I , , , , , , . , , , , , . , , , , . , . . P P P P P P P P P P P P B 1 .A Ci'fti * | \ - t \ * P C * T ? * * ? * EIf' ' HE DOES ? fi Hp\ % Q /This well known and \ PC m m v -Cl ; : esteemed citizen buys 5 iiX mm * IC ( ' is Stationery at first | IJ * * IgNy ; i door south of the court \ DC BC \ IS house , where nice line \ PC BM | | | | i of Plain and Fancy I yr 'j L M 'I ' ' VVriting Papers , both j DCj K < ] | Ny I in boxes and bulk , can I jJjCj n 2 ' ' ' ' e ou9nt very cheap. \ \gQ M > Jj DO YOU ? | g ' H HI THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE § § HE ® S @ * EVERY member of | w Ki SS&3 & 8S to EVERY famUy on § ? IBr rfl C gSK EVERY farm , in g8S | p K\ ' fW IV &lilBgV feg > EVERY State and Ter. gL pflft 5 J FOR Education , 3 | K EWS F % sgs # i fe FOR Noble Manhood , &K5 Btf 5 § \ P iO FOR True Womanhood Jp H\ pkj It gives all important news of the | p H' ' aSl Nation and World , the most reliable gg | EKW 3 marketreportsbrilliant andinstruegjgp Hfl ufcl § tive editorials , fascinating short sto- § § $ Hr ( S S ries , an unexcelled agricultural deS P * w partment , scientific and mechanical Stfgi K p information , illustrated fashion artigg H } Pjjjj cles , humorous illustrations , etc. , etc. & & pBFvWS / THE trebtjne and n- WEEKLY TRIBUNE 1 YEAR KjBji pHl 7 m& F0E 81 > 50 , CASHIN ADVANCE- s3 ? $ B1 - SWS Address all Orders to THE McCOOK TRIBUNE. SW3 pHIv " ' t ittd Write your name and address on a postal card , send it to Geo. W. Best , jKLtjiS P HKft S > 3 Tribune office , New York City , and a sampie copy of the New-York Weekly Tribune SjJS W * M A CAMPAIGN OF EDUCATION , g | K'KB HOW TO GET ' iT FOR $3.50. | | , , mm m m m mm mm p p B I mij&i To be educated one must read f Spl p pD'T ) U l AIV the best literature. jfeS p HB ) \ = = • • - -rxi- i • • jvr j , L \ \ l The best literature is expenjxii \ pir S Unparalleled sivT e- ' iO , , p \ x Leslie's Illustrated Weekly , j j FS OFFER. published at no Fifth Avenue , j p j Cf New York , is full of the best | gV K ' $ Frfi L things. Its illustrations are & jj ? ft „ ) j0 superb ; its stories charming ; and its literary departments are BI * f j ? i edited with consummate skill. f O. m ( | y y Such a paper is a great popular educator. It should be in ; g S i &i ? | every home. ] C HAl | g ! | The subscription price of Leslie's is $4 per annum. fegs p Bf if 1 1 We make the unparalleled offer of a copy of Leslie's Illusp pHC < k 1 trated Weekly and a copy of our own weekly for one year , at | pB3 \ 5Q only 3S0 for toth * ' H ynt | be made again. ! S p B f\ l Remit by postal order or check to * j > J THE TRIBUNE , MeCook , Neb. j I pKL S * r- , , * . . * - j . , * - . - . - • " * t MSpip p p MMMpap MMiMg asasss s li s s * * | | ii TIME TABLE. HH | 1 BinlH UeCOOZ SAOrA. HB I LINCOLN , . DENVER , OMAHA , HELENA , CHICAGO , • BUTTE , ST. JOSEPH. PORTLAND. KANSAS CITY , SALT LAKE CITY , ST. LOUIS and ALL SAN FRANCISCO , POINTS EAST AND AND ALL POINTS SOUTH. WEST. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS : CENTRAL TIME. No. 2. Vestibuled Express , daily , Lincoln , Omaha , St. Joe , Kansas City , St. Louis.Chi- capo , and all points south and east 5:55A.M. No. 4. Local Express , daily , Lin coln , Omaha , Chicago , and • all points east 9:00 P. M. N0.148. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Hastings and intermediate stations 5:00 . M. No. 76. Freight , daily , Oxford , Hoi- drege , Hastings 6:45 A.M. No. So. Freight , daily , Hastings and intermediate stations 7:00 A. M. MOUNTAIN TIME. No. 5. Local Express , daily , Den ver and intermediate sta tions 8:15 P. M. No. 3. Vestibuled Express , daily , Denver and all points in Colo.Utah and California , 11:40 p.m. N0.149. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Akron and intermed iate sta tions 6:00A.M. No. 77. Freight , daily.Stratton.Ben kelman , Haigler , Wrayand Akron 3:20 P. M. No. 63. Freight , daily.Stratton.Ben- kelman , Haigler , Wray and Akron 5:00 P. M. N0.175. Accommodation , Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays , Imperial and intermediate stations 8:00A.M. Sleeping , dining and reclining chair cars ( seats free ) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For information , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write C.E. Magner , Agent , MeCook , Nebraska , or J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Nebraska. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Conductor W. D. Beyrer has Conduc tor Foley's car for the present. A daughter was on last Saturday born to Conductor and Mrs. Tom Enright. New styles stiff and soft hats now ready. See them at The Famous. t The St. Francis branch was laid out some , first of the week , by the snow blockade. Mrs. J. F. Heber came down from Den ver , close of last week , to visit relatives and friends. Brakeman J. J. Barry , who has been visiting in Iowa for two weeks past , has returned to work. Brakeman L. W. Wright of the Hast- ings-Oberlin run has returned to work from a visit east. Will Purvis has resigned his position on the Northern division. He arrrived 1 here on Sunday night. Switchman F. S Curry has been called * to Pawnee City by the serious illness of a sister. He went down on last Satur day morning. Louis Probst appeared , Tuesday morn ing , all resplendent in a regular messen ger boy's uniform of blue and brass but tons , with cap to match. W. C. Bulgerwho has been railroad ' ing at El Paso , Texas , this winter , is in ' the city , on a visit to relatives and friends , and is being warmly welcomed. There are 17,511.74 miles of railroad 1 under construction or projected for 1S97 , of which perhaps not more than one-fifth will be completed during the year. Oscar Chambers , a former member of the freight house force here , was a city visitor part of the week. He goes to ) Denver , tomorrow , to spend part of his lay-off visiting a brother. Our new line of samples for spring ' 97 , for clothing to order , are now ready. See us before placing any order. A good fit and lowest prices guaranteed. The Famous. Burlington officials state in connection with their recent trip over the entire sys tem that they find the condition of Nebraska , braska as very encouraging , and the road in good shape , but that there will be little or no railroad building in the state during 1897. C.V. . Britt received a telegram , Tues day , from San Jose , California , announc ing the death of his brother L. H. , who very recently went there for his health. The remains will likely be shipped to Plattsmouth for burial. Mr. Britt's many warm friends deeply sympathize with him in this bereavement. The Burlington depot at Hyde , Colorado rado , was destroyed by fire , Monday morning. A tramp broke into the build ing to obtain shelter from thestorm.and starting a fire on the floor fell , asleep. He awoke in time to save his worthless hide , but the depot was entirely de stroyed. The depot has been closed to the public for two or three years. The loss is small. Monday , March 15th , the Los Angeles Daily Times was issued under auspices ss of the Order of Railroad Conductors , which will hold its biennial convention in the city of the angels commencing May nth. The issue is largely devoted to illustrations and letter press of the subject of transportation and contains much of interest and instruction. "We are under obligation to Conductor W. D. Beyrer for a copy of the special issue , which has a handsomely illuminated 1 cover. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair , DR * CREAM BAKIMG POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from J Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Onion sets , all vari eties ' , at Knipple's. Dotes on Sutton's Shells. II. P. Sutton has some green shells , specially loaded for elephants , which he takes ' pleasure in loaning to- amateur sportsmen. j Dr. Gage went out duck , hunting with Sutton , Monday , and run ning 1 short of ammunition the doctor was forced to draw on the greens. Pres ently < a red-neck came flying directly toward j the doctor , who drew a dead-bead on the duck , shut both eyes and pulled the 1 trigger. Great Gemima ! Both bar rels 3 go almost simultaneously , and the doctor < followed suit , landing on his back in j a pool of water. The doctor's digni ty was slightly shattered , but there was no 1 other damage. t Sutton can't tell what became of the red-neck for laughing. The doctor will bet his money on the red in the future. The hunters were , nev ertheless ( , rewarded with an overflowing game ; bag. Death of Agent Griffin. John A. Griffin , Burlington agent at Eckley , Colorado , died of dropsy about nine o'clock Sunday night. The remains were interred in Iongview cemetery here , Wednesday afternoon , services be ing conducted at two o'clock in the Methodist church by Rev. J. A. Badcon. The deceased was an old employe of the Burlington