The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 26, 1897, Image 4

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. Absolutely Pure.
B Celebrated fur its ureal leavening
H | strength and health fulness Assures the
M\ \ food against alum and all forms of adul
m ) teration common to the cheap brands.
B Royai , Baking Powder Co. , New
M York.
fl ' RePubllca I jfljPffi.PwsPBPer
H It is Judge Muiij : m\
H A Fedekal judgeship is a large
Hj price for a few thousand ineffect-
Hj \m\ \ votes , my countrymen.
H The "big red apple" seems to
H be sufficiently decayed for many
H Nebraskans who wandered away
H down in Arkansas after them.
H { ' = = = = = =
H Next Thursday the advance a-
H gent of prosperity , Major McKin-
K ley , will be inaugurated as presi-
Hj dent of these United States with
Hi \ becoming pomp and circumstance.
Hj | And then for a safe and prosperous
H | journey for the grand old ship of
Hf ( state.
1 i = = = = = = = =
Bf Speaking of the treasury situa-
Hf ( I tion , the York Times , Black Ke-
H | i ' publican , says that Treasurer Me-
H serve understands the situation
H | and is doing the best for the state
H under the circumstances. And
H | The Tribune believts that the
H J Times is mighty right in its judg-
B ment of the situation. But there
K are sundry fools in this common-
i wealth that ought to have their
H noses ringed. Stand up for NeB -
B braska ! Quit your meanness
j and meanness means calamity
B howling.
H The news concerning the alleged
Bj shortsge of Eugene Moore in the
H sum . of $23,000.00 comes with
Hj disheartening force to those who
Hj have been holding him aloft as the
Hj paragon of official honor and hon-
H esty. If Ex-Auditor Moore owes
H Nebraska that sum of fees not
H turned over to the state he should
H be compelled forthwith to square
H up or suffer the consequences.
B I The Tbibune can think of noth-
H i ing palliative of his alleged offense.
H We are done condoning that or
H any other like official shortcoming ,
H even though the transgressor be a
B Bepublican.
H j James Speer has moved to the
H Palmer place.
H Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Eller have
H the sympathy of the neighbors in
H | their sad bereavement.
H A. J. Hatcher will move back
B to his place , next week , and Mr.
H Lord from ' Eastern Nebraska will
Bj to Mrs. E. May Starbuck's place.
Bi Some of the people in this vicin-
B ] ity attended church at McCook ,
H Thursday eveuing of last week.
Hj The manner of conducting the
Hj meeting was new to us but the ex-
Hj cellent music was enjoyed by all.
H , An appointment was made to
B organize a Sunday school at the
B Ridge , last Sunday , but the weath-
B er wns so bad that it was a failure.
B Remember to come next Sunday
B at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and
B help organize.
B There was a good attendance at
B the lyceum , Friday evening. The
B judges decided that we have neB
B means to overcome drouth. Sub-
B ject this evening , "Resolved that
B Pen is Mightier than the Sword" .
B J. W. Jones affirmative and James
m Harris negative.
- - jh - ' iJj
, , , , .n.i. . . . , , ; > „ , . . . _ . . . . . . , , , i..i , . , i i
One of Harry Short's children
is sick with lung fever.
I. M. Beeson is still confined to
the house with an aggravated case
of grip.
The snow of Sunday afforded
rather indifferent sleighing and
very few here indulged.
Miss Lillie Eoo is dangerously
ill at the home of her sister , Mrs.
D. C Baker , northeast of town.
Mrs. G. B. Frederick has been
very sick for about two weeks , but
we are pleased to note that she iB
Roy Jones has moved to a farm
southwest of Indianola and Bros.
Short will move soon to the one
recentlv vacated bv him.
Responding to a telegram an
nouncing the serious illness of her
son-in-law at Herndon , Iowa , Mrs.
J. M. Epperly left for that place ,
Sunday evening.
Prof. Wymore wheeled out to
Freedom , Friday evening , to spend
a couple of days at home , but had
to resort to other means to get
home after the snow.
