H rriTTJT * 11" . ' . ' " _ j t i IN in H > urn' ! - jfct up " in i il T I ill 7 II IULuT. ! H HB MB HBBHHniHHMHHBHHBHBHHHHBHHH HIiH 1 " IM'COOK TRIBUNE. f I * jj I" . M. K\IMEa. , I'liMlMlicr. I McCOOIC , - : - - : . * NKBRVKKA \ a NEBRASKA , II State Fair and Carnival. jj - Preparations have gone forward to make both the largest ever held in the I Nebraska Metropolis. The city will b jj in gala attire during the entire week. | | Indications are that the fair will be II the largest and best ever held in ths il state , and that the attendant festiyi- Ij ties will surpass anything of the kind jj heretofore presented. jj Half-fare rates will prevail on all the | | railroads , and in no case will the fare i from any part of the state be over § 5.50 I' for the round trip. | The work of preparing for the car- | i nival of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben has I ] been going on steadily but quietly I ; since the middle of January , while the " planning for it commenced almost im mediately after the close of the last carnival. The city is to be brilliantly illuminated every night of the week. Tuesday there will be a grand military and civic parade , headed by the Twen : ty-second regiment U. S. A. , and band from Fort Crook , with militia organi zations. On Wednesday occurs the para 'de of beautiful floats sent in to represent counties of Nebraska in com petition for the $500 offered in prizes by the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. On Thursday will be represented the great mystic parade of tine Knights of Ak- Sar-Ben , celebrating the feast of Olympia. Twenty gorgeous floats in line , representing various classical di vinities and carrying out with absolute fidelity the story of the feast. Friday , I September 4 , Court ball of the Knights at the Den , and ceremonies attending the coronation and unmasking of the king and queen. Saturday , September 5 , the Northwestern Scandinavian singing society , 1,000 voices , give a festival of song at the Den. The city will be wide open for the entertain ment and enjoyment of the thousands who visit the fair , commencing Mon day , August 31 , and lasting the entire The State fair farmers' institute will be held Thursday , Sept 3 , on the state fair grounds at Omaha. The session will open at 10:30 a. m. , the admission being free and all invited. The pro gram as arranged is : 1 Commercial or- | charding as a business , E. M. Pollard , I Nehawka , Neb. 2. Cattle feeding I that pays , It. M. Allen , Ames , Neb. 3. • The private dairy run on business prin- j ciples , Harvey Johnson , Logan , Iowa. 4. Lecture The farmer's place in so- 1 ciety , Senator 'William V. Allen , Madi- * 6on , Neb. An interesting and profitable - | able time is assured all attending. * \ The Clarks postoffice was robbed last I week of § 400 , cash and stamps. I Grand Island's city council will be § asked to consider a proposition to purchase - ] . chase a park for S25.0C0. , The officers of the irrigation fair I have been notified that Keith county is il preparing a very elaborate exhibit. ! | Wisner has been compelled to fit up jj an additional school room to accommo- I date an increased number of pupils. H Arthur Long of Pawnee county was H i ; kicked by a horse and knocked ten HI | i feet , receiving a broken 3aw and other HR f injuries. H J Sam Schultz of Elk Creek had three H nice hogs killed by lightning recently. f The lightning struck a large tree , un der which the hogs were asleep. Mrs. Francis E. Hooker was found ! dead in bed near University Place near Lincoln. She lived alone and had been h e , dead some time when discovered. H A special election was held at Wau- saw and bonds of 510,000 to aid in the completion of the Yankton & Norfolk railway was carried by a good major ity. The school board of Kepublican City has been in a dead-lock for two months over the selection of a teacher in the intermediate department of the public schools. The-fifteenth annual reunion and picnic of the pioneers and old soldiers' i association of Dakota "county , will be held in Clinton park , Dakota City , on Thursday , Sept. 3 , 189G. 