The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 02, 1897, Image 8

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    _ _ _ _ _ HJ f ri& #
fl Onion Seeds , guar-
K antoed of 1S96 , Bed
H W atliersfield , at 50c
_ _ _ _ _ § Recipe for Hog Cholera.
H The following recipe for hog cholera
_ l _ | has been handed us by W. G. Higby of
_ _ _ Valley Grange rrecinct , who has used
_ _ _ _ the medicine with success in the east
_ _ _ _ and is now using the same here. We
_ _ _ - _ submit it for what it is worth :
_ _ _ _
HI Sulphur 2 lbs.
H lbs.
Madder 2
_ _ _
HI Saltpetre 2 lbs.
HI Spanish Brown 2 lbs.
H H Black Antimony 1 lb. 8 oz.
H Copperas lib.
Ha I'enngreek ' .10 oz.
Hj 9 Resin 6 oz.
HI Grind and mix well.
_ _ _ Put a heaping tablespoon in a common
H | pale and pour in just enough water lo mix
_ _ _ _ e medicine ; then fill it full of water or
H9 swill. Give your hogs all they will drink ,
_ _ B | mixeb in this proportion , once or twice
_ _ _ P _ j a week for a preventive ; and to remove
_ _ Hf _ | worms i' sick give one teaspoonful in
_ _ _ _ jj milk to each hog once a day.
_ _ _ M _ f This medicine is an excellent condi-
_ _ _ HS I tion powder and if fed to hogs twice
_ _ _ _ , a week while being fattened will repay
_ _ _ _ _ | its cost many times over in the extra
_ _ _ _ _ _ ' amount they will gain. An ounce of
i prevention is worth a pound of cure , especially -
_ _ _ _ _ | pecially in taking care of hogs. Keep
_ _ _ H _ ' e Pens clean , give them a change of
_ _ _ _ H * " ee occasionally , feed salt and ashes
_ _ _ H | often. Sand or sandstone if broken up
_ _ _ _ * s eaten greedily by them and is very
1 beneficial.
H | Financial Statement.
_ _ _ fli Below we publish a statement of the
Hl financial condition of Fairview cemetery
_ _ _ _ ! association , Valley Grange precinct :
_ _ _ _ L | Fairview , March'25th , 1S97.
_ _ _ § To whom it may concern :
_ _ _ _ _ ! Financial report of Fairview cemetery
_ _ _ _ from June 9th , 1S90 , to March 25 , 1897.
! Lot 16 , block 2 $5 00
Lot 2 , block 7 3 00
h Lot 15 , block 2 5 00
_ _ _ _ } Lot 1 , block 7 3 00
_ _ _ _ Lot 2 , block 2 5 00
H Lot 1 , block 2 5 00
_ _ _ _ _ f Lot 2 , block 8 3 00
_ _ _ _ { Lot 14 , block 2 5 00
" Lot 7 , Mock 6 2 00
Lot 3 , block 8 3 00
1 Lot 16 , block 7 3 00
Lot 2 , block 1 , By Note 5 00
U Total $47 00
_ _ _ _
H Geo. Minkler , surveying $1070
B Win. Harmon , donated 130
H Fence 19 25
B Incidentals 12 05
B Note due January 5th , 1S9S 5 00
H Total $48 30
_ _ _ _ _ ! I , James M. Phillips , hereby certify
H that I was present on March 25th , 1897 ,
H and examined J. E. Thrill's book and
_ _ _ found the same to be true and correct. -
f _ _ _ | J. M. Phillips , Trustee.
4 | J. E. Tirrili , , Clerk and Treasurer.
H The farmers are all busy plow-
H Sunday school was well attended ,
H Sunday.
H Dot Lord and family visited at
the residence of James Harris
§ ,
_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ Monday evening.
H Some person or persons stole
H "the wire from two vacant places in
H this neighborhood.
H Rev. J. M. Bell will commence
H revival meetings at the Everest
H school house , next Sunday eveniug.
H Our literary closed , last Friday
H evening with a good program ; the
H question was , Resolved that capi-
H tal punish ment is unjust. Decision ]
H for affirmative.
_ _ _ _ _ * to all remitting : during : the next three months.
_ _ _ _ | Regular price. $2.00. Bright , newsy , entertain-
_ _ _ fl | in jr. An illustrated journal of highest literary
_ _ _ merit. Send for sample copy.
