The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 01, 1897, Image 5

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    333333l * * ff5BB ; ' % 8f rv
Wk\ ; I * Why Will You Pass a Good Thing ? |
If' ' stoFand see
H % 5 OUR 5
l jf \ t GENT'S , 2
[ A ) I LADY'S , - ?
UMl'tC 1 ' " MISS'S , 5
PHI i' AND *
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# 5
nf I _ I
HI | I Can Fit Them All I
E Hfi'l \ THE * I | ? W I #
if tAWflK W
i j. ' r gamSowI
Eh feet fitter
I ) Tit Famous Clotlii Company
Htj r • • • • •
mSeasonable Goods
W At Lowest Prices
f Ulsters. Overcoats , Suits , Underwear ,
Hi Hosiery , Caps. Come and examine the
HpI large and excellent assortment.
pv , < • < • • •
See our Hnes of for
P ( jgjj gJJQg
fff Custom Work. A good fit and j
kL Lowest Prices Guaranteed. 1V13H3.QfCr.
Kp f V RECAPITULATION : Showing the amonnt on hand July ist , 1S96 , the
H > / .collections since made , -warrants redeemed , and amount remaining on hand at the
RjS ? ' close of the 19th day of December , 1S96 , in each and all of the several funds and
Hft * accounts of J. B. MESERVE , County Treasurer of Red Willow County , Nebraska ,
S * ! together with the total amounts of the several items stated :
HHH\ onTand Amount Disburse- Amount
\ Kljvns Total. -
BV Jast since ments now
H | settleme't.colecteci ! - on hand.
Hk ' Statk.
fr General $ 00953 S 1 S29 79 $273932 $273932
T Sinking S774 17206 259S0 25980
B ) School 137 74 276 So 413 86 413 86
H University 67 98 i . 'uoi 20462 20462
V Capitol. 32 S3 115 115
flRV Reform School 22 57 79 79
BIT Institute for Feeble Minded 22 72 4 ? 69 68 41 6S 41
U Relief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2253 4520 6773 0773
M- Live Stock Indemnity
V School Land Interest 32412 01699 1241 11 1 241 n
3m B School Land Lease 7140 72009 797 49 797 49
l pK , County.
| H | General _ Q1462 93719 4 S5181 399512 85069
Kt . BridRe , 81268 104362 185630 105986 19644
* . . . . *
A Bondlnterest : " . . 340970 7 167 348137 27500 320637
/ County Road 16601 230S8 39609 3046S 9221
M DistnctRoad 31272 24SS3 56155 24604 31551
Soldiers'Relief 43557 9470 53027 12972 40055
1 Road Receipts " 7043 97643 97643
E Sinking
Hf School 500 500 500
j H K District School Bond 74S484 270621 1019105 395098 024007
H District School 403975 65S969 1062944 811395 251649
HR Interest 99905 99905 90905
* Ht Advertising 17905 17905 17905
H K Bank Interest 32644 32644 32644 „
H North Valley Precinct Bond 207799 A 99 21209S 122S91 89207
f East Valley Precinct Bond 69624 270 69894 60S 94
Br " Willow Grove Precinct Bond 241397 3S02 245199 151420 93770
Hp " Indianola Precinct Bond 130169 165S 131827 12360 119467
JE Bartley Village Bond 4310s 2007 451 12 Sooo 371 12
H Bartley City - 3268 0628 9896 0S00 96
3 McCook City 2ir8S 1 2446 173634 159908 13726
" " . . .
- f Insane.- Indianola City . - . - - . . . . . . ; . . . . 12939 ' 34 75 70 26414 jq 16703 jg 77II
Received Tax Sales 465 S3 114053 160636 067 73 63S63
J High SchooL 1230 1230 1239
fM Judgment Fund School Dist. 29 85 S5 85
sl ' " , " S2698023 $2455083 $5154006 S32 75Q ° 3 $1879003
X • ' , . - > , = , = = | -
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Switchman C. P. Ball has returned to
B. L. McCarl is in Iowa on leave of
Mrs. M C. Wayson is in the east on a
lonij visit. *
Road master C. A. Parson vas down
from Akron , Wednesday.
Conductor Tim Foley has Bronson's
run during C. W. 's absence.
Night Yardmaster Thomas Burge is
back from his holiday vacation.
C. W. Britt was called away.this week ,
by the serious illne-s of a brother.
Conductor Mose Carinony aud family
are back from their Red Cloud visit.
Will Brown came up from Orleans ,
Thursday afternoon , to attend the B. of
R. T. ball.
Retrenchment has taken an engine and
freight crew off the Orleans and St.
Francis run.
Sherman Honnold has been transferred
from Atlanta to Wellfeet and gets an in
creased salary.
Mrs. Max Anton and children came
home , Tuesday night , from visiting
friends in Oxford.
Assist. Supt. D. F. McFarland was
down from Holyoke. Tuesday night , on
bbsiness at headquarters.
Miss Lucy Rogers arrived from Peoria ,
Illinois , Wednesday night , and is the
guest of Mrs. Kingsbury.