'The litigation over the Great Eastern irrigation canal in Platte county has been settled , the plaintiff , George C Smith , dismissing the case on his own motion and at his own costs. Tom Castner of Nebraska City , had some trouble with- his father who is seventy-eight years of age , and drew a _ . revolver and shot , but without doing H injury to any one. He was arrested. H David Strellnera Cedar county farm- H er , was fined'10 and costs for cruelly H -whipping his 14-year-old daughter. H During the trial it was developed that I he was in the habit of whipping his wife. " { A. A. Campbell of West Point , is a brother of James Campbell , the milli- H onaire sugar planter of Honolulu who H was kept a prisoner for two days by H bandits in a vacant house in San Fran- H cisco. H The city council of Tecumseh has H passed a stringent ordinance bearing H on the liquor question. Its object is Kg to effectually stop the bringing of liq- 3 nor into Tecumseh from other towns m for pisposal , either by gift or for sale. f Republican City is all bustle and 3c- B | tivity preparing for its second annual Bl old soldiers' and settlers'reunion , which f will begin September 14 and end Sep- H tember 19. The site selecttd is a beau- B tiful one skirting the Republican river H and was formerly a favorite camping H spot for the Pawnee Indians. H Work on the chicory company's dry- H ing kilns' at Fremont is progressing j rapidly and they will be ready for use H before the crop is matured. Chicory is H 1 growing well and the roots are of good B shape and quality. The work of cut- , H [ ting off the tops to prevent them from B going to seed is now nearly finished. Hj Much of the small grain in Knox _ county still remains in the shock , the M farmers claiming that prices are too Hj low for them to afford to hire help to Hi stack it. The yield in small grain is ft probably a half crop , with excellent ' H | quality for most wheat and'barley and * H fair only for oats. The corn crop is ' ' H - immense and excellent . H - Vi _ _ . * - - - iw.t. , . , wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmammmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . Requisition papers were issued by Gov. Holcomb upon the governor of Colorado for the return to the state of David A. Cochran , who is charged with the mnrder of Paul P. Rose in Kimball county. Cochran is now in jail at Den * ver. ver.Fairbury yonng ladies recently gave a minstrel performance at that place and the two fellows who worked up the affair , financially speaking , left town between two moons with the pro ceeds of the show , which amounted to over § 80. A seven-year-old son of James Kemp er , a farmer living four miles north of Fairmount , was found dead in the pas ture field with one arm and one leg broken and his head mashed. It is supposed he was killed by a bull , there being a bull and a cow in the pasture. John Peysen of Dakota City , who was arrested for embezzling § 910 of school money belonging to district No. 1,100 , of which he was treasurer , was given a hearing in Judge Regan's court and upon motion of complainant was dismipsed. Peysen was immediately rearrested on a similar charge and his hearing will come up for hearing Sep tember 10. , - A party of Beatrice hunters recently returned , reporting that one of their number had b < * a accidentally shot or drowned. While a searching party was being organized the missing man returned. lie had made a mistake with regard to the meeting place , and it took some time to convince him that his companions had not wilfully de serted him. State Engineer Akers has issued an opinion on review in the matter of the claim of the Elkhorn Irrigation com pany. This company has a ditch 12 miles long which covers or reclaims 9,200 acres of land. In the former opinion the priority of application for water was fixed at May 1 , 1894. The new opinion fixes February 3 , 1894 , as • the date of priority. While Charles Casselman was un loading a wagon load of wheat in the elevator at Ainsworth , a stock train passed and frightened his team. They ran. and while turning the corner of Main street the wagon struck a hy drant , breaking it completely off. The water flew several feet high , coming out with terrific force. It was checked before great damage was dona At Curtis Editor Razee of the Courier was shot twice by Simon Carey , both wounds being very serious. There has been ill feeling between the men for some time , but no one expected such a tragic outcome , and the news of the assault and its result causes much ex citement in the town. Both men have their friends but there is univer sal regret over the occurrence. At this writing entries are coming in thick and fast at the state fair , andthe distant points from which many of them are received indicate that the fame of the Nebraska state show is by no means local. One entry is for fine display for the women's building was received from Virginia. There is a great demand for