A. G. Dole returned , Wednesday
evening of last week. He announc-
that he will leave within a couple
of weeks , by team , to canvass part
of the territory north of the Platte
for a patent scale.
A distressing amount of sickness
prevails in this neighborhood , and
some cases have been quite serious.
Verily , this is the season of seed-
gathering for the men whose names
are followed by M. D.
Geo. Chadd and M. E. Corbin
returned , last Friday , from a visit
and hunt of several days on the
Medicine in Frontier county. They
say there isn't a duck on the creek.
There were none before they went.
B. & M. Agent Tomblin was
stricken , along with the majority
of the plain people , with the mala
dy commouly known as grip , and
was relieved i'r > m duty , Tuesday
evening , by an extra ngent from
If the present quiet condition of
affairs should grow monotonous
with any of our citizens they may
be comforted with the thought that
the time of the spring village board
and summer school elections with
their attending pleasantries is faEt
drawing high.
On account of sickness G. B.
Frederick and Chas. Sentance were
off the section , latter part of last
week , and James Finnegan was
put in the capacity of foreman ,
trackman and laborer. Jim says
he found it difficult to get any
work out of himself.
What was intended for a sur
prise donation party occurred at the
Methodist parsonage , Saturday
evening , and a goodly number of
packages of necessaries accompa
nied by kind wishes gladdened the
hearts of pastor and wife. 'Tis
said , though , that owing to a post
ponement of the affair the surprise
miscarried , the good man having ,
been previously informed.
B ev. Mayfield will soon begin
protracted meetings here and , as
suggested by one of his recent ser
mons , the annual warming over of
part of the flock will take place.
Men who have not attended serv
ices a dozen times within the year
will be present every night , and
men who have not called upon the
Lord since the last revival meet
ings will pray. It is plain that the
half-hearted devotion evinced by
many will not lead the unrepentant
to Christ. Come , brethren , lee us
give evidence that there exists a
crucified Saviour who sustains sev
en days in the week all the year
One Minute Cough Cure , cures.
That Is what it was made for. ' •
- ' ' ' - " - " * -
im.yniiM Emiplijiilii ) Iiir-f i | I -i" "i i f
. . . - - - - . . . - , . ,
, .t.r , , . , _ _ , i . . . i ,
About four inches ol snow.Sunday.
Robert Barr was snow-bound here
over Sunday.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gentry ,
a boy , Friday.
Charles Monroe is visiting relatives in
Dfnver , this week.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stilge-
bouer , Monday , a girl.
Go and tellCliffoid Naden all about it ,
and faith he'll have it printed.
J A. Bellow of Atwood is giving a few
let-sons in oil painting to some of his
pupils here
S. W. Stilgebourer , who has been on
the sick-list for the past two weeks , is
able to be around again.
O. B. Wood and William Sandon , with
ladies , attended the masquerade ball at
Lebanon , Monday evening.
Washington's Birthday was appropri
ately celebrated by the pupils of the
public schools. An excellent program
was rendered.
Commissioner James Robinson was
taken quite ill in McCook , Saturday , but
was able to start home on Tuesday even
ing , via Indianola.
The case against Andrew McCart of
Lebanon , who was charged with assault
by a Mrs. Emberling , was dismissed at
the last term of court.
Protracted meetings ended , last Wed
nesday night , at Shiloh. It was success
ful , much good having been accomplish
ed during their continuance.
The replevin suit of Wingate vs. Wil
liams was dismissed at the last term of
court. This case was commenced in 1894
and involved a horse that was taken up
by Williams.
A sad incident happened to George A.
Wilkson , a mover , while camping near
Cedar Bluffs , Kansas , on last Thursday
night. When he went to bed that night
he was appearantly as well as any one ,
but when called in the morning , the
startling discovery was made that his
spirit had passed into the world beyond
some time during the night. He had not
made a struggle. An inquest was called
and an examination made which proved
that heart failure was the cause of his
death. He was a member in good stand
ing of the A. O. U.W. at Fairfield , Neb. ,
where he was moving from Blakeman ,
Kansas. He leaves a wife and family.
