Hf - H' \ j Hf' ? 1 INTERNATIONAL PB | ASSOCIATION. fl KM PART II. Hfi CHAPTER IV ( Contimued. ) HK "Now , Richard , think very carefully , yifl Y speak of the missing finger joint. At l We doctors know how many people BmVJK persuade themselves Into all sorts of fcJF tilings. Tell me , did you notice the H jjEf likeness before you saw the mutilated Hk § finger , or did the fact of the finger's B/JA. being mutilated bring the likeness to H p .your mind. " bv \ "Bless the man , " I said. "One would HyTr. , think I had no eyes. I tell you there Hftf { Is no doubt about this man being the PqH i original of the photo. " E Vl ' "Never mind answer my question. " Hk Jv "Well , then , I am ashamed to con- B v " tfess it , but I put the photo in my B A .pocket , and forgot ah about it until I ijT had recognized the man , and pulled out fti * 'the likeness to make sure. I didn't Hft " \ -even know there was a printed descrip- H V lion at the foot , nor that any member H f ) j -was wanting. Contound it , Brand ! BlJk I'm not such a duffer as you think. " WwB V Brand did not retaliate. He turned \M to his friend and said gravely , "To mew ' w * , the matter is inexplicable. Take your H tti ) own course , as I promised you should. " ' E. 'Yr 1 ' 'Then he sat down , looking dcliciously Hkju' crestfallen , and wearing the discon- Eff\ tented expression always natural to K b him when worsted in argument. Hr * * • 'Ip It was now Carriston's turn. He V ' " \ . PHed me with many questions. In K " % " " ' fact > * save him the whole history of gjm my adventure. "What kind of house is i ? ) it ? " he asked. KK | ' "Better than a cottage scarcely a HfPX farm-house. A place , I should think , Htj J& with a few miserable acres of bad land | T\ belonging to it. One of those wretched HL little holdings which are simply curses H to the country. " Hl\ \ He made lots of other inquiries , the K purport of which I could not then di- K < vine. He seemed greatly impressed V when I told him that the man had K > > never for a moment left me alone. H ? He shot a second glance of triumph at Hft Brand , who still kept silent , and v * * looked as if all the wind had been | K taken out of his sails. V "How far is the place ? " asked Car- V9k riston. "Could you drive me there LM after dark ? " Hk At this question the doctor returned K to life. "What do you mean to do ? " Hj ! he asked his friend. "Let us have no V Kv nonsense. Even now I feel sure that BjQl Fenton is misled by some chance re- H K semblance " Bl $ "Deuce a hit. old chap , " I said. K * * * "Well , whether or not , Ave needn't H do foolish things. We must go and Hf' ' swear information and get a search Ht warrant , and the assistance of the po- | H lice. The truth is , Richard , " he con- HK tinned , turning to me , "we have rea- Kv son to believe , or I should say Carris- Ww\ ton persists in fancying that a friend Brabr of his has for some time been kept in Rf' durance by the man whom you say you Hg I recognized. " k ! > ) "Likely enough , " I said. "He looked \ villain enough for anything up to niur- B | * er. " HK "Anyway , " said Brand , "we must do S ) everything according to lav. . " H [ "Law ! I want no law , " answered Bl Carriston. "I have found her as J Bf > knew I should find her. I shall simply H& . fetch her , and at once. You can come n > with me or stay here , as you like , doc- Hk tor , but I am afraid I must trouble your fjjl friend to drive me somewhere near the yB7 place he speaks of. " Kr Foreseeing an adventure and great H\ fun moreover , not unmoved by Vfr thoughts of revenge I placed myself B&V entirely at Carriston's disposal. He H&f expressed his gratitude and suggested HP' that we should start at once. In a few | B minutes we were ready and mounted ft. the dog cart. Brand , after grumbling HXjf loudly at the whole proceeding , finished HS up by following us , and installing hini- M self in the back seat. Carriston placed H . a parcel he carried inside the cart , and Hj away Ave went. Rf It was now nearly dark , and raining Hp very heavily. I had my lamps light- HLt ed , so we got along without much dif- fBfJt ficulty. The roads were deep with | j9f $ mud ; but by this time the snow had Hwk been pretty nearly washed away from Kk everywhere. I don't make a mistake in Ep-x a road twice , so in due course we [ .ITl reached the scene of my upset. Here Hrf / * I drew up. Bj [ "The house lies about five hundred kf 3-ards up the lane , " I told Carriston ; H "we had better get out here. " K "What about the horse ? " asked mY Brand. fiftft "No chance o * any one passing this RXL way on such a aight as this , so let us 2 | put out the lamps and tie him up BW& somewhere. " M\ We did so , then struggled on afoot QLl - atil we saw the gleam of light which | Ek ( - * ad been so Avelcome to me two nights MMtf' \ before. B , V It was about as dark as pitch ; but , Hj. / guided by the light , we went on until H ' we stood in front of the house , where F a tuff bank and a dry hedge hid us B from sight , although on such a night II we had little fear of our presence being Lr -discovered. V "What do you mean to do now ? " K -asked Brand , in a discontented whis- V , per. "Yon can 't break into the house. " H - Carriston. said nothing for a minute , If then I felt him place his hand on ray igf t shoulder. Ivvi "Are there any horses , any cows HL \ J- mahout the place ? " he asked. HX ' I told him I thought that my surly H ' i -friend rejoiced In the possession of a H horse and cow. I "Very well. Then we must wait. I He'll come out to see them before he I eoes io bed , " .said Carriston , as de- h i ? * M I.I. W . , W..ii. < sgwy > W > MrT cidedly as a general giving orders just before a 'battle. I could not see how Brand expressed hl6 feelings upon hearing this order from our commander I know I shrugged my shoulders , and , if I said nothing , I thought a deal. The present situation was all very well for a strong ly interested party like Carriston , but he could scarcely expect others to rel ish the prospect of waiting , It might be for hours , under that comfortless hedge. Wo were all wet to the skin , and , although I was extremely anxious to see the end of the expedition , and find poetical justice meted out to my late host , Carriston's Fabian tactics lacked the excitement I longed for. Brand , in spite of his disapproval of the whole course of action , was better off than I was. As a doctor , he must have felt sure that , provided he could survive the exposure , he would secure two fresh patients. However , we made no protest , but waited for events to de velop themselves. : - . . . v- " JJ7 ff ORE than half ant wia\1 * iour went ° y- i //t ( feilwSvy//\l\ / \ \ was growing JWyinCg / jll numbed and tired , /fflG J&TK va } and beginning to * j & S / think thai we were /f ) making asses of I / % jy fr r © . U ourselves , when I .j \ kji\rp \ % heard the rattle of % /yijy a chain , and felt N S p' Carriston give my arm a warning touch. No doubt my late host had made sure that his new door fastenings were equal to a stronger test than that to which I had subjected the former ones , so we were wise in not attempt ing to carry his castle by force. The door opened and closed again. I saw the feeble glimmer of a lantern moving toward the outhouse in which my horse had been stabled. I heard a slight rustling in the hedge , and , stretching out my arm , found that Car riston had left my side. In the ab sence of any command from him I did not follow , but resumed the old occu pation waiting. In a few minutes the light of the lan tern reappeared ; the bearer stood on the threshold ofvthe house , while I won dered what Carriston was doing. Just as the door was opened for the boor's readmittance , a dark figure - sprang upon him. I heard a fierce oath and cry of surprise ; then the lantern flew out of the man's hand , and he and his assailant tumbled struggling through the narrow doorway. "Hurrah ! the door-is won , anyway ! " I shouted as , followed closely by the doctor , I jumped over the hedge and rushed to the scene of the fray. Although Carriston's well conceived attack was so vigorous and unexpected that the man went down under it ; al though our leader utilized the advan tage he had gained in a proper and laudable manner , by bumping that thick bullet head as violently as he could against the flags on which it lay , I doubt if , after all , he could have done his work alone. The countryman was a muscular brute and Carriston but a stripling. However , our arrival speed ily settled the question. "Bind him ! " panted Carriston ; "there is cord in my pocket. " He appeared to have come quite prepared for con tingencies. While Carriston still em braced his prostrate foe , and Brand , to facilitate matters , knelt on his shoul der , sat on his head , or did something else useful , I drew out from the first pocket I tried a nice length of half inch line , and had the immense satisfaction of trussing up my scowling friend in a most workmanlike manner. He must have felt these turns on his wrist for days afterward. Yet when we were at last at liberty to rise and leave him lying helpless on his kitchen floor , I considered I exercised great self-de nial in not bestowing a few kicks upon him , as he swore at us in His broadest vernacular in a way which under the circumstances , was no doubt a comfort to him. We scarcely noticed the man's wife while we rendered her husband help less. As we