The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 30, 1897, Image 2

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    B * •
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V iiiihimhhiii mtttvummm *
H i
HK islature.
H Some of the Measures to Become Opor-
B atlve at Once Because of the Einer-
H | gency Clnuuo Attachment What
BHftW , is Provided by All of Them.
HHHBj Laws of the legislature.
H [ Concluded. ]
H ITouso roll No. 143 , Introduced by IIull ,
H provides that all vinegar sold us apple vlno-
j Kar must be the legitimate product of apple
j Juice. Persons manufacturing , keeping for
H ale or offering for sale any grain vinegars ,
H wine vinegars or fruit vinegars arc required
M to keep it in packages on which the numu of
H the manufacturer and the grain , fruit or
H other substance from which it is made Is
H stumped or marked. No vinegar is to bo sold
B i containing any preparation of lead , copper ,
1 ; sulphur or other mineral acid or other ln-
H gredients Injurious to health. A penalty is
HH provided for the violation- the act. The
H -governor signed the bill April 10.
B Hon so roll No. 150 , by Hull , regulates the
HB manufacture and sale of elder , and is de-
H signed to prevent ) udulteratlon , deception
S nnd fraud in the manufacture or sale ttiero-
Hj of. This bill was signed April 10.
EK House roll No. 125 , by Burkett of Luncas-
H ( cr , amends the luw regulating the manner
n in which claims against the estate of dece-
1 dents are to bo proved and allowed. This bill
il was signed April 10.
39 House roll No. 244 provides that railroad
H companies shall maintain track scales at all
9 * .stations from which 200 carloads of grain
HH have been shipped in any one year subse-
Hw Qucnt to live years ago. The cars and con-
jl tents are to bo weighed und the company is
Hv held responsible for the whole net amount
1 less one-half of one per cent allowed for loss
Hl ' ' .V natural causes. This bill was signed by
.j the governor April 10.
j Senate file No. 2J2 , introduced by Spencer
B by rcauest. amends the statute leguluting
1 the practice of medicine. The act provides
pHS ior : l hoard of four secretaries of the stuto
nl board of health. Of these two must belong
fl to regular school , one to the eclectic and one
fl to the horucoputhicbchools. The act also pro-
9 vides that a lour years'course of study in a
i i Ha medical college shall be required before ad-
1 mission to practice. The act provides for
IS an examination fee of 310. The governor
1 signed this bill April 10.
iJlAVfi Senate iileNo. llMpiovidcs that all disused
J PJJfl well- , and other pitfalls dangerous to stock
| | bBb | | shall be filled up. This was signed by the
IJpBSi governor April 10.
J pJU Senate concurrent resolution No.27 author-
I i7Csthc governor to cuter into an agrcc-
JJ ] ment with the governor of South Dakota
JjS ( King the boundary line between Nebraska
H and touth Dakota.
JJI Senate file. No. Iti'J provides that in counties
J IHj where the county clerk is acting as * cx-oilicio
H clerk of the district court when it shall ap-
J IJB pear to the county board that 1,000 votes have
J IJB been cast in that county at a general elec-
* tionorfrom other sources that there aie
more than 8,000 inhabitants in the county ,
then the county board shall appoint a clerk
of the district court , whoso term'shull extend
until the next general election and until a
successor is elected and qualified. Theie is
1 an emergency clause attached. The govern
or signed this bill April 10.
Senate file No. 130 , by Dundas , permits the
county board of any county on petition of
one-fourth of the legal voters of the county
to levy a tax to erect a court , jail or other
public building. The governor signed this
April 10. '
J pJJ fcenutc file No. G , by Murphy , allows judge ?
J IJJ ) of the district courts to ii\ the day upon
J IJJ which jurors shall report for duty. With the
J pjlj emergency clause attached , this was signed
j by the governor April 10.
J ; Senate file No. 01 , by Deal , permits county
B treasurers to invest three-fourths of the
E sinking fund of that county in the bonds of
Jb the same county. This was signed by the
B governor April 10.
Jl House roll No. 182 , being the committee
J IJI fHibst itute for the original hill , provides for
l tlie organization of mutual insurance comP -
P P pH panics to insure city and village property
J against loss by lire , lightning , tornado , cy-
l clone or wind storms.
J The act provides that any number of pcr-
J IJI sons not less than 100 in number , who own
J IJI city or village property and reside in this
P P pH state , can organize a company. Ail persons
J IJI effecting insurance in the company become
PJ members. The directors are to be elected by
P P pH the members at the annual meeting.
P P PJ The territory to be covered by the company
jm PJ is confined to Nebraska.
PjIJH The act recites that policies may issue on
PJIJ PJ cities , towns and villages , real or personal
P P pH property in this state , also on business prop-
P PJ crty outside of cities and villages against
J P PJ loss or damage by fire , lightning , tornado.
J IJI cyclone or wind storm for any length of time
J not exceeding five years. The limit of insur-
PBBBiP ance on any one risk or hazard is not to c.\-
J cecd $1,000. This bill , with the emergency
P P PH clause , was signed by the governor April ( J.
j House roll No. 423. introduced by Zimmer-
P P pH man. is the bill prescribing the proccduie in
P P pH cases where orders of the state board of
P P PH transportation are contested by railroad
J IJI companies. This act U a radical departure
J P PJ from the old rule regulating court procedure
P P pB in such cases , and it compels the railroad
PBWHJ companies to make a showing on the merits
J IJJ of the. case or have the dilatory proceedings
P P H usually resorted to ended in short order.
P P H A heavy penalty is provided for the vlola-
P P PH tiou of the provisions of the act and it is
J IJJ stipulated that 10 per cent of the fine imposed
J IJJ shall go to the party aggrieved and making
P P PB the complaintnnd the attorney general is to
Vfl have taxed a fee of $50 for every conviction
pBVflj under the act prosecuted by him.