_ _ fl _ | For the above period we will make the following -
_ _ _ _ | ing prize offers to parties sending in cash sub-
H scriptions : Value
1 30 subscribers , pair guaranteed road tires. $12.00
H IS Camera takes pictures 4 } x4 % 5.00
| 10 Cycle Lamp 3.00
_ _ 5 Guaranteed Foot Pump 1.50
_ _ _ 2 Lightning Repair Tool 50
_ _ _ _ | 1 Aluminum Nameplate personal -
_ _ _ sonal name engraved 35
_ _ _ _ | For further particulars , address
_ _ _ B The Cycling West Fob. Co. , Denver , Colo.
m > Robs Confinement of its Pain , Horror and Risk. /
_ _ _ _ | r My wife used " MOTHERS1 FBIEND" beC
I ? fore birth of her first child , she did not t
I C suffer from CHAM PS or PAINS was quickly C
_ _ / relieved at the critical hour suffering but J
_ _ K little she had no pains afterward and her S
j recovery was rapid. /
_ _ _ H 3 E. . Johnston , Eufaula , Ala. C
_ _ _ K S Sent by Mail or Express , on receipt of /
I S price , $1.00 per bottle. Book "To MothS
_ _ s ers" mailed Free.
_ _ _ / BBADF1ELD IIKGULATOR CO. , Atlanta , Gi. S
H , -.1 . . ; i -i " ' "t ' ' " " " ' " " ' ' ' ' ' " *
Michigan to Texas.
That Pe-ru-na is unequaled as a
spring medicine is testified by a
great many people every spring.
When one is run down , listless and
tired , depressed with that peculiar
ly distressing trouble popularly
known Fever Pe-ru-na
as Spring , - -
should always be taken , as it is
sure to give prompt and permanent
Lena J. Stoll , Adrain , Mich. ,
writes as follows : "It affords me
much pleasure to testify to the
merits of your Pe-ru-na. I can
speak in the highest terms of it ,
having used it for five years as a
spring medicine with great benefit
to myself and I recommend it to
my friends with like results" . J.
E. Stuart , Eastland , Texas , the op
posite end of the continent , cor
roborates her statements as follows :
"I purchased a bottle of Pe-ru-na
and it was used by myself and wife
as a spring medicine. I consider
it the best dollar's worth I ever
bought. My wife has used your
remedies with gratifying results" .
One of Dr. Hartman's latest
books , treating on the catarrhal
diseases peculiar to spring , will be
sent free to any address by The
Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Co. ,
Columbus , Ohio.
Charlie Moore and Jay Kimball
are back from Iowa.
. Clara Hanlein was with the folks
over on the Driftwood , close of last
S. C. King and wife of Drift
wood were Divide visitors , early in
the week.
Magistrate Mundy of the "Willow
was circulating among Divide
friends , Sunday last.
John Miller , who has been on
the Clark farm for some time past ,
moved back to his former location ,
last week.
Beece Harrison has concluded
to remain here for the present and
is helping with the work on the
home place.
The condition of the soil was
never better and prosperous times
seem to be in store for the needy
and faithful farmers.
W. T. Johnson and wife are
looking after the welfare of a
youngster that made its appear
ance on "Wednesday a week.
A. R Keeves has been helping
Ad. Pinkerton during the week.
The boys are putting is wheat on
the "shears" up in Frontier county.
S. D. Belles had his right hand
cjuite painfully injured while at
svork in the round house a few days '
sgo , and is taking a short lay-off.
The assessor will soon be on our
trail again and no doubt many will ;
take of the fact and
advantage re1 1
rive the old ga of death and taxes.
The irrepressible Sam Newton
is having considerable ground torn
up , this spring. The proceeds ofl
two crops raised on the breaking
go to pay for the work.
No one need to feel apprehensive
about going over the hills to the
poor house. The writer was there
one day this week and it didn't
seem to be as bad as one might
.Mrs. E. J. Vivian and son Talbot
bet , who have been down at Lin
coln , Omaha and Fullerton visiting
relatives and friends , returned
hom'e in time to see our big snow ,
Tuesday last.
The revival at Box Elder closed
on Sunday night with quite a num
ber of converts. Eegular League
meetings , that were discontinued
for several weekswill be held.Sun-
evenings at 7:30. : *
Bulk Seeds of all
kinds at Knipple's.
We need Major Cole out here
for two months.
Easter services are in prepara
tion bv the Methodists.
Nellie Meyer was quite ill about
a week ago but has fully recovered.
