. S I HI
$ V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT. Cashier , f * |
# l
# Paid lip Capital , 850,000. Surplus , Si0,000 # H
. H
# = § i H
- = = DIRECTORS = = = -
# i > f l
jb / . FRANKLIN , N. S. HARWOOD , A. C. EBERT , j | f H