' " ' " * ' * ' ' " - " - * ' ' ' 1 11 i 'J i . , .A li il i n i I * • i < M'COOK . TRIBUNE. H | V F. l r. KIMMELL , Pnbllshcr. HcCOOK , NEBRASKA NEBRASKA. H Thijer women have been nominated Hj for the school board in Beatrice. H Tiik iec house at Ashland is said to H be the largest in the United States. H Sevkhai , brick business blocks will H Ikj erected at Crawford the coming H season. H T. 13. Cuiitis of Portland , Me. , is feed- H , ing 4,000 head of cattle on his big farm Bl near Gothenburg. j A dog supposed to have rabies was M "killed near Elmwood after having bitten - M -ten two small boys. H Ceimi : couJiTi is putting four dclin- H quent tax collectors in the field. The H county has about § 23,000 of delinquent H taxes. H i At many points in the state dealers H have ceased buying corn because the Hj cribs are full , and they do not feel like H building more. Hj The Catholics of Ponca will soon H erect it new church building to take H the plaee of the one destroyed by fire H u few months ago. H Stone has been purchased and the H foundation of the new Swedish Luth- H eran'church will be laid as soon as the H weather will permit. H O'Neili. people are greatly agitated H over the prospect of the removal of H hicory factories from that place , and H have called a public meeting to devise H ways and means to retain the enter- Hj prise. H Geouge Heimhod , treasurer of DougH - H las county , last week made his month- H ly statement for January with State H Treasurer Meserve. Mr. Heimrod V turned over$19,442.23 , which was ered- H ited to tlie various funds. H A scourge of lagrippe has been H sweeping over the section about Brad- H shaw , in some instances whole families H being down. The revival meetings H -which were in progress at the JMeth- H > odist church arc closed on account of B H \ Mrs. .T. H. Mackat , in her applica- Hjj I tion for divorce from Dr. J. H. MacH - H ; I kay > says the Madison lleporter , Hj } charges her husband with extreme Hj cruelty and adultery and names Miss Hj Anna Grabel , formerly supervisoress at H& the Norfolk asylum , as co-respondent. R V W.m. Muktz of Unadilla has had the K principal of the Unadilla school ar- f rested" for whipping his 14-year-old H daughter. Murtz says the teacher K tried to instill free silver ideas into the H mind of his daughter , and she not beE - E j -ing in a receptive mood was ferruled. H I The town of Clarks is pretty evenly B j divided over the saloon question , and H ' one side prevails about as often as the j . s other. The past year the saloon ele- B _ 3nent held forth , but the temperance H people are stirring themselves with a B S view to shutting out the saloon this Hjj "g year. Bb n A Lincoln county lady became sud- Bjj denly insane -while attending church Bfl and assaulted the preacher , .tearing a liandfulof hair from his head. The Baj men ? who interfered for his protection BBS fared no better. She was finally induced - duced to leave the house , and has since BBS recovered her senses. B PnoF. H. W. Campbell , of Sioux City , BBjH Ta. , will lecture in York upon the sub- BBI ject of How to Hold the Moisture. In BmB connection with the lecture there will BBS "be a discussion on the advantages of BBS chicory raising. York county farmers BBS are becoming more favorably inclined BBS toward this product , and there is a BBS prospect of greatly increased acreage BBS this year. B The dry goods merchants of Norfolk BBS "have for some time been greatly an- BBBt noyed by shop-lifters , A number of BBS suspects were closely watched , and last BBS -week search warrants were sworn out BBS against Mrs. Manske and Mrs. Christian , BBS and three officers , accompanied by a BBS ! number of merchants , made a search BBJ | of their homes , and found a great as- BBDsortment of dress goods , ribbons and BBH other wares. Hu Secretary Wakefield has received Hu i a letter from Congressman Mercer , fix- BBn ing Omaha as the place and March 4 BBH as the date upon which the women of BBBj the Second congressional district shall BBH assemble to elect two members of the BBH "board of lady managers of the educa- SBJ tional department of the Trans-Missis- BSBJ sippi exposition. The secretary will BBSS issue the necessary call for this meeting BBSS in a few days. Hjl An enterprising York county farmer BBS9 living east of York , named Henry Na- BBBFg bor , has started a skunk farm. He Hf " " "i11 S ° int < > tne raising of the little Hl pests extensively , and there is a good BBHE prospect of his coming out of the ven- H | ture financially successful. The skins HI bring a fair average price and the fat Bb I ' is sold for one dollar a pint. It is sup- m I posed to be a valuable external remedy Bb B for many ailments. H j Mrs. L. C. Lawsox of Lincoln , wife HI of a Burlington conductor , will proba- HI ably lose an eye as the result of an ac- BBV cident that marred charter day exer- BBB cise.s at the campus. "With some BBS friends Mrs. Lawson was standing BBS close to the artillery when the gun- BBS ners were giving their exhibition drill. BBJj A piece of the material used in making BBS blank