The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 08, 1897, Image 8

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    Hi •
Hi' '
Hi' ' McCCOK , NEB.
I Printer
H i
I Stutter.
I Legal Blanks
Note Books ,
I . - Receipt Books ,
I ! , Scale Books.
I _
l I
K j E
I Office Supplies
B ' i
11 j AND
H '
B *
After several months absence , Reuben
Hauxwell is back from his work near
Hastings and vicinity.
Currte Kimball returned , oh Saturday
night , having spent u delightful holi < ia\
week among Bnrtley friends.
Frank and Charley Cashen reun-ed
on Tuesday night , from Gage ( Oiuu\ ,
where they have been at work for thr
pa6t two or three mouths.
Annie Gibbons has accepted a school
at Liucoln , having resigned her position
here. The remainder of the term will
be completed by her bister.
Wm. Doyle and his two sons GeorLe
and Arthur will leave for New Mex < ,
early in the spring , where he will estab
lish them in the cattle business.
Edwin V Piper of the state uuiversi y
visited briefly at the home of hittrotlur
Morle\ , going back to his stud es at
Lincoln the early part of last week
During the past five or six weeks the
weather has not been favorable for skat
ing , but during the past few days many
have enioyed a good spin on the ice
Realizing her excellent ability as a
teacher , the Coleman people have * < -
cured the s-ervices of Annie Irwin to h' -
ish a three months' term of school in
that prosy neighborhood.
After a short vacation during the holi
days , Martha Johnson was to ha\e re
sumed leaching on Monday morning ,
but was detained by a short though se
vere spell of sickness. Herbroth < r Ben
has had charge of the school during the
On Friday night a gav and happy
throng of young folks invaded the peace
ful home of Lulu Kinghoin in response
to invitations to come and give the New
Year a good beginning. Many ami var
ious games and charades , were ch verl\
played , to the evident delight and amuse
ment of everyone. The comparative-It
new game of "crocomo" tried one' .s
skill and patience but was a sonrce of
much amusement. Instrumental music
and finally a bountiful and mo * > t eiegint
repast concluded a thoroughly dtliglrful
and auspicious event.
Read the best coun
ty ne wspaper t ha t's
The McCook Tribune
ever .y time.
DeWitt's Witch HazeJ _ .
Cures Piles. Scalds , Burns
. . .OK THE. . .
Citizens Bank of McCook
at McCook. in the State of Nebiaska , at
the close of business , Dec. $1 $ , iSob
Loans and discounts $ 95,120.75
Overdraits , secured and unsecured. . 117.73
Stocks , bonds , securities , judgments ,
claims , etc too oo
Other real estate & 711 50
Current expenses and taxes paid. . . 2,317.68
Checks and other cash items 945 iq
Due from National , State and Priv
ate banks and bankers 11,735.96
Nickels and pennies S 69.59
Gold and silver 2,170 00
Bills 2,966 00
Total cash on hand 5.205.59
Totai 124.25431
Capital stock paid in $ 50,00000
Surplus fund 10,000 00
Undivided profits 4.023.29
Individual deposits sub
ject to check 42,273.91
Demand certificates of de
posit 7,400.60
Time certificates of deposit 5,170.00
Cashier's checks outstand
ing 26S.75
Due to State and Private
banks and bankers. . . 3,117.76 5b" ,23i.02
Bills payable 2.000.00
Total 124.254.31
State of Nebraska. County of Red
I , A. C Ebert , Cashier of the above-named
bank , _ do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is true to the best of my knowledge and
belief. A. C. Ekkrt , Cashier.
Attest. . S V. Franklin , Director.
} u t. Church , Dhector.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th
day of January , 1S97. Elmer Kowki.i. ,
Iseal.1 Notary Public.
My commission expires June 5th , 1900.
. AsHi * SO YEARS'
r " COPYRICHT8 &o.
Anyone sending a sketch and description mar
quickly ascertain , free , whether an invention is
probably patentable. Communications strictly
confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents
in America. We have a Washington office.
