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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1896)
H . - , , , I $250,000 H ft Ml'tTiirt. ! ! ! ' ! , I' * Htili'l'iriili ' ' ini1- ! ! ; ! ! ! ! ' ; ili'i1 Wljsr Yon will find one coupon inS - § S ! side each 2-ounce bag , and two $ f S i coupons inside each 4-ounce | | Hl G > The Best bag. Buy a bag , read the coupon ft j g SmokingTobaCCO IVJade and sec how to get your share , g bbb . .H bI i - . „ , , iBh.- , M M Hj S S KB&SSISEB b b bI yf S r \ J 5 tr i rl bH % f > " " T T T ? Ci n > \ DC I gj iNATIONAL i - p § | .1' ' "P * S S ; : - • BAN K-4 j © bH 1 1 fSt\ \ $ Authorized Capital , $100,000. . gp | § Capital and Surplus , $60,000 m bI teV ? t > X f b b H BS | - UOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres.lJQ H fj { / F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEN NELL , Ass 't Cash. JV1 JgM A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. j | = 3 bH \x\ \ DC -TVi > nc WJr nffcr &jiffltjiStad5.t jScjflkjnScVJtili ' " ' ' ' * * * • "fl * > < V. > 5te "Sijffit • " ne. Sag& # | ' f H V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. | f H T * • 9 bHI # # I & THK - # I I CITIZENS BANK I H # # OF MeCOOK , NEB. # ' < # 4 } H # Paid Up Capita ] , $50,000. Surplus , $10,000 H f - - = = = DIRECTORSi = 5Sr- f < K / . FRANKLIN , N. S. HARWOOO , A. C. EBERT , | C II H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. WILLARD. | J 1 lis. I I ; Fred Krug Brewing Company 8 H JP1 Oabinet Bottled Beek. wk * I His A Hi h Grade - I-ager Beer , raS H g Purest in the Market. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY , m B 3 Office 1007 Jackson St. , Omaha , Neb. g ? J H. F. D. BURGESS , Plumber and Steam Fitter. H MAIN AVENUE , MeCOOK , NEB. B Stpck of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Trim * B amirs. Atrcnt for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mill. K lrj'VfJLxj 'JiVi' .Vva1 * ! ' teVVi'f"i"Wi"lThle FannnBKcrncGy cures qnicsiy . , permnneuny ki . B I 13 i fl3b 3Slftr * lleifiu 13 I nervous di ouics. Weak Sloiaorr. I > u.-s of Itiii'n ltrc. H > f ,1t.a , JpT , ' 1i' \ " , Mv t -7&Jbtl-J.tJ Hcadacho. Wakefuuiuss , l est VltalitjNitjhUy J.M ; H 4K * 53"fc v-fiSSV irfSWfk j & iiHlol'J OT' ' dreams , itnpotency . and ( Tastliii ( dlteast-a , caused br l rMT 2Z ( M" " 1h i [ Kj/oHtft/uirrroM or excesses. . ContaJnsno opiates lsanerve tonic R I nK 3'flQ'dK R &Q 1 anil Wood "builder. Makestheiialenndpunyptroniranaplurrr . K . I l * dDv : * Xlii 6 * JlEoMlyca \ , " n1edlnve8tpocket.SlporboiOforS5. , . , B. low " < wffi • * b > j • a l 9 &Jpald 7ft"iawrItterip"Mranf < eortno7iri/r Lfatid d. Write us free HL M ? C B < < V'dMK > vB&ftl'v ' , TaPTOCfilcnl Tx > oU , sealed plain wrapper , trlth testimonials crC . V gjjfflrfj rjl riTiWym rT . Jnii | lul PT inillnr A'nrnnrrnfnrrniiTuffnffnm . Brvjareof imt'r. . , , . . . . ' ' , B uu ic kDi.r. sitwt. atui. tions. 8oIdbjoor s t era < ! dre l aTKSI'EDCO.HisoaieTeisp'cChicJi5o. H ForsaleinMcCoofc.Nob..byIi. W. MoDONNELL & CO. . SrugeisU. I Snliscribe for The McGoot Tribnnei . , , . * - ' - * r " - ' "J"J" " H' 1 $ > JM u m * t < > ' r ' i i1'v' ' ' - - - " • " ( THE LATEST FEOM KENTUOK Louisvillts , Nov. 5. With two whole counties , Leslie and Knott , and 18 pre cincts missing , Bryan 1ms a plurality of 215 votes in the state , but many of the returns are unofllciul and it seems high < ly probable that the state board will have to decide the result of the two missing counties. Leslie is a Repub lican county and gave Bradley 710 ma jority. Knott county is Democratic and gave Hardin ( Dem. ) 399 majority over Bradley last year. The missing pre cincts are distributed about equally among Democratic and Republican counties. Three missing precincts in Bellair are strongly Republican ; two precincts in Clay are likewise ; one in Letcher is Republican ; one in Grant in Democratic , as is ono in Pendleton and three in Henderson. Chairman Rob erts still claims the state for McKiiiloy by l ,000 and Chairman Sommers claims it ior Bryan , but gives no figures. Ho claims to have returns from all the miss ing precincts. The complexion of the congressional delegation is four Repub licans and seven Democrats. MvKiiilvy ( Jarrlt'8 but Ono County. Spokaxk , Wash. , Nov. 5. Excepting Klickitat county , every county in east ern Washington has given a majority for Bryan. Every fusion candidate for the legislature on this side of the Cas cades , with one exception , is elected. The exception is Baker of Klickitat. Tacojia , Wash. , Nov. 5. The latest returns , practically complete , indicate beyond a possible doubt , the success of the Bryan electors , but the success of Rogers ( Dem. ) for governor by I3,88 ( > ma jority over Sullivan ( Rep. ) and a Dem ocratic congressional delegation. The figures so far counted are as follows : McKinley , 24-109 ; Bryan , 5J9C4G ; con gress , Doolittle ( Rep. ) , 22,032 ; Plydo ( Hop. ) , 21,702 ; Lewis ( fusion ) , 29,808 ; Jones ( fusion ) , 29,1-10 ; governor , Sulli van ( Rep. ) , 24,109 ; Rogers , 28,097. All ; ; > d riot to Steal Jiallot lioxe.s. Wichita , Kan. , Nov. 5. The follow ing dispatch , signed by John W. Brei- dunthal , reached Wichita late last night : "Place guard over county clerk's office to p.event the stealing of returns. Wo have elected our entire ticket. A plan to rob us of our victory has been dis covered. Prevent the steal in your couu.y at all hazards. Full particulars by letter. " Indiana For McKinley. Ixdiakapoijs , Nov. 5. Seventy-four counties out of 92 in Indiana show a plurality in the state for McKinley of 20,252. The remaining counties will not materially change this result , al though the pluralities may bring it down to 19,000 or IS.000. Nine Republican congressmen are elected and it is prob able that Laiidis ( Rep. ) in the Ninth ia elected over Cheadle ( fusion free silver ) . Michigan Shows Republican Gains. Detroit , Nov. 5. Later returns from the state continue to add to the Repub lican plurality. With nejuiy complete returns Pingree's plurality is estimated io about 70,000 and McKinley some 15- 000 less. There has been no chaugo in the congressional delegation , which ia 12 Republicans and 2 fusionists. Minnesota , For McKinley. Minneapolis , Nov. 5. Minnesota practically complete , with 34 counties complete and the remainder of the 81 estimated closely gives McKinley 48,813 plurality and Clough for governor , 10,115. Now Mexico. Santa Fe , N. M. , Nov. 5. H. B. Fer- gusson ( Dem. ) is elected delegate. TOE THANKSGIVING. President Cleveland Calls on the People to Kcttirn Thanks Nov. 20. Washington , Nov. 5. The president yesterday issued the following Thanks giving proclamation : The people of the United States should never bo unmindful of the gratitude they owe the God of nations for His watchful care which has shielded them from disas ter and pointed out to them the way of peace and happiness. Nor should they ever refuse to acknowledge with contrite hearts their proncness to turn away from God's teachings and to follow with sinful pride after their own devices. To the end that these thoughts may be quickened , it is fitting that on a day especially appointed we should join together in approaching the throne of grace with praise and sup plication. Therefore , I , Grover Cleveland , presi dent of the United States , do hereby desig nate and set apart Thursday , the 26th day of the present month of November to be kept and observed as a day of thanksgiv ing and prayer throughout our land. On that day let all our people forego their usual work and occupation and , assembled in their accustomed places of worship , lei them with one accord render thanks | to the Ruler of the universe for our. preservation as a nation and its delivcr- unce from