The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 21, 1896, Image 8

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. , WA jT k
; | - ' BRv * * > 0THE *
7 1 durham \y v h. H , j1
% " You will find one coupon / K&imi JM flhsTi h\
W Inside each two ounce bag , > S * < wIL i. ' v'J ' III Vf 3
• " / • and two coupons Inside each / / 5Sl lfIIi7w1 ! llll
* * four ounce bag of Black1 1 / /lL JuIM * J llllff = ?
. . * well's Durham. Buy a bag * pjr | [ lijHf | Jj'n.hT ' _
5 of this celebrated tobacco NSSl Siili s f Jllf J r kflllLr * " *
t * J and read the coupon which 'SSil Sl g3ftBOJjDI * _ _ _
i' " ' gives to list of valuable presli | | | | ! | | MH * St OT WWill
J cnte and how to get them. , i y Iff J ifH H
| l Authorized Capital , $100,000. $ 1 1 1
j | | Capital and Surplus , $60,000 | |
IS G 0. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. 35
Tf. . LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. g |
I J J 4. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , D/rector. | | !
. _ . • -
Cm 3&x i&hi . sJic am StatLt ! jfflic jjttcjgtcnBcaffic $ & JhraSt rffcc > Bg WrA.aac33te rffa aSkjigfcA : > gj&
# sjjsc > gSj * jy : jwjic xjjr stjyc atgc tjjC jc age ig * j ] J sjjc gpfiqgfcs 'jjpr
% OF MeCOOK , NEB. . > ft
I # ft
# Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Surplus , § 10,000 #
f f
| | - = = = DIRECTORS = = = = = - ! |
1 ? / / . r. CHURCH , OSCAR CALUHAN , C. H. WIARD. K
* | agix sgnojjcajjfr sjyrajjjcaijcjqjr sgcajycjgrajp Jj jgcagcagrxgr ajysrjijgxj jcjjjt mjoraijirasjicu t ( ggJ
I ass | ; Fred Krug Brewing Company 0
| ' Cabinet Bottled Beer. § § |
1 A High arade ger Beer ,
1 MM Purest in the Market. g | |
Sg Office 1007 Jackson St. , Omaha , Neb. g
Pi umber and Steam Fitter.
Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Tri -
cinjrs. Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind MilL
1911ViJfM J S' .t JJHi J AI'b ) T3T1 This Famous Jtcaeay cures qmcKiy , permanently mi
I 131 Kl3slki = l ISM W 13 I nervous dihcubea. Wculc Slemory , lA > bS of lirnln Power ,
Stn > lTm rhtMW llMitntlUeadacbe , Wakefulness , Lost Vitality , Nightly Emb-
TPv T ST . issfv - sE sTsion37cvll dreams , lmpotency and wasting diseases caused by
y TiZy F"J lfc ' > voutft/uIerroror txcttsts. Contalnsno opiates. Isa nerve tonic
T Bokfi tffiV fiV AC land blood builder. Makesthopaleandpuny&troncandplump.
J&JS&t JilllL JW : fcTli | EaMlycarrledinvestpocket.81perboxefor , S. Bymailjpro-
iiv ? * s vJl tj- - * 1 WAJpaid , trttha torttteu wamntwortnonftf wwnded Wrltous.frco
&VTL'M K g W .a L JHaBiedIcal book , sealed plain wrapper , with testimonials and
lBt hitflBea 9 S9&si 9 financial standing. KoehargefrrrconsMltations. Bewareof imttn-
. . . , .
. . . , ,
* uil. l * BAr. mcii. miui. ttolU. 6oMb/our e itior < ! ire SKBTBBEEBCO. SaaonleXcapleCUcaca.
Jorsalo lnHcCoolcNob..byI. . W. MCDONNELL & CO. . Druggists.
