The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 26, 1896, Image 8

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    lllllllfl'w / * * " " " * ' " - ' " " " ' ' ' " " , " " . " ' " ' T * * " " " " " " - " - ' ' - ' ' ' " " ' ' ai-I SInLll ! ! ! ! > ' ' ' . . . ' " , ' ' " ' ' ' . , , " " ' * ' ' " ' " ' * ; . > . , , . . , , . i. . , . , , , „ . . , , , ' , , „ jj , , , , , , wmin m in inr i.hiihiii i in ill li Mill MJMWMBMMBWMMIMMi Mi fc , H
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I i $250,000
iIh ii Hs'iill 1 " A i
B i 1 coupons inside each. 4-ounce g
H The Best bag. Buy a bag , read the coupon 8
H : SmokingTobaCCOMade and sec how to get your share. H
C % tH fts > 0 * 8r iSoffiofflc jfir illSacjicaO 4'i ' iffV -TJtmgfa : a&t afesfflcsfk "flc tc > & & > { § & I
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H & FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. | |
I ! CITIZENS bank !
| fr OF MeCOOK , NEB. #
ft #
ft ft
M ft . ft
' ft Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $10,000 ft
H ft ft
H 4 #
§ = = DIRECTORS = = Sr- f
m ft ft
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I I • S& ' r33 * a " 'i/1 * * * -J J-J Ji0' aajac'agjpragtca * yT a jjo. jypc jpicsnijpc sbjjcc Ajgnc tjjk aajjor " j c 3ijjnca jpt : 3jjic *
I - THE -
H 1
I - FI st National
Authorized Capital $100,000
I Capital and Surplus 60,000
H President. V. President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier.
I | : Fred Krug Brewing Company | J
H ! Cabinet Bottled Beer.
H g A High Grade Lager Beer ,
H &M Purest in the Market. g
HI s
H 3&S Office 1007 Jackson St. , Omaha , Neb. ggg
. a BHH aWfaimffi te
Plumber and Steam Fitter.
H Stock of Iron , Lead and SewerTipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Triia *
Hk nines. Ajrent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mill.
H $ \ if"1fi jb/i J'J"f'J/yV/f ' / iT'fi'3FT3TlX"hl FamoiiilUMcay enres qnlcKljpermanently - " "
K I 3Jk flHit 331sc l ISfjl m ! IS IEurvous dlitoabes.Veulc Memory , Loss of Brain Potrcr ,
B liiriftAli * P * * 11 * ii In { "MM" Headache , Wakefulness , JU t Vitality , Nightly Kmls-
H TPygSLrfr - T MSr SK MiBioiisrcTll dreams , lmpotency and vrastlns diseases . caused by
B y TT Flr'lfc " y Myouthfulerrors or excesses. Contalnsno opiates. Is a nerve tonle .
H f W3Tk VfiV ffilAfl 9andtoloodbuilder. Makesthepaleandpunystroopandplainp.
H 1 .S wV yi rflff * TI. | EailycarrledlnTestpocket.BlperboxOfor , . 5 Byxnalljjjro- .
B l 3f * i • * Wtl * * > ! MsJpald vitftatcrUCcncuarantfeormonn/rcfunded. , Wrltous.frce .
MTs > iMijLL JKsir&MSJBRiHicdlcal boob , sealed plain wrapper with testimonials ar.d
B rtbL.rWl lwEjElfcJSWMlTinT7iJiiiiiiiii . . . In I nl II mi B'mTin fin i mi iiilTiirrii . , ii I Beicareof imita- .
H iiaIt iouav. = tiUir. xxkiM.i. tions. 6oIdbTour cwt , oradlre fiKItTK8EEBCO. XaMaleTiB Chleasa.
H i ' ForsalolnMcCoob.Neb..byI..W.McDONNEIJ.&CO..Dniggl3t3.
Sutanlie for The McGool Trine
B Bb * " ' ' - 11 M up 1i 1 * - 1 1.1 - _ .L _ , . . . . . . r
Phases of human nature as represented in
Antaltruria excite an interest which palls up
on continuous association. I do not accept
the decisions of your Sociological and Ethological -
ological club. It is easy to theorize and reach
etiological conclusions not justified by facts.
