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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1896)
I > - hf ® Je ) ltlc 00b " ' ® rtbttne * ' I , , . . . . H FIFTEENTH YEAR McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA. FRIDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 20. 1896. NUMBER 27 Hfl H [ A GREAT OCCASION B'ji Hff7 The Southwestern Nebraska Educational B Association Meeting : Hip IN McCOOK , NOVEMBER 26 , 2T AND 28 m\ mJft An Interesting : Program of Pleasure fcfel and Instruction Has Been Ar- Hf ranged for the Three Vj Days Session. B. The Souths extern Nebraska Educa- H tional association will hold a three days H > session iu our city , next week , commenc- K ing on Thursday evening and concluding Hk on Saturday evening. An elaborate pro- T gramme has been arranged for the occa- B'y sion , and a number of notable persons iu Tj / and outside of educational circles will Bjs participate in the various , sessions of the BjU association f i Arrangements are being made for free hnl entertainment , and in ca * > e the attend- 7 \ auce reaches one hundred the railroad H ) will make a rnte for round trip of one \ and one-third fate. Hi fkogkammh : B Jj 1IIUKSDAY KVKKING , NOV. 2(5. Hl 8o Music Selection b 'jt lecture " 'Hie Greeny" K Prof. J. W. Itowlus , Orleans. Hl \ Music Selection f * t IKIK.W MOKNING , NOV. 27. H-p < tV0 Music Selection Ki. 'K < ) History and the Tctching of History RS/ | rof. K M. l'linji. State Uimerbity. EjPt * < & ) History in Its Relationship to CitiVcnship. . W > ' . ' I Ion.V. . S. , I Ion. W.F. . Dale. H A < c ) History in the llifh School H < J James U. Fulk , Holdrejre. V' | > < d > History in the Grammar Grade kv4 \ Miss Lallj , Arapahoe. B | \ ( e ) General Discussion H j h Conducted hv Prof. F. M. Flinf , ' . Bf FRIDAY Al-TjHNOON. P YJ 'UO Music Selection L PVj I'apcr The Trainim ; of Teachers B M Mrs. Vatic Van Petten , Trenton. Kj § | ) Discussion Principal A. C. Hart , FranMin AV ( V THE H1G1E.NE OK THE TUIiLIC SCHOOL. | & ' V ( a ) Address Dr. V. V. Gage , McCook. H * ' - lb ) Physical Training and the Vital Organs. . . & - _ ; . . Principal W.J. Dobson , Indianola. R \ < c ) The Intellectual Side of Physical Training. Hl V Miss Sadie Campbell , Franklin. Hk ? ? . ( d ) General Discussion BK 4 Sn > Music Selection R. Address Chancellor Macl-ean , State University VK Kl-CEPTION. F\i S " W MORNING , NO2S. . P Selection f 9:00 : Music Bwi Paper t Nature Study B m Supt. K. M. Hussong- , Franklin ; V * % ] V Supt. A. O. Thomas , Mindcn. V r Paper School Museums pi Principal Thomas Scott , Curtis. K'w ' r General Discussion..Conducted by Supt. Hussong ; K at ii o Business meetinir ftSlPv SATURDAY AFTERNOON. B , ! r i jo Course of Study .State Supt. Corbett , Lincoln K / Discussion G. W. Sampson , Alma lr J and Supt. James Reynard , Benkelman. ft \ SECTION MEETINGS. BaS. > County Supts. State Supt.Corbett , I'residing. IS1) ) Supts. and Princs. Supt.Thomas , Presiding. H&r > rKOGKAMME. K * S I (1) What is the function of the teachers' meet ing ? (2) "What may be done in these meetings for professional advancement of the teachers ? 1 Committee J. O. L3neCambridge , A. R. Daugh- erty , Culbertson , Fred Downing , Beaver City. II. ( i ) Should we make an effort to secure a State \ Normal Training School of more ready access to the teachers of the western portion of the state ? If so , what steps should be taken to se ! cure it ? Committee G.W.Sampson , Alma.Wm. Valentine , McCook , G.W.Coleman , Arapahoe , ltural and Grade Teachers Mrs.Watie Van Pet- ten , Trenton , Presiding. 7:30 Address. . .Subjects and Objects of Instruction ' State Superintendent H.R.Corbett. _ . j To Subscribers of The Tribune. JF j \ Readers of The Tribune will please H& > remember that cash is an essential in , V the publication of a paper. The pub- has been very lenient during the past few years , ou account of crop fail ures and hard times , and as a consequence rlisher many hundreds of dollars are due on subscriptions. We are now com pelled to request all who can to call and make settlement in full or in part. In view of the facts , our subscribers must feel the justice and urgeucy of this re quest. The Publisher. Poper-ln-Law's Pefferlans. J. B. Meserve , state