Harvey Woodworth is able to be
about again after his late attack of
Jacob Randall's house is Hear
ing completion ; it will be a very
artistic dwelling.
Mrs. Taylor expects her new
house to be completed so that she
csn move into it , Thursday of this
A family by the name of Elmer
has taken up its residence on the
farm recently occupied by Mr.
The Y. P. S. C. E. had a large
congregation last Sunday , no diffi
culties standing in the way of this
energetic society.
Mr. Parsons from Driftwood has
moved into one of Wm. Byfield's
sod houses and will assist him on
his farm , this summer.
Wm. Byfield has made several
small corn cribs or gianaries out
of the pieces of the large one that
unfortunately broke , and his corn
is once more under cover.
The literary closed for the sea
son , last Thursday evening , the so
ciety being more successful than
usual. The fight that oceured on
the school ground after the literary
had nothing to do with the affairs
of the society.
Farmers have been busy , this week ,
putting in wheat.
Mrs. Jacob Ely of Hitchcock county
has been visiting A. C. Ely and wife
for a few days.
George Tuttle has moved from his
farm on Dry creek to his summer farm
in this precinct.
School was resumed on Monday after
a week's vacation on account of the re
cent snow storm.
Harry Kennedy's family , mother and
sister of Cedar Bluffs , were the guest of
Mrs. Richardson on Sunday.
Henry Goodenberger and family and
Mr. Bray from near Danbury were the
guests of Tohn Goodenberger and fam
ily on Suudaj * .
Rev White preached an interesting
sermon , Sunday , to a crowded house at
the Pleasant Prairie school house. He
will preach again , next Sunday , at 2:30
p. m.
Mr. Lawson arrived , Saturday , from
Victoiia , Illinois. He will spend the
summer with his uncle , N. ] . Johnson ,
in the hopes that our climate may bene
fit his health.
Lots for Sale.
Lots 9 , 10 , 11 and 12 in block 25 , Second
end addition to McCook. Make me an
offer on these lots. Address :
W. E. Dauchy , Topeka , Kansas.
Dr. Z. L. Kay.
Office , rooms 4 and 5 over Leach's
jewelry store. Residence , front rooms
over Ganschow's shoe store.
For Sale.
Lots 1 and 2 , in block 23 , original Mc
Cook. Write to G. W. Jacobson , Free
dom , Illinois
For Sale Cheap.
Residences in town and 160 acres south
of McCook. S. CORDEAI , ,
Office over Farmers and Merchants Bank.
If you have ever seen a child in the agony
ot croup , you can appreciate the gratitude ot
the mothers who know that One Minute
Cough Cure relieves their little ones as quick
ly as it is administered. Many homes in this
city are never without it. A. IcMillen.
Comrades , and all
interested in Pensions ,
come and see me. I've
had over ten years of
experience. Work di
rect with Pension off
ice and guarantee sat
C. W. BECK ,
Indianola , Neb.
Bulk Seeds of all
kinds at Knipple's.
Bulk Seeds of all
kinds jit Knipple's.
April showers bring May flowers.
Born to J. E. Dolph and wife a boy ,
Oscar Thomas came down from Atwood -
wood , Friday.
S. R. Messner sends a car of cattle to
Omaha , this week.
Al Smith was up from Wilsonville ,
Tuesday , soliciting work.
Mrs. Fair is moving to her place on
the Sappy near Oberlin , this week.
Mrs. Jack Langley aud son Sidney
were visiting her daughter Mrs. Bull.over
Several Woodman attended lodge at
this place , last Saturday night , from
Archie Cole , the professional ball
player , was visiting with the boys here
over Sunday. He will play with Cedar
Rapids this year.
\V. A. Neel was doing business in town
Wednesday. He will start in about two
weeks for Cameron , Iowa , where he will
go into the lumber and grain business.
Tbe elocutionary recital by Roy Israel
of Orleans , last Saturday night , was
great. The people of Danbury and vi
cinity are well pleased , and those who
failed to hear him missed a treat.
WANTED AT ONCE : Active agents
for each county. Exclusive control and
no risk. Will clear 12 to 25 hundred dollars
lars ' . Enclose for full
a j'ear. stamp par
ticulars , or 25c for $1 sample. Big Rapids
Mineral Water Co , Big Rapids , Mich.
April 2-2U10.
Wanted at McCook.
Good man for district agent for Union
Central Life Insurance Company. Large
business now in force in McCook and
Red Willow county. Address ,
J. M. Edmiston , State Agent ,
Postoffice Box 1,443 , Lincoln , Neb.
