H S Highest of all in Leavening Strength. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. I Iv SI Powder I ABSOLUTELY PURE By F. M. K1MMELL. S1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. -REPUBLICAN TICKET. . * For President , William McKinlkv of Ohio. For Vice President , , Garrett A. Hobart of New Jersey. For Presidential Electors , At Large J. E. Houtz of Lanca : At Laree F. J. Sandilek of Sal First District A.J. Burnham of Nem : Second Dist rict A. C. Foster of Doug Third District. . . . Solomon Draper of Ki Fourth District G. A. Derby of Sew : Fifth District. . . .J. L. McPheely of Kean Sixth District M. L. Friese of Val For Congressman Fifth District' William E. Andrews of Adams County For Governor , J. II. MacColl of Dawson County. For Lieutenant Governor , Orlando Teft of Cass County. For Secretary of State , J. A. Piper of llarlan County. For State Auditor , P. O. IIedi.und of Phelps County. For State Treasurer , C. E. Casey of Pawnee County. For Attorney General , A. S. Churchill of Douglas County. For State Superintendent , H. R. Corrett of York County. For Commissioner Lands and Buildings , H. C. Russell of Colfax County. - For Supreme Judge 4 years. Robert Ryan of Lancaster County. For Supreme Judge 2 years , N. P. Kinkaid of Holt County. For University Regent , W. G. Whitmore or Douglas County. For Representative 65th District , R. P. High of Lebanon Precinct. For County Attorney , Harlow W. Keyes of Indianola Precincl For Commissioner First District , Alex. D. Johnston of Valley Grange Pre Thk fact that the insurance cot panies of the country reaped $65C 000,000 of lapses , last year , is not bad argument in favor of mutual ii surance. Judge M. L. Hayward , that sta wart Nebraskan who ought now to b leading the Republican state ticket will speak on the issues of the day i this city in the near future. Somt thing of strength may be expectec "And the Democrats only got a pal try 60,000 plurality in Arkansaswher the possibilities are almost limitles for old fashioned Democratic plurali ties. For shame ! Just as well madi it an even 100,000 while you were at it Quk old.frien4 Abbott of the Haye Center Republican is aii old scamp ii some particulars , but there is om thing The Tribune loves about him he runs his newspaper himself am without the aid or consent of an ; other nation on earth. Nebraska has 274 Grand Army o the Republic posts , with a membei ship of 7,602 , Iowa 437 with a membei ship of 16,224 , and Kansas 440 , with ; membership of 14,710. The claims o these states to the titles of soldiers states are , therefore , based upon th indisputable fact of their large so ] dier population. Bee. The well established reputation o the Honorable J. W. Cole of Culbert son as an abolisher of the county at torneyship , a reducer of interest oi tax sales , and a repealer of the ne farious replevin law , is causing j regular landslide to him up in th < 67th district. Even up in Hayei county they are talking of 200 plural ity for him. • The Tribune move ; that his election be made unanimous During the last fiscal year the Brit ish postal savings bank was made the depository of savings to the sum oJ 445,000,000 , or nearly $2,225,000,000 , While the amount checked out during the year amounted to a little ovei three-fourths of the amount deposit ed , it is readily seen what a stimulus it has given to frugality and saving. Adding in one year over $500,000,00C to the accumulated wealth of the country is no insignificant accom plishment. Bee. The collapse of a number of bicycle factories in the east is not altogether due to prevailing hard times. In one sense there has been an overproduc tion of wheels , yet the demand is to day greater than ever. There are thousands of people in Omaha who want bicycles , but will not pay the ruling prices. They are waiting for the inevitable fall in prices of good wheels. This was shown at the auc tion of wheels in this city last week. An outside firm sold nearly 300 wheels here in a few days , at prices ranging from $25 to $35 , and did not supply the demand for them. When manufac turers realize these these conditions they will not have to make assign ments. Bee. First G/ass Hand-Picked Apples at 70 cents a bushel or S2 a barrel at Knipple's. Call early. They are fine and will go rapidly. - - - - - - - _ hhp . _ ' ' . . . . " ' tt. . . , Kj * j' _ jf' . 