The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 18, 1896, Image 1
I Stye Jtk 00lt ' ® rib tine • . I , , , . , . Bl FIFTEENTH YEAR McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 18 1896. NUMBER 31 H H | MATTER IS SETTLED KfL , . Tbc Commercial House Controversy Ter- H B - , mlnates , This Week , by Agreement. f THE HOUSE MAY BE OPENED SOON K/ The End of Unfortunate Litigation 1 Which Has Closed McCook's K > & ieadingr Hostelrle for kjf Some Time. Bl This week ihe controversy * and litiga- Hl tion between T. A Hrt > and P. A Well- Hf over llit : Counneicial house and furnilure Hl was terminated by agreement between \ lue pnrties at interest. T A. Erb gives L \ a bill of sale of the furniture , etc to H / Robert Byers for an agreed consideration. The rent delinquency and other issues S between Erb anil Byers were settled , aud Byers retains the lease on the hotel. ft i The hotel remains closed for the pres- Kiy tint , but it is staled may open soon , to he r jl , conducted on the European plan , Mr. K f\ Beyers providing boaid at the B. and M. H i' dining hall for those desiring it. Bf ) vlt is to be hoped that this popular VjfA house may soon be rehabilitated aud K $ ) opened to the public , now that points at V \i issue have been settled. The interests V ft of the town demand that the hotel be V ( - , opened for business just as soon as cir- H B cumstuuees and the times will warrant. K \ M ' } , Double Wedding : . H * it A very happy double wedding occurred R # 1 in this city , Saturday , at the home of the f iv brides , on north Fifth street. The happy V $ jt couples were Mr. Bruce C. Yates of Dead- Bl 7 wood , S. D. and Miss Ada Myers , and HB i { ' Mr. Elmer V. Roush of Wymore and V \ \ Miss Mary Myers. The ceremony was H i f performed simultaneously by Rev G. W. g Jk Crofts , according to the simple and im- k / ' pressive ritual of the Congregational Bl church. The pleasant affair was con- B I * fined to th'e near relatives and close V i ) friends of the consenting parties , and ft { > took place at 12 m. Following the cer- BP1" } emony a delightful wedding lunch was B\ ? -served. P B • r- Bruce C. Yates is a former resident M fc\ of Lincoln , but is now engaged as a civil and mining engineer at Deadwood.South y Dakota , and is highly esteemed for his S ( \ many excellent qualities , both among m jj his old Nebraska friends and at his new B A home at Oeadwood. K Ji Mr. Elmer V. Roush is a well known M W and highly esteemed young man of Wy- m ' more , amd has many sincere friends K | \ throughout Gage county and in Beatrice , B f made so by his genuine worth and sterl- B F * * nK integrity. V The brides are among the best known m * and sincerely loved of Beatrice young B % womanhood , where they have lived most B' | R ° - 7 tue'r lives , and are natives of Gage B county , the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. H P. J. Myers , whose magnificent old farm K - lies but two miles northwest of the city. B v - * ne Parents of the brides are now resi- B H dents of Tempe , Arizona , but were not B U present at the wedding. The departure B < ' \ of these young ladies"from the city will fti t' be sincerely regretted by a very largt B circle of near and dear friends. Their V v' rare musical talent , which has of late HW $ years been so freely given to every mer- ; k 'M Jtorious enterprise , has endeared them to B 4 | t e entire community , all of which joins B m The Express in extending to them every B H heartfelt congratulation and wish for long . H * lives of prosperity and happiness. B j Mr. and Mrs. Yates will depart , Wed- B T nesday next , for their home at Dead wood , HF and on the same day Mr. and Mrs. Roush P > * \ will depart for Wymore , where they will • R if a * * reside in the feature. BiS E It is needless to add that both couples t were made the deserving recipients of _ . „ many valuable and handsome testimon- 1 .v p KL § T ials of esteem appropriate to the happy i H * a occasion Beatrice Express. K 1 ( e To Subscribers ot The Tribune. T * Jm Readers of The Tribune will please < Kk 1 remember that cash is an essential in 1 R | gr the publication of a paper. The pub- ] m w lisher has been very lenient during the 1 B , past few years , on account of crop fail 1 B jp ures an ( hard times , and as a consei i B ' quence many hundreds of dollars are H "W due on subscriptions. We are now comB - . B V pelled to request all who can to call and B * " m make settlement in full or in part. In H view of the facts , our subscribers must B M feel the justice and urgency of this re- B W quest. * The PDBI.ISHER. B M Mid-Winter Holiday Rates. : B W The Burlington Route will sell round B Jj | trip tickets to points within 200 miles for HL * one and one-third fare on the following F P' dates : December 24 , 25 and 31 , 1896 , ' B v and January 1 , 1S97 , with final return . B M limit January 4,1897. M % C. E. Magker , Agent . Bm M' For Sale. Hfl w c H [ | fc Sewing machine. Inquire of , K Yi LBowman. . Ji