The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 10, 1896, Image 4

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    H By F. M. KIMMELL.
H For President ,
B William McKinley of Ohio.
B * " or Vice President ,
B Garrett A. Hohart of New Jersey.
B lr ° r Presidential Electors ,
B At Large J. E. Houtz of Lancasti
B At Large F. J. Sandilek of Salir
B First District A. J. Burnham of Nemal
B • Second District A.C. Foster of Dough
B Third District. . . . Solomon Draper of Knc
H Fourth District G. A. Derby of Sewai
B Fifth District. . . . ] . L. McPheely of Kearne
B Sixth district M. L. Friese of Valle
H For Congressman Fifth District ,
B William E. Andrews of Adams County.
M For Governor ,
H J. II. MacColl of Dawson County.
H For Lieutenant Governor ,
H Orlando Teft of Cass County.
H For Secretary of State ,
H J. A. Piper of Harlan County.
B For State Auditor ,
H P. O. IIedlund of'Phelps County.
H For State Treasurer ,
m M C. E. Casey of Pawnee County.
M t For Attorney General ,
H " * * A. S. Churchill of Douglas County.
M For State Superintendent ,
H H. R. Coriiett of York County.
m For Commissioner Lands and Buildings ,
H H. C. Russell of Colfax County.
M For Supreme Judge 4 years ,
H Robert Ryan of Lancaster County.
H For Supreme Judge 2 years ,
H N. P. Kinkaid of Holt County.
B For University Regent ,
W. G. Whitmore ot Douglas County.
' For Representative 65th District ,
1 R. P. High of Lebanon Precinct.
H For County Attorney ,
M Harlow W. Keyes of Indianola Precinct.
B For Commissioner First District ,
1 -Alex. D. Johnston of Valley Grange Prec
H John Stevens , Jr. , has been nomin
H ated for county attorney by the Populist :
B of Furnas county.
B IT may be true even in politics tha
B the folly of one generation is the wisdon
B of the succeeding generation.
B I Cole pere has been nominated for rep
B r resentative in the 67th district. He i
B , about the only Republican in the distric
B that Bob Adams can beat.
B The wise politician will , not underesti
B mate the strength and purpose of thi :
B silver sentiment among the Republican :
B of Nebraska. If he does he may be ver
B rudely jarred , that's all. _
H The amusing Brownie publisher of th <
B Culbertson Era evidently has a chronic
H and acute case of "bolting Republicar
H editors" water on the brain. We suggesl
B that Judge Abbott tap the little yellow
H purp with his corkscrew.
H Both the Trenton papers announce
H that the rumor is current that Judge Ab-
H | bott of the Hayes Center Republican
B will start a Republican newspaper in that
E burg. It is not stated that the paper will
| be in the interest of Cole pere.
H 1 The fatal habit of talking excessively
H has discouifitted other politicians as
B great as Senator Thurston , who would
H I certainly feel more comfortable and coni-
B placent right now if he had in the not
B remote past thought harder and said less
Bj about the silver question.
B Eycuse us. We stated recently that
B the editor of the Culbertson Era , whose
B hirsute development is the pride and
B glory of two hemispheres , and who has
H the largest vacuum for responsible gray
H matter of any publisher in the valley ,
B wants to * be postmaster at Culbertson. It
B is all a mistake. Oscar is slated for a
B cabinet position. Hence this amende
H honorable.
B Cole fils of the Culbertson Bra and of
B the Hayes Center Times etc. , etc. , is un-
B necessarily perturbed about The Trib-
| UN.E projecting-itself into the political
| affairs of Hitchcock county or the 67th
B representative district.Cole pere has
B troubles enough of his own at home , and
H what he may lack can readily be supplied
H by Judge Abbott of the Hayes Center
H % Republican , who is hungering after a
B real small editorial soupboue.
B Matters of Interest Gleaned From the Sev-
H eral County Offices.
B A marriage license was issued to William
B L. Aman , aged 35 , and Maud M. Hcwett , aged
HH 19 , both of Cambridge , Nebraska.
H The petition of Jennie Hill for removal of
B W. H. Harmon , guardian of Mary Hillminor ,
B was filed on Monday The hearing will be on
B ' Monday , July 12 , at 10 a. m.