cartridges struck her full in the BBI right eye with results before stated. H John H. Ehriiakdt , the newly elcct- BBJ ed department commander of the G. A. BBJ It. , was visited at his home in Stanton BBJ by a large number of the principal men BBJ of the city. Dr. W. L. Bowman , as BBJ representative of the gathering , made BBJ a short address , congratulating the Bj new commander upon his selection , BB Mr. Ehrhardt responded , speaking HB briefly and feelingly of the present and BB future of the G. A. It. and afterwards BBJ rcgailing the company with fruit and BBJ cigars. Burglars broke the glass front door to P. G. Shanstroin ' s clothing store at I St. Paul and stole a lot pf ready-made clothing , underwear and fancy articles. J The loss is estimated at from § 200 to BB S300. The robbers got onto a handcar BBJ -with their booty and escaped over the BB Union Pacific tracks. H "Walter Clark , 1G years old. while B feeding hemp , in the mill of the Ne- BB "braska Binding Twine company at Fre- BB "mont , got the thumb of his left hand H so badly crashed that Drs. Davis and BB Smith found it necessary to amputate BBJ the member. HU - Pawnee county man will set out Hn 1,000 pear trees the coming sprinc 1 " " • - . ili ikt * .i il i n li i mi * I FINAL ACTION NEAE. EXPOSITION BILL SET FOR FEB RUARY 23. At that Time tlto Houbo Will Definitely Decide What Is to Bo Done With the Measnre Kvans of Douglas Couaty Unseated In the Senate Continued In troduction of Bills But Few Measures raised Miscellaneous Notes. The Nebraska Assembly. . Senate. During the morning hour on the 10th the bcnute added ten bills to the general file/Introduced seven new ones and received and referred a largo batch of petitions and resolutions. Mr. Johnson , from the commit tee on miscellaneous subjects , presented favorable reports on the following bills : Senate file No. ltfS , to repeal the dead letter statute Imposing a penalty for the killing of deer ; senate file > io. 8 , forbidding railroad companies to jclvo free passes : senate file No. 158 , to prevent the blacklisting or pub lishing of discharged employes : senate file No. 157 and 158 , both forbidding city and county employes from accepting free street railway passes , free telephone , electric lighter or gas ; senate file No. 121 , relating to the Is suing of liquor licenses by county boards. Among the new bills Introduced were : Pro viding for the appointment of a tax commis sioner and deputies in cities of the metro politan class. Senate file No. 280 , in reference to the interpretation of the statements in a life insurance policy and in applications therefor ; in reference to the defenses in suits on such policies ; and for the allowance by the courts of a reasonable attorney fee to be taxed as costs on rendering judgment in a suit against a life insurance company on its policies. Senate file No. 289 , to permit county agricultural societies to participate in the Trans-Mississippi exposition and to provide for expenses oi county exhibits. Sexatk. The senate on the 17th put in a big day's work- , passing seven bills as follows : Providing that cities and villages are em powered and authorized to receive by gift or devise real estate within their corpoiate limits , or within five miles thereof , for pur poses of parks or public grounds. Providing a law defining cruelty to children , providing punishment therefor and for the guardian ship of children in certain cases. Providing that no child under 12 years shall be em ployed in any store , office , shop , factory ermine mine in Nebraska to exceed three months in any one year. Providing that all graduates of the University of Nebraska holding the degree of bachelor of arts or bachelor of science shall bo accredited as qualified teach ers within the meaning of the school laws of this state. Requiring school district boards to provide on.-orcry school house site and keep in good repair and in clean and health ful condition at least two separate water closets. Providing that all legal advertise ments shall be set in solid nonpareil type. A joint resolution inviting foreign nations to participate in the Trans-Mississippi exposi tion was passed. The senate then took a recess till 7 p. in. Senate. Presentation of petitions was the first business in the senate on the 18th. Among others was one from the ladles of the G. A. K. protesting against closing the Milford - ford soldiers' home. The petitions were all referred. Mr. Johnson , from the committee on miscellaneous subjects , recommended- that senate file No. 113 , introduced by Mr. Talbot , be placed on general file. The bill defines the crime of grave-robbing and pre scribes rules for disinterring and dissecting bodies. The same committee presented a favorable report on senate file No. 190 , by Mr. Ilaller , authorizing the organization of mu tual insurance companies to insure property in cities and towns. The bill introduced by Mr. Mutz , senate file No. 23 , making it unlaw ful for a county treasurer to accept in pay ment of poll tax the affidavit of any person that ho was not notified , was recommended to pass. In