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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1896)
K1 H . Drnfneni Cannot Ic Carctl. K L Ivy local application1 ! as they cannot reach R • < t'i < ! diseased portion of the car. There is V' only ono way to euro deafness , and iliatis t l y constitutional remedies. Deafness Is * * H - , caused by an Inflamed condition of lliu R mucous ftniiic of the Eustachian Tube. M When tills tube gets inflamed you have a V * rumbling Bound , or Imperfect bearing , and K [ when it is blithely closed deafness irf the H result , and unless the iiillamutlou can bu * * * * * * taken out and tlilu tune restored to lis , normal condition , hearing will be de- H .troyed forever ; uhn * cu cs out of ten ate * * Pk * caused by rntnrrb , which Is nothing hut m. an inflamed condition of the mucous surE - E faces. * * M We will give Ono Hundred Dollar * for DL any case of Deafness ( caused by cutarrh ) HpE' that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh * H * Cure , bond for circulars , free. B I * J. CHKNiiY & CO. , Toledo , 0. i Fold by drupRistK , T. .c. B- % - BK # In an article on "Why the Confetler- Hfv acy Kuiled , " ' contributed to the Xovem- / ' * ' the of Confeder- p * er Centur3' , by son a k ate officer , the first cause is laid to the V excessive 'issue of paper money. Ho B W says : "The government acted on the 11 theory that all it had to do to raise WWr money was to pr'nt ' it. . They did not Bt " scera to realize that , being the largest Hi , purchaser in the market , it was nec- "ii- ossary for the government to keep HCdown , prices as much as possible ; that Hf ; every issue of bills must inevitably L * raise prices and render a new issue H. necessary ; that every rise in prices B' ' must be followed by a new issue , until Kl the buble must collapse of its own cx- H \ pansion and redundancy. * ' H t ( J Co n't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Lite Away. | L If you vnut to quit tobacco using easily B * * * end forever , regain lost manhood , bo made- Bk well , strong , magnetic , lull of new life and take Xo-To-Ba the wonder worker vigor , - - ? , that makes weak men strong. Many gain r ten pounds in ten days. Over 400.01)0 ) cured. Buy No-To-Sa • from your drusgist , who will _ guarantee acure. Booklet and sample inui'ed B { ! Jree.Address Sterling Iteniedy Co. , Chi > H. * ca o or New York. i K < ru' New Idea of Telegraphy. # v From San Francisco Examiner. Kf \ CoL Ucllon of tlie Freneh artillery H $ observed not long ago that , if a tele- Hf phone was in sufficient proximity to , Hi although not in actual contact with , a l\ telegraph line , it would be influenced Huk > "by the current of the latter. Certain B r sounds were produced in the telephone H * l whenever a message passed along the BVf | telegraph line. mf- He has now succeeded \ > y long con- VjjPi ' tinued experiments in perfecting a sys- % i ctem showing the phonetic impression V * ! produced by each letter of the Morse Kf ! f alphabet , thus enabling anyone with Efc , some practice to read by the sound of Bm the telephone any message circulating Bb * 5n a neighboring line. It will be read- BK&z aly understood that this discovery may PHl * . be of great importance in war time , as Hsb * < v in this way a telegraph line might be HmE ? tupped without in any way interfering B\E -with the current circulating in it , and B * l bence without the slightest indication BVm $ to the stations connected by the line. K&L The nutter and Calico Ratio. wfc * > Cost determines price. "When the V&T ' two metals were at a parity before at Bw | l 'i to 1 , Germany and Austria were B SjH on a silver basis , and the mints of In- BtSV * * 'a V7ere ° Pen and the Latin Union and B'ST the United States were bimetallic. 