The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 26, 1897, Image 7

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Blindfolded , Could Count Every Scam
J When AValUlujr Across a Carpet.
f/ | Prom the Capital , Sedalla , Mo.
If , There 5a probably no one better known In
Vj Fedaliu , especially ainonjj the members of
/ ' the First Baptist Church , thau Mrs. Mollie
r ? J E. Roe , the wifoof Mr. Hoe , the nurscry-
Jf \ man. and nothing is better known among
/ the lady's acquaintances , than that for the
Kf % ) past four years she has been a physical
H W wreck from locomotor ataxia , in Its severest
B \ Jorm. 'J'hat she has recently recovered her
k \ health , .strength and normal locomotion has
K \ hceu made apparent by her being seen fre-
K m gf < j e tly on the Erects and in cnurch , and
H m toifact induced a representative of the
1 Jf Capital toe.ii > en Mrs. Hoc to enquire into
B \ the circuriwt.utces of her remarkablerccov-
V * vMr . Un'i wauseen athcrhonseatthe
L * corner of Ohio Avenue and Twenty-fourth.
V \ Hired , ar.d teemed only too glad to give the
V iollowing. 'iaiuryofhcreaboiorpubncatiou :
k " & * "Four yMi\t ago , " she said , "I was at-
V E tJicked with .i disease which the physicians
g \ tliaguosed as locomotor ataxia , and 1 was
H i speedily reduced to a mere wreck. 1 had no
L - , I vMiitrol of : uy muscles , and could not lilt the
PPj jg t lcist thing. 31y flesh dlsappeateduntil my
H V | { ; bonus a'rvost pierced iny skin. The sense of
L b , % Vi tmieh bc < oexquisitelysensitivethatI
< sh * Wiivol could by walking over the softest
V IP tL t'ari. 'ctbU.idroldcd.havccouutedeveiyscam ,
B wit ? u " ' " • ' ho imagined how 1 felt when try-
H4 ! ! I ing to inoveitiy uncontrollable limbs.
Bl.ll. "The most eminent physicians were con-
Bl r suited , but they gave liio no relief , and 1
H IB was * without hope , and would have prayed
HWfk - for death but for the thought of leaving my
H * JMff little children. All thought of recovery
B w had ; , roio , and it was only looked upon as a
BM question of time by my husband and my
KM j Jricnds when my troubles would cud in the
B l i grave.
K M ( , "One , day while in this condition , I re-
jf ccived : t newspaper fifim some friends in
Hf'2 Denverwith a i.ews item markedand while
Bfp reading it my eyes fell upon an account of
KS u .r.arkable cure of locomotor ataxia , by
Blnf the use of Dr. Williams * Pink Tills for Pale
H > 9k | Pcoplo. and thecaseasdescribed wasexact-
ft 9B\ -v , similar to my ow u. 1 at once made up my
Ahk \ ir.iiid to try the i-cmcdy , and began accord-
U | \ ' ing to directions to take the pills. The first
HSfj ' / bo > : had not gone when 1 experienced a
HRMr' ' / limrkeu improvcmer.t. and as I continued I
Kflf / j-jrew better and better , until I was totally
B K cured. I took about four boxes in all , and
ILiSI after vn o years ot the most bitter suffering
Vv ' was as well as I ever was. Not only my
LH | ' feelings but my appearance underwent a
K B change 1 gained ilcsli , and though now
B forty-three years old , I feel like a young
Kv girl. You can sav that Mrs. Koe owes her
E recovery to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills , and
PHr\ that she knows that there is nothing in the
JeA ' world like them.
h MjF ( Signed ) Mollie E. Roe. "
Ht JPj Stibscribed and swon : to before me this
K 2L. ? 4thdayof August , 1S0G.
K # ' , Geouge B. Dent , Notary Public
Pf X • [ seat. . ] Pettis Co. , Mo.
I BfiK \ Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain , in a con-
V \ denscd form , all the elements necessary to
K 1 give now life and richness to the blood and
V' * restore shattered nerves. They are also a
m\ \ specific for troubles peculiar to females , such
K , ' ' as suppressions , irregularities and allforms
ta& of wealmcss. - They build up the blood , and
Hv l-cstorc the glow of health to pale and
Hl sallow checks. In men they eflecta radical
HflLi cure iu all cases arising f ram mental worry ,
over-work or excesses of whatever nature.
Pink Pills are sold in boxes ( never in loose
bulk ) at 50 cents a box or six boxes for$2.50 ,
1 X and may behad of all crmrgists.or direct by
KXJ mail from Dr. Williams'Medicine Company ,
BT v Schenectady , N. Y.
K 4 lie Knew.
Hft Mrs. Slimson It seems strange
1 that you should ask Mr. Clinker to
ffi change your belt for you. How did
1 he know wliat size j'ou wantd ?
HBj - * ' Clara He measured my waist ,
H E mother , before he loft 1st evening.
FT\Jk , < Cne'n Coach Ttsilnm
Kn \ & Ie the oldest and best. It u ill bivaL up a cold quicker
H if ' v Mian nnything-el e. It i- alwan liable. Try it.
BfC Tim Climate.
HLk "I have been accustomed to better
H'tf days than these , " said the tramp , sor-
KH rowfully.
Vv\ "You must have lived in California , "
Kr GalcI tlie marhle-hearted housewife.
Washington Times.
BK. I believe my prompt use of Jfisos Cure
Hnp prevented quick consumption. Mrs. Lucy
Hi Wallace , Marquet , Kan. , Dec. 195. , .
k Xenrly every man is compelled to walk
K up hill to reach his grave.
HR When billious or costive , eat a Cascaret.
mf candy cathartic , cure guaranteed , 10c , 25c.
B | When you are a fool don't pretend to be
M \ A man is a nrystery only to himself ;
Kl J' other people nnder > tand him.
? I I
" > Dssease Does F ot
WbM I Stamp till. I
Hi Every one is either growing better H
H \ or worse. W
BP | How is itivith you ? B
H Bi Yon are suffering from K
| & Have tried doctors and medicine with. H
Hy out avail , and have become disgusted. H
Thousands now well , but once like you , flj
say so. Give an honest medicine an non- ;
est chance. E I
Large bottle or new style smaller one
at your druggist's. "Write for free treatment - e
ment blank to-day. Warner's Safe Cure , .
Co. , Eochester , N. Y. l
m pajaesaPATtTER of cextpry ot.tx
9. A Ko RUST nor RATTIiE. OutlaU tin or irtm. \
fl ; A DnrahloiibMitufc for Planter on tvn.Hn.
m I < Warer I'rocfStheathlnjj of saroe materialthe 1
W i Mm Hi
8iMr \ ; vas ahvays
H ) yQgBlpointed \ out as a
I T/flMffir ® "Belf-made man"
} \ iMffijtik \ and was well satis-
m tWM % I III fied with his own
Mll , { XfJ tft \ ft I' ' handiwork , for con-
R | IV 1 J A tent radiated from
( j l - " V ' his full face and
i' ' ! ti'4r ! from his figure ,
' 'lllllF' ' which had lost its
youthful muscle
under creeping waves of flesh. Mr.
Janeway had satisfied his ambitions as
far as It is possible for a man to do it.
Fortunately for his content these as
pirations were of the kind that are
most often realized. He had a hand
some wife and three bright children ;
he was president of the state bank , an
institution known to be founded on the
rock of sound finance : he bad besn
mayor of Shewanee and was a member
of the legislature. So much of earthly
glory > had fallen to his share.
When he read the obituary of another
self-made man he always nodded his
head sagely as much as to say : "I
know how it gees ; I started with
" Mr. Jane-
nothing myself. In fact
way's election to the legislature came
of the admiration the electors had for
a man of the people. When his con
stituents hired a band and went to con
gratulate him they found him ready
with said "Fellow-citi
a speech. He :
zens , I will not try to hide from you
my deep gratification at the result of
the 1 election. I wanted to be elected
I have wanted a good many things and
I've generally got them. But not with
out < working. I started with nothing
I did chores for my keep , 1 went to
school when I could , I picked up a
penny i here and a penny there ; I did
any honest work that I could find. And
where am 1 now ? President of a hank ,
ex-mayor and member of the legisla
ture. 1 I thank you. friends , for your
votes , yet I feel thai. I have won my
own way ; that I am one , a private ,
perhaps 1 , inhe great army of self-
made i men. " He bowed and retired
amid loud applause. In another , this
speech would have provoked criticism ,
but 1 one of th-5 privileges of the self-
made man is to praise his maker with
out stint.
Mr. and Mrs. Janeway had just come
from 1 a visit to their new house , which
their ( architect assured them was in the
purest I style of the gothic renaissance.
But 1 they were sure , too , which seemed
to ( them of far more importance , that
it was the finest house in town and
quite eclipsed Mrs. Morgan's red-brick
They were to move into it at once
and Mrs. Janeway went about the old
house planning what should be left be
hind , as not coming up to the artistic
standard of the new place. "Come here
a minute , Madison , " she called from
an obscure entry back of the dining-
Mr. Janeway laid down his paper and
went to her , fallowed by Florry , thair
youngest child. "What is it , my dear ? "
he asked.
"Hadn't we better pack this away
the frame's so shabby that it isn't fit
for the new house ? " She pointed tea
s faded photograph , hanging in a dark
corner. It was the likeness of a plain
woman , with a broad mouth and eyes
widely separated , the hair was parted
and drawn baci : from the forehead like
two curtains ; a watch-chain picked out
in gilt encircled her neck and her lips
and cheaks were touched with carmine ,
giving the face a ghastly pretense of
Mr. Janeway stared at it meditatively.
"I hadn't notic&d it for a long time , " he
r " S § Si 111' ' ' i
W r/l I I tUf. Am&m \ WtrsB >
OX& \ - -
"Wrho is that lady , papa ? " Florry
asked , looking at the picture as if she
saw it for the first time.
"Why , Florrv , that was my first
svife , " he answered , surprised that she
had not known it before.
"Was she my mamma , too ? "
"No no , " he replied , hastily. "She
was Sarah Deering. "
"Wasn 't she any relation to me ? " the
child persisted. She was but eight
years old and the ramifications of
kinship were yei a mystery to her.
"Of course not , " her mother said.rath-
3r sharply. "Your papa was married
to her when he was very young long
before he lived here or knew me. I
thought you iad heard this before. "
She turned to her husband. "Madison ,
shall I lay this picture away ? "
Mr. Janeway looked at her attentive
ly was it zeal for an artistic ensemble
ar was there a lurking jealousy of the
woman who had come before ? "Pack
it away if you like , " he said , turning
iway. "It is shabby. "
Long after his wife and children were
sleeping Mr. Janeway sat smoking and
thinking complacently of his success.
He , Madison Janeway , had begun with
nothing , and ° .t 50 he had won the
things he had longed for at 20. The
3pemng and closing of the door at-
traded his attention. He looked up.
A woman walked across the room.
A plain woman , with an honest , ugly
"face and a short , thick figure.
"Who are you ? " Mr. Janeway asked ,
frowning at her intrusion. "Don't you
know me , Maddy ? " she returned.
He was starred when she called him
Maddy it was more than twenty years
since he had been called that. "Are
you are you but you can't be Sa
rah , " he stammered. "She has been
dead these many years. "
"I am Sarah , " she answered. "You
have changed , Maddy. "
"Yes yes we are apt to , " he re
plied , uneasily. "But you look just the
same. " He said this to see if she would
account for her presence.
"The living can only see the dead as
they were in life , " she returned. "You
sold the farm , didn't you ? "
Mr. Janeway felt as if a reproach lay
in the observation. "Yes , I sold the
farm , " he said. "I needed the money to
put into other investments. "
"I worked hard on that place , " she
said , crossing her hands very rough ,
worn hands. "J worked very hard there
those years I tried to save all I could ,
Maddy. "
"You were a good wife , Sarah , " he
replied ; "and both of us had our bur
dens , I guess. "
"And it was my money that bought
the farm you had nothing when you
came courting , me , did you , Maddy ?
And j-ou said that my being thirty
years old and you being just of age
made no diffe-ence. "
"Yes ; I suppose I said that , and I'm
sure I always tried to be good to you , "
he said in answer to that unspoken reproach
preach that seemed to lie behind her
spoken words. "I tried to treat you
well. "
"The money that came to me just be
fore I died from "Uncle John must have
been a help I left it and the farm to
you. Maddy. " Her dull eyes seemed to
force him to acknowledge his debt.
"Yes yes Sarah. I know that I owe
much to you. Without your help and
money I should have had a much hard
er time getting en my feet. Yet I think
I should have succeeded in any case. "
Mr. Janeway could not forbear offering
this tribute to his "
self-esteem. "How
ever , I gratefully acknowledge your aid ,
zrah. "
"Ycu have another wife now , Maddy ,
and children , " she said. "But I was
first. I believed in you , and I worked
for you , oh. so willingly. I knew that
you were different from me I knew
that ycu had hopes that stupid Sarah
could never understand. I knew that I
was your companion in your work , but
not in your hopes. I knew that we
were growing further apart every year
that we lived together. I knew that
while I was getting to be worked out
and middle-aed. that you were only
coming to your prime. I knew that it
was bet that I died when I did he-
fore I came to be a drag on you. Yet.
Maddy , before her and your children , 'I
think yeu ought not to shame me , for
I was your taithful wife the wife of
your youth , and I gave you all I had to
give my money , my love , my toil. "
Before Mr. Janeway could answer she
was gone and he sat alone.
The next Jay , however , he took the
old photograph downtown and ordered
for it a gorgeous frame. When it was
returned he hung it in his new library ,
where it looked strangely , alien between
a St. Cecilia and the Arabian Falconer ,
bought at the instigation of the archi
Florry , with a child's quickness , no
ticed the fine new gilt frame that sur
rounded the ugly , good face. "What
have you done to the lady ? " she asked.
"Aren't you going to pack her away ,
like mamma said ? "
"No , the picture is to stay here. Do
you remember who I said it was ? "
"Yes it was your first wife. "
Mr. Janeway took her on his knee.
"Florry , " he began soberly , "when I
was a little boy I was very poor as
poor as the Gaits" a family celebrated
in the town for ill-luck and poverty.
"I went to school when I could , but
that was mighty little , for I had to
work most of the time. Sometimes I'd
get most discouraged , but I had to work
just the same. One year I worked for
a man named Deering ; he had a daugh
ter , and when she found hov/ much I
wanted to go to school she lent me some
money money she had saved by pinch
ing and scraning. After awhile her
father died and she married me. I had
nothing and she owned a good farm ,
but she married me. In six years she
died and left everything to me. She
gave me my start. She was a good
woman , and believed in me when no
body else did. The other night papa
dreamed that he saw her and talked to
her , and it made him feel ashamed that
he had seemed to forget her. " Mr. Jane
way felt that he was making a hand
some reparation , but he was a man who
aimed to do right it was necessary to
his self-esteem.
The child wriggled from his arms and
walked away with an awed glance at
the picture.
Mr. Janeway stared at it musingly.
"Are you satisfied now , Sarah ? " he
caughi himself saying. "Pshaw that
dream holds to me still , " he exclaimed ,
"but anyhow I've done her justice. "
And though the architect declared
that the photograph quite spoiled the
effect of the library and begged that it
might be banished to some back room ,
Mr. Janeway was firm , and the dull ,
good face of his first wife kept its place
between the St Cecilia and the Ara
bian Falconer.
Singing as an Antidote to Consumption.
It is asserted that singing is a cor
rective of the too common tendency
to pulmonic complaints. An eminent
physician observes on the subject :
"The Germans are seldom afflicted with
consumption and this , I believe , is in
part occasioned by the strength which
their lungs acquire by exercising them j :
in vocal music , for this constitutes an I
essential branch of their education. " !
g fc Ml : - . . . . - .
- " -
' .
-I I ' '
Lost Vitality Fully Restored
.Magical Treatment
( Of Nebraska , Incorporated , )
A corporation that has paid $200,000 for a secret treatment that has been tested
in private practice for nearly ten years. Thousands of men who have given up
hope of being' cured are being fully restored by us to their former selves.
The "Slate Jfcdicul Company" is clmrtered by , and under the laws of , the
State of Nebraska , with a capital of 82fj0.000 , subscribed by loading business men
of largo means. men who , after the most severe experimental tests of this
Magical Treatment , organized themselves into a strong corporation for the f.oo !
purpose of placing "before the public the most wonderful treatment ever known
for the cure of Lost Vitality and Jtestoration of Life Force in old and young met-
Thousands of young and old men have indiscreetly sapped the Vital Forces , and
shattered theNerves , until they have become despondent , irritable , and other
wise discouraged , and many feel that life is not worth living. Thousands of
graves have been filled by suicides from this most deplorable disease.
It causes Loss of Memory , "Weakness of Body and Mind , and other difficulties
which we can only explain in our private circulars and letters.
The original owner of this MAGICAL TREATMENT was often strongly
urged to place it on the market , hut always refused , saying : "I cannot advertise
without being classed among the great herd of quacks , who are always preying
upon and humbugging suffering humanity. " ' And , right here , let us gay that when
you see a free-cure or a free-prescript ion advertisement , or an advertisement of
"one honest man ' 1 ( ? ) who claims to have been cured and wants to give thf information
mation free , just set it down that there is a nUjycr in the woodpile , somewhere.
have a treatment that will cure all curable cases , and wo have cured thousands
where the best remedies known to the highest medical authorities have failed.
When you see an advertisement which claims to "cure all. " no matter how bad ,
don 't vou believe it. for there are some cases beyond ' all medical skill , that even
our MAGICAL TREATMENT cannot cure. But , where we cannot cure , we
promptly tell you so , and we will cheerfully return every dollar where our
TREATMENTS fail. "When any one claims he can cure so that the disease trill
never return again , he malces false statements , because these same troubles and
diseases will return under the same conditions that originall\- brought them on :
but one who has for a time , even a short time , been deprived of his manly vigor ,
when it is restored to him again will be more careful in his after life , and
thcrebj' continue to enjoy these blessings during the rest of his life.
"We do not send medicines C. O. D. until the patient so order- . and wo do
not wish to be classed among the great band of quacks plying their vocation aii
over the country. "We know what we have , and know it to be a wonderful rem
edy. "We have made many marvelous cures among those v. ho ha\o tried the
best known treatment . The State Board of Health has for years recognized
the necessity of a remedy for these diseases , and a living evidence of its great
importance may be found in the State Insane Asylum of Nebraska , as well as in
every other insane asylum in the world.
There comes a time to those afflicted when they will reach a point beyond i
all medical aid , and you should not delay longer. We will send you full partic- .
uiars , securely sealed , on application. Address , J j
In a letter just received from the noted
Evangelist , Kev. Mary A. Hillis , she writes :
' • I gladly give my testimony to the healinp
properties of Dr. Kay's Lung Balm. My
son has had a terrible cough every winter
for five years and he took dozens of bottles
of the leading cough medicines but nothing
seemed to help him or quiet his congh.
But two 25c boxes of Dr. Kay's Lung Balm
ha ; cured him , and it has been a great re
lief to other members of my family when
afflicted with colds. "
We know there never has been a medi
cine to equal it for the lungs , throat or
catarrh. WE GUARANTEE IT to cure even
if all other remedies and doctors have failed.
Why not try it now. It costs only 25c. a
box at druggists , or sent by mail 03' Dr. B.
.T. Kay Medical Co . Omaha , Neb. Send
for booklets. Valuable book on female dis
eases free.
Don't believe it , nor did the editor
until he saw Salzer's great farm seed
catalogue. It's wonderful'what an ar
ray of facts and figures and new
things and big yields and great testimonials
menials it contains.
Send This Xotice and 10 Cents Stamps
to John A. Salzer Seed Co. , La Crosse ,
WTis. , for catalogue and 12 rare farm
seed samples , worth ? 10 , to get a start.
Left in Trust.
The estate of Benjamin Potter of
Kent county. Delaware , about fifty
years ago , was left in trust for the
benefit of the poor whites of the
county not within the almshouse.
The attorney for the estate is about
to distribute among the poor § 6,000
accumulated surplus from the pro
ceeds of the estate. The property
consists of about 3,000 acres of farm
Home Seekers' Excursions at Half Rates
Via the Missouri Pacific Railway and
Iron Mountain Route to points in the
vvest and southwest. Tickets on sale
Tuesdays : March 2 and 10. April 0
and 20 , and May 4 and IS. For descrip
tive and illustrative pamphlets of the
different states , time and in..p fold
ers , address II. C. Tov.n.send. . General
Passenger agent , St. Louis. Mo.
.Notions ; Is Free.
Since the great caves of this coun
try were turned into show places a
close watch has to be kept on visitors
to prevent their annexation of stalactites -
tites , "cave acorns. " gypsum crys
tals , and other curious and beautiful
formations. Not even the broken
stalactites laying about the floor can
be appropriated , for these are gath-
tered and sold by the owners or ,
lessees of these hole in the ground. |
Deafness Cannot He Cnreil I
bs * local applirations , as they cannot leach
the diseased portion of ilie ear. There is , '
only one way to cure de. 'ifii < " - - , and that
is by constitutional remedies , licufncts i > >
cau-ed by an inflamed condition of ilie
mucous lining of 'the Eustachian Tube.
When this till e linfiaineii you have a
rumbling sound , or ini ] erfect Iiearin- ' . and
when it is entirely closed deafness i the
result , and utile , ihe inflamation can
be laken out and thi * tu'u re-torod to its
normal condition , hearing will ! .e de
stroyed fore\er : ninera-e- out of ten ate
caused by catarrh , vhieh is nothing hue
an inllamed condition of the mucous sur
We will pive One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Jieafnes- rai-ed by catarrh i
that cannot be cuted hy Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for ei cub > rs. free.
K .7. ( 'HENKY & CO. , Toledo , O.
Sold bv drui : ist > - . 7T c.
Hall's "Family l'ills aie the best.
Ho rtlr * t'reatnre.
First Chum I'll never speak to that
Fred Bumpton again. He bad the au
dacity to back out of the parlor the
ether night throwing kisses at me.
Second Chum Why , the heartless
creature ! And you right there within
reach ! Detroit Free Press.
Sirs.V2q 1o's Soothing Srnp
For rliiidr n teethinp.sof ten * t.ccums.r ! dn ee > inflam
mation , allaj spam , cure > tvlnd coliu. 2i coats bottle.
Fa til i sand weaknesses of others vrill not
help you.
CASSi-tinTS stimulate liver , kidneys nnd
bowels. Never sickeu. weaken or gripe,10c
A fat man is all right so leug as he is not
in his own way.
noir 3Irj. Sprasrae Saw a French Duel '
Mrs. Kate Chase Sprague is one of :
the few American women who ever had J i
the pleasure of witnessing a ieal duel.
One day in Paris she accompanied a j I
French lady of high social position to j !
see a duel in the outskirts of Paris. •
Two journalists of the ooulevards were |
the combatants. Of ccurse , the ladies j
remained in their carrla ? ? , and their' '
j presence was unknown to all , save one j
of the seconds , who had invited and es-i {
corted them to the scene of conflict.
For a wonder , the due ! was not a blood
less one. At the first shot one of the
be'ligerents was seriously wounded ,
and as the blood spurted the French
woman in the carriage screamed , and
would have betrayed the presence of
the femuline audience it r.lrs. Sprague
• bad not clapped net nand over her i
friend's mouth.
Over a-i,0i:0 : cured. WhynotletNo-To-Hac 1
regit ate or renu vej our desire for tobacco.
Saves money , makes heaith and manhood.
Cure guaranteed , "iOe und SI . ( W.all druggists.
oiuj' 1'icht i C | . '
At one of the performances of
"Cymbcline * " by Modjeska's company ,
one of the audience heard a man be
hind him say to another : "What is
this piece , and where did she get it ? * '
"Oh , " ' answered his companion ,
"somethiner she picked up. I suppose. " ' ,
All this seems loss repi ehensible when
Dr. John.sonV criticism of • • ymbe- -
line " is recalled. To him it mounded
j like the creation of a lunatic without
a single lucid interval
FITS stopped frrcaiiil perinficemly cnr < < l. Nofitt
after first day's use of Dr. ivline's Ureal Sme
Restorer , t ree $2 trial liottle anil treatise
ixuA to Dp- Hum , 931 Arcl. 1'liiladelphia , Pa.
Few men can look impressed w hen their I
wives talk about their economy. I '
Jcst try a 10c box of Cascarets , randy
cathartic the finest liver and bowel regulator
later made.
Xothing makes an old man so disagree
able as failure.
Wcknow there is no taw of dyspepsia 141
or constipation or denu.ircntcnt of tlie-toin- i , H
ach. liver , kidneys or howols so bad but H
that Dr. Kny's Renovator will euro 11. So H
WE GUARANTEE IT. Never has there been j H
Mich uiuualdicd | .success in treating all j 9H
such caseK with any other other remedy. H
You should try it now. There is no better jffl
spring medicine. You will be more titan M
pleased IT you try it. The following i n 1 1
sample of the thousands of letters received 1 1
by us. Mr. Edward Wood , of Prbnehur , Ij l
Iowa , writes : " 1 bavo taken Dr. Kay" * 1 1
Renovator und it ban cured mo of dysjiup- i |
bin of about ten years I wits to f l
bad off that everything I ate boured on iny < < H
btoinacli. I can now cat most anything. i l |
1 am now 71 years old. " * H
Send at once for free booklet with treat- H
meat of all diseases , recipes , testimonial * . H
etc. Special ! < > oklet on female disease fH
free , l'r.ce of Dr. Kay's Renovator "JSc | fl
and 1. and is sold by druggists or sent , by fifl
mail on receipt of price. .Address Dr. B. M
J. Kay Medical Co , Omaha , Neb. H
The "U" .NeeUed In the Writ. H
j A reformer has been telling the H
I ladies how to do the proper thing in H
I the uay of pronunciation , deportment H
j and what not. Among other thing * H
'she ' told them to drop the final • • ! • . ' ' H
1 She says it is crude , uneulturo-i. xtn- M
civilized , barbarous sound and that M
it is not the thing for the tin do siclo M
generation. Without presuming to ! M
differ from Mrs. Wussell. the Stall J A
begs leave to suggest that whi ! * that M
soht of thing may be all wight in H
Boston wheyuh the moist uiah from H
