The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 19, 1897, Image 3

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    IS Bolts
VbYbBYov tlmplcB , lilvcs , tetter nnd nil spring humors
ABBBand eruptions tire entire y cured by purifyiup
BBBBj the blood 'with u thorough course of
B Hoods
P. Sarsapaniia i hLl 1 : ! , ;
Hr \ Ono True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $ L
H / M > 1 ? F > : il nrc the only pills to take
B riOOOS PlltS with isood-jsSarsapurilla.
B I'irst Udition.
H .Tnmes I'ayn tells a story of a
B yonn ; poet vho had his doubts
H , whether his first volume would pay
V for Itself. At last he wrote to the
B publisher to know the worst. "Let
m me know Low many have pone ofT. "
L he wrote in all modesty , "and what
V is the balance 1 owe you ? " The pub-
g lisher wrote back : Dear Sir Your
B whole edition has gone off , leaving a
V "balanco of ' _ ' . ) in your favor ; check
F i inelosod. 1' The poet was in the sev-
B cnth heaven , and .yet not satisfied.
V He rushed to the publisher's office to
B inquire who had bought the book
V friends , enemies , Mudie , or wlio ?
B "My dear sir. " said the publisher , "I
v think yu had Letter not ask. " "Not
Bv ask ? Why not ? "iou wrote to say
Ht that the edition was all sold ;
B it must have been sold to somebody. "
Hb > "Pardon me , I wrote that it had 'gone
[ 7 * off' ; so it had , the whole of it * . There
Rp , was a lire in the warehouse and the
F \ contents were insured. " Argonaut-
B The inventlou of Alabastine marked a
B new era in wall coatings , and from tthe
B stununoiut of the building owner was a
B most important discovery. It has from a
B Kuinll beginning branched out into every
V country of the civilized world. The name
R , "kalsomino " ' hit's become so offensive to
HF\ property owners that manufacturers of
H V cheap Itahomine preparations arc now cull-
K \ ing them by bomu other name , und atteinpt-
B ing to Hclf on the Alabastine company's
K reputation.
Bfc Through extensive advertising and per-
B sonal use , the merits of the durable Alu-
V baFtino are so thoroughly known that the
K people insist on getting these goods and
Bfi will take no chance of spoiling their walls
r . for n possible saving of at the most but a
H s few cents. Thus it is again demonstrated
H X that merit wins , and that manufacturers
B of first-class articles will be supported by
B the peoile.
B&i Separating Gold From Its Ores.
HB > In the process of extracting gold
K from its ores molten lead is used in-
Hr stead of mercury. The lead is melted
r on a shallow hearth and the powdered
B ore is fed in at one end and carried
B forward as a film over the surface of
L the lead by means of an agitator
Bk moving over it. It is thus "brought
K to the other end. where it escapes
V through a hopper. In order to pre-
HR vent oxidation of the lead , the cham-
m ber is kept tilled with carbonic oxide
B from a gas producer.
B AVc hope to sell 1,000,000 packagen
H Golden' Rind Watermelon , the most
H wonderful freak of nature smooth ,
shiny , yellow rind , crimson flesh , deli-
BL cious ! It's sensational. Took 500 .first
MPx " prizes in 189G. You must have it to be
m in the swim. Melons go like wild fire
B at $1.00 apiece. We paid ? 30G for one
K/ / melon ! $100 prizes for earliest melon
Hl ripened in 1S9G in 41 days. Lots of
K monej' made in earliest vegetables.
HL Salzer's seeds produce them. Thirty-
five earliest sorts , postpaid , $1.00.
V , Send This Xotiro and 15 Cents for a
B Package of Golden Rind and won-
V ' derful seed book , 146 bigjiages , to John
M ; { A. Salzer Seed Co. , La Crosse , Wis.
B * w.n.
R I'lrst Coins of the Hebrews.
Hj ) The Hebrews had no coins of their
R' own until the days of the Maccabees , "
B "vv 1 ° issued shekels and half shekels ,
B\ with the inscriptions , "Jerusalem
B the Holy , Simon , Prince of Israel"
T\ These bear no images.