P P H House roll No. 07 , the committee substitute
J IJJ for t he bill introduced by Taylor of Fillmore ,
P P H provides that breaking into a chicken house
P P H in the nighttime , with intent to , shall
P P pB be burglary , and punished by imprisonment
P P H in the penitentiary for from one to ten years ,
P P H was passed with the emergency clause.
P P pi House roll No. 201 , introduced by Eager.
P P H prohibits tl.c waste of water from mutual
P P H artesian wells , and prescribes the conditions
J IJJ under which such water is to be distributed
P P H and used.
J pJJ House roll No. 401. introduced by Gaflln.
P P H provides that the government of the home of
J IJJ the friendless at Lincoln shall be by and un-
J IJJ . dor the board of public lands und buildings.
J pJJ The governor is to appoint an advisory visit-
J IJJj ing board , und also the superintendent and
P P H .such other o&icers as the institution re-
J pJJ -quires. This bill was passed with the
PBpJHemergency clause.
J llj House roll No. 519. introduced by R. A.
J pJJ Clark , provides for the payment by the state
J IJJ of $2,000 to Mrs. Lucia Lawson , who lost her
P P H eye by reason of some hard substance proJected -
Jected from the gun of one of the university
a cadets during the exhibition drill on the uni-
Jf vcrsity charier day.
House roll No. 5.52. introduced by Hull , proP -
P P PJ vides for the appropriation of § 10,000 to detray
P P H the expenses of the investigation o
the state ofiiccs and institutions
and for the prosecution of any criminal
sind civil cases wherein the state has been
defrauded by its officers , employes or those
f dealing with any of the state institutions or
' having m their custody or control any money
or property belonging to the state. The fund
appropriated is placed under the control of
f -the governor aud is to be expended tinder
t his direction. The bill passed with the
PBpBlJ < cmcrgcncv clause attached.
§ House roll No. 530 , introduced by AVieDC ,
provides for the appropriation of SI 14.30 for
< : he reimbursement of Henry Drews for ovcr-
PBpBpJ puvment on school land.
House roll No. 233. by Zimmerman , provides
for the consolidation into a single separate
fund all money's collected for various purposes -
poses from students of the state university
Hi no be known as the university cosh fund.
§ This bill was passed with the emergency
PBpBf clause.
PBbBB House roll No. 359 , by Holland , provides for
A the relief of Wm. Bergiu. James Bcrgln. G. F.
PHalJ Taylor and Lewis Uowaid of Red Willow
PHJH coxnty in connection with an application for
PHJH a lease of school land made by them.
House roll No. 13 ! . by Rich of Douglas , nro-
PHJH vides for the sale upon execution of stock
incorporations and interests in companies
I not incorporated and designating the manner
PHJHof levy thereupon under execution and writs
HHbJ of attachment. The act provides that the
H levy on stqck in a corporation shall be made
H -by notifying in writing the president , vice-
HH president , secretary , casliier or other manag-
HHH ing agent at the usual place of business of
HHthe corporation that the stock has been
HH ac\-ied upon under the writ held by the ofll-
HaHJ -ccr. This bill passed with the emergency
HHHHHfl * ( 1 IU C
Hj Housa roll No. 283 , by Scvcro of Otoe , dc-
HHS flues the purpose and provides for the gov-
HHSeminent , and maintenance of the fustituto
H for the deaf una dumb , and the institute for
HHll • the blind. The act declares that the objects
Hl of these Institutions shall be the physical ;
HHB moiTil and intellectual culture and training
of the respective classes for who-o benefit
M each was created. The gmernment and
HH management of the two lnstltullQus is to bo
H In the hands of u board of three trustees , to
H be appointed by the governor. The governor
H bhall appoint the superintendent of each in-
1 stltution. and on the nomination of this
H ofllcer the board of trustees aiyxMnfc tea
" * " -fi * * * , .
H y • . „ i..i , i
' " "
' J v
MWt IWWWMWWW w w > MW WMWW . i i l l I I ! I I i
other ofllcials of the institutions. This act
makes provision in detail for the duties of
the physicians and other ofllcora of the Insti
tutions. The bill was passed with thr emerg
ency claur.o.
House roll No. 523 , Introduced by thoclaimi
committee , provides that the board of public
lands und buildings may purchase under con
demnation a quarter suction of land near the
Hastings asylum property , which Is declared
necessary for disposing of the sewerage f rom
that institution. Six thousand dollars or us
much as may ho necessary Is appropriated
for the purpose of carrying out the provisions
of the act.
House roll No. 333 , by Burkett , provides
that when any college , university or normal
school , incorporated under the laws of the
stuto and having J100.0C0 invested , und em
ploying not less than five teachers and hav
ing a course of study equal in extent nnd
similar in subjects to those of the state
normal school , the graduates of such institu
tions shall be entitled to state teachers' cer
tificates of the same tenor and effect as the
certificates to Issue to the graduates of the
state normal school.
House roll No. 625 , Introduced by Taul F.
Clark for Alderman , Is designed to prevent
the spread of hog cholera and prevent the
traffic in animals dying from Infectious or
other diseases. It prohibits the removal of
swlno und other unlmuls dying of cholera or
other infectious discuses over nnd ulong the
public highways , and prohibits the giving
away without consideration or rccoiving free
such carcasses , and prohibits rendering
establishments and soap factories from pur
chasing or receiving free of charge or using
such Penalties are provided in
heavy fines for the violation of the several
provisions of the bill , which was passed with
the emergency clause.
