I M'COOK TRIBUNE. H V. M. KIMMEW , , Publisher. McCOOIC , NEBRASKA I OYER THE STATE. H Harvhst hands arc in demand i WMm Johnson county. H The Beatrice chautauqua this yea H was liberally attended. H Tiik locality about Curtis got fou H inches of rain in one week. H Rkv. McGitEGon will hold a series o H meetings lasting ten days at Elgin. H • Congressman Mercer arrived ii H Omaha from "Washing-ton lasfweek. H Tin : Courier , heretofore published a H Tndianola , has been removed to Mc H Cook. H Tmnirc were one hundred graduates H • girls and boys , from the Omaha higl H school. H Fort Omaha is to be abandoned Juli H 1st and the -new Fort Crook used ii vM stead. H HoJirat B. HATOii-a well known rail H way man , died last week at Grant H Island. H Tiik mosquito crop in Nebraska thi WMm year .is large , attributable to excessivi H rainfall. ( • hand Island and vicintty was visit i • ed by a hail storm , which did consider m able damage Wt Tiik district court of Cass county ha : H been postponed and the jurors excusec H until August 24. H Pkkparaiioxs are being made for ai H unusually elaborate Fourth of .Tub H celebration in Mead. WMm A vicious dog belonging to Ilcnrj H 'Neitman , Beatrice , attacked Thomai H Armstrong , badly lacerating his face H A NUMinn of timber cutters were be H fore the federal court at Omaha las H week and received sentences of S10 an < jm costs. H Twkia'e young ladies of Nelson hav < H organized a band and have securec H enough money to purchase their instru H ments. H South Omaha disposes of its unre H deemed dogs by electricity. The appli H ance for the purpose does its worl H quickly and well. H Buy home made goods and build uj H 'home industries , is a good policy. Far H rell's Fire Extinguisher , made by Far H roll & ca , Omaha. H Tiiir county jail at North Platte i < H pretty well deserted now , there being H only one prisoner , with a prospect o : H him being released soon. H Tiik high water of the Missouri rivei H overflowed the low land near Blyburg H and men were out in their corn field ; H with spears catching fish. H The Tildukranz and Turnverein so- WM cieties of Plattsmouth have been con- WM solidatcd and will hereafter be knows H as the Plattsmouth Turnverein. H The Tckamah Burtonian has beer H purchased by the populists and will be H conducted in the interest of that party. H | The paper has heretofore been repub- Hj H. Hknuiciisox , a B. fc M. carpenter , Hj fell from the roof of the B. & M. eat- Agm ing house at Bed Cloud , a distance oi H about seventy-five feet. His left arm B was broken. H | It is reported that lightning rod B swindlers are operating in the north K part of Madison county. One farmer H was done up for ? 150 and another for HBk half-that amount. AV While Elmer Alyea of Meadow Hj Grove was riding a horse at a rapid HI gait the animal stumbled and all went Hflj down in a heap. Atyea was picked up HH unconscious and his recovery is doubt- HH ISIay McCusick. of Omaha , a woman HH of the town , committed suicide the Hfl other day. For some time the woman Bk had been despondent , having been de- HH bcrted by a man for whom she had a HV -strong attachment. H Parties from Omaha have "been at H Stromsburg endeavoring to secure the Ha right of way for a telephone line from Hfl York to David City , the line to pass HI through Benedict. Stromsburg , Osceola , HV Shelby and Rising City. M The 2-year-old child of Rev. G W. Hi Savidge of Omaha.choked . to death last Ha Sunday by a collar button which lodged HI in the windpipe. The father was away Hh at early morning service in his church H when-the accident occurred. Hb Tiik new creamery at Malcom com- Hfl menced work last week. About 30.000 Hfl pounds ; of milk was received the first Hb -day , and everything is running nieelj' . HI An expert says that it is one of the Hb sbe-sU equipped creameries in the state. Ha A mad dog came into Harvard from Ha tthe.west last week and created no lit- H tie. excitement He bit both of Al Lan- Hb .ham ' s horses , two or three dogs and HV * .was finally killed on the farm of George Hi .Read , just outside the corporation , BJ .northeast. M .Distihct court at Red Cloud ad- HJ -journed last week after the judge had HJ .admitted ( . .eorge Drake to "bail. Drake Hv -was committed on a charge of statuto- HJ jy-criminal assault , and released on a H | bond : for S.OOtt He broke jail , but HJ was fiually.Teturned to the coupty jail. HJ .ludgc