1W Hk -and by the silver began to be mined at B9 * less cost , better processes , struck rich- WJh er veins of ore and the price of silver HtpSj. \\c cannot keep butter in the rela- H > * tion to calico which it bore fifty years BjE * . ago. We remember when butter was BY a"t • * to 1 as compared to calico : but to- * - j day calico is at . * > to 1 as compared to butter. The changed ratio of butter to calico is due to the fact that the la- l > or of man now has more to do with producing a pound of butter than with producing a yard of calico. Steam and water power now weave cloth , but thecan't weave cows. Lewiston Journal. When bilious or costive.eatacascaret candy cathartic , cure guaranteed. 10c , In Choosing Green. Though pale olive and other shades of green are much nsed for wall cover ings of paper and in woven stuffs , as • well as for draperies.they should never be decided upon until the\ ' are seen by artificial light , as some of the shades 1 of olive that are rich and beautiful by 3ijrht of day , have a gloomy brown shade that no amount of artificial light will change. Helpful to the Kyes. A simple and excellent plan to strengthen and preserve the e\'es is tote to follow this rule : Every morninjr pour some cold water into a bowl , at the bottom of the bowl place a silver coin or some other bright object , and then put your face in the water with the e3-es open and move your head gently from side to side. This will make the eyes brighter and stronger. fm Gladness - Comes tPs \A/tia better understanding of the Bjj B V V transient nature of the many phys- KlBBl * ca * * * s w"ck vanish before proper ef- BwX forts gentle efforts pleasantefforts 11 rightly directed. There is comfort in BjSf the knowlec-je , that so many forms of BW sickness are not due to any actual dis- B -B& ease , but simply to a constipated condi- B JBK ; tion of the.system , which the pleasant BjIbW family laxative. Syrup of Figs , prompt- B Bf , 3j removes. That is why it is the only B K remedy with millions of families , and is Bvg Ug everywhere esteemed so highly by all Bfwho ' valne good health. Its beneficial B s3k * effects are due to the fact , that it is the Bv 'feaijC one remedy which promotes internal B ' wK cleanliness without debilitating the CHg , organs on which it acts. It is therefore 1 SP1 important , in order to get its bene- BV' 2-L ficial effects , to note when you pur- Bi taJSw * chase , that you have the genuine arti- Bf i Tat ? ' which is manufactured by the Cali- jBT * fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by B 3K. all reputable druggists. K jS ' ' * n tae enjoyment of good health , Wm an e system is regular , laxatives or BV " BjK other remedies are then not needed. If B'ift Kj afflicted with any actual disease , one irlmay be commended to the most skillful ijrrr \ physicians , but if in need of a laxative , B B 1 one should have the best , and with the Bndjajawellinfonned everywhere. Syrup of V * wL -Figs stands highest and is most largely Bk. St ised and gives most general satisfaction. BgffBgkin " " i . nTnir iTiiitoiBai TALMAGE'S SEEM0N. "CHANT TO THE STARS , " SUN DAY'S SUDJECT. I'rom the T yU : "XVlio I.ahl tlm Corner Sloix ; Tlicrcor , "When the Jllornlii Stars fiatifr Togrtlur'ISnok of Job , Chan. S8 , Vcraen 0 and T. f = S3 GjK E have all seen the \ \ \ Tr > Hi ceremonyatthe lay- \jlj of the corner-stone VI of church , asylum , } sij or Masonic temple. Into the hollow of f the stone were placed scrolls of history and import ant documents , to he suggestive if , one or two hun- ' flred years after , the building should j j i be destroyed by fire or torn down. We i remembc-r the silver trowel or iron hammer that smote the square piece of | granite into sanctity. We remember some venerable man who presided wielding the trowel or hammer. We remember also the music as the choir stood on the scattered stones and tim ber of the building about to he con- j I Blructed. The leaves of the note-books ! fluttered in the wind , and were turned ! | ever with a great rustling , and we re member how the basa , baritone , tenor , contralto , and soprana voices com mingled. They