Subscribe for The McM Trine
I „ . _ _
I T" * ; f • * * * * - * ' " ' - ' . - " ' ' - " . . ' - . • .TH T ! . ; . . .u. a. . . . * * - * - - - * . * > . * > i
yyyy iyvywv V * MrvV rvVrVW r > r > *
1 The Nebraska State Fair. |
J The best State Fair in the |
* West. Best reached by the J
? best railroad in the West the I
< Tickets and information concerning -
> cerning low rates and special I
\ trains to Omaha on application i
Lto any B. & M. R. R. R. agent. |
A Red Hot Campaign.
The present campaign will be the most
exciting one fought out since the war.
There will not be a day when something
of unusual interest will not transpire.
The State Journal has made up its mind
to surpass all its former efforts in the
direction of news-giving , and will give
its readers the complete details of
the campaign , giving all the news from
an unbiased standpoint. Republicans
will want The Journal because of its
staunch Republican principles , it being
recognized as the standard-bearer of the
great Republican party ot Nebraska.
Populists and Democrats should read it
for the news it } ives. The Semi-Weekly
Journal will go to thousands of new
homes during the campaign. You should
' subscribe , as it will only cost you 25
cents fromnow nntil November 15. Two
papers every week , making it almost as
good as a daily. Subscribe through your
postmaster or send your order to The
State Journal , Lincoln , Nebraska.
To Subscribers ot The Tribune.
Readers of The Tribune will please
remember that cash is an essential in
the publication of a paper. The pub
lisher has been very lenient during the
past few years , on account of crop fail
ures and hard times , and as a coiisp-
quence many hundreds of dollars are
due on subscriptions. We are now com-
pelled to request all who can to call and
make settlement in full or in part. In
view of the facts , our subscribers must
feel the justice and urgency of this re
quest. The Publisher.
Doy Gray , who has been messenger
boy here , left this week for McCook and
will run as express messenger between
McCook and Imperial. Clyde Kocher
has taken Gray's place here Jas.
Burke came up from Imperial this week
and is making arrangements to open up
at once an office in this city as he will
I again act as B. & M. immigration agent.
He expects a goodly number of eastern
parties here to look over the country and
if everything continues favorable he ex
pects to do a good business in the immi
gration line. Mr. Burke expects to move
his family here after election. Holdrege
Cultivate your corn late with a Five-
Tooth Hoe Drill. S. M. Cochran & Co.
keep them for sale at a very reasonable
Fifteen (15) ( cents will buy a box of
nice writing paper at this office , con
taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel
The Tribune wants correspondence
from every precinct and town in Red
Willow county. Terms readily given on
Western Washers ai $3.60 at LaTour-
Turnip seed 35c. a lb. at LaTourette's.
Fishing tackle at McConnelPs.
Mrs. Rhodie Noah of this place was
taken in the night with cramping pains
and the next day diarrhoea set in. She
took half a bottle of blackberry cordial
but got no relief. She then sent to mete
to see if I had anything that would help
her. I sent her a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
and the first dose relieved her. Another
of our neighbors had been sick for about
a week and had tried different remedies
for diarrhoea but kept getting worse. I
sent him the same remedy. Only four
doses of it were required to cure him. He
says he owes his recovery to this won
derful remedy. Mrs. Mary Sibley , Sid
ney , Mich. For sale by McConnell &
Co. , Druggists.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures
colds , croup and whooping cough. It is
pleasant , safe and reliable. For sale by
McConnell & Co. , Druggists.
t I S 1i BH I
Makes .1 special campaign rate of
15 Cents to Nov. 15th
. .OH. .
20 Cents to Dec. 31st
Subscribe now for the leading
Sound Money Paper
$10 hanging- lamp
for $5.50 at Knip-
- > •
'i ' iL"ifc ) ' ' ' " 'i'1 ' ' " " " ' " ' - x acr-aa " -
* '
• )
Knipple sells all
queensware at cost
and less.
The Races at the Fair.