The body was shipped , Saturday , from
here to Fairfield.
Fernandfna , Fla. , Feb. 28 , 1S96.
Mr. J. George Suhrer , Druggist , City. Dear
George : Please send a bottle of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. I would not feel easy
if 1 knew there was none of this valuable Rem
edy in the house. I have given it a fair test
and consider it one of the very best remedies
for croup that I have ever found. One dose
has always been sufficient , although I use it
freely. Any cold my children contract yields
very readily to this medicine. I can consci
entiously recommend it for croup and colds in
children. Yours respectfully , Geo. E. Wolff.
Sold by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists.
Bert Wales is taking music lessons.
Somebody is the ownership of a real
nice ring.
Some have been cutting stalks , getting
ready for seeding.
Ellis Divine and Bert Wales will farm
W. O. Norval's farm , this season.
Henry Smith has rented the T.F.West
farm and will move to it soon.
Sabbath school at the Coleman school
house , last Sunday , in spite of the snow.
A. Prentice had the flesh torn from the
index finger on his right hand by a
Mrs. Hattie Divine is spending a few
days with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. H.
B. Wales.
To keep the school from closing , J. W. ,
Corner , treasurer of district 58 , had to go 1
to McCook , Wednesday , and bring out
some coal.
Misses Emma Corner and Maud Cole
man are receiving instruction in music ,
while Miss Viola Corner and Frank Cole
man have attained such proficiency as to
render a number of selections in a very
creditable manner. There are five or
gans in the neighborhood and in the
near future we look for this spot to be a
mocking-bird's paradise.
The books for our Circulating Library
association are here and being read. The
first order was numbers 1 to 20. The
membership fee is ten cents for each fam
ily , each of whom have a right to read
all the library. The books arc numbered
so as to be able to know where they are
all the time. No one shall keep a book
more than two week at a time. The
book can be had at seven cents apiece.
They are a reprint of the best Sunday
school books , whichformerly.with paste
board back , sold for 60cents tor apiece.
The neighborhood has the best of read
ing at ten cents a family.
Minutes seem like hours when a life is at
stake. Croup gives no time to send for a doc
tor , delay may mean death. One Minute
Cough Cure gives instant relief and insures
recovery. The only harmless remedy that
produces immediate results. A. McMilIen.
. . . . .
W-mV * " ' " - ' "HI- - * - * ' • • : I.KI In ti ' ' " * * -J ll '
• * " -m • • " , l ' ' i 1 ii i . 1 i
Small attendance at school , this week
owing to mud.
Sunday-school as usual , but owing to
storm not. many present.
No school in district 47 , Monday , it
being Washington's birthday.
All who were able attended meeting at
McCook , Friday and Saturday.
Thursday of last week , Mr. Holbrook
and family were guests of J. E Tirrill.
• Breaking colts is the order of the day ,
preparatory to breaking the sod for
spring work.
Tuesday evening the Bible class met
at M. Battershall's. A large number
present and interest increasing.
S. me of our boys went wolf hunting ,
Thursday. Four of the the boys were
promised a cookie apiece for every wolf
they saw. They expect to "round up"
a great many.
A few months ago , Mr. Byron Every ot
Woodstack , Mich. , was badly afflicted with
rheumatism. His right leg was swollen the
full length , causing him great suffering. He
was advised to trv Chamberlain's Pain Balm.
The first bottle of it helped him considerably
and the second bottle effected a cure. The
gand 50 cent sizes are for sale by L. W. Mc-
mnell & Co. , Druggists.
_ *
Several families on Ash creek are
moving this week.
Miss Josephine Happersett of Indian
ola , is visiting her sister Clara , our teach
er , this week.
