The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 17, 1896, Image 8

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; ' I • I. . , ( PwMr VJSEE ?
I Yon will find one coupon / . .Ljf . • Jll nrvjflK
I : Inalde eacli two ounce 1 > ag , l * < Z rML LMVrf \
I and two coupons Inside each / / 3J | | iflM / PJ [ I
I ' ; Jfbur ounce hag of Black- 1 / / MaL II" ll , fff =
I • tvell's Durham. , Buy a bag J8jJ- . -jlxi f | [ fiBZ ! < i M > j
I . 4 \ ° * tills celebrated tobacco g P LSg * j ' ijilllJKSP ylB ! } IfesiSgjg ;
I ' And read the coupon whlclt p fjjStfB g H A v & 0 * ' ( l _
I ; gives fe list of valuable JfBlSBsfH , ! | f Tl
" , , "
- " cuts and how to get them. , IIHIF FIIT"1 ' If" f '
I .
I I 1 [ Wnational - I
| | Authorized Capital , $100,000. | | i
| l ; Capital and Surplus , $60,000 II l >
J | 52 GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pros. | | > >
I < Jj [ # . F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. | J >
H J A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. \t I
. . .
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| # OF McCOOK , NEB. #
# • #
# • - I ?
# Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , § 10,000 #
$ ? . #
I # #
| | - -3Z DIRECTORS nzEi. l |
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Hj 3 ? / . FRANKLIN , N. S. HARW00D , A. C. EBERT , \
I ' II Fred Krug Brewing Company B
B - Cabinet Bottled Beer. § 5
I A High Grade Lager Beer , | | | s
H . g Purest in the Market. g
• - SIS
M 'Sam Office lOOT Jackson St. , Omahn , Neb. 5
Plumber and Steam Fitter.
Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pump3 and Boiler Trim-
cinjjs. Apent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mill.
ayirt j U I I TTJTni l > if ro'rhl Famous Jtemcay enrea quicKiy , permanently t ii
BjBBBBBj f g * j • 1 i V4 J JBI\M J J.I 19 I nervous dlseabes. Weak Slemory , Lu s of Bruin 1'owcr ,
IflllB StlSt f "JTH'PtmtIT-lt ut tl Ueodache , Wakefulness , l est Vitality. Klflit-Iy Kmls-
IliiiB * MfcSJg S2p * 3Cr 3K BMirnni 7oTfi dreams , lmpotency and wasting diseases caused by
bHHB Fmt \ fy\ * " " y mvouUifulcrrvrs or excesses. Contalnsno opiates. Isanervotonlc .
iiiiiV / B ri Va'fl ImI &a land blood ballder. llakosthopaloiindpunyptrongftiiiiplutnp. .
sHIH i WlJEJjW IlW TJ1R * # ! • lEasiIycnrrledlnvestpocket. lperboxCforS5. Bymalljjre-
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bHHS ? < Wf" iKj'JSK l .JHll , . M&lpald. vrtthavrriUenfpuiranUeormonryrefundtd. writeus.frce
bHHB sm Ll MLX.t "JsMlmrdioixi bookt sealed plain -wrapper , with testimonials and
HHH ZKu z9nldS99Kb9M&sDQD nnanclal standing. JiToeftnroc/nrconxitltatton * . JJ nreoMm c-
bHH aBvTr ! ? ioujTt. miui. wm. ttona. Soilbjoar statiorsdilm SSUT ] ! BKKD CO. , Ha mIeXeBpIeClile so.
• Forsalo inMcCoofcNeb..brI. . W. McDONMEIili & CO. . Drnggists.
I brilie for ft McCool friliie
Mssi H II I I S"wrw " " , " , ii'Tww" ; > .w' ' • " • ' . . ' " t . . . ' . iiin.-iii _ _ . : . , r. , . , . _ ' -w- " " * " "
Commissioners' Proceedings.
McCook , Nebraska , July 6 , 1896.
Board of county commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment. Present , J. M. Thomas ,
James Carmichael and Steplien Belles , com
missioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk.
Minutes of previous meeting read and ap
On motion all funds on hand in the 1895
levy were transferred to the 1896 levy.
Hoard commenced making semi-annual set
tlement with J. B. Meserve , county treasurer ,
and continued same during the day.
On motion board adjourned to meet July 7 ,
1896. Attest : R. A. Gref.N , County Clerk.
McCook , Nebraska , July 7,1S96.