entered she attempted to fly out , but Brand , with the prompti tude which , Lam glad to record , inter cepted her , closed the door , turned and pocketed the key. After that the woman sat on the floor and rocked her self to and fro. For some moments , while recovering his breath , Carriston stood and posi tively glared at his prostrate foe. At last he found words. "Where is she ? Where is the key , you hound ? " he thundered out , stoop ing over the fellow and shaking him with a violence which did my heart good. As he received no answer save the un recordable expressions above mentioned , we unbuttoned the wretch's pockets and searched those greasy re ceptacles. Among * the usual litter we did certainly find a key. Carriston snatched at it , and shouting "Made line ! Madeline ! I come , " rushed out of the room like a maniac ; leaving Brand and me to keep guard over our prisoners. I filled a pipe , lit it , and then came back to my fallen foe. "I say , old chap , " I said , stirring him gently with the toe of my boot , "this will be a lesson to you. Remem ber , I told you that civilitj- costs noth ing. If you had given me Christian bed accommodation instead of making me wear out my poor bones on that infernal chair , you could have jogged t m along in your rascality comfortably , bo far as I am concerned. " He was very ungrateful so much so that my desire to kick him was in tensified. I should not like to Bwear I did not to a slight degree yield to the temptation. "Push a handkerchief in his mouth , " cried Brand suddenly. "A lady Is com ing. " With right good will I did as the doctor suggested. Just then Carriston returned. I don't want to raise home tempests , yet I must say he was accompanied by the most beautiful creature my eyes have ever lighted upon. True , she was pale as a lily looked thin and delicate , and her face bore traces of anxiety and suffering but for all that she was beautiful too beautiful for this world , I thought , as I looked at her. She was clinging in a half-frightened , half-con fiding way to Carriston , and he happy fellow ! regardless of our presence , was showering down kisses on her sweet pale face. Confound it ! I grow quite romantic as I recall the sight of those lovers. A most curious young man , that Car riston. He came to us , the lovely girl on his arm , without showing a trace of his recent excitement. "Let us-go now , " he-said , as calmly as If he had been taking a quiet even ing drive. Then he turned to me. "Do you think , Mr. Fenton , you could without much trouble get the dog cart up to the house ? " I said I would try to do so. "But what about these people ? " asked Brand. Carriston gave them a contemptu ous glance. "Leave them alone , " he said ; "they are but the tools of another him I cannot touch. Let us go. " "Yes , yes. But why not verify our suspicions while we can ? " Just like Brand ! He's always want ing to verify everything. In searching for the key we had found some papers on our prisoner. Brand examined them , and handed to Carriston an envelope which con tained what appeared like banknotes. Carriston glanced at it. "The hand writing is , of course , disguised , " he said carelessly , "but the postmark shows whence it came. It is as I al ways told you. You agree with me now ? " "I am afraid I must , " said Brand , humbly. "But we must do something about this man , " he continued. Hereupon Carriston turned to our t prisoner. "Listen , you villain , " he said. "I will let you go scot-free if you breathe no word of this to your employer for the next fortnight. If he learns from you what has happened before that time , I sweai * you shall go to penal servitude. Which do you choose ? " I pulled out the gag , and it is need less to say which the fellow chose. Then I went off and recovered the horse and cart. I relighted the lamps , and with some difficulty got the dog cart up to the house. Carriston must have exactly anticipated the events of the night. The parcel he had brought with him contained a bonnet and a thick warm cloak. His beautiful friend was equipped with these ; then , leaving the woman of the house to un tie her husband at her leisure and pleasure , away we started , the doctor sitting by me , Carriston and the lady behind. We just managed to catch the last train from C . Not feeling sure as to what form inquiries might take tomorrow , I thought it better to go up to town with my friends , so , as we passed through Midcombe , I stopped , paid my bill , and gave instructions for my luggage to be forwarded to me. By six o'clock the next morning we were all in London. ITO US COXTIKOKD. ) Turning ; Diamonds Into Graphite. Elementary chemistry teaches us that , as far as the nature of the sub stance