JJeall released him on bail of HJ HJ \V. E. .Hajjxox of Scotia had a horse HJ too.many in his pasture on Saturday HJ morning. There was albo a bridle that Hj didn' .belong to him.on the gate. The HJ trainpsithatAveresroposing in the shade HJ of a pile .of .ties in the Union Pacific HJ y.ards < didn > tlook.asithough they had Hj over .exerted .themselves walking over B from Gnoely. H A jattlk .boy . .ofV. . J. Casebolt of Hj Deshler thought he saw a mouse B 1/Ucs lats of bedstead among / : a lying on 1 the Jloor. The boy -started to investi- H jgate and n oo. ered a ttwo-foot rattle- H * nakewiiieir nearly -scared him to H /death. Fortiunately the snake's head H iad got fast ( uader a side rail and it H w.as dispatched : at once. H A hull belojiging to H. O. Dorn of H South Sioux City chased a jnan in the H north part of iowa Sunday with the H evident intention f playing ball with H "hini The fellosv got over trie * fence in H time Xo avoid jj. collision aad had his H fun a siiort time after when th& sporty H animal cvas lassoed and dehorned. H Ix a row over a woman at Lincoln , H J ? . W. Bullard , a ttnaer , svas ehot by H Alfred Sfocjcenburger. The principals " H in the affair have "been inmates of the insane asylhm. Bullard' caught two H bu'letD. one irf'Ohe arm and the other I jn.the fleshy part * of the back , jnat un- - d'eh the shoulder , but neither i5. > cnp I . * gjdered dangerous. _ j I . , . . . . , . Bf r IMI WI ,1 H..M HI 'I'll" ' .I'I ' HI > I Ml ! - ' " ' iWHIfWHW IIlim II III ! I W ip ' Judge Rambky opened tllstrlct cour at Plattsmouth to sentence Joh Brown , churged with robbing a etor at Alvo , May 20 , for which ho was a.\ rested a couple of weeks ago at At burn. . Brown pleaded guilty , stating in extenuation of his crime , that h was unable to work , being a suffere from nervous prostration. He wa sentenced to three and a half years i the penitentiary. It is seldom that farmers leave Pol ! county for greener pastures and a her tor country but that they come bac ' satisfied to stay. George Ward soli out last spring and wen t down near Sej jnour. lie came back the other da , with his stock and saj-s that part o Missouri is no place for farming o stock , either , lie will summer hi stock in Nebraska , where they can ge something to eat and get fat. A r.AH.KOAD accident occurred nea Hastings. Fassentrer train No. 4 wa wrecked just after5entering the yards as a result of a heayyv .wind storm tha passed over the city a little while be fore. An empty stbqk car that ha < been standing on the stock yard switch was blowif ntb the main lin and the passenger ft rtin collided wit ] it just west of the round house. Tii engineer and fireman saved themselve by jumping. Jl A max was arrested at Beatrice ii the act of disposing of some harness ti a second-hand dealer. It was discov ered that he had a camp west of tha city and upon investigation a wagoi containing eight sets of double harnes was found. He had with him a boy who gave his name at Bert Morgan , 1' years old , and his home as Grand > s land. Police are holding the harnes to see if owuers thereof cannot bi found. • A xkw pocket leaflet has -been issue < and is being distributed by the stati board of agriculture. In addition ti information about count3' collective ex hibits for which twelve premium amounting to § 3,337will be awarded the bulletin advertises the Feast o Olympia , under the direction of tin Knights of Ak-Sar-Bcn , the biennia musical festival -of the Northwesteri Scandinavian Singers association , am other attractions during state fai : week. It is now believed at Valparaiso tha Frank Tobin , a paroled convict , is th < man who assaulted and shot Mrs Hinkle last week. Mrs. Ilinkle , wh < is still alive , identified Tobin as her as sailant. It appears that Tobin was very much smitten with Mrs. Hinkk when she was Miss Addie Edwards but his attentions were not appreciat ed. One day -when he called and gel gay her brother sent a couple of loads of buckshot at him , but he was not in jured so far as has been learned. Axothkk claimant for the reward o : § 1,000 offered by the Rock Island foi the arrest and conviction of the partj or parties guilty of causing the Sail ereek wreck near Lincoln in August , 1894 , has come into court. This i ; Lewis R .yan , one of the witnesses , whe testified to seeing a negro man neai the trestle on the night before the wreck. Ryan claims that his informa tion