The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 02, 1897, Image 4

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    I ' Fie jftc u * ! * * • *
H By F. M. K.1MMELL.
B Republican | JBBj | HeWspaper
H A Washington dispatch stai
H that Ex-Congressman Audrey
IH chances for a place in the Inter ;
KH department as auditor are lookii
fl up , and the belief is growing tL
S " he will secure a plum. Hen
9 hoping he may secure a nice ri
HI one.
HH I Leopold Hahn has been a
Hj pointed and confirmed postraast
HH for Hastings. Postmaster Wal
HH quiet's term does not expire un
HH • March 19 , 1898 , under the fo
HI year rule. Mr. Hahn will like
HH assume the duties of his offi
HH about th'o middle of April. Lucl
HI Leopold , unfortunate Keynard.
HJ The recent decision of tl
HI United States supreme court is re
HB ognized as a body blow to pool
H trusts and all combinations in r
HI straint of trade. President M
HI Kinley's views are known to 1
HI against such unlawful combinatioi
HI of capital as seek to restrain tl
H free and natural laws of commeri
HJ and trade , aud there are indici
Bn tious that a new era is opening u
I for the people of the land.
H The rank and file of Nebrasli
Republicans are sound to the con
and after the house-cleaning :
over the party will be all" th
stronger. Stand up for the G. C
R § P. Likewise stand up for Nebras
B i ka ! The Tribune does not coe
B | done the offences of any thievin ;
H J Republican official , neither does i
HI | hear with complacency genera
Hj a charges or insinuations of part ;
H corruption. The punishment o
H' the guilty is all the purgation th <
H * partv * Weds.
H Colonel Merwin of the Beave :
H City Tribune enjoys a "cod" witl
H , the rest of creation. He recentl ]
H removed his adult subscription lis
H and the appurtenances thereuntc
H belonging into a new and-exclusive
H building. And in order to com-
H memorate the event he published
H a cut of his new location. By t
H "mistake" the Colonel published s
H handsome cut of our ownest Com-
H mercial hotel , bus , dray , "Old
H Glory" and all.
H If the sole object of the recount
H is to obtain an accurate canvass of
H the votes cast on the constitution-
H al amendments at the election last
H fall , what objection can there be
I l to allowing the Republicans in
H house and senate to select the Re-
I publican representatives on the
H recount committee ? A non-parti-
H san recount committee means a
H committee composed of men who
H will look out for the interest of all
H political parties. The only way
H to assure the entire citizenship of
H the state that no jugglery in the
H recount is to be tolerated is to give
I all parties an opportunity to verify -
fy the count as it progresses. Bee.
B In denying Republicans repre-
B sentation on the legislative comB -
B mittee conducting the recount of
the ballots cast for the supreme
* judges amendment the Populists
have thrown themselves open to
severe criticism. It is manifestly
unfair and savors of dishonesty.
"We are not making broad , general
charges of corruption and dishon
esty in this recount matter , but it
is manifest to all fair-minded people
ple that the Populists had nothing
to fear froni Republicans on the
recount committee as long as the
recanvass was conducted honestly.
- And the natural inference is that
the Populists fear the wide public
ity and fairness that should always
I characterize such proceedures.
The total increase of the bond
indebtedness during Clevelan
administration is § 262,315,400 ,
which there is an annual inter
charge of § 11,532,016 , says an <
change. The total interest up
§ 100,000,000 of 5 per cent bor
issued , during the ten years fr <
their date that must elapse bef <
they are redeemable , is § 50,00
000. Interest-on § 62,315,400
4 per cent bonds which are i
payable for thirty years will
§ 75,978,480 , making the total i
terest that must be paid on the ei
lier issues of Jaonds § 123,978,48
From this amount there must
subtracted § 19,972,640 , premiui
received on the sale of bonds , lee
iug a balance of § 106,005,84
The final bond issues on a thir
year interest basis , will run t
amount of principal and intere
which the people must eventual
pay , to nearly § 500,000,000 ,
which prodigious figure the cost
Cleveland's experiment with "tar
reform" Avill one day be oxpresse
But worse than this loss to tl
government is the many millioi
lost to the people directly in tl
way of shrinkage in values , loss
business and being thrown out <
It is to be hoped that an er
has been put at least for a time
political banking in the state trea
ury in Nebraska. The time hi
passed for one treasurer to pe
the campaign expenses of his sin
eessor for the purpose of insurin
acceptance by the latter of all tl
jats- and dogs accumulated in h.
