The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 03, 1896, Image 1

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L- . ' : " ® fe ) - , JBc o0h ; ' Sribmte * m \
H i , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . .
H | | | - - I I I..I-I. I I I. I l l I . ! ! I I l . , . . . I . .I i. _ _ _ _ , , _ , . . . . . . H H
Two Brothers Quarrel and a Probable
\ Murder is Committed.
' * • And a Death May Result Both the
Parties Were Former Citizens
ofMcCook Intense Ex-
I - J cltement Prevails.
i ' A sad and terrible tragedy was enacted
\ on last Sunday , about nine miles north
of Haigler. Dundy county. Frank and
Charles Moore , brothers , were the prin-
fj cipals in the deplorable affair. The bro-
I there had a quarrel over some matter ,
i and as a result of the same Frank now
' lies in a very precarious condition , shot
[ through the right lung by his brother
I Charles.
f Dr. Z. L. Kav was summoned to the
I " bedside of the injured man , Monday ,
and reports his recovery as doubtful.
The sad affair has caused intense ex
citement in that section of Duudy coun-
i I ty. The deed is regretted by all. The
I Moores will be remembered by early
r settlers of McCook as having kept a restaurant -
taurant in this city , in the early days.
I The exact nature of the quarrel we are
I unable to report , but the intensest feeling -
ing has been engendered in the families ,
I and the wife of the injured brother vows
summary vengeance on the author of her
distress and sorrow.
I ' Charles Moore is a brother-in-law of
I W. O. Russell of our citj\ having niar-
I ried a Miss McCorkle. He is out on
[ $300 bail , and it is stated , is helping
I nnrse the injured man.
I . , f A Small Washout.
[ Monday evening's rain caused a small
I washout , both approaches of a piling
I bridge about five miles east of Bartley , de-
I laying all trains many hours. Nos. sand
I 3 reached here between seven and eight ,
\ \ the following morning. Nos. 4 and 2
I were consolidated at Hastings. Otherwise -
| wise traffic went on as usual , and the
f Burlington escaped with small damage.
2 A Great Rustler.
L „ , J. A. Resh , manager of the Stewart
t ranch , marketed some fine hogs in the
[ ' city , Monday. Mr. Resh is a great rustier -
tier , and has made things move success-
w fully on the Stewart ranch , even through
B. the late failure years. His crops , this
H season , are in supurb shape , and the
H prospect for a corn crop is splendid.
H- County Endeavor Society Picnic.
BjL The societies of Christian Endeavor of
HI Red Willow county will hold a picnic at
H * Red Willow in the Miller grove on Sat-
H ; urday , July 11. A good time will be had.
Bt Prof. J. F. Hosic and others will be pres- /
B ent. Come with well filled baskets and
Bt enjoy a day with the Endeavgrers. All
B are cordially invited.
Bl Fine Hogs Poor Market.
Bf The fifty head of hogs shipped by J. B.
Bi Meserve to Omaha , last week , averaged
Br 361 pounds in weight. C. T. Brewer
BJ thinks they were the finest bunch of
my hogs ever shipped out of this station.
B But the market was poor. The same
B day , last year , the shipment would have ;
B | n ° tted over $300 more money.
Bi • A Victim of Appendicitis.
\ We are sorry to learn of the severe ill-
B' ness of Eli Crockford , junior , of the Wil-
B > low , with an attack ot appendicitis. Eli
Bi has been an attendant upon our public
Br schools , among whose pupils he is a
Hi prime favorite , and all of them sincerely
B\ wisli and hope for his early and complete
PH\ recovery.
m / A Strong Team.
Kr The small boy and the festive fire-
B ) cracker proved too strong a combination
Bj for H. A. Rouch's coal house , Monday
B afternoon. An alarm called out the fire
B , department promptly , but the small L
HT structure was practically destroyed by
B * the time the firemen arrived. The loss
Mj * * ' " is slight. _ _
B Heart and Treasure.
B The Good Book says that "where your
B treasure is , there will your heart be also ; "
B yet Colonel Phillips admits that the pub-
B lisher hereof has his sympathy his heart
B is with us but he is betting his dough on 1
B the brothers-in-law and Colonel Bishop.
