The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 30, 1897, Image 1

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K § The Seventy-Eighth Anniversary of Odd
K& J fellowship in America.
K'Tj > Participate In the Affair , Which Wai
L N Largely Attended , and Was a
Er < Great Success * in Every
Vf Feature.
VT | ( - s \ McCook Oddfellows , their familie
( and friends on Monday night in the A
_ _ O. . U. W. hall celebrated the seventy
Bh S eighth anniversary of tbe estahlishtnen
B 'tf of Oddfellowship in America with grea
BKnTy eclat and to the evident delight of every
v and . A lit
mtr body , participant spectator.
_ % f erary and musical programme was ren
F ' * dered for the entertainment of guests
K' \ opening with a vocal solo by Miss Han
Bj ( nab Stangeland , in which her swee
Bp voice appeared to advantage. The ad
K < dress of the evening was then delivered
K ( < # by Rev. J. A. Badcon , who set forth ir
V 4r glowing terms the history of the grea
ftr % order then celebrating the seventy-eightl
m * \ anniversary of its organization in Ainer
K ) | ica. Au interesting recitation by Sadie
P \ Everist followed , and then Knud Stange
\ land made the welkin ring with a base
BkV i solo. The recitation by Mrs. W. W ,
HRe Archibald was one of the pleasing , clevei
features of the evening. Miss Grace
Hff t
KV. . * Sanborn sang a solo to the enjoyment o
Hjf\ \ all , and J. F. Forbes concluded the en
ftteitainment with one of his inimitable
L * j ) I recitations.
Hf j After the conclusion of the programme
ftkrefreshments were announced , and as i ;
Kf usually the case in such affairs , this wa :
K\\ \ one of the most highly and generally ap
fctfi , predated features of the occasion. Abou
one hundred and fifty persons partool
/ -
M , of the substantials and delicacies spread
Hwith a generous hand.
HKThis annual celebration has ccme tc
vf l be one of the memorable affairs of the
Hv year in secret society circles , and that o :
K r Monday evening was fully up to the
nl standard of success however considered
K =
K > V . Regular Session.
E O" \ The city fathers were in regular ses
HjV sion , Monda- evening , all present. Mink
k/ utes of previous meeting approved. The
Br- appointment of W. J. Porter as streei
i\ sprinklerman , policeman , etc. , was re
Hfconsidered , and his bid rejected on ac
m count of his not being a resident of the
H { city. The matter of selecting a man foi
H\ the positions was laid over until the
tcA nest meeting.
K Bills as follows were allowed and war
Fv rants ordered issued :
Vl 2t firemen @ $2 $ 42.0c
Bif Ed. Jordan 60.0c
Br C. G. Coglizer 50 oc
B\ A. C. Ebert " 2.2c
Hl C. B.iGray (2) ( ) 6.0c
K > Sarnett Lumber Co 1.61
H\ Bullard Lumber Co 2.3 ]
K / Ed. Jeffries 16.2c
thf S. M. Cochran & Co 5 ;
Hrfi John Wentz 7.2
Hf Frank Carruth \ . S5.0C
( l C. F. Uabcock 3.0c
fj M. H. Holmes 3.0c
H | ( G.W.Starr 30c
| < E.N. 'Berry 3.0c
HHr B. F. Olcott 3.0c
fi ) Charles Weintz 3.0c
Kr > J. C. Predmore 3.0c
| \ Gottlieb Orman 3.0c
B ( David Spencer 3.0c
$1' $ } McCook Loan S : Trust Co 105.0c
H&TjP A Farewell Reception.
g > C The ladies of the Saturday reading
Hfig % club held a reception at the elegant home
HESof Mrs. W. S. Morlan , last Saturdaj-
P\ ternoon , in honor of Mrs. S. B. Strasser ,
Kyj/ a member of the club , who left the citj
Ef f on Wednesday evening to eventually
Kl make her home in New York City. The
Wt/mi affair was an informal expression of the
/ ' J6' esteem in which the departing membei
Lk was held by the remaining ladies of the
Kf reading club , who also presented Mrs
HuVf Strasser with a pretty set of solid silvei
H j& \ orange spoons as a further token of re
H f gard and remembrance. Ihe ladies o ;
Kf the club escorted Mrs. Strasser to the
H train on Wednesday evening , when she
K went to Holdrege , where she will visit e
sister about two months before going or
Kw to Chicago , where she will-visit anothei
Hf sister about two months before finallj
E locating in the nation's metropolis.