the afternoon session considera tion , the governor's message was the special order , but there were no developments of in terest. The message was read and then , on motion of Mr. Howell , it was referred to a committee of-five to report on not later than ten days. The lieutenant governor aamed as t-he committee , Senators Beal of Custer , Dearing of Cass , McGann of Boone , Mutz of Keya Paha and Talbot of Lancaster , me public pwntpr bill was considered and rec ommended to pass. Important amendments were made , notably one cutting down the salary of the public printer from S2.500 to $1,500. Mr. Bansom , from the committee on constitutional amendments , recommended that joint resolution No. 3 , introduced by Mr. Teltz , and memorializing congress to submit a woman suffrage amendment , be placed on general file. Senate. A number of new measures were introduced , and when the business of the day was through the senate session of the 19th was concluded by adjournment until Tuesday at 2 p.m. Anticipating the report of the committee on privileges and elections , which it had been given out would report for the seating of John Jcffcoat and the unseat ing of John II. Evans , Douglas county con testants , a large crowd rat erCyiu the senate chamber. After the roll call the CCLiuiitec reported in favor of Mr. Evans. After the motion to adopt the report of the committee. Senator Graham sent up an amendment naming Mi * . Jcffcoat as being entitled to the seat. A long discussion ensued in which the claims of botli parties were exhaustively set forth , and then roll was called upon the mo tion to unseat Mr. Evans and seat in his stead Hon. John Jcffcoat. Those voting In the affirmative were : Messrs. Beal , Canaday , Farrell , Feltz , Fritz , Graham , Grothan , How ell. Heapy , Johnson , Lee. Muffly , Mutz , Schaal , Sykcs , Watson , "Wcller 17. Tho-e voting in the negative were : Messrs. Cald well , Conaway , Dearing , Gondring , Ilaller , McGann. Miller , Murphy , Osborn , Iiitchie , < Talbot. Spencer. Steele 13. Dunttas , Evans : and Bansom not voting. This action gives ' the seat to Jcffcoat , the contestant. Senator I Graham sent jp a resolution asking that the committee on public buildings be allowed to visit the public institutions and be excused i during their absence. Leave was granted , j Senator Dearing sent up a resolution provid- i inc that the co > t of the contest case be naid • out of the incidental expense fund. The amount is something over $4(100. The reso lution was lad over under the rule. House. All members had not yet arrived when the house convened on the lfith. only sixty-two answering to roll-call. The house had adjourned Thursday evening , and now met for the first time since , and began work on the thirty-first day of the session. On the report of the standing committee , house roll No. G , by Yeiser , of Douglas , was ordered to the general file. This is his celebrated bill for the initiative and referendum. A number of bills on second reading were iefcrred to com mittees. House constitutional amendments failed to receive a two-third * majority and was declared lost. House roll No. 97. provid ing that foieign insurance companies must have a capital of at least S200.iV0. was also lost. Speaker Gailin , in the midst of the read ing of bills , directed attention to the fact that he was about to sign house roll No. . " > . the bill providing for a re-count of the votes cast in November last , for the constitutional amend ments , which lie did. House roll No. 197 , by Stebbins. an irrigation measure , and Iioum * roll No. 12 , by Clark , of Lanca.st er. amendatory of the general election law. and providing for the election of clerks andjudges of election , were recommended to pass. The housct lien adjourned to participate in charter-day ex ercises. House. The paper that has attracted the closest attention of tlie house since the ses sion opened was Gov. Ilolcomb's special message read on the 17th announcing a short age by ex-Treasurer Bartley of SSCOno. For tlie first time absolute silence reigned in the hall of representatives. The message was made special older for the l 'th. Previous to this tlie house had devoted the forenoon to cutting down the salaries of county commis sioners , county attorneys and the superin tendent of the boys' industrial school at Kearney from S2.000 to Jl.fC0. House's bill , providing for transportation of inmates of soldiers' and sailors' homes , was nas ed by a vote of 4 too. Lemar's bill , house roll No. 7-1. for an act to establish a.state lioard of embalming , was recommended to pass. House roll No. Ill , an act relating to disin terring , mutilating , dissecting or otherwise interfering with dead human bodies , defining the crime and providing punishment there for , warecommended to past as auunded. Tlie committee's substit ute for house roll No. 117 , providing for the temporary issue of non- interest bearing warrants upon thostatetreas- tiry and to provide for the redemption and reissue of the same , was. after amendment , recommended to pass. A number of petitions from Richardson , Wayne. Polk and Hamilton counties were read , all favoring a liberal ap propriation to the Trans-Mississippi exposi tion , ranging from § 200.000 io ? ti0.fi0i ) . A petition from Aurora in favor of house roll No. 211 , amending the * act relating to decedents was presented and read. House. In the house on the 18th , re d- qyty. > mwi nmi in < nNwwmwmijiyiw ypjupd. . . Ing of the minutes was suspended and null was recognized by the speaker. Ho said he wonted W ) speak on behalf of prompt action on the Trans-Mississippi exposition hill. Ho moved that the bill , house roll > o. 9.1. bo ad vanced to the head of the list on tlie general file. Considerable discussion'took ' place , when Eager demanded the previous question , which carried , and Gaylord called for the ayes and nays , the result iK-lng. ayes 3p. nays 3. , absent and not voting. 7. The bill is now on tlie general file with sixteen measures ahead of it. Tlie first thing in the afternoon Wooster called for the special order of the day. This was the report of a committee ap pointed fo make a preliminary investigation of the affairs of the state treasury. Speaker Gaflin announced that tlie report/of the in vestigating committee , to inquire Into tlie condition of the several state offices was in order and it was read by Chief Clerk Eager. Pollard moved to adopt the report of the committee. Soderman wanted to amend by referring to a special committee of four , with power to send for persons and papers. Pol lard opposed this. A lengthy discussion took place , at the conclusion of which tlie house went into committee of the whole to con sider bills on the general file , with Pollard in the chair. The committee of the whole pro ceeded to advance bouse roll No. 2 * on the list by a viva voce vote. By this it appeared that the committee of the whole was more potent in advancing bills than was the house. The bill is an act to protpct stock growers and provides that butchers shall keep a rec ord of all beef animals they may slaughter , and that the hides shall be exhibited ten days after killing. The bill was recom- jnended for passage. House roll No. 123 pro vides for the appraisement and leasing of school lands , and stops the sale of such lands. Sheldon , introducer of t'ie bill , said that , although it was a large document , there was nothing in tlie measure differing from tlie old law except , the provision prohibiting the sale or school lands. Horner wanted to know the object of stopping the sale of such lands. Sheldon said that tlie message of the gover nor read yesterday fully answered that question. The bill was recommended for passage and the house adjourned. House. Tlie house on the 19th , by a vote of S5 to 2. made tlie exposition bill a special order for Tuesday , Feb. 23. This action ad vances the bill to the head of the calendar and gives the right of way on the legislative track after the hour named. House roll No. 3S was recommended to pass. By the pro visions of the bill a judge is disqualified from trying a case in any case where he is a party , or interested , or where he is related by ties of consanguinity , or where he lias been at torney for either party. No. 77. tlie age of consent LHI , was engrossed for third reading. A petition from a number of veterans was read , endorsing the Milford soldiers' and sailors' hemp , and asking that it be main tained. The report of tlie committee recom mending an investigation of the affairs of tlie deaf and dumb institute at Omaha was adopted. Committee reports recommended numerous bills for passage , among them being : Felker's bill , house roll No. 102. It is an act to incorporate the order of tlie Eastern Star and give it the right to hold and dispose of property. House roll No. 70. by Clark of Lancaster , providing that husbands aYid wives may testify against eacli other in civil cases , and in criminal proceedings for a crime committed by the one against the other. House roll No. 71. providing that an appeal can be made to the supreme court within six months instead of a year. House roll No. 87 , by Snyder , amending tlie code of civil proceetfu.ro relating to change of venue in justice courts. Felker's bill , house roll No. 147 , amending tlie compiled statute on evidence. House roll No. 350 , by Wheeler , providing for the payment by the state of the premium of the state treasurers bond , when such bond is f urnislied by a guaranty company. House roll No. 342 , by lernow , providing for the administration of the pen itentiary. The house then adjourned. VISITING STATE INSTITUTIONS. Five of the sub-committee of six appointed by Speaker Gaffin to visit the state institu tions and report to tlie house , returned from their first trip on the 15th. They visited the asylum for the chronic insane at Hastings , the industrial school for boys at Kearney , the soldiers' and sailors' homo at Grand Island and the home for fallen women at Geneva. The report of this committee will recom mend several appropriations for repairs and improvements , especially at the Hastings asylum , where it is admitted unanimously that more room is