treasurer , lias whiskers that Peffer might look upon with envy. If pops are successful two years from now that man will slip into the United States senate as easy as fall ing out of a tree. Bixby in Lincoln Journal. December Term Annuled. Judge Norris has annuled the Decem ber term of court for this county. He may call a term for February , about the Sth of the month. For Rent. Dwelling house , 710 Madison street B -4 Inquire of L. Lowman. K 1 S. M. Cochran carry in stock the Ger- B fe man. Riverside , Antique and Royal Oak B mhheating stoves nothing better in the B 3&market. ? . The prices are right. K M § McConnell's Balsam cares coughs. • The New Treasurer. Last Saturday , County Treasurer Mes erve handed his resignation to the board of county commissioners , to take effect on Monday , December 21st. The resig nation was accepted and the present Deputy Treasurer , J. II Berge , was at once elected by the board to fill the va cancy for the unexpired term. This prompt action of the commissioners commended. "Hon ers will be generally est" Berge is well qualified to make the county an etficient , obliging and pains taking official. The state treasurer-elect will assume the duties of his new and more exalted office , January 7th. MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. Register Campbell was a Lincoln visitor , Sunday. Dr. W. A. DeMay of Danbury was a city visitor , Saturday. A. BARNETT was an Omaha business visitor , clobe of last week. J. C HAPPERSETT was up from Indi anola ou business , Wednesday. D. T. Welty of Cambridge was in the city on business , Tuesday evening. RECEIVER Gibbons has been in Chicago cage on business , the past week or two. George Hocknell went in to Oma ha and Lincoln on business , Tuesday night. J. H. Dwyer is working for McBrayer. Mrs. Dwyer arrived home from Kansas , this week. I. A. Sheridan , the Populist patriot of pugilistic fame , was with us in the flesli , Tuesday. State Treasurer-Elect Meserve went in to Omaha and Lincoln , Tuesday night , on business. Caleb Clothier , was down from his Hayes county ranch , latter part of week past , guest of Mayor Troth. W. T. Coleman is just able to be about from another tussle with the pains and torture of rheumatism. Dr. Razee of the Curtis Courier and Judge Abbott of the Hayes Center Rep ublican are city visitors , today. E. E. Lowman arrived home , Sunday night , from Brownvillle. Mrs. Lowman will probably remain all winter. REV.W.W. Evarts of Omaha preach ed a strong.and instructive sermon in the Episcopal chapel , Monday evening. Mrs. J. A. Wilcox left on Sunday morning to join her husband on the field for the coming insurance order , The Star of Jupiter. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ingalls , who have been visiting Hastings friends for the past two weeks , arrived heme on Wednesday evening. J. S. Phillips of the Indiauola Re porter had business at the county capi tal , Monday. We can state officially that there are no rales in Jasper's lungs. Mrs. Carrie Mitchell and Frank Lowe departed on Monday morning for eastern Nebraska on a prolonged visit. Mrs. B. H. Douglass is assisting in the Courier office meanwhile. Mrs. W. A. Paxton of Curtis arrived iu the city , Monday , and is the guest of Mrs. Chas. H. Boyle. Her father. J. F. Chavalier , accompanied her over , but returned home , the next day. Revs. A. W. Clark and W.W. Evarts of Omaha spent Monday and Tuesday in the city , assisting the Baptist brethren in the business connected with the purch ase of the Lutheran church building. A. A. WELLER of Syracuse , who will represent the Third senatorial district in the next legislature vice the somewhat famous John C. Watson , was in the city on Saturday last , looking after his inter ests here. Mrs. H. W. Cole gave a Kensington in honor of Mrs. W. C. LaTourette , last Friday afternoon , from 2 to 6 o'clock. The guests were : Mesdames W. C. La Tourette , C. T. Brewer , H. P. Sutton , E. Q. Robie , Vina Woods , Z. L. Kay , W. S. Cornutt of Culbertson and Walker of Boone , Iowa. W. C. LaTourette left on Thursday morning with a car-load of household goods for Cedar Rapids , Iowa , where they will make their future home. Mrs. LaTourette and the children will follow in a few days. They are among