THE HORSE THREW HIM. Injuries at First Taught to be Serious , but ar Not. Master George Meyer was thrown from a horse , last S iturday evening , and pain full \ hurt about the head and face. It was nl fin t thought that his injuries illicit prove to he serious , as he lay for a number of hours in a semi-unconscious state , but happily such is not the case , ami the lad will soon be in condition to indulge jn another lively horseback ride. The accident occurred at the corner of Madison and Dearborn streets , and was the r < suit ot the pony suddenly turning , pitching off the boy headlong. MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. W. R hTARK hdd business in Culbert- son , Wednesday. W. S. .MORI.AN attended district court at Alma , Hailan county , Wednesday. S KlinGER was registered at the Capital hotel , Lincoln , last Friday , as from McCook. T. E. McDonald , cashier of the Bank of Ddiibury , was among our business vis itors , Monday. H.H BHRRY was down at Minden , Wednesday , to organize a lodge of the Srar 01 Juj it r. Miss Mary Watson has been up from Hastingsthisweek , , guest of Mc Cook. friends. Mr. and Mrs. Farington Power have gone to housekeeping on north Monmouth street. Court Reporter Eisenhart was down from Culbertson , Monday evening , on a little business. Dr. A. P. Welles was called up near Haigler , Monday , to perform an import ant surgical operation. J W. Palmer is here from Council Bluffs assisting in the invoicing at Bul- lard's lumberyard , this week. State Senator Weller came up from Syracuse , Otoe county , Wednesday evening , to look after his business mat ters here. Miss Ona Simons has resigned her school in Coleman precinct , and Miss Eunice Goheen ofthe class of ' 95 is teach ing in that district. C. L DeGrofE came up from Nebras ka Cit3\ last Friday night , and remained here until Sunday night , looking after his large business interests. Police Judge Duffie of Omaha was in the city , Wednesday. The Judge was Dave Mercer's victim in the last election. He was here on legal business. C. J. Ryan spent the close of last week in Lincoln. We understand that Cor nelius would not object to being struck by some of that appointment lightning. A. S. Campbell and J. W. Hupp were Lincoln visitors , Saturday , to attend a meeting of Sesostris temple , Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. A banquet was an attraction. S. E. Taylor came up from Lincoln , Sunday night , to assist the family in get ting ready to leave for Iowa , whither they took their departure , this week , Many kind wishes accompany them. F. G. Stilgebouer , cashier of the Bank of Bartley , was in the city , Mon day , on business connected with the Utter estate , which he is administrating. These headquarters were invaded and a pleasant chat enjoyed. Bishop A. R. Graves of Kearney de livered a sermon in S. Alban's Episcopal Mission chapel , Wednesday evening. Ihe services were well attended. The Bishop is an earnest , thoughtful man aud his sermons are full of instruction and interest. He went east on No. 4 , the same evening. Register Campbell was in the city ane day this week attending the chicken show. His thoughts now all run to the raising of fine and blooded chickens.aud if he don't change his mind it will be but a short time until he will have a thousand hens around McCook. Hast ings Democrat. H. S. WETHERELL is pushing for a lodge ofthe Star of Jupiter at this place , md notwithstanding the fact that the secret society field seems already well tvorked and over done , possibly , the : hances are in favor of his success. But , > f course , Wetherell is an exceptionally lard worker as all our people know. Republican City Democrat. J. B. MESERVE , state treasurer-elect , returned home , Saturday night , from an ibsence of ten days in eastern Nebraska , n the preparation of his official bond. ETe left for that part of the state again on ruesday night , expecting to complete he bond , in which large effort he is suc- : eeding satisfactorily. The magnitude > f the work will be better appreciated vhen it is known that a $2,000,000 bond s required of the state treasurer. : . j I : . . ' j.v , , . . _ . . . . . , . ? . ' / . . . . . .n _ . CHRISTMAS BELLS' ' What the Churches Have in Store for the Occasion. PROGRAMS OF UNCOMMON INTEREST A Variety of Entertainments Will be Given by the Several Churches for the Children. The Sunday schools of the city are * preparing their usual entertaining pro grammes for Christinas ; in fact some of the exercises ofthe momentous occasion promise to be more interesting and at tractive than common. : ethodist. The Methodist brethren have been for some weeks preparing a cantata for v the. occasion It is entitled "Santa Claus and His Elves" , and we can promise a delightful entertainment for old and young at that church on Christmas eve. congregational. The Cotigregational people will render a miscellaneous programme , literary and musical , with a little treat to the chil dren in connection. Besides