Hog Fertclng.
We have just received a shipment of
extra quality hog fencing. And we are
selling it at the remarkably low figure of
20 cents a rod. Have also a large supply
of chicken fencing in stock.
S. M. Cochran & Co.
Wall Paper 4 cents a roll.
L. W. McConnei.1. & Co.
Eating' Potatoes at
Knipple's for 50 cents
a bushel. Good.
Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and
let it stand twenty-four honrs ; a sediment or
settling indicates an unhealthy condition of the
kidneys. When urine stains linen it is posi
tive evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent
desire to urinate or pain in the back is also
convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder
are out of order.
There is comfort in the knowledge so often
expressed , that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root , the
great kidney remedy , fulfils every wish in re
lieving pain in the back , kindeys , liver , blad
der and everj' part of the urinary passages. It
corrects inability to hold urine and scalding
pain in passing it , or bad effects following use
of liquor , wine or beer , and overcomes that
unpleasant necessity of being compelled to
get up many times during the night to urinate.
The mild and the extraordinary effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the
highest for its wonderful cures of the most
distressing cases. If you need a medicine you
should have the best. Sold by druggists.pnce
fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a
sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by
mail. Mention The Tribune and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Binghamton , N.
Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantees
the genuineness of this offer. April 2-1 yr.
[ norval brothers , attorneys. ]
In the matter of the estate of Cynthia Rog
ers , deceased. Nofice is hereby given that m
pursuance of an order of Hon. Edward Bates ,
one of the Jndges of the District Court of Sew
ard county , Nebraska , on the 14th day of Sep
tember , 1896 , for the sale ot the real estate
hereinafter described , there will be sold at the
front entrance of the Court House in the city
of McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
( that being the place where the last term of
the District Court within and for said county
was held , ) on the 24th day of April , A. D" ,
1S97 , at one o'clock p. m. , at public vendue to
the highest bidder for cash , subject to all liens
and incumbrances thereon at the time of the
death of said deceased , the following described
real estate to-wit : The south half ( S. Yz ) of
the northeast quarter ( N. E. U ) and the north
west quarter ( N. W. J i of the northwest quar
ter ( N. W. JO and the north half ( X. ! ' _ • ) of
the southwest quarter ( S. W. l { ) and lot tuo
(2) ( ) in the northeast quarter ( N. E. X ) of the
northeast quarter ( N. E. \ { ) and lot four (4) ( )
in the north half ( N. J ) of the northwest quar
ter ( N. W. X ) and the south half ( S. • < ) ot the
northwest quarter ( N. W. JO. all in section
twenty-five (25) ( ) in township three (3) ) , nortli
of range twenty-nine (29) ( ) , west of the 6th P.
M. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska. Said
sale will remain open one hour. Dated March
261I11897. Walter N. Rogers ,
of the estate of Cynthia Rogers , deceased ,
f First publication April 2-ats. |
McCook , Neb. , March 5U1 , 1S97. Notice i >
hereby given that Lucretia C. Doll has filed
notice of intention to make final proof before
before Register or Receiver at his office in
McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , the 17th day
April , 1S97 , on timber culture application No.
5b43 , for the northwest quarter of section No.
23 , in township No. 2 north , range No.30 west.
She names as witnesses : Clark G. Boatman ,
Charles G. HolmesWilliam S. Fitch and Julia
Harris , all of McCook , Nebraska.
A. S. Campbell , Register.
[ First publication March i2-6ts.J
Land Office .it McCook , Xobr.isku , February 25 ,
1S07. Notice is hereby jjiven that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim , and that
slid proof will he made before I'cgister or Receiver
at McCook , Nebraska , on April 3rd , 1S97iz : John
W. Korstian , II. E. No. 10,000 , for the Miuthwest
quarter of section 3 , township 2 north , ranpe 30
west , 6th P. M. I Ic names the follow iny ; witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of , "said land , \iz : Milton C. Maxwell , William
F. E\erist , Andrew Carson and Ida Carson , all of
McCook , Nebraska.
Nebraska.A. . S. Camrnell. Register.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
$250,000 1 I
mMM 6iwnAwiV f * fl
1 irWwliiiSHI ! III urric&lii I _ _ _ _ _
X 1 coupous . inside , each. 4-ouucc g 9 _ |
& The Best bag. Buynbag readthecoupon . p |
g SmokingTobaccO iViadQ and sec how to get your share. H
_ _ _ '
- - - j
I F. D. BURGESS. I , 2
Read the best coun
ty newspaper that's
The McCook Tribune
ever.y time.
Comfort to California.
Every Thursday afternoon , a tourist
sleeping car for Salt Lake City , San
Francisco and Los Angeles leaves Oma
ha and Lincoln via tbe Burlington Route.
It is carpeted , upholstered in rattan ,
has spring seats and backs and is pro
vided with curtains , bedding , towels ,
soap , etc. An experienced excursion
conductor and a uniformed Pullman porter
ter accompany it through to the Pacific
coast. While neither as expensively fin
ished nor as fine to look at as a palace
sleeper , it is just as goods to ride in.
Second class tickets are honored and the
price of a berth , wide enough and big
enough for two , is only $5- ° ° -
For a folder giving full particulars ,
call at the nearest B. & I\I. R. R. ticket
office , or write to J. Francis , Gen'l Pass'r
Agent , Burlington Route. Omaha , Nebr.
Try that 15 cent box
paper at The Tjubune
office. Worth 25 cts.
Also cheaper grades.
V1T1I CTTPC Are tablets which Restore
Wl I ft LCI ICO Lost Vigor , Develop
all Parts , bring back Lost Powers and
return the patient to genuine Manhood and
Health. Case No. 00501 says through the
use of "Vitalettes , " I was speedljr restored
to Health and perfect Manhood in every
sense of the word.
a levere case of Piles of 12 years' standing
and I know will care all in need who will try it
D D I * Cure3 Rheum at is m , Salt-
Ill ill Vi Rhenm Catarrh
, , Constipation
and all Blood Disorders , by purifying the
blood ; thereby causing a clearer and more
beautiful complexion. It is the Greatest
Blood Purifier on earth. A Restorer of Per
fect Health.
Price by mail , "Vitalettes , $1.00 or 6 boxes
$5.00. Johns Pile Cure , 50 cts.nd R. R. C.
Johns & Dixon , Rochester , N. Y-
; 5F""Practice in all the courts. Collections.
Notary Public. Upstairs m the Spearman
building , McCook , Nebraska.
McCook , Nebraska.
J3T"Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office
Rear of First National bank.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
& Bellamy , assistants.
. - tMRS. E. E. UTTER , _ > Z
Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo.
Sy Studio Opposite Postoffice.
McCook. - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
McCook , Nebraska.
: S Office Over C. A. Leach's jewelry store.
Residence 701 Main street. Prompt atten
tion given to all calls.
Wanted-An Idea SfH !
Protect your Ideas : thov may bring you wealth
Write JOHN WEDDERBtJRN 76 : CO. . Patent Ittc-
neys. Washington , D. Cfor their 91.KB prize offer
and list ot two hundred Inrentlons wanted.
< * H
Proprietor f
of the l l
f _
We respectfully solicit your business , ( j B
and guarantee pure milk , full measure , J _ |
and prompt , courteous service. ] _ _ _ |
_ H
McCook Transfer Line. *
_ _ H
2ir > Only furniture van in the - _ H
city. Also have a first class house _ H
moving outfit. Leave orders for H
bus calls at Commercial hotel or * H
at office opposite the depot. ' _ H
Giiase Go. Land and Live Stock Gs. < \ V
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j _ V _ H _ _ B
1 _ _ _ yfti _ r . _ F _ _ _ |
Horses branded on left hip or lett shoulder M
qJPaF P.O.addresaImperial , H
_ [ _ fc _ _ _ Chase county , and Beat , j't j H
_ _ _ _ _ ! rice. Nebraska. Itanpe. k H
_ _ _ ntMStinkin ) ? Water and the Vf M
Jyf Frenchman creeks , in \ $ { 4H
_ B _ P { Chase county. Nebraska. j ! M
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ItS Brand ascut onsfdeo ? * • J H
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' someanimals.onhlp and A H M
sassnsstu ot some-or any- _
R-I-P-A-N-S ZJ fl
w } _ |
j The modern stand- ' _ |
g ard Family Medi- H
ryj cine : Cures the S
common every-day H
5 ills of humanity. H
IH TRADE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 IB / / , .
1 ' ' I / - m
Carpet Laying , * I'l
Carpet Cleaning. , , I
_ _ _ _ | | | | /.J /
DeWitt's I
Little Earlv
-iggr _ . , , * S j. J _ _ |