space , and the in dications are that before the fair opens even the smallest space will be at a premium. An epidemic which is causing much loss and which is alarming hog-raisers has appeared among the swine south east of" Strombnrg. So far only the hogs iu a limited territory have been affected , but within the last few days the disease has begun to spread and it is feared it will become general. George Larson , a prominent farmer and stock- raiser , has lost forty head of hois. L"ii. . Marker , one of Larson's neighbors , has lost 100 head. W. E. Brown , a depositor in the Rushville bank before that institution failed , has brought suit in the supreme court asking that Receiver A. P. Brink be not allowed to compromise with W. L. May and other stockholders in the matter of their liability. Mr. Brown had S2,559 in the bank. The petition sets forth that after he had deposited his money the bank reduced its capi talized stock from S20.000 to § . i,000. and that this reduction netted the stockholders some § 15,000. The coroner ' s jury at Kimball re turned a verdict as follows : "At an inquest holdcn at or upon section 10 , township 12 , range 50 , in said county. on the 19th day of August , 1S95. before me , L. G. Simon , coroner of said coun ty , upon the body of Paul P. R < Ve. lying dead , by the jurors whose names are hereunto subscribed , the said juror * upon their oaths do say , that the said Paul P. Rose came to his death by two gunshot wounds the gun fired by one D. A. Cochran with feloneous intent. ' " While Jake Olson and family ol Franklin county were returning from campmeeting their 10-year-old daugh ter lost her hat and was sent back tc hunt for it They waited for her re turn for some time and then returned to camp , but she was not there and it was raining by this ' time and con tinued throughout thc night. No one offered to hunt for the child until morning , when town and country turned out in se ' arch but the child found her way home about 10 o ' clock in the morning , being wet and hungry. At the Depot in York , Alfred B. Christian has built an arch and on il has a display of south York countv farm productsl There are cornstalks fourteen to sixteen feet high , on which there are great large ears of corn six to eight and one-half feet from "the ground. This corn will 3'ie.d tin to ] ( iC bushels per acre. Sheaves of fine win ter wheat yielding 3b' bushels to the acre , sugar beets , large turnips , toma toes and potatoes that excel Colorado 's best over 94 uarieties of native grasses artistically arranged and many other vegetables and grains too numerous tc mention. Fred Stevens , a liveryman of Colum bus is sending out circulars trying tc locate a team and buggy which he hired to a stranger giving Jfciie name ol Hennessy. Hennessy claimed to be buying horses for an eastern market. Warden Leidigh has obtained trace < of George Williams , alias Jacob , t "trusty" who levanted from J.hc peni tenitentiary about six months ago. H < ' has been located in Oreiron. Mo. , anc f ; under arrest Wiljiams placed was 1 sent up from Lancaster county for i j year for burglary.and had three month ! j to serve. By his action in leaving hi 1 ' will now loose all of his gdod time. . j . . ij , t * _ , * , . . i l - - r ' * * * " * * , ii.i . . .T. & T.ii inT.inUi n . i..iwj.ii- " * - - _ ' V ' ' 'U' ' ' gfBflqMpywriBMMiHM- aa * 'LI ' HUNG IS WELCOMED. 1 PRESIDENT CLEVELAND RECEIVES THE CHINESE STATESMAN , RECEPTION WAS SIMPLE Diplomatic ! Compliment * Exchanged Bo tweco tbe Chlof Magistrate of This Country arid tlio Jteprencntatlro ot the Great Oriental Nation JJIitlngiiWhcd Officials tVoro l/rcxeuL. Nicw York , Aug. 31. riardly had Li Hung Chang become settled in his rooms at the Waldorf boleL yesterday afternoon ere an attache of the Rus sian legation called to arrange a con ference between the viceroy and the j j Russian minister , lie was successful , and in the evening a private confer I ence was held. Owing to events in the East the promptness of the Rus sians caused much speculation about the hotel , but it was stated that the Russian minister ivould be compelled to leave the city soon and for that reason held an early interview. Kjc- Sccretary John W. Koster and Colonel Fred Grant , a party of ( 'hine.se mer chants and Ex-Senator ( Seorgi ; I1' . Ed munds , who was once a minister to ' China , also called during the after-j noon and evening. Li Hung Chang dined on food prepared by his own ' coolc and retired at his usual early 1 hour , 9:30 o'cloclc. | This morning the statesman