1 . . iq ii. . .1 1. 1 1 OUR ASSISTANT ED BARTLEY. All is well , our people happy , ; time goes fleeting by. Our pnblic school commenced M day with a good attendance , the pi cipal's enrollment being unusua large. E. E. Smith and wife took the tra Thursday morning , for a short vi with friends in eastern Kansas , ne Kansas City , Missouri. Every day brings us one day neai "Home" and nearer "Election" wh Wm. McKinley will be launched the Presidential chair. O. Frost has been out of town t past three weeks attending to bu ness at York , Neb. He is expect home the last of this week for a. d or two. We understand a deal has been cc summatedwhereby C.E.Williams ge possession of his farm and that So. will take charge. Wilber Joslin w move south of town with the Mur boys. J. C. Harned left , Wednesday moi ing , overland for Page county , low where he expects to make his futu home. We regret to loose Mr. Ham as he was a good citizen and a R publican. DOur local team expect to play tl return game of ball on the Leban < grounds next Saturday. Look ou boys , Lebanon may prepare to ke ( the laurels at home. The game is n < 3ut until played out. * The game between Freedom ai Lebanon last Saturday was a 01 iided affair. All of the Lebanc flayers were not present and the "fill in" and the vere obliged to n iult was a decided victory for Fre < lorn. lorn.W W , D , Myers left by prairie schoone oute , Monday evening , for Hamilto ounty , Neb. , near Aurora , his wif aking the train , Tuesday morning n account of little ones havin rhooping cough. We regret thei eparture as the family were alwav lentified with the upbuilding of sc iety and they will be especiall lissed in the M. E. church and Sat ath school of which they were faith ul members. A large crowd of patriotic citizen ttended the G. A. R. and "W. R. C ublic meeting , last Saturday , anum er from Cambridge and Indianol ; ttending. The Commander J , W Jrown being absent , Willis Gossan f Indianola made the address of wel ome , in the course of which he men ioned that Nebraska had again beei onored by the election of T.S. Clark on as National Commander , whic ' ras received with a hearty round o .pplause. The program rendered wa oed and patriotic and was well re eived. The Bartley cornet band as Lsted with some well chosen musl or which our local band is famous. INDIANOLA. Rev. W. A. Crago was a McCool isitor , Monday. Our young men have formed a Mc [ inley club. Mrs. James Hetherington was th < uest of McCook friends , Saturday 1st. James McCallum was an Omahc isitor , attending thatstate fair , lasl eek. Charies Colling and wife were ir le county seat , Saturday , on legal ashless. Harlow W. Keyes had business in cCook , Wednesday , going up Tues- ly evening. J. M. Brown and E. R. Banks drove a to the seat of county affairs , Tues- ly , on business. Robert Welborn ot Denver is at > me for a few days , having taken in ie state fair. D. H. Wentworth and family of astings spent some days , last week , siting relatives here. Geo. Engleman of Indianola has nted a building of W. H. Faling and .11 move here this week. Cambridge aleidoscope. County Attorney and Mrs. H. W. 2yes spent most of last week at the ate fair and visiting friends in east- n Nebraska , returning home Satur- .y night. NOTICE. [ hereby give public notice that no rson except Mr. J. R. Procter has ly right to cut timber or wood or to move same from my premises near dianola. Any other person taking < od , timber or other property from id premises will be prosecuted to e fullest extent of the law. J. J. Kemp. * ' r * i t * * - ? i * * . . . > * iiii < * * • in-- - - 1 * • * * * ' * r * * > * y nM. iHM r1 - , - i. - , r - - * * ' -1 1 1 1 . . nn 1 - _ . - I. A. Sheridan waB a McCook pol cal pilgrim , Monday. G. W. Burt had business in • county capital , Saturday. Judge Isaac M. Smith was on 1 streets , fore part of the week. X. "EL. Berge was doing our town Saturday in the interest of the fail WillDolan went to Lincoln , t week , with a view of entering 1 State University. J. J. Kemp , the Illinois millionai has been here some days looking af his large land interests. Mis3 Lillian Welborn in compa with her brother Robert was a stj fair visitor , returning Saturday c ning on No. 5. The Christian Endeavor meeting