every threatened danger ; for the peace that has dwelt within our boun- ' ilaries ; for our defense against disease and pestilence during the year that has passed ; ' , Cor the plenteous mercies that have fol lowed the labors of our husbandmen , and for all the other blessings that have been Foucksafed to us. And let us , through the mediation of Hiia who has taught us how to pray , im plore the forgiveness of our sins and a ; ontinuation of heavenly favor. Let us not forget on this day of thanks- riving the poor and needy , and by deeds ) f charity let our offerings of praise be nado more acceptable in the sight of the Lord. Witness my hand and the seal of the Jnited States , which I liave caused to bo lereto affixed. "Done at the city of Washington , this , th day of November , in the year of our jord , one thousand , eight hundred and lincty-six , and of the independence of the Jnited States of America , the one hun- Lred and twentyfirst.Grover Grover Cleveland. "Western Postal Changes. Washington , Nov. 5. A postoffice tas been established at Oruess , Brook- ngs county , S. D. , with Jacob E. John- on. as postmaster. E. G. Sisty has been ippointed postmaster at Mullen , Hooker ounty , Neb. NORTH COLEMAN. .Miss Irwin's school is jioing on nicely. A road bridjjc bus just been built near KoLt. Moore's. There was no school in district 74 011 ac count of the storm. • Mrs.V. . II. Epperly visited Mrs. Will Rider one day last week. Uncle Jiminie Kelley was out riding with a lady , last Tuesday. Mrs. Aithur Church visited her mother.Mrs. M. L. Hrown , Tuesday. The snow which fell October 29th was one foot deep on the level. Husking corn was the chief occupation of the farmers before the storm. The mail at Osborn was delayed and ha\e not received The Trihunk yet. Last Friday , 1.15. Strykcr contracted with 11. Church for some standing trees for fuel. Rev. John Coleman of McCook is to preach nt the Coleman school house , Sunday , Nov. b. J. Kelley expects to have 500 or 600 bushels of corn. I le is one of the favored fanners this > ear. II. Church raised the best crop of potatoes that he has raised fqrseveral years , lie had 30 bushels. 1.15. Stryker , assifted by Joe Saundeis and Robt. Johnson , was building a sod stable.Tues- day a week. Farmers are rejoicing over the genuine soaking which the foil will reap from the bountiful crop of snow. We are in the vicinity of Spring creek and hear nothing of hog cholera being there as was mentioned in TiiK TkIHUNK. The leaves have fallen from the trees. This fact and the snow together gave the country the appearance of winter in earnest. Joe Saunders has his new sod house done , except plastering. They say that it is as good a dwelling of the kind as ( litre is in the place. II. K. IJixIer on October 31st took 14 dozen eggs to McCook which brought 52.40. The same day Robt. Traphagan took 25 bushels of corn to II. Church and leceived S3.C0. The wolves have recently killed several much valued cats. Robt. Johnson has equipped himself and sweats vengeance on every wolf that conies within gun shot of his premises. The school at Spring creek is noted for is ! advanced pupils. Prof. Heach has been the instructor so long and he is so thorough that the pupils have most ot the advantages of a city school. It has kept some busy scrabbling around to make stock comfortable since the young win ter. It has seemed to us like Thanksgiving or holiday times , though the turkey was not in it with the McKinley rooster. Now that campaign talk is done , it is hoped that the worthy gentlemen who have given so much light on politics in this locality and have all , so far as we know , been duly appre ciated , will not forsake us now , but will come out and favor us occasionally with addresses on other subjects. PROSPECT PARK. The great day is past. Clifford Dunham spent a few hours at I home Sunday. Essie and Edna Dunham visited with Mrs. J. H. Wade Sunday. Election Day in this precinct was at tended with unusual warmth. W. T. and Chas. Coleman of McCook , were on our streets Wednesday. O L Thompson went to McCook Wednesday to hear the election news. L. C. 