Board of county commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment. Present , J. M. Thomas ,
James Carmichael and Stephen Belles , com
missioners , and K. A. Green , county clerk.
Minutes of previous meeting read.
The following official bond was examined
and approved : E. B. Lister , road overseer
district number 27.
It appearing to the board that C. J. Ryan
was erroneously assessed in Red Willow pie-
cinct for the year 1S91 , clerk was instructed
to mark such assessment erroneous on the tax
list for said year.
Semi-annual settlement of L. A. Carnahan ,
county superintendent , examined and approved -
proved , which settlement is as follows , to-wit :
"McCook , Nebraska , July 6 , 1896. To the
' Honorable Board of County Commissioners :
' ' 1 herewith make a report of institutemoney
' on hand :
' Money received f 10111 J. If. Bayston , ex-
' county superintendent , Jan. 9,1896 $44 06
' Received for examinations up to April
[ 20,1S96 1700
J Received for examinations up to July
' 6,1896 . * 1900
I Total -Soo6
) L. A. Carnahan , County Supt" .
i In pursuance to law in such cases made and
I provided , the board on motion appropriated
I $50.00 for "Teachers' Institute" for the year
i 1896 , and directed clerk to draw warrant on
I the county general fund , levy of 1896 , in payment -
ment thereof , as follows :
L. A. CarnahanSupt. , institute fund. . . $50 00
t The following claims were examined and
i approved and clerk directed to draw warrants
on county bridge fund , levy of 1896 , in pay-
ment thereof , as follows :
Charles Parsons , bridge work $ 525
And on the county general fund , levy of
1896 , in payment of the following :
L. A. Carnahan , salary and expenses. . $234 70
C. II. Meeker , rent 5000
C. S. Ferris , assessing Driftwood pre. 49 70
M. E. Knipple , mdse. for Lee Summers 5 51
J. R. Neel , board , washing for prisoners 1350
T. J. Cress , mdse. for pauper 700
Phillip Gliem , mdse for pauper. 11 50
Frank Neel , jailer 3750
James Oakley , board paupers 10 00
L. W. McConnell , medicine " 4 90
The board having made a careful examina
tion of the accounts of J. B. Meserve , county
treasurer , find the following to be a true and
correct account of all moneys collected , dis
bursed and remaining on hand at the close of
business June 30th , 1896 , in each of the several
funds and accounts , from January 1st , 1895 , to
June 30th , 1S96 , which statement is as follows :
[ see statement elsewhere. ]
On motion board adjourned to meet July
8 , 1896. Attest : R. A. Green ,
County Clerk.
McCook , Nebraska , July 8,1S96.
Board of county commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment. Present , J. M. Thomas'
James Carmichael and Stephen Belles , com
missioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk.
Minutes of previous meeting read.
The following claims were examined and
allowed and clerk directed to draw warrants
on the county bridge fund , levy of 1S96 , in
payment thereof , as follows :
George Younger , word on bridge $ 3 00
J. Cress & Son , bridge material 3 60
And on the county general fund , levy of
1896 , as follows :
State Journal Co. , supplies $ 1 15
Same , blanks and book binding 14 00
Same , supplies 6626
D.A.CampbelI , fees , Hocknell vs.Roper 73 35
W. S. Morlan , printing 76 15
J.E.IIathornmed.serv.claimu.5oalld 7 00
Same , med. serv. , claim $37.10 , allowed 25 00
Same , med. serv. , claim S51.25 , allowed 25 00
Patrick Malen , board Mrs.Ebert.pauper 2 50
McCallum & Short , mdse 1200
H. W. Keyes , salary 2C0 00
A. McMillen , medicine 5 50
Same , medicine 10 05
J. F. Ganschow , rent and supplies 8 75
Joseph Menard , use ot hall , Lorenz trial 6 00
C. L. DeGroff & Co. , mdse. for paupers 4 25
I. M. Smith , fuel 4 00
A. McMillen , Drugs 18 15
T. K. Quigley , balance , assessing Red
Willow precinct 6 00
James Woodworth , balance , assessing
Willow Grove precinct 25 co
Henry Jones , board and nursing , claim
$24.00 , allowed 12 00
G. C. Boatman , fee , insanity case of
Charles Strong 4 50
J. II. Berge , fee , insanity case of
Charles Strong 3 00
John Real fee , State vs. Ellis 5 60
Solomon Dewey , fee , State vs. Ellis. . . 11 20
W. C. Blanding , fee , State vs. Ellis 7 50
Thomas Devitt , fee , State vs. Ellis 915
Ed. Mitchell , fee , State vs. Ellis 7 50
Stephen Belles , services as com 18 20
J. M. Thomas , services as com 15 60
James Carmichael , services as com 14 30
In pursuance with the law in such cases
made and provided , and an order having
been made by the county judge in the case ,
on motion $40.00 was appropriated for the
maintenance of Major Hess at the home for
feeble minded , and clerk directed to draw
warrant on county general fund , levy of 1S96 ,
in payment thereof , as follows :
J. P. Armstrong , Supt. , maintenance
inmate 40 00
On motion board adjourned to meet August
15,1S96. Attest : R. A. Green ,
County Clerk.
