The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 26, 1897, Image 8

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    V-s I - " * " * ' ' i i mmmT. i . .i lM > wAw > ili iii liM iw ' wip ' . . 'J' > 11" * ;
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In * * Onion Seeds , guar-
! antced of 1896 , Red
11 ' Weathersfield , at 50e
H a pound. Knipple.
I B Oregon Letter.
H B Ashland is situated on the Shasta
, H Route. It 13 a division point , with a fine
H B depot , eating house , round house of fif-
Sj teen stalls and freight house. The city
"S has fair traffic facilities , which are in-
B H creased by a fast train every time a
B ' B steamer leaves Portland for San Fran-
B 9 * Cisco. In schools the city has two inter-
B 9 mediate and one high school buildings ,
B S besides a state normal school. It is well
H , B supplied with business houses and pro-
B fl Sessional men , newspapers , hotels , etc.
B B Besides there are a number of manufac-
B B turing establishments. The city is well
B B supplied with streams for water power
B B and irrigation. The soil is of three sorts ,
B B granite , a sandy loam with vegetable
B B mould , and a black clay soil called sticky ,
B fl which resembles a soil I have seen in
B B Illinois. It is hard to work unless in
K B proper condition , but then is as mellow
B B as an ash heap , and very rich , producing
B B ! 30 to 40 bushels of wheat , 50 to 75 busli-
B B I els of oats , per acre , depending upon the
B B I amount of irrigation. Some corn is
B B rsised. The ground is very stony , and
B Bj much labor is required to clear the laud
B B of stones , some of which are very large.
fl B There are many varieties of timber , pine ,
m fl oak , alder , ash , balm of gilead , cotton-
m B | wood , maddrone , a species of laurel ,
M B | manzineta. a low shrub-like tree , red and
M fl white fir. The fir tree is very useful ,
M fl grows tall and straight and with but few
B fl limbs , any size from a fishing-rod to a
B X sawlog four feet in diameter. Besides
B S up in the mountains they have the cedar ,
B fl jew and other kinds that I have not be-
B fl come acquainted with. The yew is a
H B / very heavy wood , better for posts than
Bfl : IC cedar. Gooseberries , raspberries
Hfl | and blackberries and grapes grow wild
Kfl here. C. W. Roper.
B Carload Early Ohio
H Potatoes , 55c. a bush.
fl on trackSaturdayby
Hfl ; Knipple. Very line.
flj ! March , April. May.
HBj Almost everyone has come to
HKh Relieve that March , April and
Hflij May is a season that brings de-
Hfl ; rangements of the body dependent
Bfl , upon blood imparities. This be-
Hl hei is an old one , is nearly univer-
H sal > an& has arisen , not as the re-
Rk suit of the teachings o the medi-
H8 | ml fraternity , but has been learned
H iu the bitter school of experience.
BHp Depression of the nervous system
Sf at the approach of spring is a fer-
KI tile source of blood impurities ,
Bk general lassitude , dull , heavy sen-
BB | sations , continual tired feelings ,
Sf with irregular appetite , and some-
I bII times loss of sleep.
M § Pe-ru-na meets every indication
fllf nnd proves itself to be perfectly
H $ adapted to all their varied peculi-
Hl arities. Pe-ru-na invigorates the
Bfi ; system , rejuvenates the feelings ,
Hl § restores the normal appetite and
BrI procures regular sleep. That tired
Hn ! | leeling which is the natural result
Bft ie depressing effect of warm
EHf weather immediately after the in-
Hf "wgorating cold of winter , quickly
BEf disappears when Pe-ru-na is taken.
H&I Thousands are daily testifying to
Hji , its priceless benefits.
B | All who desire Dr. Hart man's
K latest book on this interesting sub-
H9 Ject can obtain one for a short time
HB free by addressing The Pe-ru-na
HBj Drug Manufacturing Company ,
B Columbus , O.
HI , Eating Potatoes at
HI inipple's for 50 cents
HI | a bushel. Good.