Mr. Editor : I want to say to the
public that we are going to have the best
races and the best lot of horses at the
fair , this fall , that w have ever had. The
free for all , in particular , promises to be
a hummer. And don't overlook the foot
race , a handicap under Sheffield rules ,
that will last all through the fair , one or
two heats every day , and the grand final
of the heat winners on Friday. I have
just received a letter from Dick Sadler ,
the colored man who won the first money
in the handicap last fall. He says he
will be here to start. We will know bet
ter how to place him this fall , as he was
an unknown quantity then. Seven men
have already signified their intention to
start. Porter of Lebanon will be here
and a crowd of backers and friends , as
he is ver3' popular on the Beaver. The
Coon will undoubtedly be scratch man.
We are figuring with C. H. Haywood for
a special attraction in the way of an ex
hibition race with Clegg Wright and four
or five of his colts as starters. Eva
Wright and Kitty Wright will be here
and possibly Guy L. may start. Take it
all in all we will have the best races ever
seen here. W. A. M.
Low Rates Via The Burlington.
For the occasions shown below , the
Burlington Route will sell round trip
tickets at one fare for the round trip :
State G A. R. Reunion , Lincoln , Neb. ,
Aug. 24-30 : dates of sale Aug. 24 , 25 and
26 ; return limit , Aug. 31st.
National Republican League , Milwau
kee , Wis. , August 25-27 : dates of sale ,
Aug. 23 and 24 ; final return limit , Aug.
Less Than Half Rates
To St. Paul , Minn. , are offered by the
Burlington Route , August 30 and 31 , on
account of the National Encampment of
the G. A. R.
Tickets , sleeping car reservations and
full information on application to any
agent of the B. & M. R. . R. , or to J.
Francis , General Passenger Agent , Oma
ha , Nebr.
Republican Caucus.
The Republican caucus for Coleman
precinct for the purpose of placing in
nomination precinct officers will be held
in Coleman school house , Monday after
noon , August 31st , from four to six
H. K. Bixi er , Committeeman.
Nebraska State Fair.
On September 1st and 2d only we will
sell round trip tickets to Omaha , includ
ing one admission to the state fair , at
rate of $5.50. Tickets limited for return
to September 5th. 1
C. E. MaGner , Agent.
Nails 4 cts. per pound at LaTourette's.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
McCook , Nebr. , August 15,1896.
Board of County Commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment. Present , Jas. Carmichael
and Stephen Belles , commissioners , II. W.
Keyes , county attorney , and R. A. Green ,
county clerk. Minutes of last meeting read
and approved. On motion Wm. Relph was
appointed overseer road district No. 14 to fill
vacancy. The following official bond was
examined and approved : William Relph ,
overseer Road Dist. No. 14.