B How couldyou do it , Jasper ?
B To the Citizens of McCook.
B r The teachers' institute will be held in 1
B this city , beginning July 6th , 1896 , for
B two weeks. All who will take teacljers
B to board will please inform toe , Monday
r f evening. L. A. Carnahan ,
B > County Superintendent.
B Chopped off a Hundred.
B * la the recent readjustment of the sall
Bvf aries of postmasters , the McCook post- :
B ; office was reduced from $1,600 , $1,500 per
Bk annum.
m , I
1 6O Feet Deep , but Apparently Not
Injured in the Least.
One day last week , a hog on William
Divine's j farm up in Coleman precinct ,
rooted off part of the covering to the well
on the place , and then took a tumble to
the t bottom , 160 feet. Mr. Divine went
down after his hogship , which was suc
cessfully raised to the surface in an apj
parentty uninjured condition , running
away when released at the top , as though
it had only fallen as mauj' inches.
This incident recalled to H. T.Church's
mind the fact that quite a number of
years ago he helped rescue a Texas steer
from a well 60 feet deep. The animal
had backed into the well. It was with
great difficulty pulled to within a few
feet of the top , with rope and windlass ,
when the steer made a terrific lunge out
of the well , and took a two-minute gait
over the prairie , much to the astonishment -
ment of the rescuers , who saw him never-
Both circumstances are without the
ordinary in circumstances.
The Joy of Youth.
The youthful members of the Junior
Endeavor societ3' of the Congregational
church enjoyed a delightful picnicWed-
nesday , on the lawn and among the trees
at W. S. Perry's residence. Everything
was prepared and done for the entertainment -
ment of the young folks , who had a joyous -
ous and merry time after the happy and
simple manner of innocence and youth ,
aided and abetted by the good offices of
the older ones.
Miss Sara Lowman arrived • home ,
last Thursday night.
W. T. HENTON was over from Danbury ,
Saturday , on business.
H. W. Cole arrived home from the
east , Thursday night last.
Adolph Metzner has taken a posir
tion in Knipple's grocery store.
Elsie Burgess has been visiting her
cousin , Rosa Giles , at Oxford.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. WELLS went in
to Omaha , Tuesday , on business.
Orville Burnett is taking in the
Lincoln and Omaha bicycle races.
C. T. Ryan spent the close of last and
first of this week in eastern Nebraska.
Mrs. Samuel Moore arrived home
from j her visit east on Tuesday evening.
Mrs. A. J. RiTTENHOUSE has been
quite ill , but is better now and is doing
Miss Jennie McClung of Indianola
has ' been visiting her sister , Mrs. Dennis
James McNeny , the Red Cloud law1
yer , was at political headquarters for the
Valley , Sunday.
Mrs. S. E. Taylor and John left ,
Monday ] morning , for Iowa on a long visit
to * her old home.
Mrs. Fred S. Harris left for Omaha ,
Saturday < evening , after a two weeks
visit with her parents here.
C. P. Hubbard , of Culbertson , James
Ferrin and Adna Dobson of Lincoln were
Commercial ( guests , Sunday.
Clyde Scanlan has secured work in
McCook ; and will move his family there
in j the near future. Culbertson Era.
James Hatfield took in the Republican -
lican state convention at Lincoln , this
week , returning on Wednesday night.
Mrs. J. S. McBrayer and the chil
dren ' arrived home from Rich Hill , Mo. ,
Monday evening. Her mother is better.
Elmer Trumbarr arrived in the city
first ; of the week from Sheridan , Wyomt
ing j , and has been reneyving his acquaintance -
ance with oldtime r ads.
A. M. Drew , \ < understand , has left
the city. We are trying to console ourselves -
selves with the fact that we are not the
only ' nor the heaviest creditor.