needed. Supt. Damrell in his estimate of the biennium asks for tyo additional buildings. One will bo recom mended. SAIiARY ArPROPKIATIONBirX. House roll No. 473 , Introduced by Swyder of Nemaha , is an act to provide for the salaries of officers of tlie state government. It is en tirely independent of the action of the com mittee in charge of the appropriation bills. It provides for an averaged reeffcetion all along the line of axiout 25 per Cent. Tlie sal aries of heads of departments remain the same. That of the governor's private secre tary is cut from $2,000 to $1,500. Salary of the chief clerk from $1,200 to ShOO. The adju tant general is reduced from 51,000 to SiOO. Salary of the deputy land commissioner from $1,700 to S1.200 ; chief clerk from $1,200 to $700. All other deputies drop from $1,700 to $1,200 , and the salary of tlie deputy of the state superintendent is reduced to $1,000. The salary of the deputy of the attorney gen eral goes down from $ ls00 to $1,500. The sal aries of all the state institutions a re attacked. Salaries of $2,000 per annum of superintend ents go down to $1,500 , and that ot all em ployes from 20 to 25 per cent. srrr : sugar bill. The liousc committee appointed to consider ways and means for the encouragement of the beet sugar industry , held an open meet ing at the Lincoln hotel with a good attend ance. Chairman Pollard explained in general the committee's idea of drafting a bill permitting the organization of districts to vote bonds for sugar factories. The plan being based upon tlie Wright irrigation law. The plan seemed to meet with general ap proval. Mr. Utt advanced the idea that some restriction should be placed on the number of factories which should be per mitted under this law , for the first few years , pointing out tlie fact that if people became too enthusiastic , factories would be erected before a sufficient number of practical men could be secured to operate them. It is prob able that the ideas of the committee will bo embodied in a bill and presented to the leg islature within a few days. SHORTAGE OF THE STATE AUDITOR. Lincoln Dispatch to the Omaha Bee : The bondsmen of ex-Auditor Eugene Moore held another conference in the office of Attorney Gen. Smyth. Willis E. Beed of Madison , who , with Attorney Harry Brome of Omaha , was present at the conference. Mr. Beed said that he anticipated that criminal proceed ings would be commenced against his client. He added that the attorney general might , however , decide to begin a civil suit for the balance owing by Moore. $2000. Moore says he has a one-third interest in a mine in Col orado , for which lie would not take $100,000. It now nets $1,500 a month and Moore Is ready to pay $50(1 ( a month to the state on his in debtedness. Attorney Reed says that the law of 1S73 provided that these 'insurance fees should be paid to the state auditor. The constitution of la75 amended this law and made all fees received by any state department payable in advance to the state treasurer , lleiice. the bondsmen of Moore assert that they are not liable , as Moore had no right to receive the fees. Mr. Reed says that this will , lie be lieves , be a good defense in a criminal action. Attorney Oeneral Smytli said firmly that something must bo done in the matter or an arrest would be made. This is what Attor ney Reed expects and he is making prepara tions for defense. Mr. Moore said that he was doing all lie could to fix this matter up , and if given time would do so. SORE AT BRITAIN. The Kaiser Angry Because Ills Greek Scheme "Was Vetoed. UnRLlN , Feb. 20. The newspapers of this cit- reflect the resentment felt by the emperor at the rejection by the Marquis of Salisbury of his Majesty ' s personal proposal to coerce Greece b\ * a joint blockade of the Piraeus , the port of Athens , by the fleets of the powers , in order to check the warlike demonstrations of Greece. Michigan StaCo Flower. Lansing , Mich. . Feb. 20. The House committee on state affairs , to whom had been referred a bill to make the apple blossom the official state flower , recommended a bill in which the "Pin- jrree Peachblow Potato " is substituted for tlie apple blossom. Amid shouts of laughter the substitute was referred to the committee on railroads , upon which will devolve much of the Pin- grcc proposed reform legislation. Kossvllle , KanPostmaster. . "Washington , Feb. 20. Hennett Smerenger has been appointed post master at Eossvillc , Kan. , on the rec ommendation of Etgsne Hagan. L. ; 1l < WIKIIIM lll M I Bill I l | im , . > ! I , l > MI1I.M III III ! I. HUE ! WILl RESI. NO MORE CALLING AT CANTON , DOCTOR PROHIBITS IT. Interviews Will o Granted Only to Those Specially Invited Four Cab inet Portfolios Said to Me Still Unsettled As to the Persons to Whom They Will - Uo Assigned. Canton , Ohio , Feb. 22. ' 'President elect McKinley has fully recovered , his accustomed good health , " said Dr. T. II. Phillips this morning , "and I be lieve is stronger than ever. That docs not mean , however , that he will re sume his receiving visitors promiscu- ouslas I have advised emphatically against that custom. "What busi ness the President-elect will give his attention to previous to his departure for Washington will be what has been partially arranged beforehand. Special visitors , or those who come by invitation from the major , will be given audience , but not a great deal of this will be transacted. The rest and freedom from official cares obtained the past week have been most beneficial to him. ' ' NOT SETTLED. 