The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 17, 1896, Image 5
K w1 If I MADAM Mm& \ II I YOI IR 1 Repairing | * MB | IWUn j Neatly Done. I l Hv s FEET kpf | KjL S psv Would look the prettier S M > • I and feel the more comforti m $ v f I /c3\ ' • able in an easy fitting and S Wkjm % lnwlllkl • ! fashionable pair of fine S HP | H Mj OXFORD TIES. Where t Hi | I NpWpy i | -will you buy them ? I have S H ? * i I * * or y ° ur seeing some of the S M J g I ) \ i | Daintiest Styles your eyes J IH \ I l l I ever looked upon : : : : S HI % 5 ' c V : # I and the prices are far beS He * # * > . 5 Hf1 S w w low your expectations. S I I J. F. GANSCHOW , HjW ' S THE OLD. RELIABLE | I FEET FITTER mX | . MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. | I I MCCOOK 1 I I MERCANTILE | F\ § i • Sis | COMPANY | $ & 3 has just received a new line of S533 SfiS Latest Styles 3p 1 1 SUMMER DK GOODS | pgK New Patterns in | | 85 H Laces , Embroideries , Veilings B H - | W H HANDSOME FANS , RIBBON gS Mf H H BEl aiul a Fine Line of | gg V j RUGS , PORTIERES p Urn IP - ANIte - " ' B I FANCY TABLE CDVflBS 1 fj lit | -2 * nrv93 r * GOING EAST CENTRAL TIME LEAVES. No. 2 , through passenger. 5:55 A. M. No. 4 , local passenger. 9:00 P. M. No. 64 , freight 4:30 A.M. No. 148 , freight 5:00 A.M. No. So , freight 7:00 a.m. No. 75 , freight 6:45 A.M. GOING WEST CENTRAL TIME LEAVES. No. 3 , through passenger. 12:40 A.M. No. 5 , local passenger. 9:15 P. M. No. 63 , freight 6:00 P. M. No. 77 , freight 5:20 P. M. No. 149 , freight 7:00 p.m. IMPERIAL LINE CENTRAL TIME. No. 175 , accommodation , leaves. . . . 9:00 A. M. No. 176 , accommodation , arrives. . . 6:40 P. M. S-NoTE : No. 63 carries passengers for Stratton , Benkelman and Haigler. All trains run daily excepting 148 , 149 and 176 , which run daily except Sunday. No. 3 stops at Benkelman and Wray. No. 2 stops at Indianola , Cambridge and Arapahoe. No. 80 will carry passengers for Indianola , Cambridge and Arapahoe. Nos. 4 , 5,148,149 and 176 carry passengers for all stations. When No. 80 is annulled No. 14S will leave at 8:00 a. m. You can purchase at this office tickets to all principal points in the United States and Can ada and baggage checked through to destina tion without extra charge of transfer. For information regarding rates , etc. , call on or address L. E. Magner , Agent. To California in a Tourist Sleeper. The Burlington Route personally con ducted once-a-week excursions to Colorado rado , Utah and California are just the things for people of moderate means. Cheap , respectable , comfortable , expe ditious. They leave Omaha every Thurs day and go through , without change , to San Francisco and Los Angeles. The tourist sleepers in which excursionists travel are carpeted , upholstered in ratan and have spring seats , spring backs , mattresses , blankets ; curtains , pillows , etc. Only $5 for a double berth , wide enough and big enough for two. The route lies through Denver , Colorado Springs , the wonderful canyons and peaks of the Rockies , Salt Lake and Sacramento. For rates and also for illustrated folder giving full information , call on the near est agent of the Burlington Route or write to J. Francis , G. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. A Red Hot Campaign. The present campaign will be the most exciting one fought out since the war. There will not be a day when something of unusual interest will not transpire. The State Journal has made up its mind to surpass all its former efforts in the direction of news-giving , and will give its readers the most complete details of the campaign , giving all the news from an unbiased standpoint. Republicans will want The Journal because of its staunch Republican principles , it being recognized as the standard-bearer of the great Republican party ot Nebraska. Populists and Democrats should read it for the news it gives. The Semi-Weekly Journal will go to thousands of new homes during the campaign. You should subscribe , as it will only cost you 25 cents from now nntil November 15. Two papers ever } ' week , making it almost as good as a daily. Subscribe through your postmaster or send your order to The State Journal , Lincoln , Nebraska. Pay Your Dog Tax. Owners of dogs are requested to call at the office of the city clerk at once and pay tax on their dogs. The police are instructed to dispose of all untagged dogs as provided by city ordinance , so owners of valuable or pet dogs should act promptly in this matter. Ed. Jordan , Marshal. Notice to Bicycle Riders. Pders of bicycles will please observe t' ordinance against riding on the side walks , and parents should see to it that their children refrain from riding on the sidewalks and rapid coasting within the city limits. Due attention must be giv en these requests , public safety and re gard for life and limb demand it. Ed. Jordan , Marshal. Engraving and Embossing. If you take pleasure in good station ery , try Crane's. It's fine