= = = = - - *
Bsti S y ° u nave ever scen a child in l'le ' agony
Bfll * f croup , you can appreciate the gratitude
fl : ° le mothers who In6w that One Minute
H Cou h Cure lelieves their little ones as quick-
B fy as ll 's administered. Many homes in this
HHB city arc never without it. A. McMillen.
HI 8rs , Anna Cage , wife of Ex-
Hi Deputy l ) . S. Marshal ,
m Columbus , Kan. , says :
' 'I was delivered
of TWINS in
less than 20 min
utes and with
scarcely any pain . '
S' 115015 only (
two bottles of
BBB O SentbyRxpreflsor MaH , on receiptor price. >
. . " MOTHERS"
HK SC.OO per bottle. Boole "TO
g called free.
- _ _ _ M ,
1 1 ri
1 , ,1 1
BE af ' -
I must have my little essay
Written in a week or two ;
If I should not get it ready ,
Wonder what they then will do ?
12TH Grade Soliloquizer.
The 4th , 5th and 6th grades had a lan
tern class , Saturday night.
The class in heau letters is progressing
swimmingly at least lovingly.
There was only one session of school ,
Monday , on account of the deep snow.
Misses Edith Oyster and Maud Doan
were visiting High school friends , Friday
The school people have been under
going "those dreadful examinations" for
the past week.
The over-sufficiency of snow caused the
attendance to be reduced somewhat ,
Monday morning.
Messrs. Abuer Clark , Frank Travers
and Kuud Stangeland were up looking
over our school S3-stem at the east , last
Friday afternoon.
Reverends Hart L. Preston , George W.
Sheafor and R. A. Russell were looking
after the spiritual welfare of the schools ,
Monday morning.
'Comity Superintendent IA. . Carna-
han of Bartley was in attendance at the
schools , last Friday , and made a short
address to the pupils during the day.
He was also a lantern class visitor in the
Next week will be the usual spring va
cation. The school buildings will un
dergo the regular spring house cleaning ,
and the pupils will have a short time in
which to recover from the annual spring
fever before going to work again.
The lantern class of Friday evening
last was better attended than usual. A
short talk was made on the present con
dition of Cuba by the Superintendent ,
and after the collection .of views of scen
ery in Switzerland were shown , the pro
gram concluded by being finished.
Two of the smaller 12th grade boys ,
living a few miles from town , showed
great sagacity and forethought in not
coming to school , Monday morning ,
through the awfully deep snow. They
informed us that they made the attempt
but that the drifts were so deep that
every step they took they would sink iu
up to their ears. They then started to
shovel a path to town but were unable to
get it finished bjT the time school began.
And , of course , it naturally hurts their
feelings when the rest of the grade say
that the stayed away to avoid the ex
Make a Strong Team.
Sunday aweek ago , H. F. Sutton drove
out to his lately acquired farm , a few
miles southwest of the city , to see how
the crops are coming on. He took his
guu and dogs along as a matter of self-
protection , aud Dr. Gage for professional
services , should such an emergency arise.
While the nimrods were using their
agricolous optics , all unmindful of game ,
horse , or aught else , a train of cars and
a snorting Burlington locomotive came
around the bend , and their horse uncere
moniously left the country , and Sut. and
the doctor had the felicity of hauling the
vehicle to the farm house , a mile or so
distant , Sut. in the head pull and the di-
ciple of Esculapius in the rear push.
When they reached the house they were
puffing like a paragraph praising pink
pills for poor , pale people. After swear
ing everybody but the dairy maids to
secrecy most solemn , they returned to
the city. But like murder the supposed
secret will out and here it is.
Call for Sealed Bids.
Indianola , Neb. , March 19 , 1897.
We will receive sealed bids for the
printing of 1,000 premium lists and 1,000
speed programs. Said programs to be a
small folder containing the speed list of
four , possibly six , counties , as we are
now in a circuit. The one who gets the
: ontract to have all he maj' be able to
tnake out of the advertisements. Bids
ivill be received up till May 1st. Print
ing to be done by June 1st , 1897.