Patents taken through iiunn & Co. receive
special notice in the
beautifully Illustrated , largest circulation of
any scientlflo Journal , weekly , terms 13.00 a year ;
* L50sLr months. Specimen copies and Hand
Book on Patents sent free. Address
MUNN & CO. ,
361 Broadway. New York.
? 5 Ancient \
/ M Egyptian
/ A - jsmethods ( of agriculture are not ap-
/ /1 , /Mir plicablc to the-work of the Ameri-
L alrMk can farmer of today. If you wish 1
J m Z KtL" ° keep fully infonned of the best
H Hpp2v | ways and means of successfully ,
flF jf growing both farm and orchard ,
B Hh I crops by the aid of irrigation you ,
Hj fM must read a journal devoted to this ,
B K I particular subject. Do you wish to
IS HnJM Profit by what others have learned
$ H Ullll at the expense of an immense out-
H jMIHj lay of time and money ? lOca num-
mm mmWBB berorl a year is the cost of the
KB " * * " only magazine which will give you
W fffljM thedesired information. It is hand-
[ Ml KHHV some , practical and Instructive.
.TH HMf } Published by fi. K. GIKLIKO. >
• • HBH < iiiu iiih i j 1111111
B srtalBed the Motloa.
Ill ode of the townships nour Cbicmgo
the people ouco elcrtod as justice of the
peace a man known U.t his strict nppli-
oation of parliamentary rnlea to every
thing possible. Among bis first oases
was one of trifling importance , nu as
sault. Epler and Delew , t\ffc Chicago
lawyers who know the justice's peculi
arity , represented the defendant aud a
mau of the name of Smith the prosecu
tion. Both sides announced they were
ready for trial. Just as the court was
about to proceed Mr. Epler arose aud
I said , "If your honor please , I move that
this case be dismissed * " "I second the
motion , " quickly put in Mr. Delew. "It
is moved and seconded .that the case bo
dismissed , " was put by the court. "But
your honor , " quickly interrupted Mr.
Smith , with great surprise at such pro
cedure. "Mr. Smith , this court has pre
sided over meetings before and is thor
oughly familiar with parliamentary pro
cedure. It needs no assistance from you
in this matter. " "But , your honor"
"I shall fine you for contempt , Mr.
Smith , if yon continue to disturb this
court" The court then put the question
again , adding , "All in favor of the mo
tion will rise. " Epler and Delow and
the prisoner arose. "Those opposed will
rise. " Smith and the prosecutor arose.
"The motion is carried by a vote of
three to two , and the case is dismissed. "
declared the justice. San Francisco Ar
What a "Wed" Means.
Arrong the Anglo-Saxons the bride
groom gave a pledge or "wed" at tbo
betrothal ceremony. This "wed" in
cluded a ring , which was placed on the
maiden's right hand , where it remained
until , at the marriage , it was transfer
red to the left. English women at one
time wore the wedding ring 011 the
thumb. Many portraits of ladies in
Queen Elizabeth's days are so depicted.
In the reign of George III brides usually
removed the ring from its proper abid
ing place to the thumb as soon as tbo
ceremony was over. In Spain the gift of
a ring is looked upon as a promise of
marriage and is considered sufficient
proof for a maiden to claim her hus
band. It is a custom to pass little pieces
of brido's cake through the wedding
ring , and those to whom these pieces
are given place them under their pillows
at night to dream of their lovers. These
"dreamers , " as they are called , should
be drawn nine times through the ring.
Many brides , however , are so supersti
tious that neither for that purpose nor
at any other time will they take the
ring off their finger after it has once
been placed there. Philadelphia Times.