BRL Bales-Jeffers.
Kr y Waldo S. Bales and Christia A. Jeffen
R J "V were united in marriage , Sunday , bj
V | * Rev. J. M. Bell. Both are of our citj
jJR and have the well wishes of a circle ol
Hn friends.
Wm Wall Paper 4 cents a roll at
ff McMltLEN'S.
m Paints and oils at McMillen 's.
J. W. Hdpp and A. S. Campbell wer
Hastings pilgrims , Tuesday.
George Hockneu , arrived in th
city , Monday night , on business.
Mrs. J. B. Meservb was well enough
to depart for Lincoln , Wednesday nighl
Mrs. F. S. Curry went up to Beukel
man , Monday night , on a visit to rela
C. J. Ryan visited in Lincoln am
other eastern Nebraska points , close c
last week.
Mrs. C. M. Bailey visited Mr. an <
Mrs. E. S. Greusel in Havelock , close o
past week.
Louis Lowman is now able to be ou
of the hospital and is attending to busi
ness again.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Eldred are tak
ing parental interest in a son , born Wed
nesday morning.
SupT. L. A. Carnahan is up fron
Bartley , today , on business of the count :
superintendent's office.
Dr. J. E. Hathorn , the well knowi
Bartley physician , was a business gues
of the metropolis , Tuesday.
Judge G. W. Norris spent Sunday
night in the city on his way up to Im
perial to hold court for Chase county.
J. B. Cunningham , a Lincoln lawyer
came up , Sunday night , on his way uj
to Imperial , to district court for Chasi
L. W. Cox and bride arrived in thi
city , Tuesday night , and Line , is receiv
ing the congratulations of his man
Dr. W. V. RiNGivAND was down fron
Hitchcock county , where he and Majo
Cole are still continuing gospel meetings
E. A. Sexson , chah jan of theRepub
lican county central committee , one o
the old guard , had business in the city
Friday last.
O. B. McClintock of Council Bluff
was in the city , Tuesday and Wednes
day , in the interest of the Miuneapolii
Harvesting Machine Co.
W. R. Starr is having some improve
ments made upon the interior of his res
idence , recently purchased from Hilei
Trowbridge , corner of Main and Dolan
Mrs. A. C. Ebert left on Tuesday
morning for Kansas City , Mo. , and Sul
phur Springs , Ark. , at which places she
will visit relatives for a number of weeks
L. B. ) Lawton of Lincoln , well knowi
to old settlers of the Upper Republicat
valley , and to the cattlemen of the earn
eighties , was a city visitor , last Saturda-
C. W. Knights of Denver , we hear i
stated , is in a serious condition of health
so ill , in fact , that his brother George a
Cambridge was recently summoned tc
Denver to see him.
State Treasurer Meserve cam <
up from Lincoln , Friday night , to see
Mrs. Meserve , who is convalescing fron
an attack of-pneumonia , returning to hi !
duties on Sunday night.
H. W. COI.E arrived home , Tuesdaj
night , from swinging around the circlf
in the interest of his candidacy for grand
master workman of the A. O. U. W. He
was absent about a week.
Register A. S. Campbell attendee
the funeral of his oldtimc friend Dr
Johnston of Geneva at Fairmont , Sun
day. The doctor died suddenly , lasi
Friday , of heart disease.
Farington Power , we regret tc
learn , contemplates an early removal tc
Omaha , to engage in his professional
work. We understand that he and wife
will leave for their new home some time
next week.