H The followivg is the list of cases filed dur-
H ing the past week :
B Theodore Wing vs. Frederick A. Leap et al. ,
H equity. Charles Bidelman vs. John M. Snod-
1 grass et al. . equity. [ . E.Seeley vs. Albert E.
Bl Lang , equity. State of Nebraska ex rel.
B Thomas Kane & Co. vs. Charles S. Ferris
Hj et a'v ' mandamus.
B National Party County Convention.
B A call is hereby made to all citizens of Red
B Willow county , N eb. , whatever may have been
H their past party affiliations , to meet in mass
B convention in city hall at McCook. Nebraska ,
B Saturday , August 1st , 1896 , at 2 o'clock , p , m. ,
B to select delegates to the state convention
B which convenes in Lincoln , Nebraska , August
H 5th , 1S96. Also to nane county officers and to
B transact any other business that may properly
B come before the convention. The platform of
B tnc National party , adopted at Pittsburg , Pa. ,
H May 29th , 1806 , shall be the principles of the
H party. _ W. O. Norvai , Prov. Chairman.
B Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Babcock , Mr. and Mrs.
B J. A. Wilcox , Mrs. Frank Harris , Mrs. H. H.
B Troth and H. H. Berry went down to Cam-
B bridge , this morning , in carriages , on Star ot
B Jupiter business. Anna Babcock returned
B home with the party.
- > % • * * •
1 11 jn
" " * " " " "
' '
„ . . , . 1. . . . 1 . .H . . 1 ii * .
" ' " " *
' ' " "
The Weekly Happenings of Neighborin
Towns and Country.
The Little Things of Town and Country Lif
in Cold Type If Your Neighborhood
Isn't Repiesented , Why Just
Tell Us About It.
William Bently of this place is contemplal
ing a trip east , having work on the railroad
Mrs. William F. Hamilton , who was reportei
seriously ill in last week's issue , is rapidly re
covering ; a'fact we are pleased to note.
Wilber Joslin has rented C. E. Williams
farm , taking possession last week. He gpe :
in well equipped for farming , with a goo (
crop under way , and will no doubt make i
success of it
Many of our farmers are cutting their grain
and the hum of the binder , the shocks o
grain dotted in fields here and there , give !
this section of the country once more a pros ;
perous appearance.
The following teachers from this place an
attending the county institute at McCook
Prof. I. E. Wymore , Misses Jessie and Nellie
Stephens , Grace Curlee , Ida Smith , Emir )
Hopt , Lizzie Williams.
O. Frost treated our people to quite a dis
play of fireworks on the 4th , having some
beautiful balloons , roman candles etc. George
Frederick and James Finnegan joined in the
display with some they had purchased.
Our base ball team 'are preparing to meel
the Freedom team on the home grounds in
the near future ( exact date will appear later ]
and this will be a game worth seeing , as the
Freedom team took care of the laurels at In
dianola on the 4th.
For the past week or more some of our cit
izens gather in groups and engage in eamesl
conversation. Wonder if they fear the corn
adjacent to and surrounding our town will
grow so tall as to shade our streets and des
troy the luxuriant vegetation now growing in
its center ? Those most able to judge say
there is danger as there never was a largei
growth of corn at this time of year.
Our nation's birthday anniversary has once
more come and gone , a part of our citizens
celebrating at McCook , Indianola and Arap
ahoe , all reporting a good time. Each year
as our nation's great day recurs , we ask our
selves the question , is this day appropriately
observed ? and then the observation and at
tendance of the various celebrations lead us
to think that its true significance is lost sight
of in the various games of amusement and
fun , that is so vastly different from the patri
otic gathering of 1776 that we are forced to
admit that our celebrations of today are a
failure as to their true intent. In 1776 , when
that grand document , the Declaration of In
dependence was read , signed and sealed , what
havoc and carnage it portrayed . The issues
or declaration of principles as old as time , that
it set forth , were successfully carried out , and
jur nation's day , by the achievements of our
Forefathers and part of the generation now
iving , has been handed down tc us , unsullied
ind untarnished by time , and our glorious flag ,
irst unfurled by that illustrious patriot , George
Washington , has been handed down to us
without a stripe polluted or a star effaced ,
ind it seems that , considering all the grand
ichievements that surrounds and are linked to
) ur 4th of July , that the day ought to be spent
is of- old , in prayer and rejoicing and thanks-
jiving to the Great Ruler of the universe
, vhose hand of destiny has preserved us a
lation. We hope that the time will come
hat the 4th , "Our glorious old 4th" , will be a
lay of patriotic teaching , be looked forward
0 by the young people as a day of patriotic
nspiration , and to revive the precious mem-
jries of the past , thereby better fitting us for
he duties of citizenship , than to look forward
o the pleasure it gives , by the horse race ,
jowery dance. 'base ball etc. Let us remem-
jer that the 4th is our nation's birth day , and
; ry to realize what we would be had it never
> ccurred. Then our young people when
isked concerning "the oration" will be able
0 tell its leading points , as well as what
lorse "beat" or who was "fanned out" .