composing them is concerned , there is almost no difference between a brilliant white diamond and the black graphite forming the core of a lead- pencil. Both are simply forms of car bon , and if we could readily turn one into the other , the diamond would cease to rank as the king of gems. In fact , very minute diamonds have recently been made in this way by Monsieur Moissan , the French chemist. Graphite can be dissolved in molten iron , and when the iron cools the graphite crystallizes. By performing this operation in a particular man ner , which has heretofore been described in this column , Monsieur Moissan gets microscopic crystals , not of graphite , but of diamond. Curiously enough , now that we know how graphite can be turned into diamond , it has also been discovered that diamond mend can be changed into graphite. This is effected by placing a diamond in an exhausted Crookes tube. In such a tube it is believed that invisible molecules of matter are continually darting about , and these molecules pro duce a ceaseless bombardment on the surface of the diamond. After a time the effect becomes visible in a black stain , or crust , covering the diamond. On examination this is found to be composed of graphite. Staying Powers. Gentleman "Has your horse good staying powers , cabby ? " Cabby on rank ( with grim humor ) "Stayin' pow ers ? Well , I should say so , guv'nor. 'E ain't moved from this blessed spot for five hours. " Fun. "Wilkes is a most absurd somnambu list. " "WThat's he done now ? " "He's just come back from a yachting holiday , and last night he sat down in a bath and baled it out until it flooded the i whole floor. " Tit-Bits. j TALMAG-E'S SEEMON. SYMPATHY FOR THE CREEKS , SUNDAY'S SUBJECT. From the Text : "I Am Debtor Uoth to the Greeks and to the Itarlmrlaus" Kotnans 1:1-1 Thermopylae ami liuulf- cr Hill. % - n T this time , when ) Ofmjl tnat behemoth of rr i ' JRH | I abominations , M o- CJKy Sr ? nammea"ansm a * * jj BmOs ter having gorged /L ( < < mHh sD Itself on the carK - K = 2&&zffl HBMk casses of a hundred /J7 / 0pw ) ) thousand Armen- / ! & / 4fO lans' Js trylnS t0 MaI put its paws upon wone of the fairest of all nations , that of the Greeks , I preach , this sermon of sympathy and protest , for every in telligent person on this side of the sea , as well as the other side , like Paul , who wrote the text , is debtor to the Greeks. The present crisis is emphasized by the guns of the allied powers of Eu rope , ready to be unlimbered against the Hellenes , and I am asked to speak out. Paul , with a master intellect of the ages , sat in "brilliant Corinth , the great Acro-Corinthus fortress frowning from the height of.sixteen hundred and eigh ty-six feet , and in the house of Gaius , where he was a guest , a big pile of money near him , which he was taking to Jerusalem for the poor. In this let ter to the Romans , which Chrysostom admired so much that he had it read to him twice a week , Paul practically says : "I , the Apostle , am bankrupt. I owe what I cannot pay , but I will pay as large a percentage as I can. It is an obligation for what Greek literature and Greek sculpture and Greek archi tecture and Greek prowess have done for me. I will pay all I can in install ments of evangelism. I am insolvent to the Greeks. " Hellas , as the inhabi tants call it , or Greece , as we call it. is insignificant in size , about a third as large as the state of New York , but what it lacks in breadth is makes up In height , with its mountains Cylene , and Eta , and Taygetus , and Tymphres- tus , each over seven .thousand feet in elevation , and its Parnassus , over eight thousand. Just the country for mighty men to be born in , for in all lands the most of the intellectual and moral giants were not born on the plain , but had for cradle the valley between two mountains. That country , no part of which is more than forty miles from the sea , has made its impress upon the world , as no other nation , and it today holds a first mortgage of obligation upon all civilized people. While we must leave to statesmanship and di plomacy the settlement of the intri cate questions which now involve all Europe , and indirectly all nations , it is time for all churches , all schools , all universities , all arts , all literature to sound out in the most emphatic way the declaration , "I am debtor to the Greeks. " In the first place , we owe to their language our New Testament. All of it was first written in Greek , except the. Book of Matthew , and that , written in the Aramean language , was soon put into Greek by our Savior's brother , James. To the Greek language we owe the best sermon ever preached , the best letters ever wri'ton the best vis ions ever