Sam Cochran has added another lol
to his residence property in the north
western part of the city , and is enclosing
the same with a fence of wire and mak
ing other improvements. He has one oi
the cosiest homes in the city.
GEORGE C Mason of onr city was one
of ten novices welcomed within the gatej
of Sesostris shrine in Lincoln , Tuesday
night of this week. One liundred anc
forty Shriners meet on the oasis , where
was rich feed , rare music and speed
making galore.
J. W. McKenna will leave , close o ;
next week , for Denver , where he will
engage in the commission business ,
Their many friernds will sincerely regrel
to learn of their proposed departure fron ]
our city and will join us in expressions
of good wishes for their future success
and contentment.
A Promising Lad Cone.
Monday night , after a short illness
Ernest Otho , the twelve-year-old son c
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.Elliott of Banks
ville , passed into the spirit land. Th
lad took to his bed , last Friday , with ai
attack of appendicitis , and rapidly gre\
worse , until Monday afternoon an opei
ation was resorted to as the only hop
for his recovery. The operation was sue
cessfully performed , but in a few hour
afterwards the patient commenced t <
sink and soon his spirit took its fligh
into the realm celestial. Dr. DeMay o
Danbury at first had the case in charge
and later associated with him Dr. Gum
of our city , who conducted the operation
Everything was done for the sick boy
but without avail.
Services were conducted at the farn
home , Wednesday morning , by Rev. H
H. Beny , interment following in Long
view cemetery of our city , the same af
The bereaved family and friends hav <
much sympathy in their sorrow.
Spring Meeting.
The spring meeting of the Red Willow
county teachers' association will be held
in Bartley , Saturday , May 8th. The
program forthe sessions is given below
Music . . . , . Quartet
Devotional Exercises Rev. Mayfielc
"The Use of the Story" Mrs. Amy Tee
Guitar .Solo Jno. Jone ;
Talk County Supt. L. A. Carnahar
Solo Hannah Stangeland
"What Constitutes Order in the Primary
School" Mrs. M. J. Cordea !
i 'The Relation of Teacher and School
Board" Frank Abbotl
"Cultivating the Imagination"
Prof. Wm. Valentine
"The Teacher and Truth"
Rev. H. L. Prestor
Music Band Quarte
The Chancellor's Lecture.
The lecture by Chancellor C. M. Ellin-
wood of the Nebraska Wesleyan univer
sity , last Sunday evening , in the Metho
dist church , was largely attended anc
greatly appreciated. "Am IMy Brother's
Keeper" ? was answered in the affirma
tive by the chancellor in no uncertair
language. He showed how the strained
relations between capital and labor and
many other frictions of this busy world
could be harmonized and softened bj
men believing and practicing the broth
erhood of men , that men are and
of right ought to be their brothers1
keepers. The lecture was a very instruc
tive and pleasure affording one. The
clfancellor occupied the pulpit in the
morning with profit and pleasure to his
many hearers.
Counterfeit Nickels.
Merchants of the city report that they
are being victimized by makers audi
shovers of the queer. Quite a numbei
of counterfeit nickels have been passed
in the city , recently. The slot machines
seem to be especially attractive to the
youths who are supposed to be promot
ing the industry and incidentally in
creasing the per capita. The counter
feits in some instances are poor , but
many are well made , and not easy to de
tect at a mere passing glance. The re
form school seems to he 3-awning for
some of the youthful scamps of this city ,
and an early residence there might save
some of them from a term in prison.
In New Quarters.
I am now located in the Laycock store
room , where I shall be pleased to see all
my old customers and many new ones.
My stock of cigars , tobaccos and smokers' '
articles is unequaled in the city. In con
nection with my retail establishment , 3
run a cigar factory ; besides one of the
best appointed billiard and pool rooms
in the Republican valley. Everything
first class. J. H. BENNETT.
Too Diaphanous , Colonel.
