The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 19, 1897, Image 8

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    " " * * * * - *
H ? * - * *
: > , * ' *
H - ' *
. /H | ' . Thefnraiers have been sowing
B - . wheat for the past few days , but
, ; B. were stopped by the snow of Fn-
% C day night.
* 9 . John Stryker and mother and
LfB rs. Wm. Epperly took in the
- S lag raising at the Spring creek
9 school house , last Friday.
fl James Kelley is clearing out the
. I ; dead trees on H. H. Easterday's
j , ' tree claim and has the crop he
I I raises on il for doing the work.
I * I I Rev. Jacob Long failed to fulfil
I i his engagement at the Coleman
I school house , on the 7th , because
I of the stormy-looking weather.
I Mrs. Wm. Rider has recently
, returned from Wyoming where she
has-been with her husband for some
time , but bad to get back ou their
• claim to fulfil .the law regarding
j Arthur Brown's term of school
closed in Hitchcock county , and he
has moved to Thomas Whitmer's
, farm near the south line of Fron
tier county , which he will work the
coming season.
Dorsey Shepherd of Osboru
bought 70 bushels of velvet chaff
wheat of Mr. Kelley , last week ,
and is letting it out on shares. It
is a good thing that some one is
B willing to risk such an investment.
Bj * There was an interesting enter-
Bj taiiiment given by the school at
H i • Spring creek school house , Satur-
Bj day night , it beiug the close of a
Hj ] six mouths' term of school in that
H district. They had the usual pro
_ K gram on such occasions and it wjis
HI I . - very interesting. They also had a
HL i * 5 baud of instrumental musicians to
B | help make it more interesting.
. .
K *
_ _ HB < They arc so small that the most sensitive
_ _ HBij personstake them , they are so effective that
_ _ HH , ne most 0DSt > nate cases of constipation , head-
_ _ _ BE § ache and torpid liver yield to them. That is
_ _ _ _ H' why DeWitt's Little Early Risers are known
_ _ R ' as the famous little pills. A. McMillen.
_ _ _ Hi
BH A nice rain , Tuesday.
B ] ' Imlo Method will work for Eobt.
Bl Burr again this season.
i W. S. Hartman was hauling corn
from McCook , Wednesday.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ BP
B | Leo Stephens will farm part of
Hk - the Stewart place , this year.
.Hi J. H. Wade and wife visited at
. _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y * *
Hfj J. M. Hammond's , Tuesday.
Bf ' "W. F. Esher Jr. was up from
Hl the Driftwood countryWednesday.
| H | 0. E. Boatmau and wife visited
fif at Wm. Darlington'si Monday eve.
HB J. M. Hammond and sou Milton
HSl repaiied their windmill , Wednes-
Hf day * •
_ _ Hj If you have ever seen a child in the agony
_ _ _ Hj * ° croup , you can appreciate the gratitude
_ _ _ Bi ° S tMe mot'lers ' wao know that One Minute
_ _ _ Bi Cough Cure relieves their little ones as quick
_ _ BB ty as' * 's administered. Many homes in this
_ _ _ _ H § c'ty ate ncver without it. A. McMillen.
_ i HB v ! * ' * • . - " Shortens labor , lessens-pain.
_ _ _ BH • • • diminishes danger to life of ;
_ _ HH hoth mother and child and leaves her in condi-
_ _ BH tion more favorable to speedy recovery.
_ _ HH > "Stronger after than before confinement" ;
_ _ BS says a prominent midwife. Is the best remedy
_ H | j Known and worth the price for that alone.
_ _ H _ I Endorsed and recommended by midlives and
1 all ladies who have used it
Beware of substitutes and imitations. ]
i Makes Ciiiiu-Birth Easy. !
. . . En Sent by Express or mail on receipt of price , i
_ ill ; 51.00 per bottle. Book "TO MOTHERS" i
m HE ! mailed fxce , containing voluntary testimonials. ,
_ _ Ih ! . . .fcfelAiftU.SO YEARS *
- - -
_ _ IH ! a _ | | Bb EXPERIENCE.