had for many days been rehearsing the special programme , that it might he worthy of the corner stone laying. In my text the poet of Uz calls us tea a grander ceremony the laying ot the loundation of this great temple of a world. The corner-stone was a block of light and the trowel war. of celestial crystal. All about and on the embank ments of clouds stood the angelic choristers unrolling , their librettos of overture , and other worlds dapped shining cymbals while the ceremony went on. and God the architect , by stroke of light after stroke of light , dedicated this great cathedral of a wend , with mountains for pillars , and sky for frescoed ceiling , and flowering fields for a floor , and sunrise and mid night aurora for upholstery. "Who laid the corner-stone thereof , when the morning stars sang together ? " The fact is that the whole universe was a complete cadence , an unbroken dithyramb , a musical portfolio. The great sheet of immensity had been spread out , and written on it were the stars , the smaller of them minims , the larger of them sustained notes. The meteors marked the staccato pas sages , the whole heavens a gamut with , all sounds , intonations , modulations , the space between the worlds a musical interval , trembling of stellar light .a j quaver , the thunder a bass clef , the wind among trees a treble clef. That is the way God made all things a per fect harmony. The human intellect out of tune : the judgment wrongly swerved or the memory leaky or the will weak or the temper inflammable , the well-balanced mind exceptional. Domestic life out of tune : only here and there a conjugal outbreak of in compatibility of temper through the divorce courts , or a filial outbreak about a father's will through the sur rogate 's court , or a case of wife-beating cr husband-poisoning through the criminal courts , but thousands of fam ilies with June outside and January within. Society out of tune : labor and capi tal , their hands on each other's throat. Spirit of caste keeping those down in the social scale who are struggling to cet up , and putting those who are r.n i.i anxiety lest they have to come down. Xo wonder the old pianoforte of society is all out of tune , when hypocrisy and Iving , and subterfuge , and double-deal ing , and sycophancy , and charlatanism and revenge , have for six thousand years been banging away at the keys r.nd stamping the pedals. On all sides there is a shipwreck of harmonics. Nations in discord with out realizing it ; so wrong is the feeling cf nation for nation that symbols chosen are fierce and destructive. In this country , where our skies are full of robins and doves and morning larks , v > c have our national symbol the fierce : .ud filthy eagle , as cruel a bird as can be found in all the ornithological cata- liguc . In Great Erirain , where they have lambs and fallow deer , their sym- Lol is the merciless lion. In Russia , where from between her frozen north and blooming south all kindly beasts dwell , they chose the growling beai- nd in the world's heraldry a favorite figure is the dragon , the fabled winged serpent , ferocious and dreadful. And so fond is the world of contention that wo climb out through the heavens and baptize one of the other planets with . the spirit of battle and call it Mars I after the god of war , and we give tc | < the eighth sign of the zodiac the name j of the scorpion , a creature which is chiefly celebrated for its deadly sting But. after all. these symbols are ex pressive of the way nation feels to ward nation. Discord wide as the con tinent and bridging the seas. Tartini. the great musical composer dreamed one night that he made a con tract with Satan , the latter to be evei in the composer's eervjee But ono night he hauded to Satan a violin , on which Diabolus played such sweet ; music that the composer was awakened by the emotion , and tried to reproduce the sounds , and therefrom was written Tartini's most famous piece , "The