House roll No. 334. by Gaylord , provides
that a board of education of any city or board
of trustees of a high school district or a dis
trict school board may rontract with the
district board of a neighboring district for
the instruction of children residing in the
first-named district , In the schools of the
neighboring districts , and the board of the
district of residence may provide for the
transportation of pupils where the distance
shall render It impracticable for them to at
tend without transportation. This was passed
with the emergency clause.
House roll No. 053. by Rich , provides that
whore the mayor and council of any city of
the metropolitan class havchcietoforo Issued
bonds for the purpose of taking up and re
newing bonds issued by any such city with
out having submitted the proposition to issue
such renewal bonds to the electors , us re
quired by section 11 , of chapter 3 , of the ses
sion laws of 1S93 , the mayor and council of
such city may , by resolution , ratify the bonds
so issued , and such bonds , so latlflcd , shall
be valid obligations of such city , us if author
ized by the electors thereof , and of the same
force and effect as if issued in compliance
with the act of the lcirislatuic of this state
rolatingto cities of the metropolitan class
and the amendments thcicof. This was
passed with the emergency clause.
House roll No. 121 , by Sheldon , provides for
the repeal of the chapter of the compiled
statutes of 180" > relating to school lands and
funds nnd this substituted therefor. The act
provides for the appraisement of school lands
for lease and directs the manner in which
the records and accounts of these transac
tions are to be kept. It provides that there
shall be no more sales of school lands , such
lands to be letained by the state in trust for
ever and the rentals to be turned Into the
temporary school fund.
House roll No. 01 , by Curtis of Douglas , re
peals the act of 1895 relating to the division of
counties aild the erection of new counties
und provides a majority of the votes cast on
the question of division in the county inter
ested shall bo sufficient to adopt it .
House roll No. 23 , by Tlolbrook , provides
that the provisions of the law relating to
warehousemen shall be extended to manu
facturers of chicory or raisers of chicory
roots , or the elevator man storing such roots
or manufactured products , and that ware
house receipts may be issued against such
chicory roots or manufactured product stored
In warehouse or elevator. The penalties for
fraudulent issue or negotiation of fraudulent
warehouse receipts are also made applicable.
This was passed with the emergency clause.
House roll No. 203 , by Hill , the stock yards
commission bill , piovides that all stock
yurds organized or operuted in this stutc
under the general corporation laws or bv
special chatter shall be declined public mar
kets. The bill lKcs the maximum commis
sion which shall be charged for selling live
stock nnd makes it unlawful to charge more.
These commissions are : For cattle. $10 per
car ; for less than carload lots. 40 cent- , per
head ; for calves. 25 cents per head ; for hogs
$5 per single deck and $9 for double-deck
cars ; for sheep , 5-5 for single und S3 for double-
deck cars.
House roll No. 57S. by Roberts , by request ,
is the Douglas ccunty Trans-Mississippi ex
position bond bill. Itprovidcsthntwhcncvcr
1,000 voters of any county in the stale of Ne
braska having over 100.000 inhabitants shall
petition the board of county commissioners
or the board of supervisois to that end. any
such countj-shall be and hereby is author
ized to issue the bonds of such county , to be
come due twenty years from the date there
of , and to bear interest at a rate not to ex
ceed 5 per cent per annum , to provide for the
expense of promoting the interests of such
county by participating in any interstate
exposition held in the state of Nebraska and
making at such exposition a county exhibit ,
improving or beautifying the grounds and
erecting or aiding in the erection of a suitable
building or buildings therefor , and maintain
ing the same during such exposition , to an
amount to oe determined by the board of
county commissioners or board of super
visors , not exceeding $150,000. Provided , the
board of countv commissioners or board of
supervisors shall first submit the question of
the issuing of such bonds to a vote of the
legal voters of such county at a general or
special election , such question to bo sub
mitted entire after notice to such voters pub
lished in any newspaper of general circula
tion in such county for four weeks next prior
to such election : and , provided , that such
interstate exposition shall first have been
recognized by the congress of the United
States and bv an appropriation of a sum not
less thun 3100.000.
House roll No. 575. by Gcrdes. provides that
the stutc board of purchase nnd supplies may
let contracts for purchasing supplies to the
state institutions for any period not exceed
ing one year , when in the judgment of the
"members it is to the interest of the state to
let contracts for such periods. The old law
provided that contract be entered into for
furnishing goods for three months and no
more. This was passed with t ho emergency
House roll No. 355. by Jenkins , provides for
a military code governing the Nebraska Na
tional Guards. There are several provisions
incorporated from the federal stututes gov
erning the regulur nrmy , among them being
a provision against any ussembly of troops
for instruction , review or parade in any
county on any day during which a general
or special election is being held therein , ex
cept in case of riot , invasion , insurrection or
imminent danger thereof , and then only by
order of the commander-in-chief. A penalty
is provided to be assessed against any officer
violating this provision.
It is made unlawful for any body of men
whatever than the regular national guard of
the state und the troops of the United States ,
to associate themselves together as a mili
tary company or organization , or to drill or
parade with arms , without the license of the
governor. Studentsof educational institu
tions are permitted under restrictions to
drill and parade , and while in encampment
must be subject to the rules and regulations
governing the national guards * Benevolent
societies are permitted to parade with
swords. •
House roll No. 342. by Fcrnow , provides for
the government of the state institutions by
the board of public lands and buildings , who
are made inspectors of the penitentiary.
The warden , who is to be appointed by the
governor , with the consent of the senate ,
holds his office two years. The warden is to
conduct the institution under the rules es
tablished by the inspectors witli the approval
of the governor. *
Upon the warden devolves the duty of pro
viding the convicts with work , and lie may
engage them in the manufacture ofWrticles
for the use of the penitentiary and other
state Institutions. So far as practicable , the
prisoners are to be employed by the state on
its own account , and the theory of the bill is
explained to l > o that this Is the end sought.