'Caldwell and wife viewed the > ights at the county capitol Wednesday. Grandma Harlman , who has been vis iting her children here and in Dundy : ounty , for several months , left this week for her home in Iowa. Owing to the condition of the roads , : here were no services at the school house iast Sunday , but there will be Sunday = chool next Sunday at 10 a.m. Every body is invited. Napoleon's Value of Victory. Napoleon knew well the value of a vic- ; ory. After Austerlitz the world seemed its. Fame invited , fortune favored , ev- : ry thing stimulated his aspiring ambi- ; ion. With growing power he gathered he fruits of victory. And so has it ever ) een. Success succeeds. A notable il- ustratiou of this truth is furnished by he great victories won at the World's ? air in ' 93 and the California Midwinter ? air in ' 94 by Dr. Price's Cream Baking ? owder. Ever increasing sales and pop- ilarity have been the result. The people lave promptly ratified the official ver- licts that declared Dr. Price's , for leav- : ning power , keeping qualities , purity .ud general excellence the "foremost > aking powder in all the world" . Quite s quickly as the great Emperor do they mow the value of a victory that means lorld wide supremacy. To Subscribers ot The Tribune. Readers of The Tribune will please emember that cash is an essential in he publication of a paper. The pub- isher has been very lenient during the ast few years , on account of crop fail ires aud hard times , and as a conse- [ uence many hundreds of dollars are lue on subscriptions. We are now com piled to request all who can to call and ; iake settlement in full or in part. In lew of the facts , our subscribers must sel the justice and urgency of this re- uest. The Publisher. Dr. Z. L. Kay. Office , 100ms 4 and 5 over Leach's : welry store. Residence , room 21 , lommercial hotel. "The worst cold I ever had in my life wai cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy' ' writes W. II. Norton , of Sutter Creek , Cal "This cold left me with a couuh and I was ex pectorating all the time. The Kemedv curei me , and 1 want all ot my triends when tn.ublu with a cough or cold to use it. for it will d < them good" . Sold by L. W. McCoiinell & Co. Druggists. Comfort to California. Every Thursday morning , a tonris sleeping car for Salt Lake City , Sai Francisco aud Los Angeles leaves Oiua ha and Lincoln via the Burlington Route It is carpeted , upholstered in rattan has spring seats and backs and is pro videil with curtains , bedding , towels soap. etc. An experienced exctirsioi conductor and a uuifotmed Pullman porter ter accompany it through to the Pacific coast. While neither ns expensively fin ished nor as fine to look at as n pilnct sleeper , it is just as goods to tide in Second class : tickets are honored and tin price of a berth , wide enough and bijj enough for two , is only $5 00. For a folder giving full particulars , call at the nearest 15 & M. R R. tickei office , or write toj. Francis. Gen'l I'iks'i Agent , Ihirlington Route. Omaha , Nebr Mrs.N. N. Osburn , well known nt Wood stock , Mich. , was troubled with a lame back He was persuaded to use Chamberlain's I'ain IJa'm. ' It gave him relief in one night. This remedy is also famous for its cures of rheiiina tism. For sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. Druggists. The South Omaha Drovers Journal With Daily , Tri- Weekly , Semi-Weekly and Weekly editions , is tiie leading live stock newspaper and market reporter ol the West. It is the best market paper for stock raiseis , farmers , fine .stock breeders and grain dealers In addition to its complete , accurate and impartial