Devil's Sonata , " a dream ingenious , but faulty , for all melody descends from heaven , and only discords ascend from hell. All hatreds , feuds , contro versies , backbitings , and revenges are the devil's sonata , are diabolic fugue , are demoniac phantasy , are grand march of doom , are allegro of perdi tion. tion.But But the worst of all discord Is moral : discord. If society and the world are painfully discordant to imperfect man what must they be to a perfect God ! People try to define what sin is. It cc-ems to me that sin is getting out of harmony with God , a disagreement with his holiness , with his purity , with his love , with his commands , our -will clashing with his will , the finite dash ing against the infinite , the frail against the puissant , the created against the Creator. If a thousand mu sicians , with flute and cornet-a-piston , ' and trumpet , and violoncello , the haut boy , and trombone , and all the wind and stringed instruments that ever gathered in a Duseldorf jubilee should resolve that they would play out of tune , and put concord to the rack , and make the place wUd with shrieking and grating and rasping stands , they could not maice such a pandemonium as that which rages in a sinful soul when God listens to the play of its thoughts , passions , and emotion dis cord , lifelong discord , maddening dis cord. * * In olden the choristers had a tun ing fork with' two prongs , and they would strike it on the back of pew or music rack , and put it to the ear , and then start the tune , and all the other voices would join. In modern orches- tra the leader has a complete instrument - ment rightly attuned , and he sounds that , and all the other performers tunc the keys of their instruments to make them correspond , and draw the bow over the string and listen , and sound it over again , until all the keys are screwed to concert pitch , and the dis cords melt into one great symphony , and the curtain hoists , and the baton taps , and audiences are raptured with Schumann's "Paradise and the Peri , " or Rossini's "Stabat Mater , " or Bach's ? "Magnificat" in D. Now. our -world can never be attuned by an imperfect instrument. Even a Cremona would not do. Heaven has ordained the only instrument , and it is made out of the wood of the cross , and t he voices that accompany it are imported voices , cantatrices of the first Christmas night , Avhen heaven serenaded the earth with "Glory to God in the highest , and on earth peace , good will to men. " Lest we start too far off and get lost in generalities , we had better begin with ourselves , get our own hearts and lives in harmony with the eternal Christ. Oh , for his Almighty Spirit to attune us. to chord our will with his will , xo modulate our life with his life , and bring us into unison with all that is pure , and self-sacrificing , and heaven ly ! The strings our nature are all broken and twisted , and the bow is so slack it cannot evoke anything mellifluous. The instrument made for heaven to play on ha-3 been roughly twanged and struck by influences worldly and demoniac. O master hand of Christ , restore this split , and frae- tured. and despoiled , and unstrung na ture , until first it shall wail out for our sin and then thrill with Divine pardon ! The whole world must also be at- tr-ned by the same power. 1 was in the Fairbanks Weighing Scale Manu factory , of Vermont. Six hundred hands , and they have never had a strike. Complete harmony between labor and capital , the operatives of scores of years in their beautiful homes near by the mansions of "he manu facturers , whose invention and Chris tian behavior made the great enter prise : So , ail the world over , labor and capital will be brought into euphony. You may have heard what is called the "Anvil Chorus. " composed by Verdi , a tune played by hammers , great and small , now with mighty stroke , and dow with heavy stroke , beating a great iron anvil. That is what the world has got