The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 03, 1896, Image 4

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    I XSt jtyciisk Fnt
H For President ,
William McKinley of Ohio.
M For Vice President ,
1 Garrett A. Hobart of New Jersey.
M For Congressman Fifth District ,
m William E. Andrews of Adams County.
M For Representative 65th District ,
B R. P. High of Lebanon Precinct.
M For County Attorney ,
M Harlow W. Keyes of lndianola Precinct.
For Commissioner First District ,
Alex. D. Johnston of Valley Grange Prec
H A Full Ticket Named by the Party at
M the Capital , Wednesday.
I - Jack MacCoil Finally Realizes His
1 Dream of Years In Being Nom- .
t inated for the Office
of Governor.
The Republican state convention which
closed in Lincoln , Wednesday night , was
one of the most remarkable in the histo
ry of the party in Nebraska. The at
tendance of delegates and visitors was
quite unprecedented , and the interest
lively and intense. There were a few
" surprises , but for the most part the combination
bination candidates went through to
nomination without difficulty. There
were the usual scenes of excitement , cre
ated for the most part by the gentlemen
from Douglas County. Dr. Collins ol
Pawnee City was the chairman of the
convention , Editor Wells of Crete , the
m secretary. The platform was constructed
H on the .lines of the St. Louis national
M Republican platform , with a few state
H issues added , and was adopted unani-
H mously. The convention was not charM -
M acterized by any very sensational occur-
M rences. The ticket nominated is as fol-
H | Governor J. H. M'COLL
H Lieut. Governor. . . . ORLANDO TEFFT
H Secretary of State JOEL A. PIPER
H Auditor P. O. HEDLUND
| Treasurer C. E. CASEY
H Attorney-General. . .A. S. CHURCHILL
H Supt. of Pub. Inst H. R. CORBETT
H Commissioner H. C. RUSSELL
H Supreme Judge. . . .ROBERT RYAN
Supreme Judge M. P. KINKAID
At Large J. E. Houtz , Lancaster
1 At Large F. J. Sandilek , Saline
First District. . .A. J. Burnham , Nemaha
Second District..A. C. Foster , Douglas
Third District Sol. Draper , Knox
Fourth District G. A. Derby , Seward
H Fifth District. J. L. McPheely , Kearney
H Sixth District M. L. Friese , Valley
H On Tuesday evening before the con-
Kj ventiou a grand ratification meeting of
H the national nominees was held in Lin-
H coin , with a parade , fireworks and
H speeches galore. It was a great occa-
Hj sion and called to the capital city an im-
Hj mense and enthusiastic crowd of Repub-
B licans.
B The Courier mentions Farrington
B Power of this city as the probable nomi-
H nee of the Populists of Red Willow
H county for attorney.
H M. Moissan is reported to have discovered -
| covered a substance which is harder than
B the diamond , in the form of a compound
MVB of'carbon and boron. It is produced by
H heating boracic acid and carbon in an
H electric furnace at a temperature of 5,000
1 degrees. In appearance the composition
H is black and looks not unlike graphite.
H A DISPATCH from Berlin dated May 28 ,
H says that the General Electrical Society
B announce that an improvement has been
H made in the Roentgen process , and en-
H ables the interior of the head , the larynx
B and the action of the lungs and heart to
B be observed on a fluorescent screen. The
B statement has not , however , been well
B authenticated.
H McKinley , Bill Kinley , you now are
B at the bat ; the time has come to brand-
B ish our rather ancient hat ; to print a
H carmine rooster , in attitude to crow , to
B whoop and whoop it up for the man from
B O-hi-o. The time has come to holler
B and swell the angry din , and bet a pile of
H * doughnuts that you'll go in and win ; to
H wear McKinley buttons , to sport Mc-
B Kinley hats , and greet the other fellows
B - with , references to rats. We'll whoop it
H up for McKinley , and prance and sweat
B around ; and with the opposition we'll
H mop up all the ground ; and When you've
BMVfl been elected ( don't frown like that , we
1 - beg ) we'll seek 3'ou in a body , and try to
H pull your leg. Walt Masbn.