_ _
_ HI Anyone sending- sketch and description may
_ _ HR aaicklj-ascertain , free , whether on Invention la
_ _ H m probably patentable. Communications strictly ,
_ _ H _ k confidential. Oldest aeacy for securing patents '
_ _ H _ B in America. Wo have a Washington office. \
_ _ _ a _ B Patents taken through Mann & Oo. recelra
_ _ H-flj special notlco In the
_ B m beautifully Illustrated. JarKOst drcnlatlon of i
_ _ B 1 any scientlflo Joarnal , weekly , terms $3.00 s year ;
. I $ LM six months. Specimen copies and UA2TO t
B Boos OK I'ATEJfTS sent free. '
_ _ _ | { | ' Address
| l MUNN & CO. .
| | 361 Oreadwav. Ncfr Yerk. i
B B BV 1 > „ _ M- | Mij iiaiiMjiii r" : 4 ir- . * g JS 7 * cs ; , q ! L S S S JJS S
Irjcersoll's First Recitation.
Robert : 6. Ingersoll is acknowledged
to bo one of America's groutost orators.
His words flow with the spoufcauoity
and sparkle of nn over liviug fountain.
He never hesitates for words and bo is
seldom ut a los3 for thoughts. As an or
ator who always rises to the occasion ,
whoso quick wits are never afc a loss for
reparten and who is never by any cir
cumstances coufased or at a loss for the
proper word , Eob Iugersoll is pro-emi-
neutr. All this perfection in the art of
oratory tins not oomo to him as a direct
gift from the gods , bnt much of it is
owing to hard study and long practice.
As a yonth Iugersoll was not a phenom
enon of eloquence. Ho had a poetic na
ture , however , and when his toaober
told him one day that ho must have a
declamation prepared for the usual fort
nightly exercises in elocution Robert se
lected a beautiful poem of nature , de
scribing a lovely little incident in bird
life. The poem began :
A little bird sits on the telegraph wire
And flitters nnd chitters and folds it wings.
Robert committed the verses to mem
ory with great care and appeared before
his audience with no end of confidence.
Ho was a favorite , and his appa.rance
was greeted with applause. Ho was
slightly confused at this , but began
boldly :
A little bird sits on the telegraph wire-
Then ho forgot the rest. He tried it
again in a louder and more confident
tone :
A little bird sits on the tolograr h wire-
That was all ho could remember.
Once raoro ho thundered :
A little bird sits on the telegraph wire
and fled from the stage. Ho laughs
about it now and says :
"That was 40 or 50 years ago. I
guess the little bird is sitting on the
wire yet. " Chicago Times-Herald.
Couldn't Hear the BIuslc
Colonel Burr of Virginia was a
mighty fox hunter and loved the sport
beyond words. Ho owned a fine pack cf
hounds , and , during the season , thought
of nothing but his hunters , his dogs ,
and the weather. He was once enter
taining an army friend from Texas ,
whose ideas of hunting any animal in
volved the ueo of firearms , and who had
never seen a foxhound. Ho had been
with difficulty persuaded to go forth
one morning with the colonel aqd some
friends to a meet , and they were wait
ing impatiently for the hounds to take
the scent. Presently there burst upon
their listening ears the din of 30 canine
voices in full cry. • The colonel's eyes
gleamed , and , as he settled his feet in
the stirrups and stretched his arm to
ward the yelping pack , he cried , "Ma
jor , listen to that heavenly musicl"
The major pricked up his ears for a second
end or two and then replied , "I can't
hear a thing ; those d d dogs are mak
ing such a noise. " The colonel put his
spur savagely into his horse's side and
dashed away , leaving bis guest to his
own devices. San Francisco Argonaut.
Waj No Seaman.
"There is a great difference between
the seafaring man of today and of 20
years ago , " said the man of many voy
ages. "Formerly the seafaring man was
a sailor , full of energy and the spirit of
adventure that was the particular charm
of Marryat's heroes , but now the man
who follows the sea for a living , espe
cially on ono of the big ships , is noth
ing more than a paint swab.
"This is not any fault of the men ,
but because of the changed conditions
which have left no sailor's work to do.
Gleaning ship is the principal employ
ment of the modern so called seaman.
"One day a young woman novelist ,
in crossing the ocean on a big liner ,
asked an ancient mariner who was en
gaged painting a ventilator how long
bo had been a seaman.
" 'Sailor , mum ? Blessyerheart , I'm
no sailor , ' and then , glancing again at
his work , 'I'm no sailor ; I'm a bloomin
artist , I am. ' " New York Journal.
Grant a Natural Bushwhacker.
After'lookiug critically at a map of a
locality it seemed to become photograph
ed indelibly upon his brain and he could
follow its features without referring to
it again. Besides , he possessed an al
most intuitive knowledge of topography
and never became confused as to the
points of the compass. He was a natural
"bushwhackor , " and was never so muoh
at homo as when finding his way by
the course of streams , the contour of
the hills , and the general features of the
country. I asked him one day whether
he had ever been deceived as to the
points of the compass. He said : "Only
once when I arrived at Cairo , Ills.