W. A. McCooi. , Secretary.
, We Extend Congratulations.
The Tribune desires to warmly con
gratulate W. C. Bullard of Omaha upon
liis appointment by Governor Holcomb
is a member of the Omaha fire and police
3oard , believing that he will make an
: fficieut member of the board , upon
vhich he fortunately drew the four-year
For Sale Cheap.
Residences in town and 160 acres south
afMcCook. • S. Cordeai. ,
Office eve r Farmers and Merchants Bank.
An order from headquarters is posted
jrohibiting railroad men from carrying
nerchaudise on engines or cars free un-
ler severe penalty ,
Mrs. Henry Pickens is suffering with a
jainfully injured hand. A churn broke
; ome of bones on the back of her hand.
Mrs. Louis Suess went to an Omaha
lospital , this week. Mrs. Dennis Cullen
iccompanied her.
Bulk Seeds of all
kinds at Knipple's. .
Paints and oils at McMillen's.
Staple stationery , best quality at low
est prices , at The Tribune office.
New line ot men's and boys' caps just
opened at The Famous.
Wall Paper 4 cents a roll at
Wall Paper 4 cents a roll.
Li. W. McCoNNErx & Co.
Wall Paper 4 cents a roll at
Wall Paper 4 cents a roll.
I , . W. McCONNEIX & Co.
Wall Paper 5 cents a roll at
Don't fail to see us before you buy or
place any orders. The Famous.
Wall Paper 4 cents a roll.
L. W. McConnell & Co.
Superintendent Valentine has another
interesting communication iu this issue ,
touching the public schools.
Saturday afternoon last , Mrs. M. E.
Barger moved her millinery store into
the old postoffice building.
More new styles ready-made colored
shirts received this week. Call and see
them at The Famous.
The sarsaparilla poets are now regaling
the public with "the pimples that bloom
in the spring , tra la" , and other soulful
W. F. Everist is building a large and
well arranged stable on his recently ac
quired city property , the Robison resi
Do you want to double your income
raising poultry every year ? Then buy a
Natural Hen Incubator plan from Tom
There will be divine service at the
Episcopal church on Sunday , at 11 a. in.
and 8. p. m. , Rev. R. A. Russell officiat
ing. All are cordially invited to attend.
Before ordering shirts , either colored
or white , see our line of samples. We
make these to order at lowest prices. A
good fit guaranteed. The Famous.
It is said of A. Barnett , who retires
with the present board , that he has been
one of the most interested members of
the present or any board in years.
Dr. J. B. Ballard and wife are looking
after the welfare of a daughter , born
Frida } ' . The doctor admits that three
queens beat a pair although two pairs
would have been altogether satisfactory.
We received a brief communication
from Bartley , this week , which does not
appear , for the reason that the writer
failed to attach name to the communi
cation. Name must be signed , though
the ' same need not be published.
The annual dinner by the Lsdies' Aid
society of the Methodist church , post
poned from Feb. 22d to April 13th , will
be held in the Laycock building. Look
for the bill of fare , next week. Visit the
bazar before buying your spring bonnets.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
[ official 11Y authority. ]
McCook , Nebraska , March 20th , 1897.
Board of county commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment. Present : James Carmichael -
michael , Stephen Bollesand Jas. A. Robinson ,
commissioners , II.V. . Keyes , county attorney ,
and R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of
previous meeting read and approved.
It appearing to the board from the protest
and demand of the Lincoln Land Co. and the
law in the case , that there had been an illegal
levy of one mill for high school fund in school
district number 17 , the following order is here
by made and entered of record :
"It is hereby ordered that J. II.Berge , coun
ty treasurer , refund to the Lincoln Land Co.
the sum of $ S.8o on account of high school
fund tax illegally levied and assessed against
school district number 17 , and paid under pro
test , and charge same to high school fund" .