to come to anvil chorus , yard stick chorus , shuttle chorus , trowel chorus , crowbar chorus , pickaxe chorus , gold-mine chorus , rail-track chcrus. locomotive chorus. It can be doze , and it will be done. So all social life will be attuned by Gospel harp. There will be as many classes in so ciety as new. but the classps will not be regulated by birth , nor wealth , nor ac cident , but by the scale of virtue and benevolence , and people will be as signed to their places as good , or very good , or most excellent. So. also , com mercial life will be attuned , and there will be twelve in every dozen , and six teen ounces in every pound , and ap ples at the bottom cf the barrel will be as sound as those on the top , and rilk goods will not be cotton , and sell- erfwill not have to charge honest people more than the right price be cause others will not pay. and goods will come to you corresponding with the sample by which you purehassc chem. aa conee will not be chicoried. and sugar will n6t be sanded , and milk will not be chalked , and adulteration ; f food will be a State prison offense. Aye. all things shall be attuned. Elec tions ; in England and the United States will no more be a grand carnival of defamation and scurrility , but the ele vation of righteous men in a righteous way. e * Heaven is to have a new song , an en tirely new song , but I would not wonder sometimes on earth a tune is fash ioned out of many tunes , or it is one tune with the variations , so some of the songs of the redeemed may have playing through them the songs of earth ; and how thrilling , as coming through the great anthem of the saved , accompanied by harpers with their harps , and trumpeters with heir trumpets , if we should hear some of the strains of Antioch , and Mount Pis- gah , and Coronation , and Lenox , and St. Martin's , and Fountain , and Ariel , and Old Hundred ! How they would bring to mind the praying circles , and communion days and the Christmas festivals , and the church worship in which on earth we mingled ! I have no idea that when we bid farewell to earth we are to bid farewell to all theee grand old Gospel hymns , which melted and raptured our souls for so | many years. Now , If sin is discord , and righteousness is harmon } " , let us get out of the ono and enter the other. , After our dreadful civil war was over , in the summer of 18G9 , . a great nation al peace jubilee was held in Boston , and as an elder of my church had been • honored by the selection of some of his j music , to be rendered on that occasion , 1 accompanied him to the jubilee. For- 1 ty thousand people cat and stood in' j the great Coliseum elected for that pur- pese. Thousands of wind and stringed | instruments. Twelve thousand trained - , ed voices. The masterpieces of all ages rendered , hour after hour , and day after day Handel's "Judas Macca- j baeus , " Sphor's "Last Judgment , " Bee thoven's "Mount of Olives , " Hadyn's J "Creation , " "Mendple = nWs "Elijah , " ' ' • " rolling Meyerbeer's Coronation March , ing on and up in surges that billowed against the heavens. The mighty ca dences within were accompanied on the outside by the ringing of bells of the city and cannon on the commons , discharged by electricity , in exact time with the music , thundering their aw ful bars of a harmony that astounded all nations. Sometimes I bowed my head and wept. Sometimes I stood up in the enchantment , and sometimes the effect was so overpowering 1 felt I could not endure it , especially when all the voices were in full chorus , and all the batons were in full wave , and nil the orchestra in full triumph , and a hundred anvils under mighty ham mers were in full clang , and all the towers of the city rolled in their ma jestic sweetness , and the whole build ing quaked with the boom of thirty cannon. Parepa Rosa , with a voice that will never again be equalled on earth until the archangelic voice so proclaims that time shall be no longer , rose