repoitofthe South Omaha live slock market , it contains the very latest and correct market reports by telegraph , from all the principal stock markets ol the country , together with all the impor tant telegraphic and general new- . Daily , $4.00 ; Tri-Weekly , $2 50 ; Semi Week'y , $2 00. and Weekly , $ t 50 per vear. For free sample copy , address The Drovers Journal Companv , Denua A'lbery ' , Treas urer and Manager. Union Stock Yards , South Omaha. Nebraska. FARINGTON POWER , LAWYER. "Practice in all the courts. Collections. Notary Public. Upstairs 111 the Spearman building , McCook , Nebraska. JOHN E. KELLEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nkhraska. H Agent ol Lincoln Land Co. Office- Rear-if First Natintiil bank. T. B. BALLARD. © DENTIST. © All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith & Bellamy , assistants. " . MRS. F F IITTFR , , - MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo VOICE TRAINING a specialty. -Studio Rear of C. L. DeGroff & Co. W. V. GAGE , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCook , Nebraska. 2 = & Ofnce hours 9 to 11 a. m. , 2 to 5 and J to 9 p. m. Rooms Over the First National aank. Night calls answered at the office. J. A. GUNN. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCook , Nebraska. JS Office Over C. A. Leach's jewelry store. Residence 701 Main street. Prompt atten- ion given to all calls. ELMER ROWELL. Real Estate , Col lections , Insurance McCook. Nebraska. iSPNotary Public. East Dennison street. \NDREW CARSON , Proprietor of the . . . . SUNNY SIDE DAIRY ; • We respectfully solicit your business , md guarantee pure milk full measure , md prompt , courteous service. Julius Kustert , Carpet Laying , Carpet Cleaning. & & L am still doing carpet laying , carpet leaning lawn cutting and similar work. See r write me before giving such work. My harges are very reasonable. Leave orders at • ribune office. IULIUS KUNERT. A YOUNG A * * > $ mi I Iff L V fe m Iflff I iff A' yf1jy&L " We Offer You a Remedy Which Insures SAFETY to LIFE of Both Mother and Child. MOTHERS FKiEND \ HOBS CONFINEMENT OF ITS PAIN. HOKKOi : AND DANGER , ! Wakes CHILD-BIRTH Easy. Endorsed and recommended by physi- ians , midwiven and those who liavo used t. Beware of substitutes and imitations. Sent br express or mall , on receipt of price. il.OO per lM.ttle. Book "TO IOTHKK3" lulled Tree , containing voluntary testimonials. , iBADiTELD BEGULATOR CO. , Atlanta , Gc j SOLD BT AM. DRUGGISTS. lloa < l..tlic best counf M tv newspaper that's H The McCook TrilnmCl H even time. ' LH HOW TO CUKE BILIOUS COLIC. . H I suffered for weeks with colic and pains in H my stomach caused by biliousness and had to ' ' Bfl take medicine all the while until I used Cham- a B | berlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Keine- H dy which cmed me. 1 have since recommend. H ed it to a good many people. H Mrs. F. Huti.kk. Fairhavcu , Conn. H Persons who are subject to bilious colic can | ward off the attack by taking this remedy as H soon as the first symptoms appear. Sold by H L. W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists. ' 1 Do Not Stop Tobacco ! M How to Cure Yourself While 4 H Using It. H Tiie tobacco lial > lt niws on it until his t nervous s\sU'in is seriously uuYctt'il , impairing fl H lu.iUli. . cofnfort ami Ii.ip | > im\s-i. 'Io enlit smlilcnl } H is too severe a shock to tiie system , as toli.icco to V | an iiiM'terate user becomes " a stimulant that bis H system continually craves. "Il.icco-Curo" Is a H scientif.c cure for tiie tobacco habit , in nil its forms , J H carefully compounded after the formula of an em H inent lierliu physician who lias used it in his private H practice since 1S7J , without a failure. It is purely - fl xt'KL't.itileaiul guaranteed perfectly harmless. You H can use all the tobacco \ou want while taking H "Il.icco-Curo. " It will notify ) ou when to stop. H We give a written guarantee to cure permanently _ H any case , with three boxes , or reftimi the money H with 10 percent , interest. "Ilacco-Curo" is not a H substitute , but a scientific cure , that cures withoti * f the aid of will power ami witli no inconvenience. H It leaves th r.