The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 16, 1896, Image 2

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II j F. M. KIMMKLL , Fubllsher.
IB J _
| C [ McCOOK , - : - - : - NEBRASKA '
IB Young ladies of Tecumseh hare or *
BB * janized a McKinley club.
BB Miss Laura Bendolen of Fremont
Hfl * muicidcd by taking chloroform. She
BB had been disappointed in a love affair.
BS Mrs. Beobe , a prominent woman of
BB , Wahoo , died last week. She was born
BB in 1804 , and was a widow for nearly 50
BB years.
BB A literary club has been organized at
BB Fairbury among1 the women. Mrs. W.
BB P. Freeman was elected president 'and
fl Mrs. T. J. Andrews vice president
Bfl The mortgage record for Otoe county
Hfl for September iqf Farm mortgages
fl Bled , 27,258 ; released. $15,925 ; city
fl mortgages filed , 5,729 ; released , $2,506.
fl The state convention of the Young
a ] ' Women's Christian association will be
fl held in Lincoln Oct 9 , 10 and 11. An
flj interesting program has been prepared
U and a large attendance is expected ,
fl Frank Ordens , an Omaha carpenter ,
fl has finished a table with 3,000 pices of
S Inlaying at which he has worked at
flfl odd times for two years. Its design
HpB \ embraces the emblems of the Wood-
HS men of the World.
fl9 One hundred five cars of grain were
BIS i shipped from Wausau during Septem-
flf j ber. All of last year's crop grown
If H' there is still in the . crib , and the new
H | Ijj crop , which is the best ever grown
Hi j J there , will be cribbed and held for a
Hi VI raise in prices.
HI 1 Following is the mortgage record for
B | I ) Platte county for September : Farm
II m mortgages filed,15 , $16,200.09 ; released ,
IS 20 , $27,968.20 ; city mortgages filed , 9 ,
lip ' 53,800 ; released , 5. SI,763 ; chattle mort-
flil > gages filed , 43 , S14.159.48 ; released , 15 ,
flfl ] SI , 407.23.
Hi The postoffice at Cody , Cherry coun-
flK ty , was robbed Sunday night of S7f
a | | worth of stamps and money orders
il , numbered from 180 to 200. The rob-
: Kfl | "bers are supposed to have ridden
! § } ? . horses out of Cody and taken a train
IsHh at one ° * t ie stations ° long the Elk-
iraiiL- ! horn.
SfjjlP The large central school
JMfSw Fairbury was partially destroyed by
RpK fire. The fire originated in the cellar
_ _ Ri _ _ and is thought to be the result of spon-
Bfjw taneous combustion. The building
Bfw | was insured for S7,200 and the books
lilj and fixtures for § 800. This will cover
Htj | the loss.
VmW § While loading hay , Cornelius Keith ,
Wf ij living six miles north of York , was bad-
Kjf j ly injured by the falling of a hay-car-
Djl 3 rier. One of the big forks entered the '
jX j head about three-fourths of an inch.
jl ' The skull was badly fractured and a . '
: i j place had to be dug out His condi- :
II I tion is serious. '
Hi .Members of Workmen lodges at Mc-
K Cool Junction and Fairmount plowed ,
fljj 30 acres of ground for John Collins and
HI j James Jackson , farmers living near '
§ jHj McCord Junction , both members of the
11 Workman order , who , owing to sickness -
ness , could not get their ground plowed ,
j mm and winter wheat sown.
HjSIJ. Superintendent James Edmunds of
j Si the Beatrice electric company was sei i
In riouslj * injured while working upon I
the company's line. While at the top ;
| | of a twenty-foot pole it broke with him
ir letting him fall upon the brick paving. ]
j * | His head was badly cut , onesarm brok-
3 en and one leg badly bruised. He will '
I 1 recover.
| Pf Clyde Crasser , a well-to-do rancher
So who lives fifteen miles southwest of
ji Brigham , was nearly killed by a horse
l | ' falling on him and mashing his head
1 ; into the ground. He was uncpnscious
i for several hours , after which he was
-1 ' carried to the-Latspiech jjranch , where
M : he was cared for. lie did not regain
B i full consciousness for two days. He
jE ; will recover.
SI' ' . A negro , named Brown , was brought
if to Falls City from Hiawatha , charged
n with robbing Souders Bros. ' store two
. .if ! A weeks ago. A trunk filled with cloth-
Rj ing , which was identified by A. E.