kindled. All the parables in Greek. All the miracles in Greek. The sermon on the mount in Greek. The story of Bethlehem and Golgotha and Olivet and Jordan banks and Galilean beaches and Pauline embarkation and Pentecostal tongues and seven trumpets that sounded over Patmos , have come to the world in liquid , symmetric , pic turesque , philosophic , unrivaled Greek , instead of the gibberish language in Vv'hich many of the nations of the earth at that time jabbered. Who can forget it and who can exaggerate its thrilling importance , that Christ and heaven were introduced to us in the language of the Greeks ? the language in which Homer had sung and Sophocles drama tized and Pluto dialogued and' Socrates discoursed and Lycurgus legislated and Demosthenes thundered his oration on "The Crown ? " Everlasting thanks to God that the waters of life were not handed to the world in the unwashed cup of corrupt languages from which nations had been drinking , but in the clean , bright , golden lipped , emerald- handled chalice of the Hellenes. Learned Curtius wrote a whole volume about the Greek verb. Philologists century after century have been meas uring the symmetry of that language , laden with elegy and philippic , drama and corned- , Odyssey and Iliad ; but the grandest thing that Greek language ever accomplished was to give to the world the benediction , the comfort , the irraditation , the salvation of the Gos pel of the Son of God. For that we are debtors to the Greeks. And while speaking of our philologi cal obligation , let me call your atten tion to the fact that many of the in tellectual and moral and theological leaders of the ages got much of their discipline and effectiveness from Greek literature. It is popular to scoff at the dead languages , but 50 per cent of the world's intellectuality would have been taken off if , through learned institu tions our young men had not. under competent professors , been drilled in Greek masterpieces. Hesiod's "Weeks and Days. " or the eulogium by Simon- ides of the slain in war , or Pindar's "Odes of Victory , " or "The Recollec tions of Socrates , " or "The Art of Words , " by Corax , or Xenophon's Ana basis. From the Greeks the world learned how to make history. Had there been no Herodotus and Thucydides , there would have been no Macaulay or Ban croft. Had there been no Sophocles in tragedy , there would have been no Shakespeare. Had there been no Ho- tner , there would hnvc been no Sfllton. The modern wits , who are now or have been out on the divine mission of mak ing the world laugh at the right time , can be traced back to Aristophanes , the Athenian , and many of the Jocosities that are now taken as now hail their suggestions twonty-threo hundred years ago in the fifty-four comedies of that master of merriment. Grecian mytho logy'has been the richest mine from which orators and essayists have drawn their illustrations and painters the themes for their canvas , and although now an exhausted mine , Grecian mythology elegy has done a work that nothing else could have accomplished ; Boreas , representing the north wind ; Sisyphus , rolling the stone " up the hill , . only to have the same thing to do over again ; Tantalus , with fruits above him that he could not reach ; Achilles , with his arrows ; Icarus , with his waxen wing3 , flying too near the sun ; the Centaurs , half man and half beast ; Orpheus , with his lyre ; Atlas , with the world on his back , all these and more have helped literature , from the graduate's speech on commencement day to Rufus Choate's eulogium on Daniel WcbBter at Dartmouth. Tragedy and comedy were born in the festivals of Dionysius at Athens. The lyric and eleglac and epic poetry of Greece five hundred years before Christ has Its echoes in the Tennysons , Longfellows and Bry ants of eighteen and nineteen hun dred years after Christ. There is not an effective pulpit or editorial chair or professor's room or cultured parlor or intelligent farmhouae today in America or Europe that could not appropriately employ Paul's ejaculation and say , "I am debtor to the Greeks. " The fact Is this , Paul had got much of his oratorical p * ewer of expression from the Greeks. That he had studied their literature was evident , when standing in the presence of an audience of Greek scholars on Mars' Hill , which overlooks Athens , he dared to quote from one of their own Greek poets.either Cleanthus or Aratus , declaring , "As certain also of your own poets have said , 'for we are also his offspring. ' " And he made accurate quotation , Cleanthus , one of the poets , having written : "For we thine offspring are. All things that creep Are but the echo of the voice divine. " And Aratus , one of their