led to .the arrest and conviction oi G. W. Davis , the colored man. There are two other claimants and the whole matter will have to be settled in the courts. A special session of the district court of Dodge county convened last week , Judge Marshall presiding , for the purpose of trying the case of Caroline line Stoecks against the Elkhorn com pany. This is the second one of the large number of cases which were commenced last fall by citizens of Dodge whose property was destroyed by the big-fire there in September last to recover .damages against the com pany. Theifirst case on the list was tried last January and resulted in a verdict for the defendant. An appeal to the supreme court was taken. Couxti' Commissioner C. R. Clark , of Polk county , met with a painfuf ac cident the other day that will lay him aside for some time. One of his neigh bor ' s boar .pigs went .down to Clark's pen and while there ran across his boar and of course they had to have a pitched battle. Clark thought that his boar was getting a little the worst of it and undertook to separate them , when one of the hogs turned and snap ped Mr. Clark in the right leg , tearing out the flesh and mustle to the bone and it was accessary .to take quite a number ofstitches .to close up the wound. A tramp applied 'to > L. .P. Main of Kenwood for breakfast the other morning and he looked so forlorn and hollow that the lawyer decided to fill him up. He told the cwanderer to hoe up the potatoes in the garden , however , so that there should be.no question as to his appetite. The tramp , either through ignonrace or .malice afore- thouirhtduir up all the .potatoes and neatly piled the vines. The tramp got his breakfast on the strength of his proud intentions , but the next time Col. Main employs one of his genus he will put hjin to breaking stone , or some : > ueh familiar occup.ition. Govkhxoi : HoLfOMB has received the letter , made public through the press , referring to Tennessee ' s generous do nation of a block of mar.ble intended to be used in making n statue of Abra- iiam Lincoln. This was the purpose [ or which it was donated to the state jf Nebraska by the state of Tennessee Lhrouirh Governor Turner. It comes is a testimony of respect which the people of rJ ennessee have for the mem- jry of the martyred president. The srehentation of tiie marble to Governor l'urney at Knoxville seems to have Deen celebrated with all sincerity and ; he letter received by Governor Hol- : oinb.notifying him of the shipment of .he block is kind and generous. The itone will be thankfully received by ; tate authorities and there is taJk of iskinir the next legislature to make an tppropriation for the employment of a ompetent sculptor. From figures in the state auditor ' s iffice an interesting showing is made is to the decrease in the assessed valu- LtioK of the state. Sixteen counties lave ( nude reports on the 1S9G assess * nenr valuation. In these the reduc- ion ae compared with 1S9.1 is SI. 18. i.000. n four of these counties there is an in- rease of 593,000 , making a net de rease in the sixteen of 51.002.000. At he same ratio of decrease the whole late will fall off § 0,500.000. The total aluation of taxable property in 18P3 rac $ U 4.0OO.000 : in 1894 , S183.000.000. 1 Lstirniited valuation for 1S9G is S1G4.- t 00,000. The railroad assessment ltaa i ear was the came as in 1S9j. ) x CO TRCLQFNEXTSENATI ASKING REPUBLICAN MA JORITY HOT LIKELY. MR. GALLINGER'S FIGURES The Teller-Duliols-Mautlc-Cannon-Cnrte Combine EHcoly to Ho Strengthened by Ksltlicnl fiilvci Kenora Colorado , Utah and Other States , and ISo Abl'e to Hlock the Tariff. Concord , N. ET. , June 29. Unitec States Senator Gallinger said yester day : ' * 1 fear for Republican control o the benate. The full senate nov numbers ninety members , and weshal need forty-six for a majority , though inasmuch as the existing vacancy ii Kentucky will continue until 189'J , w < can get along during the next con gress with forty-five. We have nov lorty-four senators who are nominally Republicans , but of these , five Sen ators Teller , Dubois , Carter , Manth sind Cannon refused to act with us ir the passage of the Dingley emergency tariff last winter , and I suppose we mus' ' now add to them Senator Pettigrew o : South Dakota , because he left the St. Louis convention with other seceders , This reduces us to thirty-eighl straightout Republicansjwho are foi protection , as against protection yoked with free silver , and we shall need seven more to enable us to pass th ( revenue bill , which the country de mands. Some of our gains are already made , as in Maryland and Ohio , and we shall elect in. Nv York , Illinois and Wisconsin. This will give us forty-three , or two short of a major ity. Among our danger spots we must include North Carolina Sena tor Pritchard's seat is likely to be lost , because he was first chosen by a fusion movement , which prooably will bt : hard to effect again. In Dta'- also , there is danger of losing fecnatot Brown , who refused to act with the silver men in deadlocking tne Dingley bill , and who now has been confronted with an issue in his light for reelection tion , which will either defeat or cause him to coalesce with Senator Cannon in a policy of opposition. In Colorado Senator Wolcott ; s in similar danger , as he has been subject to venomous criticism because he would not go so far as Senator Teller in his devotion to the white metal. Add to this the not altogether remote chance of los ing a Republican Senator in North Dakota and California , and the claims of the Democrats that we cannot elect in either Kansas or Illinois , and the outlook is not rosy. I must admit that 1 cannot now satisfactorily out line the method by which we shall be able to hold the Senate for a protec tive tariff without a free silver rider. " FILIBUSTER SHIPS SEIZED. Two Noted Ciiliau Vessels Kno Down by a Revenue Cutter. Kky West , Fla. , .June 2 . The fili bustering steamers Three Friends and Citv of J'ichmond were brought here last night by prize crews of the United States revenue cutter Winona. The City of Richmond left here Wednes day night with a large quantity of arms and supplies for the Cubans and the Three Friends slipped out of Jack sonville ten days ago with supplies for the rebels. No one is allowed to board either of the vessels , but it is supposed that the Three Friends landed the supplies taken from .Jacksonville and was trying - ing to get those on the City of Richmond mend when both were overhauled by the Winona. The captures created great excitement here , a great crowd gathering on the wharf and Cubans and Americans alike expressing deep indignation. What will be done with the two seized vessels is not yet known , but it is believed that both will be confis cated by the United States govern ment Followers of St. .Tohn. Ottawa , Kan. , June 29. A mass convention of Prohibitionists was held in this city yester' y.About 150 del egates were t > r ent , representing nearly every portion of the state. Both the chairman. G. G. Wharton , and W A. Curl , secretary of the state Prohibition party , had tendered their resignations to the national commit tee immediately after the Pittsburg convention. Yesterday ' s conference was for the purpose of organizing on the St. John basis. Accordingly the new National party was organized. J. W. Forest , of Thayer , was elected chairman of the ' -tate central com mittee , and E. Morrison , of Emporia , secretary. Tor Alienated Affections. Fort Scott , Kan. , June 29. H. Q Searing of Kansas City , attorney for Mrs. Kate Davids of that city , has filed suit in the United States circuit ; ourt here against M ts. Bella Sipple of Sedan , Kan. , for SJ,0G0 damages for llienating the affections of J. G. Lewis , husband of the plaintiff. Per sonal service has bn secured on the Tair and wealthy defendant by DeDutv Jnited States -Marshal Will'Neely , vho has just made his return. The : ase , whjh promi ' • < = to be a vp-y sen sational one , will me up at the November term of the United States : ourt. Dominion Miiii try Will Resign. Ottawa , Ontario , June 29. The Cupper ministry has decided to finish ip certain routine matters , and then or the ministers to tender their res- gnations to the governor general. L'he Conservatives thus submit to the nevitable with the best possible rraee. Cecil Rhode * Is Out. Lokdox , June i'9. It is officially an- ounced that the resignations of Cecil' Ihodes , Alfred Bell md Dr. Ruther- ord Harris as dire . . .is of the British iouth African company hsve teen ac- j epted. , . , , I THE 'FRISCO AT AUCTION RpprctentntlveB of the ieor unl7.atloi Committee liny In tlm System. St. Louis , Mo. , June j9.By orde of the United States court , the St Louis and San Francisco railway wa sold , at noon , to-day , under the fore closure of an old mortgage , of