HT ? ' Send for samples and prices to HersheyEle-
m i vutor Co. , Iler hcy , cbrisku
J A V.iso
BL Tokcs Vfe have at last secured a
By cook who will stay with us.
Hl Carson Nonsense !
K > ToTces Not at all. I took her
Bl on the recommendation of the poiice-
B. man on the beat. Truth.
mf Pisos Cure lor Consumption has been a
K ! God-send to me. "Win. B. ZdcClellan , Ches-
P - ter , l'la. . , Sept. 17,1 fc)5. !
n'i A Joke lor .M. l.iiuU.
Hl | St. Peter Whence do you come ?
Bf . Chicago Man I must decline to
Bgv. answer that. "On what grounds ? "
i-V "That the answer would tend to
HT / criminate m- if " ' ' -ooklj-n Life.
R > J Having couipaii _ y may mean the exercis-
HL > I inz cf hospitable instincts to the women ,
HA lmt it means giving up the rocking chair to
H < * y the men.
w " " " ' . " , i " 'i 7""r TT ? ! * i i . '
I. O. U. In Chnron.
In Italy the scarcity of silver coins
ds so great .that church collections
consist almost exclusively of J. O.
U.s , which each contributor redeems
with a note when his total liabilities
amount to ten francs. The people of
Italy are evidently no better off than
their rulers , who have just floated u
loan , through the assistance of Ger
Ilim'K Till * !
"Wcoffer Ono Uimdrcd Dollars reward
lor any cnmof t atarrlt that cannot bo
cured ! > v Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F..1 CHENEY & CO. , Props. , Toledo. Ohio ,
Wc , the undersigned , have known I \ .T.
Cheney for the lut > t J. years , und believe
hlnj perfectly honorable In all business
transactions und tiuuncially abln to carry
out any obligation * Hindu ly their iirm.
West k Truax , Wliolesalo Druggists , To
ledo. O.
Walding , Kinnan & Jlarvln , Wholesale
Drmiglsts , Toledo , Oliio.
Hull's CutJirrh C.ina if. taken Jnternally.
acting directly ujion tlio blood und mu
cous surfaces of the system. Price 7. o
per liottle. hold by all druggists. Tcsti-
Hall's Taniily Pills are the best.
Had I.lttle Hawaii.
In Hawaii last year 2,282 persons
trcrc arrested for drunkenness. J5C ( !
for "deserting contract service. " 807
for gambling , ten for murder , seven
ty-seven for violation of carriage
ordinances , one for "permitting a
ferocious beast abroad. " ono for at
tempting to leave the kingdom with
out a permit" and 111 -disturbing
the quiet of the uight. "
Firs-t-Cla'-s location ; koo < 1 trade ; peed opportun
ity to pecure Iitrsttloii liofore Traus-MISHlhsIppI
reposition ; Rood rcufon for fcIIIuk. Address .1.
II. Nulsun , lSii' Bavcnport St. . OiiiiiUa , Nell.
Plows Drawn by Camels.
Oxen drawing plows is a sight fa
miliar enough on Sussex downs , but
camels employed in this way would
be decidedly a novelt3r . The experi
ment , however , is being tried in
Southern Hjssia , and , it is said , with
remarkable success. Vice-Consul
Smith states that the bad harvest of
the last two j'ears , together with the
low prices of grain , having forced
most agriculturists to look into the
question of reducing expenses , and
one great difficulty being to obtain
animal power which would cost less
for feeding than horses and yet bo
ahle to do the varying work of a
farm , camels have been introduced
upon an estate not far from Kieff.
At present eighteen camels are at
work , and their keep is found to
cost much less than that of horses ,
owing to oats being dispensed with
in their feeding. The price runs
from 6 to 7 per head , inclusive of
transport from the government of
Orenburg to Kieff. London News.
As you chew tobacco lor pleasure use Star.
It is not onlv the best , but the moatlasting , and ,
therefore , the cheapest.
A Tictini ' of His Own Heroism.