The effect of that curious bend in the
river turned me completely around , and
when the sun came up the first morn
ing after I got there it seemed to mo
that it rose directly in the west. "
General Horace Porter in Contnry.
Moonlight and Sunlight Compared.
The brightness of the moon is not so
much greater than the same area of the
sky , as is shown by Flammarion's "ta
bles of relative amount of light. " The
total light of the full moon is compared
with the total light of the sun by M.
Plammarion , but in away that it would
bo a very hard task to reproduce it in
a readable shape in an article adapted
to this department. However , we will
Bay that the great astronomer's deduc
tions prove that we received as much
light from the sun as could bo emitted
by 680,000 full moons !
The Dim Tast.
Professor ( lecturing ) Oxygen , gentlemen -
tlomon , is essential to all animal exist-
2nce. There could be no life without it.
Strange to say , it was not discovered
antil a century agp , when
Student What did they do before if !
tvas discovered , professor ? Household ]
(7ords. ( i ]
Frederic Leighton's peerage was the ' \
ihortest lived in the history of England. '
Be died on the day following that upon
svhioh the patent of nobility was issued ,
tnd as he left no heir the title died with
Commissioners * Proceedings. '
[ official iiv authority. ]
McCook , Nebraska , March i6th , 1897.
Board of county commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment. Present , Jas , Carmichael ,
Stephen Belles and James A. Robinson , coun
ty commissioners , H.V. . Keyes , county attor
ney , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes
of previous meeting read and approved.
The following official bonds were examined
and on motion approved :
Charles W. Beck , member Soldiers Relief
Jacob Randel , overseer district No. 5.
J. 12. J-ojjuc , overseer district No. 30.
George Harbor , overseer district No. 27.
Chas. A. Wasson , justice of the peace for
Grant precinct.
J. L. Iiorton , assessor Lebanon precinct.
Petition of R. II. Harrison , Chris. Hauxwell
et al. praying for a consent and con
sidered and on motion same is granted estab
lishing a public road as follows : Commencing
af a point on section line between sections 25
and 36 , township 4 , range 29,6 chains cast of
\4 corner on said line and running thence due
wes > t on said line to road No. 123 , being that
part of road No. 123 formerly vacated.
And the following ro-ul is hereby vacated :
Commencing on bank of Red Willow creek
on section line between section 25 and 36 ,
township 4 , range 29 and 6 chains east of %
corner on said line and running on left bank
of said creek by courses and distances' fol
lows :
North 81 east 3 chains V. 12 deg. 30 min.
North 47 east 3 chains V. 12 deg. 30 min.
South 52 east 4 chains V. 12 deg. 30 min.
South 16 eaat 2 chains V. 12 deg. 30 min.
South 65 cast 5 chains V. 12 deg. 30 min.
South 15 west 2 chains V. 12 deg. 30 min.and
terminating thereat.
Resolution : Jt appearing to the board that
in the matter of the claims of various High
school districts that there is not enough funds
on hand to pay said claims in full , it is hereby
ordered and directed that the clerk draw war
rants to said districts for such amounts as
shall be their pto rata share of the money on
hand in High School Fund.
In th'c matter of the appeal of Win. Byfield
et al. in establishment of .road No. 2S7 , the
District Court having ascertained and deter
mined the amount of damages , the clerk is di
rected to draw certificates on road di : > tricts as
follows :
Henry H. Mitchelldamagesroaddist.
No. 10 , certificate No. 65 , for $ 35-CO
William Byfield , damages , road district
No. 5 , certificate No. 66 , for 100.00
The following bills examined and on motion
allowed and clerk directed to draw warrants
on county bridge fund , levy of 1S96 , in pay
ment as follows :
Perry & Bee , lumber S12.33
Predmore Bros. , blacksmithing 4.95
O. D. Mosher , nails 10.30
Chas. Colling , bridge work 7.50
Pat McDonald , bridge work 4.40
W. C. LaTourette , nails 3.75
The following claims were examined and
on motion rejected :
Z. L. Kay , medical services ? 7-5 °
W. V. Gage , medical services 27.00
J. A. Gunn , medical services 30.00
L. J. Spickelmier , medical services 7.50
The following claims were audited and al
lowed , but owing to the 85 per cent limit of
the 1896 levy being exhausted and there being
no money on hand in said fund , clerk was di
rected to draw warrants on county general
fund , levy of 1896 , whenever there is money in
said fund , to the following persons and in the
order named :
G. C. Boatman , postage S6.56
C. II. Meeker , rent 50.00
R.A. Green.assessors'booksexpressetc. 83.30
J. C. Oakley , board paupers 26.82
Wm. McCallum , mdse 8.00
A.T. Welles , county doctor , 45-00
Wm. Smith , supplies for Co. supt 4.00
Joseph Menard , mdse 35-15
On motion board adjourned to meet Satur
day , March 20th , 1897.