B N. J. Johnson is harvesting his crop of rye.
B William Relph called on the blacksmith ,
B last Wednesday.
B Prayer meeting was held at Mr. Thomp-
H son's , last Thursday night
H Part of the farmers are laying their corn by '
H im this part of the country.
B Part of our people went down on Ledge
H -creek , Tuesday , to gather currants.
BAVB We had a nice rain , last Wednesday night ,
H to encourage the crops. Corn is looking fine.
B Miss Dora and Samuel Ellis took in the
H Children's day exercises , Sunday , June 21st , at 1
B . the Prospect Park school house. They had
B - ancnjoyable time. • <
The Weekly Happenings of Neighborin
Towns and Country.
The Little Things of Town and Country Lifi
in Cold Type If Your Neighborhood
Isn't Repiesented , Why Just
Tell Us About It.
Corn fields are clean ; very clean.
William Ileum cut his rye , last week.
Plenty of new potatoes ; fine large ones.
I. B. Stryker made proof to a quarter sec
tion , Saturday.
H. Wales took a load of corn to H. T
Church , Tuesday.
S. D. McClain has cabbage so ripe the
heads are bursting open.
H. B. Wales will be moderator in .district
58 for the next two years.
The prospect for a big corn crop is extreme
ly flattering ; never better.
The corn is in such haste to get big that it
grows all day on Sunday.
Mrs. William Epperly has gone to Iowa to
the bedside of a sick mother.
W. T. West cut his rye , this week. He has
160 acres of wheat to harvest.
That rain , Monday night , was a real old
soaker. Two inches of water fell.
Sunday school was reorganized , last Sun
day , by reelecting all the old officers.
H. B. Wales has a hundred acres of corn
that is crowding right along , day and night.
There was a little hail in the north part of
this town. , Monday night. Little or no dam
J. W. Smith and Mr. Slagel commenced to
cut their rye , this week. They have 120 acres
to cut.
The newly elected director in district 58 is
sharp William Sharp. School marms please
take notice.
The Rev. J. A. Badcon of the M. E. church
of McCook preached at Zion Hill church ,
last Sunday.
There is a field of corn that now stands over
six feel high and is commencing to tassel.
There are sixty acres of it.
When any society or organization adopts a
constitution and by-laws that need explaining ,
there is something wrong don't it ?
Over fifty were present at the Coleman
school house on last Sunday to hear the Rev.
W. O. Norval preach. He preaches every
two weeks.
With plenty of radishes , lettuce , peas , string
beans , new potatoes , cabbage and roasting
ears in sight , we are not likely to suffer for
something to eat
Mrs. Mary , and Misses Viola and Emma
Corner have a splendid garden and vine
patch , and clean as a whistle. They have
been busy as bees , this summer.
Mrs. Lida Cole has a patch of California
squash vines that just can't be beaten ; and we
look for the squashes to be good for pies ,
pickles , puddings and dumplings.
The following officers were elected at the
Young Peoples' meeting , Sunday evening :
President , William Prentice ; vice president ,
Charles Bixler ; treasurer , Clara Bixler ; sec
retary , Alice Cole.
One day after one of those very heavy rains
Uncle Billy went out to hoe , and there was
so much water and mud that he had to roll
his pants up and when we saw him he had
them rolled almost to his waist.
He could not induce it to stay on any longer
and so Uncle Billy had to get a new shirt.
When he donned it and came tnto the kitchen ,
about noon , the old clock held its hands up
surprised , probably. He said , "It's none of
your cheap sort , it cost a quarter" .