Mc- Cook's first settlers , and their many friends will join us in wishing them joy and successin their new home , while deeply regretting their departure from our city. Mrs. Smith Gordon gave a happy party , Monday evening , in honor of Master George and Ray LaTourette. Those present were : LillieDarby , Coy and John Burnett , Elsie , Walter , Nor man , Bruce and George Campbell , Jessie and Lewis Johnson , Fay and Floyd Stay- ner , Hugh and Horace Cole , Harold and Robert Sutton , Fay Brewer , Jndd Kay , Charlie Kelley .Lloyd Wood , Lola Spauld- ing and Anna Erb. CARNIVAL OF DAYS The Ladles of the Dorcas Society Score a BigSuccess. . BURLESQUE AND FAN DRILLS HITS Large Attendance Both Nights and Liberal Patronage Accorded Entertainments and the Different Booths. The ladies of the Dorcas society of the Congregational church are to be warmly congratulated upon the success of the bazar held in the Menard opera house , Friday and Saturday evenings of last week. Tasteful booths were provided for the six work days of the week , and appropri ate articles displayed in and sold in each , making a charming and profitable "Car nival of Days" . Marked taste , ingenuity and enterprise were exhibited by the ladies in the preparation of the various booths and painstaking skill exercised in the making of the many articles on ex hibition and sold. The burlesque on Maud Muller giveu on Friday evening packed the house and made quite a hit , with its catchy , familiar music and quaint humor. The fan drill and burlesque by the young ladies and young gentlemen on the following evening also drew a crowd ed house and fairly divided the honors with the play. Both were well worth the small price of admission and were sources of much genuine pleasure. The affair was a uniform and gratify ing success , and the ladies feel repaid for the large amount of labor bestowed upon the occasion , in the splendid net financial results realized. SCHOOL NOTES. Lantern class , tonight , at 7:30. Pic tures , reading and music. Mesdames Northrup and Boyle visited the schools , Wednesday afternoon. The school management expect to be gin the loan exhibition of slides in a week or two. The South McCook school has closed , one of the pupils who attends there hav ing died of diphtheria. The famous Girls' Marching club and Roger's Drum corps had their pictures taken , Monday afternoon , on Main ave nue. The lantern class , last Friday , was greatly enjoyed by the West ward pupils , it being their first or second class this term. The Teachers' Association of South western Nebraska will convene at Mc Cook , Thursday , Friday and Saturday of next week. Rev. S. W. Glascock , now conducting revival services here , talked to the as sembly room people , Monday. The Rev. is a vigorous and earnest talker. It was announced in the assembly room , Tuesday , that preparations would soon begin on the annual school enter tainment , to take place sometime during the month of January. A Birthday Surprise. Tuesday was the birthday of both Jes sie Pope and Rodburn Simmons , and the occasion was jointly celebrated , in the form of a surprise party , at the home of Conductor C. E. Pope , Tuesday afternoon after school. Some score or more of their young friends participated in the joyous oocasion. Both received a num ber of little mementoes of the day. Var ious youthful games were played and toothsome refreshments served , to the delight of all. A Victim of Diphtheria. Little Fred , son of Ole Landgren , of South McCook , died at a late hour on Saturday night last , with diphtheria. The remains were interred privately on Sunday afternoon. The house has been quarantined , and the South McCook school , at which the deceased was an at tendant , has been closed temporarily , and it is hoped that the dread disease may not spread. The child was between five and six years of age. Lining Up For Spring. 