Verbal complaint having been made by t\
V. Moore that S. G. Goheen had failed to
schedule certain property for taxation for the
year 1896 , Mr. Goheen appeared before the
board and made a statement of the facts in
the premises , whereupon the board finds from
the evidence that there is not sufficient cause
to sustain the complaint and assess said addi
tional property to said S. G. Goheen.
On motion board adjourned to meet April
30th , 1S97.
Attest : R. A. Green , County Cleik.
They are so small that the most sensitive
persons take them , they are so effective that
the most obstinate cases of constipation , head
ache and torpid liver yield to them. That is
why DeWitt's Little Early Risers are known
as the famous little pills. A. McMillen.
* Comrades , and all
interested in Pensions ,
eome and see me. I've
had over ten years of
experience. Work di
rect with Pension off
ice and guarantee sat
C. W. BECK ,
Indianola , Neb.
Bulk Seeds of all
kinds at Knipple's.
Bulk Seeds of all
kinds at Knipple's.
An Aged Citizen Gone.
Joseph Williams , whose illness was re
ported in our last issue , passed into the
future estate , last Saturday morning
about 4 o'clock. Paralysis was the cause
of death. Deceased would have reached
his 80th year on the 26th. Brief services
were held at the dwelling of Mrs. Julia
Adam3 , Sunday morning , by Elder H.
H. Berry , after which the remains were
laid to rest iu Longview cemetery. Mrs.
M. A. Williams and O. H. Menold of Ida
Grove , Iowa , wife and son-in-law of the
deceased , and a son from Pueblo , Colorado
rado , were here at the end. The de
ceased was an old resident of the Drift
wood country.
The President's Social Life.
Ex-President Harrison , whose articles
in the Ladies'Home Journal are creating
such widespread interest , will write about
"The Social Life of the President" , in
the April issue of that magazine. The
will tell of the dinners
ex-president , re
ceptions , etc. , that ore given by the
Chief Execulive , and detail the great
social demands made upon him. He al
so gives a peep into the White House
dining-room and silver closet , and notes
the beaut3' ° f l e service used for State
dinners , which was bought at second
hand. It is said that he also pays heed
to the oft-repeated question , "How
much of his salary can a Presideut lay
aside" ?
To Subscribers of The Tribune.
Readers of The Tribune will please
remember that cash is an essential in
the publication of a paper. The pub
lisher has been very lenient during the
past few years , on account of crop fail
ures and hard times , and as a consequence
quence many hundreds of dollars are
due on subscriptions. We are now com
pelled to request all who can to call and
make settlement in full or in part. In
view of the facts , our subscribers must
feel the justice and urgency of this re
quest. The Publisher.
Wanted at McCook.
Good man for district agent for Union
Central Life Insurance Company. Large
busiuess now in force in McCook and
Red Willow comity. Address ,
J. M. Edmiston , State Agent ,
Postoffice Box 1,443 , Lincoln , Neb.
Hog Fencing.
We have just received a shipment of
extra quality hog fencing. And we are
selling it at the remarkably low figure of
20 cents a rod. Have also a large supply
of chicken fencing in stock.
S. M. Cochran & Co.
Lots for Sale.
Lois 9 , 10 , 11 and 12 in block 25 , Second
end addition to McCook. Make me an
offer on these lots. Address :
W. E. Dauchv , Topeka , Kansas.
Dr. Z. L. Kay.
Office , rooms 4 and 5 over Leach's
jewelry store. Residence , front rooms
over Ganschow's shoe store.
For Sale.
Lots 1 and 2 , iu block 23 , original Mc
Cook. Write to G. W. Jacobson , Free
dom , Illinois.
Wall Paper 4 cents a roll.