arose at i ) o'clock. His first caller was ex-J Secretary John W. Foster , between whom and the Chinese ambassador a ' strong friendship has existed , cspe- j cially since Air. Foster's mission to the East during the Japan-China war. Another caller was Yan IM1011 Lee , who was sent here by the Chinese government as a student in 1873. He presented an invitation from the gov ernor of Tennessee to visit Nashville on his way west. KECEIVED KV TIIR PKKSIDKNT. Large crowds gathered in Fifth ave nue early to see the parade to the res idence of ex-Secretary . C , Whitney , ' where the President was to receive j the ambassador at noon. A large force ot polio * was necessary to pre ' serve order. Around Mr. Whitney's house a clear place was reserved. Li Ifung Chang and Secretary 01 ney exchanged visits in the hotel , after wnich they proceeded together to'the Whitney residence , escorted by a Irooo of the Sixth cavalrv. The reception by the president was qu > tc simple in character and lasted only twenty-five minutes. Among those present were Secretary of State Oluey , Secretary of the Treasury Car lisle , Secretary of War Lamout and Assistant Secretary of State Roclchill. After the reception Earl Li returned to the Waidorf. COMPLIMENTS Fr.OM I.I 1IUNO CIIASO. After the formal greeting , Li Hung Chang addressed the president as fol lows : "Your excellency , it affords me great pleasure to have the honor to be presented to your excellency. The reputation of your highly es teemed virtues is widely known throughout the world and in you the citizens of the United Slates of Amer. ica have invariably placed their confi dence , consequently , both the interior administration and the exterior rela tions of this great republic are iu a state of prosperity. It will always be the desire of my august master , the emperor of China , to maintain tiie most cordial relations with America , whose friendly assistance rendered to the government of China after the China-Japanese war and whose pro tection for the safety of the Chinese emigrants in America are always to be highly appreciated. " 1 am now specially annoinlcd by my august master , the emperor of China , to present to your excellency the assurances of hi > > most friendly feelings toward the United States of America in the hope that your excel lency will reciprocate his sentiments and co-operate with him to promote the friendly intercourse between our two countries for the cause of human kind. I trust that , your excellency ' s government will continue to afford protection and kind treatment to the Chinese immigrants in America and to render friendly assistance to the Chinese government when required. May the people of our two nations enjoy the benefits of perpetual peace. " TKESIDKNT CLEVELAND'S IlKPf.Y. Jlr. Cleveland replied : "Your Ex cellency : It gives me great pleasure to receive from your hand the per sonal letter from your , august sovereign eign and to greet you as his personal representative. Since our two coun tries became better acquainted many incidents have occurred calculated to increase our friendly relations and not the least gratifying of these are the friendly expressions contained in the letter of your emperor and the visit to our country of his most distin guished subject , xvho has been so hon orably and prominently connected wilh public affairs in his own country with all that has been attempted in the direction of its advancement and improvement Your visit to us at this time is made more impressive by the thought that it serves to join in one suggestion the most ancient civiliza tion of the East and the best , type of a newer civilization in the Western world. Notwithstanding the widely different characteristics of the two countries , the welcome which is ten dered to 3ou by the government and citizens of the United States illns- trates in the strongest possible manner - • ner the kinship of nations. We fell that in the arrangement of your tour . , you have not allotted to your sojourn among us sufficient time to gain an ' adequate observation of all we have accomplished as a nation. It will not , however , escape your notice that a rich and fertile domain has here been quickly created by , those who were assured that they would reap where they had sown ; that a strong and beneficent government has -been hero | " * i ' rrr- , ? r--twqnn i i iU ji .iinriii i. . i.h. < i , . aylTltTI > > , , , . , to , & HHHHmSSmhmhSSSSSB • ' established by those who love freedom and that we have a generous and patriotic people who love their gov ernment