lands during his term of office
Treasury settlements in the futui
nust be made m cash or the equii
dent of cash. Bee.
"We intend to protect our citi
ens Avhether they be on land o
ea. We glory to build up amen
ur fellow republics in North am
louth America examples of ou
wn , and 1 believe the time is near
ar distant when the whole westerj
emisphere will be under Republi
an forms of government" . Sec
stary of State Sherman's policj
s outlined by him.
The American Newspaper An
lial for 1897 the most compre
ensive and perfect publication o :
s kind in America is before us
'he ' American fills its fields per-
jctly , and as a book of reference
mcerning newspaper matters has
o superiors in the land.
J. C. Moore has a new barn.
N. Walton has rented some land
! Pete Pearson.
We learn that the Johnson-
earson controversv is settled.
Mrs. J. C. Moore with her chil-
• en visited friends in Bartleylast
Several from Tyrone heard Rev.
nith , district president of the
iristiau Endeavor , at Plainview ,
st Sunday.
There are two points in this pre-
ict where public worship is kept
> , in the Goreley district and at
rrone church.
The P. M. reports that mail
itter is delayed and in some
ses lost by reason of its being
it to Tryon instead of Tyrone ,
yon is in McPherson county.
" orturing , itching , scaly skin eruptions ,
ns and scalds are soothed at once and
mptly healed by DeWitt's Witch Hazel
ve , the best known cure for piles. A. Mc-
desire to attest to the merits of Chamber-
l's Cough Remedy as one of the most valu-
2 and efficient preparations on the market ,
roke an exceedingly dangerous cough for
in 24 hours , and m gratitude , therefor , I
ire to inform vou that I will never be with-
it , and you should feel proud of the high
: em in which your Remedies are held by
pie in general. It is the one remedy
> ng ten thousand. Success to it. O. R.
WNEY , Editor Democrat , Albion , Ind. For
by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists.
ne minute is all the time necessary to de-
: from personal experience that One Min-
Cough Cure does what its name implies.
ic Minute Cough Cure , cures.
That is what it was made for.
Chase DeChant was here , S
S. Bentley was up from Barth
John D. Horrell , was in the c :
on Tuesday.
W. W. Lemasters was in t
city , Saturday.
Wm. Swipe was up from Cai
bridge , Saturday.
Mrs. P. O.Grav is absent on
visit , so F. O. boards at the Cosgi
Charles Colling and family ha
moved to their farm south of tow
Mrs. J. A.Hammond and childn
visited friends here , first of t ]
Rev. W. J. Crago preached f
Rev. N. J. Chrysler at Axtel , Su
Cashier S. O. Simons of Car
bridge was up on business , Wei
Messrs. Johnson and Edwan
attended I.O.O.F. lodge , Tuesdt
ei ening.
J. J. Wilson and W. H. Shi
maker were down from Culbertso ]
Mr. Riggs and wife of Stockvili
visited Rev. Crago and family , M01
and Tuesday.
S. L. Dragoo was initiated mi
the mysteries of Oddfellowshi ]
Tuesday night.
After a week's spring vacatio
school will begin again , Monday
in our city schools.
J. S. Phillips of the Reporte
md Larry McEntee were count ;
seat visitors , Monday.
Mclntyre , the itinerant boot am
; hoe man of Hastings visited ens
omers here , this week.