Attest : R. A. Green , County Clerk.
Bulk Seeds of all
kinds at Jlnipple's.
tensions * '
Comrades , and all
interested in Pensions ,
come and see me. Fve
had over ten years of
experience. Work di
rect with Pension off
ice and guarantee sat
C. W. BECK ,
IndianoJa , Neb.
f | Ancient v
f Jfc = z = = Egyptian |
/ /V > 4khJ | methods of agriculture are not ap-1 *
/ /1 1film plicablc to the work of the Amerip
I - _ _ / ff/K can farmer of today. If you wish k
_ JD _ fei _ fe < g ! * to keep fully informed of the best fr
( f * H | § _ 3 $ lways | and means of successfully S ,
7y KHffejF growing both farm and orchard g ,
ffii Wmmizt crops by the aid of irritation you C
flgq t/fjige ? .H must read a journal devoted to this C
jSH Hrffft.tU particular subject. Do you wish tor
Jam ISl'ifiSWi Pront b > * wnnt others have learned r
sUS vBj ' * 2s at t'le ' expense of an immense outP
ra flBllklw lay of time and money ? lOca num-
WMsijMS / berorSLn vearis the cost of thep ,
HW : bM3 only impmne which will fn\c you fe ;
SB H/SSS * h = desired information. It is hand- & ;
hiffl J / 8aBV some , practical and Instructive. | * ;
re > * * 3S ] THE IRWGAT'ON AGE. CHICAGO , fe :
M ' * $ Published by G. K. GIP.LING. §
1 flKe * ' iVi _ a _ w < _ u _ Li _ A _ u _ l * _ aKJ _ u. _ lij fll ( ,
Chamberlain's Eya and Skin Ointment \
Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , Salt- '
Rheum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped :
Hands , Itching Piles , Burns , Frost Bites ,
Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids.
For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box.
For putting a horee in a fine healthy con
dition try Dr. Cad/s Condition Powders
They tone up the system , aid digestion , cureless
loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct
kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving
new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25
sents per package. For sale by druggists. :
iy w
Bulk Seeds of all !
kinds at Knipple's. \
Bulk Seeds of all
kinds at Knipple's.
To Subscribers of The Tribune.
Readers of Th Tkiijune will please
remember that cash is an essential in
the publication of a paper. The pub
lisher has been very lenient during the
past few years , on account of crop fail
ures nud hard times , and as a consequence
quence many , hundreds of dollars are
due on subscriptions. We are now com
pelled to request all who cau to call and
make settlement in full or in part. In
view of the facts , our subscribers must
feel the justice and urgency of this re >
quest. The Publisher.
Wanted at McCook.
Good man for district agent for Union
Central Life Insurance Company. Large
business now in force in McCook and
Red Willow county. Address ,
J M. Eumiston , State Agent ,
Postoflice Box 1,443 , Lincoln , Neb.
Hog : Fencing.
We have just received a shipment of
extra quality hog fencing. And we are
selling it at the remarkably low figure of
20 cents a rod Have also a large supply
of chicken fencing in stock.
S. M. Cochran & Co.
Lots for Sale.
Lots 9 , 10 , 11 and 12 in block 25 , Second
end addition to McCook. Make me an
offer on these lots. Address :
W. R. Datjchy , Topeka , Kansas.
For Sale or Trade.
Two good farm horses for sale cheap ,
or will trade for stock of any kind.
4ts F. M. COI.SON.
Dr. Z. L. Kay.
Office , rooms 4 and 5 over Leach's
jewelry store. Residence , front rooms
over Gantchow's shoe store.
For Sale.
Lots 1 aud 2 , in block 23 , original Mc
Cook. Write to G. W. Jacobson , Free
dom , Illinois.
Wall Paper 4 cents a roll.