L. W. McConneli. S : Co.
[ norval druthers , attorneys. ]
In the matter of the estate of Cynthia Rog
ers , deceased. Notice is hereby given that in
pursuance of an order of Hon. Edward Bates ,
one of the Judges of the District Court of Sew
ard county , Nebraska , on the 14th day of Sep
tember , 1896 , for the sale of the real estate
hereinafter described , there will be sold at the
front entrance of the Court House in the city
of McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
( that being the place where the last term of
the District Court within and for said county
was held , ) on the 30th day of March , A. D. ,
1S97 , at one o'clock , p. m. , at public vendue to
the highest bidder for cash , subject to all liens
and incumbrances thereon at the time of the
death of said deceased , the following describ
ed real estate , towit : The south half ( S. % )
of the northeast quarter ( N. E. K ) and the
northwest quarter ( N. W. M ) of the northwest
quarter ( N. W. X ) and the north half ( N. 14)
of the southwest quarter ( S. W. It ) and lot two
(2) ( ) in the northeast quarter ( N. E. X ) of the
northeast quarter ( N. E. J ) and lot four (4) ( )
in the north half ( N. 'A ) of the northwest quar
ter ( N. W. JO and the south half ( S. 'A ) of the
northwest quarter ( N. W. l { ) , all in section
twenty-five (25) ( ) in township three (3) ) , north
of range twenty-nine (29) ( ) . west of the 6th P.
M. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska. Said
sale will remain open one hour. Dated March
ist , 1897. Walter N. Rogers.
of the estate of Cynthia Rogers , deceased.
[ First publication March 12-315. ]
McCook , Neb. , March 5th. 1S97. Notice is !
tiereby given that Lucretia C. Doll has filed
notice of intention to make final proof before
jefore Register or Receiver at his office in
McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , the 17th day
April , 1S97 , on timber culture application No.
5,843 , for the northwest quarter of section No.
23 , in township No. 2 north , range No. 30 west.
She names as witnesses : Clark G. Boatman ,
Zharles G. HolmesWilliam S. Fitch and Julia
Harris , all of McCook , Nebraska.
A. S. Campbell. Register.
[ First publication March 12 Gts. ]
Land Ofiice at McCook , Nebraska , February 5 ,
1S97. Notice is hereby gi\en that the following- 1
lamed settler lias fileil notice of his intention to .
Tiake final proof in support of hi . claim , and that
; aid proof will be made before Kcris > ter or Kcceit er
it McCook , Nebraska , on April 3rd , i5 , viz : Joint
IV. Korstian , H. E. No. 10,000 , for the southwest -
juarter of section 3 , township 2 north , range 30
vest , 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses
o prove his continuous residence upon and cultiia-
ion of , s-tid land , viz : Milton C.Maxwell , William
[ " . Everist , Andrew Carson and Ida Carbon , all of
McCook , Nebraska. j
A. S. Camiiimx , Kegi.-ter
Don't allow the lungs to be impaired by the
: ontinuous irritation ot a cough. It is easier
: o prevent consumption than to cure it. One
Minute Cough Cure taken early will ward off
my fatal lung trouble. A. McMillen.
„ /I /
1 LPUgHfthL 'WprfffP ' . fl
Yon will flml one coupon ' / * csn f Jfji iKf 1
lmltle each two ounce bag , l < Mlk' > X-jtlI I i * 1
and two coupons inutile each / / n & / ifljlj 7lllll \ 'I ' I 1
four ounce bag of Black- ' _ _ _ / / fitMBJuI' ' \w\ \ \ J H
well's Durham. Buy a bog _ j ffi _ ffSr j3 .ulflpi lr l
of thla celebrated tobacco VlN | | vjgg * $ JJg rflfef fe = SSE : . ' < H
and rend the coupon which ll gasyJ35 - .J | t ySJMP' * ' Ujr - I 5 H
gives * list of valuable prealMlM \ \ \ \ ' W S Aml f'W" " " ' ! ! I 1 % H
enta nd how to get them. fPi'IWlllfl' | ' J f M \ jf | H
fc SS THOjY SQST1 j .3
I F. D. BURGESS. 5 .1
Read the best coun
ty newspaper that's
The McCook Tribune
every time.
Comfort to California.