Mrs. J. W. Dolan and daughte
ef t on Wednesday for Lincoln anc
ther points on a visit.
Mrs. E. R. Holmes of Lincoh
isited her parents , Mr. and Mis
lhackelton here , this week.
The Tribune is sought for its
ews from all over the county. II
5 a county newspaper in fact as
ell as name.
Forster Stilgebouer transacted
usiness with the state bank , Tnes-
ay. relative to the closing up of
je bank of Bartley.
Mrs. E. J. Mitchell accompanied
te editor of the McCook Pop oran -
an , Tuesday , and visited friends ,
hile the Colonel wrote up the city.
L. M. Howard and wife were in
om the northwest , Tuesday , to
: knowledge a deed for property
ild in Wisconsin , in which Mrs.
. was one of the heirs.
Joe Stephens , representing the
. • ete nursery , is making his first
ring delivery in the city today
ednesday. As a tree man Joe
morally gets to the front.
Luke Hayden has moved into
wn and. occupies the Unteidt
operty. He reports that Wm.
len and family will return from
wa in a few days. They all
me back.
C. S. Quick , while burning corn-
ilks , Tuesday , could not stop the
nd from changing and carrying
e into Mr. Coon's premises ,
enty of help soon arrived and
fc much damage done.
It is often said that troubles deb
b come singly , and this seems to
the case in Charles Colling's
aily. First one of his boys broke
1 arm , then Mr. C. had a runa-
y , breaking his ankle , and a lit-
later his oldest son had a horse
1 on him and sprained his ankle
ite badly , and it does seem as if
sy have had their share of trouble
On Tuesday last some of fc
members of the A. O. W. met
Charley Collings and put in abe
40 acres of wheat for their afiict
In the absence of Rev. Crag
Sunday night , the meeting
School creek wa ? conducted 1
laymen , resulting in two conver
The same parties will conduct fc
meeting , next Sunday evening.
Judge G. W. Norris and his 1
porter , G. G. Eiseuhart were
the city , Saturday , the Judge le
on No. 4 to hold court for Jud
Grimes at North Platte. Jud |
Grimes with Mr. Eiseuhart dr < rte
to Stockville to hold court f <
Judge Norris.
On Monday last , a > load of L
dianolaite visited our big city wes
They were , 'S. R. Smith , J. 'S.Ph'i
lips , J. R. Neel , W. O. Bond an
C.W.Beck. Among other busines
transacted , a committee appointe
for that purpose , audited the ai
counts of J. H. Berge , ex-secretar
of the Agricultural society , an
found all correct.
We are glad to announce tin
we have succeeded in getting pei :
sions allowed for Mrs. Marind
Wyckoffand Geo. W. Curfmar
both of these claims have bee
pending all through the last ad
ministration , though evidence hai
been sent sufficient to procure
lozen pensions , and we are thank
iul that we now have a presiden
vho enlisted himself as a privafc
nstead of hiring a substitute , an (
las a warm feeling for his oh
A man stands no chance of being elected ti
he mayorship of a city unless he enjoy * th
onfidence and esteem of his neighbors. Gee
V. Humphrey is the popular mayor of Swan
on , Ohio , and under date of Jan. 17 , 1896 , In
/rites as follows : "This is to certify toourap
ireciatipn of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
ly family and neighbors have tested it , am
, -e know it is an excellent remedy for cough :
nd colds. George . Humphrey" . Sold bi
. . W. McConnell & Co. . Druggists.
Schools all closed and teachers '
ccupation changed.
H. Simmerman had a valuable
og killed by a horse recently.
Sim Cramer of the Willow
lade a visit to Coleman , Friday
Little traveling lately as the
Dads were in A terrible condition
> r our state.
Alva Brown has moved to the
.etch place in Allen precinct ,
rontier Co. , which he will farm
lis season.
Willie Peterson ' s school closed
ith a surprise basket picnic , a
juse full of people and an enjoy-
) le time generally.