Mjfi J Souders , waB found in Brown's pos-
K I sion. He was given a preliminary
Hj fly hearing and was bound over to appear
HI before the district court in the sum
B B of S500 , in default of which he went to
fl ; fl jaiL
B Following is the Dodge county mort-
B B Caffe record for September : Farm
B B mortgages filed , 17 , $24,670 ; released ,
I M ' 14 , § 11,733 ; town and city mortgages
fl fl i filed , 14.fc7.lfc0 ; released , 13 , 58,636 ;
fl fl chattle mortgages filed , 78. 558, ;
B fl < ' leased , 19 , 2,671. } ; any farmers are
B B buying cattle on time to fatten on
B H cheap corn , which accounts for the
B B large number of chattle mortgages
fl S I given.
fl fl < The reunion at Sutton was a marked
fl fl ( success. The weather was exception-
H * fl j ally fine and the attendance even be-
H fl 1 yond the most sanguine , one day see-
B flj ing fully 5,000 people upon the grounds
B B and the fact of the occasion attracting
fl jK ' the presence of men with state reputa-
B fl < - tions added pleasing tone to the camp.
fl * J. A. Eberhardt , A. V. Cole and Thorn-
B .fl as Majors each made addresses at the
flfl' ' campfire.
fl I The district court which convened at
fl 1 Red Oak last week , was adjourned on
j Saturday. A great amount of business
I was disposed of. Among the criminal
I , cases was that of George Drake , a former -
| mer prosperous and wealthy farmer ,
I I accused of statutory rape upon the per-
fl son of an orphan who had made her
I > home with his' family. He was con-
I ; victed and sentenced to four years in
the penitentiary. •
I A thief made away with A. T. Hosie's
I team and spring wagon at Tecumseh.
I Hosie drove in to church services , tied
I his team to the public rack and when
I ' he came out after the services for them
I ' they were gone. Johnson county will
I give S50 for the capture of the thief
; and the return of tne property.
I ! Joseph Letak of Wilber , a Bohemian ,
I ihot and fatally wounded his wife. 'It
I m\ \ is generally believed that it is a case
II fl of attempted murder. The woman
' fl ! was the fourth wife of Le tk , and as
. - fl ' the man is , it is claimed , oij. mean dis-
IB" - is the that
/ -position-it supposition a
IK > Jamily quarrel led to the crime. There
I | B ; is no hope for the woman's recovery. " -
H < BSb t-
fl B ; * _ . . " - - ' " " ' " , " ' 1 ' ti ni'W * " '
iniwiir i n r-T- ! mi r f V"1 iliTT' i lir"l ll I I I
HI i _ a p jg ggijs8 ! :
iii 1 ; y , " M'Vr'T'f'n' ' ' ' " ' ' , ipll ' 1rw' ' ? * '
James Schultz of Yutan brought
to Wahoo and unloaded at that place
132 head olcaUle off his range near
Gordon j which , with 108 head he now "
has on his farm , he intend i to feed
this winter. Forty-seven thousand
sheep are to be shipped to Saunders
county from Colorado this fall , and are
to be distributed around through the
sountry , where they will bo fed during
the winter.
Gov. Holcomb last week issued the
legal proclamation for the approaching
election. Nebraska electors will have
a chance to vote for eight presidential
electors , six congressmen , governor and
state officers , one regent of state uni
versity to fill vacancy , two contingent
judges of the supreme caurt , thirty-
three state senators , about one hun
dred state representatives , and also the
proposed amendments to the state con
The West Nebraska conference of
the M. E. church convened at Ogallala.
There were 200 ministers in attend
ance , who were entertained by the.cit-
izens of that place. The first day's
exercises were principally class exami
nations. In the evening an address of
weleome was delivered by Hon. L. B.
Rector of Ogallala and response was
made by D. D. Forsyth of Elm Creek ,
after which Bev. It S. Moore delivered
the conference sermon.
Joe Pinkava , a farmer living near
Crab Orchard , Gage county , beat his
wife with a hatchet , breaking her skull
in several places and mangled her
body badly. Doctors say she will not
live. After the assault Pinkava ran
to his neighbor's , borrowed a revolver ,
stating after securing it , that he would
shoot himself. He ran for the woods
and fired two shots at a tree. As no
trace of his body can be found it is be
lieved that he fled. Parties are in pur
suit. Family troubles seem to be the
The executive committee has foun (
it necessary to postpone the' meeting of
the fourth annual convention of the
Nebraska state irrigation association ,
to have been held at Lexington from
October 7 , 8 and 9 to November 19 , 20
and 21. The selection of these dates
was thought to be essential to the
most complete success of the meeting.