Each Man's Share of the Globe. |
There is no immediate prospect that
the lauded surface of the globe will bo
divided up and allotted in equal shares
to each of its human inhabitants , but if
uch a time ever does come it will bo
found that ; each will get a little truck
farm of 23 y acres. The landpd surface
of the globe contains , as near as it is
possible for the geographers to ascer
tain , 33 , GOO , 000,000 acres , which , di
vided among the 1,500,000,000 inhabitants - '
ants which-the world contains , accord
ing to the latest official estimates , would
give each of them a tract of land of tbo
area mentioned above. ,
Taking the entire population of the
world into consideration there are al
most exactly 28 inhabitants to each' '
square mile. The followiug figures
showing the .number of persons , omitting - '
ting fractions , to a Equare mile in the
several divisions of the globe are from
the best authorities on human family
statistics : Europe , 88 ; Asia , 40 ; Africa ,
18 ; North America , 9 ; South America ,
4 ; Oceanica and the polar regions , 2.
St. Louis Republic.
His Middle Name.
Cassius Marcellus Loomis of Chicago
tells the Chicago Tribune how he found
out what his middle name and that of
Cassius M. Clay was. At his birth he
was named Cassius M. , after Clay.
"But , " he says , "no one thought to in
quire what the letter M stood for in the
name. Time ran on for some 88 years ,
when the newly born , having inherited
an inquisitive turn of mind , wrote Mr.
Clay for the desired information. Mr.
Clay responded , sending his namesake a
photograph of himself and a friendly
note , in which , instead of stating direct
ly what his middle name was , he quoted
two lines from Pope's 'Essay on Man : '
"And more pure joy Marcellus exiled feels
Than Cresar with a senate at his heels.
and added , 'You will find your name in
the above couplet. ' "
A Yale Prank.
The Hartford Conrant tells a story of
Yale in the old days. The boys used to
bribe theprinters' "devils" to get proofs
of the examination papers for them.
When the college authorities put a stop
to this practice , a bright idea seized one
fellow , and he saved the whole suffering
party. He hired one of the printers ( it
was summer ) to wear a pair of white
trousers to the office and at noon to sit
down on the form in which were lockf
the precious questions. The inky seat ol
that pair of trousers sold for a deal more
than the clothes were worth in their
original spotlessness and relief was se
Mother You say your husband no
lomrer spends his evenings at the club ?
Daughter I soon broke him of that.
"How did you manage it ? "
"Bofore going to bed I put two easy
chairs together by the parlor fire and
then held a match to a cigar until the
room got a faint odor of smoke. " Pick
Mo Up.
The wheat fly feeds upon the flower
of the wheat , while the hessian fly lays
its eggs in the stem. The former thus
renders the flower abortive , while the
injury done by the latter affects the
whole plant •
A bushel of potatoes equals 56 pounds
in Peunsyl Miia and (10 in nearly all
the oilier Mures.
I A Hut U ed by Wasblagiea.
While hundreds of pilgrimn dailj
crowd the shrine of Mouot Vernon , ont
of the most interesting relics of Wash
ington remains unknown and unnoticed
and is rapidly falling into decay. This
is a small cabin which was used by
Washington when a youny man en
gaged in eurvoyiug the lauds of upper
Virginia. The house is locttted iu Clarke
county , the district being formed in 1880
from Frederick and named for the illus
trious general , George Clarke , of early
Near Berryville , in Olarko county ,
General Daniel Morgan of Revolution
ary fame builtahandsomo home , which
ho called Soldiers' Rest. About 200
yards from the site of this manor is lo
cated the cabin , which is regarded with
almost religious veneration by the people
ple of the neighborhood and which is
being slowly oaten by the tooth of time.
The house is 12 feet square , and there
are but two rooms , ouo on the ground
floor aud one for a garret. Beneath the
building flows , or rather did flow dur
ing the last century , a small stream ,
which was used for cooling purposes.
The upper chamber is lathed aud plas
tered. Only one window lights it , while
a rough door gives access to the visitor ,
who mnst mount by a ladder. Hero it
was that Washington was accustomed to
keep his instruments when on a survey
ing expedition. New Haven Journal.
Spoiled the Party.
"Yon weren't at the Joneses' , * * said
the girl with the brown capo.
"No , I wasn't , and I'm awfully sorry.
You see , I would bavo been there , but
"Well , you ought to bo glad that yon
weren't. "
"Why , what was the matter ? I al
ways thought everybody had a good
time when they went to the Joneses' ,
for I believe"
"It was the dullest thing I ever saw.