When the labor of convicts is let to other per
sons the warden is responsible for their safe
keeping , their board and clothing and the
enforcement of rules of discipline. A pro
vision Is made that prisoners convicted in the
United States courts may bo received and
kept at the penitentiary.
House roil No. 308 , bv Rich , provides that
township , city nnd villnge treasurers may
give guaranty bond companies us sureties on
their official bond.
House roll No. 32. the committee substitute
for a bill by Felkcr , makes it unlawful to sell ,
give awuy or furnish any cigarette or cigar
ette paper in any form to any minor under
the age of 21 yeurs. The bill ropenls the statute -
ute providing a penalty for selling tobacco
to minors.
House roll No. 10 , by Clark of Lancast-r ,
provides that county judges shall appoint
officers of election.
House roll No. 311. by Rich , provides that
Iwiids provided for by the cede of civil pro-
ccdurcmay bo given by guaranty bond com
panies. .
House roll No. 241 , by "Webb , provides that
alegul newspaper shall be one having 00
* * ' * ' '
t J.TT"
7Ti uiiiriTin - „ . .
lKina fide subscribers , and that has been pub
lished for six' months.
House roll No. 301. by Rich , provides tUat
surety bond companies may bo accepted us
sureties on bonds required by contructors for
stute printing.
House roll No. 301 , by Rich , provides
that surety companies may be accepted as
surety on bonds required of non-resident
House roll No. 313. by Rich , provides that
surety companies mav go on bonds required
of receivers appointed by the courts.
House lull No , 302 , by Rich , provides that
members of boards of public works of cities
of the second class and villages , cities of the
becond class over 5.000 inhabitants , may give
bond companies as sureties.
House roll No. 351 , by Wheeler of Furnas ,
provides for the appropriation of $3 .O0O to pay
the premium on the state treasurer's bond
when the bond is issued by u surety bond
House roll No. 5631s the Loomis ballot act.
This piovides for the blanket ballot and the
emblem system by which the voter may by
one mark vote for the whole ticket except us
ho may aftcrwurd murk opposile individual
House roll No. GH Is the Yelscr municipal
referendum bill. It provides that on peti
tion of 15 per cent of tlie voters of any city ,
county , town , village , school district or other
municipal subdivision of the state , ordi
nances , contracts , agteoments or measuies
may be proposed and submitted to the x'ote
% of the people affected. Any act of the city
council or the legislative boards of the
municipality may bo In this manner sub
mitted to the people and the majority vote
adopts or rejects it. There is a provision
1 hut if U0 per cent of the electors petition for
it the proposition will be submitted at a
special election , otherwise it will be sub
mitted at the next general election occurring
thirty days from the date of petition. It Is
provided that not more than one special elec
tion shall be ordered In one yeur unless a
bond for the payment of expenses in cns < "
prayer of the petition Is denied by the voter. .
House roll No. 71 , by Robeitson , amends
the district irrigation law so that all tuxes
und usscssmentb levied by the district officers
Jirc collected by the county treasurer and
paid over to the district treasurer. Under
the old law the district treasurer collected.
House roll No. 175 , by Wheeler , amends the
state and county depository law by pioviding
that nil county nnd state funds arc to be de
posited us one fund , and the interest credited
to tlie general fund.
House roll No. 255 , by Rich , adds to the
present law on the same subject provision
lelatingto the holding of property in trust
for purposes of theological education and
provides for the enforcement of the trustand
the adminlstiation thereof.
House roll No. 277. by Hull , provides for the
collection of labor statistics by assessors , and
that they shall report the same to the state
commissioner of labor. The hitter Is required
to keep a register of applications for employ
ment and for help , and assist in finding
employment for the unemployed , no fee or
compensation to be required therefor.
House roll No. 301 , by Rich , provides that
notaries public mav ghe surety companies
on their official bonds.
House roll No. 310 , by Rich , provides that
state bank examiners and receivers appointed
for banks under the state banking law may
give surety company bonds.
House roll No. 31.1. by D. O. Jones , provides
for the gravity test for gasoline.
House roll No. : ! G1 , by Morrison , provides
for tlie relief of Mrs B. McKell from the oper
ation of an inciease in the rental charge for
school land. $103.83 is appropriated.
House roll No. 450 , bv Rich , cicates a mu
nicipal court for tlie city of Omaha , and fixes
and defines the organi/ution , powers and jur
isdiction of that court. The bill provides for
the election of I hi ee judges of the municipal
court , who shall have the same jurisdiction
as now given justices of the peace and
in addition the further jurisdiction conferred
by the act. The municipal court is to have
exclusive juiisdlctlon in ail civil cases whore
the amount in controversy doe ; not exceed
$1,000 ; in actions of replevin w.hcrc the
amount is not more than $1,000 ; where one
of the parties is a member of the city ; con
current jurisdiction with the district court
in othercascsup toSl.COO is gi\cn. The sal
ary of the judges is fixed at $2,000 per year ,
and the court clerk , it is provided , shall re
ceive a salary of $1,800.
House roll No. 571 , bv Sheldon , amends the
state printing law and requires that all con
tracts for stationery , blanks , blank books ,
circulars , folders or printed matter of any
kind required by the stite officers shall be
let by the state printing board. The act pro-
x-ides for the employment of an expert at a
salary of $1,800 per annum to prepare all
schedules and contracts , examine bids und
furnishings und perform other detail work
relating to stationery and supplies und print
ing us the boaid may direct. This bill passed
with the emergency clause.
House roll No. oil , provides for the cur
rent expenses of the state government
and to pay the miscellaneous items of in
debtedness owing by the state of ISebraska
for the two vears ending March 31,1895.