3Ir. HIcKhiloy Undecided as to Several of the Cabinet Assignments. Canton. Ohio , Feb. 22. While it is believed that Colonel J. .1. McCook of New York will be invited to come here in a daj' or two and confer with th ? President-elect as to a place in the next cabinet the position of Attor ney general is not thought to be decided upou for the distinguished New Yorker. The places ot postmas ter general , .secretary of the navy and secretary of the interior as well as at torney general are all believed to be under advisement , although it is still thought that the appointment of Mr. McCook will complete the full list of the personnel of the cabinet. Russia Against Greece. St. Petersburg , Feb. 22. The ob stinacy of Greece is causing irritation here. The Novoe Vremya expresses the general feeling and policy of the government in saying that the powers have no idea of altering the policy they have taken. If needs be , the Greek battalions will be disarmed by them and Greece placed in a painful situa tion by being blockaded. The Mirova Geotzoloski says politics is not senti mental and good sense orders the Greeks to retire. Important Land Decision. Sauna , Kan. , Feb. 22. The suit pending in the.several courts for sev eral years , brought by the United States against the Union Pacific rail way company and "William Hoard of this county , to cancel the patent to the latter's land , has been decided by the United States supreme court in Hoard's favor. This was a test case , and Judge Garver , who won the case for Mr. Hoard , states that it virtually settles any further question as to the title tea a large amount of land in Saline , Dick inson and other counties. The Joke on Dan Stuait. Jefferson City , Mo. , Feb. 22. A telegram from Dan Stuart to Rebo , the member who introduced the prize figlit resolution , was read to the House this morning. Stuart offered to place one of the best boxes at the ringside at the disposal of the Missouri com mittee if one should be appointed to see the Corbett-Fitzsimmons fight Xot Guilty of Murder. Lexington , Mo. , Feb. 22. Ollie Lo gan , 10 j'ears of age , charged with Jo seph 'Wilkerson with the murder of James Secrease at Odessa , Mo. , April 15 , was acquitted this morning , the evidence clearly showing that Wilker son committed the deed. Wilkerson ' s trial was continued until the June term , he being unable to appear on ac count of sickness. A Cambridge Degree forIr. . Bayard. London , Feb. 22. Cambridge uni- versit3' is to confer the doctor of laws degree on Ambassador Payard and Dr. Nansen at a special congregation at which the chancellor of the university , the Duke of Devonshire , will preside. Mr. liayard already lias a doctor of civil laws degree from Oxford. A TJHzzard in North Dakota. Grand Forks , K D „ Feb. 22. Snow began to fall yesterday and has con tinued since , with a high , cold north wind. Every available snow jilow has been sent out in all directions , to gether with a lai'ge force of snow shovelers , to keep incoming trains moving. Uhl sialics a Denial. Berlin. Feb. 22. Ambassador Uhl denies a report circulated in the United States that he will be a part ner in a law firm to be organized by President Cleveland and Secretary Ol- ney , with headquarters in New York. General KolofT Flees to Cuba. New York , Feb. 22. It is reported that General Iloloff , the Cuban against whom an indictment was recently se cured for his alleged connection with filibustering expeditions , and whose bail bond of § 2i00 was forfeited by his non-appearance in Baltimore , has gone to Cuba. Xo Pardon for an Kmhezzlcr. Washington , Feb. 22. The Presi dent has denied a pardon to W. C. Gar vin of Colorado , sentenced to five ! years " imprisonment for embezrling i national bank funds. FOUND DEAD BY A CHILD. The XVlto nt a IVntinuHtcr uiul a Young MmShot. . Falls Village , Conn. . Feb. 22. When he awoke this morning , the 10- ycar-old son of Postmaster Walter Chapin found tlie corpse of his mother in the dining room of their home and nearby the dead body of Charles Mead , about 23 years old , tlie son of Jtalph P. Mead , formerly of Falls Vil lage , but now of Scotland , Conn. Some distance away was a revolver with several chambers empty. Chapin. who is engaged as superin tendent of Henry Bishop's factory at Sheflield , Mass. , was summoned home upon the discovery of the double tiagedy. The supposition is that Mead killed Mrs. Chapin and himself , but at present the facts in the case are not known. LIKE THE CRONIN CASE. The Uody of a Clilcagoan Pountl iu n Hot Springs Sewer. Hot Springs , Ark. , Feb. 22. An in quest was held this morning on the body of Itobert Muerling of Chicago , which was found yesterday