Sunday was an enjoyable affair of ( viable profit. Rev. Howard of Tab Iowa.was a strong factor In the mei ing. The Indianola schools in charge Prof. Dobson and the regular corps teachers opened on Monday. Ma are out of school on account of t whooping cough. BOX ELDER. Jas. R. Kinghorn arrived home f re Deadwbod last Saturday evening. We are told that Kimball ai Younger haye started a sorghum fa tory. tory.Dan Dan Doyle sold his cattle to Wilc < instead of to Everist , as we report * last week. Will and John Johnson started on tour of the races last Friday , wil their fast stock. The Box Elder school opened Mo : lay morning with Miss Martha Johi son as instructor. Last Monday , Geo. Ball and famil 3ade adieu to Nebraska and turne ; heir faces towards Longmont , Col • ado. J. E. Werner threshed last weel lis rye and fall wheat made ssxtee mshels per acre , while his oats yielt : d twenty bushels. Geo. Loomis . . who left with th ihepherds for a tour of Wyoming 2ft them at Longmont , Colo. , and i Off working at that place. Box Elder is to have a broom f ac ory : not extensive , but a broom f ac ory employiug one man is bette han a dozen paper watch factories Alva Brown has located his Gardei f Eden 80 miles mlies north of Lara lie , and if he can secure some catth e will at once proceed to Wyoming Last week our genial fellow towns ian , AI. Wilson , sold his half sectior E land , lying two miles east of thii lace , to Jas. Doyle , and we under : and that he starts to Oklahoma ais week. Ah.has bee 'nahard workei nd a good heighbor , and his place mong us Will be hard to fill. WORTH COLEMAN. Turnips are doing splendidly. The rain came and was a genera ) aker. School in district 74 began Monday ith a fair attendance. E. R. Osbaugh made a flying visil ) Hayes county , last week. These cool nights are suggestive oi Greenland's icy mountains" . Wm. Sharp has 40 acres of com lat looks nice and green yet. Snakes of various kinds have been , ad still are uncommonly numerous , John Taylor of Avoca , Iowa , bro- ler of Lee Taylor , was in our pre- nct , Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Coleman and r. and Mrs. S. M. Cochran dined with r. and Mrs. Wm. Sharp , Sunday. We are getting some rain ; had sev- al showers lately. It is raining to- ght , Wednesday , and looks like it as in for a wet night. . The smiling faces of Frank Brown id Charley Campbell of Spring creek sre seen at the Coleman school use services on Sunday. tt has been uncommonly healthful L summer , notwithstanding , the hot ; ather , but sore throat is troubling me pretty severely now. - [ . Parsons and wife of Frontier unty , also W. H. Epperly and wife tended services at the Coleman iool house , Stnday , and spent the mainder of the day at Milton Cole's. i. Coleman Republican sa3's : Billy yan is salting the people with free ver , but his opinion is that the Lne is not strong enough to save nself or his followers from a trip Salt river after Nov. 3d. Vote for : Kinley , sound money , protection d prosperity. Jncle Billy don't keep the pig in i parlor , but he keeps the pigs in i corn crib , as they are plentier m corn. I wouldn't trade our corn • all of his Cuban-queens , Emerald 31s , and the whole vocabulary from • ha to omega. Let him eat his 11 melons , but give me the Johnny ce. r J ' ' * * - * - & 6 r T H. H. Berry was at the Coler school house on Tuesday evening 1 gave a most stirring address in interest of the Republican pai There was a good attendance , ' m ; Bryanites being present , The lac were numerous also. G. S. Bis ! took the floor when Mr. Berry ] finished and gave a short addr Wm. Valentine of McCook is to dress the people at the same pla Tuesday evening the 22d. COLEMAN. H. K. Bixler has lots of melons. Russell Corner is working ; for H. Bixler. Miss Irwin will teach in district this winter. School will commence in district Monday , Sept. 21st. Geo. McClain is helping Irve Spa ding for a few days. Crowd the hogs news and get th to market before cold weather. W. A. Stewart was drawing cane the factory the first of the week w : two teams. H. B. Wales has a fine lot of be millet and pi airie hay in stack , a is cutting more. J. W. Corner was a business pilgr to the county seat , Friday last , wh Mrs. Corner did some trading. Miss Ona Simons will commen 1 six-months' term of