\stem as-pan-am ! free from nicotine Jj H H as tile day you took \our first chew or smoke. ) i M Cured by Bul-uo-Cuto iimt Cninod i Thirty Pounds. , / ' i H From hundreds of testimonials , tin- originals Ol H which are on file ami open to inspection , the fol- . aL B k H lowing is presented. X Hb bI Cla\ton , Nevada Co. , Ark. , Jan. iS. \ b b H ta B B Kureka Chemical AMfg. . Co. , I-a Crosse , Wis. _ H Gentlemen : Kor forty years I used tobacco in at. | H its forms' . For twentv-Yne jears of that time I H was a great sufferer from general debility and heart H disease. For fifteen vears I tried to < | uit , hut H couldn't. I took various remedies , among o'hcri. , | H "Xo-To-lkic , " "The Indian Tolucco Antidote , " M "Double I hloride of Gold , " etc. , etc. , but none of H them did me the least bit of good. Finally however - H ever , I purchased a box of your "Itacco-Curo" and _ H it lias entirely cured me of the habit in all its forms , j H and I have ini-eased thirty pounds in weight and | am relieved ol all the numerous aches and pains of | body aud mind. I could write a cmire of paper up B on my changed feelings aud condition. _ | Yours respectfully , 1 * . II. MauhuhV , _ H l'astor C. P. Church. Clayton , Ark. _ " | Sold by all d'uggistsat $1.00per box ; three boxes , H | ( thirty days tr atment ) $ .50 , witli written guarantee - H tee , or sent direct upon receipt of price. Write for V H booklet and proofs. Kureka Chemical A : Mfg. Co. , H La ( . rosse , U is. , aud lloston , Mass. H FREE EDUCATION. I M • An education at Harvard , Yale , or any other i H * college or institution of learning in theTJuitcil { V H " States , or in tile Xew Kngl.ind Conservatory of H Music , ran be secured by any young man or * H ' woman who is in earnest. Write for particulars' AVbb bI ; ipiickly. JAMiCS I ) . ItAI.l. , j * M 36 ISroomfiehi Street , lloston. Mass. \ H WaWd-A deaSiii B Protect your Ideai ; they may brluir you wealth. WaBaBafl Write JOHN WKUDEItBURN ft CO. . Patent Attor- a B ai noyg , Washington , D. C. for their Sl.btf ) prlzo oITcr H and list of two hundred lurentions wanted. _ H 1 Farmer's Sons \ * H c C ' " u' " ' 'mI'0 ' > * > ' " " at 5" i''r < b bH rr\ b f sVJ montii. Write ipiickly. < _ H H C J 1'l'kitan I'L'iii.ismvr ; Co. , 5 | > 56 llroomfield Street , < ) • B B BH J I'oston , Mass. / ; I _ H J. S. McBllAYElt , fl H ' ' I'KOI'KIKTOR OF TIIF McCook Transfer Line. " fl BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. M J P Only furniture van in the H city. Also Lave a first class house H moving outfit. Leave orders for H bus calls at Commercial hotel or | | at office opposite the depot. H Gdase lie , Land and Live Stock Go. M Horses branded on lett hip or left ghoiiKbjr Ab bI MMd I * . U. iiddrt-SH Imperial l b H Y ! _ Chase cinunty. unci IJjat H I HnM riee. Nebraska. Itnaice , H V rTMStinkintr Water and the J H HEK.Ai ( ! Krf-ncliintiti crcikp. in J H KBKB wn Chase county. Nebraska. ' H aBl Brand as cut on Muleof ' I M SlJ StrscjtS pomeanimals.ori hip and Jf _ H j * 3t # S tiRiSfc sides of some , nr any j jf * gl k where on thf animal. H R. A. COLE , JH I.KAtIN /Jb bI MERCHANT TAILOR M H OF MeCOOK , Has Just received a new stock of CLOTH * H ind TRIMMINGS. If you want a good fit- H .ins suit made it the very lowest prlcei toi teed ; oed work , call on him. Shop first door irei > H of I' .arnett'i Lumbar Office , oa Donatio * J H R-I-P-A-N-S H - The modern stand- H El ard. Family IMedi- . H cine : Cures the H M common every-day k H J ills of humanity. " i | O /jaBB / ? * * ? b bI T MARK ! > B B b B B B B B B BH