whicl the Mercantile Trust company of Nev York was trustee. There was enl ; one bidder a commtitee of bond holders representing the reorganised tion committee who bought in tin road for Sl,25o,000 in cash. After the sale shall have been con firmed by the court and the prope : conveyences made , new papers of in corporation will be filed at Jeffcrsor City , probably on Monday or Tuesday The name of the new road will be tilt St. Louis & San Francisco Railroac company. The capital stock will b < placed at $ o0,000,0uy in 500,000 share ; of S100 each. SIBLEY FOR TELLER. The Pennsylvania K\-Congressman Fa vors the Coloradoan for Leader. Victor , Colo. , June 29. In answei to an inquiry by the Daily Record o this city ex-Congressman Joseph C Sibley of Pennsylvania wired the foi lowing : * | Fraxki.ix , Pa. , June 56. To th < Dail3 * Record , Victor , Colo. : I am i candidate for no official place. I be heve all reform forces.if unitedwould be irresistable and would assure t grand triumph in November next Divisions mean defeat. The rank and file of all political parties are made uj of men good and true. On Teller J believe these forces could be united and all m3' efforts are to that end , JOSKI'II C. Siblev. " Distilleries to Close. Louisvir.r.K , Ky. , June 29. A meet ing of the Kentucky Distillers' Asso ciation was held to-day to hear the reports of committees appointed t < solicit signatures agreeing to suspend operations for eighteen months froir July 1. All but six distillers in the State have signed. These have held out because of contracts. It is pro posed to overcome this by apportion ing 12y per cent of the capacity of the State , or 5,500,000 gallons , and this mav be kept clown to 3O0O,00C or4,000J000 gallons. It is assured that there will be a suspension , with allotments only where contracts can not be abrogated. The warehouses are filled with whiskey which is now almost a drug on the market owing to overproduction. Arizona Bonds Go Uegglngr. Phoenix , Ariz. , June 29. Arizona territorial bonds , even at half price , are in poor demand. The sale nego tiated several months ago has fallen through. The London capitalists , af ter depositing a forfeit of S10.000 , declined to take the bonds. A com promise has been effected , whereby the territory will be reimbursed for all expenses , and the balance of the forfeit money returned to the London parties. Another sale is being nego tiated. Kansas City " 'Journal. " Kaxsas Citv , Mo. , June 29. The announcement was made to-day that Mr. William A. Bunker , for several years business manager of the Kansas City ' "Journal , " would retire from the active management of that paper on Monday next , owing to ill-health. Mr. Bunker retaius an interest in the property. Mr. Hal Gaylord , who has been assistant business manager of the paper , and who has bought the greater portion of Mr. Bunker's in terest in the "Journal , " will assume its management. Comedian John W. Kelly Dead. Nkw York , Jun3 29. John W. Kelly , variety actor and song writer , died at his mother's home m this city yesterday afternoon with acute gas tritis. He was known as the "Rolling Mill Man , " and was popular on the vaudeville stage. He was born in this city and was 42 years old. He made his first professional appearance in Chicago. Two Girls Drowned. Marine , 111. , June 29. One of the most violent rainstorms for 3'ears struck his pla * e yesterday after noon. Small streams were in a very few minutes changed into raging torrents. Misses Rosa and Marie Hudle-nan , while attempting to drive across a small branch , missed the bridge and were drowned. Oklahoma Houses Wrecked by Wind. Prrrv Ok. . June 29. A heavy wind last night destroyed the homes of Mrs. Osborne and Mrs. Dillon on the Grant county line last night. Joe Stout's house was blown down , but his faraili' were in a cave and escaped injurj' . Many outhouses were blown away , w cat scattered and consider able stooit killed. Floods in Washington. Spokaxe , Wash. , June 29. The Pond d'Oreille River has reached an unprecedented height , and is still ris ing. The Calispel Valley , for a dis tance of twenty miles-is under water. Drops are utterly ruined , and most of ihe settlers will be left in a destitute condition. Bride , Groom and Pastor AH Over 70. Welmxgtox , Kan. , June 28. W. J. Gardner , a former soldier , 75 years ) ld and Mrs. Martha J. Baker , a wid- > w of 72 , were married here Thursday ivening by the Rev. William Long , iged SO. Most of the guests were veil advanced in years. Mother an.I Child Struck Dead. Perry. Ok. , June 29. Near Lawson ast evening , the house of John Lane , i farmer was struck by lightning and intirely demolished and Mrs. Lane nd her two small children were rilled. Mr. Lane was in town at the ime. Actor Gentry Convicted. Philadelphia. Pa. , June 29. The ury in the case of James B. Gentry , he actor , who on February 27 , 1S95 , mrdered Actres Madge Yo-k , came a at Jl:05 o'clock to-day witn a ver- ict of guilty of murder in the first egree. * NEW YORK DEMOCRATS They Sonnd the Campaign Keynote f < IUmctulIWni , Saratooa , N. Y „ Juno 20. TI Democratic State convention mcthci yesterday and adopted a platfon which is an appeal to Democrats i other states to sustain the pledge coi ta' .ned in the Sherman law , which wi passed by a Democratic Congress an approved by a Democratic Presiden This pledge was that "the efforts c the government should be steadil directed to the establishment of sue a safe system of bimetalism as wi muihtain at all times the equal powc of every dollar coined or issued by th United States in the markets or i payment of debts. " The platform represents tiie wjshc of Senator Hill and ex-Secretary c the Navy William C. Whitney. David B. Hill , Edward Murphy Roswell P. Flower and Frederick 11 Coudert were elected delegates a large. To Shout for Itland. Toi'RKA , Kan. , June 27. The Kan sas Democratic Flambeau club of I hi city held a rousing meeting last nigh and decided by u unanimous vote t attend the Democratic national con vention at Chicago and furnish a pyrotechnic technic display there in the Blam demonstration on the evening o July 0. Quay to Ahsist Ilaiiua. Caxto.v , Ohio , June 27. Ex-Gover nor McKinley and Mark A.IIannaden ; that any selectious have been madi for the national executive committei except that Senator Quay has beei offered the chairmanship. There wil also be an advisory committee , o which II. II. Kohlsaat of Chic.igo wil probably' be a member as will als < Cornelius W. Bliss of New York. IOWA PATENT OFFICE REPORT Des Moines , June 12. J. S. Lord , o Des Moines , has been granted a copy right for a publication entitled , • ' ! > Ray-s Practically Illustrated. " A.W McFarland , of West Bend , la. , ha ; been granted a Canada patent for hi < e g and packing separator. A. Gran burg and J. Ullrich , of Des Moines have a patent allowed for a zinc mon ument. J. K. Purintonof Des Moines has a patent allowed for pans foi cooking and baking that are coveret partially with asbestos. British French and German patents have beei secured by us for the Duplex type writer , manufactured by the Duplex Typewriter Co. , of Des Moines. A. S , Dennis , of Des Moines , has a pateut nllowed for a typographical -adding machine having digit bearing keys (10 ( ; tt 'dapted to be operated likt a. typewriter for printing and add ing a series of numbers unlimited as to the quantity of the component digits. Valuable information about obtaining , valuing and selling patent ? sent free to any address. Printed jopics of the drawings and specifica tions of any United States patent sent upon receipt of 25 cents. Our practice is not confined to Iowa. Inventors in other states can have our services upon - on the same terms as the Hawkeyes. Thomas G. and J. Ralimi Orviq , Solicitors of Patents. An Enthusiastic Crowd. Much enthusiasm has developed al Lincoln and vicinity over tiie Nebraska Silver Train which it is proposed shall leave Lincoln Sunday , July 5th. at S:0 ( ! a. m. , via the Fremont. Elkhorn v. Missouri Valley R. R. to Missouri Val ley , thence C. & X.W. . running through to Chicairo by daylight. Hon. W. J. Bryan has signified his intention of going with this train. The national delegates , alternates and all prominent men of the party have also arranged to join this train. We are authorized to extend a cordial and special invitation to all Democrats and believers in bimetalism , and it is speci ally and earnestly desired that the Nebraska Silver Train shall excel that Di any other state in the number of surnest and enthusiastic bimetalists it shall carry into Chicago. The railroad fare has been reduced to half rates from all points , and the incidental expenses will not be large. Everyone should make it a point to get up as large a delegation as possible from their vicinity , and we will assure pou that ail will be accorded a hearty welcome. Delegates and their friends from joints on the F. , E. & M. V. R. R. wishing to join this train from Lincoln , should apply to the nearest agent of he above road for particulars as to the Jest way to make connection with the rain. Arrangements for special ser- • ice will be made for large sized par lies from branch line points. The official headquarters will be at he Clifton House , Chicago. C. S. J ones , Lincoln. A. T. Bi.ackuurx. Atkinson. Lee Hkhdmax , Omaha. LIVIi STOCK AND lltUUL -MARKETS Quotations I' rom Xciv York , Chicago , St. i.ouiOmuha and t Ucwhcre. OMAHA. Uutter Creamery separator . IC © 18 ilutter Kasr to ; rood country. 30 fe J2 : ? - Fre .h fe' < & U 'oultry Li\e hen .per tt t > & U5i : j > rinr ; Chicken- 14 ' 13 .emons-Choice .Mesbint 5.7j ( & ' . , ' 75 ) ringe- > 1 * 1 Lo\ - . " 0 dr : i 75 lay I'pland. v.er ton 4 . " > 0 < & (5 ( fX ) io s i.i ht Mi.\ed o. > . a OrjJ .loss Heavy \\ei ht < 3 0J % . ' , ' tij leef tteer J0i < 4 0' iulls • _ ' 10 ( jr. ! ) j Hiker. , anu.printers 22 00 wi' : W • ta ' - -Z : ( , © 325 'alves 'Z : m U > 5 00 'ows i. > 0 ( t : : : a leifers 2.0 dx : ; 15 Itockers and Feeders 2 75 < & : ; 69 Vesterns a JJ < & a 5 < t IIICAOO. Vheat Xo. 2 , spring 50 % 6'f Torn Per bu 2. ® I7'i iats I'er bu ir. & lj ( , 'ork 7 i ( ! Cz 7 1.1 • aid 4 10 di 4 12j ; attle hoice Reeve : i M < z 4 .1 loirs Ave rases 3 15 < & 3 ' "O heep Lamb- 3 ( w © G L0 NEW YOKK. iTheat N'o. . . ' , led winter. 02 0 % CZ7i orn Xo. i , : w-Qx 34 lass No. 2 21 raj 21 ; : ork 9 75 ( ifl'i 25 ard 4 35 fs i 50 ST. LOITI& Theat No. 2 red , cash 'A @ 54'J orn Perbu : . - , ( . - .vs at-s Per bu ic qt. J6 i logs Mixed pat-kin : : 3 co ( if. : : : t ) attle Native shipping teers 3 3J < < 4 25 KANtAsCliV. j Thcat No. 2 hard 49 ft. 50 | orn No. 2 22 < & sZ'i ats Xo.2 ig ( 1G > $ : attls * Stcckersand feeder ? . . 2 K ) c . 3 G5 1 og > Mixed a CO < & 3 15 deep Lambs 3 to • . . - , ; { . { deep Muttons i 10 < & 3 fcO | I 1I I ' j - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ALMOST PARALYZED. AM INTENSE SUFFERING FOR YEARS ? ' [ J J ho ItetnurkKblo Testimony of a Hiwlmnih I and Wife to the Vlrtuou of Dr. William * " * ! T J ' Pink I'llht for 1'alo I'enplo. 4- i From the Wave , Odell , Nebranka. j A reporter of the Wave having J heard of the great faith Mr. and Mrs. • < I. O. Drace. of Odell , Nebraska , have- , lu the curative properties of Dr. Wil- / llama * Pink Tills for Pale People , determined - j termined to see the partlcn in person. * and ascertain the truth of the reports. , With that purpose In vlejv tt drive- , was taken to their tine farm a few miles west of town , where Mrs. Bruce J was found busily engaged In assisting- % her husband make wlro fence. No doubt noticing our surprise , she apolo gized , saying "that the children were old enough to be of much help with tho- liousework , and she thus had time to * assist her husband. "But Is it possible that you have recovered - ' covered so as to do work requiring the constant use of your arm . without , suffering ? " asked the reporter. This question elicited the following wonderful story : "I do not wonder that you tire surprised , uuid Mrs. j Brace , for as every one In this vicinity • | knows for several years I was nearly crippled and suffered constantly from ,1 rheumatism. AVhen I first felt the attack - I tack I got medicine from a local phy- 1 slclan , but instead of getting better \ 1 grew worse , until I suffered Intense | "i agony , which no one who has not had { the dread disease can understand. Irt hopes of relief , leading physicians ln. < other towns were consulted , and they' J * all agreed In pronouncing It a severe j . case of muscular rheumatitun , and as 1 their prescriptions were taken month ' after month without beneficial results , , they ceased to give encouragement , 1 and said that I was gradually becom ing paralyzed. ' "I had by that time become so crippled - , pled that I had to give up all wotk , and the only way I could carry my right arm was in an upright position. Any attempt to lower it caused ex cruciating pain. Constant sufft-rSng- caused general debility , and life seemed. 1 too great a burden to bear It is said. ! , a drowning man will catch at a straw , . and so it was in my case , as I read a j testimonial in a newspaper f happened | to pick tip , of a case similar to mine , 1 which had been cured by Pink 1-MIh X for Pale People , and I determined to > 't ' give them a trial. j "I admit my faith waa weak , for I had always been prejudiced against ' . so-called patent medicines , but by the * : time 1 had taken three boxea the relief was so apparent that I determined to- continue their use. In a few weeks rny general health improved , and I could move my arm without dlfliculty. and' , ' by the time ten boxes Iiad been used r felt better than I had' for years , and I can now say with confidence that 1 ; um cured. I always keep the pills In the house and take a box of them every spring as a blood purifier , and at any | , ' time that 1 take cold and f'iur a return w of my old trouble. " T Continuing , Mrs. Brace said : "I jjve- f I all the credit of my recovery to Dr. J Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People , 1 M and both my husband and I shall always - " J ways be ready to speak In their praise. We tell our neighbors on every ot-ca- i sion of their virtues , and if you think : A this is sufllelfnt Interest we will bf glad m to have this testimonial made public , . T hoping that it may be of benefit to- 1 those who otherwise would he lifc-lcng- / sufferers. " / • ' ( To confirm her story beyond alt doubt , Mrs. Brace made affidavit. ' - | Subscribed and sworn to het'or * * nr.o „ > F. R. .Tov , a notary public , on this 28th , dav of March. . 1S9R. ( Seal. ) F. R. JOY , Not.iry Public. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain , in a condensed form , all the Heincits necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. Pink Pills are sold by all deal ers , nr will be sent post paid on receipt of price. 50 cents a box , or six boxes for ' ) $2.50 ( they are never sold in bulk < .r by j the 100) , by addresing Dr Williams" Med. Co. . Schenectady , N Y. Godey's Magazine for July. < Godey ' s Magazine for July begins the / 133d volume of the well-known old publication and is a good specimen ol • the pioneer in its modern form. The j number opens with two timelj * arti cles. The first of these is from the pen. < of a traveler in Persia , and describes. , with the jjaid of numerous pictures , j some of the characteristics of the coun try , which is always an important factor in the PZastern Question , and hat 1 recently come into particular prominence - \ nonce on account of the assassination W\ Shah : while no less timely and inter- \ resting esting is a description of the Training m j and Life in the Xew York Fire De- fM partment , from which a delegation dm went to the International Firemen'i M Tournament that began in London H July 19. The Godey Company , 52 La- AM fayette Place , New York. B The July number of Harper ' s Magazine - , M zine ( to be published next Monday } § M\ will open with a paper on General H Washington and the period of the Kev- M elution , by Woodrow Wilson. Hardy M has a historic person been made so real JBm ; md human as Washington here appears - | pears , in camd and on the battle-field M no less than in the Virginia House oi 'f m Hurgesses or at his .Mount Vernon | plantation. Mr. Pjie's illustration of AW iiistoric scenes worthily accompany WM Professor Wilson ' s admirable studies : ' H 3f colonial life and politics. In com- * H nemoration of the ' centenarian of IQmM leveland , the number will contain an mMu ilustrated paper on the distinctive H maracteristics of Ohio , as shown in the , H ievelopment of that state , by Presi- MM lent Charles F. Thwing , of the West- § M\ : rn Ileserve University. WM General Fitzhugh Lee , Consul-Gen- WM : ral to Cuba , has written to the July JH . ' entury an account ofThe Failure of H ; he Hampton Conference , " which was H leld in February , 1SG5 , in the eifort tc H jring about peace between the North H tnd the South. General Lee introduces H in unpublished letter from Jefferson. H Davis , and one from Robert M. T. H iunter , who was one of the three Con- H ederate commissioners. AU LABOR NOTES. H A court in France ha3 decided that J l t is not unlawful to aid and abet or afiuence workingmen to strike. $ m\ \ It is proposed to change labor day in | H > hld from the first Monday in Sept em- J3 er to the last Saturday in August.i H Ucfierrcakers and iron ship builders. MW iay affiliate with the x\aierican Fed- MW ration ofLabor after the next con- J M % Fifteen Ihundred employes of the- | iib < ? worlb at McKeesport * . Pehnsyl- LA ania , have joined the Iron and Steel- . f PB x - < imwmm