1st Nat'l Bank , shown by bank book $10,025.11
Checks outstanding 546-67
Net balance * . . . . 9,478.44
State Bank , Indianola 6,809.71
Citizens Bank . " . . 5,784.33
Koontz Bros. , New York 2S.20
State Bank , Lebanon 2,177.5s
Bank of Bartley 2,782.95
Cash in drawer 92.35
Due counly 26,980.23
Excess of cash 173-33
At close of business , June 30,1896.
J. B. Meserve , County Treasurer.
Lake Geneva Summer School ,
Y. M. C. A.
With last Monday morning ended the ten
days' session of the summer school held at
Lake Geneva , Wis. , for the college Y. M. C.A. 's
of the South and West. Christian students
were gathered there from seventeen states ,
reaching from Canada to Texas , comprising in
all delegations from one hundred and twenty
institutions of learning , which made a grand
total of over three hundred students in attend
ance. Nebraska herself had representatives
from six schools and colleges , in all a delega
tion of seventeen.
Lake Geneva is a small body of water about
seven miles long and two miles wide , situated
in south central Wisconsin. The lake is sur
rounded for the most part by high hills , which
rise , sometimes gently , sometimes abruptly ,
from the water's edge , and has often been
likened to Lake Gcnessaret because of the fact
that Christ seems to like to meet with his chil
dren there.
On the north side of this charming lake you
may find a camp fitted up for the accommoda
tion of certain religious organizations , -which
once in a while call a conference of their lead
ers to go there , apart from the world , as it
were , to gain power in prayer and meditation.
It was amid these sunoundings that the
seventh annual students' Y. M. C. A. confer
ence closed last Monday morning. The pur
pose of this students' gathering is mainly to
deepen the spiritual life of the delegates , and
through them all the young men in the colleges
they represent. They are brought in contact
here with men of great ability and profound
spiritual power from whom they receive in
spiration and courage to carry on more effect
ively the work in their respective colleges.
Such men as Bishop Vincent , Dr. Chapman
of Philadelphia and Dr. White of Chicago are
among the instructors and speakers.
The morning is devoted to Bible classes ,
association conferences , where plans for asso
ciation work are discusseJ , platform meetings
presided over by men brought there especially
for that purpose. Each afternoon is given over
to athletics and water sports ; for proper care
of the body is one of the things emphasized by
the Y. M. C. A. At the close of the confer
ence one afternoon is given for a general field
day in which the various states contest with
each other. This year part of the field day
program was omitted , but in that which was
held Nebraska had the honor of coming out
second with 14 points to her credit , while In
diana scored first with 16 points.
The men who are sent to their confeiences
are recognized leaders in their various asso
ciations , and the good to be derived from com
ing in contact , fust , with the godly men who
are placed there as instructors , and second
with the students from so many institutions of
learning , cannot be estimated. The result is a
marked spiritual deepening of the lives of the
men and a great impulse to the association
work in the various colleges.
This college Y. M. C. A. movement has been •
called the greatest thing of the nineteenth '
century , and we must admit 'its power when !
we remember that it is world-wide in its scope
and inter-denominational in its character. * It
brings together the college men of the world ,
the men who some day will be the leaders of
thought , and unites them in one grand chris
tian fraternity. j
The summer school at Lake Geneva , this
year , was the best ever held and it is the purpose - '
pose to make each succeeding one better.
S.V. . Pinkerton. I
1 ,
Coin is pretty well tasseled out.
J. W. Corner cut his oats , Tuesday.
Bob Johns has cut and stacked his millet.
The squash bugs are still bothering the
J. W. Corner's peaches will be ripe after
Mike Coyle stacked his millet , Monday and
Grain stacks will be rearing aloft in the
land soon.
Bob Moore was a little under the weather ,
last week.