The snow blockade was the
iuse of no items from this part ,
st week. It is estimated that
om 15 to 18 inches fell.
There is to be a teachers' insti-
te at Spring creek , beginning
: iday evening , the 2d , and end-
g on Saturday evening.
New arrivals in the vicinity : a
ung daughter at Sim Cramers'
d one at Lee Somers' . No mar-
iges to report but prospects fair.
There has been much rejoicing
consequence of the bountiful
pply of moisture but the storm
iled a halt to the plowing and
iding which was going on so
jely. Some had planted peas
il radishes.
hey are so small that the most sensitive
sons take them , they are so effective that
most obstinate cases of constipation , head-
e and torpid liver yield to them. That is
r DeWitt's Little Larly Risers are known
he famous little pills. A. McMiIIen.
is , or should be , the highest aim of every
chant to please his customers ; and that
wide-awake drug firm of Meyers & Eshle-
1 , Sterling , 111. , is doing so , is proven by
following from Mr. Eshelman : "In my
een years' experience in the drug business
ive never seen or sold or tried a medicine
gave as good satisfaction as Chamber
's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy" .
1 by L.V. . McConnell & Co. , Druggists ' ;
any cases of "Grippe" have lately been :
d by One Minute Cough Cure. This ;
jaration seems especially adapted to the
: of this disease. It acts quickly , thus pre- '
ing serious complications and bad effects
hich this disease often leases the patient. <
_ _ , ,
• -1 i- '
* * " - * - - - - -
tutrev t - r * -m r
No school in Dist. No. 47 , li
week , ou account of snow.
James Kauouse and family 1
these parts for California , last we <
There was another wolf hu
last week , on Thursday , and o
wolf killed.
Fairview Sabbath school still i
creasing , 54 enrolled ; attendan
last Sabbath 33.
There will be preaching at C (
lege hill school house in di
trict No. 47 , on Sunday eveniu
April 4 , by Rev. White. All a
Bible reading at Wm. Smith'
last Friday evening , was well n
tended. Bible reading at Fel
Wihlm's , next Friday night. A
are cordially welcome.
The young men of this neigl
borhood are very much encourage
with the prospects for a crop , an
ire going about smiling on everj
Due as though their future happ
uess depended upon it.
The Fairview cemetery associf
ion was refused a title to Fairvie
jemetery at the last quarterly cor
erenceof the M. E. church ji
south McCook , so they obtaine
l lease from Charles Ward jufi
outh and a few rods east of th
emetery , and will commence t
mild a sod house of worship thi
Don 't allow the lungs to be impaired by th
Ontinuous irritation of a cough. It is easie
) prevent consumption than to cure it. On
linute Cough Cure taken early will ward ol
ny fatal lung trouble. A. Mc.Millen.
It is surprising what a "wee bit of a thing
in accomplish. Sick headache , constipation
yspepsia , sour stomach , di/ziness , are quicki
anished by DeWitt's Little Early Risers
mall pill. Safe pill. Rest pill. A. Mc
E. E. Turner of Compton , Mo. , writes u :
tat after suffering from piles for 17 years
i completely cured them by using thret
) \es of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. I
ires eczema and severe skin diseases. A
.OF THE. .
[ charter no. 276J
McCook , in the State of Nebraska , at the
close of business March 23rd , 1S97.
> ans and discounts § 90,588 S4
rerdrafts , secured and unsecured 424 07
ocksbondssecurities , judgments ,
claims.etc 100 00
her real estate s,7ii 50
trrent expenses and taxes paid . 960 25
iccks and other cash items 950 43
le from National , State and Priv
ate Ranks and Bankers 15,65)642
ckelsand pennieb $ 20 3S
, "ie 2,97s 25
"s 4,655 00
ital cash on hand 7,65363
TorAI 3125,07524
pital stock paid in $ 50,000 00
rplus fund 5,000 00
divided profits 3,465 11
lividual deposits sub
ject to check 32,216 90
mand certificates of. . .
deposit 19.02353
ne certificates of
deposit 10,14500
shier's checks
outstanding ioS8 35
e to State and Private
Ranks and Bankers. . 4,13625 66,61003
Total $125,075 14
te of Nebraska , County of Red Willow , ss.