House roll No. ( ill provides for the payment
of the salaries of the officers of the state gov
ernment , home of the friendless at Lincoln ,
normal school at Peru , hospital for the insane
at Lincoln , hospital for the incurable insane
at Hastings , state university , state industrial
school at Kearney , girls' inuusti hit school at
Geneva , institute for the deaf and dumb at
Omaha , institute for the feeble-minded
vouth at Beatrice , institute for the blind at
Nebraska City , fish commission , industrial
homo at Milford. soldiers' and sailors home
at Grand Island and the soldiers ' and sailors '
home at Milford.
House roll No. 030. the claims committee's
bill making appropriations for miscellaneous
items of indebtedness due from the state.
House roll No. 031 is the additional claims
committee bill , and the two make appropria
tions for payment of over 1,200 claims.
Senate file No. 108 , by Real , provides that
the portion of the code of ' civil procedure
providing for the entering up a deficiency
judgement on a simple application to the
court wherein a judgment of foreclosure has
been entered be repealed. This bill passed
both houses and was sent to the governor. It
became u luw without tlie signature of the
chief executive by reason of his declining to
take action on it within live days.
Senate file No. 187. by Felt7 , provides for a
uniform system of x'onchers for use for all
disbursements of state funds through the
auditing and treasury departments ot the
state. The act permits that accounts cei ti
ffed by the board of regents of the state
university must have the claimant's name
signed by an agent. This bill has the emerg
ency clause.
Senate tile No. 207 , by Talbot defines fra
ternal beneficiary societies , orders or associa
tions and regulates the same. These associa
tions in their insurance features are put
under the control of the state auditor.
Senate file No. 395. by Gondring , provides
for the method of proceduic which is to be
followed in the matter of conducting water
from irrigation canals into natural streams
und withdrawing it therefrom , and provid
ing for the responsibility of the company or
person who turns water
channels , for all damage done or caused by
such water being so turned into such streams.
Senate file No. 273 , by Feltz , provides for
the protection of the property of passengers
on sleeping cars and requires sleeping cur
companies to provide safes for the use of
their patrons.
Senate file No. 2 , by Hallor , prohibits com
binations of fire insurance companies to fix-
and maintain rates of premiums , commis
sions of agents or manner of tntnsicting bus
iness. Tlie bill was passed with the emerg
ency clause.
Senate file No. 330. by Gondring. is an act
to prevent the operation of trusts and con-
spiracles against trade and business. These
arc declhred unlawful und penalties are pro
vided for the violation of tlie act.
Senate file No. 551 , by Orothan , extends the
powers nnd authority of the state board of
trunsportution. It " g'ves to this boird
.authority to rcguluto charges made by ex
press , telegraph and telephone companies ,
and to npply the powers given to the bo ml
by law over railroad companies , to all com
panies owning , controlling or operating tele
graph , express or telephone lines in this
Senate file No. 105 , by Gondring. provides
for the protection ot game , defines the close
season for all kinds of game birds and an
imals and prescribes a penalty for the x-iola-
tlon of the act.
Senate file No. 117 provides that graduates
of the state university holding the tlegioe of
bachelor of arts or bachelor of science , and
who shall have completed the teachers '
training course in tlie university shall bo
entitled to receive the state teachers' certi
ficate , such as Is now given to the graduates
of the state normal.
Senate file No. 2i34 , by Murphv , provides
against adulteration of food und prohibits
the sale or offering for sale of adulterated
Senate file No. 144. by Talbot , provides that
In counties of over 25.000 population when the
county judge has been authorized by the
board of county commissions to employ one
or more clerks ho mav designate in waiting
one of these clerks to be the clerk of the
county court. The act prescribes the duties
of such county court clerk.
Senate file No. 318 , by Weller. provides that
contracts for the sale of land between the
owner add any broker or agent employed to
sell the same shall be In writing.
Senate file No. 199 provides for tlio disposi
tion of the property and for closbig up the
affairs of dismembered school districts.
Emergency clause attached.
Senate flics Nos. 203 and 270. by McGann ,
provldo for the nppolntniont by tlie governor
of the superintendents of the institute for
feeble-minded youth and reform schools for
girls for the government of these Institu
Senate file No. 74. by Ransom , defines
cruelty tp children and prescribes the pen
alty for such cruelty.
Senate ftlo No. 203. by Schnal , provides for
the exclusion of school bond taxei In the
compututlon of the uggregnte school taxes
under the provisions ol the law.
Senate fllo No. 271 , by McGann , provide ?
that the governor shall appoint the superin
tendent of the boys * reform school at Kear
ney , nnd provides that the superintendent
shull operate that Institution under rules
proscribed by the board of public lands and
Senate fllo No. Gl. by Ritchie , provides for
bringing the industrial homo at Milford
under the control of the state officers , und
that this control shall bo In the hands of the
the state board of public lands and buildings.
The governor uppolr s the .superintendent
under this act.
Senate fllo i. . 255 , by Ransom , provides
the form in which the judges nnd clerks or
election shull make returns to the county
clork. and the form and substance of the re
turn by the county clerk to the state can
vassing board when amendments to the
constitution are x-oted on by the people. One
of the provisions Is that there shall bo a cer
tificate to the state board of the number of
x'Otes cast for representatives und scnutors.
This cures one of the defects In the old law
which prevented the canvassing board last
fall from declaring the result on the amend
ments then x'Oted on.
Senate file No. 233. by Lee. dcC .es the ago
at which commitments to the penitentiary
may be made , and prohibits any girl or boy
under 18 being committed to the penlten-
tlnry except on conviction of murder or mun-
Senate file No. 250. by Ransom , provides
. that the school board of the cltv of Omaha
shall report to the city council the number of
mills tax on tlie dollar necessary to bo levied
and that this shall be levied and collected In
the same manner as other tuxes urc now
levied und collected.