Ed. Flitcraft and Sol. Dewey drove out here
on Monday.
II. B. Wales started in , Monday morning ,
on 100 acres of small grain.
M. H. Cole has So acres of corn that looks
good for 75 bushels per acre.
Potatoes are looking sj.lendid , and the pros
pects are fine for a good crop.
H. B. Wales has his binder ready now to
cut that 100 acres of small grain.
Uncle Billy says he wouldn't mind going •
barefoot if his feet would only scour.
R. J. Traphagan has bought a binder and
intends cutting his grain with his own machine.
T. Ryan and F. Buehr had a close debate
over school matters. Don't do it some more ,
William Coleman is receiving a good many
letters from eastern parties who are looking
this way for land.
Will Prentice and Bert Wales went to the
McCook Y. P. S. C. E. picnic at Miller's grove
on the Willow , last Saturday.
Frank Coleman started for the picnic , last
Saturday , and found a chance to make a $
and hauled his coat and went for it.
Alice and Grace Cole have a potato patch
and it looks splendid ; just as clean as a
whistle. Boys , there is some good farming.
II. T. Church bought the personal property
of Charles Squires , Jr. , and he and his family
went to Oregon with his father , C. S. Squires.
Uncle Billy says "One of my potato patches
was hid away in the weeds , but it didn't hatch
worth a cent" . So he plowed it up and plant
ed it to beans.
Binders are going almost day and night , to
save the wheat. Matt Droll has three going
from daylight till dark. He has over three
hundred acres in small grain.
Frank Mills and wife from Perkins county ,
spent a few days here , recently , visiting his
sister , Mrs. II. B. Wales. He said crops here
were better than up his way. They started
on their return , Monday.
William Epperly went to McCook , Wednes
day ; to meet Mrs. Epperly , who went to Iowa
to see her mother for the last time. She was
quite aged , and was out milking , when a cow
knocked her over and trampled on her , break
ing her thigh and inflicting injuries from
which she riever recovered. Mrs. Epperly
was sent for and went back and was with her
until death came and claimed her and re
leased her from all her sufferings.
1 1
That rain , Wednesday , afternoon , was a.
fine one and did a great deal of good.
M. II. Cole and the girls have cultivated
their corn five times through and it is clean as
a garden.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Squires , with their son
Charles and family , left on Monday for their
new home in Oregon. They have lived here
about ten years and had built them up a good
home and were getting into a position to en
joy life. They had a large acquaintance , from
which they have cut loose and gone to their
far western home to form new acquaintances ,
and build up another home. The well wishes
of their host of friends here go with them ,
and all wish them a safe journy to and pros
perity in their new home in the sunset land ,
and hope that their brightest anticipations
may be more than realized.
Along about four o'clock Uncle Billy sat
down in the shade of an apple tree and soon
dozed off to sleep. On rousing up he saw the
dirt heave up a little near him and quickly
siezing the hoe he , with a smart stroke ,
brought it down on that mole's head , which
brought the old gander to his senses quicker'n
you could say Jack Robinson , and he distinct
ly remembered then that he had stuck his
bare foot under the loose dirt at that very
spot before he went to sleep , to keep the flies
from biting it. If you see him limp don't ask
him what's the matter unless you are on the
other side of the street from him.
nninnTF women
VlaklUrl I La Should Use
exerts a wonderful influence in
strengthening her system by
driving through the proper chan
nel all impurities. Health and
strength are guaranteed to result
from its use.
My wife was bedridden for eighteen months ,
LATOR for two montus , is getting well.
J. M. JOHNSON , Malvern , Ark.
Sold by all Druggists at SI. 00 per bottle.
Don't ' Stop Tobacco. :
How to Cure Yourself While i
Using ! t. •
The tolucco habit jjniws on a 111.111 until his '
nervous sjstom is seriously affected , impairing '
health , comfort and happiness. To quit suddenly :
is too severe a sliock to the sjstem , as tobacco to
an iu\eterate user becomes a stimulant that his
system continually cra\es. "I . .iccCii' " is a
scientific cure for the tobacco habit , in all its forms ,
carefully compounded after the formula of an em
inent Herlin physician who has used it in his private
practice since 1S7. : , without a failure. It is purely
vegetable and guaranteed perfectly harmless. Yoii
cm use all the tobacco you want while taking ]
"llacco-Curo. " It will notify jou when to stop. ,
We give a written guarantee to cure permanently
any case , \v ith three boxes , or refund the money -
with 10 per cent , interest. "liacco-Curo" is not a
substitute , but a scientific cure , that cures without
the aid of will power and with no inconvenience.