above all other sounds in her ren dering of our national air , "The Star Spangled Banner. " it was too much for a mortal , quite enough for an im mortal , to hear , and , while some faint ed , one woman's spirit , released un der its power , sped away to be with God. God.O O Lord , our God , quickly usher in the whole world's peace jubilee , and all islands of the sea join the five conti nents , and all the voices and all the musical instruments of all nations combine , and all the organs that ever sounded requiem of sorrow sound only a grand march of joy , and all the beils that tolled for burial ring for resurrec tion , and all the cannon that ever hurl ed death across the nations sound fcrth eternal victory , and over all the acclaim of earth and mmstresy of heaven there win be heard one voice sweeter and mightier than any human or angelic voice , a voice once full of tears , but now full triumph , the voice of Christ , saying , "I am Alpha and Omega , the beginning and the end , the first and last. " Then , at the laying of the top-stone of the world's history , the eame voices shall be heard as when , at the laying of the world's corner stone , "the morning stars sang to < gether. " WISDOM. It is temper which makes the bliss of home or destroys comfort. One great trouble in doing a mean action is that you are compelled to associate with yourself afterward. Whoever fails to turn aside the ills of life by prudent forethought must submit to fulfil the cause of destiny. Purity of heart and life gives a clear ness to the mental horizon which noth ing else can ; it clears away a vast number of clouds and shadows. A wise and kindly silence would oft en prevent incalculable injury. Es pecially should we avoid repeating what has been said in the heat of an ger. ger.The memory of a beloved mother will often arm the heart and sway the life of a strong man , as her presence never did when , as a boy , she yearned over him. him.We We must ourselves ascend if we would lift others , and in this very up ward climbing we are making the first and most essential step in social im provement. When the whites of eggs are v. n zzxQ the yelks are not required at the same time , drop the yelks ino a s-aail cup or glass , cover the surface with a little cold water and keep in a cool place. If corned beef , tongue or ham is left to cool in the water in which it is boiled the meat will be much better and more moist. All boiled meats should be cooked slowly , and never be allowed to boil rapidly. Fiatirons th- . _ . .e become rou& ' .i from rust or starch should be rubbed with yellow beeswax. Have a cake of the wax tied in a piece of cheesecloth. Heat the iron until it is very warm , but not hot , rub the iron briskly with the beeswax , then quickly rub with a clean , coarse cloth until the surface if- smooth. WORTH KNOWING. The big crop of apples in Maine is making business lively for the rail roads. Commenting on the recent gift to Chicago university , the Boston Glee jealously remarks : "Them as has gits. " The buiness of shipping moss for packing nursery stock and plants is de veloping quite an industry at Vicks- burg. Miss. George Washington's monument , on South mountain. Maryland , was struclc by lightning on Saturday night last and badly shattered. A panorama of hell has just been painted by a number of Italian and Hungarian artists. They have asked ( King Humbert to inspect it. | Queen Victoria purchases almost , every new book of note published , and her expenditure on literature of all Eorts is over S6.000 per annum. j The * Fall Millnerr. The early fall hats have a rather se vere aspect when compared with the fluffy , beilowcred hats of summer , but there is a stylish air about them and they give the wearer a distinguished appearance , iionneis for elaborate oc casions are airy , indeed , being made almost entireh * of gathered tulle or lace and jet and trimmed with dark ' velvet , s'prays of flowers and feathers. Some of