The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 16, 1897, Image 4

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    H By F. M. KIMMELL.
; H ' Republican ( wBy P *
19 -
IIH TnE dedication of the Grant
II . . monument in New York will take
9 place on April 27. Many of the
IS foreign nations have been invited
pH pB
to send warships and participate in
the exercises.
I Ex-Senator Daniel W. Voor-
• hees of Indiana died at his home
I , 1 in Washington , last Saturday morn-
Hfl ing , of heart troubles. For twenty -
ty years prior to March 4 last he
II . was senator from Indiana.
HH McKinley's ambassador to the
HH court of St. James says he ceased
H9 making verses when he attained
HH his majority. There are better
HH ( poets than Mr. Hay , but there
K are plenty of worse ones who have
V i never thought of swearing off.
HI j Congress appropriated § 200,000
HJ for the relief of the Mississippi riv-
9 er flood sufferers , last week. Many
H thousands of people are in great
Hl iie.ed of aid. It has been years
Hl and years , if not longer , since the
HI above mentioned river has been on
Ha } such a rampage as at present.
] =
Hl Thf movement of Secretary of
H | § Agriculture Wilson in the direc-
Hj tion of creating a market for
" * American butter in England is a
practical business experiment and
will meet with the cordial approval
I of the public , and may develop
1 into an important and profitable
I export trade. The secretary has
I adopted exactly the right course
pjwj I to accomplish that result. He pro-
H 1 poses to find out just what is
H wanted , and then supply the want
H if that can be done with profit to
H those who will engage in the en-
H terprise after the experiments have
H proved it feasible , which is the
B only reasonable way of proceeding
m in such matters. Ex.
H J. E. Dodge was at Cedar Bluffs
H shelling corn , latter part of last
B Our assessor C. C. Smyth paid
H his annual visit to the inhabitants
E of this precinct , first of last week.
Hf Eev. H.H. Berry and Mr. Bohn-
B , stedt of McCook preached at the
H ] Pleasant Prairie school houseSun-
H ny *
Hf Dora Ellis had the misfortune
Hi I to lose a horse , last -week. It got
II its hind leg broken and had to be
H The Pleasant Prairie literary
H adjourned , last Friday evening , to
H the first Fiiday evening in Novem-
Hi her next.
H Mrs. Ellis' chicken house got so
H thoroughly soaked , Sunday night ,
H ! that it fell down and filled several
Hj of her chickens.
H ! Who says that there is no mois-
H ture in Western Nebraska , when it
H | rains every other day and snows
H between times ?
B Some of our farmers are com-
H . plaining of birds eating the wheat
H . that was sown before it could be
H covered , and so had' to sow the
H ground over again.
H The gentleman who is going to
H experiment with the Campbell soil
H packer , this season , will certainly
H have his hands full , as we under-
H stand that they pack the ground
H after each rain. By this way one
H ought to preserve moisture enough
H to raise crops for the next ten years
H though it never rains any more.
H Tkirty years is a long time to fight so pain-
B &d a trouble as piles , but Jacob Mitchell , of
B Unionville , Pa. , straggled that long before he
H tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , which
B quickly and permanently cured him. It is
B equally effective in eczema and all skin af-
B - fections. A. McMillen. {
p p p p
H j j
1 II
P P PJ H _ i.mim . ) j m anm . . . * . " " * * . " " " . * * . , i . i ' * l li , . in. . . . , -tn , „ * . * - I j" I ' ' 111 i i ) 1 I ii'CT ; * rT" " " W- "
More rain , more grass.
Mrs. L. A. Wilson has been sick ,
the past week , with the grip.
The M. E. church is undergo
ing a process of white paint , this
W. A. Neel of Cedar Bluffs
started , last "Wednesday , for his
new home in Iowa.
