The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 20, 1896, Image 8

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_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ H : '
H Read the best coiin-
B ty newspaper that's
L--1 The Mo.C'ook Tribune
every time.
I "The worst cold I ever hul : in my life was
cured by Chamberlain's Cough Kemcchr" ,
writes W. H. Norton , of Sutter Creek , Cal.
"This cold left me with a couch and I was ex-
| J pectoratinc all the lime. The Remedy cured
H i "Tne , and I want all ol iiiylriends when troubled
H i with a couch or cold to use it , for it will do
therh Rood" . Sold by I. . W. McConnell A : Co. ,
Comfort to California.
Every Tluir.silay morning , a tourist
I sleeping car for Suit Lake City , San
Francisco and Los Angeles leaves Oma
ha and Lincoln via ( be Burlington Route.
It is earpHcil , upholstered in rattan ,
has spring -caN and bucks and is pro-
h Tided with curtains , bedding , towels ,
B soap , etc. An experienced excursion
H coudutMur .nid a uiiifoi inert Pullman por-
H ter accompany it through to the Pacific
| coast. While neither as expensively finished -
ished nor as fine to look at as a palace
! "sleeper , it is just as goods to ride in.
Second class tickets are honored and the
h % price of a berth , wide enough and big
| I enough for two , is only $5.00.
H I For u folder giving full particulars ,
H ( I ) call at the nearest B. & M. R. R. ticket
| ] office , or write to J. Francis , Gen'IPass'r
1 ij Agent , Burlington Route. Omaha , Nebr.
_ _ _ i i' ' - _ -
Mrs. N. N. Osburn , well known at Wood
stock , Mich. , was troubled with a lame back.
He was persuaded to use Chamberlain's Pain
Bairn. It gave him relief in one night. This
remedy is also famous for its cures of rheuma
tism. For sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. ,
The South Omaha Drovers Journal ,
With Daily , Tri-Weekly , Semi-Weekly
I and Weekly editions , is the leading live
stock newspaper and market reporter of
the West. It is the best market paper
j for s'ok raisers , fanners , fine stock
H | | | breeders and grain dealers. In addition
1 ! • to its complete , accurate and impartial
1 f "repot t of the South Omaha live stock
| I I ; "market , it contains the very latest and
J j I correct market reports by telegraph ,
| j from al' the principal stock markets of
H I the country , together with all theimpor-
J I taut telegraphic ami general news. Daily ,
H $4.00 ; Tri-Weekly , $2.50 ; Semi-Weekly ,
$2 00 , and Weekly , $1 50 per year. For
free sample copy , atldress The Drovers
Journal Company.Denna Allbery , Treas
I urer and Manager. Union Stock Yards ,
.South Omaha. Nebraska.
United States Land Office , McCook , Nebraska
November iotl , iSo . Notice is hereby given thati
William Weist has filed notice of intention to make
final proof before IUistrr or Receiver at his office
In McCook , Nebraska , on Wednesday. the2 rd day
of December. iS5. . on timber culture application
I No. 5707 , for the southeast quarter of section No.
thirty , in township No. one NorthRange No. thirty
\V „ 'Sixth 1 * . M. Hi * names as witnesses : Abraham
Vetcrs , Albert Weeks and William II. Itenjamin of
Kanksville , Nelir.isk.i , and Edmund I. . Walker of
H j | Ilerndon , Kansas. A. S. Cami'iiM.I. , Register.
I Printer
Hf AND '
I stationer.
_ _ K
I Legal Blanks
H Note Books ,
H R66eiDii Books ,
H Scale Books.
B Office Supplies
_ _ _ _ H
| rrasT book korth or
WIIM IMIItlll ll lll l-IHWIWIHIIWIH f | l ) H'l ' JUlVj * " ' -
Commissioners' Proceedings.
McCook. Nebraska. November 14th , 1896.
Hoard of county commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment. Present , J. M. Thomas ,
James Carmichael and Steplien Jtolies , com
missioners ; Harlow W. Keyes , county attor
ney ; and K. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes
of previous meeting read and approved.