the ocean weahs oil the wough edge. . , H
out heah in the West the "ah" ' "till H
goes , and you can bet your bottom H
dollar on it , too. Kansas City Star. H
Tin : Spartan Virtue , Fortitude. H
is severely taxed hy dyspepshi. Hut "eimd B
digestion wilt ivait on appetite , and h ; tth ! on H
lioth. " when liostetter'f , Momach ldtiers K H
j ( • > • ( ) : U < l to by the victim of indigestion. H
ileal thurn. llatulence. biliousness • iiisc H
tormenting the gastric region and iiciif H
this genial family < * orreetive rtuets wiin the H
fair tiial that a sterling remedy deservia , . H
I'm ; it levularly. not spasmodically now and H
then. It I'outpiers malarial. I.hlney , neitous M
and i lieumatic ailments. H
> H
Not Ollitr ilopelttHs. H
"By jove. Mabel ! I sometimes think j J
you only married me for my money. " H
"Those lucid intervals are enrnur- H
aging. " 1 Life j H
Take Laxative Brome Quinine TabLets. Ail H
Druggists refund the money if it tails tocire. " > e H
The trouble with the great human prol > - l
leins is , there is no solut on. < * |
As soon as a man fulls in love eery - * H
thing conspire to punish him. ' H
Smouldering Ikes ' < ' |
s > of old disease | M
/ > > lurk in the blood of many a 's H
v > man , who fancies himLcif in t ( |
C good health. Let : . r.iight ) } H
/ ' sickness seize him , and the ( \ |
\ > old enemy breaks out anew. < < , H
C The is the of < / | |
r medicines that suppress , in- [ / j f
) > stead of curin ? disease. Yon 'S ' H
V can eradicate disease and < 2 J H
C purify your blood , if you use < > | H
> ' the standard remedy of the < \ • H
S ) -world , i ( i H
I Ayer's jj jj H
I SarsaparHte. ; > " H
A pure , permanent and nrtiFlic trali-roatia M
ready for the brush hy mixing it cold v.atcr. i H H
_ n - - l A Tint Card shon inp it uVMraUe tints. H
1also AlahasMieHonvenir Tit * k M
rn L L
* I1L1 '
'to tins H H
any ene mentioning ; iape :
ALA3ASTINE CO. , Gponc Renos. . H
In OTurr tuuirodicr " 107vntt s v.e i. . : < -ni ! H
• 11 ! ] , ; a ' uav a n-ri > rr free to , .ni-r : Kur H
jurlKU.aro-criu. 'i s a „ peei adcrei ! crielofi. to the H
Agents vr-r.rec : r\crywhcre. CJ2-EI12"iiTI , 1T.7. I hH
° AjCC PPCC -rful article * U • < . ! * . > 2-Gino. r.ib- B B
UAIflCO riH.ll j..l".ultrjrKt 'i > - rii"iLn ry ] < otiltry HBHBV
iI-vPr wants this j > ultrj ji-i-tr Samnte ! riHBVHVJ
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm ? S H |
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 9.1 S97. H
When -writing to advertisers , kindly uien M
jg Master. To master is to overpower. § B
7 ST. JACOBS © ILf z k&.iwS I H
131 f " * ij
a w
5 Is the g& I A = f g A MP2 % H
J Master Cure of | # % | SWRs iS H
It overpowers , subdues , soothes , heals , cures it. i a jSa-Xj Vsr g H
For the last 20 years we have kept Pisces Cure for Consumption - |
sumption in stock , and would sooner think a groceryman could / m
get along without sugar in his store than we could without |
Piso's , Cure. It is a sure seller. RAVEN & CO. , Druggists , H
Ceresco I , Michigan , September 2 , lu96. H
j /jj AflDY GATflAPIIC j M
! 10 * P lfW fS ? ALL H
" '
j 25 * SO * l ySi * DRUGGISTS J H
• iRisflTJITPT 7 nTTnPiFTFn { t0 carc any cxie of constipation. Cisc rfts .ire the hit-si Lssa. * j H
JiiDCUiiUlEihl UUflnilnlrJliUtiTP.neTerrriporrripe.bntfaB .
j pie and booklet free. Ad. STERLHiG IIE31EDT CO. . Chicaro.Hontreal. : ergyiistaralrrsalla. Can. , or > enTork. Ssm-l 217. * H M