The excuse given by Colonel Mitchell ,
last week , why he did not defend his
claim of having the largest circulation
on two hemispheres , more or less , is too
thin by half. About the only course
now open to the Colonel is the removal
of the unsightly bluff at the head of his
paper and the admission that he lacked
nerve to respond when the Republican
called him down.
University Summer School.
The Nebraska university summer
school for teachers , principals and super
intendents will open on June 7th and
close at noon on July 3d. Persons desir
ing to attend should write the chancellor
of the university at Lincoln for circulars
giving full particulars.
Wall Paper 4 cents a roll at
Wall Paper at McConnell's.
Christian Services Sundays at 1
and 7:30 o'clock in McConnell hall
Sunday school at 10 o'clock.
Elder C. P. Evans.
German Methodist Regular sei
vices at 9 o'clock , every Sunday morn
ing , in the South McCook Methodis
church ; services in German.
Rev. M.Herrmann.
Catholic Mass at 8 o'clock a. m
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m.
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m
All are cordiallv welcome.
REV. J. W. Hickey , Pastor.
Episcopal Divine service second am
fourth Sundays of every month at uo <
a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Sunday schoo
every Sunday at 10:00 a. m. Lecture :
alternate Mondays at 7:30 p. in.
S. A. Potter , General Missionary
R. A. RUSSELL , Assistant.
Baptist Bible school at 10. Preach
ing at 11 ; the second of a series of ser
mons upon the church , communion ser
vice following. Young Peoples' meeting
at 7. Gospel service at 8. Bible Studj
on Tuesday evening and Prayer meeting
on Wednesday evening. A cordial invi
tation is extended to all.
Geo. W. Sheafor , Pastor.
Congregational Morning theme ;
"How to Grow" . Sermon followed b }
the Lord's Supper. Evening topic , "The
Need of Today" . Sunday school at 10 ,
Endeavor society at 7 ; topic , "Christian
Enterprise" , Nellie Gunn , leader. Prayei
meeting , Wednesday evening at S. A
cordial invitation is extended to all.
Hart L. Preston , Pastor.
Methodist Sunday school at 10
Preaching at 11 ; subject , "The Home
Fireside" . Class at 12. Junior League
at 2:30. Epworth League at 7. Preach
ing at 8 ; subject , "The Proud Invalid" ,
Baptism after the service. Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening at 7. Gospel
Course Prayer meeting , Tuesday even
ing at 8 , at George Conner's. All are
invited. J. A. Bad con. Pastor.
Examination for West Point.
An examination for applicants fron
the Fifth congressional district of Neb
raska for a West Point cadetship will b <
held at the high school building in Has
tings on Saturday , May 15th , beginning
at 9 o'clock. The age for the admissior
of cadets to the academy is between sev
enteen and twenty-two years. Candi
dates must be unmarried , at least five
feet in height ; free from any infectioui
or immoral disorder , and , generally.froir
any deformity , disease or infirmity whicr
may render them unfit for military ser
vice. They must be well versed in read
ing , in writing , including orthography ,
in arithmetic and have a knowledge oi
the elements of English grammar , of de
scriptive geography ( particularly of om
own country ) and of the History of the
United States.
Applicants must be residents of the
Fifth Congressional district. The exam
ination will be written. Candidates will
please come prepared with paper , pens
and ink. R. D. Sutherland ,
Member of Congress.
Post Yourselves.
If the Republican and Courier will
simply read the statute and McCook's
guarantee they will not effervesce through
their tiles any more about the court
house question. McCook stands ready
any minute to perform its guarantee , in
fact has fulfilled its pledge , and only
awaits the co-operation of the county.
In view of present financial conditions it
is certainly not wise or expedient to
push the question of building a new
court house. With a good crop or two ,
the question will be a simple one. Be
patient. Post up.
Lots for Sale.
Lots 9,10 , 11 and 12 in block 25 , Second
end addition to McCook. Make me an
offer on these lots. Address :
W. E. Dauchy , Topeka , Kansas.
Dwelling for Rent.