Silas Gibson has gone to work
on the farm , this summer. Miss
Louie Ruby is now working in his
Miss May Ashton left , Tuesday ,
for Orleans , where she will take a
term of music lessons at the col
Elmer Baker of Greeley , Colorado
rado , who formerly resided here ,
is visiting Daubury friends , this
There is strong talk of voting
for a new school building at the
next annual school election in
June. We surely need more
Sunday night visited us with
the heaviest rainfall of this season ,
keeping it up till about Monday
noon. About two and one-half
inches of water fell during this
The Ladies' Aid society gave a
shadow basket supper , last Mon
day night , in the Masonic hall.
Owing to the condition of the
weather there was not a full at
0. P. Underwood sends a car
load of alfalfa seed to Atchison ,
this week. This makes six cars of
seed shipped from here , besides
what has been disposed of locally
throughout the state , which will
amount to about 500 bushels ,
bringing from § 2 to § 3 a bushel
on all seed sold.
E. M. Woods , while unharness
ing his horses , was severely kicked
in the bowels , last Friday evening ,
knocking him about ten feet across
the barn floor and , when found , he
was unconscious. He was carried
to the house and Dr. W. A. De-
May quickly summoned and it is
through his skill , we learn , that
Mr. Woods will soon be able to be
able to be out.
It is , or should be , the highest aim of every
merchant to please his customers ; and that
the wide-awake drug firm of Meyers & Eshle-
man , Sterling , 111. , is doing so , is proven by
the following from Mr. Eshelman : "In my
sixteen years' experience in the drug business
I have never seen or solder tried a medicine
that gave as good satisfaction as Chamber
lain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy" .
Sold by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists.
The many friends and admirers
of Gentleman George Meiklejohn
will learn of his appointment as
assistant secretary of war with
keenest pleasure. Secretary Thurs
ton is standing up for Nebraska in
a manner that meets with great-
When the spring time comes , "Gentle Annie" ,
like all other sensible persons , will cleanse
the liver and renovate the system with De-
Witt's Little Early Risers , famous little pills
for the liver and stomach all the year round.
A. McMillen.
I desire to attest to the merits of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy as one of the most valu
able and efficient preparations on the market.
It broke an exceedingly dangerous cough for
me in 24 hours , and in gratitude , therefor , I
desire to inform you that I will never be with
out it , and you should feel proud of the high
esteem in which your Remedies are held by
people in general. It is the one remedy
among ten thousand. Success to it. O. R.
Downey , Editor Democrat , Albion , Ind. For
sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists.
Bulk Seeds of all
kinds at Xinipple's.
One Minute Cough Cure , cures.
That is what it was made for.
to all remitting during the next threemonths.
Regular price. $2.00. Bright , newsy , entertain
ing. An illustrated journal of highest literary
merit. Send for sample copy.
For the above period we will make the follow
ing prize offers to parties sending in cash sub
scriptions : Value.
30 subscribers , pair guaranteed road tires. $12.00
15 " Camera takes pictures 4 Kx4 5.00
10 " Cycle Lamp . . 3.00
5 " Guaranteed Foot Pump 1.50
2 " Lightning Repair Tool 50
1 " Aluminum Nameplate per
sonal name-engraved .35
For further particulars , address
Tee Ctcling West Pub. Co. , Dhnvke , Colo.
Bulk Seeds of all
kinds at Knipple's.
W - > * a - mm m MiiwwiwM'nwp ninw > i 1 ' 1"
A. H. Bell has a new sign res
John Peake is quite sick , con
fined to his house.
J. J. Lamborn attended to busi
ness here , this week.
S. S. Graham and Mur. were in
this city , "Wednesday.
E. E. Wrighthas moved into
Shackelton's drug store.
Some of our A. F. and A. M.
members visited Danbury , "Wed
nesday night , to assist the lodge
there in the mystic rites.
"W. A. Shumaker and wife have
gone to North Park , Colorado , in
tending to remain there if all goes
well. Success to them.