There were conflicting meetings and
engagements of a large number who
were particularly anxious to attend ,
and the change was made by unani
mous decision.
Edward E. Spencer of Otoe county ,
who was charged with the murdb of
John Bicker and found guilty of man
slaughter , was sentenced to ten years
in the penitentiary by Judge Ramsey.
Other sentences were passed as fol
lows : Charles Ferguson , five years for
the larceny of some harness belonging
to a farmer near PalmyraQuiller ; Beck ,
convicted for stealing hogs , four years ;
Henry Webber who dug his way out of
jail a few days ago , but was "captured
and brought back , pleaded guilty to a
charge of daylight burglary , and got
two years.
Joe Price , the young man who stab
bed George Stadler at Cedar Creek ,
Cass county , was brought to Platts-
mouth by the sheriff and lodged in the
the county jail. Stadler is lying in a
precarious condition , with five knife
wounds in his body. He is resting easy ,
but the physician says he may yet have
a relapse. Stadler had fallen to the
ground when Price first stabbed him ,
and the knife was plunged into his
body four times while he was held on
the ground by his murderous assailant
The quarrel arose over the payment of
a keg of beer.
The fortunate discovery of three
finely tempered saws beneath a strip of
carpet on the turnstyle which admits
prisoners of the county jail from the
outer corridor , undoubtedly prevented
a general jail delivery at the county
jail in Lincoln. It is supposed that the
saws were introduced in plugs of to
bacco , bestowed upon prisoners by
thoughtful friends. The jail at this
time contains a large number of des
perate criminals , among whom are the
notorious thief , Bill. Rose , and Hagey ,
the alleged murderer of the eastern
capitalist , W. F. Eyster.
Washington dispatch : Secretary
Francis today rendered a number of
decisions , his first since assuming office.
The cause of the United States against
Thomas Cooper , Win. J. Gillen and Kit
Carson Cattle companj * , from McCook
district of Nebraska was finally dis
posed of by the secretary's refusing to
entertain a motion filed by the defend
ants for a review of the departmental
decision refusing to re-instate the Mc-
Gillen homestead entry. It was held
that the cattlecompany was not an in
nocent purchaser within the meaning
of the act of March 3 , 1891.
The sound money democrats met in
Omaha last week and placed in nomi-
tion the following ticket by acclama
tion : For governor , Robert S. Bibb ,
Gage county ; lieutenant governor , O.
F. Biglin , Holt ; treasurer , Frank Mc-
Gibern , Dodge ; secretary of state , John
Martes , Jr. Otoe ; auditor , Emil Heller ,
Cuming ; attorney general , Robert W.
Patrick , Omaha ; superintendent of
public instruction , Samuel G. Glover ,
Washington ; commissioner of public
lands and buildings , George M. Baer ,
Nance ; regent , Dr. J. J. Leas , Chad-
ron ; judges of the supreme court ,
Frank Irvine , Douglas ; W. H. Piatt ,
Hall ; electors , Fred Renner , Burt : Wil
liam Griffin , Thayer ; A. S. Godfrey ,
Lancaster ; Charles Turner , Douglas ;
Joseph Bruenig , Platte ; Alexander
Scott , Polk ; J. A. Kirk , Hitchcock ;
Charles Nicolai , Cnster.
The 14-year-old son of Dr. Armstrong
of Beatrice , died as the result of a fall
from a bicycle , in which he sustained
concussion of the brain.
Many farmers of Platte county have
lost hogs recently with cholera or some
similar disease. Some have lost but , a
few , while the losses of others has been
heavy. Some say it is not the old
fashioned cholera , but do not pretend
to name the disease.
Sheriff Nelson took possession of the
Tribune newspaper plant at Beatrice
on a writ of replevin issued by the coun
ty court in an action wherein Ed.S.Mil-
ler is the plaintiff. Miller holds title
to the office by virtue of a bill of sale.
The Tribune is the local populist or
gan , and has always had a precarious
existence , since the populists bestow
'their patronage on the Times.
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issue Taken With Both the Extremist !
and Air. Gladstone and Ills Follow
ers Great Britain's Interests All
for Peace His Retirement
irrevocable AsqnltU
Fropable Successor.