own poets , had written : "Doth care perplex ? Is lowering dan ger nigh ? We are his offspring , and to Jove we fly. " It was rather a risky thing for Paul to attempt to quote extemporaneously from a poem in a language foreign to his , and before Greek scholars , but Paul did it without stammering , and then acknowledged before the most dis tinguished audience on the planet his indebtedness to the Greeks , crying out in his oration , "As one of your own poets has said. " Furthermore , all the world is obli gated to Hellas more than * it can ever pay for its heroics in the cause of lib erty and right. United Europe today had not better think that the Greeks will not fight. There may be fallings back and vacillations and temporary defeat , but if Greece is right all Eu rope cannot put her down. The other nations , before they open the port-holes of their men-of-war against that small kingdom had better read of the battle of Marathon , where ten thousand Ath enians , led on by Miltiades , triumphed over one hundred thousand of their enemies. At that time in Greek council of war five generals were for beginning the battle and five were against it , Callimachus presided at the council of war and had the deciding vote , and Miltiades addressed him. saying : "It now rests with you , Callimachus , either to enslave Athens , or by insuring her freedom , to win yourself an immor- of Marathon , where ten thousand Athe nians , led on by Miltiades , triumphed danger as they are at this moment. If they bow the knee to these Medes , they are to be given up to Hippias , and you know what they will then have to suf fer ; but if Athens comes victorious out of this contest , she has it in her power to become the first city of Greece. Your vote is to decide whether we are to join battle or not. If we do not bring on a battle presently , some factious in trigue will disunite the Athenians and the city will be betrayed to the Medes. but if we fight before there is anything rotten in the state of Athens. I believe that , provided the gods will give fair field and no favor , we are able'to get the best of it in the engagement. " That won the vote or Callimachns , and soon the battle opened , and in full run the men of Miltiades fell upon the Persian hosts , shouting. "On ! Sons of Greece ! Strike for the freedom of j-our country ! Strike for the freedom of your children and your wives , for the shrines of your father's gods , and for the sepulchres of your sires ! All. all are now staked on the strife. " While only one hundred and ninety-two Greeks fell , six thousand four hundred Persians lay dead upon the field , and many of the Asiatic hosts who took to the Avaressels in the harbor were con sumed in the shipping. Persian oppres sion was rebuked , Grecian liberty Avas achieved , the cause of civilization was adA-anced. and the western world and all nations have felt the heroics. Hail there been no Miltiades , there might have been no Washington. Also at Thermopylae , three hundred Greeks , along a road only wide enough for a wheel track between a mountain and a marsh , died rather than surrend er. Had there been no Thermopylae , there might have been no Bunker Hill. The echo of Athenian and Spartan he roics was heard at the gates of Luck- now , and Sebastopol , and Bannock- burn , and Lexington , and Gettysburg. English Magna Charta , and Declare- I Hon of American Independence , and if A the song of Robert Burns , entitled , "A | | ll Man's a Man for a * That , " Avoro enl ; 3 jjl the long-continued rovcrbcration oi .JI , jjI what was said and done twenty ccn M SI turles before In that llttlo kingdom 9 § | that the powers of Europe nre now lm- M II posing upon. Greece having again and | II again shown that ten men In the right m kil are stronger than a hundred men in m I the Avrong , the heroics of Leonldas and * J I Arlstidcs and Themistocles will not fl I cease their mission until the last man ! _ - I on earth is as frco as God made him. < ? ! I There Is not on either side of the Atlantic - I lantic today a republic that cannot I truthfully employ the words of the text " I and say. "I am debtor to the Greeks. " I But there is a better way to pay I them , and that Is by their personal I salvation , which will never come to , them through books or through learned presentation , because in literature and intellectual realms they are masters. H " * They can out-argue , out-quote , out- * dog < natize you. Not through the gate of the head , but through the gate of the heart , you may capture them. Whoa men of learning and might are brought ' H to God they are brought by H simples story of what religion can , do for a soul. They have lost children. I ' H > Oh , tell them how Christ comforted % H you when you lost your bright boy or H blue-eyed girl. They have found Hfo - H a struggle. Oh , tell them how Christ H has helped you all the way through. H They are in bewilderment. Oh , tell H them with how many hands of joy H heaven beckons you upward. "When M Greek meets Greek , then comes the M tug of war , " but when a warm-hearted M Christian meets a man who needs pardon - M don and sympathy and comfort and M eternal life , then comes victory. If you M can , by some incident of self-sacrifice. M bring to such scholarly men and worn- M en what Christ has done for their eternal - H nal rescue , you may bring them in. . H Where Demosthenic eloquence and Homeric - H meric imagery would fail , a kindly ' H heart-throb may succeed. A gentleman H of this city sends me the statement of H what occurred a few days ago among H the mines of British Columbia. It seems H that Frank Conson and Jem Smith. H were down in the narrow shaft of a H mine. They had loaded an iron bucket H with coal , and Jim Hcmsworth , standing - | ( ing above ground , Avas hauling the < | bucket up by windlass , when the windlass - < | lass broke and the loaded bucket was i M descending upon the two miners. Then . M Jim Hemswortb , seeing what must bo M certain death to the miners beneath , ( | .threw himself against the cogs of the M whirling windlass , and though his H flesh Avas torn and his bones were H broken , he stopped the whirling windlass - H lass and arrested the descending bucket H and saved the lives of the two miners H beneath. The superintendent of the H mine flew to the rescue and blocked the | machinery. When Jim Hemsworth's H bleeding and broken body was put on | a litter and carried homeward , and | some one exclaimed : "Jim , this is awful - | ful ! " he replied : "Oh , Avhat's the dif- j H ference so long as I saved the boys ! " | What an illustration is was of suffering | for others , and what a text from which | to illustrate the behavior of our Christ. | limping and lacerated and broken and | torn and crushed in the work of stopping - | ping the descending ruin that would H have destroyed our souls ! Try such a | | scene of vicarious suffering as this on | that man capable of overthrowing all | your arguments for the truth , and ha | will sit down and weep. Draw your illustrations - , | lustrations from the classics , and it is | to him an old story , but Leyden jars | and electric batteries and telescopes H and Greek drama will all surrender to j H the story of Jim Hemsworth's , "Oh , H what's the difference so long as I saved . | the boys ? " _ r M Then if your illustration of Christ's | self-sacrincedrawn from some scene of j H today.and your story of what Christ lias H done for 3-011 does not quite fetch him H into the right way. just say to him , H "Professor Doctor Judge ! Why was H it that Paul declared he was a debtor | | to the Greeks ? " Ask your learned | friend to take his Greek Testament | and translate for you. in his own way. 1 from Greek into English , the splendid HH peroration of Paul's sermon on Mars | Hill , under the power of which the HH .scholarly Dionysius surrendered , namely - | ly : "The times of this ignorance God | winked at : but now commandeth all H men everywhere to repent : because he | hath appointed a day in the which he M will judge the world in righteousness , | by that man whom he hath ordained ; H whereof he hath given assurance unto fl l all men , in that he hath raised him 1 from the dead. " By the time he has | got through the translation from the H Greek I think you will see his lip tremble - H ble and there will come a pallor on his H face like the pallor on the sky at day- H break. By the eternal salvation of H that scholar , that great thinker , that H splendid man , you will have dona H something to help pay your indebtedness - H ness to the Greeks. And now to God H the Father. God the Son. and God the | Holy Ghost , be honor and glory , and | dominion and victor/ and song world H without end. Amen. | No Tito H There never were two true religions. H Every true Jew is at heart a Christian. H | The word Christ is only another form | of the Hebrew word Messiah. Both | mean the anointed. All Hebrews who | believe in the Messiah may be called 1 if I may make a word Messiahans , | | which is just another word for Chris- | tians. Judaism is the gray dawn of | the morning ; Christianity , properly | understood , is the sun at noonday. | | Rev. R. S. MacArthur. | The Labor Problem. M There will be no relief from growing | poverty and distress until millions now | | shut away get back to the soil and become - | come producers. The solution of the | labor problem lies at the end of thi3 | road. Rev. A. J. Wells. |