1897. We violate no confidence in stating that the city campaign is now open for 1S97 ; and the way Colonel Kelley is lin ing up the faithful is attracting the ad miration of the populace. Are Grateful to All. The ladies of the Dorcas society are grateful for assistance so generously given during their bazar and to the pub lic for liberal patronage accorded. Auction Sale Of merchandise in south room of A. O. U. W. building on Saturday afternoon and night. McCarl-Smlth. In the presence of relatives aud close friendsWednesday evening , Mr. William II. McCarl and Miss Jaenette Smith were made husband and wife. The ceremony joining the lives of these two young people iu one was performed by Rev. J. A. Badcon at the home of the bride's sister , Mrs. F. A. Pennell. fA wedding feast was spread -after the service , of tempting and lavish proper tions. The groom is a popular passenger brakeman in the Burlington employ. The bride came here from Ainsworth , about two years since , and has formed a large circle of admiring friends during her residence among us. A number of hadsome and useful pres ents were received by the young people. They took the night train for Dtnver on a short wedding trip , and upon their return expect to occupy quarters in the Workman Temple. The Tribune adds its congratulations and best wishes Resolutions of Respect. At the regular meeting of McCook Lodge No. 1 , Star of Jupiter , on Monday evening last , by universal vote of the members present , resolutions of sympa thy were extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ole Landgren over the loss of their son Freddie , and the brother and sister were assured that the sorrow in their hearts is shared by the entire membership of the order who pray that He that rules this universe may assuage their grief and heal their wounded spirits. Left Over from Election. William Porter and Julius Kunert had a little controversy over the question of best citizenship , last Friday , which led to blows. Julius had William tell County Judge Smith about it , and the Judge thought that William had frac tured the law and Julius' ear enough to warrant the payment of a fine of $2 and trimmings. Porter appealed the case to the district court. Increasing Membership. Tae meeting of the Star of Jupiter , Monday night , was well attended. Sev eral new applications were received. This popular order is increasing steadily in membership. The social programme after the regular session is quite a feature in this organi zation and adds greatly to the interest. CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Catholic Mass at 8 o'clock a. m. High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. , with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. All are cordially welcome. Rev. J. W. Hickey , Pastor. Episcopal Divine service second and fourth Suudays or every month at 11:00 : a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school every Sunday at 10:00 : a. m. S. A. POTTER , General Missionary. R. A. Russell , Assistant. Baptist Services in McConnell hall. Preaching morning and evening by Rev. F. M. Williams of Lincoln , at usual hours. Bible school at 10 a. m. Young Peoples meeting at 7 p.m. A very cor dial invitation is extended all. It is hoped to have repairs on the Brick Church commenced within ten days and the work rapidly pushed to completion. Christian Sunday school every Sun day afternoon at three o'clock in the German Congregational church. We have no pastor at present , but the Disci ples will continue to break bread , each Lord's day after Sunday school. En deavor society on Tuesday evening of each week at S o'clock. You are cor dially invited to attend these services. By Order of Committee. Methodist Sunday school at 10 a.m. Preaching at 11. After the sermon the administration of Lord's Supper. Junior League at 2:30. Epworth League at 7. Temperance sermon at S. Rev. C A. Hale. P. E. , will preach on Monday eve ning at 7.30. Quarterly conference after the sermon. Bible study Wednesday evening at S. All are welcome. J. A. Badcon , Pastor. Congregational Morning and ev ening sermons by the pastor. Morning theme , "The Rent Veil" . Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Endeavor society at 7 , leader , Edna Meserve , topic , "Some blessings often forgotten" . Wednesday evening prayer meeting at 7:30 o'clock. You will be cordially welcomed at these services. Hart L. Preston , Pastor. It Is Time Now. To plant your holiday advertisements. Don't wait till the procession has passed. For Sale. . Sewing machine. Inquire of L. Lowman. Notwithstanding the hard times , S.M. Cochran & Co. are keeping a complete line of general hardware. See them be fore buying. A VERY CLOSE CALL x The Boston Shoe Store Is Badly Damaged by a Fire at AN EARLY HOUR , MONDAY MORNING When Discovered the Fire Was Well Under Headway , and Was On ly Subdued After a Very Stubborn Fight. At about four o'clock , Monday morn ing , a fire was discovered in the Boston shoe store and the fire department was hastily summoned to the scene. The firemen responded quickly and in a few minutes had two streams of water play ing upon the interior of the store , from front door and rear window , aud after a half hour's hard work in a stifling smoke succeeded iu subduing the fire ; not , how ever , until the entire stock and fixtures had been badly damaged aud destrajed by fire , smoke and water. It is thought that the loss on the stock will be at least two-thirds , which is cov ered by an insurance of $5,000. The loss to fixtures will reach perhaps$500 , which is covered by $ rooo insurance. The damage to the building is small and is provided for by insurance. The fire is thought to have been of in cendiary origin , as the building is heat ed by steam and lighted by electricity. The rear door had been forced and some articles of apparel were found in the alley in the rear of the store , indicating pos sible previous burglary. The proprietor , E L. Laycock , is to be commiserated upon his misfortune ; and the firemen are proper subjects for commendation for their plucky , success ful work RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. A receiver has been appointed for the Vandalia road. Cal. LeHew has been down on the Ob- erlin branch relieving Cromwell. Conductor T. M. Mundy and family are occupying the LaTourette dwelling. Conductor A. P. Bonnet arrived homek last Saturday night , going on his run , Monday night. Trainmaster Kenyon and Roaduiaster Josselyn went up to Denver , with the pay-car , last Friday night. Mrs. Tim Foley's mother and sister arrived in the city , this week , and will- make their home with her. Misses Angie and Lizzie Biever arrived from Sheridan , Wyoming , Tuesday night , and are visiting oldtime friends. Fifteen boxes of giant powder were found buried under the Burlington's Sand creek bridge.nearDenver.recently. Chief W. M. Irwin of the carpenter department returned , close of last week , from an absence of a week or so in Iowa. W. W. Webster was summoned to Bertraud , Saturday morning , by a tele gram announcing the death of his father. Charles Heber and Charles McMani- gal were Denver visitors over Sunday , going up Saturday evening and return ing home on Monday morning. Brakeman Harry Frey attended an or chestra reunion at the home of Mrs. George W. Holdrege in Omaha , iast Sat urday. The orchestra attracted Mrs. Holdrege's fancy in a modest western town , some time since , hence the reunion and its attendant festivities and felicity. The card party given Wednesday night by Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Phelan in honor of Mrs. Phelan's brother , Mr. A. P. Bonnet not of McCook , at their large and elegant home , was one of the aifairs to which so many looked forward with anticipa tion of greatest pleasure. Mrs. Phelan and her two accomplished daughters , Misses LaVaughn and Edith were assist ed in a charming manner by Misses Katie Elmore , Marshall , Wickham and Shaef- fer. Refreshments were served at 11 o'clock , after which first ladies' prize was awarded to Mrs. Fletcher and first gen tlemen's prize to Dr. Bellwood , when all dispersed for th'eir homes feeling that a most enjoyable evening had been spent. Alliance Grip. Had Their Pictures Taken. The McKinley Martial band and Girls Marching club were out in full uniform , Monday afternoon and evening. In the afternoon the members of the band and club were photographed , and in the even ing both gave an exhibition drill on Main avenue that was witnessed by quite a large and enthusiastic gathering. The "ratification" fireworks were dis charged during the drill , making quite an exhilerating scene. The Valentine glee club also preserved their shadows 'ere the substance faded. For Sale. Bed-room set. L. Lowmah. Rltchio-Meyor. H Wednesday evening at the residence H of the bride's mother on Marshall street , ' H Mr.James A. Ritchie and Miss Edith i l Meyer were united in marriage , Rev. i H Hart L. Preston officiating , in the pres- i Hi ence of a small company of relatives and i H near friends of the contracting parties , i H The groom is employed iu the Burling- f l ton shops here as a first class machinist I H of steady and exemplary character ; while l l the bride is one of McCook\s most popn- H lar , sweet dispositioned and pretty < < H daughters. 