Quite a number of Oddfellows
drove to Stockville , Thursday , to
assist the lodge at thst place in
making some new fellows Odd.
Mrs. Marinda Wyckoif has pur
chased the Wm. Breeze property ,
and will now have a home of her
own. May she live long and en
joy the blessings to be found sit
ing under her own Vine and Fig
John C. Beck closed his six
months term of school in the Burt
district , Thursday , and has ar
ranged a fine program for an en
tertainment in the evening. City
View has the reputation of enter
taining royally.
Married , at the residence of
Esquire Beck , and by the same ,
at 5 o'clock on Thursday , Mr. Gil
bert E. Thompson of Freedom and
Miss Delia C. Mann , daughter of
Arch Mann of Indianola , We
wish them a happy and useful life.
Hon. L. J. Holland returned
from the seat of the state govern
ment , last Friday niglitr From all
appearances. Uncle Jack is the
same social gentleman that he was
before he went to the legislature.
A good man is not easily spoiled.
Miss Lena Beck closed her
school on the Willow , last Friday ,
and in the evening had an inter
esting entertainment. The In
dianola orchestra went out and
rendered some of their excellent
music , to the eujoyment of all
A Bev. Turner from the eastern
part of Nebraska will preach in
the Congregational church , Thurs
day evening , in view of a perman
ent pastorate here , to succeed Bev.
A. S. Houston , who goes to Nor
folk and takes a , position in the
college at that place.
Easter services , to be held at the
M. E. church , Sunday next , prom
ise to be of more than usual in
terest. W. N. Sogers' family , as
sisted by our Sunday school or
chestra , will have charge of the
music. All are invited to be pres
ent and bring their dollars , dimes
and pennies for the missionary
Eev. C. B. Mayfield of Bartley
came up and held a Missionary
Bible reading in the M. E. church ,
Wednesday evening , and Bev. W.
J. Crago went to Bartley , Wednes
day , to conduct services there ,
Thursday evening. Both gentle
men will be at Tyrone , Friday
evening , in the interest of the mis
sionary cause.
A short time since we announced
that B. W. Hume , who lives north
of town , had brought his aged
father from Illinois to live with
him. One day , this week , the
writer drove out and executed the
old gentleman's pension voucher ,
and found that venerable comrade ,
who is 84 years old , had quite a
history. In 1835 he was commis
sioned by the governor of New
York as Ensign in the 87 Beg't
Militia. In 1843 he was Port-maB-
ter at Blandinsville , Illinois , after
- - f v-W _ • > T' ' ; • . „ - : - . . " : ' • * ' „ :
. .
* .
in mi rilmimn. m'm i i i I I' i i ' I > i imn.nw * ' * * " " ii hm imii
which he served in the Mexican
war. In 18G2 he was commission
ed by Gov. Yates of Illinois , Capt.
Co. C. 78 Eeg. 111. Vols. He was
a personal friend pf President Lin
coln , taking a prominent part in
politics all his life aud always a
Republican. He was made a
Mason in 1835 , and holds at this
time an honorary membership in
said order.
Mrs. Charles Hoag went up to
McCook , Thursday night , on a
visit of a few days to her daughter ,
Mrs. C. B. Gray.
It should be made a matter of public knowl
edge that DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve will
speedily cure piles of the longest standing.
It is the household favorite for scalds , burns ,
cuts , bruises and sores of all kinds. A. Mc
Bill Walters and bride is the
way the story goes.
Dan Cashen is farming a part
of the Henderson place.
Mr. and Mrs. James Kinghorn
are the happy parents of a girl
baby , born Thursday morning.
The charter of the Epworth
League is nicely framed and
adorns the west wall of the meet
ing house.
The sod house on the Kiusr place
occupied at present by Will John
son , partly caved in during Sun
days big rain. Will is absent
down about Holdrege and the family - i
ily are at Uncle Billie's.