Edinburgh , Oct 12. Four thousand
people gathered in the Empire theater
here last night to hear Lord Rosebery ,
the retiring leader of the Liberal par
ty , explain his motives in retiring.
When he appeared the whole assem
bly sang "For He's a Jolly Good
Fellow. "
Lord Rosebery said that he had
resigned because he could not sacrifice
national interests to personal ambi
tion. He welcomed the national agi
tation in Great Britain on behalf of
Armenia , because it would convince
foreign governments of Great Brit
ain's unselfish integrity and would
strengthen the hands of the" govern
ment , but the present agitation , Lord
Rosebery pointed out , differed from
Mr. Gladstone's Bulgarian agitation.
In dealing with the various remedies
proposed for the settlement of the
Turkish question , the speaker said :
"The mere deposition of the sultan
would be no remedy , as the system
and not the man must be tackled.
More , this would be impossible with
out the concert of the powers , and if
that were attained it would be better
to call upon it to deal with the
larger issue involved. The proposal
to withhold the Cyprus tribute is im
practicable , as this is paid to the sul
tan's creditors and not to the sultan ,
as it would be like tickling the tor
toise's back to make it laugh. " '
Regarding the proposal to place th e
Dardanelles or Turkey in the hands
of Russia , Lord Rosebery pointed out
that neither of these was Great Brit
ain's to dispose of , and Russia's meth
ods were not so ideal as to warrant
British acquiescence. He also differed
from Mr. Gladstone's proposal to cut
off diplomatic relations with Turkey ,
but they differed , he added , as
A warm eulogy of Mr. Gladstone
followed , but the ex-premier contin
ued that he even deprecated' the pro
posal of such a thing , as it would not
only deprive Great Britain of all her
influence with lurkey , but might
drive it into war , and itsjfailure would
leave Great Britain in the same posi
tion plus the public humiliation of
confessing her impotence.
Lord Rosebery also differed from
Mr. Gladstone in his contention that
Great Britain was bound in honor by
the Cyprus convention to intervene.
"Peace , " Lord Rosebery affirmed ,
"is a necessity of your empire. For
the last twenty years you have been
laying hands with frantic eagerness
on every available and desirable tract
of territory. The amount thus
brought into your possession or sphere
of influence in the last twelve vears
is 1\5UO,000 square miles. This policy
has produced two results first the ex
citing of an almost intolerable degree
of envy in the other colonizing na
tions , entailing their malevolence now
instead of their benevolence ; second ,
the making of an unwieldy empire ,
difficult to administer and to defend
until a long period of peace effects its
consolidation. "
After reminding his audience how
Cobden , Bright and Gladstone had
been publicly reviled for the advocacy
of an unpopular peace policy , Lord
Roseberry declared : "Although I am
aware that it is unpopular to advocate
diplomatic methods. I shall never
cease to exert my voice and strength
against England engaging in such a
dangerous war , of which you can see
the eloquent commencement , but no
body living can see the catastrophe
or the end. "
Unless his retirement should pro
duce unity , Lord Roseberry said , the
sacrifice would have been in vain. He
advised them that whoever was
chosen leader , they should support
him loyally , , for a united party , be
hind an inferior leader was better
than a disgruntled party behind the
best leader. He closed by thanking
his colleagues for their kindness , and
predicted that Mr. Asquith's qualities
of head and heart would eventually
lead him to the highest office in the
Augustine Dirrell , member .of Par
liament for the West division of Fife ,
then moved a .resolution requesting
that Lord Roseberry should recon
sider his resignation. This was car
ried unanimously.
. Mr. Asquith , in his speech , sup
ported the resolution , declaring that
Lord Roseberry enjoyed the full con
fidence of all his late colleagues.
Lord Roseberry. replying , said that
his decision to retire was the result
of mature reflection and was absolute
and was taken under a conviction of
National Democrats Not Allowed.
Indianapolis , Ind. . Oct. 12. The
State election commission , composed
of Governor Matthews. John W. Kern
and R. O. Hawkins , has rejected the
petition of the National Democrats to
place that name on the ballots.
Colorado McKinley Republicans Act.