Orrie and Pearl Williams took tea and
spent the evening with Nettie Endsley ,
last Wednesday.
C. E. Matthews' health is now improv
ing and he is working on the Frankfort
Bee , of Frankfort , Kansas.
Mrs. J. H. Warfield received word , last
Saturday , that her father who was re
ported seriously ill , last week , is now
Chicora , Pa. , "Herald" : Richard Vensel re
ports One Minute Cough Cure the greatest
success of medical science. He told us that
it cured his whole family of terrible coughs
and colds , after all other so called cures had
failed entirely. Mr. Vensel said it assisted
his children through a very bad siege of mea
sles. One Minute Cough Cure makes expec
toration very easy and rapid. A. McMilIen.
The Woodmen initiated a number of
new candidates , Monday night.
The masquerade ball , Monday night ,
was a success. A number were in attend
ance from Danbury.
Mrs. Frank Borkman died on the 13th ,
after an illness of but three days , aged
57 3-earb. unp was the cause.
The alleged assault case of Mrs. Em
berling vs. Thomas McCart was dismissed
at the late session of district court.
From everywhere come words of praise for
Chamberlain's Cough'Remedy. "Allow mete
to congratulate you on the merits of your Rem
edy. It cured me of chionic bronchitis when
the doctors could do nothing for me" . Clias.
PHemel , Toledo , O For sale by L. W. Mc
Connell & Co. , Druggists
T. J. Lamborn was a Lincoln visitor on
Tuesday of this week.
President J. W. Dolan of theState bank
was a state capital visitor , Monday.
The Reporter needs a proof reader ;
and needs that same "awful bad" .
Rev. Hayden and L. B. Kerns attended
the revival meetings in McCook , Thurs
day night.
The Fischer oichestra of this place
provided the music for the ball at Mc
Cook on Monday evening.
All the different forms ot skin troubles from
chapped hands to eczema and indolent ulcers
can be readily cured by DeWitt's Witch Haz
el Salve , the great pile cure. A. McMilIen.
Lots for Sale.
Lots 9 , io , 11 and 12 in block 25 , Second
end addition to McCook. Make me an
offer on these lots. Address :
W. E. Dauchy , Topeka , Kansas.
A torpid liver means a bad complexion , bad
breath , indigestion and frequent headaches.
To avoid such companions take DeWitt's Lit
tle Early Risers , the famous little pills. A.
For Sale or Trade.
Two good farm horses with harness
for sale cheap , or will trade for stock of
any kind. 4ts V. M. COLSON.
A weed in the garden can be easily destroyed
when it first starts. Consumption can be
nipped in the bud by One Minute Cough Cure.
A. McMilIen
For Sale.
Lots 1 and 2 , in block 23 , original Mc
Cook. Write to G. W. jacobson , Free
dom , Illinois.
Try that 15 cent box
paper at The Tkibune
office. Worth 25 cts.
Also cheaper grades.
Presidential Inauguration ,
Washington , D C , March 4th , 1S97.
For the above occasion the * Burlington
route will sell round trip tickets to Wash
ington at one fare , tickets on sale March
1 and 2 , good for return to March 11.
C. E. Magnfr , Agent.
District Court Proceedings.
Ely vs. Burt ct al. ; equity. McKinney ,
Hundley & Walker vs. Knipple ; reviver of
judgment. Stitcher vs. Williams ; equity.
Crabtree vs. Crahtree ; equity. Ball vs. Boyer
et al. ; equity. Clyde vs. Banks et al. : replev
in. Adamire vs. Adamire ; divorce. Lehn ct
al. vs. Baxter et al. ; equity. The Loan and
Guarantee Co. of Conn. vs. Creger ; equity.
Holland vs. Helm ; injunction. Shafer vs.
Lerch et al ; replevin. Carson vs. McCook
Irrigation and Water Power Co. ; injunction.
Fidelity Savings Bank vs. Covvles ; appeal.