a special lot of slides will be exhibited by the school lantern , which will furnish rare entertainment , no doubt. Their exer cises will also occur on Christmas eve. BAPTIST. On account of other pressing matters , the Baptists will forego their customary exercises , this year ; but there will be a distribution of presents to the members of the Sunday school on Sunday morn ing , December 27th. CATHOLIC. The members of St. Patrick's church are arranging to celebrate in an elaborate manner. Christmas morning there will be three masses , one at 6 , one at 9 with children's choir singing Steam's Festival mass , and again at 10:30 : , at which Peter's High mass will be sung. In the evening the children will be supreme in a musi cal and literary programme , with a Christmas tree and Santa Claus thrown into the bargain. It promises to be one of the most attractive observances at tempted in the city. Admission by card. The Christian people will not engage in any special exercises , neither will the Episcopal brethren. We have not been able to ascertain the purposes of those in charge of the South McCook Methodist church. Their Annual Meeting. The members and friends of the Congregational - gregational church held their annual meeting in the church-Wednesday even ing. Reports of a favorable and encour aging nature were read as to the spiritual and financial condition of the church and its various departments. An iuvita- tion was extended Rev. Hart L. Preston to remain another year in the capacity of pastor. After the business session , re freshments were served of a dainty , ap petizing sort , which concluded the pleas ure of a gratifying meeting. This Should Not Be. We learn that some intoxicated indi viduals disturbed the peace and quiet of last Sunday afternoon by a carousal on lower Main avenue. This should not be. If people will drink to excess , they ought to be able to satisfy their thirst in the six week days ; and if they can't make any better use of Sunday , they might de vote the day to sobering up. Her Eyesight Failing. The Tribune is pained to learn that Mrs. Luke Tulley's eyesight is failing rapidly , and ultimate total blindness is feared. To meet this possible calamity her friends are making an effort to secure the funds necessary to have her go to Omaha , where she may receive the pro fessional advice and services of an ex pert occulist. Annual Election. The members of J. K. Barnes post , G. A. R. , will meet on December 28th , for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year. All members ofthe post should remember the date , and the pur pose. He Will Recover. Colonel Mitchell will feel better directly - ' rectly he gets all that circulation wind off of his stomach. There is no occasion ' for alarm. The Colonel will recover. ' For Sale. Horse , phaeton and harness. L. I/OWMAN. Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Badcon are entertaining - ' taining their daughter-in-law , Mrs. Arthur - ( Badcon of 1 thur Denver. M. Carmony and family will go Red Cloud , tomorrow morning , to spend the holiday's with Mrs. Carmony's folks. S. E. Taylor and family departed , ( last night , for Iowa. < THE PROMENADE CONCERT , Last Friday Evening , Was a Success in Everything- Attendance. The promenade concert given by the Pythian band , last Friday evening , in the Mellaril opera house.wus a success in every feature , save one , the attendance. The programme embraced a half score of excellent selecti > ns , all of which were rendered in the baud's most artistic and engaging manner. Every other number was suitable for dancing , and many took advantage of the opportunity to indulge in the popu lar Terpsichoreau art. The effort was of sufficient merit to warrant a larger attendance. A Little Round House Jar. Master Mechanic Archibald aud Round House Foreman Crabtree had a small sized disagreement , Monday afternoon , in which the master mechanic literally sat down on the round house foreman. Archibald was subsequently arrested at the instance of Crabtree charged with assault. County Judge Smith presided and the defendant was assessed $25 and costs. The defendant made no defense , appealed the case , and expects to be en tirely exonerated in district court.should the case come to trial. It is stated that Crabtree had been drinking. As a result of the affair.Crab- iree was discharged and Henry Smith is at present acting as foreman. Will You be In It ? We mean the holiday trade. An ad vertisement in The Tribune will help secure your share. CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Catholic Mass at 8 o'clock a. ui. High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. in. , with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. All are cordially welcome. REV. J. W. HiCKEY , Pastor. Baptist Preaching in McConnell's hall , Sunday morning , by Rev. F. M. Williams of Liucolu. No evening serv ices. Bible school at 10 a. m. B. Y. P. { J. at 7 p. m. A cordial invitation to all. Episcopal Divine service second and fourth Suudays of every month at 11:00 a. m. aud 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school every Sunday at : ooo a. m. ' S. A. Potter , General Missionary. R. A. RUSSELC , Assistant. Congregational Morning theme , "Hope" . Evening topic , "To what are we called" ? Sunday school at 10. En deavor society at 7 ; leader , Carrie Fraz- ier. Prayer meeting , Wednesday even ing at 7:30. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all of our services. Hart L. Preston , Pastor. Methodist. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Preaching at 11 ; Subject , "Thought and Character" . Class at 12. Junior League at 2:30. Epworth League at 7. Preaching ingat 8 ; Subject , "Revival" . Trayer meeting Wednesday evening at S. The public is cordially invited to all our serv ices. Pray for revival of God's work. J. A. Badcon , Pastor. A New Vose. A new Vose Upright piano now graces the East ward assembly room , the same having been purchased first of the week. It replaces the old instrument which has been installed in the Ward building. It is proposed to pay for the new piano by school entertainments. Pianos come high , but a school run on the high order and progressive plan of the McCook pub lic schools must have them. Both pupils and public will enjoy the new instru ment. She is Better. Mr. and Mrs. V. Franklin were in Omaha , Monday , with their daughter Florence upon whom Dr. Bryant of that city operated successfully to relieve a nasal and throat trouble that has long bothered the child and threatened to be come serious. Florence feels better and it is hoped that trouble from that source will not return. Entirely Consumed. The dwelling of Mrs. George , a widow living alone over in the Ash creek coun try , was entirely destroyed by fire.Thurs- day of last weeks. Loss is covered by $400 insurance. Fire is supposed to have originated from the flue. Her Birthday. Monday evening was WinniePhillippi's birthday and the occasion was suitably celebrated by relatives and friends. There was music , dancing , refreshments and other et ceteras of a happy event. For Sale. Lots 1 and 2 , in block 23 , original Mc Cook. Write to G. W. Jacobson , Free dom , Illinois. . * , . "LIKE HOT CAKES" Are Going the Seats for the Opera , Princess Bonnie. OPERA HOUSE , MONDAY , DECEMBER 21 Special Scenery-New Costumes- Pythian Orchestra Fine Music and Lots of Fun. Don't Miss It. Next Monday evening , local talent will produce at the Menard opera house the charming Spanish-American opeia , "Princess Bonnie" , for the benefit of the Longview cemetery fund. McCook' . best musical talent is in the cast and chorus and an evening's entertainment is assured. The Pythian orchestra will play. New arnd special scenery has been painted. The costumes will he new and elegant for principals and choruses , and the general effect will be r.uperb Reserved seats can be secured at the drug store of L. W. McConnell & Co. Admission 50 cents Ifou have not reserved a seat , do so at once , as the house will be crowded. SCHOOL NOTES. Frank Travers looked our school sys tem over , Tuesday. Mabel Perry of the 9th grade returned to school , Monday , after a few days of vacation. Lela Sircoloumb , formerly of McCook and now of Sheridan , visited the schools , this week. A change of bell ringers was made in the special work department , Wednes day morning. New slides at the lantern class tonight. Everybody's presence is requestedand a good time is assured. Vacation will begin next Monday and continue so for two weeks , thus giving the poor , over-worked pupils an oppor tunity to recuperate for a short time from their laborious duties. George Meyer of the 9th grade was thrown from a horse , last Saturday after noon , with sufficient force to cause him a week's absence from school. He is about recovered at present. Mr. Valentine made a very interesting talk on the loan collection of slides , last Friday night at the lantern class , but the attendauce was so small that the cost of renting the lantern slides made the lia bilities of the evening greater than the assets. First of the week , the school purchased a new Vose upright piano , to be used in the assembly room. The pupils are very felicitous over its arrival , as the old piano , which will go to the West ward , is on its last legs , as it were. It will be paid for by the regular entertainmenLs of the school. Shakspere At the lantern class to night. A new collection of the works of famous artists illustrating scenes in Shakr.pcre's plays. Admission 10 cents. Entertainment begins promptly at 8 o' clock. Music by Misses Cordeal , Perry , Jordan and Dixon. The new Vose piano will be used for the first time on this oc casion. COURT HOUSE NEWS ITEMS. Hatters of Interest Gleaned From the Several County Offices. district court. The following cases have been filed since our last report : Joseph Odwarker vs. Robert Sizer et al. Equity. The McCook Loan and Trust Co. vs. Lee Ann Ketch et al. Equity. Thomas B. Hughs