Denver , Colo. , Oct12. . On appli
cation of Chairman Hodges of the Mc-
Ktnley Republican State committee ,
the supreme court issued a writ of
mandamus requiring Secretary of
State MeGaffey to appear Monday and
show cause why lie should notv certify
the nominations of the Republican
State convention to the county
clerks , to be printed on the official
ballots. Upon the issue of this suit
will hinge the question whether any
votes can be cast in Colorado for McKinley -
Kinley and Hobart except by writing
the names of the electors in the blank
spaces on the ballot.
g SBa ? att sB l | | w" MTw 1'St | l' ' ' " ' " ; • - jt
She Missouri Democratic Committee
Ignores the I'opullit Proposition.
St. Loins , Mo. , Oct 12. That there
will be no fusion between the Dem
ocrats and the Populists on the state
ticket was settled by the action of the
Democratic state committee to-day.
After a session of fifteen minutes , it
formally ratified the action of the
sub-committee in effecting fusion on
the electoral ticket by giving the Pop
ulists four places , and adjourned
without even discussing the proposi
tion of the Populists to give them two
places on the Democratic state ticket
in return for not putting put their
list of nominees.
Immediately after the meeting Sec
retary Love said the Democrats would
file their joint electoral ticket and
their regular Democratic state ticket
at once.
When apprised of the action of the
Democratic state committee Chairman
Rosseile , of the Populist state com
mittee said he would also file at once
the complete Populist ticket nom
inated at Sedalia.
Daring Deeds of a Band of Women Led
by an Avenging Senorita.
Chicago , Oct. 12. A special from
Key West says : "Advices from Remedies -
edios tell of the gallant deeds of a
band of Amazons headed by Senorita
Martini Hernandez Perez. They are
mounted and have been in the vicinity
of Vueltas for some time. Last Satur
day afternoon Senorita Perez , at the
head of her band , dashed upon the
town. Twelve Spanish soldiers at
'the gate were put to the machete.
The Amazons then rode through the
streets cutting down other Spanish
soldiers who were lounging in front
of a cafe. In the plaza 200 Spaniards
were charged. The Spaniards fired a
volley , which killed three Amazons ,
and then fled to the barracks after
losing eight of their number. A year
ago Martinez's fiancee was a captain
in the Cuban army , but after he was
captured and put to death by the
Spaniards , she vowed vengeance and
organized her band , the members of
which are sworn to never spare a
Spaniard. "
Conservatives in Cuba Dem ind a Chanso
Home Rale and Peace Pomiblc- •
New Orleans , La. , Oct 12. A spe
cial cable to the Pica3'une from Ha
vana says : "I have been reliably in
formed and have seen a cop"y of a
telegram sent by the Spanish element ,
the Conservatives , against General
Weyler , asking for his removal on the
ground that his continuing in office
means the sure loss of the island.
The telegram farther recites the fact
that a large part of the Cuban element
will be willing to accept home rule if
with it will be appointed another cap
tain general. There is a positive as
surance from friends here to the ef
fect that General Martinez Campos is
willing and anxious so return to Cuba ,
but that he will not come until he
brings the home rule concessions with
An Ajrjjrejsive Campiign With Free
Coinage Republica-ns Arranged.
Chicago , Oct 12. A conference of
silver leaders was held to-day in Dem
ocratic National Chairman Jones' of
fice to make final arrangements for
the campaign in Illinois. Among
those present were Senator Teller ,
Congressmen Hartman of Montana
and Towne of Minnesota and Governor
Altgeld. It was definitely determined
that all of the Republican silver
leaders should stump the State during
the closing weeks of the campaign.
Senator Teller , however , is in feeble
health , and will speak only when he
may feel able. The aggressive cam
paign promised for Cook county ( Chicago -
cage ) will be begun next week and
continue to the eve of the election.
Rural Mall Delivery.
Parkersburg , W. Va. , Oct 12.
The first experiment with the free
delivery of mail in the rural districts
was made at Charlestown , W. Va ,
yesterday. There are three carriers
who get S200 each per year salary
and give 8500 bonds each. Collective
ly , they carried a distance of fifty
miles , delivered sixty-five pjeces of
mail matter and returned none to the
office. Charleston is the home of
Postmaster General Wilson.
Shot Bccanso of Disagreement.
Eureka Springs , Ark. , Oct. 15. J.
K. Polk Williams , a leading stockman
and farmer of Northwest Arkansas ,
was fatally shot at his home near
Huntsville , Maaison county , yesterday - '
day by Joe Cox , a neighbor. The
trouble arose over a business disa1 1
greement. Cox will plead self-de- *
fense. - !