Cochran & Co. vs. Boyd ; attachment. Sand-
'wich Enterprise Co. vs. Gordon et al. ; appeal.
Morse et al. vs. Clark et al. ; equity. Carruth
vs. Boyd ; transcript of attachment. Sexson
et al. vs. Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co.
et al. ; injunction. Broughton vs. Rogers et
al. ; equity. Carpenter vs. Franklin et al. ; re
plevin. Red Willow County vs. Barneb et al. ;
appeal. Bailliage vs. Crontrowitz ; attach
ment. Citizens Bank of McCook vs. Bahcock ;
transcript from justice court. Costenborder
vs. Carruth et al. ; equity. Lonergan vs. Mayer
ct al. ; equity. Backer vs. Backer. Dewey vs.
Dewey ; divorce. Buhlervs.Wadsworth ; dam
ages. Goodenberger vs. Spotts ; transcript.
Reed vs. Starbuck ; equity. Angle vs. Orman
et al. ; equity Parlin , Orendnrff & Martin vs.
Wells ; transcript lrom county court. Spencer
vs. Spencer ; divorce. Helm vs. Holland ; ap
peal. Helm vs. Moore ; appeal. Nebraska
Loan and Banking Co. vs.Thomas and Beggs ;
equity. Nesmith vs. Cochran and Hall ; ap
peal. Reiter vs. Sullivan ; transcript from
justice court. Bidelman vs. Snodgrasset al. ;
equity. Robinson vs Sullivan et al. ; equity.
Drew vs. Clyde ; damages. Security Company
vs. Irwin et al ; equity. Church vs. Uoyle et
al. ; equity. Rowland vs. Dodge ; appeal from
justice court. Bullock vs. Woods et al. ; equity.
Sickley vs. Carpenter et al. ; equity. Hughes
vs. Ball ; equity. The State of Nebraska vs.
Archibald ; appeal from county court. Crock
er vs. Flitcraft ; appeal from justice court.
Hanna vs. Carpenteretux. ; equity. Cromwell
vs. Best et al. ; equity. Male , Graham , Halls ,
Hayden vs. Webber et al. ; equity. Coyle vs.
Coyle et al. ; to quiet title. Mesker vs. The
Masonic Temple Association ; foreclosure of
mechanic's lien. Wait vs. Nebraska Loan
and Banking Co. ; appeal from justice court.
Kendall vs. O'Leary ; equity. Barnes vs. The
Nebraska and Kansas Farm Loan Company ;
equity. Barnes vs. Egan and McGrath ; equity.
Hartmau vs. Grass ; confirmation of sale. Ne
braska Mortgage Co. vs. McCandless ; confir
mation of sale. Mosely vs. Clark ; confirma
tion of sale. Fihnore vs. Lang ; confirmation
of sale. Deweys vs. Masters et al. ; confirma
tion of sale. Peoples' Budding , Loan and
Savings Association vs. Smith et al. ; equity.
Southwick vs.Wirt et al. ; confirmation oi sale.
Preston vs. Quadour ; confirmation of sale.
Snyder and Brewer vs. Altschuler ; attachment.
Rittenhouse and Hoyle vs. Pate ; attachment.
Quick vs. Billings et al. ; appeal. Byers vs.
Haker ; appeal ; at plaintiff's cost. Huber vs.
Lewis ; appeal. State of Nebraska vs. Quad
our ; recognizance. Helm vs. Meyer et al. ;
injunction. Smith vs. Banks et al. ; injunction.
Wingate vs. Williams ; transcript from county
court ; at plaintiff's cost by agreement. Amb
ler vs. Boyer ; appeal ; at plaintiff's cost. State
of Nebraska vs. Shackelton ; recognizance.
Cress & Cress vs. Porterand Thomp.on ; equi
ty. Fitch vs. Stone ; to recover possession of
real estate ; at plaintiff's , cost. Tate vs. Ervin ;
suit on account. The State of Nebraska vs-
McCart ; assault. Conkhn vs. Johnston ; con
firmation of sale. Cress vs. Heller and Reeves.