These bills the governor signed on the 15th :
Senate file No. 208. excluding school bond
taxes in the computation of the aggregate
and limit of school tuxes.
Senate file No. 2 , the bill to prevent insur
ance combines.
* Sennte file No. 251 , a bill to extend the pow
ers of the state board of transposition.
Senate file No. 305 , relating to _ .ghts to use
water for irrigation pui poses.
House toll No. 32 , making it unlawful to
sell cigaicttes or cigarette paper to minors.
House loll No. 175. amend' .g the state und
county depository law by pioviding that all
county and state funds are to be deposited us
ono fund nnd the inteiest ciedited to the
general fund.
House roll No. 123. setting forth the order of
proccduie whcie the orders of the board of
transportation aio contested by railioad
House roll No. 73 , amending the district
irrigation law. so that taxes and assessments
shall be collected by the county treas'er
and turned over by them to the district
House roll No. 450 , for the establishment of
municipal courts. *
House roll No. 014 , the current expense ap
propriation bill.
House loll No. G15 , the salary appiopriation
House roll No. 030 , the miscellaneous claims
House roll No. 031 , appropriating $11,59.5.73
for miscellaneous claims.
The following items in house roll No. 031
failed to receive the approval of the exec
utive officer und were stricken out :
No. 075 : N. Westover & Co , for labor nnd
material furnished for Grant Mcmoriul hall ,
No. 089 : Thomas TI. Pratt watchman for
the Nebraska building at the World s fair ,
No. G12 : Cass county , state taxes illegally
assessed and iefunded to individuals. $ ' ) )8.30. )
From house roll No. 014 the following items
were stricken out :
Appropriation of 53.000 for workshop for
convalescent patients at the hospltul for in
sane ut Lincoln.
Appropriation of $3,030 for tlie University
of Nebraska for the inspection of schools.
These bills weic vetoed by the governor :
Senate file No. 204. the school book bill ,
which was found to have been defeated in
the house.
Senate file No. 41 relating to public parks
and giounds.
House loll No. 241 , the legal newspaper bill.
House roll i " o. 301. relating to the surety
bonds on contracts for public printing.
House roll No. 354. appropriating $ > .000 to
piythc premium on the state tieasurer's
House roll No. 250. to chnnge the method of
levying school taxes in cities.
House roll No. 203. an act to regulate stock
yards and fix commissions for selling live
stock therein.
Hl < tr * . xi miu & Adulter.
A new proof of the effectiveness of
the modern pestoflice is furnished by
the Philadelphia Record :
A prominent member cf the Players'
club of New York , now in this city , ,
has received a letter trom Mark Twain
under peculiar circumstances.
The recipient of the letter collabor
ated with a fellow-member upon a let
ter to "Mark , " whom they both knew
intimately. They did not know
"Mark's" address at the time , so they
addressed the missive , "Mark Twain ,
God-Knows-Where. " Here is "Mark's"
reply :
"London , November 24 , 1S9C Oh ,
thank you , dear boys , for remembering
me , and for the love that was back ot
it. These are heavy days , and all such
helps ease the burden. I glanced at
your envelope by accident and got sev
eral chuckles for reward and chuckles
are worth much in this world.
"And there is a curious thing ; that I
should get a letter addressed 'God-
Knows Where. ' It showed that He did
know where I was , although I was hid
ing from the world , and no one in
America knows my address , and the
stamped legend , 'Deficiency of Ad
dress , ' supplied by the New York post-
office , showed that he had given it
In the same mail comes a letter from
friends in New Zealand addressed
'Mrs. Clemens ( care Mark Twain ) ,
United States of America , and again
He gave us away this time to the de
ficiency department of the San Francis
co These things show that
our postal service has ramifications
which ramify a good deal.
"Mark. "
Great "Uuiital Feats.
Hortensius , the great Roman lawv-er
and orator , had a memory of extraor
dinary scope and tenacity. After com
posing a speech or oration he could
repeat it word for word , exactly as
he had prepared it. On one occasion
he went to an auction , where the busi
ness was carried on during the entire
day , and at evening , for a wager , he
wrote down a list of the articles that
had been sold and the prices , together
with the names of the purchasers , in
the order in which the purchases had
been made.
A Single Tax Agitator.
Vauban , the great French engineer ,
seems , according to his biographers ,
to have been the father or perhaps the
grandfather of "single tax. " He pub
lished in the year of his death a vol
ume in which he contended that one
tax on land should be made to cover
all the expenses of the state. The book
was promptly suppressed by the royal
-s - , -
The People Urged to Kngage In Solemn
Service on the Nation' * Sabbath
Woman and Her 'Work Invited
Patriotic Instruction to the
School Children.
IM em oral Day Observance.
Commander-in-Chief T. S. Clarkson
has issued the following- orders for the
observance of Memorial day :
The nation's Sabbath day that day upon
which patriotic people gather together every
where to do honor to their sacred dead is
uguln upon us. Lot us , us Is most fitting ,
unite In mnklng the solemn sorvlces of
luomorlul duv us Impressive as possible by
appropriate exercises , and by strewing beau
tiful liowers upon the graves of our com
rades , und so show to the world that as cltl-
7ens we nppreclate tholr great sacrifices for
their country , und us comrades we revere
their memories , and to the rising generation
that he who dies for his country dies nobly.
In the words of the lamented Logan : "If
other eyes grow dull , and other hands slack ,
and other hearts cold In the solemn trust ,
ours shall keep Is us long us the light und
wuimth of life remain to us. "
Let us invite to our assistance In this
patriotic work that noble bund of Workers ,
the Womnn's Kellef corps , who have done so
much toward the success of our gieat organ
ization , and also the Sons of Veterans , who
must soon take up the work which the
ruvuges of time compel us to lay down.