because it is theirs con structed by them , administered for them and protected and saved from harm by them. We heartily wish that your stay with us maj' be most pleasant and that at its close you may enjoy a Rftfe and agreeable return to your home and your field of duty and usefulness. " t FELL HALF A MILE. Frightful Doiith of a Woman Aeronaut Not Far From St. Louis. St. Louis , Mo. , Aug. 31 Late yes terday afternoon Victoria Le Roy made a balloon ascension from the new county fair grounds near Dyer station , on the Missouri Pacific. At a height of forty feet her parachute became disengaged and fell to the ground. She struggled to extricate her left arm from au iron ring through which it was passed , but before she could do so she was at least 200 feet in the air. She clung to the trapeze bar , but it was only a question of time un til her strength would fail her. At a heighth of nearly hair a ' mile the woman aeronaut lost her hold and fell sumersaulting to the ground. She crashed through a tree , being not only killed , but , indescribably mangled. Her husband saw Jicr death. Astor an ( inod as a Prince. London , Aug. 31. The discussion of the rumor of the possible marriage of William Waldorf Astor to Princess Victoria of Wales has been reopened by a leading society journal , which re- gaids the match as quite possible , saying it will give the greatest satis faction to all intelligent people in the ' English sneak'ing world and adding : "There has been more than one royal * marriage in Europe during the past few years which was not so promis ing as would be the marriage of the daughter of a future king to a man of good physical attributes and mot . .I and commercial character , and who , under such circumstances. wo"ld speedily be promoted to ' a dnkejlom. " j Ir. Flower Will Tresule Jnwaa'apolis , lud. , Aug. 31. The gold standard Democratic convention ' managers received positive word that ex-Congressman RourkeCockran would not consent to preside over the convention next Wednesday , because he believed that the election of Mr. Mclvinley was necessary. In con sequence , a letter was sent to ex-Gov ernor Ros we 11 P. Flower of New York , offering the temporary chairmanship to him. Today his acceptance was received by telegraph. United States Senator Caft'ery of Louisiana will bo the permanent chairman. I I 1 Tlio ItritUh PoUollico Projpir < m < I [ London , Aug. 31. The general post- ' office report just issued shows a prolit of Sid , IGO.GIO the most prosperous year in its history. A graud total of 3.030,000,000 pieces of mai. ' were de livered. The value of property found in letters which were collected iu the dead letter offices was SVJOO.000. The transmitted postal orders amounted to S27R.000.0OJ , while 7 J,83U,010 tele grams were sent and there was de posited in the savings bank depart * mentS2,22o,000,000 , o f which amount § ; ,73. " ) ,000,000 was checked out. A I'ight Over the Bicycle Package. OodkN , Utah , Aug. 31. When the package being transported to New. York from San Francisco by bicycle , in the Examiner-Journal transconti- deutal race reached Terrace to-day , Ogden.and Salt Lake City riders had I a light for it. Cowboys took part and it went into the hands of Ogden riders , aud was taken to Echo ati:1'i a. m. , j' ahead of time. Threats were made to ' send the riders to the penitentiary for . interfering with the United States mails. Itanks and Farmers the Ioi rs Wichita , Ran , Aug. 31. William ' Raxter came here from Illinois some months ago and purchased a farm near Derby for S9,000. He entered-J upon extensive deals in cattle and grain , borrowing from banks here and depositing notes as collateral. { He deposited a draft for Sl00 in the • Kansas national bank and drew sev- , cral hundred dollars on it. Monday he tied , and to-day creditors are levy ing attachments against his goods. . _ . _ A Great I.ock-Out Threatened. Glasgow , Aug. 31.The Federal Ship Ruildcrs of Carlisle have issued a notice to the effect that all members of trades unions will be dismissed from their employ , four divisions of them on September 12 , three divisions on the following Saturday and three more on the Saturday of the succeeding - ing week , unless th strike of Duns- muir & Jackson ' s engineers shall bo ended by September 12. De Ko < kes fominpf Wemlinsr. London , Aug. 31. Jean de Rcszkc , the famous tenor , is soon to be mar ried to the Countess cle Mailly Nesle. Roth are Catholics and they cannot marry after the latter's dizoreefrom her husband except by a dispensation from