Matt Droll has a patch of corn in which the
rows are straight as a line and as near the
same width as if they were laid off with a
square. It is the nicest piece of work in the
town , and the master hands that did it are lis
two gills. We lode by it , Tuesday , and they
were on the cultivators laying the corn by , and
it was clean We doubt if there are enough
iveeds to fill a bushel basket in the patch , and
there are over 200 acres in it. Boys , these
jirls can give you practical lessons in farming
md show you how it is done.
Glorious rain , Monday night.
Corn is growing very rapidly.
Preaching at the sod church next Sabbath.
Rev. Nee called on old-time friends last
Neighbor Dutcher has a fine prospect fore
o ' rn.
The rain interfered with the school meeting
londay evening.
Mr. Fleming informs us that his rye will
lake a good yield.
Driftwood Creek reached the highest water
lark this week that has been reported for
fteen years.
If the numerous political conventions were
onducted on more economical principles ,
wild not their elegant platforms sound more
Dnsistent ?
Job Printing The most artis
te work at the lowjest figures. '
'he Tribune , ] \IcCook. Write :
: > r prices. A trial order will set- :
le the business. t
Don't forget to come and see us J
rhen you want any kind of job !
rinting. We are the people who s
o the nice printing. \
George Harris is expected home , this week
John Jones is our Sunday school superin
tendent. •
Florence Starbuck visited Birdie Swank
Guess work is just as good as any when i
hits right.
J. I. Grundy's farm has a crop of Russiat
thistles on it.
John Sensintaffcr visited friends on th <
Ridge , Sunday.
W. F. Everist and family visited in Cam
bridge , last week.
Another young farmer at Mr. Boone's
weight ten pounds.
Corn is tasseling in sill the fields around
here , but it is slow.
James Barnes and Maud Burton called
on Minnie Harris , Sunday.
Turn about is fair play. We are still mak
ing war on the potatoe bugs.
Talk about good farmers , well , there are
plenty of them around here.
Clyde Starbuck expects to have green corn
on his place the Fourth of July.
Cliff Dunham passed this way , Friday , and
stopped long enough to kill a snake.
One fair girl of the Ridge has employment.
N. B. , making cushions. How nice.
If the potatoe bugs will let us alone we will
let them alone. We are the ones that need
We feel rejoiced we have so much rain.
The dry weather ravens can go to some other
country to croak.
Thanks , Tattling Tillie , for your kind ad
vice. No doubt experience hath taught thee
in the days of long ago how to make cushions.
We have heard the old saying , "More
rain more rest" , but it is just the reverse of
that now. It is more rain more weeds more
work and we hope to have more corn by and
The gentleman that has the lame arm ,
caused by the kick of a mule , says that he is
almost glad the mule kicked him , since every
one seems so interested about it. Behold what
a smoke a small fire kindleth.
There was a boy that slipped away to the
shade , one afternoon last week , to while away
the moments in pleasant meditation. He
went to sleep and a large snake crawled up
near enough to wake him. Then he went to
the field. He says he prefers work to snakes.
Sweet corn is tasseling.
New arrival at Mr. John Campbell's , a fine
John Smith lost one or more hogs by the
Mr. Robert Johnson lost a horse from the
same cause.
Mr. Simmerman has four teams in his corn
field of 200 acres.
Mrs. I. B. Stryker feasts on the delicious
summer squash , at present.
The extreme heat of last week was destruct
ive to some oat fields , also early wheat.
It takes Miss Ada S. to glide over the field ,
cutting out the weeds w ith her weed cutter.
Be careful , young ladies , and don't keep fel
lows up too late o'nights , these busy times.
Dame Rumor has it that z. popular young
couple of Coleman will wed in the near future.
Miss Lulu Summers , who has been staying
with Mrs. W. H. Epperly , has returned to her
The joyous downpour of Sunday and Mon
day was very welcome. One and one-half to
two inches fell.
Mrs. W. H. Epperly and Mrs. J. Parsons are
in Iowa , being called there by the illness , per
haps fatal , of their mother.
The Y. P.S. C. E. at Pleasant View school
house flourishes with unabating interest. We
hope it may result in much good.