and reasona ble in price. We also do engraving of cards and embossing of letter paper. See samples and get prices. Correspondence Wanted- The Tribune wants correspondence from every precinct and town in Red Willow county. Terms readily given on request. Plenty of Farms for Rent. A number of good farms for rent. Call early and get your choice. Apply to P. A. Wells , over Citizens bank. Dr. Z. L. Kay. Office , rooms 4 and 5 over Leach's jewelry store. Residence , room 21 , Commercial hotel. Monogram Pin Found. There is a gold monogram pin at this office for the owner. "H. P. S. , class ' 92. Fishing tackle at McConnell's. Binding Twine at LaTourette's. Nails 4 cts. per pound at LaTourette's. Preserving Kettles at cost at LaTour ette's. Mounted grindstones $2.80 at LaTau- rette's. , • Fifteen (15) ) cents will buy a box of nice writing paper at this office , con taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel opes. J Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair , DR * CREAM BAKING POWWR MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of TartaF Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. PLEASANT RIDGE. . C.T.Eller has been cultivating corn for Frank Everist , this week. Minnie Harris attended the teachers' in stitute at McCook , this week. We are uneasy about our fine crops. This hot , dry weather some of the corn and cane is wilting. If any of you feel bad just start out towards Kansas and hunt choke cherries. The hiils and canyons , the ruts in the road , the hot sun and the dismal scenery all along the road will surely help your feelings ; if none of these do , when you find yourself five miles from water at twelve o'clock , try to ima .gine that you are all right , and quote poetry. There is a gentleman in this vicinity who has more correct political language at his command than any person outside of the White House. lie has always been a staunch Republican , but we heard him say , last .Mon day , "Hurrah for Bryan ! I am going to vote for him and help elect him , so that we can have big cart loads of silver to take to town to buy groceries with" . Banksville , you made two mistakes in your items , last week , and I am surprised at you. First , you said a young lady and gentleman of Pleasant Ridge had employment. Now if you call sitting on the well curb watching the old iron pump , employment , I don't ; I call that recreation. Second , there was no team standing in the field , because it was Sunday , and we do not plov on Sunday. Ask Cliff what made him think that was Saturday. There was a surprise party at the Freder ick school house , one evening last week. The continued school meeting surprised the Prohibition caucus. The Prohibs got there first and when the school meeting arrived , the others thought they had all turned Prohibi tionists , and such another hand shaking and rejoicing was never seen before. After a time matters were explained and an imagin ary line was drawn in the middle of the house and both parties transacted business on their own side of the line. Tattling Tillie , do jou mean to have a war ? If so , let us know in time to get ready. Potato tate bugs was our chosen theme ; 'you objected and held us up to ridicule ; we got scared and ventured to say we had plenty of good farm ers around here ; then you called that brag ging ; we did not mean it so , but \e will now say that some of the crops around Pleasant Ridge are just as good as any in Red Willow county , and we will hold fast to this assertion. Come on , Prospect Park , stand up for your farmers. I have hunted news both far and near , but an } thing new I have failed to hear ; the same old things we hear each day , for the people are gloomy over this way. They have worked and toiled it seems in vain , for the crops must go unless we have rain ; irrigation is what we need in the west , that would make the country one of the best. We need a nev party to find a new man to run for president on the irrigation plan ; Bryan and McKinley are for silver and gold , and these are great things we have been told. We don 't care for money we have the land if we had more water and not so much sand ; then stop all this nonsense as quick as you can and hunt up a president who will irrigate land. GERVER. The farmers have enjoyed a fine week for laying by their corn. The Populist primary of this precinct turned out to be an open free silver discussion. Lavega Olmstead , who has been working on a farm near Oberlin , Kansas , for the past few months , is back home again. Rev. J. M. Bell was unable to fill his appoint ment at the Pleasant Prairie school house , Sunday , on account of sickness. The wheat and oats will all be ripe at once , and the harvest of the same will commence in dead earnest about the 12th. It seems as though no one will accept the office of road overseer , notwithstanding we have many good and able men. The roads are in an impassable condition in many places throughout the