The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 05, 1897, Image 4

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I. Fie ffltfatk fflfaw.
I ' ' By F. M. K1MMELL.
I ' - < = %
I RspblicanT JBaW [ Newspaper
I It's all over with Grover , and
H the Major is in it all over.
H HE house of representatives
H g YP ( trover a farewell gwjpe by
PAKWg ti | ? iuimigratiqa b\\\ \ \ \ oyer
Karate. '
IMcKinley's inauguration , yes
terday , was attended with appropriate -
priate pomp and display , every
thing passing oil without Unpleas
I ant incident and marked eelat. A
serious administration confronts
| ' the new president.
While all feel like congratulat-
j ing General Harrison on the ad-
j ' vent of a brand-new daughter ; yet
h the detailed reports of the com-
i nionplace event given by the news-
H papers must cause a smile of pity
i and commiseration. Oommisera-
H tion for the general and pity for
Hi the newspapermen.
H Grover Cleveland stepped out
B ] of the "White House , Thursday , by
Hl i the largest plurality of any presi-
H j I dent since Buchanan. By the same
B token President McKinley walked
Hj in with the largest plurality ever
H received by any president since the
H * Bepublic was founded. A distinc-
H tion and a difference , both.
H [ With two ex-state officials under
H [ indictment and in bonds for official
H | irregularities , the people of Ne-
H | braska must feel like going into
H sackcloth for sheer humiliation and
B shame. ' The American people
H have been looking with compla-
H i cency on official malfeasance too
H9 l ° ngj auc the country is now reap-
Hl ing the reward of popular carless-
Hl ness and moral turpitude.
Hl The proposed effort to prove ex-
Hi State Treasurer Bartley's bond
Hl invalid upon a mere , silly technic-
Hl I ality is little short of infamous.
H Indications are not lacking that an
Hfl effort is organizing for the purpose
H relieving Bartley's bondsmen from
Hl any and all liability , and this must
cause the thoughtful citizen to fear
that Nebraska is in grave danger
of losing a cool half million dollars.
If by any means the ex-treasurer's
bond shall be declared void , what
the state gets out of the vast sum
involved , after Bartley and his
numerous high-priced attorneys
| 1 are squared won't wad a gun. We
1 ' remember Mosher and weep for
B | the blind ( ? ) goddess's failing vis-
m ion.
1 Another wolf hunt booked for
M March 4th.
H It Fairview Sabbath school still in
creasing ; 45 enrolled.
Frank Freelove shot an eagle on
Thursday while out wolf hunting.
There were 106 men in line at
I the wolf hunt , Thursday. Success ,
Mr. Darlington moved from
north of McCook to the C. H.
Meeker farm on the ditch , this
Hj week.
1 Martha Battershall had to turn.
m her school over to Myrtle Kennedy ,
m last Thursday noon , on account of
m sickness.
H College Hill school in dist. 47
M took one-half holiday , Tuesday ,
H and visited Miss Pickering's school
H at the Fowler.
H There is some complaint about
H the country appointments being
H neglected on account of the meet-
H , ings at McCook.
H _ Ye scribe commenced planting
Hj corn , last year , on April 2d and
Hj finished on May 9th. I think the
H * season will be four weeks later ,
H this year.
, . . . . .
1L .w > * i waAa4am iaa ir a
E. L. Dennis Sundayed with
friends in the county seat.
I. M. Beeson is able to be out
after a protracted siege of the grip.
Mrs. H. F. Tomblin has been
very sick , but is improving at this
The brothers Short moved on
Thursday to the farm two miles
northeast of town.
Bev. Mnyfield will begin revival
meetings here , next Sunday even-
! ' . * g , to continue two or three weeks.
' A. J. Lohr was called to Laurel ,
Iowa , Monday eVdhing , by a tele
gram aniitittnclhg the serious ilU
1168B bi Lis mother.
Freeman Utter has moved from
the farm into the rooms under the
I. O. O. F. hall , and will cultivate
land near town , this season.
Bev. Mayfield attended the revi
val services now doing such great
execution among sinners in the
wicked county seat , first of week.
Daniel Ault died at his home in
Alliance precinct , Thursday of last
week , from the effects of a cancer
on the face. The funeral occurred
at Dry creek church on Friday.
, Mrs. D. J. McKillip left , Friday
evening , to make an extended visit
with friends at Kennard , Neb.and ,
Mr. McKillip started , Monday
evening , for eastern Colorado , to
look up a location. His brother ,
P. J. , will assume the management
of the extensive ranch east of town.
A bold but happily frustrated
attempt was made , Wednesday
night of last week , to steal a valu
able mare and a saddle and two
sets of harness from the barn on
the McKillip ranch east of town.