these tiny affairs have a full ! osprey perched upright at the back. ' Sprays of green oats and bunches of I ' green wheat are showing themselves , ' among the trimmings of the fall mill- ucry , in opposition to the bright red cherries and currants that have been introduced fcr tbc decoration of fall hats. New Yorlc Sun. Mind KraiUn . You can read a happy ta ml In a happy countenance without much penetration. Till-U the sort of countenance that the quondam bilious sufferer or dyspeptic re lieved I v Hofctetter's trtomaeh Hitters wears. You will meet many such. The meat stoin- aclilc and alteiatle a so provides happi- iicfcs for the malarious , the rheumatic , the' ' veak and those troubled with inaction of • the kidneys and bladder. | The following stories will be pub lished in Harper's Round Table on Oct. ' _ ' 7th. "Mr. Parks' Obstreperous Sign , " by Haydcn Carruth ( this ie a Hal lowe ' en story and is full of humor ) ; "Texas , * ' a tale of the early war troub les with Mexico , by A. < " . Canfield ; "lv Adventure with Dacoits. " by Dav id Gilmore : "The P.oy in War. " by CLE. Sears ; instalments of Mollie Elliot. Seaj j well's serial storj * entitled "A Virginia Cavalier. " and of Hayden ( arruth's se rial storj' entitled "The Voyage of the Rattletrap. * ' There will be the usual department of Interscliolastic sport , ' photography , bicycling. Stamps , etc. Piso's Cure for Consumption is the only cousii medicine used in mv hour.e I ) . C Albright , Miaiml urg , ta. , JJe.11. . • ' . . " . A Hint of the Millennium. If ever the happy time should arrive when we are more interested to dis cover the excellencies of our neighbors and friends than their defects , and more anxious to study their ideals than to insist upon our own , a great itapc- , tus will be given to moral progress and , to the true and cordial brotherhood of man. New York Ledger. fleseman-H Camphor Kee \ lth Glycerine. T1p original and only tonuintC'urrs < 'hupped IImiiIs and I'ace , Cold Sort" * , in : C CJ.C'larLi.C'o , N.Uu > en.Ct. Th - Carpenter ! ! - • • There is an English insect something < like our bee. except that it is a rich i violet in color , " which deserves its name i of carpenter bee * . By the aid of a chisel provided by nature , tins bee excavates a \ home in any piece of timber that suits its purpose. This house consists of ten ' or twelve rooms , and in them are i reared the bee ' s young. , Sirs. "VV ulo "s Sootliinc Syrup I ror < 'liilclr , nticthins. > . rifnstIifuinb rvdiicf inflam- , Wutiun. all. * pain , curea uiml relit * . -5 cents a bottle. , The womou vho marries a man to reform him has no time to take \ roper tare of her complexion. Just try a ] ( ) c box of Cascarets. the finest liver and bo' .vei regulator ever ' made. It is the medi < me j i es < riLed by cir ; urn- .stances that hurts l" * l M'lllIIWM""l"Ml"l""l"lll * " H A Little Child ! H With a Little Cold. ! 1 1 That's all ! j M What I | H Little colds when neglected * t [ | grow to large diseases and | j H Ayer's Cherry Pectoral | i | CURES COLDS. § j H Comfort to 1 1 California- H T AcryTiinrcdajmorala : a | tourist sleeping car for D o- T l * * * * ver. > alt Lal.t > tity.fcau5" Tj- < H risco.and l.ns Atx < rlu > Ceavc * j * j * H " " " " Omaha and Lincoln ita. the H Kiirilmrtoa Kotite. J t It is carpeted , uphutKtcrofi ' ' * j' " j' j'H In launn. has spring seal * "H and ba.Us and is pn > vtu : I' H * * with curtains , bedsliru id- / j j H fS25 feS els soap.etc Anexptjritjuceti . H J J f | Tj iji 111 fll li cfcrur-iun conuudor autt = > * * j j * j * H MjglJlJ'jHyJI uniformed I ullman porttrx H * * * MB'Htfr E acei inpany it ihrougb tu ike ! j j H * fc" " " " * l While rx'tthc-r asexpia - , | sttely finished oor as ! i u lc . Hh * * * * ' look at as a pnluru ! ilt jrt-r.iT 'H Is just as peed xo rifle Jn. t r- j' l' l'H * * * * * * * * * * * * * * olid class tii-kelksrebonorW : H and the prleuf a berth.nSUt ? | " * * * * * * * * * * * * enoiiL'ti and