A longer study and more charitable judg
ment may , in time , allow me to agree with
you , or , probably , your own opinions may
change , upon having more incidents.
The people are roused to enthusiasm over
the object of my extended sojourn , and vie ,
each with other , in attentions. I am invited
to social gatherings , to family dinners and to
quiet teas , but be as careful as a may , I can
not always see the basket of eggs , which , as I
informed you , were placed in unexpected
places. Mrs. Green is the leader and the
majority follow her in thought and manner , as
closely as possible. She questioned me sharp
ly in regard to my own country , Cenculantal-
topia. "Why that tongue tripping name ? "
"Being midway between Altruria , Cultura ,
Utopia and Antaltruria , it seemed a fitting
.name to its founders. " "And the people ? "
she queried. "Quite conservative ; communi-
tion between that and other places is frequent
and of a nature to prevent crystallization
into any one type. "
After this , 1 was one day writing , when
several little urchins came into the room. I
took no heed , but went on with my work , un
til my attention was drawn by their walking
around me and whispering. Looking up , I
found them gazing at me so earnestly I asked
"What is it , Charley ? "
He piped out , "Say , Mr. Reporter , can you
flop flies with your ears ? "
My hostess coming in just then , exclaimed ,
"Why , Charley ! What do you mean ? "
"Well , Mamma , Mrs.Green said Mr.Reporter
was a long-eared donkey and us boys wanted
to see his ears. "
"Yes , " spoke out another young hopeful ,
"And I heard her tell my Ma he was a mean
spy. "
"Boys , stop ! "
"But , Mamma , Mrs. Wells is mad 'cause he
went to Mrs. Jones' first , 'fore he come to her
house. "
"Do hush , Charley ! "
"Well , Mrs. West says he thinks he is too
big a bug to talk to her , but he can tell old
Mrs. Green about his old country , 'cause Mrs.
Green bragged about it. "
"Boys , leave the room ! " and pushing them
out turned to me. "O , Mr. Reporter ! I
wouldn't have had this happen for anything ! "
Her distress amused me and I said I was
glad of the experience ; it would be good to
report to my club.
"Yes , that is just it. Mrs. Green is afraid
you won't give her enough prominence , and
you trod upon her basket of social dignity
eggs , when you left her home to call upon
Mrs. Wells. It is just dreadful ! What can
you think of us ? "
"Shall I tell you what I think of you.
Madam ? "
"O , yes , " she laughingly replied. ' "Turn
about is fair play : ' You know how you ap
pear to those who wear mottled glasses with
warped lens , I should like to see how we look
to one of another country. "
"You know there are exceptions to all rules ,
but generally speaking I should say that you
are a peculiar people. Your preachers , teach
ers and other professional men are sciolists.
'Like priest , like people' , therefore you have
no settled religious views ; tossed about by
every wind of doctrine , doting about ques
tions and strife of words , perverse dis-
putings by men of corrupt minds , your
young people haye a smattering of book-
learning , no powers of application , fitted for
no position in life , except to exist in Antaltru
ria. Your boys follow in the footsteps of
their fathers , who are truce breakers , each
trying to over-reach the other in sharp bar
gains , in questionable pursuits , in obscene
jest , in ugly practices and unseemly behavior.
So , too , like mother , like daughter. I have
seen , with pain , pretty girls , with envious
sneers for each other , jealous , back-biting ,
gladly taking up reproaches against her
neighbor , and wearing ugly colored glasses ,
which distort her whole world. Idle , slangy ,
gossiping maidens , with aim no higher than
to know the affairs of their neighbors. "
"O dear ! I didn't know we looked that
way ! "We don't seem one bit nice. "
And this last statement , which means so
much in woman's vernacular , was silently but
heartily endorsed by
Your Reporter.
Hail Insurance in
first class company.
Written by C. J. Kyan.
[ official. ]
Commissioners' Proceedings.
McCook , Nebraska , June 15,1S96.
Board of county commissioners met in reg
ular session. Present , J. M. Thomas , James
Carmichael and Stephen Belles , commission
ers , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes
of last meeting read.