Friends and neighbors , call on our genial
editor and leave a year's subscription for the
best paper in Red Willow County.
The ground has been moist all the time , as
corn has kept on the move and beans planted
two weeks are three to four inches high.
Squash and pumpkin vines have had a des
perate struggle with the bugs , and many have
fallen victim to the pests. However , some
: ame out victorious and look nicely , sending
Eorth their blooms.
And the noise of the self-binder is heard in
he land.
Rev. Morris preached at this point Sunday
Rev. E. J. Vivian is contemplating a trip to
About two inches of rain fell at this place
ast Monday night.
Valentine Bogle is'back after a brief visit to
; is old home in Iowa.
Miss Martha Johnson arrived home from
lima last Saturday evening.
Stephen Belles has commenced haying
ome of his alfalfa was damaged by the rain
nd high water.
The Willow was overflowing the bottom on
Wednesday , the continued effects of the Mon-
ay's rain and the rain which fell on Tuesday
ight north and west of here.
We do not object to the public taking a day
ff and harvesting our currants , but when they :
: ar our pasture fence down and leave it see >
e do feel like drawing the line.
We radically disagree with the Coleman - '
jrrespondent as regards the turning over of
ic Young People's Society entirely to the
Dung people. Observation teaches us that <
ich a course would be followed by a loss of J
iterest and the consequent breaking up of
ie society.
We understand that preparations are being
ade for the usual patriotic demonstrations on
e night of the Fourth , at the "cross roads , "
which the public will be invited to pay the
im of fifty cents to trip the light fantastic till
ly-break , followed by a conspicuous absence
am Sunday-school the next morning. *
At the annual school meeting on Monday 0
District No. 70 ( Bartley ) , F. G .Stilgeboue
was re-elected treasurer for the coming terrr
Mrs. Wm. F. Hamilton has been in a critica
condition for the past two days , but at thi
writing there are hopes entertained for he
O. Frost returned , Sunday evening , fron
his week's trip in the eastern part of the state
thus being here to vote at school election
which was one of the most spirited contest :
ever witnessed in this district , there being 10 :
votes cast.
Bartley and vicinity were favored with a 3
inch rain , Monday afternoon and evening , anc
this places the ground in splendid conditioi
for the maturing of small grain and rapic
growth of corn. Some parties report theii
crops partially destroyed by hail , but general
ly the hail did but little damage.
On Wednesday evening Misses Nellie ant
Jessie Stephens entertained a nice companyo :
young people at their home. Japanese Ian
terns were dotted here and there , shedding
light of various hues over the yard and cro
quet ground , giving it a beautiful appearance ,
which fully harmonized with the smiling coun
tenances of the young people. Various games
of amusement were indulged in , ice cream and
cake were served in a truly hospitable man
ner , and all pronounce the social a grand suc
cess and compliment the Misses Stephens on
their art of entertaining. The following guests
were present : Misses Maude and Blanche Mil
ler , Myrtle , Rena and Winnie Epperly , Eva
Doll , May Wood and Carrie Scott and Messrs.
Harry , Leslie and Gary Doll , Harry Hodgkin.
F. F. Tomblin , A. B. Wilson , E. L. Dennis and
E. O. Scott.
The ice cream social given by the citizens
of Bartley on Friday night , was a grand suc
cess , socially and financially. College Hall
was crowded , nearly every family being rep
resented , thus manifesting their appreciation
of the band and their high esteem for its mem
bers. The band gave an open air concert at
7:30 , then repaired to the hall. After playing
a few selections , as a compliment to the old
soldiers present the band struck up "The Red ,
White and Blue. " Its melodious strains had
scarcely died away when Mrs. F. A. Hodgkin ,
president of the W. R. C. at this place , emerged
from a side room with the stars and stripes
floating , and with a few well-chosen remarks
on behalf of the W. R. C. and James Laird
Post , presented the band with a handsome
flag , as a partial recognition of their services
on former occasions. The leader , F. G. Stilge-
bouer , in accepting the beautiful emblem of
our nation's liberty , briefly referred to the cost
of its stars and stripes. He eulogized the sol
diers present for its defense , paid due regard
to the ladies of the W. R. C. for their shaie in
its preservation , and closed by saying that
should the time ever come that our nation's
liberty was in danger.he doubted not that this
band would lay down their lives , if necessary ,
in defense of the country this flag represents.