jammed in a sewer main. Investigation strengthens the belief that he was murdered , as it would have been im possible for him to have replaced tlie cap on the manhole if it had been sui cide. The body was decayed so badly that the jury is unable to determine yet in what manner he met death. Tlie only way by which it could be identified was by the name on a collar found in a coat pocket. The date of disappearance is unknown. I'or tlie Fellows Family. New York , Feb. 22. It was while stumping the South for the Palmer and Buclcner ticket that Colonel .1. II. Fellows caught the cold that probably caused his death , and Republicans , in cluding Messrs. McKinley , llanna and Carnegie , have promised to contribute for his family § 50.000 , which sum it is proposed to raise to § 100,000. Colonel Fellows gave away nearly all his money and there is a S20.000 mortgage on the home. Edward Lauterbach is the father of tlie relief movement , and he and Senator Piatt are pushing it. Lelarnl Charges Fraud. Topeka , Kan. , Feb. 22. Cyrus Leland - land , whose administration as chair man of the county board of Doniphan county was the subject of an offensive petition offered in the Senate a few days ago , has been conducting an in vestigation of the matter and to-day says the petition is a fraud. He finds that the names of numerous citizens on the petition w.ere put there with out their consent or knowledge , and that fraudulent means were resorted to to obtain the signatures of others. May Come to America. New York , Feb. 22. Princess Chi- may lias given Oscar Hammerstein an option on her services at the Olympic music hall in this city , and he has a week to decide whether lie will pay the salary asked , which is something like § 2,000 a week and expenses. It is thought that Gypsy Rigo will accom pany the princess to this country , if she shall come. Arkansas's Governor Against the Treaty. Little Rock. Ark. , Feb. 22. Gover nor Jones replied to a telegram from the chairman of the national arbitra tion committee that lie was not in favor of ratification either with or without amendment , closing : "In my judgment it is a trap for the United States into which we should never be led with my consent. " Buslincll Haps Newspapers. Cleveland , Ohio , Feb. 22. At the Y. M. C. A. state convention to-day Governor Bushnell made an address in which he said that he hoped that the influence of the Y. M. C. A. on news paper men would keep them from stat ing every morning who was going to be appointed , United States Senator from Ohio. Pingroc's Mayoralty In Court. Detroit , Mich. , Feb. 22. Arguments were heard by the judges of the circuit court , sitting en banc to-day , on the application for a mandamus to compel the election of a maj-or to succeed Governor Pingree , who , it is alleged , vacated the otiice of mayor in becom ing go\'ernor. An Electric Car Struck. Chicago , Feb. 22. During the thun der storm early this morning lightning struck a Forty-third street electric car full-of workingmen on their way to the stock yards. All were badly shocked and one man , Zach Root , had to be removed in an ambulance. The car was badly damaged. Safes for Hew Mexico Sleepers. Santa Fe , N. M. , Feb. 22. As a protection against train robbers the territorial council has passed a meas ure providing that every sleeping car shall carry a fire and burglar proof safe for storage of valuables while passing through this territory. Salary Dili Passes the Senate. Topeka , Kan. . Feb. 22. The senate passed Senator Jumper ' s salary bill. The bill makes a general reduction in the salaries of state officers , including judges and employees , of about IS per cent. Senator Jumper says the bill will save the state between § 50,000 and § 75,000 annually. Calhoun's Grandson Drowned. Middlesijoro , Ky. . Feb. 22. The body of Noel T. Calhoun , grandson of the famous nullifier , John. C Calhoun , was found floating in the Kentucky river near Ilydcn. He was a large lumber dealer. > o Moro Auctions of Vagrants. Jefferson City , Mo. , Feb. 22. The Senate this morning passed a bill re pealing the vagrant law which was passed several 3ears ago authorizing the sale of vagrants. The law was held unconstitutional. " " " To Do Ku lnc Without Money. > - ' " H Guthrie , Olcla. , Feb. 10. A remark- J | l nble bill was introduced in the Houses J M yesterday. It contemplates doing the C H business of the territory without \ H money by n Territorial exchange sys- H tern , depositories for products and deposit - | posit fecrip in books. A territorial fl l board of control is provided and each. ' H county treasurer is manager for tho- M countv , and issues the scrip for deposits - M its of product * or on loans on personal s H property or real estate , no loan to bo H for less than § 25 or more than § 1,000. H and all scrip to be good for payment H of taxes and legal tender within the H territory. H HER VOW ABOVE ALL ELSE | Miss Jewell , the St. Joseph Nun. Will B Give Gp Thousand * . M St. Joseph , Mo. . Feb. 19. in the M will of Frederick Taylor , a New York H banker , who died a few days ago. M iss H Carrie Jewell , a nun in the Cotivont of H the Sacred Heart , was offered § 25,000 H if she would lay aside the veil , leave H the convent and promise never again H to enter a Catholic order. H Miss Jewell has declined the offer. H She says she gave up much more than. | H § 25.000 in money when she renounced - fl the world and became a nan live years- . _ H ago. and all the riches of the worliL H could not tempt her now to leave thu m order of the S.icr.