My residence on Madison street , No.
Sn. Inquire at once of
J. W. McKenna.
Colored shirts for men and boys. Call
and see them at the
Famous Clothing Co.
House , lot and barn in Second addi
tion to McCook , for $200.00 , by
C. J. Ryan.
There was a special literature class for
the , 12th grade , Wednesday evening , in
the East ward building.
Lightweight underwear just opened at
the Famous Clothing Co.
The county commissioners are in ses
sion , today.
Nebraska Investments Secure.
While some people have sought to re
fleet on the stability of Nebraska invest
ments instances are continually cominj
to notice that indicate that the peopli
who have invested their money in thi
state fare quite as well as those whose in
vestments are in the east. A local rea
estate agency cites a case in point whicl
is worth attention. Among their client :
is an eastern widow who has large invest
ments in a number of different states
Among these was a mortgage on a large
farm in the central part of Nebraska
which was placed in the hands of the
Omaha firm. For a few years back the
interest has been slow , but a few days age
the firm collected in full aud remitted the
entire amount to the client. Yesterday
morning they received a letter from hei
in which she stated that this was one o :
three similar mortgages. One of the
others was on a well improved farm ir
New York and the other on one of the
best farms in southern New Hampshire.
Both of these had failed altogether tc
yield a cent of interest , while her Nebras
ka mortgage had proved to be all "right.
The client added that after this experi
ence she would contend that Nebraska
was all right. Bee.
Last Wednesday evening , April 21st ,
Mr. Lincoln W. Cox of our city and Miss
Sarah E. Linville of Mary ville , Missouri ,
were united in marriage at the home ol
the bride's parents , in the presence ol
many friends and relatives of tbe con
tracting parties. After a brief visit in
that neighborhood the happy young
couple arrived in our city , Tuesday night.
They are at present guests of Mr. and
Mrs. A. Barnett , but will shortly go tc
housekeeping on McFarland street in
dwelling lately occupied by J. P. Lee.
The Tribune joins with many friends
in hearty well wishes.
Let Them Alone !
A subscriber wants to know why we
don't "jump onto" the slot machines.
The publisher might but won't answei
the question directly. However , this
little bit of advice will cost nothing : The
slot machines won't last any longer thac
a snowball in perdition if you simply lei
them alone. There will be no necessity
for The Tribune or any other paper o :
person to "jump onto" them.
Cash for Poultry.
The chicken car will be here , Wednes
day , May 5th , on track all day.
Hens , per pound 5 cents
Turkeys , per pound 7 cents
Ducks , per pound 5 cents
Roosters , per pound 3 cents
J. G. Baeschlin.
Hog and Cattle Fencing.
We have just received a car load of
Page Woven Wire Fencing for hogs and
all kinds of stock , which we will sell at
lowest prices. Barnett Lumber Co.
The Episcopal ladies gave a profitable
and entertaining social at the chapel ,
last evening. A literary and musical
program of an enjoyable sort was ren
dered satisfactorily. Ice cream and cake
were served.
The second-hand store of Steinmetz
and Colling has been moved into the
Lewis building , one door north of the
old location.
Men's and boys' leather belts ; latest
styles. Just received at the
Famous Clothing Co.
County Judge Smith united in marri
age , last night , John R.Cooper and Stella
Winner , both of Holbrook.
Fishing parties are in vogue. What a
tremendous amount of patience some
busy peoplehave , too.
Quite a freeze , Wednesday night , and
doubtless fruit prospects have been dam
aged somewhat.
Burgess will pipe water to the cemetery
for $534.33 , and lay same for a cent per
The season is late , but prospects for
small grain are brighter than common.
Novelties in men's neckwear just
opened at the Famous Clothing Co.
Wall Paper 5 cents a roll at
Lantern class tonight at S o'clock. The
Arctic Circle. Music and reading.