The following claims were allowed and
clerk instructed to draw warrants on county
bridge fund , levy of 1895 , in payment thereof ,
as follows :
Stephen Belles , bridge work $36 35
And on county general fund , levy 1S96. in
payment thereof , as follows :
C. T. Brewer , meat for Mrs. Dewey S 7 95
A. P. AYelles , medical services 60 00
C.J. Ryan , collecting taxes on execution 4 30
James Carmichael , servics as com 4 50
J. M. Thomas , services as com 5 80
On motion board adjourned to meet July 6
Attest : R. A. Green , County Clerk.
Try that 15 cent box
paper at The Tkebune
office. Worth 25 cts.
Also cheaper grades.
Dor t forget to come and see ns
when you want any kind of job
printing. We are the people who
do the nice printing.
3PBuy your writing paper at
The Tribune office. All kinds in
stock and prices very reasonable
• • j _ _ _ _ _
Fishing tackle nt McConnell's.
Binding Twine at LnTourette's.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds oi
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
& Bellamy , assistants.
How to Treat a Wife.
( From Pacific Health Journal. )
First , get a wife ; second , be patient. You
may have great trials and perplexities in your
business , but do not therefore , carry U your
home a cloudy or contracted brow. Vour
wife may have trials , which , though of less
magnitude , may be hard lor her to bear. A
kind word , tender look , may do wonders m
chasing from her brow all clouds of gloom.
To this we would add always keep a uottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house.
It is the best and is sure to he needed sooner
or later. Your wife will then know that you
really care for her and wish to protect her
health. Forsale by McConnell & Co. , drug
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment
Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , Salt-
Kheum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped
Hands , Itching Piles , Hums , Frost Bites ,
Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids.
For sale by druggists at 25 cents perbox.
For putting a horse in a fine healthy con
dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders
They tone up the system , aid digestion , curu
loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct
kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving
new life to an old or over-worked lion-e. 25
cents per package. For sale bydni2g3 = te
Agents w.inted to sell the Life and Speeches of
McKJnley , with I'roceedinjrs of St. Louis Conven
tion , Platform of Party and other valuable infer
mation. 320 pages , with 20 full page illustrations.
Price , cloth , $1.00 ; half morocco , $1.50 Sixty
Per Cent. Discount to Agents. Send 30 cents for
Prospectus and full pirticulars , and go to work at
once. You can sell 200 copies in jour town. Ad
dress J. S. Ogihie Publishing Company , 57 Rose
Street , Xew York.
Don't Stop Tobacco.
How to Cure Yourself While
Using It.
The tobacco habit grows on a man until his
nervous system is seriously affected , impairing
health , comfort and happiness. To quit suddenly
is too sev ere a shock to the system , as tobacco to
an in\etcrate user becomes a stimulant that his
sjstem continually cni\es. "Bacco-Curo" is : i
scientific cure for the tobacco habit , in all its forms ,
carefully compounded after the formula of an em
inent Berlin phjsician who has used it in his private
practice since 1S72 , without a failure. It is purely
v egetable and guaranteed perfectly harmless. You
can use all the tobacco jou want while taking
"Bacco-Curo. " It will notify jou when to stop.
AVe gie a written guarantee to cure permanently
any case , with three boxes , or refund the monej
with io per cent , interest. "Bacco-Curo" is not a
substitute , but a scientific cure , that cures without
the aid of will power and with no inconvenience.
It leaves the sjstem as pure and free from nicotine
as the day jou took jour first chew or smoke.
Cured by Bacco-Curo and Gained
Thirty Pounds.
From hundreds of testimonials , the originals of
which are on file and open to inspection , th'e fol
lowing is presented :
Clayton , Nevada Co. , Ark. , Jan. 2S.
Eureka Chemical & Mfg. Co. , La Crosse , Wis.
Gentlemen : For forty ycars I used tobacco in all
its forms. For tvvenfy-fiv e years of that time I
was a great sufferer from general debility * and heart
disease. For fifteen \ears I tried to quit , but
couldn't. I took various remedies , among others ,
"No-To-Bac , " "The Indian Tobacco Antidote , "
"Double Chloride of Gold , " etc. , etc. , but none of
them did me the least bit of good. Finally how
ever , I purchased a box of your "Bacco-Curo" and
it has entirely cured me of the habit in all its forms ,
and I have increased thirty pounds in weight and
am relieved of all the numerous aches and pains of
body and mind. I could write a quire of paper up
on my changed feelings and condition.