1 understand Johnson jumped off a
Fulton street ferryboat to save a wo
man who Jell into the water. "
"He did ; but don 't mention it to
him. "
"Why ? "
"Because the woman clutched him
and he was nearly drowned. "
"How was he baved ? "
"She tucked him under her arm
and swam with him to Staten island.
It was Madame De Jasnette. of the
natatoriuin. advertising herself. "
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All
Druggists refund the money it it fails to cure. 23c
Georgia .Negroes.
In Georgia the negroes out-marry
the whites , some of them marrying
two or three times a year. A negro
will quit his wife in Atlanta and'go
up to Marietta and get another one
and call for his license and get mar
ried and stick until she quits him or
he gets tired of her , aqd then he
skips over to Rome or somewhere
and tries it a ain.
Just try a 10c box of Cnscarets , candy
cathartic the finest liver and bowel regulator
later made.
A ( iuotl Beginning.
Eulalie And how are you getting
on with your society novel , dear ?
Beatrice Oh , Eulalie , I've made a
splendid beginning ! I know it will
be a good story.
Eulalie Do let me read the first
Beatrice I would , only you see , I
haven't actually written anything
yet. But I cot hold of an upholster
er ' s catalogue yesterday. Puck.
FITS stnppod Vree nnd perniRncntly cured. Ko flts
nfter first day's use of Dr. ICline'K Great Nerve
Restorer. l're S2 trial liottle nnd treatise.
Send to no. Ku. .K. Kil Arch hu Philadelphia , Ta.
Graceful Anyhow.
Gus "What do you < rirls do at your
Conversation club just sit around
and stare at each other and talk ?
Clara No , indeed. We play whist *
Life is like a treadmill , we are all tha
time going , but very few of us get there.
K I y 1
BFv/r / tify to the great value \ jlSB Bfff \ \
B 5 ? Ioi Oyer's Sarsaparilla \ | ggg gg = sg V \
B t J which .has been a house- \ EKijfilliHa \
F f /hold companion in ouri .fgg- H v \
Bt v I family for years. I talie7fe | | | = § | § § § I' \ ) \ I
Bp \ /from 3 to 5 bottles ofit every \ Jj jk3 = = = = 0fzi / \
H g /Spring , generally beginning \ /i83gilt | | | t2
| / about the first of ApriL Afteri / | | | lpBfly | |
B'/ /that I Ted lile a two year cld\ , / g Sps ! !
W I /for it tones up my system , gives \ / | /
B I I as an excellent appetite and l\ * ; 7 jjjj f/ \ | 1/
l / sleep like a top. Asabloodmcdi-\ ( , / ' 1 f
B I / erne it Iris no superior , at least that \ S ; A * \ \ \
Pm * k. I is my opinion of it. 31. It. Wildet , \ I - ) \ * \
Bl Y I Philadelphia , Pa. , Iarch 20,1S9C. _ \ 1 * * / % I \
Ayer's 5arsapariila , J
& . ' , , , * „ - ' ' _ . . .
H I h E traveling
through India , between
tween Surat and
Nagpore. my body
servant one day in-
Us , formed me that a
n H/ | / ' great juggler and
flfSSSSa * snake charmer
( iSSsil wiBhed to have the
* honor of showing
me something of
his skill.
"What can he do ? " I asked.
"Almost everything that is marvel
lous , I have been told , " was the answer.
"Admit him. "
My servant withdrew , and presenf-ly
returned with a small , withered old
man , about whom I saw nothing re
markable except the eyes , which were
small , black and piercing , and seemed
to have lightning imprisoned in them.
I do not know whether the man could
see in the dark like a cat , but there was
at times that peculiar fiery appearance
of the halls which is so often observ
able in night-prowling animals.
He wore a white vest , Turkish trous
ers , a kind of crimsoned petticoat
worked with strange devices , a turban
of many colors , and morocco shoes ,
pointed and turned up at the toes. His
arms and neck were bare , and with
the exception of a couple of heavy gold
rings in his ears , he displayed no ex
traneous ornaments. His age I judg
ed to be sixty , and his short moustache
was almost white. He made a low
salaam , and then appeared to wait to
be addressed.
"Your name , " said I , in Hindustani.
"Paunjar , your Excellency. "
"I am told you wish to show me
some wonders. "
"If your Excellency wills. "
"Well , what can j-ou do ? "
* V
He suddenly produced from where I
did not see and cannot tell a large ball
of twine , which he appeared to toss in
my lap , keeping hold of one end , so
that it unrolled the whole distance be
tween him and me at least 10 ft. , say
ing as he did so :
"Will your Excellency please exam
ine what you see ? "
Now , I honestly aver that I saw that
ball of twine when he threw it as
plainly as I ever saw anything in my
life saw it come towards me. saw it
unroll and apparently drop into my
lap , so that I brought my knees quick
ly together to catch it , and yet when I
put my hand down to take it and look
ed down for it , it was not there noth
ing was there , and at the same instant
I perceived the juggler dancing it on
the end of his finger.
"Pshaw ! " said I , "you deceived me. by
making me believe that you threw it
towards me. "
"Does your Excellency think I have
it ? " he said.
And before I could answer I saw in
place of the hall a beautiful large
red rose , which he was balancing by
the stem and yet he had not altered
his position in the least , nor scarcely
stirred a finger.
I began to be astonished.
While yet I looked I saw in his right
hand a cup and in his left a rose. He
stepped forward a few feet , lajd the
rose down on the ground , and placed
the cup over it.
Here , it will be observed , there was
no machinery to assist him no iable
with its false top , concealed compart
ments and confederate , perhaps , to ef
fect a change , as we see similar tricks
performed in a place fitted by a ma-
elk Grw
PH | / iV\ \
gician for the purpose but only my
own quarters in the full light of day ,
with myself closely watching every ;
movement within five feet of him , and i
my attendants grouped around almost j
as near. ,
* * * !
Having covered the rose with a cup j
as I would be willing to take my oath , ;
for I saw the rose distinctly as the hol
low vessel , held by the top , went slowly - '
ly down over it the conjurer resumed '
his former place , and said :
"Will your Excellency he kind
enough to lift the cup and see what is
under it ? "
Of course I would have wagered a
heavy sum that the rose was still there
for one thing , because , expecting some
trick , I had kept my eye on it to the
last moment , and was certain there
was no possibility of its being removed
after a hand had let go of the cup at
the top. !
I complied with the request , stepped :
forward and raised the cup ; but instantly - I
stantly dropped it with a cry of terror |
for there , instead of the rose , was one i
of the little , deadly green serpents of ,
India , coiled up and ready to .spring ,
with its small glistening eyes fixed in
tently on mine. Snakes of any kind are
my horror , and this one not only horrified
rified me , but all my attendants , who
with cries of alarm , enlarged the cir
cle very rapidly , for they knew its bite
to be fatal.
"No more such tricks as that , con
jurer , " I said , sternly.
"It is perfectly harmless , your Excel
lency , " grinned the old man. walking
up to it , lifting it by the neck , putting i
its head in his mouth and allowing it •
to run down his throat. i i
" ' - ' w _ i : .j , ' " ' no '
i * i i . " i. " i..ii..i. K.
I shuddered , and half believed that
the juggler was possessed of a devil ,
if pot a devil himself.
He next produced a tube that looked
like brass , about two feet long and half
an inch in diameter , and next the ball
of twine again.
Where these things camp from or
went to I could not tell. They aecmed
to be in his hands when he wanted
them , but I never observed his hands
passing near his dress either when
they appeared or disappeared. When
I looked for the cup I had lifted from
the snake it was gone , and yet neither
myself nor any of my attendants had
seen this wonderful man pick it up. It
was indeed jugglery , if not magic , of
the most unquestionable kind.
Through the brass tube the * conjurer
passed one end of the twine , which he
put between his teeth. He then put
the tube between his lips , threw back
his head and held it perpendicularly ,
with the ball of twine at the upper end.
Then , suddenly , the ball began to turn ,
and turn rapidly , and gradually grew
smaller till it entirely disappeared , as
if the twine had run off on a reel.
What turned it or where it went to no
one could see. The juggler then set
the other end up , and a new ball began
to form on the top , but apparently rib
bon , of half an inch in width and dif
ferent colors. These rolled up as if on
a bobbin , till it formed a wheel two or
three inches in diameter , when the per
former seemed to toss ribbon and tube
over his shoulder , and that was the last
I saw of either.
* *
He next produced what appeared to
be the same cup I had lifted from the
snake , showing something that appear
ed to be an egg , advanced the same as
before and placed the latter on the
ground , and the former over it , and
again requested me to raise it , which
I declined to do , fearing I should see
another serpent , or something equally
"Will any one lift the cup ? " said he ,
turning to the others.
No one volunteered to do so , but all
rather drew back.
At this he took up the cup himself
and appeared to throw it into the air
and there sat in its place a beautiful
dove , which flew up and alighted on •
his shoulder. He took it into his hand
and muttered over some unintelligible
words , seemed to cram it into his
mouth , and that is the last I saw of
that also. London Daily Mail.
Twenty Yean of It "Was Altogether
Too Much.
He had applied for a divorce , ob
serves the New York Journal. After
twenty years of married life , taking the
smooth with the rough , he had at
length decided that he had had enough
of it. It sounds poetical , but that phase
of the situation appealed to him not
ac all. It was not that she had devel
oped somewhat of a nagging tongue.
He could make allowances for such a
feminine failing. It was not that she
searched his trousers pockets in the
dead o' night for his small change.
He appreciated the pleasure of finding
money himself. It was not that she
wore bloomers expressly against his
wishes , and displayed herself in them
many times and oft. He hardly ex
pected a wife to obey her husband ,
anyway. It was not thai she burned
the steak when she did the cooking.
He had never posed as a gourmet. It
was not that she flirted with the other
men , for she didn't. But it was
That she would insist in recounting
her dream of the preceding night to
him each morning , and twenty times
365 of this ( to say nothing of the extra
leap-year days ) had worn on him per
ceptibly. The grounds were reason
able ones , yes.
Comfortable Shoes. j
People whore troubled with cold I I
feet may take heart. In Germany
there has been patented a contrivance
described as a "heatable shoe. " The
heel is hollowed out. and in this hollow
is a receptacle for a glowing substance
similar to that used in Japanese
hand-warmers. Between the soles , im
bedded in asbestos covers , is a rubber
bag which is filled with water. The
heating substance in the heel keeps
the water warm , and it circulates
while the wearer is walking , thus im
parting a pleasant warmth to the foot.
A small safety-valve is provided , so
that the bag cannot burst. The warmth
given by the sole never rises above
seventy degrees Fahrenheit , and will
last about eight hours. Popular Sci
ence News says that the sole is not
unreasonably thick , being only slightly
thicker than that of a wet-weather
Kept Ouiet Ever After.
It has been stated that a bank bur
glar can so heat the walls of a safe
with an electric current as to be able to
get inside without waiting more than a
minutes. Certain
few laboratory ex
periments lend some sanction to such
a notion , but electrical journals pooh-
pooh it. It is much easier to talk about
stealing electricity from live trolleyand
lighting wires than it is to do it
that is , with safety. The Electrical
Engineer , after pointing out some oth
er difficulties in the way of such oper
ations , remarks that "men can take
and have taken the current from sup
ply mains , even more than is re-
quirr-d , for melting through safes ,
though in numerous instances the par
ties maintained perfect silence about it
ever afterward. " New York Tribune
She Knew Illni.
Servant Shall I put the master's
pipes away in the closet , mum , now
that he's swore off smokin' ? Mistress
No , Jane , just put them in the corner
of his desk , where he'll be able to find
them the day after tomorrow. Phila
delphia North American.
A Clever Knir.
To got rid of u bore try the method
pursued bi * a certain Harlem club
man. When accosted by one he shukes
. bunds warmly with hit persecutor ,
glances round anxiously und. drop
ping his voice , confidentially re
marks :
• • Say. 1 must bo off ! There ' s an
awful bore hero that. I want to dodge
talk a fellow to death. You un
derstand , old boy ? "
The Bore , with a wink.I uudoi"
stand old feliowl ( Departs with
out the remotest suspicion that he is
the bore ) .
Gnmii if Yon "Muxt ,
Rut also appeal to a means of ifl ef of the
torture If physical which produce * tbo
I groan. Khetiututlsm is a prolific source of
agony In its acute liiuamiiuiiury or chronic
forms. Hut it niuy Ik. - annihilated at it.s birth
with ilostetterSMoniach Hitters , which , un-
lllct * the poisons in minute dews often prt -
wrlhod for it. U perfectly .safe. In malarial ,
kidney , bilious , dyspeptic or nervous itUmuii >
the JSIttera is a certain source of relief.
Kusty Work nt Homo.
"I see the papers advertise 'Easy
Work at Home. ' " said Mrs. Brown
as her husband settled himself in
his casj' chair to read the evening
"Yes , " he replied. "I have noticed
advertisements of that kind. " '
"Well , " she said a& she prepared t
to wash a sinkful of dirty dishes , "it j
ain't housework , you bet ! " Boston j
Courier. j
Death makes some people more present
able thau they were in life.
Columbian Optical Co. make Spertarlc * of nil
kllidhumllltlheiii to your ej c. 21J S. Kith St. Omu'ia
The complexion of u society- woman is
generally debatable pronud.
Ciip'n < * oisti X2tl : im
Is the oldest and best 11 III inciil : iij > a co'il onlcker
tuuii Hnytbhitjelse. It l idwaj rvllhble. Trj it.
Some girls can never blush without feel-1
. ing eoubcious. i
f Wnnx billious or costive , eat a Cnscaret. j
candy cathaitie , cure er.arnuteed. 10c , - "ic.
Every man knows of times when he has
been too discreet.
. I - * If '
I fiSa • - * f M i f I fI
• i s3 SHOE . t % w I B
J Vor 11 jea-u tl U fhoc , b ) merit alone. ha X B
S ct'itunri-cl nil competitor * . * H
,7 Iuilnrn-d by owr i.l t > , tXS ) neuren an th • i H
, & best in iti It. fit mid durability or uay sliue A H
N rMTonvrrii atS'in 1 M
T It Is nmilflu nil th latest shaprKoudntyfr * V i H
• nudof evtrvnrlctv ot Iruther. ' H
m One dfclrr III n UiHti clven e.rlu lvf salt * • > H
l 1 nud adtertlxcd In Iiwul | > a ) > rr ot , rrrrlpl of k H
, S reiuoiintile order Write for catalogue u > v. K H
I Jf 1. . UoukIus. llrouLton , Mas * . f H
j AlahnMixic docs notrequrr to la * ta-fn off B
i to renew , does not harbor ritiuh , bu : destroyi : M
j them , and nny nnccan brush it nn. M
• Sold by nil pn hit dealers.Vrn > for nrd w ith M ALADAS1INE CO . Grand Rapids. Mich. B
7g f'Aft.TKK. PI7 CRMTntY OT. . H
No RUST nor ItATTl.H. fiHtla"t < * or < 'm. H
A DurableTMibnlifutr'far IMnnlcTnit vnllf. ' M
Water I'rool Hlicuthintrrt wnw iintcrni'tti ' H
Vj-st. -lirtt'.i-Ht l. : jl' > : i.irt.rt.V. ' ruii fi.rim : > ! 'b.ntc. B
iL-iAVjiAMn. : ; itroriM. ( ' . . , ( AaiK i , > . . ! . M
W. N. U. OMAHA. Ko. 12.1S97. . H
When writing to advertisers , kindly men H
tlon tids paper. > |
0 "When you're doubled up with pain and feel like you'd snap 0 H
A in two , you have / H
/ When you feel strong , straight , without pain by using St. Jacob * * • H
q Oil , you 'll know you've used the best lemedy. r H
j / ANDV AT11AiII6 j -
i i * T & vs w all 1
! 25 * SO * mMSlziTJ DRUGSSSfS { B
I fiRSOT.TrTFT.Y flTT TJ F.NT'PFB ta rnre sn7 e " ? ros tlncUnn. Cnrarrts are tinl.bal Lasa-J H
VttDJUUUlEtiJl l.UMtuMU i&U
ti'e. r. Tprcrir..rmp = .lit rncve cany natiiKlnMUJUSaae H
| nleancJ bookletfrpp. Ad. rrKr.TIXO HEiIFM ro. . "T.Jras * . Mcirrel. fnn.or > pvlorL. 21- . * 1
i G.Waiter Baker e oc Ltdo5 I M
18 % ® Established in 17SO , at Dorchester , Mess. \ |
* M Klts Has inc well-known YcSIow Label on the front of everv 2 H
r PM ' . ' . * si package , and the trademarkLa Uelle Chocuh-ti-jre , " ' i H
' fit' ou the back t 1
' * n m
p S5g = SP Walter Baker & Co. LtdDorc2CSicr ? , Wass. 1 H l
. . , , , .
< rn ; < > a - < i > - i - c ' * - i > - > - < r > - < i > 49 : - * iSiiJi - - * - " " * * * , -1 * < s * - .i - w H
. j-- & • tzofV / & • * & • * • > • & * • 0 * • gal • * * • • f X • j ? • t-s lo > ' iu" > b' ; . - / . H
• ff 7 x. Geo. "W. Bervey , the Editor of tJ. ' H
% BRYAN'S PAPER i S VfiL'ii Si \ H
fSi years , of buXTuriuihirinp v. hich tune the thre be-t j l.ysiciai.s of the sts.te laiW ! to "I" H
.T. help him He n..d incigestjon so bad that ne could ne\er eat more than : vo m ; ah > a if/ 1
f\ day and ivas oblit'eii to carr > mcrphine ith him lo rilieve parozysn : > - o ? i > : .in lu Jl * H
. " . one attack he lost - - pounds in 8 days. Three pacUases of Dr. Kay's , Innovator cure J Q.E > HAl
/Al him For lacU of space we can jrfve only snort extracts from hilcter : i.U m ; ure i * H
. \ . all to send for full report of this case and many other- " who had tailed to pet hepv ? H
ff\ from i hysieiuim or any medicine until they took Dr KavV Kcnovator Mr ierve > t * r. j H
. " . wrote : " 1 consuifd three of the bt"-t phv-ician in the tte but they fai.ed ; o .ie \ $ l fli
ff > \ me relief. My stomach was sore and sensitu'e. I w-s induced to try yk" M
I Di * . Kay's Renovator , 1 H
* \5 and it is eipht months since I commenced its use and I now have no 'vn.piE < \J/ U
gstwhatever of my old trouble I have ret-emmended It to many of my Irwnuror -1- | H
$ " stomach trotibtc and I think ah ha\e re ) r.rtfU r lief. ' DK v's Kcnovator ha- < \ $ / H
* > \ cured -o manr of the wor-4t ca'-c that we consider it a certain cur fir a ! , cases o' - * H
. ? . dyspepsia , coastipat'on liver ant kicney di.-eases. and r.i n-r\o.-ai. ( " Lort. els \f/ H
jC\ ease headache , bliuoasness etc AI " 'JS S TIiClZ OT Yi'AS it shoi.i' . * • - * M
* ? 5 ta en bj cver\ one to rcnovatar.d inv. { . * o-.i e the who e svs'cnr. ar.d c i ur " • tflf H
-f-wji : md enrich tlie blond , s'1' " ' ° tbt- whole body RBS' AjF 9 CS 'S' -Cf H
fA * and Vic or. It is ea .y and pleasant lo t ! .e Tone up E SLtf ? bzdiTlZ.i H
/ { • \ vour svstem for the sprinr wonold > v cir ? ? i-s or " "it ty m iil for i > ' s. ; .n * i H H
fi > BOOKLETS treating an dis uses and s w , ; i o ; le on i emale Daf - - . AI.21- ' / " H |
' ifk-rKES. Address Dr 15 J. K. .v . ' .Je Iiat ( o V > < - -rn 01 : < cmih ; . \ • . H
1 > V > , SOLD SY D3XJGGI3TS v 'Cr H
From PROF. DR. KICOU1) f Paris i- , the only
remedy for reiiorln strt 111-th under tranran-
tee. atul will bring bach yu..r U > - > t powers and
stop forever the dancerou ; > drains on your
system. They aet quick ! V. create a hc ! : ! iy
diretion. . pure , rich blood , iirm inu-elo.
rugtred streittrth. steady nerve and clear
brain Imported direct from I'iris. I'rice
ih\ . directions enclo-.eti. J2. . " 0. i'or sale
Ser all respectable drtiirgi-ti. .Mail orders
from any person shall leceue promjit atten
Exclusive Agents. The Drnggihts.
15th and Douglas , OK1AHA , KE3.
i for i4 , cents •
® * S " " vli1 * ° Pam 10O.C00 pleased ( B
m jS Str&i S" - customcrsinl > 37aiuhecceoffrr 9
© ( KV S 1 rUt ? HKmarU Cncnmber lac 0
J > 1 ltoniuJ Olobe Beet 10c
© i S 1 > S fg
S rl Sffi t " Earliest Carrot 10c m
m VWSSfiBl * ' Kal-erWillielm Lettuce 15c S
m twlW&ti1 " Earliest Melon 10c 2
a > fliW'WSfS t " GiantVelloTrOalon 15c Z
3K P4\\V \ \ & | 1 " tl-baj ltadish 10 • Z
FES'W 3 " Brilliant Flower Seeds 15e g
S iS mB Worth S1.00 , Tor Herat * . §
9 irt' - ? S Above 10 pUss. worth 81.00 we will 5S
S U'/j & 8 inaU j ou free togethfr with our 1
2 bki H3 creat plant and seed catalogue upon
S JS flPs receipt of this notice and He postJ
| 2 Its tlS ope. How can we do It * Because we
K * JM want new m tomcrs and know if yon Jgj
S6 C.W. mBgZt once trSalzer' ! ! teed , > on'U never. 9
® - & = E5 ? * 5nevcr PeI alonp without lliera * W
gj - rff Ss - Catalopueclone5c postace. K.1Vi
© JOiOA. SIL7.EK SKKII tO. , LA Cltt ) SE , WIS. Gt
piTCHTC 203ears'espen > ncfi. Send sketch fnrad-
iHILIIIOi % ice. ( L.l > eane.lHti > prin. examiaerU .
PAT-Oaicvj Deane s. Weaver. McGill llldc WjacOl.C.
S19ISIBI , nd WHISKY haM" rnrMlB > k • * ct
VI BUM ruEE. ur. u. n. lMiotusr , ituxta , ci. j I
Comfort to H
California. H
I'-aves Ornai'ii. J
in < -p > H
1 . . . ,1 witil curtains f'tddinto | HH HH HHb
ZffMk < SZ els > oapetc. A reaper er.-eo H HH H HHV
5 iM/rlLlll / ! ! ( { excur&ion ponrtm-tor w 1 j. B HH HHl
jiryBB uniformed • ! pjr'e * S
3frfiiMai ! accompany it throu I. t j 'he
tiir5t i'acih' Coast. J
im . etc&Liai "
"While ne tii r as
e Tr H H H H HJ
a palaceslccpe M
end cla sticketsareioi.irer ! HH HH HH |
I and the price of a berth wide H H H H H |
and bi for HH HH HH HJ
For a { H
write to J
J. Trancis , Gen'l I'ass'r Apent , Omaha.XeL. K H
Ezamhiation and dvi < v titi'ati U ± ± . I * isHH HH lHH
vent ion. Send for "Inventors OJid ? rH5roj : HHHHHHHHH
sff is sea IS on shares. Ko e BBHHBHBHB |
quirrd. Directions furspro it apfreewKh uriter. *
Address T. tJ. fsILINAnit , Colnmbnn , ILua. H
( Iftn an acre can only be mode from one soutto HH HH HH HH
< 9IUU pooltrv.Ferhap vouraaTsnliebuttr7keepni HB HB HJ
hens kigut. Told only in I'oultryKt-eper.SOcayr.S&mpU Bb B bBB bBBb
free.Addrei3Poultr7KeeperCo..Bo : Parkesaurc a. J