On motion the following claims were al
lowed and clerk directed to draw warrants on
County General fund , levy 1S96 , in payment
thereof as follows , to-wit :
G. C. Boatman , expense 3 6 35
Frank Neel , jailer . - . 60 00
Wm. Smith , stationery for Co. supt 11 50
H. W. Keyes , money advanced in case
ofMajorlless 2100 :
J. E. Hathorn.medical attendance pau- j
peis 2000 '
J. R. Neel , board and washing for pris
oner 2270 :
R. A. Green , postage and express 13 71
E.J. Mitchell , printing and supplies. , n 75
J. C. Oakley , board paupers ( assigned
to M. E. Knipple ) 2856
M. M. Young , bal. assessing Beaver
precinct 9 00
J.W. Dolan & Co.mdse for Major Hess 1807
Harrison & Harrison.mdse for prisoner 125
J. W. Dolan & Co. , mdse 11 60
McCallum & Short , mdse 1400
M. E. Knipple , mdse 395 i
J. W. Dolan & Co. , coal 215 t
J. W. Dolan & Co. , mdse 410 '
Barnett Lumber Co. , coal and drayage 5 00 ,
J. A. Wilcox & Son , mdse 810 I
A. P. Welles , medical attendance 1500 t
I. M. Smith , wood 4 00 •
Holmes Bros. , lumber and labor on '
vault 13 62 I
McCook Electric Light Co. , lighting f
court house 2 S5 \
Holmes Bros. , lumber and labor 6 S6 j
E. E. Smith , meat for Milo Strong 2 25 I
Jas. Carmichael , services as com . - . 1260 f
Stephen Bollcsservices , as com 3 80 \
And on the county road fund levy 1S96 as *
follows : }
S. G. Goheen , wire and spikes 41 00 }
I. W. Spaulding , road work 250 j
And on the county bridge fund levy 1896 as [
follows : 1
Stephen Belles , bridge work 15 70
John Sheppard , bridge work 3 00 \
George Younger , bridge work 6 00 j
W. S. Fitch , bridge work 6 00 1
Barnett LumberCo.bridgemalerial(3) ( ) 21000 \
O. D. Mosher , hardware and nails 4 25 \
Jackson Teeters , bridge work 2S 50
W. O. Russell , bridge work 300 \
C. W. Peters , bridge work S 50 \
George Muntz , bridge work 600 %
J. W. Dolan , bridge material 294 52 \
On motion Board adjourned to meet September - \
tember 12th , 1S96. 1
Attest : R. A. Green , County Clerk. \
" ' " 1 * _ ' , , „ , . „ y.miLi | , |
Try that 15 cent box
paper at The Tkibune
office. Worth 25 cts.
Also cheaper grades.
Job Printing The most artis
tic work nt the lowest figures.
The Tribune , McCook. Write
for prices. A trial order will set
tle the business.
Read the best coun
ty newspaper -that's
The McCook Tribune
every time.
We are just in receipts of a new
supply of tablets and box papers
memorandums , etc.
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment
Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , Salt-
Eheum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples.C'happcd
Hands , Itching Piles , Burns , Froj > t Bites ,
ChronicSore Eyes and Grantiiated Eye Lids.
For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box.
For putting a horse in a fine healthy con
dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders
They tone up the system , aid digestion , cureless
loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct
kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving
new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25
cents per package. For sale by druggists.
tArtli I AN I )
? We ofer Yo a
< B-/1I bU I nil I REMEDY Which S
? Robs Confinement of its Pain , Horror and Risk. /
C My wife used " 3I0THERS' FltlEND" beC
j lore birth or her tirst child , she did not (
C suffer from CKAMl'S or PAINS wasquickly
/ relieved at the critical hour sufferinsr but J
S little she had no pains afterward and her S
f recovery was rapid. /
3 E. E. Johnston , Eufaula , Ala. \
S Sent by Mail or Express , on receipt of f
5 price , $1.00 per botUc. Book "To MothS
n ers " mailed Free. j
Don't Stop Tobacco.
How to Cure Yourself While
Using It.
The tobacco h.ibit throws on .1 111.111 until his
ner\ous sjittin is siriouslv afftctnl , impairing
he.tlth , comfort and To quit suddenly
is too bevtre : t shock to the s\stein , as tobacco to
: m imeterate user becomes , " a stimulant that his
s\stem continually emits. "IJ icco-Curo " ' is a
scientific cure for the tobacco habit , in all its forms ,
carefully compounded after the formula of an em
inent Berlin physician who has used it in hispmate
practice since 1072 , without a failure. It is purely
i ejjetable and guarantied pcrfntly harmless. You
can use all the tobaico jou want while taking
"Kicco-Ciiro. " It will notifou ' " when to stop.
We jji\ea written guarantie to cure permanentlv
any case , \ \ ith thrte boxes , or refunu the money
with 10 per cent , interest. "llacco-Curo" is not a
substitute , but .1 scientific cure , th it cures without
the aid of will power and with no inioiuenience.