Arthur Douglass was down from Den
ver , close of last week , visiting his friends
here during Christmas.
Wednesday , No. 150 had a few cars off
the track at Eckley , caused by rails
spreading. Small damage.
Section Foreman Nate Bowman of
Hudson , Colo. , spent Christmas holidays
with his parents at Wilsonville.
Yardmaster Frank Clary and wife have
been down from Akron , this week , visit
ing Brakeman L. E. Gilchrist and wife.
Mrs. J. F. Forbes and children spent
the close of last week at Bartley as guest-
of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Tom-
Miss Maud VanSickle came up from
Orleans , Thursday afternoon , to take in
the B. ofR. T. dance , visiting Miss Ma
bel Perry.
Little Fay Stayuer celebrated her fifth
birtbdaj' , Monday afternoon , with the
assistance of many , little friends , in a
very happ3' way.
Wednesday morning , 142 broke in two
near Long Island , coming together at
that station. The damage will not ex
ceed a few hundred dollars.
C. M. Shonerd , late agent's helper at
Alma has been 'transferred to Yuma ,
Colorado , as night operator.Vesle3'
Kenned } ' succeeds him at Alma.
The company has ordered a new sup
ply of the regulation caps for conductors
and brakemen , and tne trainmen will
soon all be wearing that bright and chip
per headgear.
The Hastings Tribune is objecting to
the Burlington running trains into and
through their city limits at a speed fas
ter than six miles an hour as prescribed
by city ordinance.
Operator "Terry" Kick is assistant
agent at Republican at present.
W. W. Green spent a day or two with
his daughter , Mrs. T. W. Benjamin , last
week. He returned home on Monday
Doc. Mathison , agent at Kanona , was
presented with a bran new baby , by Mrs.
M. , on Saturday night. Mother and
child are well. Little bit late for a Xmas
present , Doc.
Conductor Cromwell was the fortunate
recipient of an extra run to Red Cloud
and return , on Monday. Conductor
Benjamin is holding the sack with the
usual success , he says.
W. J. Mallory , agent at Oronoque , ac
companied by his estimable wife , spent
Christmas with relatives and friends at
Washington , Kansas. Geo. Hughes
manipulates the Co. 's business , mean
No. 142 indulged in a slight smash-up
at Xong Island , Wednesday morning ,
smashing the front end of the baggage
car , and a flat car was somewhat dis
figured. No damage to persons except
a few nervous shocks.
The St. Francis line is now shot all to
pieces , only a few tail feathers left for
W. J. to pull. Trains now run through
to St. Francis every other day and the
rest of the time turn at Atwood. Engi
neer Harris and Fireman Koll have gone
to McCook. Conductor Cropp is set
back braking. Brakemen Neiser , Kline
and Hazelbaker are retired indefinitely.
For a Mere Song.
A limited number of novels by best
living authors for sale at this office at
five cents a copy. Only a few left.
S. M. Cochran carry in stock the Ger
man , Riverside , Antique and Royal Oak
heating stoves nothing better in the
market. The prices are right.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Carea Piles. Sotlds. Boras.
3 " ' "
1 u • "m
' Awarded
Highest Honors World's Fair ,
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
Saved by an Accident.
• 'Oh , mama , will I have to do the work
on New Year dity" ? asked Nora Dayton
of her mother the day before New Year
day. Mrs. Dayton was a sweet , cheery
little woman , but she had been very sick
and was now just able to sit up , and so
Nora , a girl of twelve , had three little
children to take care of and her big bro
ther beside. "Well , Nora , I am afraid
you'll have to do it , unless wc can get
Mary O'Brien to come and do it. What
do do" ? "I skating
you want to want to go
ing with Nellie Stanford and May Carl
ton ; they are going to Field's pond , and
they want me to go with them" . "Get
Ernest to go over to O'Brien's aud see if
Mary can come over tomorrow and do
the work" , said her mother. "But it
will probably cost us another dollar , and
we spent so much money for the children
at Christmas that I don't know how we
can spare it" .
"Mama , I want to go so much that I'll
get up early and try to do the uork be
fore I go. Ernest and papa can get din
ner and supper , I'll get breakfast" .
"What time are you going" ? asked Mrs
Dayton , "and will you take your dinner
with you" ? "We'll go at nine o'clock
and stay all day , " answered Nora "I
don't know whether I'll take my dinner
or not" .
While this conversation was going on
Mr. Dayton had been down town and
was now coining home. As be crossed
the street at Natron's' opera house six
men who were fighting among them
selves came upon him and dealt him sev
eral heavy blows on the head. When
the two policemen who saw the fight had
cleaied the men away and arrested them ,
quite a crowd had gathered , and when
two of the men came to pick Mr. Dayton
up they found him unconscious. It was
nearly ten o'clock p. m. , and it was too
far to take him home.
Nora sat up all night waiting for her
father , but he did not come. Next morn
ing she put on her wraps and went down
town to see if she could find Irrai. She
mer Dr. Stanford ( Nellie's father ) and
she asked him eagerly : "Have you seen
my father ? he did not come home last
night" . It did not take him long to tell
her of the accident and that her father
was at his office , and how at first he
thought the accident serious but proved
to be not : > o.