Yours respectfully , P. II. Makbuky ,
Pastor C. P. Church , Clayton , Ark.
Sold bv all druggists at $1.00per box ; three boves ,
( thirty days treatment ) $2.50 , with written guaran
tee , of sent direct upon receipt of price. "A rite for
booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical A : Mfg. Co. ,
La Crosse , Wis. , and Boston , Mass.
In the district court of Red Willow county , Neb
raska. The State of Nebraska , to Lombard Invest
ment Company , a corporation , and Frank Ilager-
man , as receiv er of the Lombard Investment Com
pany , a corporation , defendants : You , and eacli
of y ou , are hereby notified that y ou h.iv e been sued ,
together with Samuel Young , "Caroline E. Young ,
his wife , and Joel Woods , as co-defendants , by-
llcnrv Carter , as plaintiff , in the district court of
Red YVillow county , Nebraska , and that on or be
fore the 20th day of July , 1S96 , vou must answer
the petition in " chancery filed by said plaintiff
against said defendants , wherein plaintiff prays for
a decree of said court foreclosing .1 mortgage exe
cuted bv said defendants Samuel Young and Caroline
line E.Young to the Lombard Inv estment Company ,
dated March nth , 1090 , and now owned by plain
tiff , cov ering the following described real estate
situated in said Bed Willow county , Nebraska ,
to-wit : The northwest quarter of section number
five (5) ( , in township number two (2) north , range
number twenty-six(26) ( , except fifteen { 15) acres , in
a square form , in the southwest corner , west of the
sixth (6th ( ) principal meridian. Said petition fur
ther prays that the rights , titles , interests , liens and
claims of said defendants determined and set
tled , and that said land be appraised and sold , ac
cording to law , and the proceeds arising from such
sale applied , first , in payment of the costs of said
action and of such sale. and second , in payment of
the full amount found due said plaintiff upon the
indebtedness secured by said mortgage , with all
interest thereon ; and " the balance , if any , be
brought into court ; that from and after the con
firmation of such sale , the defendants to this action
and each of them , and all persons claiming under
them , be forever barred and foreclosed of and
from all right , title , interest , lien , claim or equity of
redemption in and to said land , o. any part thereof.
Unless you answer said petition , as aforesaid , the
facts therein alleged will be taken as true and a de
cree will be rendered against y ou as therein pray ed.
Witness inv hand and the seal of said conrt , by
me affixed , this 9th dav of June , 1S96.
. * . " G. C. Boatman ,
- seal - Clerk of the District Court of
* , ' Bed Willow County , Nebraska.
Pulsifer it Alexander , Concordia , Kansas ,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
First published'in The McCook Tuidune , June
12th , 1S9O.
grsjjr agft cagjoSP xgrxgi jjjp. agz i fi. ijy : j p. a
fr . .TBY. . 4
f . .FOR. . I
t All Kinds Animals $
I and Plants. . J
I . .SOLD BY. . J
[ f < A. McMILLEN |
fiSH -IN THE4$1 $
n • h ;
Md S3We have just received a jjgsj "I
tfM carJoad of MONOGRAM FLOUR , sis • . I
ggg This is equal in quality to any ggg iJM
i jr ] High Patent Flour manufactured $ | Sx I
g\g3 in this state , and is backed by our gyp |
i guarantee. $ ? $ ) I
jy | iTi Owiiig- the encouragingpSg | |
BsQ * prospect of an abundant crop of BwS tl
gpg wheat , we are enabled to sell this fp * } I
jr & 3 flour at the extremely low price $ $ $ } m
| | fe of S5ceiitsasaclc. Jl
& & § 5 ifl
5Sg saBiiulingr Twine at 6 cents s S | |
ISfe a pound. Work on any machine. 2 ff |
I McM ( Commission Co. 1 J
5 An education at Harvard , Yale , or anv other §
\ college or institution of learning in the "United \
J States , or in the New England Conservatory of *
J Music , can be secured by any young man or J
* woman who is in ( .armst. Write for particulars 3
J quickly. JAMES D. BALL , }
* 36 Broomfield Street , Boston , M.iss. J
[ j Farmer's Sons I
l C - We will employ you at $50 per /
i ) -nvJ month. Write quickly. i
f U PtKlTVN Pl'IILISIIiKg Co. , ?