It leaves the system as pure and free from nicotine
as the day j on took your first chew or smoke.
Cured by Bneeo-Curo and Gained
Thirty Pounds.
From hundreds of testimonials , the originals of
_ which are on file and open to inspection , the fol
lowing is presented :
Clayton , Nevada Co. , Ark. , Jan. 2S.
Kureka Chemical V Mfg. Co. , La Crosse , Wis.
Gentlemen : For forty years I used tobacco in all
its forms. For twenty-five 3curs of that time I
was a great sufferer from general debility and heart
disease. For fifteen years I tried to * quit , but
couldn't. I took various remedies , among others ,
"No-To-IJac , " "The Indian Tobacco Antidote , "
"Double Chloride of Gold , " etc. , etc. , but none of
them did me the least bit of good. Finally how
ever. I purchased a beef V'our "I'acco-Curo" and
it has entirely cured me of the habit in all its forms ,
and I have increased thirty pounds in weight and
am relieved of all the numerous aches and pains of
bodv' and mind. I could write a quire of paper up
on 1113- changed feelings and condition.
Yours respectfullv , 1 * . II. Makhcry ,
1'astor C. I * . Church. Cl.ivton , Ark.
Sold bv- all druggists at S1.00 per box : three boxes ,
( thirtvdavs treatment ) Sj.50 , with written guaran
tee , or sent direct upon receipt of price. \ \ rite for
booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical Ar Mfg. Co. ,
I i Crosse , Wis. , and lloston , Mass.
Notice is hereby giv en that on June 15th , iSc/j ,
I took up , on my farm in Willow Grov e precinct ,
Red Willow countv- , Nebraska , being the south
west quarter , section twenty-one , township three ,
range twenty-nine , two estfay horses , described as
follows : One gravgeldins , supposed to be about
Sor9 3-cars old , weight about 000 pounds , front
feet shod. One white mare , supposed to be about
10 or 11 years old , weight about Sot pounds , left
front foot has a ridge which appears to he the result
of a barbed wire cut , had leather halter on when
taken up. If said horses be not reclaimed bv- the
owner , tbev will be sold according to law , after due
notice. Henky II. Mitchell.
In the countv * court of Red Willow countv , state
of Nebraska. To Johanna Troy , Uridget Wilson ,
James Trov\ Alice Clyde , Maggie Pullman , Man-
Meyers , heirs of Patrick Troy , deceased , and to
anv others interested in the matter : You are liere-
by notified that an instrument , purporting to be the
last will and testament of Patrick Trov- , deceased ,
is on file in said court , and also a petition prav-ing
for the probate of said instrument , and for the ' ap-
Sointment of Johanna Trovas executrix. That on
Ionda3 % July 20th , iS0 , at one o'clock , p. m. , said
petition and the proof of the execution of said in
strument will be heard , and that ifou do not then
appear and contest , said court may probate and
record the same , and grant administration of the
estate to Johanna Trov- ' . This notice shall be pub
lished for three week's successively in Tim Mc
Cook TnmuNE prior to said hearing.
Witness mv * hand and seal this25th dav of June ,
1S96. Isaac M. Smith ,
[ Seal. ] 7\V3ts. Coumy Judge.