the pope. It is believed this has been obtained and the wedding is likely to take place on De Reszkc's estate in Poland , during the early part of October. It is also understood that the tenor will abandon the stage in iSIiS. An Elector Forgot to Itrslster. San Fp.ancisco , Aug . " . • ' . C. F. Crocker , vice president of the South- em Pacific , has resigned as a candi date for presidential elector at lage on the Republican ticket lie neglect ed to register and is therefore ineli gible for the office. A meeting of the state central committee will be called . ] to fill the vacancy. ( ( Sterling Hardware HI en Assign. C Sterling , Ran. . Aug. : ll Porter brothers , hardware and implement ' dealers , have assigned with liabilities I of S13. riS8. Failure to realize on out'J standing paper was the cause. The . assets are said to be ample. f ' c . . . & * ! & • * ft.Mxsn' * - * * * * - - HHiHHHilHiiiifMililiHiBWUliSMiiiiiiiMMiy i ' * ' ' - " , ' " " " ( _ _ J T * BEYAN MOVING WEST. MR. CLEVELAND'S HOME GIVES HIM AN OVATION. Greatest Demonstration Since the Madi son Square Garden Notification Meet- Inc lie Talks About Mexican Dollars nd the Old Soldiers A Change In the Boute of Ills Tour. IJryan ar Buffalo. Buffalo , N. Y. , Aug. 29. Appar ently the entire population of Buffalo , ' the home of Grover Cleveland , turned its footsteps last night towards Music hall , where Candidate Bryan addressed 1 4,000 people , as many as could be packed within the four walls , while ! unnumbered thousands tilled the s neighboring streets. The day in Buffalo - \ falo had been the greatest ovation Mr. Bryan has received in ' 'the ene my's country , ' and the night meeting which ended it attracted almost , if not quite , as many would-be auditors as the notification in Madison Square garden. A reception was held for two hours in the hotel parlors in the afternoou , when Mr. and Mrs. Bryan shook hands with a constant line ot callers , which still stretched along half a block out side the building when the doors were closed upon the last comers. Mr. Bryan was escorted to the hall by the ' 'Cleveland Democracy , " the city's oldest party organization , and by ward clubs bearing torches. The . line of march was along half a mile of Main street , crowded almost as thick- I ly as was the hall , and red fire and \ . cannon announced his coming. When j j Mr. Bryan appeared upon the stage , . escorted by State Committeeman John C. Shcehan , the police were powerless ' to control the audience , and swarm ing down to the front , several hun dred men took possession of the seats reserved for the clubs which escorted Mr. Bryan. Mr. Bryan said , among other things : "We propose a financial policy. Our opponents propose nothing. Without daring to defend the gold standard , without daring to set a time when you shall escape it , they preach the doctrine of 'grin and bear it , ' and offer no hope to the human race. We aslc for the free coinage of silver at the ratio of 10 to 1. \Ve have had it iu the past , and we ask that the American people shall do their own legislating for themselves without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation , and wo have had it in the past We believe that the free and unlimited coinage of silver at 10 to I will maintain the parityvbetween gold and silver. "And here let call right me atten tion to something which I have learned since I came into your city. I am told that some of your mer chants , in order to give an object les son to the people , have been offering to urnish Mexican dollars for 50 cents as part of the change when you buy goods. My friends , let me give you an opportunity to test the sincer ity of these people. Let me give you a suggestion. * They tell you that if we had the free coinage of silver that the American dollar would be as little as the Mexican dollar is now. They tell you that if we had the free coin age of silver , silver will not rise in value. Let me give you a suggestion by which you can test them. When ever a man offers you a Mexican dollar lar for 50 cents , you take it , and then take it to your savings bank and ask them if they will take it on deposit for : 50 cents and give you a written agreement 1 to give you a Mexican dollar lar the next day after the inaugura tion of the next president. "Our opponents have said that the soldiers \ who are receiving pensions must be protected against the free coinage ' of silver. They would have us believe that these financiers who are \ insisting upon the god ? standard | are insisting upon it for fear the sold