It lea\es the sjstem a < ? pure and free from nicotine
as the day you took your first chew or smoke.
Cured by Baeeo-Curo and Gained
Thirty Pounds.
From hundreds of testimonials , the originals of
which are on file and ojun to inspection , the fol
lowing is presented :
Clayton , Xe\ada Co. , Ark. , Jan. jS.
Eureka Chemical Jb Mfg. Co. , I.a Crosse , Wis.
Gentlemen : Kor forty years I usid tobacco in all
its forms. For twentyfixeears of that time I
was a great suffirer from general dibility and heart
disease. For fifteen years I tried to " quit , but
couldn't. I took \.iriou s remedies , among others ,
"Xo-To-Uac , " "The Indian Tobacco Antidote , "
"Double Chloride of Gold , " etc. , ttc , but none of
them did me the least bit of good. Finally how
e\er , I purchasid a box of Miur " 15 icco-Curo" and
it has entirely- cured me of the habit in all its forms ,
and I have increased thirty pounds in weight and
am relieved of all the numerous aches and pains of
body and mind. I could w rite .1 quire of papir up
on my changed feelings and condition.
Yours nsptctfulh. I * . 11. Makiiuky ,
Pastor C. P. Church. Clayton , Ark.
Sold by all druggists at St.00 per box ; three boxes ,
( thirty days treatment ) $ .2.50 , witli written guaran
tee , or sent dinct upon receipt of price. 'W rite for
booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical Jj Mfg. Co. ,
I-a Crosse , Wis. , and I.oston , Mass.
United States Land Office , McCook , Xebr. , Aug.
Jth , i&/ > . Notice is hirebj given that Jonathan
Sjchrawver has filed notice of intention to make
final proof bifore Kegistir or Iteceiv er at his office
in McCook , Nebr. , on Wednesday the 14th day of
Octobir , 1S96 , on timber culture application "No.
50S1 , for the southeast quarter of siction No. seven ,
in Township No. one north Range No. thirty- west
sixth Principal Meridian , lie natni' witnesses
Wilson II. Hart , Cora IJ. , of McCook ,
Nebr. , and Austin Dutcher , James McLaughlin , of
Vailton , Nebr.
A. S. Cvmimieli. , Keirister.
Notice is hereby given that on June 15th , iSf/5 ,
I took up , on my farm in Willow Grove precinct ,
Red Willow county , Nebraska , being the southwest - "
west quarter , section twenty-one , township three , j
range twenty-nine , two estrav horses , described as 1
follows * One gray gelding , supposed to be about
S or9years old , weight about 900 pounds , front
feet shod. One white mare , supposed to be about
10 j or 11 years old , weight about See pounds , left
front foot has a ridge which appears to be the result
of .1 barbed w ire cut , had leather halter on when
taken up. If said hordes be not nclaimed by the
owner , thev will be sold according to law , after due
notice. IIevky II. Mitchell.
I - B % 1 1
* i4fiimwr\Biiymiiiniiiniiit ! |
? . .TRY. . %
? . .FOR. . S
I All Kinds Animals J
I and Plants. | ]
I . .SOLD BY. . 2
ft M i
gj DRUGS , J ,
fr- > V-fV-Ar-Ar- VrfWytrJ < , Si , tr-3 |
! !