Yon know , it was to be a sort of talk
party. " j
"Yes. Everybody was to get in groups
and talk about things. Now , for mv
part , I like" '
"But it wasn't. Wo jnstsat and look
ed at each other all the evening , and
everybody went homo feeling uncom
fortable. "
"You don't say 1 Why , what was the
matter ? Did anything happen ; "
"I am not sure whether to say yes or
no. You see , it was this way : The pian
ist didn't come , and there wasn't any
body there who could play the piano ,
so of course we couldn't talk , and wo •
.all sat there bored until it was time to |
go. ' ' Chicago Times-Herald. j
An Actor of Shakespeare's Day. ' ' ,
He had trim , straight lees , thisstran-
ger , and a slender , lithe body in a tawny
silken jerkin. Square shouldered , too ,
was he , and over one shoulder hung a
plum colored cloak bordered with gold ;
braid. His long hose were the color of j
his cloak , and his shoes were russet
leather , with rosettes of plum and such
high heels as Nick had never seen be- < '
fore. His bonnet was of tawny velvet. J
with a chain twisted round it , fastened r
by a jeweled brooch through which was (
thrust a curly cock feather. A fine white
Holland linen shirt peeped through his
jerkin at the throat , with a broad lace
collar , and his short hair curled crisply :
all over his head. Ho had a little pointed - ;
ed beard , and the ends of his mustache '
were twisted so that they stood up
fiercely on either side of his sharp nose , t
At his side was a long Italian poniard , i
in a sheath of russet leather and silver ;
filigree , and he had a reckless , high and i
mighty fling about his stride thac 1
strangely took the eye. John Bennett '
in St. Nicholas. I
Choked a Leopard to Death.
I Carl Akoley , taxidermist of the Field
! Columbian museum , who went to Africa
with other scientists after specimens of
j largo game for the institntion , has had
an experience out of the common. Ho
and a native were hunting one day ,
when he saw a leopard crouched all
ready to spring upon him. A shot hur
riedly fired from a rifle pricked the
beast in one hind leg , and the next in
stant the man and leopard were in a
mix up that was mighty serious for
both , but more especially for the man.
Akeley , however , has got powerful arms
and a good grip , and that saved him.
Ho got the leopard by the throat and
choked it to death , with no other injury
than a lacerated arm. New York Sun.
A highlander was tried for a capital
offense aud had rather a narrow escape ,
but the jury found him "not guilty , "
whereupon the judge , in discharging ,
though fit to admonish him. "Prisoner ,
before you leave the bar let me give you
a piece of advice. You have got off thi3
time , but if ever you come before mo
again I'll be caution you'll be hanged. "
"Thank you , my lord , " answered
Donald , "and as I'm nee uugratefu' , I
beg to gie your lordship a piece of advice
in return. Never be caution for ony-
body , for the cautioner has often to pay
the debt. " Scottish Nights.
How Papa Said Grace.
"At our house the other night we had
a Methodist minister to tea , " said a
friend. "The dominie said grace , and
when he ceased asking the blessing the
4-year-old daughter of the hostess , who
sat opposite the minister , looked up and
said , 'That's not the kind of grace my
papa says. '
" * No ? What kind of grace does your
papa say ? ' asked the minister. 'Why ,
he came home last night , and when he
sat down to the table ho just said ,
"Good God , what a supper ! " ' was the
reply. " Buffalo -Courier.
The first mention of a crown in the
Scriptures is in Exodus xxv , 11 , where
a crown or ornament of gold was direct
ed to be placed above the sacred ark.
The ornament is here mentioned as be
ing well known and was probably long
in use among the Egyptian kings.