1 They left for Denver on the night train H to pass a brief hone ) moon iu Colorado- l l before settling down to married life here. " 1 The Tribune but voices the seuti- f l ment of many friends iu extending con- L l gratulatiousand warmest well wishes , to < " l the young couple. h l Thanksgiving Dinner. ' B The Ladies Circle of the Haptist church t l will give a Thanksgiving dinner in the ' H north room of the Meeker block , dinner . | | to be served from 12 to 3 p. m. Price 25c. | Roast Turkey with Oyster Dressing , H | Roast Chicken and Brown Gravy , | H Mashed Potatoes , Baked Sweet Potatoes , H Cabbage Salad , Potatoe Salad , ' j H Mixed Pickles , Currant Jelly , < H Cheese , Celery , M Cranberry Sauce , Doughnuts , l fl Bread and Butter , ( v I H Pumpkin Pie , Mince Pie , f l Hot Tea aud Coffee. ' H Christian Revival Services. H Evangelist S. W. Glascock of the H Christian church is continuing his ser- if H vices iu the German Congregational fl l church with growing attendance and in'j l terest. The leverend gentleman is getting - 1 ting well warmed up , and there is no l l telling how long these interesting aud l l profitable services will continue. If you H have not been there already , you should H not longer delay. All are cordially in- < | At a Great Bargain. 1 The Baptists bought the Lutheran H church , this week , for the sum ofiooo. H , They expect to expend about $500 in im- | provements. The Baptist edifice society H has donated outright to the local society j H $500 , and the brethren are meeting with fl H encouragement m their effort to raise | the remaining They hope to oc- j H cupy the building by the first of the coming - H ing year. | Meserve's Plurality. I 1 J. B. Meserve's plurality over Charles | E Casey is 11,175. | PETITE PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. , W M McMillen's Cough Cure is sure. - H - H McCounell's Balsam cures coughs. • ' H Do you know McMillen's- Cough Cure H is effective ? H ' 'Alcohol Ben" reposed in the bosom i ' H of the city bastile , Monday , for creating " H a disturbance over in West McCook. H County Judge Smith , last Friday. 1 M awarded $1 in the damage suit of P. A. \ H Wells against W. R. Clark for $200. H ' la. H It is stated that a daughter of Rev. J. _ H M. Bell of East McCook is ill with diph- sr H theria , leaving school on Wednesday. | | The members of St. Patrick's church * j j l are conducting a very successful fair in K j H the opera house. Particulars next week. % W M Fifteen (15) ) cents will buy a box of h M nice writing paper at this office , con- 9 | taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel- ? | opes. * * H The Tribune wants correspondence . & | from every precinct and town in Red S j H Willow county. Terms readily given on / | request. * 3 j H Notwithstanding the hard times , S.M. H Cochran & . Co. are keeping a complete H line of general hardware. See them be- V | fore buying. 3 H The W. A. P. A. held a social in the ? H Cole store room , Saturday evening , with . ; 3 H fair results considering other attractions 3 H of the evening. J * H S. M. Cochran carry in stock the Ger- Jr H man , Riverside , Antique and Royal Oak 4 > | heating stoves nothing better in the % H market. The prices are right. ? H There will be an oyster supper at the H home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Dutton , - H Thanksgiving night , Nov. 26th , for the * M benefit of the district organ. All are & H cordially invited. A good time is anticipated - " M ipated * _ ni H The members and friends of the M.E. m& H church will give their pastor , Rev. J. A. j ? M Badcon , z. donation , on Tuesday evening = ? j H the 24th , at the church. All are invited. - a j H A committee will be at the church during - _ H ing the afternoon to receive donations. 2 1H Interesting programme in the evening. H