The following official bonds were examined
and approved :
I. B. Stryker , overseer district No.38.
Fred lluhr , overseer toad district No. 19.
Henry Smith , constable , Coleman precinct.
Frank Real , assessor , Perry precinct.
Annual settlement of the following overse
ers examined and approved , and clerk direct
ed to draw certificates in payment theieof as
follows :
C.A.Hede , overseer district No.1 , certi
ficate No.27 for 520.84
R.J. Wagner , overseer district No. 11 ,
certificate No. 28 for 16.58
James Potts , overseer district No. 20 , cer
tificate N0.20. for 26.97
August Wesch , overseer district No. 25 ,
certificate No.30 for 26.58
Frank Schmoldt , overseer district No.
13 , certificate No.31 for 27.00
The following official communication was
received :
"McCook , Nebraska , November Kjth , 1896.
To the honorable board of county commis
sioners of Red Willow county , .Nebraska
Gentlemen : I hereby tender my resignation
as county treasurer of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , to take effect December 21st , 1896.
J. B. Meservk" .
On motion same was accepted and resigna
tion so endorsed and signed by the board.
On motion J. H. Merge was appointed treas
urer to fill-said vacancy , which appointment is
in writing as follows , to-wit :
' 'McCook , Nebraska , November 14th , 1896.
Owing to a vacancy in the office of county
treasurer , by reason of the resignation of J. 15.
Meserve , the present incumbent , to take effect
Monday , December 21st , 1896 , J. ll.JJerge is
hereby appointed to fill said vacancy for the
unexpired term of said treasurer. This ap
pointment to be in force and effect on Mon
day , December the 21st next.
J. M Thomas , )
Jas. Carmichaki.Commissioners. .
Stephen" , )
On motion , it is hereby ordered , that the
county treasurer of Red Willow county is
hereby authorized to pui chase , invest and take
up registered warrants of the general fund of
said county , out of the sinking funds in the
hands of said treasurer belonging to Willow
Grove , Indianola , and North Valley precincts
of said county , provided that not moie than
fifty per cent , of the money so collected on any
of said funds shall be so invested in said war
rants at any given time.
The following claims were audited and al
lowed , -and clerk directed to draw warrants
on the County Road fund , levy of 1896 , in paj-
ment thereof as follows , to-wit :
E.B. Lister , road work S 1250
James McChmg , biacksmithing 5 60
R.J. Wagner , grading 4 co
C.A.Bede , hauling lumber 10 00
A.Brown , repairing plow and scraper. 1 00
Y.Stothard , road work 2 50
C. A. Gentry , sharpening road tools ,
claim S3.80 , allowed 3 30
C.J. Ryan , serving road notices , Road
No. 311 ; 7 00
Albert Ault , road work 2 50
G.O.Harris , road work 1 50
Leisure Bros.repaiis 60
W. Wiggins , sharpening grader , claim
S3.00 , allowed 2 50
P.Walsh , road work 09 00
And on the County Bridge fund , levy of
1896. in payment of the following :
Danbury Lumber Co , lumber $140 87
W.C.Bullard&Co. , lumber 106 42
Barnett Lumber Co. , lumber 2 27
J.W.DoIan& Co. , bridge material 17 94
I.J. Peck , bridge material So 62
Barnett Lumber Co. , bridge material. . 84 II
Ed. Werner , bridge work 9 00