, A. C. Ebert , Cashier of the above-named
ik , do solemnly swear that the above state-
nt is true to the best of my knowledge and
'ef. ' A. C. Euert , Cashier.
. . . . V. FranklinDirector. .
esu H. T. Church , Director ,
ubscribed and sworn to before me this 29th
• of March , 1S97. 11.11. Berry ,
Seal. ] Notary Public ,
[ y commission expires October Sth , 1901.
. .OF THE. .
[ CHARTER NO. 117 , ]
) anbury , in the State of Nebraska , at the
close of business March 23rd , 1897.
n and discounts $ 16,410 02 !
rdrafts , secured and unsecured 35 75'
: ksbondssecurities , judgments ,
claims , > etc 1,046 23
king house furniture & fixtures 2,834 4 *
er real estate 7 ; o 00
rent expenses and taxes paid. . 313 37
cks and other cash items oi = 6
: from National , State and Private - -
ate Banks and Bankers 3.752 78
kels and cents 3 1S04
cie 2iS2 , 35
al tender notes 1,081 00
il cash on hand 3.2S1 39
Totai .S2S.4S5 51
ital stock paid in $ 12,000 00
ivided profits 505 26
vidual deposits subject
to check SS.I26 99
land certificates of de
posit 1,249 46
e certificates of deposit 5,603 80 14,980 25
; payable 1,00000
Totai .S28485 51 !
t of Nebraska , County of Red Willow , ss. '
1 * . E. McDonald , Cashier of the above- '
ed Bank , do solemnly swear that the above I
ment is true to the best of my knowledge ,
belief. T. E. McDonald , Cashier.
, . . . B. E.ASHTON , Director. '
-u Clifford Naden , Director ,
bscribed and sworn to before me this 27th
3f March , 1S97. William C. Shockley ,
Justice of the Peace.
Absolutely Pure. H
Celebrated for its great leavening |
strength aud healthfulness. Assures the H
food against alum and all forms of adul- H H
teration common to the cheap brands. H
Royaj. Baking Powder Co. , New H
York. fl H
On the morning of Feb. 20,1S95,1 was s'c V l
with rheumatism , and lay in bed until May - H
21st , when I got a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain } v H
Balm. The first application of it relieved me .S H
almost entirely from the pain and the second A ? H
afforded complete relief. In a short time 1 j-F HH
was able to be up and about again. A. ? V |
Moreaux , Luverne , Minn. Sold by L. W. Mc- \f |
Connell & Co. , Druggists. f H
' . H
I DRESSMAKING . . . i . \ H
{ Commercial Hotel , 5 J H
r Room 3 , off of W H
} And ask for a share of public B
patronage. All work guaranteed. J * |
. Give us a trial. . . . x r jH I
Wall Paper 71
for 1897 | > f H
' JH
Invite the Inspection I H
L. W. McConnell & Co JH
F. D. BUBGESS , 9 ) H
Plumber and \ ( M
Steam Fitter \ M
iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass Z | H
Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Z H
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse J |
Windm.lls. . Basementof the Meeker9 H
Phillips building. | | H H
Palace Meat Market 4 M
T\vo doors south o ( JfJ H
Commercial Hotel. GO H
A. CARSON , Proprieior. 4 H
Everything usually in CC
a First Class Market will W M
be found here. 2& M
# 7 1
leave Orders for Milk Here & j H
SWSESS82 ro ztar2 sovsll. J H
Fire , Life & Accidents | vfl
Houses rented , collections Jk '
and ?
onveyancingr. . Taxes paid for kJf , M
: on.reS1dents. 113 East Denni-S f S
on street , McCOOK , NEB. % f H