Mrs. A. J. Majors came up from Peru ,
Tuesday night , on some business , and is
the guest of H. P. Sutton. She will re-
turn home to-night or on the morning
Miss Carson of the U. P. , D. & . G.
general offices , Denver , on her return
from Illinois , stopped off iere a few
days , , with her friends Mrs. H. G. Bor-
neman and Miss Carrie Frazier. {
Messrs. W.S. Morlan , A.Campbell , ,
George ' Hocknell , V. Franklin , William j
Valentine , J. W. Hupp , C. W. Barnes ,
H. H. Easterday , F. M. Kimmell , W. R.
Starr l and others of our city took in the
Republican state convention in Lincoln , i
this week , as delegates , and interested - <
visitors. "
A Heavy Bain Storm , Monday Night.
in This Section.
In j the Eastern Part of the County
and on the Beaver , but Is More
Destructive About
A heavy rain prevailed in this section
of Nebraska , Monday afternoon and eve
ning , -the heavy precipitation being in
some localities accompanied by severe
hail and lightning , both doing some dam
age. The hail did not reach any farther
west than Bartley , but was quite severe
between that place and Arapahoe , being
heaviest about Cambridge , where the
rainfall amounted to a small cloudburst ,
the rainfall being stated at from four to
eight inches in a brief while. There was
a small washout at a bridge about five
miles east of Bartley , both approaches
were washed away by the water which
covered and softened the roadbed for a
considerable distance in that neighbor
hood. The rainfall at Bartley was over
three inches. The lightning did some
damage at Bartley and Danbury and we
understand that a man by the name of
Campbell was drowned in attempting to
cross a swollen canyon near Lebanon.
At McCook the storm came latter in
the evening , amounting to a splendid
rain of 1.65 inches , without any damaging
ing : hail , wind or flood , and iti'ill do the
crops of all kinds great good.
In the hail districts , however , the
damage will for the most part be repairN
ed by time
They Entertain Their Husbands.
The ladies of the Priscilla club entertained -
tained their husbands on Wednesday
afternoon on the cool and shady lawn at
G. A. Noren's residence in a charming
and felicitous manner. Appetizing refreshments -
freshments were spread on the lawn ina
most attractive and tasteful style and in
fetching profusion. The affair was all
the taste , cleverness and energy of the
ladies composing the club would lead
3'ou to expect.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Cole , Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Burnett , Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Kenyon , Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Sutton ,
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Campbell , Mr. and
Mrs. G. A. Noren , Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Kendlen , Dr. and Mrs. Z. L. Kay , Mrs.
Will L. Yetter of Hastings , Miss Selma
Noren , Miss Ona Simons.
Miss Ona Simons and Miss Selma
Noren presided over the fruit punch
bowl , over which the affair concluded.
To Subscribers of The Tribune.Q
Readers of The Tribune will please
remember that cash is an essential in
the publication of a paper. The pub
lisher has been very lenient during the
past few years , on account of crop faili
ures and hard times , and as a consequence
quence many hundreds of dollars are
due on subscriptions. We are now com
pelled to request-all who can to call and
make settlement in full or in part. In
view of the facts , our subscribers must
feel the justice and urgency of this re-
quest. The Publisher.
Sick With Typhoid Fever.
Dr. Z. L. Kay received word yesterday -
day , that his son Elmer , now located in
Joplin Mo. , is sick with an attack of
typhoid fever. Mrs. * Kay left , this
morning , for his bedside , and all hope
she may be able to nurse him success
fully through his illness and back to his
accustomed vigorous and robust health.
Notice to Bicycle Riders.
Riders of bicycles will please observe
the ordinance against riding on the side
walks , and parents should see to it that
their children refrain from riding on the
sidewalks and rapid coasting within the
city limits. Due attention must be giv
en these requests , public safety and regard -
gard § for life and limb demand it.
Ed. Jordan , Marshal.
District School Meetings.
The storm belated many in attendance
upon district school meetings over the
county. And in one instance , those at a
meeting remained at the school house
until morning , being afraid to risk the
swollen canyons in the dark.
No Session Held.
The approaching storm , last Monday j
evening , kept so many from lodge that it
was thought advisable not to hold a
meeting of McCook lodge No. 1 , Star of
Stock Killed by Hail. (
It is stated on good authority that
stock , young and old , horses and cattle , .
were kilied by the hail in the vicinity of '
Graded \ Assessments to Take the
Place of the Present Method.
Buffalo , June 26. The supreme lodge
of the Ancient Order of United Work
men adjourned late this afternoon , to
meet the secondTuesday , in June next , in
ji Milwaukee. j The report from the bene
ficiary i committee was heard to-day. The
most important change was that giving
permission 1 to grand lodges to introduce
a plan of classified or graded assess
ments in the place of the present level
method. The supreme master workman
announced the appointment of the fol
lowing committees with their chairmen :
On laws , J. G. Kingsley , Helena , Mont. ;
on finance , Theodore A. Case , Ellington ,
N. Y. ; on appeal and grievances , Webb
McNall , Gaylord , Kans. ; degree of honor
S. R. Patten , Omaha , Neb. ; board of
arbitration , Lewis L. Troy , Chicago ;
vital statistics , A. P. Riddle , Minneapolis -
lis , Kan. ; on classified assessments , W.
Warn Wilson , Detroit. /
The Guests First. V
The of McCookmust
people - reinemc
ber one thing in connection with the ox
roast , namely , the guests of the city ,
those from outside and abroad , should
be served first. Just consider this and the
results will be much more satisfactory
and pleasant. Serve the guests first ,
and take what is left for yourself. The
celebration is for the other.people.
Binding Twine at LaTourette's.
Turnip seed 35c. a lb. at LaTourette's.i
Fishing tackle at McConnelFs.
Catholic Mass at 8 o'clock a. m.
High 3v mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. Hickey , Pastor.
Baptist Services in McConnell hall.
Bible school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11
a. m. B. Y. P. U. meeting at 8 p. m. ,
sharp , will be concluded with a short
sermon by the pastor. A cordial welcome
extended to all.
G. P. FUSON , Pastor.
Episcopal Services will be held at
the Episcopal church , January 12th and
every alternate Sunday at 11 a. m. and
S p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. every
Sunday. Ladies' Guild meets every
Wednesday evening after the 7:30 ser-
vice. R. L. Knox , Rector.
Methodist Sunday school at ten.
Preaching at eleven. Class at twelve.
Junior League at two. Epworth League
service at seven. Sermon at eight. Bi
ble study on Wednesday at eight o'clock.
Morning subject , "Sinful , but Redeem-
able" . In the evening , "God's Provi
dence" . All are welcome.
Rev. J. A. Badcon , Pastor. t
Christian Sunday school every Sunday - (
day afternoon at three o'clock in the
German Congregational church. We ,
have no pastor at present , but the Disci
ples will .continue to break bread , each
Lord's day after Sunday school. Endeavor - *
vor society on Tuesday evening of each 1
week at8 o'clock. You are cordially
invited to attend these services.
By Order of Committee.
Congregational. Morning subject ,
"Loyalty" , sermon followed by the i
Lord's Supper. Evening service at 8 1
o'clock will be of a patriotic nature.
Specially attractive music by the church
choir. Readings and declamations by
the young people , and an address by (
Prof. J. F. Hosic , of the State Normal 1
School , on "The Right Kind of People' . '
All will be welcomed to this attractive
service. Hart L. Preston , Pastor.
Miss Birdie Davis of Omaha is visit
ing Miss Stella Norval.
John Stone was down from Mayweed -
wood , Frontier county , midweek , on
business. '
Miss Bertha Townsend is entertain
ing a cousin , Miss Townsend , from Bird
City ( , Kansas.
Mrs. Will L. Yetter is up from
Hastings on a visit to her parents , Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Burnett.
Mrs. F. M. Kimmell and Miss Edna
Meserve will leave for the east on a visit
of a few weeks , tomorrow morning.
G. S. Bishop's family came up from
Indianola , this week , and are occuping
a dwelling on south Monmouth street.
Mayor Troth opened up his head
quarters in Lincoln on Sunday. But
Ole's pole was the longer and brought
down the persimmons.
The bicycle track just finished by the
McCook bicycle club will furnish much
of the amusement of the day. There are
a number of good races arranged for.
Beck's for fireworks and flags. Fire
works in assorted packages at 5c. and
ioc. per package. Flags are from 5c. a
dozen up. • Also a nice assortment of
Chinese lanterns.
Fifteen (15) ) cents will buy a box of
nice writing paper at this office , con
taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel
For a Bousing , Oldtime Celebration
of the Fourth , Tomorrow.
The Bowery Dance WIN Prevail and
Every Opportunity Provided
for the Full Enjoyment
of the Day.
As per the programs circulated it will
be | seen that McCook has made full and
complete ( arrangements for having a
great day tomorrow. The morning ex-
erci'ses'will consist of an oration , music ,
the reading of the declaration of inde
pendence etc. , preceded by the parade.
The dinner and barbecue will commence
after these exercises. And then the
sports and amusements of the day ,
which are numerous and interesting , as
a perusal of the large program will dis
close. In the evening the daj * will go
out in a blaze of fireworks.
Besides the regular amusements and
diversions , quite a number of private in
dividuals have provided opportunities
for entertainment and enjoyment at a
small expense , all of which will lend an
interest and zest to the occasion , which
all hope to make a memorable success
in every particular.
' -1 1
A Holiday Trip at Half Usual Cost.
The low rates to eastern and western
cities and summer resorts offered by the
Burlington Route cut the cost of a sum
mer trip right in two they bring an
outing within the reach of almost ever } '
pocketbook in the state. Here they are :
Half rates to Chicago , July 4 , 5 and 6.
Half rates to Washington D. C , July
3 j , 4 , 5 and 6.
Half rates , plus $2.00 , to Buffalo , N. Y. ,
July 4 and 5.
Half rates to Hot Springs. S. D. , July
3 and 24.
Half rates to Denver , July 5 and 6.
Ask the nearest Burlington Route agent
to j tell you what tickets will cost and how
long they are good for. Ask him also
about the
which will leave Omaha via the Burling
ton \ Route at 4:45 p. m. , Saturday , July
4th , and also about the
which will leave Omaha at 4:45 p. m. ,
Sunday , July 5th.
The first train is for teachers and
friends \ en route to the Annual Meeting
of the National Educational Association
at Buffalo ; the second for members of
the Jacksonian Club , bound for the Dem
ocratic National Convention.
For sleeping car reservations , folder
giving special information , etc. , call on
nearest Burlington Route agent , or write
to J. Francis , Gen'l Pass'r Agent , Burlington -
lington Route , Omaha , Neb.
Pay Your Dog Tax.
Owners of dogs are requested to call
at the office of the city clerk at once
and pay tax on their dogs. The police ]
are instructed to dispose of all untagged <
dogs as provided by city ordinance , so
owners of valuable or pet dogs should .
act promptly in this matter. "
Ed. Jordan , Marshal. ]
Engraving- Embossing.
If you take pleasure in good station
ery , try Crane's. It's fine and reasona
ble in price. We also do engraving of
cards and embossing of letter paper. See
samples and get prices.
List Your Property.
If you want to sell your farm or town
property list them with the Republican
Valley Land Co. Office in court house.
C. B. Gray , Manager.
Correspondence Wanted.
The Tribune wants correspondence
from every precinct and town in Red
Willow county. Terms readily given on
Plenty of Farms for Rent.
A number of good farms for rent.
Call early and get your choice. Apply
to P. A. WELLS , over Citizens bank.
Dr. Z. L. Kay.
Office , upstairs in the Farmers and
Merchants bank building. Residence ,
room 21 , Commercial hotel.
Nails 4 cts. per pound at LaTourette's.
Turnip seed 35c. a lb. at LaTourette's.
Scythe , Snath and Stone , $1.20 at La
Fishing tackle at McConnell's.
Binding Twine at LaTourette's.
Preserving Kettles at cost at LaTour
Mounted grindstones $2.80 at LaTau-
A Lodge of the Order Formed on H
Thursday Evening. M
A lodge of the order of Orangemen M
was organized in our city , last night , fl
and may the Lord have mercy on our * M
souls. We are not advised as to its M
officers , nor the number of its charter B
membership , but hear it stated as being- M
in the neighborhood of twenty , a sufficient - M
cient number , however , to readily save ! M
the country from the bloodthirsty Irish |
Catholics of this community. |
A banquet , spread by the Standard M
restaurant , was enjoyed by the members H
of the order. |
Now for the Junior A. P. A. , and the M
inauguration of the milleniutn. H
A Handsome Portrait of McKlnley. H
We have arranged with the publishers H
of Judge ( the famous New York weekly H
periodical ' ) to supply our readers .with H
the magnificent portrait of McKinley just |
published by them. This portrait is a H
veritable work of art ; it is the finest |
. thing of its kind we have ever seen. It H
is printed in colors on heavy plate paper H
and , is copyrighted by the publishers. H
The size is 14x21 inches. Every reader H
of this paper should have a copy. We H
will send it post paid to an } ' one cutting |
out this slip and returning it to us with M
five two-cent stamps enclosed. Be sure H
to \ write your name and address plainly. H
12-qt. Anti-rust tin pails 57c. at La- M
Tourette's. M
Rev.Knox will sell his horses , carriage M
and harness very cheap. |
• = = = H
1 ! 1
Turnip-seed 35c. a lb. at LaTouretts's. M
4-tined hay forks 49c. at LaTourette's. M
Western Washers at $3.60 at LaTour- M
It was too long between drinks to produce - H
duce a good crop of small grain. H
Lantern Class to-night at See o'clock. H
Pictures , music and a good story. H
The German Congregational church H
will be used by the Christian brethren. H
Artificial ice is clean , clear and wholesome - H
some , and will doubtless become popular. H
As a tater grower B. C. Bowman won't j H
take a back seat to anybody , this season. j H
To trade A lady's bicycle almost H
new for a good cow. Inquire at this H
office. ( H
The exercises of the celebration will H
be ' held on the hillside , north of the H
court ( house. j H
See announcement of semi-annual |
clearing , sale of the Cash Bargain store H
in \ this issue. H
The Ridgeley-Carl meat market is H
closed for the present , but expects to re- j H
sume business soon. , H
A gentleman from Fairfield College . . H
preached for the Christian people , Sunday - H
day last , in the city hall. H
The Philharmonic club under Mrs. M
E. E. Utter is arranging to give the pub- M
lie that pretty cantata , "The Seasons" , M
in the opera house , July 22(1. M
To California in a Tourist Sleeper. . |
The Burlington Route personally conducted - ] H
ducted once-a-week excursions H
- - to Colorado -
rado , Utah and California are just the H
things for people of moderate means. H
Cheap , respectable , comfortable , expe- H
ditious. They leave Omaha every Thursday - H
day and go through , without change , to H
San Francisco and Los Angeles. The H
tourist sleepers in which excursionists H
travel are carpeted , upholstered in ratan H
and have spring seats , spring backs , H
mattresses , blankets ; curtains , pillows , * H
etc. Only $5 for a double berth , wide H
enough and big enough for two. The route H
lies through Denver , Colorado Springs , M
the wonderful canyons and peaks of the M
Rockies , Salt Lake and Sacramento. ] |
For rates and also for illustrated folder M
giving full information , call on the nearest - H
est agent of the Burlington Route or ' M
write to J. Francis , G. P. & . T. A. ,
Omaha. Neb. ' H
220 Main Street. I
Cheapest and Best Place in McCook :
to Buy Groceries : I
15 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 H
1 lb. XXXX Coffee 20
20 lb. Pail of Best Fruit Jelly 50
1 gal. Chocolate Cream Syrup 40 I
1 sack of Thorough Bread Fancy H
Patent Flour 1.10 fl
1 sack White Bread Flour 95 jfl
7 bars of White Russian or Silver • B
Leaf Soap 25 J
10 lbs. Rolled Oats 25 ,
5 cans Good Sugar Corn 25
I lb. Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese .15 M
6 cans Oil Sardines .25 p JH
3 lb. can Standard Tomatoes 10 ? * B
3 lbs. Choice Prunes 25 I
H Shoes and Tinware cheap. I
J. W. McKENNA , Proprietor. I