Gold Democratic Rights Recognized.
Albany , N. Y. , Oct i 2. Secretary ]
of State Palmer decided to-day that
the National Democratic ( gold standard - J
ard ) ticket was entitled to a place on
the official ballot under the designation - *
tion given. A contest which was begun - '
gun by Chairman Danforth of the j
silver Democratic state committe will
be continued in the courts. ,
United State * Judge Green Dead. '
Trenton , N. J. , Oct 12. Edward i
T , Green , judge of the United States j
court for the district of New Jersey , ]
died to-day of pneumonia. He was i
born in Trenton in 1827.
Out of France Into ' Germany.
Darmstadt , Oct. 12. The imperial
Russian train , with the czar and czarj j
ina , arrived here at 9 o ' clock this i
morning and was met by the ducal <
family of Hesse , headed by Grand 1
Duke Ernest , of Hesse , the brother of i
the czarina. The imperial couple
were driven to the new palace amid (
great enthusiasm. <
Sir John Mlllai * ' Fortune.
London , Oct 12. The late Sir John |
iUillais. president of the Royal acad- }
„ y , left a fortune of S1.2.jU.00U. .
Ten Thousand Homos , Including Every
Bank in the City , Burned All or the
Grocery and Supply Houses Destroyed
Intense Suffering Is Certain Before
Supplies Arrive.
An Awful Holocaust.
Guayaquil , Ecuador , Oct. 10. It la
estimated that the financial loss to
the city by the fire of Monday night
and Tuesday will run far up in the
millions. Some reports estimate it as
over 50 million dollars. Many lives
were lost , just how many it is impos
sible to say , as yet , and over 35,000
persons are homeless.
Two thousand houses , including
every bank in the city , of which there
were-five , were burned. The customs
house , theater and many other public
buildings were also swept away and
the entire business portion of the city
was laid waste.
Practically all of the grocery and
6upply stores are gone and thousands
of residents , homeless and hungry ,
swarm the streets and the neighbor
ing woods. It is impossible from the
present food supply in and near Guay
aquil , to supply the sufferers , and un
til assistance reaches here from other
cities in Ecuador the suffering will be
The flames .destroyed many lives
before those who were asleep could be
warned of tire impending danger.
Scores are missing , and , though it is
impossible 'to estimate the number of
deaths now , the figures will of necessity -
sity be large.
The fire started in a small dry goods
store. It is believed that this store
was fired by incendiaries. The police
have made several arrests so far , and
the people are so wrought up that
numerous threats to lynch or burn
the prisoners at the stake have been
made. Business , in the meantime ,
has been entirely suspended , and
every effort is directed toward reliev
ing the distress of the sulFerers.
The Spanish General Deliberately mis
represents Treatment of American' * .
New York , Oct. 10. A special from
Ilarana "says Weyler is fooling Lee.
The order prohibiting the American
consul general from visiting the mili
tary prison keeps him from person
ally investigating the condition of
Americans imprisoned there. He haste
to rely on what Weyler tells
him. In their last interview Gen
eral Lee complained of the unsanitary
conditions of the cells the American
prisoners were in. Weyler replied
boldly : 'Oh , I have attended to this
matter. They have been removed to
cells 41 and 42. ' General Lee retired ,
flattered at his supposed success , not
knowing that the Americans have
always occupied cells Nos. 41 and 42.
Those cells , b3' the way , are gloomy
and so damp that water oozes from
the ceiling and trickles down the
walls , wetting the floor , which never
dries. In one of these wretched cells
are Melton , the American newspaper
correspondent , and George Aguirre ,
locked with a man suffering from
. "
AIcKinley and the Gold Standard Up
held Heforo 20.000 Chlcazoan * .
Chicago , Oct 10. Last night Col
onel | Robert G Ingersoll spoke for
McKinley and the gold standard in a
big tent to an audience estimated at
2o : , 00. He said three great questions
were at issue currency , tariff and
the question whether an appeal lay
from the supreme 'eourt to a mob.
As to the first question Colonel In
gersoll said that money is a part of
nature , and does not have to be re
deemed ( , for it is the redeemer. Green
backs i are not money , neither is a sil
ver dollar containing less than a dollar -
lar J ' s worth of silver unless it be exchangeable -
changeable ' for gold. It would take
a ! dollar's worth of raper to make a
dollar on its own merits. The speaker -
er said that coing money added no
more , to its value than measuring to
grain or weighing of coal. ,
Republicans and Silver aien Celebrate by :
Parades and Speeches.