Charles Colling , bridge work 9 00
John Real , bridge work , claim $24.00 ,
allowed 20 00
O.V.Ault , bridge work 4 50
Joseph Junker , bridge work , claim S14 ,
allowed 10 00
Sam Nuton , bridge work 5 00
I. B.Stryker , bridge work 2 50
Geo.Younger , bridge work (2) ( ) 19 50
And on the County General fund , levy 1806 ,
in payment of the following :
F.M.Kimmellballots and stationery. . S147 So
F.B.Duckworth , drugs 18 60
C.J. Ryan , service as sheriff 23 00
McCallum & Short , mdse * 10 00
C.II.Meeker , office rent , (2) ) 100 00
J.R.Neel.calling jury , board and jailer 71 19
J.W.Dolan&Co.mdse : 19 67
Joseph Menard , mdse. . . 42 45
Timothy Hannan.drayage for C. D. C. I 50
J.J. Garrard , meals for prisoner 3 45
James McAdams , coal 8 00
J. W.DoIan & Co. , mdse and coal (2) ( ) 16 10
Barnett Lumber Co. , coal 4 75
Geo. B.Morgan & Co. , mdse - . 12 20
E.J. Mitchellstationery 53 00
J.C.Oakley , board and care paupers ,
assigned to Belles 27 S4
Phillip Gliemmdse for paupers 17 50
Geo. B.Morgan & Co. , mdse for poor. 6 35
R. A.Green , compiling tax-list for 1S96. 472.36
A.Hammond , erroneous tax paid 4.00
R.A.Green , for issuing certificates of
election 53-50
Farington Power , defending Edward
Lorenz , order of court , 100.00
Michael O'Leary , board and lodging
jury 41.00
Andy Barber , surveying 25.00
Harrison & 1 larrison , mdse for prisoner 16.75
J.C.Puckett.movingchairsto McCook 3.00
R.A.Green , expenses 1S.53
Electric Light Co. , lights 5.49
G.C.Boatman , clerk of district court ,
postage etc 7.15
W. D.Gillett , fixing jail 3.00
A.McMillen , medicine 6.55
M.E.Knipple , mdse So
J.F.Ganschow , house rent and slippers 8.35
PeterEoxen , bailiff
W.C.Bullard & Co. , coal 1.90
Joseph Menard , opera house for court 18.50
J.M.Thomasservicescommissioner. . 13.10
James Carmichael , same 19.60
Stephen Belles , same 32-40
James H.Everistcoroner , inquest over
dead child in Bondvillc 1 = 5.40
The old lady was right when she said the
child might die if they waited for the doctor.
She saved the little one's life with a few doses
of One Minute Cough Cure. She had used it
for croup before. A. McMillen , Druggist.
' ' ' * M" " " *
pi llipilllll I Ill-Il l III IIIIW Il l
. * ' ii1 ' 1 1 1 " " " ; 1 -1 mi .
W.A.DeMay , physician , same 16.90
E.M.Matson , juror , s.ime 1.90
W.A.Minniear , juror , same 1.90
C.I I.Oman , juror , same t.oo
T. H .Colling , juror , same 1.90
S.S.Graham , juror , same 1.9 >
E.M.Matson , constable , same 12.25
Caroline Berry , witness , same 1.80
Priscilla Piyor , witness , same 1.80
John Newberry , witness , same 1.10
Mrs.N.J.Newberry , witness , same. . . . 1.10
Minnie Davidson , witness , same I.IO
Emmie Davidson , witness , same 1.10
Andrew Mainer , witness , same
Frank Barber , witness , same 1.90
Walter Kintsel , juror , Oct.term , 1896. . 17.00
Henry Crabtree , same 16.80
R.H.Thomas , same 16.60
A.C.Ebeit , same - . 14.20
Charles Weintz , same 14.20
Henry Walker , same 14.20
A.J.Loin , s.une 18.20
E.P.Day , same 15.00
G.W.Stair , same 14.20
Mahlon Campbell , same l5-8o
John Broomfield , same 14-40
C.B.Gray , same 14.20
Chailes Lehn , same 14.20
Ed Flitcraft , same 14.20
Platte Kinne , same 20.60
A.L.Enyeart , same 19.60
Nelson West , same 20.00