Some of the men arrived at the
barn just in time to apprehend the
thief who disappeared in the dark
The pencil-pusher of the Week
ly Beporter is developing into a
humorist of considerable note as is
evidenced by an item in that paper
of last week stating that Indiauola
is shipping four cars of stock to
one of some of the small towns ad
jacent. Of course the writer meant
towns like Stockville , Freedom ,
Box Elder and Tyrone.
Last week , one of our tonsorial
artists concluded that his case of
grip was serious enough to require
a desperate remedy and he took the
same in the shape of .several fin
gers of coffin varnish , inwardly ap
plied. The remedy had the pecul
iar effect of making the horse mar
ket lively for awhile as the knight
of the razor and 6trop wanted to
buy everything that resembled the
noble steed.
J. H. Stephens returned , last
Saturday evening , from a business
trip through several counties east ,
and on Wednesday of this week
moved part of their household ef
fects to their farm in the edge of
Frontier county , north of Box El
der. Mrs. Stephens and Bert will
prepare for spring work there while
Mr. Stephens is making spring
deliveries for the nursery he rep
resents , and the girls will remain
here until school closes. Joe says
he will engage in farm work by
corn-planting time , but it is enough
to make anyone sweat to even think
of him chasing a lister.
After having been confined to the house for
eleven days and paying out $25 in doctor bills
without benefit , Mr. Frank Dolson of Sault
Ste. Marie , Mich. , was cured by one bottle of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm costing 25 cents and
has not since been troubled with that com
plaint. For sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. ,
When Baby was sick , vre gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children , she gave them Castoria ,
One Minute Cough Cure , cures.
That is what it was made for.
' '
1 1 1 win o- i in 1 iTn i 1 im. i mm wiiiiiiihi ' mini
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mrs. William Epperly was a
welcome caller at our ranch , last
The return of the mild weather
is welcome , preparatory to spring
W. B. Whittaker of Frontier co.
was in this vicinity , ' last Monday ,
on a business trip.
The singing class at Coleman
BehOQlrhouseis still \n a flourishiQg
6onditiou. There aie ? several nights
yet before the term is closed.
H. K. Bixler is going to plant
milo maize instead of hog millet.
He is going to sow about 100 acres
OS wheat and 30 acres of oats ,
It seems tjiat the farmers are
anxious to get in their crops as the
prospects are very encouraging for
a full crop , this year , in which I
hope they will not be disappointed.
There are quite a number of
the Colemanites attending the spe
cial meetings in McCook , conduct
ed by Major Cole , which we hear
is doing immense power of good.
Boy Strykerwho has been stay
ing at H. K. Bixler's , part of the
winter , returned home to give his
parents a short visit previous to
his going to W. B. Whittaker's to
work through the summer.
Don't allow the lungs to be impaired by the
continuous irritation oi a cough. It is easier
to prevent consumption than to cure it. One
Minute Cough Cure taken early will ward off
any fatal lung trouble. A. McMillen.
Baby Helen Byfield is ill.
An Easter service was arranged
for by the Methodists , last Sunday.
Martin Binck Jr. has left Win.
Byfield's to begin farming for him
The Dickson famity have de
parted in search of a land where
crops are sure.
About a week since a little
daughter made its appearance in
Mr. Brailer's home.
After a severe siege of rheuma
tism and grip. J. P. Black is
again able to be about.
Mr. Brant and McKey are grub
bing the willows out of a piece of
bottom land on the Buck farm.
Mrs. P. J. Taylor is having a
house builtpreparatory to moving ,
that Everett Moore may move into
the house she now occupies.
The old neighbors of Everett
Moore are pained to learn that he
has recently buried his father. Of
Mr. Moore's illness we have no ac
Jakie Longnecker has gone to
New Mexico to learn the mysteries
of mining. Jakie has grown up in
this neighborhood and will be sad
ly missed , particularly in the Sun
day school and Christian Endeavor
where he was an active worker.
It is surprising what a "wee bit of a thing"
can accomplish. Sick headache , constipation ,
dyspepsia , sour stomach , dizziness , are quick
ly banished by DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
Small pill. Safe pill. Best pill. A. McMillen.
The grip has been severe in this
Will House moved to Lincoln ,
last Tuesday.
< Mrs. Kite of Bartley visited
friends here , last Monday.
Mrs. Kimpton and Gust Broman
are very sick with the grip.
Homer. Smith's mother has been
staying with him a few days.
There was a magic lantern show
at the school house , Monday night.
The temperance meeting at the
church , Thursday evening , was of
unusual interest.
A male quartette has been form
ed here , consisting of Homer
Smith , 1st tenor ; J. C. Moore , 2d
tenor ; W. P. Crosby , 1st base , and
Frank Moore , 2d base.
One minute is all the time necessary to de
cide from personal experience that One Min
ute Cough Cure does what its name implies.
A. McMillen.
Spring's a-comin' . Hit's in the
Quite a crowd was more or less
taken in at the show on Saturday
night at the school house.
Boy at work up in the
northeastern part of the state and
may remain there during the year.
S. C. King is moving a portion
of the live stock to his place near
, Culbertsou for convenience in feeding -
ing ,
Hilary McFadden is expected up
from Alma to assist in the protrac
ted meetings now in progress at
Box Elder ,
A. $ \ Beeves had his right hand
injured in the sheller , some weeks
since , which , together with a bad
cold , has kept him closely confined
of late.
Farmers are waiting to see two
days alike and thus be encouraged
to begin sowing small grain. A
year ago at this time most of the
seeding was done.
Mahlon Campbell has about two
tons of choice broom corn of last
year's crop , which he intends to
work up into brooms ; a pleasaut
and profitable employment.
JamesBrady is fattening a drove
of fine porkers to be disposed of
shortly to a gentleman in Frontier
county at a considerable advance
of the present market value.
A most delightful evening was
spent at the cosy home of Major
and Mrs. A. W. Campbell , Friday
last. The Major can pop corn and
tell stories equally as well as in'63.
M. A. Spalding has about decid
ed not to remove to Biverton , as
was intended some months ago.
His fall wheat , some fifty acres , is
now in very promising condition.
J. S. Modrell is making prepar
ations to put out an unusually large
acreage to crops in general and in
addition to the home place Yanie
has rented the quarter south of
Henderson's. .
Every one appreciates the value
of a good library and the efforts of
the League in tiying to establish a
circulating library at Box Elder is
a good moveespecially since books
of any sort are ' a scarce article in
this neighborhood.
A warm welcome is accorded
every body in all the churches
round about not only during revi
val times but always. Every per
son should identify themselves
with some church as a member or
regular attendant. It seems no
one is excused from duty in this
direction , and our moral and relig
ious faculties should keep pace
with the times.
The Divide school closed , last
Friday , and with the exception of
a dissenting voice now and then
during the late term everything
was lovely. Washington's birth
day should have been properly ob
served as a holiday but for some
reason it wasn't. Pupils and pa
trons were alike disappointed on
having no closing exercises which
have been customary at the end of
every term.
Beece Harrison , who has been
in Chicago during the past five
years or so , returned home close of
last week. His eye sight which
has given him so much trouble and
anxiety for • many years , is very
much improved. A short stay was
made in Omaha on his way back
to consult with an eye specialist
in that city where an operation
was performed a few days ago with
gratifying results.
They are so small that the most sensitive
persons take them , they are so effective that
the most obstinate cases of constipation , head
ache and torpid liver yield to them. That is
why DeWitt's Little Early Risers are known
as the famous little pills. A. McMillen.
Many cases of "Grippe" have lately been
cured by One Minute Cough Cure. This prep
aration seems especially adapted to the cure
of this disease. It acts quickly thus prevent
ing serious complications and bad effects in
which this disease often leaves the patient.
A. McMillen.
' " "
n.s.t. - : , , - ,
. . . . , . . . , , ,
J. C. Spencer had business at
McCook , Wednesday.
B. B. Duckworth heard the band
iu McCook , Thursday afternoon.
Bev.Crago attended some of the
revival meetings in the county seat
this week.
Sheriff J. B. Neol returned home
on Friday night last , from a. busi
ness trip to Lincoln.
Marion Powell , F. H. Strout and
B. H. Thomas were county seat
business visitors , Wednesday.
J. S. Phillips of the Beporter
had business in the great revival
city on our west , Monday.
Mrs. C. B.Gray came down from
McCook , Sunday night , on a visit
to her mother , Mrs. C. B. Hoag.
County -Attorney Key en had
legal business at the county seat ,
yesterday. His wife accompanied
J. J. Lamborn arrived home ,
Saturday night , via McCook , to
spend Sunday at home with the
We hear it again rumored that
S. B. Smith will move to McCook ,
to continue his profession and busi
ness of abstracting.
A. Shackelton has bought the
well known and rapid pacing horse
owned by W. Y. Johnson of north
of McCook. This is one of the
most promising ilyers in Western
Nebraska , and great performances
may be expected from him.
Mrs. John Billings of Bondville
evidently decided a few days since
that she didn't care to live with
her husband any longer. She drove
to Bartleyat Avhich point she wrote
her husband to come and get the
horse and vehicle , but not to look
for her. He went and brought
home the horse and gig.
If you have ever seen a child in the agony
of croup , you can appreciate the gratitude
of the mothers who know that One Minute
Cough Cure relieves their little ones as quick
ly as it is ndminietererl. Many homes in this
city aie never without it. A. McMillen.
Bogers' orchestra has been play
ing in North Star Sunday-school
lately. Tom Orion of the Hatfield
rauch assisting.
Mrs. J. H. Warn eld departed on
Thursday for Warren county , 111. ,
for a six weeks visit with her aged >
mother just widowed.
W. D. Williams is having hard
luck in his moving. Some un
known person borrowed part of the
boards from his hog pens , a double
tree belonging to a riding plow ,
one from a lister and all the barbwire -
wire from a fifteen-acre pasture.
But as yet they have not returned
the articles , nor can anything be
heard of their whereabouts.
School closed at Ash creek , last
Friday , with an interesting enter
tainment in the afternoon. The
teacher , Miss Clara Happersett ,
presented the scholars with hand
some cards as farewell tokens. The
following were visitors : Mr. and
Mrs. J.C. Happersett , Misses Lulu
Beardsleo and Lottie Lamborn and
Messrs. Chas. Beardslee , Guv Lam-
born , Will Dolan , Arthur Beck and
Fred Grass of Indianola , also quite
a number from Ash creek neigh
borhood. Miss Happersett returned
to her home in Indianola. She will
be greatly missed by her friends
E. E. Turner of Compton , Mo. , writes us
that after suffering from piles for 17 years , he
completely cured them by using three boxes
of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cures ec
zema and severe skin diseases. A. McMillen ,
O.L.Thompson has been having
quite a siege of rheumatism.
Some of the boys of this neigh
borhood have organized a boxing
Miss Hattie Bunnell closed a
four-months term of school in the
A.nderson district , recently. Miss
Bunnell is one of Bed Willow
3ounty's best and most successful
&AKlN < 5 1
Absolutely Pure. H
Celebrated for its reut leavening H
strength and health fulness. Assures the H
food against alum and nil forms of adulteration - H
teration common to the cheap braiirfiJ. M
F.OYaj , Baking Powder Co. , New M
York. |
The greatest danger from La Grippe is of / t J H
its resulting in pneumonia. It reasonable care / , gS I
is used , however , and Chamberlain's Cough J y S H
Remedy taken , all danger will be avoided. / / H
Among the tens of thousands who have used ( M
this remedy for la grippe , we have yet to learn ! |
of a single case having resulted in pneumonia , H
which shows conclusively that this remedy is H
a certain preventive of that ( head disease. It / H
will effect a permanent cure in less time than H
any other treatment. The 25 and 50 cent sizes H
for sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists. B
Begin the New Year T H
right by subscribing H
After the big fire in Cripple Creek , I took a H
very severe cold and tried many remedies H
without help , the cold only becoming more t H
settled. After using three small bottles of / H
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , both the cold J H
and cough left me , and in this high altitude it |
takes a meritorious cough remedy to do any j H
good. G. 1 } . Henderson , editor Daily Advcr- H
tiser. For sale by L.V. . McConnell & Co. , H
Dniggists. H
"ffir.Tiffir agfc Tdtr.Tiftmflt : affcr.rfar.Ta'k.Tiflr A rft H
! fall Pajer 1
fop. 1S97 % M
* jj AND WE ' H
| Invite the Inspection | |
- i H
i OF THE PUBLIC. * * r . 4 |
L W. McConnell & Co. \ H
1 . I s
acagr aairAya : Xffcvjp. sgz acyrsssc jragsag iS H
9 F.D. BUKGESS , 2 fl |
| Plumber and \
j Steam Fitter |
m iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass 4 ] H
L Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. 2 ] H
\ Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse \ H
9 Windmills. Basementof the Meeker9 H
J Phillips building. j | H
! fe * g g AAA ggk ' 1
f Palace Meat Market
& "vo doors south of CS < < H
Y * Commercial Hotel. | Jp j H
J A. CARSON , Proprietor. | | H
ml Everything usually in jf |
2 ? a First Class Market will W . 1
r be found here. < 8& |
* # V
• ft leave Orders for Milk Here # B
SUKZSCOa SO SIK2 hottol. S |
j Fire , Life & Accidents | I
5 Houses rented , collections and J M
# conveyancing. Taxes paid for < - H
d non-residents. 113 EastDenni-S "i H
# son street , McCOOK , NEB. H
DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure
Pleasant , Quick Results , Sate to take.