vs. Samuel Ball et al. Equity. COUNTY COURT. The following business has been trans acted in the county judge's office since our last report : Licenses towed were issued to : George B. Frederick and Barbara E. Flury , both of Bartley. Edmund B. Stilgebouer and Viola M. Pew , both of Danbury. Judgment was rendered Henry O. Wait for $282.51 and costs $23.60 in his suit against the Nebraska Loan and Bank ing Co. to recover on guarantee. Ap pealed. J. A. Hammond has been recuperating his health for the past week or two by visiting relatives in Indianola. Another Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris , Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Babcock , and H. W. Cole went down to Republican City , this morning , to assist in instituting a lodge of the order of the Star of Jupiter there. For Sale. Bed-room set. L. Lowman. THE DRAMATIC RECITAL. H It Was an Entertaining and Meritorious H Affair Throughout. | The dramatic rental , given by Miss l l Jeannette Dilley of Red Cloud , Tuesday | H evening , in the Methodist church , at- H tructed a fair audience , and was an en- HH tenanting , enjoyable affair. .Miss Dilley H appeared in a half dozen or more num- l l l > ers , showing a versatility and dramatic M power above the common , creating a very l l complimentary impression among her l l Miss Dilley was assisted by local talent ' H in a well rendered musical programme. | The Valentine quartette gathered new | honors Misses Ida and Blanche Mc- l l Carl's duo was kindly received. Roy OI Hj Smith's flute was fetching. And thevo- ( | cal duet by Miss Hannah and Mr. T. E. "f l McCarl was warmly encored. 'l H The affair was clearly meritorious. l- l PETITE PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. H H McMillen's Cough Cure is sure. h l . j ' H McConnell's Balaam for Coughs. ' H Do you know McMillen's Cough Cure H is effective ? , H The commissioners will be in adjourned ' / H session next Monday. " H - P H T. A. Erb is conducting a boarding j | house over Ganschow's store. H Secure desirable positions for your | | Christmas advertisements now. , H You will not overlook The Trihune | | if you ate an advertiser for profit. | Staple stationery , best quality at low- A H est prices , at The Tribune office. ii l = if H Advertise for results. The Trihune i H gi\es the best. The people read it. ' % | M. D. Holmes is building an addition H to John Wascon's house on the lower H Briltuood. H Did you ever burn any genuine Mait- H land coal ? Bullard sells it at $6.50 per | H ton. Try H The Germans of west Bondville precinct - H inct are building a large parsonage for H their preacher. H Use McConnell's Benzoated Almond fl H Cream and you can keep your hands | white and clean. | Henry Walker has traded his East | McCook dwelling for the Adams house J M in North McCook. ' / H Sheridan Nut coal is useil by a good | many people , and they say it is all right. r H $4.50 per ton at Bullard's. e | Fifteen (15 ; cents will buy a box jf ° , H nice writing paper at this office , containing - ° ' | taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel- H Archie Utter has been confined to bed , * - H this week , by injuries received on the m H farm , Sunday , in being thrown from a K' H horse. H Notwithstanding the hard times , S.M. H Cochran & Co. are keeping a complete Iju 'j l line of general hardware. See them before - * " • H fore buying. H is , H Mrs. Samuel Haynie , an oldtime and _ _ H well known resident of southern Frontier 30 H county , died on the 9th. Interment was y | made in that neighborhood. * ) | S. M. Cochran carry in stock the Ger- v H man , , Antique and Royal Oak Jg H heating stoves nothing better in the • ' V H market. The prices are right. Q | The south room of Menard's building ' / | | is being placed in shape to receive the w H postoffice. Additional windows have > J | been put in , and the room is being re- h | papered and painted anew. * * H To finish paying for the Organ in dis- Q H trict 8 , the school children of that dis- f | j H trict will give a Christmas entertainment A | in the Fitch school house , December 23d , } Y | at 8 p. m. Admission 15c. Two for 25c. / H Children 10c. . ; 3 H The Tin-ill Methodist church of Valley i H Grange precinct has been knocked down = H and moved to South McCook , where it j H is now being set up again , and will be % H used by the Methodist people of that < > H part of the city. % H The Misses Stover & Stanfield an- ' s > H nounce a special sale at greatly reduced | | j | prices until after the holidays. See advertisement - " * H vertisement in The Tribune and small - * • H bills. Here's an opportunity to secure „ , c. H seasonable goods at a sacrifice. H = = = = = / * H A Missouri editor says he stepped into L < H the store of a business man who did not ' * . | advertise , and was surprised to find him % j H busy. The storekeeper had the itch and H a Waterbury watch , and when he was * * > > < j H not scratching himself he was winding , - J4 H his watch. H