Chicago , Oct. 10. Chicago day , the
anniversary i of the great fire twenty-
five : years ago , was celebrated chiefly
as ' a political holiday by Republicans
and j Democrats separately , each nartv
having its own street parade , as well
as gatherings indoors. Practically
every factory and store was closed , as
were also the board of trade and
banks. From early morning the j
streets were jammed with cheering i
thousands , struggling to gain some
point of vantage. After 9 o'clock the
street cars or vehicles were not al
lowed in the down town district , the
streets being entirely given up to •
sightseers and marchers. lnnumera- /
bie floats , representing all kinds of
trades and business organizations
were features of thp nira/l }
Rcfigrns Oillce to Take Part In Politics. J
Washington , Oct 10. Henry Clay 1
Smith , United States c onsul to San- '
ios , Brazil , who is now in this city. '
Yiua resigned on account of the rule
forbidding certain officeholders from ]
taking an active part in politics. In
his letter to the President he said he 1
was going to campaign in his native >
state ( Alabama ) for Ifryan and SewalL <
Lcadvllle mines Starting Up.
Leadville , Col. , Oct i " 0. From . ,
present indications , every mine that
was in operation before the strike i
will have been started again within ,
thirty days. Barricades , blockhouses ]
and sentry boxes have been erected '
about the Little Johnny , Bison , Last
Chip , Emmet. Mahala , Marion and
other leading mines , and the Resur
rection has begun similar defensive J
works. Mote men are coming from !
outside , and with those here who are 1
daily applying for work will give the i
mines full forces as fast as .hey are I
Van ted. (
_ . .
* ' * ? ? " * - yj m-.t " fc'ir' 'w ' iwiyt ' jwjw ' ; T vf
/ii _ _ _
§ _ _ i
* ' f H
Atlclnson'n Majority Intho Noijfhborhoo1'
of 3fi.000 Other Majorities Blccor. \i (
Atlanta. Oa. , Oct 10. Advices up V
to midnight from combined official * l rf
and unofficial sources fix the total Q H
Democratic majority at 36.121) ) . This- | H
estimate is based on the vote for At * IJH
kinson for governor , which is in raauy it
cases less than that cast for the other f'f H
state officials. It is not believed the jr J H
finul returns will materially alter this j H
estimate. The legislature is almost f H
solidly Democratic in both branches , H / H
insuring practically the unanimous " < H
election of ex-Speakor Cr sp to the , I j H
senate , to succeed Senator Gordon. / , X |
The official returns from McDuffiep H
connty , the home of Thomas E. Watson - H
son , shows that the Populists have- H
carried it by o04 majority. Seaborn § :
Wright , the Populist candidate for ) i jflH |
governor , carries his home county , j d M
Floyd , a former Democratic strong * < | |
hold , by 200 majority. i , | H
Kansas City Will Have No Moro of Thenr y < I |
Many Disgraceful Acts. < ' ) | H
Kansas CitvMo.Oct. I 0. Carnival. ri _ _ |
nights are a thing of the past in Kan- t , % M
sas City. After remaining in his | | |
office in the Central police station J |
from 0 to 11 o'clock last night and " | |
hearing of one murder and half a $ jl PB
hundred assaults and Chief
_ _ _
Irwin came to the conclusion that the- * _ _ _ !
practices peimitted on carnival night. -f _ _ _ !
are bad and should be abolished. v _ _ _
Masked revelers last night knocked ft Uf H
down women ami almost tore their "Hi H
clothes off , without the least impunity. ' ! !
As the theaters let out they daubed < | f |
the faces of the ladies with paint , tar , ' ' J ( |
grease ; , etc. , and spoiling the hand- , < /f |
some toilets. Ex-Governor Foster of ' _ _ _
Ohio-had ' his face tarred while driving * ' < H
in a carriage from Turner hall to the H
Coates ' house. : _ |
Oklahoma Politician Fatally Wounds a i |
Man lurin a Quarrc } _ _ _ !