bi etioc ls lux- Is only S > . ' ' I' I'H * * 1 or a folder giving laK j jH * * * * particulars write to H J. rr.A\ri = . Gen 1 l'av > 'rseat. . OmjL * aa. > " eTs. H sooth K/saQ / nHDl ' H west mtimumz H The best fruit v-ctioa v the WkH. No | drouths A failure ot crops as7tr Irauuc f l i lild cl'mate. ' J'roducii ; • so 1. Abuaitiuce ot * H * * * * good pure water < H ' ' ' ' ' For Maps and Circulars t'xi a foil tijijcrip'H * * * * tion of the KU-h Mineral 1 r-U.ind A ricults 'J ! * * * * * * * * * * * ral Lands m south v\ > i ? ! .ssi > nrt. writer ti > * JOHN M 1TK1 > Y. M-i a'e-uf Uik aiis-onri * j jH Land and Le Mtoel : Coiapaay Ktawiio. Newton - H ton Co. , Missouri. * * j * H MM&IBjtB bucket shops ! yj t raWWay * TRADC WITH A J H . , „ , . RESPONSIBLE FIRM. li M E , S. MURRAY & . CO. . If l BANKERS AMD BROKERS , -J B 122,123aiiil2-Riii B i.a Cbca CL * j H Members r.i the Chicago Soars o " Trade : in sow ! e j l standing , who will funnsl. yo- ; with their Lileit l l Hook on statistics and rMar > i mronmition a- i l ' * m ! rdiiK the markets Write ( or it and their Dadj | l Market Letter , hnth FREE xl&UzznrxA Am Ex. * H National Hank , Cine \ .o | * H tk Vmlbji hAOk mmhh Examins : on nutl.Ailvier n ' - ' uti-ntnxiiIKy of In- * j | H * " " VMMtiiiti S : , ii Vur''liae'jrufttivtaGcib "H I'aieut " O--aKRE1.L A SU.V , i.husiio. ! ) . C * H tf&rSStps H tJR"rtX" WK iMT f.lSn WSKZI-T un& J H - B * * MSSB , vant ' " ' " ' " "T" ' * * " * * SKli. STARK iiiEdw ? r H \ X ? lTYyF " t sJ-u - < ? t * t. "Sjfr > > oT lil . * * * * H % f % ! IS K j\ newt -TUtK.tKOTil > : KS. * | | | | | | | | | | | H - M * fe * • i < > i .u-i. ll > . KK.ii - .ucr , 1U- . HJjjjjjjH | $ $ Tiie pleasautest , safest and most efficient remedy known for every kind J sjC M U of cough , lajrrippe. iniliienza , etc . Nafe for all aes. . Do. - a. > i > : cuenw H * * rY or disagree A\ith the stomach. Has been used very ext < * n- > . .vy ' uy the j fJC M ' * most noted physicians in the hospital of Loudon , 1'aris _ n i 2\zn York 5ff | J\J v. ith the verv best of success. Vg * t H O % P * S IS C i R R El % ' R 23 I § * 1 H L/i \ • D f\ciy o L tsiag Dd.l ! ! 3 < Mrs Hanuali Shepara. 304 V IGth Street. Omaha N'i > write * f > .r , - a.o I and 3JK | yN Lasrippeandi-o ijrhedalmost eon.ipuou iv .ers.n o 1 tr ed sercru doci-jrs m-1 fortiJCH JL , | Jy& couch niedu m 's urt could net no re ipZ One -u. - a > 11li.iv • > I. iti _ iiii a - awlj - " " ? > J l " 7\ entirely Itissoliibv uru ; _ r st r sf iti\ .11. fw _ * . . ts s. . , „ | A1 < - - - d- ry jt - l l H ; s \alualle free booklet Western OftL-t-i D : : li . ! lvMr.r.itAi. . ( • • > , ha. N < e > jgJK e t H ' - H ? " y-s y. ° - Wk py 155 ! ? < S 8 AKEWSYAYTO % \ I \ \ d % M m1 $ W fa SHiPYesja-GaAawi " . . . . . _ M SJJpft" * J3m a "rX-'T-.Ay of M ! . nr your jrnun a. > t $ / > 8 H ( J , fe" " ' /"f f grV-pSy , tSi > " Jaiidsate iciddle-aan'M pr-.ut " : u o iiuved 3 s * | H K p.Ai n ? I" ,4 i Ig [ tJiheiI'arcier Tb < > i ! aud ri oIlz.rK.fchjr Z . M & 'iN' sT Yn don t YOUl-y it Address lor iuUpjrtJeoLiiBi ft ' ' " | H * if / \ • I li " V * ! K k * * B * © I * ? t % I * r 1 f * \ T C * I Ck O * * 1 I * \ 3 11 w % I % I ® m ® STANDARD OF I ; I I _ I y.Xim THE WORLD : : | * \ \ _ , . _ _ Tfc • i rfV WIS In - ' " - - ijHfc " J H * in ; * ft Si -5L h - m s . . . . jiB jnj 2 1 * tf ftIE . Profit by your best judgment. % \ I " ' If jff 'I fr0 by 0Lir 19 years ' of hiS ' ; | * _ | lf | ° _ -fk cycle experience , k is wise t c % $ _ c m mz ' * > * H economy to purchase the * % * ; % lizl COLUMBIA. % I I • i5-llt-- f % * VSii$1ftft _ TOALL LiKE I 'J * iStP VS If you cannot afford Tha Co1' S- P I Hpr tlJfl umbia , buy the HARTFORD f Mi | * &B Mim' ' $60 , $50 , $45 , $40. I ! | I * "J , i * • a-tK- * * I POPE MFG. CO. , Hartford , Coxx. | , g ; Branch Stores ana Agencies in almost even' city and town. If Co ' cnbru sre ' not proper ' reDresented in your vicinity , let us know. 5 * 3 5 y * " v 9 v v ttw liz & * ' H