Samuel Blackfan , same 16.00
J. B.Cummings , same 20.60
Klias Canaga , same
Howe bmuli , same 12.40
A.A.Phidippi , same 12.80
A.C.Crabtree , same 16.80
II.H.Meyer , same 14 60
lames \ \ illiams , same 2 00
C.F.Buhler , same 2 00
T. A. Endsley , same 10 00
G.B.Latmersame 2 co
J. S. Mahanna , same 2 00
E.A.Sexson , same 2 00
Arthur C.Wilbei.s&me 10 00
S.Brahlersame 2 00
Walter Hickling.same 200
Elsworth Hillpot , same 10 00
Benjamin Tate , same 10 00
I Ioratio Stone , same 2 00
George Nicholson , same . • 2 co
Joe Dow ns , same 2 90
P.J.Collingsame 2 80
R.J.Wagner.same 1080
Peirv Stone , same 2 20
J.I1.Warfieidsame 2 90
W.I' .Bums , same 2 90
F.L.Freelove , same 2 50
A.D.Johnston.sanie 2 40
Henry Jones , same 10 15
John Briuton , same 3 00
A-G.Culberts.onsame 10 30
Andrew Baiber , witness 9 50
C.W.Lepper.same 6 70
J. M. Brown , same 10 10
C. A.Leach , same 6 00
Ed .Jordan , same 6 00
L.W.McConnell , same 6 00
John Real , same 6 60
Frank Real , same 6 60
J.R.Neel , same . ' 6 00
Lizzie Kelleisame 710
Henry Lepper , same 6 70
Elmer Smith , same 7 20
Jacob Smith , same 7 20
Anthony Droll , same . . 6 90
Chas.Lehn. same 6 00
Beit Huet , same 6 So
William Divine , same 7 20
John N. Smith , same 7 20
Michael Coyle. same 6 90
Mathias Dioilsame , 6 90
Jacob Reyher , same 6 So
B.F.Olcott , same 6 00
Robert Moore , same 6 80
P.O'Connor , same 660
W.A.Stewartsame 6 So
F.M.Williams , judge , Alliance precinct ,
and return SS.50
J.K.McDowell , judge , same 4.00
Gus Aubry , judge , same 4.00
Edgar Blackfan , clerk , same 4.00
Young Stothard , clerk , same 4.00
Wm.C.Shockley , judge. Beaver precinct
and return 9.30
C. P. Underwood , judge , same 5.00
Wm.Remington , judge , same 5.00
J.L.Leisure , clerk , same 5.00
A.B.Smith , clerk , same 5.00
S. W.Stilgebouer , director , use of school
house * for election , claim $2 , allowed 1.50
J.A.Carter , judge , Bondville precinct. . . 4.00
William Karp , judge , same. ! 4.00
Joseph Schwarz , judge , same 4.00
Charles Boehl , clerk and return 7.00
William Uerling , clerk , same 4.00
Joseph Junker , Jr. , use building for elec
tion , claim $4 , allowed at 1.50
T.M.Campbell , judge , Box Elder prec. 3.00
A.T.Wilson , judge , same 3.0-3
Charles Foye , judge and return 5.90
James Kinghorn , Jr. , clerk , same 3.C0
G.W.Loomis , clerk , same 3.00
P. A.Brower , use of building for election
and mitts 4.00
A.Prentice , clerk , Coleman precinct 4.00
William Sharp , clerk , same 4.00
Thomas Coyle , judge , same 4.00
Jacob Betz , judge , same 4.00
Geoige Howell , judge and return 7.20 •
.School district No.58 , use building and
fuel for election , claim $2 , allowed at 1.50
William Prentice , constable.Coleman , rejected
E.B.Lister , judge , Danbury precinct 4.00
M.M.Weaver , judge , same 4.00
II. A.Graham , judge and return
Otto Puelz , clerk , same 4.00
II. W.Naden , clerk , same 4.00 (
School district No.4 , use of building for
election , claim S3 , allowed at 1.50 ;
H.A.Graham , making booth 2.00 j
W.S.Fitch , judge Driftwood precinct. . . 4.00 ,
Joseph Schmitz , judge , same 4.00 ;
James Boatman , judge , same 4.00 ;
J.M. Hammond , clerk , same 4.00
C.T.Eller , clerk , same 4.00 ;
School district No. 16 , use of buirding for '
election 2.00 !