precinct and should be cared for as quickly as possible. We "note the death of William Hubble of Alliance , Nebraska , on July 4th. Mr. Hubble was at one time a resident of this precinct , having settled here in an early day. Many of his old neighbors and friends are still here. Mr. Hubble also leaves a sister here , Mrs. N.J. Johnson. Job Printing The most artis tic work at the lowest figures. The Tribune , McCook. Write for prices. A trial order will set tle the business. Read the best coun ty newspaper that's The McCook Tribune every time. Don't forget to come and see us when you want any kind of job printing. We are the people who do the nice printing. jwniSELLCHEAP j ! I Z All our Summer Goods , which arc g H 7 New and Stylish , but must be sold to S H Z 111 alee room for fall goods. Bargains 9 H f fok All. Come and See. S H 5 Ask for LEATHER STOCKINGS I M j for boys. Not leather but are cotton ? H 5 stockings that will wear like leather. | H J Try a pair and you will buy no others. ! H S Buy ButterLck Patterns. A new 9 Hj J stock just received. 2 H 5 Get our prices on Groceries. They | H 2 are the lowest. Agents for Chase Sr 2 H 5 Sanborn's Celebrated Coffee. | H Z AT the . . . 2 H ! ; C'asfi f H I + feargatti I I C. L. DeGROFF & CO. 1 H IVeasttrer's Report * | RECAPITULATION : Showing the amount on hand January i , iSgS , tlur H collections since made , warrants redeemed , and amount remaining on hand at H the close of the 30th day of June , 1896 , in each and all of the several funds an l | accounts of J. B. AIeserve , County Treasurer of Red Willow County , Nebraska. ' | together with the total amounts of the several items stated : H FUNDS. Statu. General Sinking. School University Capitol Reform School Institute for Feeble Minded Relief Live Stock Indemnity School Land Interest School Land Lease County. General Bridge Bond Interest County Road District Road Soldiers' Relief Road Receipts Sinking School District School Bond District School Interest Advertising. Bank Interest North Valley Precinct Bond East Valley Precinct Bond Willow Grove Precinct Bond Indianola Precinct Bond Bartley Village Bond Bartley City McCook City Indianola City Insane Received Tax Sales A Amount B P T Total. U--C- settleme . c ° ected' " ' on han * . H . S145S6S S3116 44 S 4 575 12 S36G559 S 00955 H no 74 29610 40084 3 > 910 S774 j H -19 37 47ofe'5 69022 553 16 13706 H 10932 23309 34241 27443 67 9K | H 1 = 4 ! 45 32 H 5& 2Z . 1 363 ° 77 72 11410 913b 2272 H 3623 7720 113 43 9090 2255 H 16 38 38 H 10S 61 613 99 722 60 398 48 324 12 H 333 50 367 93 70143 03003 71 ep H 727 5S6301 5S702S 4 955 66 tiaGz ' H 224S7 1S6026 20S513 127245 S126S H 3605 9S 7S72 36S470 27500 140970 H 4626 31108 35734 19113 16601 H 255 32 33058 5&59O 2731b 3I272 M 36170 17847 54017 10460 435 57 H 122997 122997 122997 H 1014 1014 ro 14 X- j H 100 20 00 2100 2100 | 949103 143629 1092732 f 3442 48 7484 * 8 ? | 249471 * i6o3So5 1S53276 14 493 01 403975 j H 69392 09392 09392 % ' M 67 50 67 50 07 50 j. B 42335 42533 42535 + H 206419 4880 ! 2112 99 5500 207799 - H 72717 4 07' ' 73124 35 00 696 a ? . 1 291750 7670 299420 58023 24i3g7 H 1349 57 4 62 135419 52 50 130169 B 475 49 35 56 5" 05 bo 00 43r ° S | 1356 157 5i' 17107 13839 326/ ; H 20769 277986 ; 298755 277567 2118S H 4621 37834 ; 42455 29516 12939 H 54 1 53 2 07 2 07 % H 52731 99752 ! 1524 S3 105900 465 S3 H g27 241 20 S3827IO3 ; S655I2 23 S3S532CO S26 939.25 H , | H * State Apportionment included , $446187. H - { Invested in sinking funds : fa ) School district 2. Si 06613. ( b ) School district 17 , H JTransferred to county general fund. j H Transferred to district school fund. H 595125. ( c ) School district 39 , S4500. ( dj School district 49 , 60oc. ( e ) School H district 66 , $5600. Total , $2178 3S. M J.MRS. E. E. UTTER.j MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo. VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALTY. JS Studio Rear of C. L. DeGroff & Co. JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. S ? Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office Rear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD , @ DENTIST. ® All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith & Bellamy , assistants. Fishing tackle at McConnell's. Binding Twine at LaTourette's. - - . rf ELMER ROWELL , M Real Estate , Collections , Insurance ) | McCook. Neeraska. H 2 rNotary Public. East Dennison street. -j ( | AUSTIN J. RITTENHOUSeT | H ATTORNEY • AT • LAW jj H McCook , Nebraska. < | 37"0ffice Over the Famous clothing store. ' . H • M - \f \ p. a. wells. farington rowr.2. ' H WELLS A. POWER. it H ATTORNEYS AND CO CNSEL ! ? H General law practice in state and federal M courts. Stenographer and Notary in office I H Office over Citizens Bank of McCook. , H W. V. CAGE , % H PHYSICLAN AND SURGEON fc H McCook , Nebraska. | -f H 2 Office hours 9 to II a. m. , 2 to 5 and H 7 to 9 p. m. Rooms 0\er the First Nafcoarl M bank. Night calls answered at the oj fiice. M