iers ; drawing a pension may suffer by the abandonment of the gold stand ard. 1 They forget that those who were soldiers | remember the times we had during ( the war ; they forgot that these soldiers 1 were old enough to know something ' of legislation ; they forgot that these soldiers know that the financiers who are today pleading the cause of the soldier who was offering his j , life for his country and receiving his pay in greenbacks while these same , financiers were making their bonds i payable in coin , although they did ( not fight themselves. ( Applause. ) And I am not willing to believe that they \ are any more considerate of the soldiers' ( interests today than they were at the time when they were look ing 5 after themselves. ( Applause. ) . Mr. Bryan's program for next week has been changed. The intended speech at Columbus has been aban doned by the advice of Chairman Jones of the national committee , and the 1 trip from this state to Chicago will be along the line of the lakes , ex cept < one day. From Cleveland , where he ] speaks Monday , the candidate will go 1 to Toledo , and thence through Michigan by way of Adrian , Hillsdale anp 1 Findlay , and then will make a dash'down ( to Elkhart , Ind. WORLD'S CROP SHORT. Wheat 148,000,000 and Itye 100,000,000 BuilioU Lcsi Than Last Year. Bud a Pestii. Aug. 29. The minis ter of agriculture , M. Ignatius De Daranyi , estimates the world's crops for 1S0G as follows : Wheat. 2,277,000 , - " ODCi ( bushels ; rye , 1,250,000.000 bushels. The revised totals , for 1SJ5 , as furn ished by the agricultural department of Austria-Hungary show that , 2,425 , - 000,000 I bushels of wheat and 1 , - 1C , - 000.003 ' bushels of rye were produced during ( that year. Itlotlng : at Constantinople Washington , D. C , Aug. 20. United States Minister Terrell at Constanti nople cables the Sratedepartment that great bloodshed and rioting has oc curred there. Last night several hun dred Armenians were killed , and at the time of cabling this morning the Minister states that all the houses in the city are deed. Dynamite bombs were exploded in the streets last night by Armenians'and about thirty Turk ish soldit-is killed. 'I he revolutionists were placed on board a steamer and conveyed to a foreign port. _ „ _ „ , . i iMs l S BB BBBHBwwOTO - . M T LI HUNG CHANG HERF. JL | jH The Chinese Statesman AVolcomcd J - ' M jH Great bt > le. / iJslH < NewYorit , Aug. 29. At 8 o'clockv&CJjH this morning color. * were h listed onr.sfcJsH the fleet of American warships atF1B anchor elf Thorapkinsville , Staten. | | s Island , and other preparations werer J * > lB made for welcoming Li Hung Chang , x. ' ljH the greatest statesman of China. Tho- i' | H vessels were the Indiana , the New Mt II York , the Massachusetts , the Maine , . f { H the Texas , the Columbia , the Newark , . ' J1H the Raleigh , the Montgomery , th > SH Amphitnte , the Terror and the Dolphin - phin , the last named carrying Majorvsfl General Thomas H. Ituger and staff. - At the American line pier were four II troopn of the Sixth United States cav- 9 | uly and a detachment of the naval S | reserve. JSsH On board the Dolphin with General fSfl Kuger were the Chinese minister. Ifffl Yang , and suite , the Chinese consul. Ill and a few specially invited guests. /Sp | Hovering about the nay was a ileet of XilM sail and steam yachts , excursion boats- JII and tugs , loaded with passenuers.who HH were probably more interested in see * ( JlH ing the ships of the so-called "white- fHI squadron" lire their twenty-one gnu s i HI salute than in witnessing the arrival J JH in American waters of the Chiuesa. tJsJH envoy. , * H The famous coffin of the Chinese- * ] ? statesman was not brought to Ameri- j/ | / | | ca with him , having been sent back ftJ'ilM home from London. With the diplo - Jg ] t B matist are Li King Fong , or Lord Li , y ofH adopted son of Li Hung Chang , who- iff | has been secretary of the Chinese lega- H l tion at London and minister to Japan ; . , I ; | B • Lo Feng Lun , the principal inter- f t } ; 2H preter , who was educated in England J& | ' ; | H and was chief of the naval school at \ nl l Tien Tsin ; Yu Shih-Mei. Lien-Chun- { ! King , Lin Hon-Shuand Li King Shu , > 'fH the second son of Li Hung Chang , all a ' , SJ | secretaries ; Chang Liu , Hunk-Ki , Siebu ? f | Pang Ho , Pah Pin , Huang Ching , Lo- f * | Chung Sung and Hndg Cbai Slang , / ij l attaches ; Dr. Irwin , an English physi- f | cian ; Major Yon Hanneken of Chino 1 1 Japanese war fame , and a foree _ ot * * § | valets , cooks , etc. 1 The Dolphin steamed down the bay § | 4m with General Ruger and the guests on M board shortly after 10 o'clcock , and at. - M 10:30 dropped anchor off Quarantine , ' M awaiting the arrival of the St Louis. , H The St Louis arrived off Quarantine. < M at 12:30 o'clock and was immediately , " M boarded by the government officersj j ? M from the cruiser Dolphin , who ex- * - f H tended to the Chinese statesman , in H behalf of President Cleveland , a wol- N M come to the United States. . H The St. Louis slowly moved up the- T- * M bay , surrounded by all kinds of gayly M decorated craft and with the Dolphin- H quite near her to the noise of a tre- i M mendous chorus of steam whistles and M a continual fusilade of giant fire crack- . | ers. etc. / < l As the St. Louis nearcd the Amen- % M can fleet , the first salute in honor off t < * | the Chinese visitors was fired from AcT ' ' | the flagship New York , gun by gun , / f * M until twenty-one shots had been fired. < i H The New York . was the only warship , ' - M to fire a salute , but the other ships > l M dipped their colors as the St Louis * M passed. They presented a magnificent > H appearance and were watched with , . ' M the greatest interest by the Chinese- } M ambassador and his suite from the po- tlfl sition which they occupied on the t" * | port side of the upper deck of the V | American liner. \ , B j The St. Iouis moved up the harbor ' M in a sort of triumphal procession. • - | greeted on all sides with the tooting- / j | of steam whistles and other salutes- " * J and reached her dock at 1:30 o'clock.s f " H But the party was not able to land M until sometime later , owing to tho- | necessary delay in warping the ship | to its wharf H GREETED BT GBKAT CROWDS. V | About the dock all kinds of craft. MA s | dashed. During this time while tho- ' tr ' H yellow standard of China was loudly H cheered by the crowds about the j , H wharf , the bow of the big steamship- / H neared the landing place of the American - H ican line. * | The Chinese party was received at " | the pier by the guard of honor of the- j | marine infantry and an immense | crowd of people , which was with difficulty - | ficulty kept back from the approaches - | by a large force of police. The M Chinese standard was removed from M the American line steamer at luO > | | o'cloek , as the Chinese ambassador H landed on the wharf and entered the | carriage in attendance. M The first carriage contained the ' M ambassador and General Ruger and in j | the next were Tao-Tai-Li , Major Von " " M Hanneken and a member of the staff * J A of General Ruger. After them came- J l carriages containing the Chinese minister - ' • ) M ter and Chinese consul and their suites- | accompanied by staff officers. The- M procession was headed by a detachment - H ment of the Sixth cavalry with another - M other detachment of the same regiment - | ment in its rear. The whole was preceded - | ceded by a detachment of mountedL H police and moved away amid loud | cheering. The route was guarded by | police and densely packed with spec- * M tators. A quantity of bunting was , /Jf ' M displayed on all sides with the Chinesef Z t M standard conspicuous. -r ft/ * k ' * W NO CAMPAIGN MONEY. Federal Officeholders Forbidden to Seclc + * * * * ' Her or Make Contribution * . ' ' " ' B Washington. Aug. 29. The civil. jH service commission has issued an order- | | to federal officholders warning all H employes against seeking or making" | contributions for campaign purposes. H The order is sweeping iu its character % > H and affects all branches of the gov- r T B crnment service. Violators of the M law will be prosecuted. 4V Many 3IeMases for McKlnlej- . s H Canton. O. . Aug. 29. Major Mo- * . H Kmley is being overwhelmed with telegrams - * M grams because of his letter of accept- H ance. There has been all day almost B a eonstant procession of telegraph- messengers to and from the house H each with a bunch of the messages. * | H A Slonx City Ilanlc Closed. H Sioux Citv , la. , Aug. 29. The Sionx : JU National bank did not open its doors. * HiM this morning. A note posted on the .H doors said the oank had suspended. j l owing to heavy withdrawals , and that • ' $ i ifl depositors would be paid in full. No- { % , f | statement was made as to liabilities- ' IsH - or assets. At issH Dynamiter Galla-aer Relea.ed. | London. Aug. 29.Dr. Thomas Galfl l lagher of Xew York , the Irish pris- H - oner , was released from PortlandWsH ' prison this morning in charge of SL S 7W infirmary nurae. f IMfifl - " ' ill