Webber vs. Black ; equity ; due the plaintiff
51,637.80 with 9 per cent interest. McKinley-
Lanning Loan and Trust Co. v . Black et al. ;
equity ; due plaintiff $1,162.50 with interest at
10 per cent ; appealed to supreme court. Berrv .
vs. Ryan et al. ; equity ; due plaintiff S441 77-
White vs. McClung et al. ; equity ; due plaint
iff S45S66 with 10 per cent interest. Wait vs.
Johnston et al. ; equitj ; due plaintiff 51,500.00.
Knibloe vs. Cramer et al. ; equity ; due plaint
iff S481 40. Moakley vs. Fowler et al. ; equity ;
due plaintiff S426. Peoples' Building , Loan
and Savings Association vs. Short etal. ; equi
ty ; due plaintiff S764.20 and co-defendant V.
Franklin $670.25. Odwarker vs. Sizer ct ux. ;
equity ; due plaintiff , different dates Sl.231.8l.
The McCook Loan and Trust Co. vs. Ketch
etal. ; equity ; due plaintiff S558.14. Burtless
vs. Roberson ; equity ; due plaintiff S338. The
McCook Co-operative Building and Savings
Association vs. Ballew et al. ; equity ; decree
for plaintitf § 802.55 , taxes etc. , S126.06 ; stay of
one year. Wicks vs. Yarnel ; equity ; due the
plaintiff S642.90. Ash vs. Johnson et al ; equi
ty ; due plaintiff S79253. Clarke vs. Jones et
al. ; equity ; due plaintiff SS94.75. Bcaty vs.
Colling et al. ; equity ; due plaintiff 1,356 10 ;
stay taken. Kuebker vs. Kuebkeret a ! . ; equi
ty ; due plaintiff S575 94.
Seeley vs. McCIung ; deed ordered. Torley
vs. Richards ; deed ordered. Nash vs. Bart-
ley ; deed ordered. Little vs. Schmid. Naylor
vs. Barnes. Williams vs. Johnston. First Na-
tional'Bank of McCook vs. Anderson. Lam
born vs. Fauss et al. Knowles vs. Clark. L.un-
born vs. Johnston et ux. Lamborn and Dolan
vs. Paulson. Church vs. Quan. State Bank
of Indianola vs. P'urr. . McCook Co-operative
Building and Savings Association vs. Davis.
Deficiency judgment 6 25. Mullen vs. Knip-
pie ; sale set aside. Cline vs. Barber ; defici
ency judgment S131. Winney vs. Jessup. Al-
onzo Minor vs. Baker et al. Lilly vs. Stevens.
Lilly vs. Quan. Lilly vs. Probst et al. Defic
iency judgment S926 24. Lilly vs. Dwyer ; de
ficiency S5.30. Willers vs. Pennington et al.
McCook Co-operative Building and Savings
Association vs. Stiles et al ; deficiency judg
ment S202.10. McCook Co-operative Building
and Savings Association vs. Waterman. Neb
raska Mortgage Co. vs. Williams et al. Jarvis
vs. Dow. Nebraska Loan and Trust Co. vs.
Thomas. Lilly vs. Smith. Parker vs. Reddy ;
deficiency judgment S63 So.
Mulford vs.Quigley ; equity ; jury ; verdict for
plaintiff. Byfield vs. Red Willow County ; ap
peal from county commissioners ; verdict for
plaintiff for Sico. Mitchell vs. Red Willow
County ; appeal from county commissioners ;
verdict for plaintiff for S35. Reiter vs. Rob
ertson et al. ; transcript from county court ;
verdict for plaintiff in sum of S531.S0 with in
terest at 7 per cent. Ball vs. The Minneapolis
Threshing Machine Co. ; replevin ; verdict for
defendant for S250. Austin Tomlinson and
Webster Manufacturing Co. vs. Thomas ; ap
peal ; verdict for defendant. Carpenter vs.