Beece Harrison left early in the
week for Golden , Colorado , with
the intention of going to work in '
a pottery mine at that place which
is now being managed by Ed. ;
Powell , a former well known resident - :
dent of this county. \
The funeral sermon of Mrs. Mar
garet Schoonover , Avho died on last
Tuesday a week over in Coleman
precinct , will be preached at the
church , Sunday the 25th. Noser-
vices were held at the time owinsr
to the very stormy condition of the
One of the hardest rains of the
season began on Sunday evening
about dark and rained and poured
and snowed and "fearful blowed"
continously for nearly fifteen hours.
Many of the soddies of the neigh
borhood have been anything but
a source of comfort during the past
several weeks.
Word was received here some
time ago from Frank King , stating
that he had lost nearly all his per
sonal effects in the late storm at
Chandler , Oklahoma. Frank and
the family were on the way or
about to start overland in a wagon
for this locality when the storm
overtook them ,
Only the timely assistance of
friends prevented what might have
been a serious runaway as the
writer and sister and Eliza John
son were returning from church at
Box Elder , last Sunday morning.
Oscar Werner with a bicycle im
proved the opportunity while in
the thick of a crowd of teams to
"show off" in a most shameful and
imposing manner. He had been
allowed to pass once but purposely
fell back again in order to make
another and better showing if pos
sible and approached from the rear
and passed by with no warning
whatever. The horse we were
driving became unmanageable and
ran into a barb wire fence , throw
ing the occupants of the buggy
violently to the ground. No very
severe injuries were sustained other
than a number of ugly bruises.
The horse was not hurt but the
buggy and harness fared badly.
As might be supposed the cause of
all the trouble made a hasty sneak ,
wheel and all , in time to save his
contemptible hide.
Not only acute lunp troubles , which may
prove fatal in a few days , but old chronic
coughs and throat troubles may receive imme
diate relief and be permanently cured by
One Minute Cough Cure. A. McMillen.
Miss EsBio Dunham was home
over Sunday.
Farmers are putting in wheat ,
between showers.
Len Stephens had his house
plastered , Saturday.
Fred Burton was up from the
Driftwood , Tuesday.
Harry Wade was on the sick list ,
fore part of the week. .
Miss Mae Thompson spent Sat
urday and Sunday with Mrs. J. H.
Andrew Anderson entertained
friends from Tyrone , fore part of
the week.
Mr. Loyd has moved from the
Stewart ranch and is now working
for C. H. Meeker.
Jake Crocker had the misfortune
to lose a fine hog , last week. It
wandered away in one of the storms
aud has not been heard of since. I
Quite a number of the young
people from this place attended
the closing session of the Pleasant
Prairie literary society , last Fri
day uighh
When a cold is contracted , cure it at once.
One Minute Cough Cure will set you on the
road to recovery in a minute. It will cure
pneumonia , bronchitis , croup and all forms of
lung and throat troubles. A. McMillen.
C. W. Kraner Was Cured of Chron
ic Catarrh His Cure Be-
maius Permanent.
C. W. Kraner , Sheldon , Iowa ,
writes as follows : "I had been
troubled with catarrh for over two
years , so bad at last that I could
not work but two or three days in
in a week. I tried two doctors
without any relief. At times I
was so bad that I could not hear.
After using nine bottles of Pe-ru-
na I was completely cured and be
lieve Pe-ru-na will do all you claim
if the directions are followed. I
heartily recommend it to all who
are afflicted with catarrh. I should
call my cure lasting , for I have
worked in an elevator for three
years C among the dirt and dust of
wheat ) " .
No greater test could be made
of any cure , than three years' exposure -
posure to the dust and dirt of a ]
grain elevator. This letter is a '
sample of those we receive daily , i
They come unsolicited and unrei i
warded. They express the sentiments - |
ments of the writer in words that i
are direct and forcible. \
A book on catarrh will be sent '
to any address by the Pe-ru-na
Drug Manufacturing Company , \
Columbus , Ohio. J
100 bushels of Seed i
Sweet Potatoes 3 cts. j
a lb. at Knipple's. <
Unconditional surrender , is the only terms _
those famous little pills known as DeWitt's
Little Early Risers will make with constipation - /
tion , sick headache and stomach troubles. A.