L. W. McCONNKLl. & Co.
In the matter of the estate of Cynthia Rog
ers , deceased. Notice is hereby given that in
pursuance of an order of Hon. Edward Hates ,
one of the Judges of the District Court of Sew
ard county , Nebraska , on the 14th day of Sep
tember , 1896 , for the sale of the real estate
hereinafter described , there will be sold at the
front entrance of the Court House in the city
of McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
( that being the place where the last term of
the District Court within and for said county
was held , ) on the 30th day of March , A. D. ,
1897 , at one o'clock , p. m. , at public vendue to
the highest bidder for cash , subject to all liens
and incumbrances thereon at the time of the
death of said deceased , the following describ
ed real estate , towit : The south half ( S. M )
of the northeast quarter ( N. E. % ) and the
northwest quarter ( N. W. H ) of thenoithwest
quarter ( N. W. K ) and the north half ( N. & )
of the southwest quarter ( S. W. \ { ) and lot two
(2) ( ) in the northeast quarter ( N. E. H ) of the
northeast quarter ( N. E. X ) and lot four (4) ( )
in the north half ( N.i ) of the northwest quar
ter ( N. W. X ) and the. south half ( S. % ) of the
northwest quarter ( N. W. X ) , all in section
twenty-five (25) ( ) in township three (3) ( ) , north
of range twentv-nine (29) ( ) . west of the 6th P.
M. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska. Said
sale will remain open one hour. Dated March
1st , 1897. Walter N. Rogers ,
of the estate of Cynthia Rogers , deceased.
[ First publication March i2-3ts. ]
McCook , Neb. , March 5th , 1S97. Notice is
hereby given that Lucretia C. Doll has filed
notice of intention to make final proof before
before Register or Receiver at his office in
McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , the 17th day
April , 1897 , on timber culture application No.
5,843 , for the northwest quarter of section No.
23 , in township No. 2 north , range No. 30 west.
She names as witnesses : Clark G. Boatman ,
Charles G. HolmesWilliam S. Fitch and Julia
Harris , all of McCook , Nebraska.
A. S. Campbell , Register.
[ First publication March l2-6ts.J
Land Office at McCook , Nebraska ,
February 3rd , 1897.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Nebr. , on Saturj j
day , March 20th , 1897 , viz : Anton Braun , who ,
made II. E. No. 9549 for the northeast quarter
of section 9 , township 5 north , range 30 west ,
6th P. M. lie names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of. said land , viz : Frank II. Andri-
jeski , Joseph Ilarr and Peter L. Zimmer of
Zimmer , Nebraska , and Peter Rheinheimer of
Osborn , Nebraska. Any person who desires
to protest against the allowance of such proof , .
or who knows of any substantial reason , under
the law and the regulations of the Interior
Department , why such proof should not be
allowed , will be given an opportunity at the
above mentioned time and place to cross-ex
amine the witnesses of said claimant , and to
offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by i
claimant. I
Feb. 5-6ts. A. S. Campbell , Register. ;
Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , February 25 ,
1S97. Notice is hereby givrn that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim , and that
said proof will be made before Register or Receiver
atMcCook , Nebraska , on April3rd , 1S97iz : John
\V. Korstian , II. E. No. 10,000 , for the southwest
quarter of section 3 , township 1 north , range 30
west , 6th P. M. lie names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation - ,
tion of , said land , \ izl Milton C. Maxwell. William |
V. Everist , Andrew Carson and Ida Carson , all of
McCook , Nebraska.
A. S. CvMrnhLL , Register.
When Baby waa sick , we gave her Castorla.
When aha was a Child , she cried for Castoria. ]
When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria ,
When she had Children , she gave them Castoria ,
Don't allow the lungs to be impaired by the I
continuous irritation ot a cough. It is easier '
to prevent consumption than to cure it. One j
Minute Cough Cure taken early will ward off 1
sny fatal lung trouble. A. McMillen. j
_ _ H Dlnclrwell's Genulno Bul1 H
pvEST with a big B.
_ _ H h < Durham Is In a class by itself. You will And ono m
H * > coupon Insldo ouch two ounce bug , aud two cou- Hk M
H pens insldo each four ounce bug of HA H
Genuine Durham I
H BuyabagofthlHocIebratcdtobnccoandroadthocoupon W H
H wbicbglveuulistofvaluubluprosentsuudliowtocetthum Hv V J _ _ H
fc TttOAC 0QST1 \ J
\ F. D. BURGESS. % fl
t i M
Read the best coun
ty newspaper that's
The McCook Tribune
every time.
Comfort to California.