Nora of course did not go skating.
When Ernest came home in the evening
he said : "You ought to be glad that you
did not go skating with Nellie and May ;
Mr. Field said that the pond was safe so
the girls put on their skates and went
for the middle of the pond , but the ice
was thin and they both went under ; the3
got them out but they don't know wheth
er Nellie will live or not : May just caught
a bad cold" . "Oh how glad I am that I
didn't get to go , even though I'm sorry
papa got hurt" , said Nora. "You're just
as well off as if you'd gone , too" , said
Ernest , "and I don't think if I were t
Nellie or May , either , that I'd go skating 1
on such a warm day , soon again" .
[ THE END. ]
Absolutely pure , perfectly harmless , and 111- j
variably reliable are the qualities of One .Min
ute Cough Cure. It never fails in coldscroup
and lung troubles. Children like it becau.e it
is pleasant to take and it helps them. \ . Mc-
Millen , Druggist.
Per.xons who are troubled with mdiije.-tion
will be interested in the experience of Wm.H.
Penn , chief clerk in the railway mail service
at Des Moines , Iowa , who writes : "It gives me
pleasure to testify to the merits of Chamber
lain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy j
For two years I have suffered from indicesj j
tion. and am subject to frequent severe attacks |
of pain in the stomach and bowels. ( ) ne or j
two doses of this remedy ne\er fails to give
perfect relief" . Price 25 and 50 cents ; sold by i
L. W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists. j
$ we 01 von
i bill L.U I fill i REMEDY Which S
P. Rots Confinement of its Pain , Horror and Risk. /
f My wife used "BOTHERS'FRIEND" be-S
J lore birth or her first child , she did not f
f suffer IromCRAaiPS or PAINS was quickly l
j relieved at the critical hour suffering but J
\ little she had no pains afterward and her S
I recovery was rapid. /
3 E. E. Johnston , Eufaula , Ala. V
S Scat "oy Mail or Express , on receipt or /
1 pric , $1.00 p r bottle. Book "To MothS
s ers " mailed Free. \
f BBADFIELD REGULATOR CO. . Atlanta , fit. S
' 'II" ' " ' ' " " " ' - " " '
ytn'UMi W • i ii'
; * J
0fh , „ , SLIllX inn * ; " . , . , . . . n . . . . m
n pi
I Happy • I • I
1 New Tear ! 1 |
_ _ n
n w I
HI . We wish you all a prosperous I
§ H and happy New Year. f § | I
H ' HI
• . I
m Mi
s8 s Insure happiness and prossgp I
| H perity in 1897 by trading. . . . | | | I
uKi W8 I
m * v - - n 1
MZask I
H , > tore p
8 g C. L. DeGROFF & GO. | | § j !
m Mm
> iiiiii t / IV ) " " 'Sir 1
m [ Wnational I In I
| fi Authorized Capital , $100,000. i | H
& : Capital and Surplus , $60,000 | | j H
) % l GEO. UOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. jgl M
jvq W. F. LRWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEN NELL , Ass 't Cash. j M
jp A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. j § = § M
# V. FRANKLIN. President. A. C. E3ERT. Cashier. $ |
# OF MeCOOK , NEB. # fl
fe Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus. $10.000 #
i |
! | - -Jrzrz DIRECTORS ri $ H
# 4 ? 1
E / . FRANKLIN , • N. S. HARWOOD , A. C. EBERT , j | M
& # |
nTmTT mTT l"i J ( K TdW Tl1 * famous isc . aeay cares qnicviy , , permanc. , |
I 13 A J Kla3lBK3 l # > l.B 13 I nervous tH . ! Ui * * Weak , Memory loss of . Brain howcr
UU EI fiSiJMaUMjUJjiJ Headache. Wakefulness l ofct Vltaiity. Klcbtlr Kmls-
QS EiSV. • X & ' Bov" dreams , lmpotencr . . and wartins Uix . aM-s caawd by | | H
Ffl 1lJFr \ S foutfe/ulfrrww ; r.r . ( 'f.Coataiasnooplaxes.laanervetonIc .
f If A'fj 4 'fi 'Mb Afl 1 anil blood'bnllder. Mckestborneandpnnyptronfanrla . . = : p.
& 4t ) Sd } . l .nr xTl ; lEa llyMrrieclinTertpoclcet.81perbox . ; forSC Brmcll.pre- . m
14tX . * IJUliT < Wh. l > t T M ipaia.vHtha crittenguarantteorvi-cmfvrtjK-iuletL , , Writens.frr-P H
Un. > | v < uJ Vk { JKf medical book sealed . . plnln wrapper with . testimonials ana H
BwHBMMH , . Bffi , Sil . flnanrlnl . Ptandln ? .VochnrnelormnrtiUatUma. . . , Bneareof , imito- H
mui nuGxT. mm Mini. . Tion * . . Soldliyoar . . = u. ra < MreM > EETBBEEDai.EaivJutTtaj . . . > ltClit c H
Forsalc In L. W. ilcDONNKLL & CO. I m > aiKt I IH