Citizens Bank of McCook : replevin ; verdict 1
_ - * . .iimum irr - * MMI " J
for defendant , with special findings. Gooden- H
berger vs. Spntts ; trunscript of replevin ; ver- ' M
diet for plaintiff. Clark and Leonard Investment - H
ment Co. vs. School Di > tnct No. 22 ; appeal ; M
verdict for plaintiff , judgment for one cent and f l
costs. Same vs. School District No. 28 ; an- " : J H
peal ; judgment of one cent for plaintiff and j l
costs. Same vs. School District No. 55 ; appeal - |
peal ; judgment of one cent for plaintiff and | J |
costs. McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. Jt |
vs. Waugh ; verdict for defendant. Francis % H
vs. Mitchell ; transcript from justice court ; M
verdict for plaintiff. Miller and Darby vs. H
Ball and Franklin ; revivorof judgment ; judg H
ment revived. Kelley vs. Peters ; damages ; | B
verdict of one cent for plaintiff and costs div H
ided between litigants. Nebraska Loan and M
Banking Co. and Wells vs. Wait ; judgment of M
lower court affirmed. State of Nebraska vs. . M
Porter ; appeal from county courti verdict for f M
defendant. In the matter of the partition of H
the real estate of Emnhne Teeters , deceased ; H
petition affirmed. Deveny vs. Colling et al. ; H
petition to make administrator's deed ; W. R. M
Starr appointed guardian ad litem for minor H
heirs. Schmid vs. Schmid ; divorce ; granted H
at plaintiff's cost. McKay vs. Crawford ; attachment - H
tachment ; verdict for plaintiff. Sandwich l l
Enterprise Co. vs. Oimsiead ; attachment ; ver- B
diet for plaintiff in the sum of 5135.28 Cole H
vs. Colvin ; attachment ; verdict for plaintiff. ' H
Wicks vs Wherler et al. ; order to make ded ; 5 1
same ordered. Union Trust Co. vs. Harbour ; , V Herder
order for new appraisal ; sain- - ordered i-sued. M
Nash vs. Spickelmier ; certificate of satisfaction - H
tion ; granted. Seeley vs. Spickelmier ; certificate - H
cate of satisfaction ; grantrd. ' ' H
Constipation in its worst forms , dyspepsia , H
sick headache , biliousness and derangement > H
ol the liver are readily cured by Deill's Lit- if ; H
tie- Early Risers. These little pills m-ver |
gripe. Small pill , safe pill , best pill. A. Mc- B
Miilen. M
Begin the .New Year M
right by subscribing * M
for Til E TRIB UIS E.
Lost A dear little child who m ide home * fl
happy by its smiles. And to think , it might M
have been saved had the parents only kept m * H
the house One Minute Cough Cure , the infallible - * H
ble remedy for croup. A. McMilIen. * H
} $ s
I Wall Paper | I
§ for 1897 & ' l k
I IS now complete !
* *
I Invite the Inspection | S
T. * * l
U. W. McConnell & Co. I
i j 1
7 JF. D. BUKGESS , 7 H
j Plumber and \ I
I Steam Fitter ! M
m Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass i H
L Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Z H
\ Agent for Halliday. V/aupun , Eclipse \ H
7 Windmihs. Basementof the Meeker9 H
j Phillips building. J H
f Palace fiMeat Market < > V
ZXi I"wn doors iouth of LC / H
VX Commercial Hnn-1 K3 • M
| f A. CARSON , Proprietor. | | M
i& - Everythig"usuallv in 2 ? H
J aFirstClassMar ; rwI7l W J H
\ > ? be found here. ijh * |
f il 1 4H
0 leave Ovders for Milk Here # * |
I Fire , Life & Accidents I I
? Honses rented , collections and \ * fl
conveyancing. Taxes paid for
non-residents. 113 East Denni- %
J son street , McCOOK , NEB. * S
DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure i I
Pleaaant. .
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