-d Heart and to give. B which bc 1k * devoted. up the work to t > J her life. VBVJ GOES TO THE PRESIDENT. / "fl Immigration Kill Has Pas3cd itotbr HBV Houses of Congress. 1 Washington , Feb. 10 The immigration - H gration bill now goes to the President , H the last legislative step having been H taken in the Senate yesterday by an. M agreement to tlie conference report on. H tha bill. Strong opposition was made H to the report , but on the final vote the- | friends of the measure rallied a small H majority , the vote being , yeas 31 , nays- H H - . . - . B for Triplu iilui.n : San Qcentin I'risok , Ca ! . , Feb. li . M Chun Sing , a Chinaman , was hanged H yesterday for three atrocious murders. H His crimes were committed in Septem- H bcr , 1305. With an : u. he attacked , H without any provocation , r. fellow- H countryman , Ah Fook , in the kit tor ' s- H house. He left Ah Fook for dead and H brained his wife as she was attempting - H ing to escape. Then he went to the j H house occupied by Charley Ta : . another - H other Chinese , anil killed Jiiru and a | woman he found there , actually beheading - | heading the latter. H Battleship Texas Stock In the Mini. j M Galveston , Texas , Feb. 10. The j | battleship Texas got stuck hard and | fast in the mud in Bolivar roads ves- H tcrday , just after crossing the bar , H and remained in that condition until | 4:30 in the afternoon. Galveston ' s. H proud boast is that she has a twenty- | H six foot channel , and as the Texas- H draws but twenty-two feet , naturally | enough , it was desired to keep the fact | of her grounding a profound secret. H Hertburs's AVhiow on tiio Sta c. | Chicago , Feb. 10. Mrs. Raymono | Stevens , the widow of Captain led- k burg , who was shot and killed by f M Lieutenant Mean at Fort Sheridan ht - > ' . l 1803 , will shortly make her debut noon. rl l the stage in continuous variety. Mrs. | Stevens will take her first step in van- | devilie under the guidance of her husband - M band as his stage partner. Mr. Stevens - H vens for some time plaved the nart of j H Columbus in " 1402. H Rear Admiral Calhonn Dead. | | Washington , Feb. 10. Rear Admiral H Edmund R. Calhoun ( retired ) died sud- M dedly last night at his residence hereof - H of heart failure , aged 75 years. He | appeared well and hearty almost up to- H the time he was stricken , and passed. H away before a Dhysician could be sum- H moned. _ Admiral Calhoun served val- H iantly in the Mexican and civil wars. 1 > o Cadets at the Inauguration. H Washington , Feb. 10. The senate | committee on military affairs to-day ' | took adverse action on the proposition * H to bring the cadets from West Point to | the inauguration. Onlv nvrhh > . . „ , . 1 bers were present and Bates , Cockrell , H Mitchell of Wisconsin and Walthall | voted against the measure. Senator H Palmer did not vote. J H Can Photograph at Long Kaa-e. 1 New York , Feb. 19. Thomas A. J M Edison says that by a new method of 'i7 | long photography with camera and l T telescope now developing it mav be I H possible soon to take photographs as 1 far as the eye ean see with a telescope. M LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE MAKKET. | H Quotations Prom N'eir York , Chicago. St. H Louis , Omaha and Kkcr/Iierc. 4 H Butter-Creamery separator. . . 20 ® • > H Butter-Choice fancy country. . i : ; < & TT I M fcpnns Chickens-Dressed % H Turkeys. . . . . . 7 . 6a * ' H u. Oucse and Ducks 7 } % H Cranberries-ncrMil o 00 & H C rj Lemons-Choice Mt > * ina # H > 300 © : j Honeyancy white k fl Onions , per bu u ) k . u , < H Heans-Ilandplcked Navy " [ [ " j & | \ H ' * Potatoes .7x : ; ! j M Sweet Potatoes , per bbl ' . . ' . . ' 1 % ft $ M Oranges , per box : i fo Jg r ! M 1 lay L pland. per ton 4 m ck - $ 1 " " " - APplcs.perbbl "I" % 'i % J H h - weights. . : : : : : : : : : | g | g g M Bulls " 75 < & 4M | Mi.ker4 . ad spri : : : : : : : : : : : 8 § \ % B Caves 2G3 © 3K5 B bows. ! : : : : : : : : : : : : ? s ft5 * * H Heifers J . , i | M Stockers and Feeders " . S ' . { ° ° H t Sheep-Native cwes 2 $ @ \ 1 M Sheep-Lambs. . . . . ! „ Tm % r " ° H Wheat No.2Snriu"H Corn , per Ira. . : . ? . : % & ' ' - * * M Oats , per t.u ? i © 212 H Pork. . . -ij g 13 $ M Lard ' M ft 7 JB B Corn N o.2. . * . . ! " , 'ash ! S < C * * | oats-xo. 2. . . . : : : : ; ; ; ; ; ? | ss S H LarUV. "V. ' . ' . ' . .V. ? 8 $ S' * 4 H Wl.eat-N- o.2.reu &T-LOL'IS * , M Corn , per tm $ © SS M Oats , per bn - 13 © lo fe H Ho < ; s-MIxed pack ' ln- . , i ? < • * 16fl ! 1 " Cattle-Xatlve ijcevS" : J ? , ' a • " > 0 H . . . . , , KANSAS ciTV 50 ° H Wheat Xo.2 , hard ' H Corn-Xo.2. . . 7G © TO B oats-vo. : . : : i s © iv 1 gg S11 " : : 38848 B