The Hatfields have had all their cattle
iehorned , about 400 head in all.
Importance " mnst be shown , some
times , even if it does cost $2.25.
Wall Paper at McConnell's.
Wall Paper at McConnell's.
Another fineproduct of the rainmaker's
skill , ou Tuesday night.
Staple stationery , best quality at low
est prices , at The Tribune office.
Charlie Coglizer's stock is going up 1
since the last council meeting. !
The children are beginning to figure
how long it is to vacation. Five weeks.
Fruit tree are in full bloom , filling the
eye with beauty and the nose with rarest
$2,500.00 will buy the Spearman resi
dence and three lots by seeeing S. Cor-
deal at once.
A wrench , key aud short rod belong
ing to a lawn mower outfit awaits the
owner at this office.
Maude Cordeal will give lessons in V
Piano Music to a limited number of pupils -
ils at her home , 406 Marshall street.
Mrs. Anna Colfer has had a brick sidewalk - H
walk laid along the west front of her residence - H
idence property on Marshall street. H
Single Comb Brown Leghorn eggs for < H
sale , 15 for 35c. Inquire of M. C. Maxwell - ? H
well , two miles south of McCook. 4g-4t H
Some extensive street grading has been , |
performed on north Main , the past week , fl
following similar work on north Marshall M
street. H
Horseback riding promises to be a popular - H
ular diversion with our people of leisure , |
this season. It's invigorating and pleas- H
urable. H
This week , E. E. Lowman sold his H
dwelling house en north Marshall street H
to J. F. Forbes , who will take possession |
on May 1st. • H
Wooden sidewalks have been laid in j H
front of the dwellings of C. E. Magner , | H
H. G. Dixon and J. V. O'Connell on H
Marshall street. H
Assessor James Woodworth is making M
the annual effort to find all the diamonds , M
bonds and plate in Willow Grove precinct - M
cinct for assessment. M
S. M. Cochran & Co. beat 'em all in H
hog fencing. Get their prices and inspect - M
spect their stock. Quality and cost will H
both stand the test. M
Two or three nuptial events are ou dit " H
for the early summer , the season when H
youthful minds naturally , if lightly , turn H
.0 thoughts of love etc. H
Cabbage , cauliflower , celery , egg H
plant , peppers , sweet potato and tomato H
plants for sale by Bert M. Best , at green- H
louse , South McCook. H
Some publishers have strange noses for H
lews. For instance a local contemporary |
ised all of six or eight lines of space in H
describing the Easter services of the city H
: hurches. * H
This week.Street Commissioner Jordan H
md force changed the earthern culvert H
it Main and Dakota so as to throw the H
.rater . out Dakota to tbe west , thus re- H
ieving Main street gutters. H H
It is proposed to increase the membership - |
ship of the Nebraska Brigade Band , U. H
iL K. P. , of our city , to thirty-five by H
all. In which event they will be invin- j H
: ible and superb altogether. j H
There was only one thing lacking to HI
nake the "request" concert as marked a |
> uccess as the initial , an audience. The H
attendance was unfortunately small. It |
> vas all right , artistically considered. H
The city hitching place north of the J H
3arnett Lumber Co. 's yard has become j f
mite delapidated and needs repairing H
irgently. Some new posts should be set H
md the twisted gaspipe straightened. H
The extraordinary rains of last Friday |
light and Saturday drove eleven hundred H
> eople of Beatrice from their homes. H
mmense damage was caused to railroads H
, nd much damage and distress tempor- |
rily to the inhabitants on the Blue , H
t-hich in the space of one hour rose five H
eet. Fortunately there was no loss of | |
Arrangements have also been made I l
rith the city authorities and the water f l
ompany , by the members of St. Patrick's -j l
hurch , to have the city water also ex- ' H
ended on from Longview cemetery to H
he center of Calvary cemetery. Thus j H
> oth burial places of the city wil be pro- H
rided with water for irrigating and H
iprinkling purposes. H