In the Intoiest of patriotic instruction to
the children it Is earnestly hoped that the
lnuduble work of talking to tlie children of
the public schools on the subjects and les-
bens of Memorial day by a x'oteran. now so
general throughout the order , will be ob
served this year , and hercufter , in every
public school.
Let every post , in accordance with usual
custom , attend divine services In some
church in a body on the Sunday before
Memorial day.
May : > 0 falling this vear on Sunday , Mcmor
iul day will bo observed , according to rules
and regulations , on the lueecdiug day , ex
cept in such states us by luw or custon ob
serve the succeeding day.
Comrades , as we grow older.ilet us be more
particular in the observantr f this sacred
day. and let us dlscouragf o holding of
games and frivolous umuseii ts thereon by
thoughtless people In every/ visible way.
lly l ( . ' .solution , the thirtieth national en-
cumpment lecumniended , that the leading of
Lincoln's Gettysburg addiess be niudu n
special featuie of Meinorinl day exercises
held under the auspices of the Grand Army
of the Kepublie.
Nebraska Farmers Interested.
The Omaha lice ' s Washington dis
patches recently told of the introduc
tion in the senate by Senator Thurston
of a letter from M. 0. Harrington of
North Platte on the subject of a tariif
imposed on hay. Mr. Harrington
xvrites that paper on the topic as fol
lows :
I observe that nothing is ever said In the
great dally or weekly papers in this state re
garding the importance or x'nlue of the im
mense hay ciop that grow : , every j oar in
Ncbiasku. Many appear to lose sight of the
fact that this is one of the greatest hay pro
ducing states in the union and thousands of
squaie miles of hay meadows aiouncut every
iear , lomaining u prey to the teriiblo prairie
fires. If the people of Nobruska only knew
it they could make the hay flop of Nebraska
what the cotton nop Is to Louisiana.
During the ye.irls' 5 we shipped trom Lin
coln county to Chicago. Detioit and even as
far east us 'lSutlulo and 1'ittsburg. 1,200 ours
of our piuiiic hay. AVe got into those markets
on account of the drouth in the central states
aud Canada , which ieduced the quantity
raised there , also the amount imported from
Canada. The lailroads have made leusou-
ubly lowratejon hay fiom western Nebraska
to Chicago , and last year we demonstrated
that our upland prairie hay was better than
that raised in Iowa. Kansas. .Minnesota or
Illinois. We wore right in eonipetitlon with
hay fiom all those states in the Chicago
maikets lust your and all the commission
meichants quoted our hay at fiom 50 cents to
SI a ton higher than any hay on the market.
It was u great pleasure to the writer in
December , lv.15. to see samples of Nebraska
upland prairie hay on the tableof the com
mission men in the bo.ud of trade qiioted und
selling at a higher pi ice than the product of
the states belore mentioned. What we want
is a higher tai 11V that will eventually shut
out all Canadian hay fiom the great cities of
tlie east und let the lurmcrsund land owners ,
laboring men nnd merchants , nil equally in-
teiested , shure in the profit from the > e-
brusku product. If we have a sure market
c\cry 3 ear thousands of acres of hay land
now neglected will be de\ eloped and the hay
will bring in an immense revenue.
I'leuse ghe the hay question a little atten
tion in your gieat paper and urge congress in
the mutter of protection.
Union Pacific Foreclosure.
"Washington dispatch : Last Monday
there was commenced at .Boston a lieai
ing before ; i special master for the pur
pose of taking testimony to establish
the several liens upon the Union Pa
cific railwaj- , and the extent of the lien
of the United States upon the property
of the company. The opinion has been
expressed by the counsel of the United
States , and others , that tiiis hearing
xvill not be extended over any great
length of time , and that as a. result
thereof the extent of the United States
interest in the Pacific railroads will be
definitely determined for all time. The
final decree in foreclosure should neces
sarily folloxx' without any considerable
delay , and it is stated that this decree
will be rendered in time to permit of
the sale taking place in the month of
July or August , at the latest. Consequently
quently the troubles of the Union Pa
cific are approaching a conclusion ,
and whatever maj' be tlie result for the
government , xx-ithout a shadow of a
doubt that the result must pove bene
ficial to the railroad , and of the very
greatest ndvnntage to the people living
along the lines of and tributary to the
Union Pacific railway.
Thurston's Work for IJpet Sugar.
Washington dispatch : Senator Thurs
ton in the senate 'in support of his
motion to appropriate § 5.000 to con
tinue the inquiry iind ascertain the
progress made in the production of
beet sugar , presented a letter from
Secretary Wilson of the department of
agriculture , wherein that officer says :
"The people of the United States and
especially the north and southwest , are
at present greatly interested in the
making of sugar from beets. Many
localities in the northwest are ready
to erect factories as soon as it can be
definitely ascertained that sweet
enough beets can be produced. The
growing of beets to manufacture into
sugar xvould lea-e a by-product of as
great \"ilue to the dairy cow as the
beets would be before being manufac
tured. " The secretary further urges
diversified crops and the passage of the
Colbv lionnd to Tree Cnb- .
Washington special : Gen. Colby ol
iJeatrice is agitating in behalf of * the
Cuban cause in this city. lie proposes
to raise an army to free Cuba in sixtv
days. Gen. Colby , it is learned , has
been quietly organizing troops through
out the United States , and has now
sent out instructions for rendex-ous in
Mexico , under that llag. with a view to
moving on to the south seas. "It is esti
mated by Colby that 15,000 xvill be
needed to free Cuba , which will be ac
complished in sixty day& , if he has ti s
disposition of troops.