C.T.EllerpoliceDriftwood precinctrejected
S.W.Clark , judge , East Valley precinct ,
and return 7.So
A.E.Miller , judge , same 4.00
C.W.Mallory , judge , same 4.00
William Smith , clerk , same 4.00 (
William Hamilton , clerk , same 4.00 :
William Smith , use building for election 3.00 '
William Cowells , police , East Valley , rejected [
Robert Barber , clerk , Fritsch precinct. . . 4.00
Walter Kintsel , clerk , " . . k. 4.00 i
A.J.Rair , judge , same 4.00 ;
To cure all old sores , to heal ari'l Crevoi
ulcer , or to speedily cure piles you Y jnts i
DeWitt's Witch Haze" " ' * • the
ply apply j Vs in
ing to directions. Its magic-li' ' * ° * 5hin (
surprise you. A. McMillen , D .
1 I
I :
_ _ _ I fr. , , . , , .
" ' ' ' " " 'I'11" ' IJ I - - J - . ' ' . . . . .
Otis Coburn , judge , same 4.00
James Barber , judge and return 8.00
L , L. Harrison , cleaning school house and
making booths 1.50
Charles Lofton , clerk , Gerver precinct. . 3.00
J.K.Dodge , cleik , same 3.00
Frank Lofton , judge , same 3.00
William Nixon , judge , same 3.00
O.L.Thompson.jiidgeand making return 6.40
School district No.35 , use of building for
election , claim 53 , allowed at 1.50
Albert Weeks , judge , Grant precinct and
making return 6.70
Abraham Peters , judge , same 3.00
Andrew Anderson , judge , same 3.00
L.C.Caldwell , clerk , same 3.00
T.A.Rowland , clerk , same 3.00
School district N11.51 , use of building for
election 1.50
N.Dutcherjudge , Indianola precinct. . . 6.00
Charles Colling , judge , same 6.00
James Hetherington , judge , same
B.G.Gossard , clerk , same 6.00
W.O.Bond , clerk and return 9.50
W.D.Kennedysetting up booths , Indi
anola piecinct 1.00
N.Dutcher , icpairing booths , coal and oil
Indianola piecinct 1.75
D.A.Waterman , judge , Lebanon prec
inct , rlaim 6. allowed at 5.00
George R.ilslen , judge , same 5- ° °
R.II.Mchols , judge , same 5.00
E.E.lligh. clerk , same 5.00
W.C.I hint , clerk and return , same , claim
§ 13.10 , allowed at 12.80 t
school district N < .6 , use of building for
election , same , claim $3.50 , allowed 1.50
James Jones , clerk , Mis-outi Ridge pre. . 3.00
J. W. Null , clerk , same 3.00
John Gerins , judge , same 3.00
'I .J.McCarl , judge , same 3.00
lid lirvin , judge and return , same 6 So
R.C.Catlettclerk , Nurh Valley precinct 4.00
Joseph Walkmgton , cleik , same 4.00
E.Oxley , judge , * -ame 4.0D
George Remington , judge , same 4.00
J.W.Daniels , judge and returnsame 8.80
School district No.9 , use of building for
election. . . , 1.00
Geoige Poh , judge , Perry precinct 4.00
William Fleischman , judge , same 4.C0
John Lorenz , judge , same 4.00
\ \ .A.Stewart , clerksame 4.00
J.II.Meyers , clerk and return 6.50
School district No.23 , use of building for
election 1.00
L.J.Shippee , clerk , Tyrone precinct 4.00
Jack Farrell.clerksame 4.00
N.W.Fough , judge , same 4.00
chailes II.Nichols , judge , same 4.00
M.F.Davis , judge and return , same 9.20
A. Hammond , oil , judge and return. Red
Willow precinct 7-40
L.J. Holland , judge , s.une 4.00
I.S.IIadleyjudgesame 4.00