50 Broomfield Street , }
i Boston , Mass. 5
Mr.D. P. Davis , a prominent liveryman and
merchant.of Goshen , Va. , has this to say on
the subject of rheumatism : "I take pleasure
in recommending Chamberlain's Pain Balm
for rheumatism , as I know from personal ex
perience that it will do all that is claimed for
it. A year ago this spring my brother was
laid up in bed with inflammatory rheumatism
and suffered intens-ely. The first application
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm eased the pain
and one bottle completely cured him. 1'or
sale by McConnell and Co. , druggists.
For every quarter in a man's pocket there
are a dozen uses ; and to use each one 111 such
a way as to derive the greatest benefit is a
question every one must solve for himself.
We believe , however , that no better use could
be made of one of these quarters than to ex
change it for a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , a _ medicine
that every family should be provided with.
For sale by McConnell & Co. , druggists.
By virtue of an ordei of sale issue irom the
District Court of Red Willow county , Neb
raska , under a decree , in an action wherein
Oliver M. Hyde is plaintiff and James A.
Piper et al. are defendants , to me directed and
delivered , I shall expose to public sale and
sell to the highest bidder , for cash , at the south
door of the court house in Indianola , Neb
raska , on July 27th , 1896 , at the hour of one
o'clock , p. m. , the following described real
estate , towit : The northwest quarter of sec
tion three , in township four north , in range
twenty-nine , west of the 6th p. m. , in Red
Willow county , Nebraska.
Dated June 23,1896. J. R. Neel ,
Sheriff of Red Willow county.
W. S. Morlan , Attorney. 6-26-5ts.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , May 16,1S96.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Satur
day , June 27th , 1S96 , viz : ISAAC B. STRYK-
ER , who made Homestead Entry , number
9,744 , for the soutli half of the northeast
quarter and the east half of the southeast
quarter of section three , townshipfour , north
of range thirty , west of sixth principal merid
ian. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of. said land , viz : William II. Epper-
ly , Iliram K. Bixler , George H. Simmerman ,
John B. Smith , all of McCook , Nebraska.
5-22-6ts. A. S. Campbell , Register.
V N * - * " Shortens labor , lessens pain.
- : - " • diminishes danger to life of
both mother and child and leaves her in condi
tion more favorable to speedy recovery.
"Stronger after than before confinement"
says a prominent midwife. Is the best remedy
Known and worth the price for that alone.
Endorsed and recommended by midwives and
all ladies who have used it.
Beware of substitutes and imitations.
Makes Child-Birth Easy ,
Sent by Express or mail on receipt of price ,
$1.00 per bottle. Book "TO MOTHERS"
mailed free , containing voluntary testimonials.
J. A. GUNN. 1
McCook , Nebraska. ( * 41
3 * Office Over C. A. Leach's jewelry store. k
Residence 701 Main street. Prompt attention - H
tion given to all calls. fH
J. S. McBRAYEK , f 1
McCook Transfer Line.A m
! 1
23gr"Oiily furniture vnn iu the
city. Also have a first class house jM
moving outfit. Leave orders for 9
bus calls at Commercial hotel or fl
at office opposite the depot. jM
. . M
r-i-p-a-n-s m
u. S
w 1
The modern stand- * 1
ffl ard Family MedimM
cine : Cures the MAP
[ P common every-day M
J ills of humanity. JH
Chase Co , Land and Jve Stock Co. x I
Horses branded on left hip or left sbouldor H
< & 3 jp P.O. add resd Imperial |
lyiatete. . . . , _ Chase county , and Beat H
vitaBflHB& gr'ce. ' Nebraska. Range. H
MJ H SgrfTTOStiakinir Water and the H
PHCSSfV ! Frenchman creeks , in |
* BEs zS&&sfcy { Chase county. Nebraska. H
yL _ A M | Brand as cut onsideof |
* s SMl &S 9vM& . someanimals.onblpand H
" ' ' " ' Mififllr ' sides of , H
some or any-
whereon thoanimal. j H
R. A. COLE , H
Has just received a new stock of 0LOTHI M
md TRIMMINGS. If you want a good flt- H
ting mlt made at the very lowest prices for jj H
• good work , call on him. Shop first door west |
of Barnett's Lumber Office , oa Danalsca "
itreet _ j