Early Ohio seed poi i
tafcoes 55 cents per *
bushel at Knipple's. ]
A man stands no chance of being elected to
the mayorship of a city unless he enjoys the *
confidence and esteem of his neighbors. Geo. j
W. Humphrey is the popular mayor of Swan- *
ton , Ohio , and under date of Jan. 17 , 1896 , he
writes as follows : "This is to certify to our appreciation - *
preciation of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. {
My family and neighbors have tested it , and !
we know it is an excellent remedv for coughs 4
and colds. George W. Humphrey" . Sold by j
L. W. McConnell & Co. . Druggists. 1
Onion Seeds , guaranteed -
anteed of 1896 , Red =
Weathersfield , at 50c \
a pound. Knipple. J
Personal The gentleman who annoyed i
the congregation last Sunday by continually I
coughing will find instant relief by " using One |
Minute Cough Cure , a speedy and harmless I
remedy for throat and lung troubles. A. Mc- '
Millen. {
Croup and whooping cough are childhood's !
terrors ; hut like pneumonia , bronchitis and "
other throat and lung troubles , can be quckly i
cured by using One Minute Cough Cure. A. I
When Baby was sick , we gave her Castorla , g
When she was a Chad , she cried for Castoria. !
When she became Jliss , she crang to Castorfa ,
When she bad Children , she gave them Castorfa , ,
Absolutely. Pure. _ M
Celebrated for its great leavening H
strength and health fulness. Assures the B
food against alum and all forms of adulteration - M
teration common to the cheap brands. M
Royal Baking Powder Co. , New M
York. M
On the morning of Feb. 20,1S95,1 was sick fJM
with rheumatism , and lay in bed until May / M
21st , when I got a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain T M
Balm. The first application of it relieved me > j H
almost entirely from the pain and the second | H
afforded complete relief. In a short time I M
was able to be up and about again. A. 1. H
Moreaux , Luvcrne , Minn. Sold hy L. W. McConnell - M
Connell & Co. , Druggists. H
r IX the < f fl
5 Commercial Hotel , 5 M
w Room 3 , off of Par.or. W J J
i And ask for a share of public M
J patronage. All work guaranteed. J M
J Give us a trial. . . . J M
r ' P' B' P' D' p' * vv * ' • a' P' P W P' IP7 Pa PJ
I I i
Wall Pw J
i m
I for 1897
1 " 1
? 0 AND WE & H
> ! : b -
I Invite the Inspection I 1
4 * I M
1 r M
I L. W. McConnell & Co. j
t . . .
cj ir jl-ssji. agg pt 3 j Jtf ) p. j t agra g PJ
J F. D. Burgess , 7 V
Plumber and \ 1
Steam Fitter \ J
? McCOOK , NEBR. 7 k
L Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass 4 * |
L Goods , Pumps , and BoilerTrimmings. Z H
\ Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse \ H
3 Windmills. Basementof the Meeker9 H
9 Phillips building. H
$ Palace Meat Market 4 M
w |
mSj Two doors south of CO AVBJ
" Commercial Hotel. 9 .BVBJ
? f A. CARSON , Proprietor. $ M
& ; J A
ii , Everything usually in CC H
* * a First Class Market will * * # fl
% K be found here. 4h Bl
ft leave Orders for Milk Here < B& H
i uCS3S02 TO SLHS2 20WSH. ? 'M
| Fire , Life & Accidents \ J
! Houses rented , collections and 5 . >
{ conveyancing. Taxes paid for S i } M
non-residents. 113 East Denni-S V
Mon street , McCOOK , NEB. % '
u , yuicK Revolts ,
Safe to take.