A brand new baby boy at John Jones's.
Cora Barnes was a guc of Lizie Sindei.
Henry Meyers was elected school director
i our district.
Katie Snyder went in to the city to work on
Jonday of this week.
Christian Endeavor is progressing nicely ,
ivery Sunday evening at 8 o'clock.
Ilda Benjamin entertained a few of her
oung friends on her 8th birthday , July 7th.
Grace Sanborn of the city was a caller on
Irs. W. G. Dutton , Wednesday evening.
All the young men in this neighborhood are
liking of being "kicked by a mule" if they
nly can procure the cushion.
Roy Dutton says that it wasn't his mule that
icked that other poor unfortune mule , it was
is mule that wore the breeches.
Prospect Park and Pleasant Ridge have the
irmers. I guess we are not in it. Brag was
good dog but Holdfast was better.
Potato bugs every Friday afternoon at The
ribune office. If the publisher could only
se-them is would make our subscription con-
derably lighter.
To be sure , Miss Pleasant Ridge.experience
one of the best of teachers. If you need
iy advice it will afford me the greatest-pleas-
re to help you out of anything but being
ricked by a mule" .
E. N. Benjamin had the misfortune to lose
is only cow. Ed thought he would be kind
the poor creature and staked her near the
rigation ditch , where she became entangled
1 the rope and drowned , in other words got
loroughly irrigated.
Tornado Insurance written at a
ow Rate in the Hartford Insurance
ompany : 20c. per $100 for 1 year.
Oc. per 9100 for 3 years. 80c.
9r $100 for 5 years.
C. J. RYAN , Agent.
, , , y „ . , . „ j I , , . . .I. , . > . . _ > g
> _ _ J h E- -
The Band Concert.
The coucert , last night , by theBrigad
band , was one of the most delightful th
band has ever given. The streets wer
crowded with citizens and visitors an
all were highly pleased and entertained
The programme rendered was as follows
March Chicago Evening Post Fassel
Overture Crown Diamonds Aube
Patrol The Crack Regiment Tobar
Selection Reiliy and the 400 Brahar
Baritone solo Silver Gem 16 to. . . .Robinsoi
Descriptive selection "Twenty Minutes on
Midway Plaisance" , Dalb
March On Time Peckhan
A Word to the Colonel.
The Indianola Weekly Courier hai
shaken the dust of its native city fron
its sandals and is now located at Mc
Cook. The removal of the county seal
from the former to the letter place ii
doubtless the cause. Well , dear Colonel ,
you are now living in a lively city , and
you can't permit the alfalfa to sproul
under your pins if you keep pace with
The Tribune. Nebraska City Chief.
Is Recovering Nicely.
Drs. Gunn and Kay operated on Eli
Crockford , junior , last Friday , for ap
pendicitis , successfully , and the indica
tions are now very encouraging that Eli
will get there in good shape. He is re
covering in a very satisfactory manner.
Business Men Will Close Earlier.
The business men of the city have gen
erally agreed to close their respective
stores at seven o'clock from July 15th to
September 1st , except Saturdays and on
pay day. Good idea.
A Liberty Social.
The Baptist Young People's Union
will give a social in the old land office
building on Main street , Thursday even
ing , July 16th. Ice cream and cake , 10c.
All cordially invited.
Oat Meal Free , Saturday.
For particulars see the advertisement
of the Cash Bargain store in this issue ,
ind be quick about it.
Remember the McCook club dance on
next Tuesday evening in the Workman
Dora Ellis will represent Gerver precinct
n the county teachers' institute.
The wheat crop will be shoit , while the oats
.vill be fair as a general rule.