and was well known and highly esteemed by employes in all de- partments of the service , many of whom attended the funtral services here. The funeral , oy request of Wray lodge , of which deceased was a member , was con ducted by the Masonic lodge of our city. The deceased was also an Oddfellow. He carried $750 Burlington Relief in- surance. ; The wife , mother and children have the sympathy of all in their sorrow. Notice to Treasurers School Dists. I have received a number of letters sta ting that the school orders are not paid in the order of registration. To save any further trouble , I will refer you to section 12 of chapter 93 of the compiled statutes of Nebraska for 1865 , which is as follows : "Any treasurer who shall fail to regis ter any warrant in the order of its pres- eutation therefor , or shall fail to pay the same in the order of its registrationshall be liable on his official bond to each and every person the payment of whose war- rant or warrants is thereby postponed.in the sum of $500 00 , to be recovered in a civil action , one-half of which shall go to the person bringing such action , and one- half to the school fund of the county in which the action is brought" . L. A. Carnahan , County Supt. • A Map of the United States. The new wall map issued by the Bur lington Route is three feet four inches wide by four feet long ; is printed in six colors ; is mounted on rollers ; shows every state , county , important town and rail road in the Union , and forms a very de sirable and useful adjunct to any house hold or business establishment. Purchased in lots of 5,000 the maps cost the Burlington Route nearly 20 cents apiece , but on receipt of 15 cents in comer or stamps the undersigned will be pleastd to send you one. Write immediately , as the supply is limited. J. Francis , G. P. A. , Burlington Route , Omaha , Neb. Going Out of Business. The Bank of Bartley has signified its intention of going out of business. All ; depositors will be paid in full. Deposit- \ ors not receiving their money by March 27th will be paid through the State Bank oflndianola. Cashier O. Frost will en gage in other business. Assistant Cashier - ier F. G. Stilgebouer will engage in farm ing near Danbury. This will leave Bart- ley without banking facilities. = = = = Refunded the Tax. At the meeting of the board of county commissioners , Saturday , $ S.So of high school taxes illegally levied and assessed 1 against the Lincoln Land Co. , paid by ; them under protest , were refunded to the company , = Hogf and Cattle Fencing. . We have just received a car load of Page Woven Wire Fencing for hogs and all kinds of stock , which we will sell at : . lowest prices. Barnett Lumber Co. Conductor Tim Foley arrived home , Wednesday night , from his sad trip to Iowa. His brother William accompan ied him on his rerurn. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Curts Piles. Scalds , Burns. _ pew Goods ! ! ! 1 § H Wash Fabrics are prettier than | | § I | H ever this season. Our stock , too , is § p § I pp larger than usual. Drop in see the g&P I qline- _ _ I . j | & We have some bargains in H § 'I § | | Plain and in Novelties Wool Dress j | | : I gm Goods. mt I ms § m I "jig Do not miss seeing our line of g | | . di& Ladies' Shirt Waists before buying , msi I H g I s | § Embroideries , Laces , Summer | | | I i& Underwear-all at hard times prices , ffia I ' 1 Sj | Grocery stock , as usual , is up g | | Hi to date. Prices strictly right. ell \ KKlS AT THE . . . gJftS H t > * , m ' 1 m 'Mi 1e 1 • M m + bargain m i PS . Store. . . . ! Pi ' I S&s o. L. DeGROFF & CO. p&S II I | S | FIRST > ! 11 M n NATIONAJflSSn M | p \ , . . „ _ , wv _ VJ , _ , _ , . . . . . . . . . , v. .u. . . . 1 j@ | j | > BANK4 p H Of ' o o | 3 H | 3 Authorized Capital , $100,000. kf H M Capital and Surplus , $60,000 E | H g j GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. ! 1 § L L\ \ W. F. LAWSON , . . . , ' . L | 3jj Cashier. F. A. PEHHELL Ass't Cash. fg L\ \ gp A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. jfj L L\ \ 1 f # H | f V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT. Cashier. & | 1 CITIZENS BANK ! I # OF MeCOOK , NEB. # muM # H ll # • M & # HH * Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , Si0,000 # H # * H $ - DIRECTORS - = = - II , H # # H j ? V. FRANKLIN , N. S. HARWOOD , A. C. EBERT , % H 15 * H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAH , C. H. VJILLARD. If mWM