S.E.Hager , clerk , same 4.00
R.J.Hadley , clerk , same 4.00
11 .W.Cole , judgeist dist. Willow Gtove 6 00
J. 11. Yarger , judge , same 4 00
li.C. Ballew , judge same 400
J. S. 1.el lew , clerk , same 4 00
E.E.Lowman , clerk , same 400
II. W.cole , use of building for election ,
claim $6.00 , allow ed 4 00
M. A.Spaulding , special police Rejected
I.T , Benjamin , judge , 2d dist. Willow
Giove , and return 5 00
W.O.Norval , judge , same 4 00
II.II.Berry , judge , same 4 00
F' .D.Burgess , clerk , same 400
M.H.Holmes , clerk , same 4 00
John Went/ , judge , 3d dist. Willow Grove
and return 6 00
J.C.Predmore. judge , same 4 00
G.Orman , judge , same 4 00
c. J. Predmore. clerk , same 400
Geo. Leach , clerk , same. 4 00
Rooney & McAdams. use b'ld'g election ,
claim ? 6.oo , allow ed 4 00
M.E. Horner , judge , 4U1 dist. Willow
Grove 4 oo
James Kilpatrick , judge , same 4 00
Charles Weintz , judge , same 4 00
Abner Clark , clerk , same 4.00
C.B.Gray , clerk , same 400
C.I I. Boyle , canvassing returns 6.00
C.F.Babcock , canvassing returns 6.00
O.D.Mosher , delivering ballots , repairs 5.20
J. W. Underbill , making 24 ballot boxes. . 15.20
C.J.Ryan , posting election notices 6.50
M. E. Horner , putting up and taking
down booths S.25
On motion board adjourned to meet Dec.
21st , 1S06. Attest : R. A. Green ,
County clerk.
Scaly eruptions on the head , chapped hands
and lips , cuts , bruises , scalds , burns are quick
ly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It
is at present the article most used for piles ,
and it always cures them. A. McMillen , Drug-
gist. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Corn Wanted.
j,000 bushels of com wanted on the
Wells ranch , 4 miles south of McCook.
Will pay 15 cents cash on delivery. Scales
on place. ' '
Dr. Z. L. Kay.
Office , rooms 4 and 5 over Leach's
jewelnstore. . Residence , room 2t ,
Commercial hotel.
For Sale.
Horr-e , plnton and harnes.s. !
L. Lowmas.
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
diatrict court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , '
under a. decree , in an action wherein Guy Lilly '
as administrator de bonis non with the will |
annexed of the estate of Thomas Lonergan ,
deceased , is plaintiff , and Barbara Stevens is :
defendant , to me directed and delivered , I
shall expose to public sale , and sell to the
highest bidder for cash , at the door of the city
hall in the city of McCook , Red Willow coun
ty , Nebraska , on Monday , December 21,1S96 ,
at the hour of one o'clock , p. m. . the following
described real estate , to-wit : The northeast
quarter of section number twenty-one , in
township number one. north of range number
thirty , west of the 6th p. m. Dated November
19 , 1S96. J. R. Neel , Sheriff.
W. S. Morlan , Attorney. N0V.14-5L
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
district court of Red Willow county.Nebraska ,
under a decree , in an action wherein The Mc
Cook Co-Operative Building and Savings asso
ciation is plaintiff and William II. Davis et al.