Woodward. 0. T. , Oct. 10. Temple , H
Houston shot and probably fatally M
wounded J. B. Jenkins at 5 o'clock H
yesterday afternoon. Jenkins was | H
shot tuicc , one ball passing just H
above the heart anc' another going H
through the right shoulder. The difficulty - H
ficulty arose over the action of Jenkins - M
kins in spitting in the face of Temple H
Houston's son , a few days ago Jen * M
kins' condition is critical. Houston H
lias been placed under arrest H
One year ago J. B. Jennings was
( _ _
killed in a saloon fight with Houston t H H
in this city. Houston escaped punishment - M
ishment through plea of self defense. j H
ITotiston is a sou of General Sam H
Houston , of Texas revolutionary fame. ; ' _ _
) ' H
No Right to the Name. ( |
Ni\v i'oitK.OctlO. The troubles of ! H
the National , or reform Democrats _ H
with the Board of Election , took r' _ _ i
specific : form at a meeting held by the . H
board in Brooklyn last night , when a j : H
decision was given substantially as | _ H
follows : First , that the political party t j H
name of the National Democratic | |
party is substantially the same as the _ _ i
name and infringes upon the ritrhts H
of tlie use therefore by the political H
party known as the regular Demo- H
cratic party ; second , that the said S H
certificates of nomination is not a * H
party certificate of nomination within " • H
the intent and provisions of chapter H
' . ' ' 03 of the laws of 1S00. H
_ 1
'Sew Mexico Sta o Robbery. M
Santa Fe , N. M. , Oct. 10. A dis. M
patch from San Antonio , N. M. , H
states that the United States mail i H
coach which left there yesterday * * _ _
morning , was held up by masked H
men , forty miles out The mail sack H
was cut open , rilled and the stage H
horses were stolen , There were no _ H
passengers aboard. The coach was - _ i
en route to White Oaks. The coach M
driver was left without conveyance H
and walked eight miles back to the M
station , whence the alarm was sent |
into San Antonio. H
Watterson In Politics Again. |
Louisville , Ky. , Oct 10. The ( H
Courier-Journal ' H
to-day printed a long
editorial ' from Henry Watterson , written - H
ten at Geneva , in which he said that |
the i action of the Chicago convention |
had ] . caused him to return to politics , ' ' _ l
which he had left forever two years . |
ago. He concluded : "There is but 9
one hope for the country , but one t 'H '
for i the Democratic partv , and that H
hope 1 lies imbedded in the principles / 9
unfolded by the Indianapolis platform
and represented by the candidacy of I _ j
Palmer and Buckner. " H
Claims or the Silver Party Men. f | H
Washington , Oct 10. Secretary B
Defenderfer of the Silver party gave ' H
out ( an estimate on the election yes- J I
' lay as follows : Bryan , 282 electoral f
votes ; McKinley , 107 ; doubtful , 58. ' , * _
This last is made up of Iowa , Marv- _ ' . _ l
land , Minnesota. New Jersey. West fr W
Virgil * and Wisconsin. He concedes J
New England , New
York and Penn- - f
sylvania to McKinley. and claims for * , *
Bryan all '
except these states and _ _
those m the doubtful list H
RIT Morocco Works Damaged. |
Wilmington.Del. . Oct. 10. Themor- I
• occo factories of Garrett & Barr fl
Charles " Baird & Co. and Washington , ' , • fl
lones & Co. were damaged by fire last * J fl
night to the extent of S2K0.000. Wilfl
'iam McNeal , a fireman , was killed by fl
falling walls. The fire started in the fl
boiler room of the Garrett & Barr facfl
tory and quickly spread to the other fl
buildings. H
Bryan's Partner Won't Vote for Him. fl
Lincoln , Neb. , Oct 10. A. R. Tal- * fl
bott , present law partner of Hon W fl
J. Bryan has declared his intention fl
of voting for McKinley.
Elcht Days of Speakln ? for Illinois.
Chicago. Oct 10. Mr. Brvan will \ JM
speak in Illinois eight days\ \ beginfl
ning October * ; 3 and concluding October -
ber CO. He will aevote the last three fl
days to Chicpgo. during which time J |
he will
deliver fifteen speeches in Ti
various parts of the city. fr !
_ _ _ _ _ !
A Revised Eitimate. _ _ _ _
Omaha , Neb. , Oct 10 J. a Dahl. - fl
man , chairman of
the Democratic
State _ _ _ _
committee , that H
says lrom re- _ _
ports received the free silver forces are -OH
increasing in numbers , and former es ! WM
timates , placing the plurality at 25 - WM
000. have been *
increased H
to 40,000. |
_ _ _
J fl
i ? _ _ _ _ _ _ M
m _ _
- 1 , fc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _