ssssl SmP . SSklP1 hiSIlest claim for oth mi > -y 9 Myy 5 M tobaccos is "Just as AJF \ S W"Hp * 3mtm - very o1 smoker K < 2wj1 P JS fy Wr knows there is none just sf s jffli . t s | | | J as good as \Njjjjs ! ! Ffc / Slackwell's \ [ BULL DURHAM ) ISmolung Tobacco 7 You "w'11 find one coupon inside PfHB tV Sfs f z W clW eadltwoouncebagandtwocoufm S O ' s sg ijlB' ' , Pens 'ns c eacl1 * ° ur ounce ffl BKT iSwhl -.TOklM bag of Blackwcll's Durham. MrlMdBmk. . wmf & < ? uy ? bf of this celeUr Wl WISH ( v ' H B brated tobacco and read the ( & ( * \ K P Bfti ' * " ( m coupon which gives a list Hfe A * JBjvm y j &r * ' J tof valuable presents and how Bt SPv 8NATIONAL j | § Authorized Capital , $100,000. \ | | " Capital and Surplus , $60,000 \ SS G 0. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. i | j # . F. LAV/SON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass'i Cash. J | ? A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director , i § ii a . 3iahyh fej 3lltci8 . < j 0gjBg3 < ! hjilfeWlti j ! - IV > . Hcal&jfflcjdBfcjffic3fllic . : , jdirfiiciglgaOiit < tgg < ijfnqjji-j grjqc a c n 5jy 5 jgg yjy sg g * qg ? fc tyjjjic .uyj. jig * lyjqyt jqjt ape T pcagcagpraqy Iggj # # V. FRANKLIN. PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. | j w 41 I 1 CITIZENS BANK I I ' W # 4 OF MeCOOK , NEB. # I f * Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Surplus , Si0,000 f I * 1 # f - = = DIRECTORS = = Sr- iff # K. FRANKLIN , N. S. HARWOOD , A. C. EBERT , | | f H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALL/HAN , 6. H. WILLARD % I it i . B ggt igt " < ift > "Bt - iir ftfftf Wirtr - - -JfcrMtiW - - > tn--ri % fPfV Jtr tHr jgtr ttf Jtr > fy jfc y y fgg I l | Fred Krug Brewing Company p ? Cabinet Bottled Beer. § 5 ? | Iira - S A High Grade Lager Beer , SSgS I ' Purest in the Market. glgg I ' PS m I $ | PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. | | S I - m m I SiSSS Office 1007 Jackson St. , Omaha , Neb. § 9,3 , I F. D. BURGESS , I Plumber and Steam Fitter. - MAIN AVKNUE , McUOOK , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , * Pumps and Boiler Tri H | infra A pent for Halliday , Eclipse and "Waupun Wind Mill. H l.lTMfrHWtrHI Thl Famnni Kesncay cures qnictiy. pennanenuy mi l , I in | 3'1 in J& Salkr k l ! > il 13 InervotiB cUwsabes , , WeulcMemory , Vitality , Loss of , Niehtly Uraln Power Kznls * I H I'wlSTf i" * l lfilTtl Headache Wakefulness Ix > t llPSSBSi SJ' S Bv BV Bslonsrevll dreams , lmpotency . and w&bUrr diseases . caused by * \ orexceM * .Contalnsnooplates.Isanervetonlo . F f llT yotttA/uJerror l S T . . MakesthepaleandpunrstroDgandpluinp. Va'fll'Ml a.adtoloodtnllder. . / 4fl H S Wv3lP tf J ) > J1 § . • # ! > | KaMlycarrledlnTestpocket. , lperbox rinded ; for , 5. write Bymalljpro- us.rree - 9JsrMKMt vSUvUVlil - N& < J paid trtth ottrrttUnpunronlworTiionejf , acd , testimonials Lf MM ' - " ' book sealed plain wrapper with 4BIiimSW . - mSMT iBtt -iimSW B3 BEBnH | ntarmncil ! standing. . No tharvti for consultation . , * Beware of , imita' . . . . , * di SKBTKSKKDCO. HMOiOeX pl aau o. SSS Ll. tion SoWbTOBr fn.tior i sff ForaalolnMcCook.Neb..byr iEaBAr. ju * * > . W.McDONNELIi ACO..Drngglata. - * Sflbs A for Tie McGooK Tim I sB " ' • F' NORTH DIVIDE NUBBINS. It's because the butter is so soft to him t the fly gets stuck on it. Mrs. Joe Snyder and daughter Ella w Divide visitors Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. L. Lowman were out look over tiie farm and the crops in general. This year no field should be thought roe enough to contain both corn and weeds. Time was when speech was considered index of the mind , but it's different now. A little shower on Sunday freshened thii up nicely , and hurried everyone home fn church. Geo. Henderson will visit for a brief wli at the home of his sister , Mrs. Alfred Carl up in Knox County. Jim Modrell , who has been ailing for seve days pist , is able to be around again , and j ing at his usual gait. The "suckers" seen in nearly every field corn are the occasion of a good many en words. They should be cut off. Some of the fall grain has been harvesti but the yield will be very light and in soi instances will barely make a return of t seed. One of the grandest rains of the season c curred on Monday night. It was a regul soaker and one of inestimable value to ; crops. An hour or so spent with the mower in trii ming up the outside of a field adds greatly : he general appearance and looks more li ! susiness. Martha Johnson , who has been visiting II ; an county relatives and friends dnring tl Dast few months , has returned home , pleasi md rested with her vacation. Tom Scofield is still very weak from tl Elects of a tumor with which he has bei roubled for the past two years. At prese le is living on the Seaman place. Tom me of the old-timers of Red Willow count laving lived in this vicinity for 23 years. During our recent sojourn in California v vere nor very favorably impressed with i esources and climate , and found that it k ar short of the roseate description that near : very .one in the east has of it. Only a fc ears ago people there had money to burn , In hat was when fruits brought a good pric laisins , one of the great staple crops that fo nerly sold at 5 and 6 cents a pound , now brir ess than half that amount , with the result tin housands of acres of fruits of various kini re beine destroyed to make room for tli aising of small grain , especially wheat an arley. Perhaps the largest wheat fields i lie world are to be seen about Fresno , a tow bout 250 miles from San Francisco. A fiel f one thousand acres would not beconsidere irge , as some of the so-called ranches coi tin several times that amount. A combinr orTharyester is used in such localities , th rain being headed , threshed , weighed an' ' laced in sacks holding 150 pounds that ar : wed up and dropped at intervals along th sld , where they are left months at a time be ire being gathered. There is no rain whaler , -er during the months of harvest. The cli ate of the interior of California during th nnmer is such that but few people can en ire the intense heat. During harvest time ; o degrees in the shade might be called tin . 'erage. Chinese compose a large part o e population about great fruit and graii nches and are employed in nearly every ca icity where no unusual strength is requirec them. For the heavy work strong , able ) died foreigners from the surrounding anc ickly settled colonies are called upon , anc : a rule they get fair wages during the rusl the busy season. People's Independent County Convention. The People's Independent voters , of Hed Willov unty Nebraska , arc requested to send delegate : am their several voting- precincts to meet in con ntion in the city of Indianola , at the court house io o'clock , a. in. , Thursday , July 9th , 1S96 , tt msact the following business , to-wit : To place in nomination one candidate for eacli o e following offices : Representative , County Attorney , Commissioner 1st District. To select 9 delegates to the Suite Delegate con ntion at Grand Island , July 15th , and other con ntions to be allied in the near future , but basi : representation of which has not been given a is date. To elect a chairman of the county central com ttee : to transact such other business as maj operly come before the convention. The several voting precincts are entitled to rep- mentation as follows , being based on the vott st for J. II. B.iyston for llegent of the Statt ijvcrsitv in 1895 , giving one delegate for each 15 tes or major fraction thereof , and 2 at large : ecinct. No. Del. Precinct. No. Del. liance 6 Grant .1 aver 6 Indianola i indville . ' . . . . 5 Lebanon 5 ix Elder. 3 Missouri Ridge 5 ileman 3 North Valley . ) inbury 5 Perry j ' iftwo od 3 Red Willow 5 1st Valley 5 Tyrone itsch. . . ! 5 Valley Grange 3 rver 3 Willow Grove n Total .96 t is recommended that the primaries be held at > 'clock , p. m. , on Monday , July 6th , 1S96 , where t otherwise called by precinct committeemen. That each precinct at their primary elect one nmitteeman for the ensuing year. That no proxies be allowed in the convention ; it the delegates present cist the full vote of the ; cinct they represent. I. M. Smith , Chairman. . A. Hammond , Secretary. lambarlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , Salt- leum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped tnds , Itching Piles , Burns , Frost Bites , ironic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. r sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. TO HOBSlToWNEBS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con- ion try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders iey tone up the system , aid digestion , cure s of appetite , relieve constipation , correct Iney disorders and destroy worms , giving w life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 its per package. For sale by druggists. Try that 15 cent box aper at The Tribune ffice. Worth 25 cts. Iso cheaper grades. COURT HOUSE NEWS ITEMS. Matters of Interest Gleaned From the S eral County Offices. -COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. Farm mortgages filed , $546.70 ; releas S200.00. City mortgages filed , S697.50 ; leased , $90.00. Chattel mortgages , § 13,006 released , S5.915.73. COUNTY JUDCF. 'S OFFICE. _ The will of Patrick Troy , deceased , \ filed for probate , and due notice of the sa has been given by the county judge elsewh in this issue. DISTRICT COURT CLEKK'S OFFICE. Petitions have been filed in foreclosure ca of G. A. Parratt vs. Charles Collingct al.a \V. B. Van VIeit vs. Almerson Reed. Transcript of judgment from justice co was filed in the case ofV. . bUeiter vs. TJ. Sullivan. WILLIAM McKINLE > Agents wanted to sell the Life and Speeches Mckinley , with Proceedings of St. Louis Conv < tion. Platform of Partv and other valuable inf ination. 3J0 pages , with 20 full page illustratin Price , cloth. $1.00 ; half morocco , $1,50. Si ) Per Cent. Discount to Agents. Send 30 cents Prospectus and full particulars , and go to work ance. You can sell 200 copies in vour town. A ilress J. S. Ogilvie Publishing Company , 57 R < street , New York. Don't Stop Tobaccc How to Cure Yourself Whi Using It. The tobacco habit grows on a man until 1 lervous system is seriously affected , iiupairii lealth , comfort and happiness. To quit sudden s too severe a shock to the system , as tobacco m in\eterate user becomes a stimulant that I ystem continuallv craves. "Hacco-Curo" is cientific cure for the tobacco habit , in all its fern : : irefully compounded after the formula of an ei nent Uerlin phsiciau who has used it in his privn iractice since 1S72 , without a failure. It is pun egetable and guaranteed perfectly harmless. Yi an use all the tobacco you want while takii 'Hacco-Curo. " It will notify you when to sto .Ve . give a written guarantee to cure permanent ny case , w ith three boxes , or refund the mon vltli 10 per cent , interest. "Iiacco-Curo" is not ubstitute , but a scientific cure , that cures wilho he aid of will power and with no inconvenienc t leaves the system a s pure and free from nicotii s the day jou took your first chew or smoke. Cured by Baeco-Curo and Gained Thirty Pounds. From hundreds of testimonials , the originals < . • hich are on file and open to inspection , the fo iwing is presented : Clayton , Nevada Co. , Ark. , Jan. 2S. Eureka Chemical & Mfg. Co. , I.a Crosse , Wis. ientlemen : I * or forty years I used tobacco in : i s forms. For twenty-five years of that time ; as a great sufferer from general debility and hea isease. For fifteen years I tried to quit , bi [ iiildn't. I took \arious remedies , among other Xo-To-Uac , " "The Indian Tobacco Antidote , Double Chloride of Gold , " etc. , etc. . but none < lem did me the least bit of good. Finally how i-er , I purchased a box of your "Racco-Curo" an has entirely cured me of the habit in all its form nil I have increased thirty pounds in weight an in relieved of all the numerous aches and pains ( ody and mind. I could write a quire of paper lit 11 1113- changed feelings and condition. Yours respectfully , P. II. Makijuky , Pastor C. P. Church , Chfjton , Ark. Sold by all druggists at $1.00 per boxfthrceboxe ; hirty days treatment ) $2.50 , with written guar.n e , or sent direct upon receipt of price. Write ft joklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical A : Mfg. Co a Crosse , Wis. , and Boston , Mass. NOTICE OF PRORATE OF WILL. In the county court of Red Willow county , stat : Nebraska. * To Johanna Trov , Rridget YVilsor mes Troy , Alice Clyde , Maggie Pullman , Mar eyers , heirs of Patrick Troy , deceased , and t i } ' others interested in the matter : You are here , ' notified that an instrument , purporting to be th st will and testament of Patrick Troy , deceasei ; on file in said court , and also a petition prayinj r the probate of said instrument , and for the ap lintment of Johanna Troy as executrix. That o : onday , July 20th , 1S96 , at one o'clock , p. in. , sail itition and the proof of the execution of said in ruinent will be heard , and that if you do not thei ipear and contest , said court may probate am cord the same , and grant administration of th tate to Johanna Troy. This notice shall be pub bed for three week's successively in The Mc JOK Tkihune prior to said hearing. Witness my hand and seal this J5U1 dav of June f/5. Isaac M. Smith , [ Seal. ] 7\V3ts- County Judge. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. In the district court of Red Willow county. Neb ska. The State of Nebraska , to Lombard In vest : nt Company , a corporation , and Frank linger in , as receiver of the Lombard Investment Coni' ny , a corporation , defendants : You , and eacl you , are hereby notified that you have been sued lether with Samuel Young , Caroline E. Young i wife , and Joel Woods , as co-defendants , b\ " L'nry Carter , as plaintiff , in the district court o : Willow county , Nebraska , and that on or be re the aotli day of July , 1S96 , you must answei e petition in * chancery filed by said plaintif ainst said defendants , wherein plaintiff prays foi lecree of said court foreclosing a mortgage exe ted by said defendants Samuel Young and Care ic E.Young to the Lombard Investment Company ted March nth , 1S90 , and now owned by plain- f , covering the following described real estatt uated in said Red Willow- county , Nebraska wit : The northwest quarter of section numbei e (5) ( ) , in township number two (2) ( ) north , r.ingi mber twenty-six(26) ( , except fifteen { 15) ) acres , ir square form " in the southwest corner , west of tin cth ( otb ) principal meridian. Said petition fur- er prays that the rights , titles , interests , liens ant lims o 'f said defendant ! , be determined and set- d , and that said land be appraised and sold , ac- rding to law , and the proceeds arising from such le applied , first , in payment of the costs of sail tion and of such sale , and second , in payment oi ; full amount found due said plaintiff upon thi lebtedness secured by said mortgage , with all erest thereon ; and the balance , "if any , hi ought into court ; that from and after the con- nation of such sale , the defendants to this action d each of them , and all persons claiming undei : m , be forever barred and foreclosed of anil mi all right , title , interest , lien , claim or equity oi lemption in and to said land , o any part thereof , iless you answer said petition , as aforesaid , tht : ts therein alleged will be taken as true , and a dee - e will be rendered against you as therein prayed , Vitness my hand and the seal of said conrt , by affixed , this 9th day of June , 1S96. f * , G. C. Boatman , seal ! Clerk of the District Court of j ' , ' Red Willow County , Nebraska , lsifer & Alexander , Concordia , Kansas , Attorneys for Plaintiff. ? irst published "in The McCook Tribune , June h , 1S96. LEE'S H LICE KILLER I | WE ARE FREE FROM LICE j 4 % . .TRY. . LEE'S ' LICE KILLER j . .FOR. . 4 All Kinds Animals i and Plants. 1 % . . SOLD BY. . MeMILLEN i c A. 4 DRUGH , a WALL PAPER , ] PAINTS AND OILS. I llniUKTIi | : SUs - * IN THE-4- m PRICE OF FLOUR M - _ & ® * SSWe have j ust received a j % * Eels carload of MONOGRAM FLOUR. s | | B$3 § 5 ggjg This is equal in quality to any ggg | p ! High Patent Flour manufactured p $ rara in this state , and is backed by our ggp § y growing- the encouragingpSg Sal prospect of an abundant crop of m& gj | | wheat , we are enabled to sell this | pj S g flour at the extremely low price 88 | | | of 8 5 cents a sack. | | g S 3 r Binding Twine at G cents Isfe a pound. Work on any machine. Sj s m _ _ _ H pall McH Connission Co. I zzz . _ cafB a How * ro Treat a Wife. ( From Pacific Health Journal. ) First , get a wife ; second , be patient. Yc may have great trials and perplexities in yet business , but do not therefore , carry to yet home a cloudy or contracted brow. Yoi wife may have trials , which , though of les magnitude , may be hard for her to bear , i kind word , tender look , may do wonders i chasing from her brow all clouds of gloom. - To this we would add always keep alottle c Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house It is the best and is sure to be needed soone or later. Your wife will then know that yo really care for her and wish to protect he health. For sale by McConnell & Co. , drug gists. $ FKEE EDUCATION. * An education at Harvard , Yale , or anv " other " \ college or institution of learning in the "United 5 States , or in the New England Conservatory of * Music , can be secured by any young man or J woman who is in earnest. Wf ite for particulars ' quickly. JAMES D. BALL , 36 Brooinfieltl Street , Boston , Mass. \ ! Farmer's Sons l Q rf \ 'We will employ you at $50 per ' , f sPJ month. Write quickly. C sJ PUKITAN PuilUSIIINtt CO. , 56 Broomfield Street , ; ' Boston , Mass. , Mr.D. P. Davis , a prominent liveryman anc merchant of Goshen , Va. , has this to say or the subject of rheumatism : "I take pleasure in recommending Chamberlain's Pain Bain for rheumatism , as I know from personal ex perience that it will do all that is claimed foi it. A year ago this spring my brother was laid up in bed with inflammatory rheumatism and suffered intensely. The first application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm eased the pair and one bottle completely cured him. Foi ; ale by McConnell and Co. , druggists. For every quarter in a man's pocket there ire a dozen uses ; and to use each one in such \ way as to derive the greatest benefit is a question every one must solve for himself. We believe , however , that no better use could ae made of one of these quarters than to ex- : hange it for a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , a medicine : hat every family should be provided with. For sale by McConnell & Co.druggists. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issue from the District Court of Red Willow county , Neb raska , under a decree , in an action wherein Dliver M. Hyde is plaintiff and James A. Piper et al. are defendants , to me directed and lelivered , I shall expose to public sale and > ell to the highest bidder , for cash , at the south leer of the court house in Indianola. Neb- • aska , on July 27th , 1896 , at the hour of one > 'clock , p. m. , the following described real : state , towit : The northwest quarter of sec- ion three , in township four north , in range wenty-nine , west of the 6th p. m. , in Red Yillow county. Nebraska. Dated June 23,1896. J. R. Neel. Sheriff of Red Willow county. W. S. Morlan , Attorney. 6-26-5ts. § WIVES YOUNG We Offer You a Remedy Which Insures SAFETY to LIFE of Both Mother and Child. ' ' MOTHERS'FRIEND' BOBS COSFDfEHENI OF ITS PAIX , HORROR AND DANGER , Makes CHILD-BIRTH Easy. Endorsed and recommended by physl- ians , mldwives and those who hare used t. Beware of substitutes and imitations. Sent by express or mail , on receipt of price. U.OO per bottle. Book "TO MOTHERS" nailed free , containing Tolantary testimonials. 1BADFEEID REGULATOR CO. , Atlanta , Ga. SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS. J. A. GUNN , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCook , Neuraska. "Office Over C. A. Leach's jewelry store. Residence 701 Main street. Prompt atten tion given to all calls. J. S. McBKAYER , PROPRIETOR OF THE McCook Transfer Line. BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. JggPOnly furniture van in the city. Also have a first class house moving outfit. Leave orders for bus calls at Commercial hotel or at office opposite the depot. ; _ R-I-P-A-N-S m - The modern stand- U ard. Family Medi- cine : Cures the J w common every-day J ills of humanity. Q3 TRADE MARK Gdase Go , Land and Jyb Stock Go. Horses branded on left hip or Iert shoulder dffi P.O. address Imperial Vj Chase county , and Beat V H Arice. Nebraska. Kaajje. E KtTyf Stinking Water and tie Mof Frenchman creeks , in HH VI Chase county , Nebraska. _ W. * " HI Brand as cut on sldeor gMHH&f jTl someanimatp.onbipand HQIHMfcw sides of gome , or any- vhere on the animal. R. A. COLE , LEADING . ffiERCHANT TAILOB 4 * OF MeCOOK , las Just received a new stock of CLOTHB nd TRIMMINGS. If you want a good tIng - Ing suit made at the very lowest prices for iced cod work , call on him. Shop first door west I t Barnett'a Lumber Offlco , oa Deulsoa j treet. J , , J / / mm