are defendants , to me directed and delivered , ;
I shall expose to public sale and sell to the
highest bidder for cash , at the door of the city
hall , in the city of McCook , Red willow coun
ty , Nebraska , on Monday , December 21,1806 ,
at the hour of one o'clock , p. m. , the following
described real estate , to-wit : Lot six in block
iriv , First addition to McCook , Red willow '
ter V , Nebraska. Dated November 19,1S96. J
jier ' J. R. Neel , Sheriff. ]
the ' Mor'an' ' Attorney. N0V.14-5L
* i * w _ - _ _ . , - - -
_ - _ _ _ „ . _
ii immiii" * " " "jta * - - 4
_ _ _ ju niirr , in ii. > i 1 1 " " " ' " "Tl ' - ' ' ' ' - -1 . < j JJt H
1 , . _ . . , _ _ . . 1 . 1 t * - j.- _ _ - - - i ' - " ' ' * _ ! ' * " V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i l
jpi- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
rft _ , | , Many thousand dollars fit * * " jH
x : . , ills vH
* - 1
- - \ worth of valuable articles | | < ' |
M TOUr \ suitable for Christmas B M
for the yolipg aud 1
IAUfietmae I - §
; 1 will l9LIIICt9 I old , are to be given to W ? : H
\ ClftS / smokers of BlackwelPs B ' * H
pL w # Genuine Durham To- | j M
fjf\ _ pre © S bacco. You will find JJ ' H
pi one coupon inside each | | | H
pi two ounce bag , and two . ' " g M
§ § i coupons inside each four _ r fl _ * _ T _ a ! ! ' * V S- _ H
If ounce bag of Blackwell's w Xga H
U Durham. Buy a-bag of / GeiHli-l@ f ] S
this celebrated tobacco ! g a _ _ ' _ _ _ _
IS and read the coupon I lIIDUffiiP [ u\ \ j k
which gives a list of val- % | J Ifliniraifii4 H
I uable presents and how \ _ ip ' _ H
to get them. X _ TODaOGO V tf S
_ fc _ _ d0 sT < - i _ _ _ H
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vfH
n * _ > _ > _ i s * _ _ i * * jr * x * * * n * * m * v i * * _ 4 v - * * * a V
An education .it Harvard , Vale , or any- other *
college or institution of learning in the "United t
J States , or in the New England Conservatory of "
* Mtibic , can be secured by any young man or " ,
* woman who is in earnest. Write for particulars J
; quickly. JAM US I ) . HALL ,
3 < 5 Hroomfield Street , lloston , .Mass. f
| Farmer's Sons i
i ( T rT\ We will rmploy joii .it $5 ° per >
3p SU mouth. Write quickly. 'i
r 56 ISroomfield Street. ?
c ISoston , Mas * . 5
JSiT'l'ractice in all the courts. Collections.
Notary Public. Upstairs m the Spearman
building , McCook , Nebraska.
McCook. Niiraska.
_ * Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office-
Rear of First National bank.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
6 Bellamy , assistants.
MRS. R , FI1TTKR , , _
Piano , Organ. Guitar and Banjo
Egr-Studio Rear of C. L. DeGroff & Co.
W. V. GAGE ,
McCook , Nerraska.
_ _ / Office hours 9 to II a. in. , 2 to 3 and
7 to 9 p. m. Rooms Over the First National
bank. Night calls answered at the office.
J. A. GUNN , j
McCook , Nebraska.
SfOffice OverC. A. Leach's jewelry store.
Residence 701 Main street. Prompt atten
tion given to all calls.
Real EstateCollections , Insurance
McCook. Nerraska.
ESTNotary Public. East Dennison street.
of the . . . .
We respectfully solicit your business ,
and guarantee pure milk , full measure ,
and prompt , courteous service.
Julius Kunert ,
Carpet Laying ,
Carpet Cleaning.
tsl am still doing carpet laying , carpet
cleaning lawn cutting and similar work. See
or write me before giving such work. My
charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at
Tribune office. IULIUS KUNERT.
t \ -Ulil I _ _ _ _ _ * _ '
"C _ v * " * • - • Shortens labor. lessens pain ,
- • - - - . diminishes danger to life of
both , mother and child and leaves her in condif
tion more favorable to speedy recovery. f j
"Stronger after than before confinement" |
says a prominent midwife. Is the best remedy .
Known and worth tc price for that alone.
Endorsed and recommended by midwives and
all ladies who have used it.