school in d : rlct 58. on Monday , September 21 J. B. Smith has 40 acres of mill : ut and bonnd. Stand is fair to go ind will yield a large amount of se ind feed. Uncle Billy is repairing his win ireak. There will be nothing ami n cutting plenty of fodder in anti < lation of a severe winter. Miss Sadie Coyle was a passeng m No. 2 , Sunday morning , bound f it. Louis , Mo. , where she will attei chool for four or five years. Thomas Real threshed for Unc Silly Johnson , last Friday , and f ( Salter Hickling on Saturday. Robe 'raphagen is assisting him. Lon Carothers took some wheat 1 Dwn , Friday , and had the misfortur J have a tire run off of one of hagen agon wheels , necessitating the bo swing.of another wagon. Word comes to us that a young lad ear the county line hail a sudden a ick of grip , Sunday evening , aboi o'clock. It lasted until two , Moi iy morning , when John loosened u is arms and went home. When we hear a kind , patient , har ( orking wife ask her husband for ickel and he snaps out , "What d ) u want it for" ? we have our opinio : that man , and think that she ha lriven her ducks to a poor market. Robert Tf aphagen is having a pair il experience with a felon or cai incle on his right hand. He has 1 : res sown to fall wheat , which i > ming up nicely , and intends sowin ' acres. He also has in 40 acres 0 e. of which some is coming up. If you want to go back east am sit relatives , at half fare , see Wrr ileman at once. If you want to gi ick to Iowa or Illinois , to a count ; ir , free , see him , quick. If you wan take the wife and visit a menthe e what he Avill do for you. Call soon H. H. Berry and Geo. S. Bisho ] Iked to the people of this town a e Coleman school house , Tuesday ening , on the political pressure o : e times. They talked until near l : ; lock when the elements took it uj id thundered its approval of Mc .nleyism loud and strong. The Mc nley club at said school house is 1 etty long one , and will knock thf rsimmons. shorty Smith went to the Willow tc j to make a deal with Jackey Os- rn to pick some wild fruit on shares , ckey proposed to furnish the plums , ipes and shade. Shorty was tc ve all the plums and grapes , and okey was to have the shade. Shorty ced Jafcey if he wouldn't furnish 2 sugar to do up the plums and ipes. Jackey kicked up at this , d thought it enough to furnish jar for the shade , and Shorty might • nish his own sugar or eat the ims and grapes raw. lev. D. L. McBride preached his ewell sermon at Zion Hill church last Sabbath. He has done a grand rk here , and gained the respect and niration of the people. The showed t Sabbath their appreciation of labor by turning out and filling s church so full that quite a few ild not get in at all. All denomi- : ional lines , vere simply laid aside , I the whole people turned out to farewell to the one who has lab- d so earnestly and so unselfishly to e souls instead of church property , his efforts were directed to the aing of the people to God , and God • e him many souls here for his hire. 1 heart grew sad and the eyes dim h tears as we listened , for the last e , to this our beloved pastor , as he nestly commended us to God. May meet him over on the evergreen re and enjoy his societyforever. . . j Stan f * . - I * - - " vr- . - . - . - „ - - . _ , . „ . . _ 1 1 1 \ ' , " * " * I Pm I ' Ml I ESTABLISHED IN 1886. - STRICTLY ONE PRICE. < pMI fie Fas Cliii tapiy } l • • • • ! ! rilI I 1 HATS & CAPS , II FURNISHING GOODS. I i JiH • • • • GL0THING AND SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER I jjl IS OUR GREAT SPECIALTY. I jj | I • JONAS ENGEL , Manager. | j | ! | j11 j NORTH DIVIDE. News of the right sort is a scar article this week. Tom Scofield has the job of skii ming , up at the sugar works. We have the promise of a barrel two of apples from Dorchester if i pay the freight. James Kinghorn , has returned f re his brief sojourn up to Deadwood ai the Black Hills country. J. M. Henderson has been tearii down and removing some of the buil ings from the farm to McCook. Aunt Martha and the girls ha- been fixing up things in an attractr and comfortable way about the hous Hiram Brown , son-in-law of I. ] Moore , is up from Crete on a brl visit , and will return overland Avi1 some horses and implements. The writer's thanks are due M Hunter of the Beaver for a fine "la : out" of choice melons that were dul appreciated and the seeds saved We notice a few old sticks and th ends of an old box or two being haule by from no one knows where , an that's going to be our much talked ( bridge. Addie Hanlein will fall in line an resume her former occupation , ha ing accepted the fall term of scho < at Snosqualmie Falls , Washingtor and which begins October first. A little misunderstanding as t who would help some one else thres lias caused a bit of merriment and jood deal of talk on the side betwee several Divide and Box Elder folks. S. D. Belles pushed off one of th : ranks of his new racing wheel whil < ) n his way home from Bartley , Sue lay evening , and had the fun of rid ng from Indianola with one crank ii lis pocket. The Divide school began right oi : ime , Monday morningwith the usua ittendance and Miss Gibbons ii : harge. She intends riding back anc : orth on her wheel as long as thi leather permits. Annie Reeves will attend the Mc 2ook high school again this year and rith that end in view she has ar anged to board in town and not trj o drive back and forfh owing to the istance from home. Martha Johnson lost no time and ras right on hand at the opening oi he Box Elder school. The pupils will oubtless appreciate her painstaking lethods in the school room , and we eel justified in saying that few are etter qualified. Sunday morning the five-year-old irl of Mr. and Mrs. W. X. Johnson 2ll from a horse breaking her left rm and otherwise injuring her more r less severely. Dr. Gunn is in at- iudance and it is hoped the little ne will soon be in running order. Herr M. Moehler is making prepa- itions for a well , the other one hav- ig caved in soon after one of the savy rains last summer and his wind- ill was wrecked about the same time irinjr a gale that stirred things up i a lively way over about the "point" , bill the old hun and his bride are ippy and a honeymoon is nothing > mpared with their daily jaunt of a iro-mile ride after water. You can buy anything you want in e line of queensware at cost at tipple 's. He is closing out that ie , you don't have to buy a whole f of dishes , but anything and ev- ything at cost. - - , hf ] JB PROSPECT PARK. WV' 'H ! L. A. Stephens spent Sunday at fill home. , | l J E. Dodge is threshing in thin J $ ' 1 | neighborhood , this week. M Rev. J. M. Bell preached his farewell - ( H well sermon at this place , Sunday. . . il Andrew Anderson and wife attended ! a basket meeting at Danbury , Sun- I . : H day. day.J. J. H. Wade and wife attended services - I vices at the Pickens school houseSun- . ' day last. H ' 'f M Miss Stella Cratty and Miss Rose Albrecht are attending school in Mc- I Cook , this term. . H Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Crocker - B er , Friday the 4th , a boy of the usual < weight and lung power. H J. H. Wade and wife are visiting 'I friends at Danbury , and in Norton . - , B county , Kansas , this week. ) j ! Quite a number from this place attended - < > H tended the picnic in Hammel's grove ' H on Brush creek , the 4th , and report a • \ time. > M very pleasant f We were mistaken in our last week's V ' ; items with regard to the amount of jH grain which Jas. Resh had threshed. * ' 9 The whole amount was 416 bushels , < . ' . H 150 of wheat and 266 of oats , instead S ' H of 366 as stated. * f _ • A * ' * Knipple sells all ' / "M queensware at cost I and less. I Job Printing The most artis- . V ? 3 tic work at the lowest figures' . L | The Tribune , McCook. "Write / Eor prices. A trial order will set- f H tie the business. H Elegant sefc of dishes - _ I es for a mere song at ELnipple's. I Don't forget to come and see us S ffhen you want any kind of job fl printing. We are the people who " * 'B lo the nice printing. ' | i M $10 hanging lamp tor $5.50 at Knip- [ ) le's. . 1 H SSlPBuy your writing paper st H Che Tribune office. All kinds in V B tock and prices very reasonable 4 $ % . H Try that 15 cent box f pQ > aper at The Tribuste * * A > ffice. Worth 25 cts. . " % Use cheaper grades , We are just in receipts of a new | apply of tablets and box papers H lemorandums , etc. > y | Unprecedented bar- 9 rains by Knipple in ,9 Lneensware. * H JJOIMJXITTTTTTTTI I S. CORDEAL , Z [ Notary Public , J : , , H I Reliable Insurance , J . Mm * ' JH i Collection Agent. \ JB