The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 12, 1897, Image 1

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1 I An Old Settler's Story.
" * " * % With blanched faces Mr. and Mrs
r 1 Bailey gathered their family and witl
'M I Jack's assistance soon joined the scattere <
• \ settlers who were hurrying to this ranch
& • & As he mounted his horse to accompany
% X them , he thought of a poor widow win
1 \ lived near him and fearing she had no
\ I been warned , ussunng his friends Ik
* JF would soon be with them , galloped acres ;
SLY \ the prairie to Mrs Jones' dugout. See
F # ing wheel tracks in front of her door ant
1 \ evidence of hasty flight , he knew soun
. * $ A kindly person had conducted her to i
3 ? 4 place of safety. Not realizing danger ,
* I ' t hardly aware of its possibility Jack turnec
r vi and rode leisurely towards the appointee
Lj [ rendezvous. He was feeling more cheer
3t y ful , for he thought he could soon perfect
fm II his arrangements to bring his Mary tc
V | J their home. 4
• * ' The sun , so very , very like blood , was
Hearing the horizon ; it was so still !
* There seemed something ominous in this
I deathly quiet. O , Jack ! Ride hard and
j tide fast ! There is something deadly
coming up the canon ! Ride as you never
rode before , Jack ! ! For the sake of that
girl waiting in old Kentucky , get past
' the head of the canon , before they make
O , merciful Goti , too late ! too late !
They see him silhouetted against the red
sky and are upon him those cruel savages -
, ages ! O , night , come with your friendly
r curtain of darkness and hide their mur-
Y derous work ! O , stars , pityingly watch
< over that poor , dead body !
| V The October sun shed a golden light
I V over thelandscape , mellowing and briug-
m- \ iug out the harmouious blending of the
ifff jt\ • * red , yellow and mottled of the oak , beech
Lj 4E and maple. Here and there along the
) M\ large stream , stood a giant sycamore ,
i L 2r\ with its huge white arms towering aloft.
H < jl / Upon the higher ground , the tops of the
\ ' trees and of the stately mansion were
Ht M , gilded , by its setting rays , and a spirit of
m repose rested over that fair Kentucky
S m land.
K Mary Graham and her cousin Nettie
B | J ! walked under the grand old trees , arm in
B i | arm , confiding each in the other all her
M : f\ girlish experiences. After earnestly talk-
Nf * ng f ° r a lQrJg time , they wandered along
f s y in sympathetic silence , until Nettie.look-
PP ( ff ing upward , repeated softly ,
IjjS | \ "For , from us , ere the day was done ,
H. S The wooded hills shut out the sun ;
B ? ' But on the river's further side ,
V11 We saw the hill tops glorified" .
K1 Vt "Isn't it beautiful , Mary" ? she said
pointing to the lovely view
f Mary did not reply , but with a start
turned towards the West , where she
\/y \ gazed with dilated eyes.
WjjY "What is it , Mary ? What frightens
Bi \ "O , Nettie" ! she exclaimed , trembling
Ek ' c and clinging to her cousin , "I heard Jack
H | / calling me" !
j % "No , no , dear. Speaking of him as
Rj-H we have this afternoon , has unnerved
F\ , 3Tou. Come , let's go home" .
Vr "O. Nettie , something has happened
mA\ \ to Jack" !
HI j/ , Nettie spoke soothingly and they , to-
h | | ) gether , passed from the shadow of the
B/n / trees into the softened light , "a dream
BV | I of day without its glare" .
| \ Mary' Graham loved Jack Porter with
U all the intensity of a nature which loves
K > 1 Cl once and always ; yet , it was the old
f story a rich man's daughter loved a
V vV * s. poor man's son. Pride of wealth would
Hl Bv brook no leveling process which could
t fV make refinement , moral worth and fine
Bk j \ intellect an equivalent for gold. Mary
H Hi K ' • appreciated the intrinsic value of her
f i "plebian lover" , as her haughty sister
fr disdainfully called him , and with a will
V / as rra as at ° herstern fatner accept-
? >
B/l / ed the alternative he placed before her ,
B/l/ poverty with Jack Porter or wealth
Lmt . -ithout him. When he left to make a
HL home in the West , she informed the
Vj | family of her intentions and demanded
B PfVl that Jack's name should never be men-
B _ M \ I\ \ tioned. That was three years back ; time
IBHlbtKi was passing and he would come soon
J HiB U now. And she and Nettie roamed through
I DSv ) the woods during these rare days , rode
Hf and roamed and waited. Returning
H\ from a ride one day , they sat on the
I L , ' verandah , when an old neighbor drove
L' he looked as he
| k ' up. Very stately ,
HUE came striding up the walk ; he loved a
Vl "dish of gossip" and the girls were al-
n E ways amused at his pompous way of tell-
B ing news. As he accepted with courtly
Hff grace and flourish the chair which Mary
j VS placed for him. he said ,
H "Well , young ladies , the weather in-
ftl vited inclination prompted opportun-
| H | | ' ) ity offered fate was propitious and I
HB \ \ am here" .
| P & "Yes , sir" , said Mary , "I hope you
H9 W1U find it pleasant" .
1 "Ah , Miss Mary ! Pleasure and sadness
Hl so hand in hand ; joy and sorrow ; hap-
HM pinessand misery. There is a Rachel
Ht weeping , this day , because her boy is
B There was that in his manner which
suggested more than his words indicated
and Mary turned apprehensively toward'
him , when Nettie asked , "Who is it , Mr.
Swintou ? Any one we know" ?
" 1 am not aware of the fact of youi
acquaintance with the mother , Mis
Nettie ; probably Miss Mary has seer
her" .
At that moment Mr. Graham came
out , and after the usual formal saluta
tions , asked the news.
"I was on the point of communicating
to the young ladies the intelligence that
an overwhelming sorrow has come to
the widow of my old friend , Henry-
Porter" .
"Ah" and Mr.Graham glanced quick
ly at Mary.
"Yes , their son , John Henry , a fine
young man went west a few years age
and word has been received that he was
killed by the Indians and his body sent
home for interment. "
"Ah" ! and Mr. Graham thought a
girl's love soon wore itself out. as Mary
seemed unmoved.
"O , Mr. Swintou" ! exclaimed Nettie.
Mary sat quietly , turning her wonder
ing eyes to great , fleecy clouds , which ,
piled high , shaped into strange forms
land changed again and again as she
looked. That haystack , seen through the
vista of variegated trees and yellowed by
the golden sun added to the picturesque
view. How very still ! Sounds floated
up from every direction. Out on the
turnpike a buggy was passing ; now it
crossed the bridge ; gay young voices
reached them. She and Jack used to
drive that way John Henry killed !
A majestic peafowl came in sight across
the lawn. She wished it would spread
its gorgeous feathers to their full extent ;
they would match the autumn leaves ;
John Henry ! She had felt stunned ;
now an iron brand crushed her head.
What did it all mean ? John Who ?
Jack was coming soon , now ! Way over
in the fields the hands were busy , and
the sharp stroke of the corn-knife and
the rustling of the cornstalks blended
with the jest and song. They were hap
py. They did not know about that
Rachel weeping. The crickets chirped
noisily ; one note , continuously high and
strident , heard above all the others ,
sounded like the wailing of a lost soul.
Was any one lost ? Whose son was ?
Jack was coming ! Something clutched
at her heart. Killed ? Down at
the quarters Aunt Betty's plaintive.quav-
ering , old voice was singing , "Whj * do
we mourn departed friends" . What was
it Mr. Swinton told ? Why was Nettie
sobbing ? John Henry ; she always
addressed his letters J. H. Porter.
"O" , she moaned , "it is Jack" ! and
as she uttered a wail of anguish which
her father never forgot to his dying day ,
he caught her as she fell.
They bore her to her room , where she
lay with wide open eyes , murmuring ,
' "I'll be true , Jack , I'll be true" !
"No hopes" , was the report of the
physician , "the shock was too great" ;
and the stern father and haughty sister
softened and grew tender as the girl day
after day and night after night struggled
in delirium and then lay weak and worn
begging to be put by the side of Jack.
"Bury me by Jack" , she pleaded , but
the father's pride would not yield , and
the pleader turned piteously to the bro
ther. ' 'Yes , little sister , it shall be as
you wish" , then she turned her cheek
to the pillow and passed out of life.
* * * * * *
In the midst of the old church yard , a
splendid marble shaft rose high above
all others and a handsome iron railing
enclosed the Graham burial lot. Here
lay the mother , and then the father ,
and in time , one after another the sons
and daughters took their places amid as
rich surroundings as was theirs during
life. Over to one side , in the older part
of "God's Acre" , a common wooden
fence shut in a few modest mounds , cov
ered with a mass of dark , green n 'rtle ,
which reached over and made as one.two
newer and later graves. On one plain
slab was the name ,
The other of exquisite taste and beauty
bore this inscription :
"MARY" .
"I'll be true , Jack , I'll be true' " .
Too Frail For Earth.
About two o'clock Monday morning
Baby Barbazet , a frail flower of but a few
days , was transplanted in the Father's
garden to bloom in eternity. Brief ser
vices were conducted at the residence at
four o'clock , Monday afternoon , by Rev.
R. A. Russell of the Episcopal church ,
after which the little remains were laid
away in Longview cemetery. The Trib
une joins in expressions of sympathy
for the bereaved parents.
New line ot men's and boys' caps just
opened at The Famous.
Wall Paper 4 cents a roll.
I , . W. McConnelt. 5 : Co.
Dr. W. V. Gage visited friends in Al
liance , this week.
Register Campbell was a Hastings
visitor , Wednesday.
Mrs. S. L. Moench visited her parents
in Orleans , this week.
J. T. Bullarp was down from Pali
sade , Wednesday morning.
Otis Boone of the South Side visited
friends at Holbrook , last week.
Mrs. L. H. Rooney returned home ,
Sunday night , from her visit in Kansas
A. C. Marsh is able to be about now
after a severe tussle of about two weeks
with the grip.
George Hocknell arrived home ,
Wednesday morning , from his business
trip to Califonia.
Captain R. O. Phillips was up from
Lincoln , Monday , on land , water-works
and ditch business.
Mrs. J. W. Wray and Miss Dot Dav
enport of Culbertson were guests of Mc-
Cook friends , 3-esterday.
Perry Stone has gone to work for C.
T. Brewer and Emil Levering has taken
a position in Andrew Carson's shop.
Mrs. Henry Penner and the chil
dren joined him in Omaha , Sunday. Ht
has secured work in the state's metropo
Commissioner Belles was in Lincoln
the first of the week , on county business
and to take in the legislature incident
Mrs. M. J. Abbott and daughter of
Hayes Center were the guests of Mrs. S.
P. Hart on the farm east of town , this
Miss AlMEE Strasser left , Wednes
day morning , for New York city , where
she will make her future home. Many
well wishes accompany her.
James Munson and bride visited in
the city , last Friday , guests ofhis sister ,
Mrs. H. P. Sutton. They were eastbound -
bound from Grand Junction , Colorado ,
where they were married on March 3d.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Harris , of
Omaha , formerly of our city , visited Al
liance friends and relatives , recently.and
were most charmingly entertained in a
number of luncheons by the society people
ple of that city.
Mrs. S. S. Frederick came up from
Holbrook , last Thursday night , on a visit
to her parents and brother J. A. Hammond
mend , deputy county clerk , whose guest
she was. She has largely recovered from
her recent serious illness.
Dr. Z. L. Kay arrived home , last
Thursday night , from his visit in Jopliu ,
Missouri , to his son Elmer , who has
been appointed chief clerk of the Chica
go branch of the smelting company he
is employed by , at an increased salary.
Elmer is coming to the front , and his
services are highly esteemed by his com
Vindicate Miss Miller.
The following affidavits will fully ex
plain themselves , and are herewith sub
mitted verbatim by request :
The State of Nebraska , Red Willow
county , Nebraska , ss : A. J. Washburn ,
being first duly sworn , deposes and says
that any and all reports connecting the
name of Mary Miller with the charge of
adultery with me are absolutely untrue
and false and that there is no ground for
such reports. That she never met me by
appointment at any time since she left
my employ at my house. That she at no-
time agreed to elope with me and at no
time have I received letters from her
upon the subject of elopement or any
other subject. A. J. Washburn.
Subscribed in my presence and sworn
to before me this loth day of March.iSg" .
H. H. Berry ,
Justice of the Peace.
State of Nebraska , Red Willow county ,
ss : Jane A. Washburn , being by me first
duly sworn , deposes and says , that she
has investigated the report of adultery
against Mary Miller with A. J.Washburn
and finds there was no just grounds for
such report and should not havt en
alleged in my Bill of Divorce from A. J.
Washburn. Jane A. Washburn.
Subscribed in my presence and sworn
to before me this 10th day of March,1897.
H. H. Berry ,
Justice of the Peace.
A half-grown cat , pure white. Finder
will be suitably rewarded by returning
same to Mrs. Herman Pade.
Don't fail to see us before you buy or
place any orders. The Famous.
Baptist Regular services , Sunday
morning , at 11. Bible school at 10 a. m ,
GEO. W. Sheafor , Pastor.
Methodist Sunday school at 10 ,
Preachiug at 11. Class at 12. Doors ol
the church will be open after the sermon ,
J. A. Badcon , Pastor.
German Methodist Regular ser
vices at 9 o'clock , every Sunday morn
ing , in the South McCook' Methodist
church ; services in German.
Rev. M.Herrmann.
Congregational Morning theme ,
"Living the Hero" . Sermon followed
by the Lord's Supper and reception of
members. All are cordially invited.
Hart L. Preston , Pastor.
Catholic Mass at 8 o'clock a. m.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. Hickey , Pastor.
South McCookMethodist Sunday
school at 10. Preaching at ir and 8.
Epworth League at 7. Prayer-meeting
at S , Wednesday. All are cordially in
vited. J. M. Bell , Pastor.
Episcopal Divine service second and
fourth Sundays of every month at 11:00
a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Sunday school
every Sunday at 10:00 a. m. Lectures
alternate Mondays at 7:30 p. m.
S. A. POTTER , General Missionary.
R. A. Russell , Assistant.
Erwin Hopt spent Sunday at his home
near Bartley.
Tom McCarl was at the schools , Friday
afternoon last.
Two new members entered the 8th
grade , Monday.
Galetta Miller was promoted from the
7th to the Sth grade , first of the week.
Revs. R. A. Russell and H. L. Preston
talked to the pupils , Monday morning.
Ely Crockford , a former pupil , was
visiting old time friends at the schools ,
Friday afternoon.
Ira Kennedy , who attended school
here for a while , last year , began again.
Monday , entering the 9th grade.
There was rather a small attendance
at Friday evening's lantern class , owing
to the non-arrival of a sufficient number
and other attractions. As the "Hoosier
Schoolmaster" collection did not arrive ,
a miscellaneous lot of our own slides was
shown. The program finished with a
reading by the superintendent. The
above applies to the Saturday evening
lantern class also.
Reduce the Salaries.
The question of reducing salaries of
our school teachers is being mooted again.
The condition of the school treasury is
somewhat grave and a reduction of sal
aries or lessening of the school year seems
to be imperative. The Tribune has
for a number of years contended that a
rea * ) nable reduction should be made in
th'-salaries of our teacher corps , espec
ially among the better paid members.
Not that the salaries are too high , but
because the times and condition of the
school treasury will not warrant paying
the present schedule. We do not take
second place for any one in pride in our
public schools , but pride should give way
to judgment , and judgment demands a
reasonable reduction in the present sal
aries , and the cut ought to commence at
the top. Reducing the length of the
school year should be the last resort.
Returned the Visit.
Quite a number of Culbertson people
came down , Tuesday night , to attend our
revival services. Dr. Ringla.nd , who has
been conducting the services up there ,
accompanied them. These visits are en
couraging and inspiriting , tending to
produce a better understanding and feel
ing between communities as well as in
May be Less Saloons.
Jt is generally understood that Samuel
Strasser will retire from the saloon busi
ness here when his present license ex
pires , and it is rumored that Allen Clyde
may not take out license another year.
At any rate McCook may have on saloon
less , next year , and possibly two. This
fact will have its bearing on the school
Some 23 Culbertson friends attended
the revival services here , Tuesday night.
The 400 mark has been passed and
there is a strong start for 500 converts
before the meetings close.
Wall Paper 4 cents a roll.
L. W. McConnell Sc Co.
Paints and oils at McMillen's.
Municipal Economy.
There is an earnest demand for a more
economical administration of our city
affairs , and the idea should find practical
expression in the coming caucus. It can
not be satisfactorily denied that the con
dition of our municipal finances is such
as to require the greatest economy con
sistent with good government. Until
times become better present salaries
should be reduced , and it is our opinion
that competent men for mayor and councilmen -
cilmen can be secured to perform the
duties of those offices gratuitously , or
nearly so. at least. The salaries of other
employes and officers may be reduced as
well. There is no sense in McCook con
tinuing on the metropolitan plan of ex
pense with a village income , and the
sooner the business men Hnd property
owners of this city realize this cold , hard
fact the better off we will all be. We
hope this sensible view may crystallize
into the nomination of men who will be
will be willing to donate their services
for the good of the city in these times of
distress aud depression Burdens of
taxation should and must be lightened.
The way to resume is to resume The
way to lighten taxes is to reduce expen
Answered the Call.
A large and earnest company of Mc-
Cook's young converts and others an
swered the call to "come over into Mace
donia aud help us" by driving up to Cul
bertson and helping Dr. Ringland in the
revival services , last Saturday evening.
The male quartette and many of our
singers of the various churches were
among the number. After services in
which they were very helpful , the com
pany returned home. The following
young ladies and gentlemen composed
the missionary band : Mabel Wilcox.Ona
Simons , Edna Meserve , Addieand Maud
Doan , Ida McCarl , Grace Sanborn , Myr
tle Meyer , Mabel Jordan , Maude Mc-
Millen , Edith and Ethel Oyster , Minnie
Rowell , Hattie Yarger , Edna Dixon ,
Nellie Gunn , Minnie Stillman , George
Leach , Scott Doan , Rufus Carlton , Earl
Ludwick , Ed Canu , Tom , Bert and Ray
McCarl , Rcy Smith , Ed Magee , Abner
Clark , Bert Beyrer. Chas. Heber , George
Mason , Chas. Northrup , Frank Hender
son , Frank Traver , William McManigal.
The only unpleasant incident was a
slight smashmp , caused by Earl Lud
wick and Charlie Northrup missing the
traveled road in the dense darkness.
A Stiff Sentence.
Clarence Lackey and his cowardly
compatriot in crime were tried before
Judge Norris in Trenton , last week , for
a murderous assault on and robbery of
an innocent and inoffensive German far
mer and wife up in Hitchtock county ,
not many months since. The toughs
were convicted and Lackey drew fifteen
years in state's prison , his associate get
ting thirteen. These are stiff sentences ,
out the murderous young rascals doubt
less deserved every moment of the long
time given them. If all classes and sorts
of offenders were thns punished , if the
punishment were always made to fit the
crime , as in this case , there would be
much more respect for law and courts ,
and perhaps less crime.
Lantern Class at 8 O'clock ,
Tonight. Miscellaneous pictures and
a fine musical programme. The illustra
tions the Hoosier School-master
to - pro
mised for last week are reported as lost
in shipment on one of their recent journ
eys the management supposing them to
be in McCook , when they had not yet
been heard from.
Mrs. Foley is Improving.
A daughter was born to Conductor and
Mrs. Tim Foley , Sunday night. The
baby is doing nicely. For a while Mrs.
Foley's life was serious menaced , but
she is now improving , and her complete
recovery is but a question of a little time ,
should no further complications arise.
On the Board of Insanity.
Dr. W. V. Gage has been appointed as
physician on the board of insane com
missioners by Judge G. W. Norris. The
term is for two years , the appointee suc
ceeding Dr. A. W. Hoyt. The doctor
took his oath of office , Wednesday morn
Card of Thanks.
We are most grateful to all the neigh
bors and friends for the many kindnesses
shown and assistance rendered in our re
cent bereavement the death of our in
fant son.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barbazet.
Den of Arapahoe won the great shoot
ing match at Arapahoe , this week.
Wall Paper 5 cents a roll at
Staple stationery , best quality at lowest - M
est prices , at The Tribune office. |
Wall Paper 4 cents a roll at M
McMillen's. M
Wall Paper 4 cents a roll. M
L. W. McConnell & Co. , H
Wall Paper 4 cents a roll at M
McMillen's. M
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. M
Harry Barbazet , Friday morning last. M
Menard and Hornback are feeding 128 H
yearling steers for Clay , Robinson & . Co. M
Benkelman and Wray are both in H
mourning from that dread disease , scarlet - H
let fever H
See F. D. Burgess' closing out sale an- H
nouncemeut of farming implements at H
less than cost. |
L. Lowmau has increased his shelving H
room to better display and accommodate H
his stock of goods. M
The Holdrege Progress says : "Get H
right with God and then go and get right H
with the editor" . Amen. - > H
More new styles ready-made colored M
shirts received this week. Call and see H
them at The Famous. H
Rev. R. A. Russell will conduct divine H
service at the Episcopal church , on Sunday - H
day next , at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. All are M
cordially invited. H
Some rumors are afloat that an anti- |
license city ticket will be placed in the H
field at the coming election , but we learn H
nothing definite about the matter. H
As in the case of the Triplctt brothers M
of near Bartley , it is possible to be twins H
and Tripletts at the same time. Quite H
an unusual happenstance , however. ' H
Before ordering shirts , either colored Her
or white , see our line of samples. We H
make these to order at lowest prices. A H
good fit guaranteed. The Famous. |
The Brigade band is preparing to give H
a concert , middle of April , that will be H
unusually excellent , the music to beren- H
dered embraces a number of new , high H
grade selections. H
Elsewhere in this issue appears the call H
for the Republican primary for the nomination - H
ination of a city ticket. The date fixed H
is Monday evening , March 22d , at eight H
o'clock , in the city hall. H
This week , Andrew Carson moved his H
dairy from his late farm , southwest of | |
the city , to the William McManigal place M
adjoining West McCook , which give ; ; M
him a more convenient and economical H
location. H
W. N. Rogers of Shadeland stock farm M
reports an unusually stiff demand for H
thorough-breds. He says he is confident M
that he could sell a hundred animals if |
he had them in his Hereford herd to dispose - |
pose of. Almost every day brings in- H
quiries. H
R. A. Metzner of McCook arrived in M
Alma , the first of the week , and will at |
once open a Racket store in the Mrs. M
Sweazy building. Mr. Metzner is having M
the room remodeled and will use the M
rear portion for living apartments Alma M
Record. M
Republican Caucus. H
The Republican voters of the city of |
McCook are requested to m et at the j H
city hall on Monday evening , March 22d , | H
1S97 , at 8 o'clock p. m. . for the purpose H
of nominating. M
One candidate for mayor. M
One candidate for city clerk. |
One candidate for city treasurer. M
One candidate for police judge. H
One candidate for city engineer. H
One candidate for alderman first ward. H
One candidate for alderman second |
ward. M
Two members of board of education. fl
To be voted for at the city election to M
be held April 6 , 1S97. M
And to transact any other business. H
that may come before the caucus. H
C. W. Barnes , M
H. H. Berry , H
C. G. Coglizek H
M. E. Horner. H
Committeemen H
Hocknell's Were the Choicest , j H
The California Republican committee H
sent eighty boxes of oranges to the ina * _ H
gural festivities. One box of especially H
choice ones was sent to President Mc H
Kinley , and they were selected from the M
orange grove of President Hocknell of M
the First National bank of our city. H
1 1 yr. B