* . l
L VH-W"OTWTlM.mvIPI ! ! .IfmiJlr M
6 . .TRY. . I
j ? - . .for. . q
f * All Kinds Animals $
If and Plants. f
a a
1 . .SOLD BY. . 3
I < A. MeMILLEN > . i
* i
How to Treat a Wife. s | | f H
( From Pacific Health Journal. ) p * T |
First , get a wife : second , lie patient. You \ ® , * i |
may have great trials and perplexities in your - • ' -J H
business , but do not therefore , carry toour % § * * * |
home a cloudy or contracted brow. Vour * * j H
wife may have trials , which , though of less \ * i ( 'j ' l
magnitude , may be hard for her to bear. A " * ' M
kind word , tender look , may do wonder ? in. |
chasing from her brow all clouds of gloom. ' 1
To this we would add always keep a bottle of > ' H
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house. iffrB
It is the best and is sure to be needed sooner * > rw M
or later. Your wife will then know that you . . . $ M
really care for her and wish to protect licr J $ M
health. For sale by McConnell & Co. , drug- • % H
gists. ' H
Mr. D. P. Davis , a prominent liveryman antl 4 ? |
merchant of Goshen , Va. , has this to say on ik H
the subject of rheumatism : "I take pleasure % , H
in recommending Chamberlain's Pain lialm / H
for rheumatism , as 1 know from personal experience - H
perience that it will do all that is claimed for H
it. A year ago this spring my brother was H
laid up in bed with inflammatory rheumatism H
and suffered intensely. The first application , H
of Chamberlain's Pain Halm cased the pain f H
and one bottle completely cured him. For j / \ H
sale by McConnell and Co. , druggists. / ' . H
. I ' H
For every quarter in a man's pocket there J\ - j H
arc a dozen uses ; and to use each one in such ' , H
a way as to derive the greatest benefit is a y H
question every one must solve for himself. H
We believe , however , that no better use could * * H
be made of one of these quarters than to exchange - H
change it for a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. H
Cholera and Diarrlicca Remedy , a medicine H
that every family should be provided with. H
For sale by McConnell & Co. , druggists. ' H
l > y virtue of an ordei of sale issue from the • ' |
District Court of Red Willow county , Nebraska - - H
raska , under a decree , in an action wherein H
Oliver M. I iyde is plaintiff and James A. H
Piper et al. are defendant- ; mc directed and H
delivered , I shall expose to public sale and H
sell to the highest bidder , for cash , at the south * H
door of the court house in Indianola , Neb- V H
raska , on July 27th , 1S96 , at the hour of one ? H
o'clock , p. in. , the following described real H
estate , towit : The northwest quarter of sec- H
tiou three , in township four north , in range H
twenty-nine , west of the 6th p. 111. , in Red H
Willow county , Nebraska. / H
Dated June 23 , i&)6. J. R. Nicki. , , M
Sheriff of Red Willow county. * M
W. S. M01 Ian , Attorney. 6-26-518. H
t An education at Harvard. Yale , or any other * B
\ college or institution of learning in the ( TuttedJ HJHH
\ States , or in the New Fngl.ind Conservatory of * H
Music , cm be secured by any young man or * H
* woman who is in earnest ! Write for particulars J H
I quickly. JAMKS I ) . KALI. , H
* 36 Kroomfield Street , Kostnn , Mass. • - B
* - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * • • • * * * • ? H
Wanted-An Idea S
Protect your Ideas ; they may bring you wealth. H
Write JOHN WEDDERBURX & CO. . Patent Attor- M
noys. Washington , D. C. for their 31.&OM prize offer H
and list of two hundred Inrentlons wanted. 1
i Farmer's Sons } M
< C / > . We will eiuplov * von at ? > per > |
f y \ \ ) month. Write quickly. I H
C U I'L'UITAN' Pl'III.I < jIINr. Co. . 5 |
r 5 > Kroomfield Street , -y H
Koston , Mass. 5 H
J. A. GUNN , H
McCook , Nebraska. H
2 "Office OverC. A. Leach's jewelry store. H
Residence 701 Main street. Prompt attention - - H
tion given to all calls. - H
f t 'D '
McCook Transfer Line.J -
* 3jr ° Oiily furniture van iu the M
city. Also have a first class house j H
moving outfit. Leave orders for * H
bus calls at Commercial hotel or j H
at office opposite the depot. H
- - The modern stand- H
bi ard Family Medi- M
OT cine : Cures the |
[ P common every-day H
ills of humanity. H
° m Z ?
Chase Co , Land and Jve Stock Go. A * J k
Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder * M
* & & & P.O. address Imperial H
_ _ . hase , and Heat M
S l lw * county
WS HSSESrictJ * Nebraska. Range. ° - M
VppnoUrfYStinking | | Water and the ia M
WH _ | E 35 > J Frenchman creeks. In H
'MKj"yfcjg3pT ! Chase county. Nebraska.S H
JK ZTj * 1 | BrHnd as cutonsideof > . t" . M
s H HMyyfJ , some animals , on hip and IS. H
' -lWU ! S3K3BS aides of Bome. or any- au- H
where on thf animal. • " • H
* i I
R. A. COLE ,
mil Y * * l
OF McCOOK , " ll > fl
Has just received a new stock of CLOTHS • jp - , |
ind TRIMMINGS. If you want a good fitting - & > ' |
ting iult made at the very lowest prices for * | q 1' _ B
good work , call on aim. Shop first door weit jl ; iVt l
of Barnett'a Lumber Office , om Danmisom i vv .1 ( # V |
J'dl '