All crops are doing finely since the last rain.
C. A.Freelove was over from Valley Grange ,
Orrie Williams expects to attend the teach
ers' institute at McCook.
W. D. Williams is now hauling water , as he
was unsuccessful in fixing the well.
Hattie Burns ib home again after staying
three weeks with her bister , Mrs. I. E. Neel.
William Archer from near Freedom , Fron
tier county , visited , Sunday , June 21st , with his
old time friend , W. D. Williams.
At the school meeting in district No. 19 ,
Monday evening , William Uerling was elected
moderator , William Duburko retiring.
My ! How the pretty school ma'ams smile
around here now. Among others , two ln
dianola graduates have applications in for the
Ash creek school.
Some of farmeis expect to celebrate the
Fourth at some of the surrounding towns ,
while others do not feel that they can leave
their corn fields.
Mrs. J. H. Warfield has been suffering for
nearly a month with some sort of an ulcera
tion on the right hand , which is no doubt a
felon , having come to a head in three places ,
and is very painful. Nellie Kellogg is staying
with her.
Children's day was duly obser\ed at North
Star with appropriate exercises. A very large
crowd attended ; among the visitors from
afar were : Sheriff Neel and daughter May
From lndianola and A.L. Miller and wife and
Ben Canaga and wife of the Willow.
C. E. Matthews , having been in the employ
> f the Sunnyside dairy for ten months , re
signed , last week , and accepted a position
vith the Courier , after its removal to Mc-
" 00k. He took a few days rest and visit with
riends on Ash creek before commencing on
lis new work.
A heavy rain Monday evening.
Corn is just humping itself , these days.
R. M. Wade came near getting a sun-stroke
1st Saturday.
Clifford Dunham visited friends near Cul-
ertson , Saturday and Sunday.
Harry Wade and Don Thompson took in
lie ball game at Cedar Bluffs , Saturday.
Charley Boatman has been quite sick for
ie past week , but is much better at this writ-
J. H. Wade and wife and J. E. Logue ate
unday dinner with O. L. Thompson and
Misses Lizzie and Nellie Brown and Daisy
toddard visited Miss Mattie Shears , Friday
f last week.
G. C. Boatman was out from the county seat '
unday , to see his brother Charley , who has '
: en quite sick. 1
Dennis Dutcher and Sam Fleming of Vail-
n attended preaching at this place , Sunday. .
ome again , boys. You are always welcome. .
We are just in receipts of a new
lpply of tablets and box papers , <
lemorandums , etc. J J
' " * *
IM 1 , ,
/ I
4 , '
Till Fails Mil Company -
: * I
• • • • •
• • • •
• • • •
I JONAS ENGEL , Manager. | j
Eli Crockford has been very ill since Satur
day night.
A. C. Black was elected school director ir
Red Willow district.
Rev. E. J. Vivian preached at Red Willow
school house , Sunday morning. Mr. Ira Mil
ler and wife were baptized and received intc
full membership.
There will be a union Y. P. S. C. E. picnic
in the Miller grove , June nth. Prof. Hosic
and others will address the Endeavorers , and
a time of profit and pleasure is anticipated.
Horace Taylor and his mother had a narrow
escape , about a week ago. While crossing a
bridge on their farm the horses became un
manageable and crowded off the bridge , up
setting the wagon. In anticipation of trouble
with the team , Mrs. Taylor alighted before go
ing upon the bridge. Horace was able to
jump and save himself. One of the horses hung
by the middle over a barbed wire beneath the
bridge , but Horace succeeded in extricating
both horses and buggy with but little damage.
One of the horses was injured so that a fresh
horse was needed in its place , and this horse
was too fresh , so later in the day Mr. Taylor
had a runaway in which the fences about were
greatly damaged. Eight fence posts were
broken , and numerous wires. At last accounts
Horace was taking a rest , while his horses'
cuts and bruises healed. Their condition is
such that they will soon be able to work again.
Wanted-An Idea 3
Protect your ideas : ther may brine you wealth.
Write JOHN WEDDEBBURN & CO. , Patent Attor
neys , Washington , D. C.for their $1,600 prize offer
and list of two hundred Inventions wanted.
I Bargain Counter !
IS , M. Cochran & . Co. I
5 Eudgate Seeders at § 7.50. 5
J Breaking Plows at $7.00. J
Walking Disc Cultivators J
S at $18.00. %
2 "Wood Section Harrows at *
w § 2.50 a section. r
Four Horse Eveners for #
Binders at $5.00. ?
K Eiding Attachments for ?
S Harrows at § 6.00. S
S Wood Beam 14-inch Stir-
J ring Plows at § 7.00.
# Seeder Attachment for a
J Bell center-cut Disc , § 12.00. t
I Seasonable Goods. I
? Lot of haled hay for sale. 5
t Lawn mowers , Lawn hose
1 and repairs. J
p We have the Buckeye and
F Piano binders. #
Hog woven wire fence at #
J 18 cents a rod. J
t The Quick Meal Gasoline
I stove best on earth. X
} 2,000 bushels of corn for a
J sale at a reasonable price. r
! S. M. Cochran & Co J ;
• t '
Arthur McKee was down from the Bluffs , ,
Tuesday. 4
Lightning struck Philip Gliem's store last I
Wednesday night. m
Practicing singing for the Fourth seems to M
be the order of the day with the Danbury m
quartette. fl
A man named Campbell was drowned during - I
ing the recent high water , while crossing a -M
draw near Lebanon. a
During the thunder storm of Monday night fl
lightning struck the M. E. church , knocking M
off considerable plastering. About 5 inches M
of rain fell. Old settlers say it was the heaviest -
iest rain-fall in many years. Many cellars
were flooded. Hail cut the corn severely.
T. S. Graham , son of ex-commissioner Graham - B
ham , died , Tuesday , somewhere in Iowa. His fl
fatherand mother departed Monday , probably
arriving at his bedside before he died. Later * l
we learn that his remains were taken to Mc- 9
Cook on Thursday night , and from there
brought to Danbury for interment. U
Read the best county - 1
ty newspaper that's 1
The McCook Tribune 1
every time. 1
Fishing tackle at McConnell's.
Barrel churns $3.48 at LaTourette's. M
Julius Kunert , 1
Carpet Laying , I
Carpet Cleaning. I
Z Tl am still doing carpet laying , carpet VJ
cleaning , lawn cutting and similar work. See Her
or write me before giving such work. My |
charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at VJ
Trihune office. JULIUS KUNERT. (
I I i 1 I I I I I I I I I I I Tg M
t Notary Public , 7 fl
Reliable Insurance , 7 1
gi iM 1 i _ i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 k M
Proprietor H
of the . . . . H
We respectfully solicit your business , k
and guarantee pure milk , full measure , |
and prompt , courteous service. H
gj When you ha\e any painting to do , refa |
a member we carry the most com- k H
3 plete stock of paints , * * |
% embracing : r H
d House Paints , iH
I Family Paints , k 9
i Floor Paints , l jH
jj Carriage Paints. H
I "Wagon Paints , | 9
i Enamel Paints , jl
I Barn Paints , &
jj PiOOF Paints , s * fl
I Tarnish , s * 9
\ Stains. ? * -
At from 4c. to 20c. per roll. ' " * fl
LW.MGGonnell % go , | 1
, 1 i