The people of this vicinity generally cele-
irated in McCook , and enjoyed a good time.
Charles Lofton , A. V. Olmstead and George
siegwing all harvested rye , this week.
Corn was never so far along and in such
ine condition in the history of the precinct as
t is this year.
J. E. Lawthers , we understand , will build a
lew Nebraska 'brick mansion on his timber
: laim , this fall.
A good rain of about y inches visited this
ection on Monday evening , the 27th ult. , and
l small one on the morning of the 4th. -
Quite a lively time was had at the annual
chool meeting in district 35. J. E. Dodge was
iected director and Samuel Ellis , treasurer.
Quite an amusing incident took place at the
ild Lincoln house in Grant precinct , last
ireek , while Alex Ellis was helping Ira Peter-
on harvest his rye. While Mr. Ellis was
waiting the grain to be cut and ready for the
tack he fell sound asleep ; but in a short time
le was heard exclaiming , "Pa , pa , w hat are
ou waking me up for at this time of night" ?
examination , however , proved it to be a
mllsnake about ten feet long catching the flies
hat alighted on his fa ce. Mr. Ellis speedily
aptured the snake and hung it head down
ntil it was dead.
Jacob Crocker is having quite a time with
O. L. Thompson and family visited at An-
rew Anderson ' s , Sunday afternoon. •
G. C. Boatman , clerk of the district court ,
Mended the Pupuli&t primary in Giant prec-
ict , Monday.
Clifford Dunham , Don Thompson , Charles
lurton and Charles Shears spent the 4th at
) berlin , Kansas.
After seeing the bicycle races and the mis-
> rtunes attending them we have concluded
> go it on foot for a while longer.
We all did ample justice to the Fourth of
lly dinner furnished by the people of Mc-
00k , Saturday. McCook surely knows how
> do the proper thing.
Clarence Hunter and wife of Stockville vis
ed at J. H. Wade's , Friday , remaining till
iturday morning , then taking in the celebra-
3n at the county seat.
Any one passing through this county would
iturally come to the conclusion that the far-
ers are all rustlers , judging from the clean
> pearance of the corn fields.
Too much of McCook's hydrant water caus-
I a couple of Herndon , Kansas , fellows to
: come quite hilarious as they passed through
is neighborhood , one day recently.
T. J. Ruggles is heading a fine piece of rye.
Some pieces of spring wheat are ready for
e binder.
The "festive grasshopper" is getting numer-
is enough to cause , some damage and a great
: al of uneasiness.
We grangers all unite in saying that Mc-
iok used us right royally , the Fourth , and
r truly generous hospitality was sincerely :
E. F. Couse says "the man who wrote
[ an's inhumanity to man , makes countless
ousands weep' did not liye in the same kind i
a neighborhood that he does" . A dozen ' .
ighborswith teams and cultivators made i
ccessful war on the weeds in his neglected :
mfield. "This kindly sympathy of deeds" <
II not be soon forgotten. <
• * - w ' * "
ii.i ! 'II - ' ! .
Corn is about all laid by.
Uncle Billy has roasting ears.
R. J. Traphagan cut his rye , last week.
M. H. Cole has potatoes bigger'n gees
John Smith finished cutting 120 acres of ry
last Saturday.
Most of our people up here attended th
celebration in McCook.
Corn has never been so forward at thi
season of the year as it is now.
Some of the young folks up here went t
Spring creek to celebrate the 4th.
Bert Wales was at the celebration in M <
Cook , Saturday , with a chunk of Iovelinesi
regulation size.
We understand that C. S. Squires has trade
his farm here for a farm in Oregon and wil
move there soon.
A man came in from Iowa , last week , an
he told the writer that the best corn he sa\
there was not over two feet high. It hasbeei
too wet. '
Uncle Billy says that they seasoned tha
roast ox a little too high for him. He was a
sick as a horse all night , and yet he is quiti
sure that he didn't eat over three or fou
The school house was well filled at tin
Vbung People's meeting , last Sunday evening
There was a patriotic programme. Tin
Revs. John Coleman and W. O. Norval o
McCook were present and favored the meet
ng with a. talk.