r H
Last summer one of our grand children : F * H
wa9 sick with a severe bowel trouble. i f H
Our doctor's remedies had failed , then J | H
we tried Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera V I H
and Diarrhoea Remedy , which gave very \ ' J i l H
speedy relief. We regard it as the best * t iJj H
medicine ever put on the market for < - < ' 4 H
bowel complaints Mrs. E. G. Gregory , Sf f H
Frederickstovvn , Mo. This certainly is ' J H
the best medicine ever put on the mar- iy 'J H
ket for dysentery , summer complaint , jh * § H
colic and cholera infantum in children. . j C1 H
It never fails to give prompt relief when t 'i H
used in reasonable time mid the plain , f/i H
printed directions are followed. Many Vjl H
mothers have expressed their sincere jl |
gratitude for the cures it has effected. * | | prH
For sale by McConnell & Co. , Druggists. j-H l
Only 2 % cents a pound for cut nails at • / . j& H
S. M. Cochran & Co. 's. [ 9 |
Franklin Academy , II
Oldest and Best Equipped Pre- / J H
punitory School in Western Neb- l |
raska. Prepares students for any } | |
of our Western Colleges and Uni- j |
versities. A Complete Business { 1 1
Course. Expenses Low. Address j , j J H
for information , ' H
A. C. HART , Principal , \ - AH
Franklin , Nebraska. J H
' II
Agents wanted to sell the Life and Speeches of "jl l
Mckinley , with Procccdings ' of St. Lotus Cornell l
Hon , Platform of PartV and other valutble infor- ? f H
. . . .
ni.ition. 320 pages , with 20 full p.ige illustrations. 1
Price , cloth , $ t.oo ; half morocco , $1.50. Sixty ' H
Per Cent. Discount to Agents. Send 30 cents for j H
Prospectus and full particulars , and go to work at i H
once. Von can sell jco copies 11 your town. Ad- f H
dress J. S. Ogilvie Publishing Company , 57 Rose . . j H
Street , New York. q i l
An education at Harvard , Vale , or another § ij l
• college or institution of learning in the United H
J States , or in the New England Consirvatnry of J H
Music , can be secured by any young man or H
5 worn in who is in earnest. Write for particulars J |
g quickly. JAM MS I ) . HALL , % H
• 36 Iiroomficld Street , Itostou , Mass. |
Wanted-An Idea I
Protect your Ideas ; they may brine you wealth. H
Write JOHN WKDDEUBURN & CO. . Patent Attor- H
neys. Washington , D. C. for their 81.B0O prlzo offer j H
and list of two hundred Inventions wanted. H
j Farmer's Sons \ 'H '
C C r-/ \ We will employ v 011 at $ ; o per ? i H
f D S month. Write quickly. < , H
C U 1'LKITAX Pl1LISIIIN < . Co. , 5 H
r 56 llroonifield Street , i ; H
Roston , M.iss. J > H
J. A. GUNN , M
McCook , Neuraska. |
2S Office OverC. A. Leach's jewelry store. l
Residence 701 Main street. Prompt atten- ' H
tion given to all callb. I H
McCook Transfer Line. \ I
* I
J Only furniture van in the t M
city. < Also have a first class house H
mo\-ing 1 , outfit. Leave orders for J H
bus I calls at Commercial hotel or * H
at office opposite the depot. j H
m H
• - The modern stand- H
W ard Family Medifl
cine : Cures the fH
common every-day
J ills of humanity. H
[ 1 } TRADE fl H
Giase ! Co. Land and Live Stock Go. t . - I
Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder ' ] H
* w5sp P-O. address Imperial ' VH
tbf , -Chase county , and Beat 1t\\\m
rS g5rice. Nebraska. Raape. M
af SSwTiWStlnking Water and the 1
Bf ' "rrWi"J J Frenchman creeks , in H
mZgSgs&MMlCb&so county. Nebraska. . M
-rt-sJBsfc L Jll B "and as cut on sideof , \\\\m \
i3Sgjgi&i3tobmAM ? Gomeanimals.onhipand " H
wffi fifi2B * aides of some , or any- * * |
whereon thp animal. M
R. A. COLE , r I
OF MeCOOK , .er
Has just received & new stock of 0L0TH1 w S l
ind TRIMMINGS. If you want a good It- V |
tins suit made at the very lowest prices tor H
good work , call on him. Shop first door west H
of Barnett's Lumber OfSca , om Dcamlsoa i V | |
itrset. , ujnl
- . f/m m