From Delagoa Bay , in Africa , a letter
requires 45 days to reach New York.
iiCf % The Invest claim for other M ( ] Z mfL |
l u -
mmy ? * V | tobaccos is "Just asffijfm \ ' | H
l " ' 3m& J7 .very old smoker K J F j M
M \ / knows there h none just W f M |
V Smoking Fobicc@i m
ppj jj w You will find one coupon inside ' " " "jfeC ( |
% + //l\ . cacn twoo cebagnndtwoiouJtpwr - &i&Qp J H
/JLf \ A pens inside each four ounce Mt-fo V * k H
# Pb v 1 VJ'KonHuclcwcirs ' ' , Durham. jSM r i k * H
H" v : i ) of this crlcm > * ' i Sftf'm B
iffly & \ &Mm& - aK - % ? T >
| lWjMM , 'riird l K > ccoand icad the / 'MB il B
f figSft &mAcn' , mi1 , wic k • • > ifctlgKB Hail H
Hp - WW ot ' • "I"f'le ! presents : ml how rajfc / " * 9P H
Comfort to California.
Every Thursday afternoon , a touris
sleeping car for Salt Lake City , Sai
Francisco and Los Angeles leaves Oma
ha and Lincoln via the Hnrlingtoo Route
It is carpeted , upholstered in rattan
has spring seats and backs and is pro
vided with curtains , bedding , towels
soap , etc. An experienced excnrsioi
conductor and a uiiifoiuied I'ulluiaii porter
ter accompany it through to the l'acifii
coast. While neither as expensively fin
ished nor as fine to look at as a palaci
sleeper , it is just as goods to ride in
Second class tickets are honored and tin
price of a berth , wide enough and bij
enough for two , is only $5 00
For a folder giving full particulars
call at the nearest H. & M. R R. ticke
office , or write to J. Francis. Gen'l Pass'i
Agent , Burlington Route. Omaha , NTebr
For a Mere Sonfr.
A limited number of novels by besl
living authors for s-ale at this o'tice al
five cents a copy. Only a few left.
Soothing , and not lrutating , stienutlieiiing
ind not weakening , small but effective micI
ire the qualities of DeWitt's Little Karl )
Risers , the famous little pills. A. McMilien
Wanted-An Idea S
Protect your Idea1 ? : they may bring you wealth
Write JOHN WEDDEKUORN & CO. . Pateat Attor
aeys , Washington , D. C. for their Sl.SJK prize offei
Mid list ot two hundred Inventions wanted.
Scaly eruptions on the head , chapped hands
md lips , cuts , bruises , scalds , burn- , are quick-
y cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It
s at present the article most ue l for piles ,
ind it always cures them. A. McMilienDrug-
DeWitt's Little Early Risers ,
Tbo famous little pills.
* * * • * * * * tf * * * * * * * * * • * * * . • * ;
An education at\.ird , V.ile , or .inj other \
college or institution of learning in the United
States , or in the New I ugl.ind Con.servatorj of *
1 Music , can be secured by an ) young man " or *
woman who is in earnest Write for particulars
quicU > . JAMKS I > . I5AI.I. ,
} } i Hronmfielil Street , Koston , Ma.v > .
. .
i i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * • * * •
j Farmer's Sons \
i Q p-/ . We will employ you at 5jo jut ' >
r jU ) month. Write quickly.
c * J I'l'kitan" 1'iriii.isiiiNc Co. , 5
I S v " > Hroomfipld Street. J
i Boston , Mast
i5Tractice in all the courts. Collections.
Notary Public. Upstairs in the Spearman
building , McCook , Nebraska.
McCook , Nebraska.
3 ? Agent of Lincoln Land Co Office
Rear of First National bank.
AH dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Lridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
6 Bellamy , assistants.
_ -.jMRS. E. E. UTTERj
Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo
g Studio Rear of C. L. DeGroff , & Co
McCook. Nebraska.
S ? Office hours 9 to 11 a. m. , 2 to 5 and
7 to 9 p. m. Rooms Over the First National
bank. Night calls answered at the office.
J. A. GUNN ,
McCook , Nebraska.
CSfOffice Over C A. Leach's jewelry store.
Residence 701 Main street. Prompt atten
tion given to all calls.
f the . .
. _ A ,
We respectfully solicit your business ,
aud guarantee pure milk , full measure ,
and prompt , courteous service.