Every Thursday afternoon , a tourist
sleeping car for Salt Lake City , San
Francisco and Los Angeles leaves Oma
ha and Lincoln via the Burlington Route.
It is carpeted , upholstered in rattan ,
has spring seats and backs and is pro
vided with curtains , bedding , towels ,
soap , etc. An experienced excursion
conductor and a untfoimed Pullman porter
ter accompany it through to the Pacific
coast. While neither as expensively fin
ished nor as fine to look at as a palace
sleeper , it is just as goods to ride in.
Second class tickets are honored and the
price of a berth , wide enough and big
enough for two , is 011I3' $5 00.
For a folder giving full particulars ,
call at the nearest Ii. & M. R. R. ticket
office , or write to J. Francis , Gen'l Pass'r
Agent , Burlington Route. Omaha , Nebr.
Try that 15 cent box
paper at The Tiiibuxe
ofiice. Worth 25 cts.
Also cheaper grades.
UlTal CTTCC Are tableta which Restore
VI1 ALE I i CO Lost Vigor , Develop
all Farts , bring back Lost Powers and
return the patient to genuine Manhood and
Health. Case No. 60501 say3 through the
use of "Vitalettes , " I was speedily restored
to Health and perfect Manhood in every
sense of the word.
a icverc case of Piles of 12 years' standing
and I know will care all in need who will try it
D D I * Care3 Rheamatism , Salt-
Ill 111 Vi Rheum Catarrh
, , Constipation
and all Blood Disorders , by purifying the
blood ; thereby causing a clearer and more
beautiful complexion. It 13 the Greatest
Blood Purifier on earth. A Restorer of Per
fect Health.
Price by mail , Vitalettes , $1.00 or 6 boxes
$5.00. Johns Pile Curb , 50 cts.nd R. R. C.
50 cts.
Johns & Dixon , Rochester , N. Y
ggTTractice in all the courts. Collections.
Notary Public. Upstairs in the Spearman
juilding , McCook , Nebraska.
McCook , Nebraska.
i = g""Ajrent of Lincoln Land Co. Office
Rear of First National bank.
All dental work done at our ofiice is guar-
mteed to be first-class. 'We do all kinds of
Zrown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
i. Bellamy , assistants.
Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo.
"Studio Opposite Postoffice.
VlcCook. - Nebraska.
Dftice and I lospital over First National Bank.
J. A. GUNN ,
McCook , Nebraska.
C5y Office Over C * A. Leach's jewelry store.
Residence 701 Main street. Prompt atten-
ion given to all calls.
Wanted-An Idea SSi
Protect your Ideas ; they may bring you wealth.
Write JOHN WEDDERBURN & ( xCftitent Attorl
aeya , Washington , D. C. for their $1,800 prize offer
ind list ot two husdred larentloos wanted.
• 1
' fl
of Proprietor the . . . . 4 H
We respectfully solicit your business , H
and guarantee pure milk , full measure , H
and prompt , courteous service. |
J. S. McBRAYER , fl
McCook Transfer Line. jfl
jSlPOiily furniture van in the J H
city. Also have a first class house * H
moving outfit. Leave orders for ' H
bus calls at Commercial hotel or |
at ofiice opposite the depot. t |
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (
Chase Go. Land and Live Stock Gi. " 1
" ' Ai- mm
left hip or lert shoulder H
P. O.addresu Imperial H
Chasp county , and Beat H
rice. Nebraska. Ranjre. , M
S blinking Water and the / |
Frenchman creeks , in H
Chase county. Nebraska. J H
Brandascutonsideof H
someanimal8onhipand M
sides of , H
some or anv-
wnere on thp animal. 1
R-I-P-A-N-S |
2 The modern stand- H
W ard Family MediIH
w cine : Cures the + M
common every-day M
J ills of humanity. H
Julius Kukert , fl
Carpet Laying ,
Carpet Cleaning. M
TR.10NE office * '
DeWitt's Little . |
Early Riser.
Tb. im , little , ? ! , . e '