Every Thursday afternoon , a tourist
sleeping car for Salt Lake City , San
Francisco and Los Angeles leaves Oma
ha and Lincoln via the Burlington Route.
It is carpeted , upholstered in rattan ,
has spring seats and backs and is pro
vided witb curtains , bedding , towels ,
soap , etc. An experienced excursion
conductor and a uniformed Pullman porter
ter accompany it througb to the Pacific
coast. While neither as expensively fin
ished nor as fine to look at as a palace
sleeper , it is just as goods to ride in.
Second class tickets are honored and the
price of a berth , wide enough and big
enough for two , is only $5.00.
For a folder giving full particulars ,
call at the nearest B. & M. R. R. ticket
office , or write to J. Francis , Gen'l Pass'r
Agent , Burlington Route. Omaha , Nebr.
Try that 15 cent box
paper at The Tkibune
office. Worth 25 cts.
Also cheaper grades.
HIT1I FTTPQ Are tablets which Rcstoro
VllMLCIICa Log. Vigor , Derelop
all Parts , bring back Lost Powers and
return the patient to genuine Manhood and
Health. Case No. G0601 says through the
of * * Vitalettes , " I
use was speedily restored
to Health and perfect Manhood in every
sense of the woid.
a severe case of Piles of 13 years' standing
and I know will cure all in need who will try it
D D I * Cures Ithecmatlsn , Salt *
lis in Wi Rheum , Catarrh , Constipation
and all Blood Disorders , by purifying the
blood ; thereby causing a clearer and more
beautiful complexion. It is the Greatest
Blood Purifier on earth. A Restorer of Per
fect Health.
Price by mail , Vitalkttks , (100 or 6 boxes
15.00. Johns Pile Curs , 60 cts.ind It. R. C.
60 cts.
Johns & Dixon , Rochester , M. Y-
5Tractice in all the courts. Collections.
Notary Public. Upstairs in the Spearman
building , McCook , Nebraska.
McCook , Nkisraska.
B 'Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office
Rear of First National bank.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
& Bellamy , assistants.
tMRS. E. E. UTTER , ; |
Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo.
J37"Studio Opposite Postoffice.
W. V. GAGE ,
McCook , Nebraska.
CS Office hours < j to 11 a. m. , 2 to 5 and
r to 9 p. m. Rooms Over the First National ,
sank. Night calls answered at the office.
J. A. GUNN ,
MeCooK , Nebraska.
E& Office OverC. A. Leach's Jewelry store.
Residence 701 Main street. Prompt atten- <
ion given to all calls. <
Wanted-An Idea S
Protect your fdesa ; they mar bring you wealth.
leys. Washington. D. C , for their 13 prlza offer
tnd list ot two boadred lnreaUocs wanted.
Proprietor the . . . . J M
We respectfully solicit your business , H
and guarantee pure milk , full measure , . |
and prompt , courteous service. J |
J. S. McBRAYER , fl
McCook Transfer Line. L
ISlT'Only furniture van in the _ H
city. Also have a first class Louse J M
moving outfit. Leave orders for H
bus calls at Commercial hotel or j |
at office opposite the depot. J |
Gdase Go. Land and Live Stock Gs , ; |
HoraeB branded on left hip or lert shoulder _ H
Hi F P.O. aildri Bij Imperial , \ _ _ H
Vfl Chaaf county , und Heat ' _ _ i
W _ _ _ _ V53rl < u. Nebraska. Ituajre. _ H
TjflStinking Water nnd the _ _ _ H
_ _ _ _ _ _ f frenchman in _ _ _ |
_ BH fl Chase county. Nebraska. j _ H
„ yh. MB Urand as cutons-deof _ _ H
. B9 ' " ' " • _ _ _ _ _ E _ _ : "uneanimation , hip and j _ _ _ H
whereon thpanimal. • • l 8ije3 of some , or any _ M l
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . > tJii _ _ _ H
R-I-P-A-N-S i
_ _ _ _ H
u. M
_ H
- : The modern stand- H
g ard. Family MediJH
w cine : Cures the > H
common every-day H
5 ills of humanity. M
_ _ _ _ MARK H
Julius Ktjmebt , I
Carpet Laying , m
Carpet Cleaning. , , W
ar write me before
giving mZ
charges are very reasonable. Leave ordVrH ?
Tribune .
DeWitt's Little Early Risers 1
.j. fcfcfc * . vj. . - - - - - _ * - _ , _ * _ _ _ . , , _ _ _ _ H