Beware of substitutes and imitations
Makes Ghiid-Birth Easy. ,
Sent by Express or mail on receipt of price. I 1
$1.00 per bottle. Bool : "TO MOTHERS" |
mailed free , containing voluntary testimonials. >
Do Not Stop Tobacco ! H
How to Cure Yourself While M
Using It. j H
Tintnb.tcco h.ihit urows on .1 111.111 until In' . H
nirvnus systiiii is seriously affected. Impairing " ' _ _ _ _ _
health , comfort and h.inpiuc-ss. To quit suddenly H
is too .se\erc a shock to the .sy. > teni , as toli.icco to / |
an imeterate user becomes .1 stimulant that hi-s ' | H
. " . " H
system continually craves. "Il.icco-Curo" Is a
scientific cure for the tobacco habit , in all its forms , , H
carefully compounded after the formula of an em H
iiu-nt Berlin phsician who lias used it in his private |
practice since 1S72 , without a failure. It is purely H
vegetable aud guaranteed perfectly harmless. Von H
can use all the tobacco you want while taking H
"I.acco-Curo. " It will notify you when to stop. j H
We ive a written uar.mtee to cure permanently H
any case , with three boxes , or refund tin * money H
with 10 per cent , interest. "It.icco-Curo" is not a H
substitute , but a scientific cure , that cures without | H
the aid of will power and with no inconvenience. | H
It leaves tile system as pure and free from nicotine I H
as tile day you took your first chew or smoke. _ |
Cured by ESacco-Ciiro unci Gained H
Thirty Pounds. ' H
l- rom hundreds of testimonials , tin- originals 01 H
wliicli are 011 file ami open to inspertion , the fo ! y. H
lowing is presented : / H
Clayton , Xevad.i Co. , Ark. , Jan. 2.8. H
ICureka Chemical . .VMfjr. . Co. , I-a Crosse , Wi-t K M
< > entlemei- or forty years I used tobacco in al. |
its forms , b'or twenty-five years of that time I H
was a TtK\l sufferer from < ; euenil debility and heart |
disease. b'or fifteen years I tried to * < init. but H
couldn't. I took various remedies , nmon < - ; othcri , j M
• Xo-To-lSac , " "The Indian Tobacco Antidote , " |
"Double Chloride of Gold. " etc. , etc. . but none of J |
them did me the least bit of ood. Finally how H
ever , I ] turcliased a beef your "It.icco-Curo" ai.d H
it has entirely cured me of the habit in all its forms , H
j and I ha\e increased thirty pounds in weight and _ H
! am relieved of all the numerous aches and pains of H
I ' body and mind. I could write a quire of paper up ' |
on my changed feelings and condition. M
Yours respectfully. I * . II. Maiiisuky , |
Pastor C. I' . Church , Clayton , Ark. > _ H
Sold by all druggists at $1.00 per box ; three boxtu > , t ' H
( thirty days treatment ) $2.50 , with written guaron- ' |
tee , or sent direct upon receipt of price. Write for • * H
booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical & Mfg. Co. , H
I .a Crosse , Wis. , and Iioston , Mass. , . _ H
T. S. McBRAYEll , M
'McCook ' Transfer Line. , m
_ _ _ _ _ _ J H
w-anmm a im H
_ _ l
' 2T"Oiily furniture vau in the L\
city. Also have a first class house M
moving outfit. Leave orders for LM
bus calls at Commercial hotel or jH
at ofifice opposite the depot. H
_ 'ias8 Co. Land and Live Stock Gi. fl
_ _ _ _ ' _
l _ r _ H * V 4 _ _ _ i
Horses branded on left hip or leTt shnuUIer H
MBMp P.O.address Imperial H
vf _ Chase county , uuil Beat H
V BMhrice. Nebrnska. Unripe. H
Kfj iStinkinLr Water and the W
1 Frenchman in t
PH VI Chase county. Nebraska. ' l
Wl wk\ Brand as cut onsideof mW
jgBmwmmmm mMM'someanimals.on hipanrt 5 mmm \
4S 9pQEH9 sides of eome. or any Hl
whereon thf animal. H
R. A. COLE , * <
_ iadikg ' 1 * _ H
* H
Has Just received _ now stock of OLOTEb |
tnd TRIMMINGS. It you want a good ttr H
ting iiilt made at th very loest prlcai for ' d H
good work , call oa him. Shop first door wen J
ot Barnett' § Lumber Office , oa Donnlio- H
( /H ]
_ _
' _ _ _ _ !
The modern stand- H
a arcl Family Medi- H
_ _ _ _ _ !
cine : Cures the H
OT _
common every-day l
_ _ _ _ _
5 ills of humanity. B
_ l
° w m
. -
• _ i _ _ H