( Jl
Confmcaourson to hla bed for five month , , ' /he | H
left him an object of pity and a gnat M > M
sufferer. He w as covered - . \ Ith blotches , and the , ( ; /v B
. > > > 'M
and itching were terrible > to bear. Aludy
burning told us to try Hood's Sarsuparllla. Ho begun \ f M
taking It and soon Improved. After taking a few J H
bottles ho wis entirely cured. That was.three . , H
, nnd there has been no return of the dl / y m
years ago
easc.S. . C. Boyiak , East Lcroy , Mlclu Get only j j3 ! H
.Hood's Sarsaparilia / '
ft is sold by all druggists , rrice , 81 ; six for S3. v H
' 73 ' . prompt , efficient nnd H
H00dS PlIlS easy arc in effect. 25 cento. ] H
They Make a Go. d Mvlug for Fortune M
It is said by the detectives of the H
central office , who occasionally have . M
to doai with the fortuno-tollinir. hypnotic - M
notic clairvoyant sharps , that these JT I
ltuter gcntlomcn make their living- fJ M
by the skill with which they treat \ H
the curious maiden ladies of tin certain - H
tain ago ami the army of stout and / V l
middlo-aged women who endeavor , " B
by bleaching thuir hair and nowdor- % } jH
ing their faces , to conceal from themselves - H
selves and the world the fact thaS y H
they arc growing old. The fortunetellers - ' H
tellers arc men who apparently real- „ H
izc that ihero is in tiiis world a largo H
number of foolish women of mature M
years , who do not object to paying H
$1) ) or ? 5 for having their fortunes H
told by some of the retnarlcablo .seers \ k H
who are doing such a lucrative bust- f H
ncss just now in thi * lino. t H
The foi tune-telling sharps are ' H
usually men between 30 and 4U years H
of age. of an owl-liko air and more ' | |
or less impres'-ivenesri of manner , H
and they fondle the hands ot their M
visitors as they read the lines after , 4 H
a fashion -ffhat would be ridiculous if ) H
il were not lucrative. There is no H
rcnl harm in all of this , according * H
to the detectives , says the New York 5
Sun , except that once in a while a M M
particularly idle and foolish old woman - H
man permits th o sharps to got the " H
best of her so ( m * aa to extort urns H
of money , on one pretext or another , H
beyond the usual limit of $ : > for con- H
sultatiou. homctimes the pretext is " |
an enlargement of his business , his H
desire to bur a beautiful picture , or H
some other trinket of value to hiin. / / . H
but as olt'cn as not the man succeeds ( H
in wheedling &umof money varying H
from • ? . " > to - • * > purely as a • • loan. " It A
is when tin ; "loan" gets to be of mi- |
u'-ual proportions that the police |
are called in. They know the for- H
tunctelicrvery well , and there is , H
never any trouble about getting- H
back the money , but the elderly , fool- M
is ! : womau in the case is usually in a H
state of ri-eme' .idoiia mental pertur- / - H
batiou v-hli < - it i- . all [ jolntc on. r / |
An for Amiit'inrp. i l
The man who N charitable to himself will M
IKtcu to the mute : i | > ! i-al for assistance inado ' | |
l.v hN stomach , or his li\cr. in the shape of H
divers dlsptl ] ( * qualms and uneasy .sensa- H
tlons in the icirimi of the ul.ind that secretes H
his biltHostittci's Momai'h Hitters , iny H
dear sir. or madam as the case may be & H
what you require. Hasten to use it if you J S H
are troubled with heartburn , wind in tlie J ' 7g1 H
stomach , or note that vour skin or the whites Xs f -Z M
of your eyes arc taking a sallow hue. J "C |
( V
XouMoanin - in an Old nine. ' 1
• • Do you mean to say that you are H
going to charge mo all that just for fl
doing a little surveying ? " f M
' ' Yes , H
"Wouldn 't you take the land instead - " H
stead of the money ? " H
"Possibly. " ] H
"Well , I guess ycTi have to. This / M
is the first time 1 ever really appre- /t l
ciated that poetry about * I am moti- - |
arch of all 1 survey. 1" Washington M
rVo-To-JIac for Firry Cents. H
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure , nales wenlc H
nieu strong , bloou pure. 50c. SI. All druKKisis. H
A < .usliiii tiNfortmic. _ B
Mr.Knowos L'onr Mrs. Young- H
wife' That fortune sho's just come 1
into wiil take all .hc sunshine out |
of her life. |
Mrs. Guessc H'm ! I don't see- H
why you should commiserate her. H
Mrs. Kuowes The poor thing H
won 't have any need of going shopping - |
ping for bargains any more. H
11 elieve that Fiso " s Cure is the onlvmod- -J |
icine that will cure consumption. Anna M. ? < > H
Ross , AVilliamsport , Pa. , Nov. 12 , 'D3. r fu H
"I don't see your husband with / l
you so much as when you were in |
your honeymoon , " said the clergy- ] |
man. as he met an occasional lit- , H
tendant at his church. "Has he , , |
grown cool ? " * * * H
• 'Xot if what H
you preach be true , "
she said , coyly. "He is dead. " - H
Toledo Blade. J M
. H
i.t-uruetl : i |
Mother Horrors : Did you run H
against a barb wire fence ? H
Little Johnny Xo'm. . I was pick. fH
m at an ' 7
organ grinder's monkey an' M
the mousey jumped on me H
-Humph ! Ihopeyouhavelearnctl M
a lesson. " H
-Yes'm. I've *
learned never to buza- 1
saw with amonke , - . 5' / 1
HP ! < * vVW I ! & * - SSSS j 'fl
iw Wak s jig tm
4 ,1 Keeps both rUer and siddtr LL W' ' "it ! T f f / " H
PATENTS. raiT xv > rIens in TC r7 H