A young man is in a box and would givi
my thing to get out. His old chum had :
shirt made of a new and very pretty kind o
joods. He had a lady love and wrote her a ;
' ollows : "Most beautiful and highly accom
alished lady : Will your ladyship by an unmer
ted , undeserved condescension to your mos
jbedient servant , most gracefully favor me
with the incomprehensible pleasure and evei
nemorable , heart-thrilling ecstacies of youi
livine company on the nation's birthday cele
jration at the city of McCook" ? He at the
; ame time wrote to his chum , and it seems
hat The letters got mixed up a little. He
van ted to get a shirt like his chum hs.d , and
vhile his chum got the above letter his lady
Ove got the following : "Please send me a
sample of the stuff your shirt is made of"
\nd she is mad as a wet hen at him now.
Simeon Love has good wheat.
John W. Jones is cutting his barley.
Mrs. E. May Starbuck has a fine garden.
Fred Brown visited with people on the
idge , last week.
Frank Everist and wife visited in the uppei
Driftwood settlement , Wednesday.
The bridge across the Driftwood , near Jos-
ph Schmitz's , is dangerous. County commis-
ioners or overseer please take notice.
Some of the boys said , Sunday , that they
lad been to two celebrations on the Fourth ,
nd they felt like they had been to three.
Man know thyself is an inscription said to
ave been on a Greek temple , centuries ago ,
nd I think it would be appropriate to inscribe
n a few hat bands in these modern times.
They have two Endeavor societies at the
iod church , one for the old people and the
ther for the young ; but it does seem like the
Id and the young could endeavor to do good
News is as scarce as money , this week , and
presume the editor understands about how
; iat is. But we hear it hinted that there is
oing to be a wedding , about a hundred miles
: om here , before long , and there is talk of
ther tragedies to happen in the future ; if
ley ever do , I will tell you about it.
The crops are doing finely.
C. F. Elliott was a visitor at the county seatr
1st Thursday.
People are just beginning to lay by their
orn , all but Clinton Kelley ; he says he will
low his until August.
We learn that two people of Pleasant
' .idge have a new occupation , \iz : A team
: anding alone in the field and two persons
tting on the well curb singing. "Two souls
'ith but a single thought , two hearts that beat
s one" .
. . .OF THE. . .
[ charter no. 276 , ]
t McCook , in the State of Nebraska , at the
close of business June 30th , 1896.
oans and discounts S 9972821
verdrafts , secured and unsecured 220 54
tocks , bonds , securities , judgments ,
claims , etc 100 00
ther real estate 8 711 50
urrentexpenses and taxes paid. . 1 351 86
hecks and other cash items 341 36
ue from National , State and Priv
ate Banks and Bankers 11 493 18
iecie 55 29366
Egal Tender Notes and
Bills of other Banks. . 3 911 00
otal cash on hand 920466
Total $131151 31
ipital stock paid in § 5000000
irplus fund 10 000 00
tidivided profits 5 171 oS
dividual deposits sub
ject to check S3S21245
emand certificates of. . .
deposit 755644
me certificates of
deposit 843500
ishier's checks
outstanding. 126760
lie to State and Private
Banks and Bankers. . 8 508 74 63 980 23
lis payable 2 000 00
Total S13115131
ate of Nebraska , County of Red Willow , ss.
I , A. C. Ebert , Cashier of the above-named
ink , do solemnly swear that the above state-
; nt is true to the best of my knowledge and
lief. A. C. Ebert , Cashier.
f..t. . V. Franklin , Director ,
xesi. pj T CmjRCHf Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th
y of July , 1896. Elmer Rowell ,
iSeal. ] Notary Public.
My commission expires June 5th , 1900.
{ jents wanted to sell the Life and Speeches of
: Kinley , with Proceedings of St. Louis Con\en-
1 , Platform of Party ana other valuable infor- '
tion. 320 pages , with 20 full page illustrations. 1
ce , cloth. $1.00 ; half morocco , $1.50. Sixty
Cent. Discount to Agents. Send 30 cents for '
> spectus and full particulars , and go to work at |
: e. You can sell 200copies in jour town. Ad-
ss J. S. Oirilvie Publishing- Company , 57 Rose '
cet , Xew York. (
- " .
- - -
z z Z- . * _ n - - * - ' " ' T , ti"iMi7iiii = ' iSfy - 1
. H
Tiie Fains Willi Coipt f I
< • • • • 9 j
• • a. . H
JONAS ENGEL , Manager. , I
H _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H
, i H
Destroyed , by Fire.