Do Not Stop Tobacco ! * * M
, How to Cure Yourself While ] H
Using It. fl
, 'I he tobacco liahit grows 011 a man until his t
. nervous system i.s seriously affected. Impairing H
health , comfort and happiness. To ititt | suddenly H
* i.s too severe a shock to the system , as tobacco to / / B
I an inveterate user becomes a stimulant that his 1
. system continually craves. . "Itacco-Curo" Is a H
, scientific cure for the tobacco habit , in all its forms , M
' carefully compounded after the formula of an em H
- incut Herliu physician who has used It in his private J M
i practice since 187. , without a failure. It is purely |
vegetable and guaranteed perfectly harmless. Von H
can use all the tobacco you want while Liking H
- "lacco-Curo. " It will notify jou when to stop. H
, We give a written guarantee to cure permanently t
any case , with three boxes , or refund the money |
with 10 per cent , interest. "Hacco-Curo" is not a M
1 substitute , but a scientific cure , that cures without 4 |
t.the aid of will power aud with no inconvenience. j |
It leaves the system as pure and free from nicotine H
r as the day you took jour first chew or smoke. H
Cured by Bncco-Curo nncl Giiined H
Thirty PoundB. J H
From hundreds of testimonials , the originals ol > |
which are on file and open to inspection , the fol M
l lowing \ presented- J H
1 Clayton , Nevada Co. , Ark. , Jan. 3.3. H
. ' I Kureka Chemical A : Mfg. Co. , Ut Crosse. Wis.- H
, Cii-ntlemeu : For forty years I used tobacco in al. H
I its forms. For twenty-five } ears of that time I H
was a great sufferer from general debility and heart ' H
disease. For fifteen years I tried to quit , but H
• rniildu't. I took various remedies , among others , H
' 'N'oTol. 'ac , Ihc Indian Tobacco Antidote , " H
' "Double Chloride of Gold , " etc. , etc. . but none of H
, them did me the least bit of good. Finally however - M
ever , I purchased a box of jour "ISacco-Curo" ai.d M
j it has entirely cured me of the habit in all its forms , H
I and I have increased thirty pounds in weight and H
, am relieved of all the numerous aches and pains of H
, body and mind. I could write a quire of pajter up- M
\ ' on my changed feelings and condition. M
.I Yours respectful ! ) . 1 * . 11. Makiiukv. H
I'astor C. 1 * . Church , Clayton , Ark. J H
Sold by all druggists at $1.00 per box ; three boxes , B
( thirty days treatment ) $2.50 , with written guarantee - H
tee , or sent direct upon receipt of price. Write for J H
booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical & Mfg. Co. , H
I-a Crosse , Wis.and Itoston , Mass. j H
i J. 8. McBRAYEK , fl
, McCook Transfer Line. m
! JSBTDnly furniture vun iu the B
city. Also have a first class house |
moviug outfit. Leave orders for |
bus calls at Commercial hotel or j l
at office opposite the depot. H
Ghase Co. Land and Jve Stock Co. H
' Horace branded on left hip or left Bhniilrlnr H
I * 3MNp f.O. add res * ) Imperial B
v - - _ _ Chase county , and Ueat M
HrflHStinki"r , w terand |
Kfl Frenchman erf-oka. in H
j ChHsecnunty. Nebraska. , HH
1 J HI Brand as cut onBideof ( JH Hl
jg SM SjMB S Romcanimat8.otihipand * M
\ 7 * wS Bft sides of some , or any B l
f whereon the animal. 1
* t The modern stand- H
I W ard Family Medi- H
I w cine : Cures thefsl
'T common every-day H
ills of humanity. H
Julius Kxttert , H
Carpet Laying ,
Carpet " *
SJTlaiii still doirm carpet laying , carpet H
cleaninc lawn cuttinc and similar work. Ses ; Her
or write me before giving such work. .My |
charges are ver ) * reasonable. Leave orders at Bl
Tribune office. TUI.IUS KUNERT. H