A small dwelling at , tlie corner o
Dearborn and McDowell streets , ownet
by J. -Moore , and occupied by Miltoi
Frost and Edmund Crawford was prac
tically destroyed by fire about 2:30 : or
Wednesday morning. The boys sue
ceeded in removing part of their be
longings. The loss is placed at $500 , up
on which there is an insurance of $3oc
in the Liverpool , London and Globe Co ,
The fire department responded , but the
building was practically ruined by the
time water was thrown onto it. The fire
is supposed to have originated from a
lamp , which Crawford left burning foi
Frost who was at Masonic lodge. Craw
ford just escaped in the nick of time ,
somewhat syiged. Most of their per
sonal effects were destroyed. No insur
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment
Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , Salt-
Rheum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped
Hands , Itching Piles , Burns , Frost Bites ,
Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids.
For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box.
For putting a horse in a fine healthy con
dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders ,
They tone up the system , aid digestion , cureless
loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct
kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving
new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25
cents per package. For sale by druggists
| Bargain Counter |
J S. M. Cochran & Co. j
5 Eudgate Seeders at $7.50. f
J Breaking Plows at $7.00. J
\ Walking Disc Cultivators \
S at $18.00.
S "Wood Section Harrows at 4
V $2.50 a section. w
# Four Horse Eveners for #
J Binders at $5.00. J
f Biding Attachments for ?
I Harrows at $6.00. S
S Wood Beam 14-inch Stir-
J ring Plows at $7.00. j
Seeder Attachment for a #
{ Bell center-cut Disc , $12.00.
{ Seasonable Goods.I
l Lot of lialed hay for sale. J
J Lawn mowers , Lawn hose J
\ and repairs. X
t We have the Buckeye and
* Piano binders. P
> Hog woven wire fence at #
I 18 cents a rod. J
J The Quick Meal Gasoline J
> stove best on earth. a
l 2,000 bushels of corn for a
> sale at a reasonable price. f
IS. M. Cochran & Co J :
t '
Senatorial Committee Meeting * . M
The Republican senatorial committee ( Bl
of the 29th district met in our city on j H
Wednesday evening. The date for holding - H
ing the convention was set for Monday , | H
September 28th , 1896 , at nine o'clock , p. H
111. , in the city of McCook. |
The basis of apportionment decided M
upon is the same as that of the late state H
convention and gives the following rep- M
resentatiou to the several counties : Chase M
4 , Dundy 4 , Frontier 8 , Furnas i3Gosper | |
5 , Hayes 4 , Hitchcock 6 , Red Willow 11 , Her
or a total of 55 delegates. s H
It was recommended that no proxies * | H
be allowed in the convention , but that |
the delegates present cast the full vote of |
their respective counties. M
Another Addition. M
The kitchen addition to lunch room at HI
the depot here is now well under way , M
and the dining room portion has been / H
commenced , this week. This will afford H
accommodations for feeding qui tea large H
number of people on short notice ; a desirable - H
sirable convenience sometimes for both HH
the public and the company. H _
BindingTwine. . H
Binding twine at 6 cents a ponnd. H
Will work on any machine. |
McCook Commission Co. Ww H
m I
Carpet Laying ,
Carpet Cleaning. .
Z37 _ l am still doing carpet laying , carpet H
cleaning .lawn cutting and similar work. See M
or write me before giving such work. My H
charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at M
Tribune office. JULIUS KUNERT. H
9 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I iTf H
X 2 B
r t • * Z j l
2 t Notary Public , 7 M
i I Reliable Insurance , 7 M
iMMi U JJ _ i ± LLLLLLf I
Proprietor H
of the . . . . | |
. : c4
We respectfully solicit your business , H
ind guarantee pure milk , full measure , H
: nd prompt , courteous service. j H
I When you have any painting to do , refe H
5 member we carry the most com- j M
J plete stock of paints , 3f H
j embracing : y H
i House Paints , jj M
Family Paints , | " M
i Floor Paints , H
Carriage Paints , % M
Wagon Paints , jj M
Enamel Paints. & • fl
Barn Paints , | M
Roof Paints , ? H
• Yarnish , & H
Stains. P H
- - - I ' > "M
1 At from 4c. to 20c. per roll. F _ H
LW.MGGonndl go , I I