The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 19, 1896, Image 5

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    H' r ' * . . .
H 'V ' * ? l ; ' * W wWM B8aBege . J , , A. . . . . . .itfn , , . : , ' liVUdw.Wi.Trrv. > ; w ? fflOTT r vi >
I : , | | MADAM Mm& I
H ) fi | VOI 1R 1 Repairing j |
H 1 | I NeatJy Done. I 5
Bj < C t PFFT : @MP ? I
B ; ' \ $ ww , _ Would look the prettier t
Bi \ 2 y v j and feel the more comfortJ
WM * > % \ / riMa \ le in an easy fitting and 5
| H \ % IfwSffi&X \ fashionable pair of fine i
B V I ? \ Mrl I OXFORD TIES. Where 1
H \ S3Hpy ! | will you buy them ? I have
B < # J | \ " j ! 'for your seeing some of the %
5 i / \ 1 Daintiest Styles your eyes
J { Go I ! ever looked upon %
d i v r | and the prices are far beS
! 5 < ; . J low your expectations. 2
ujj. . ,
JB I ? iiil McCook , Nebraska , May 22 , iSgo. p j
K > SSf.3 To the Citizens and Farmers cf McSc k * : fe !
B y gj S a < Z vicinity : vg
K \ SKS (2)ear ( ) Friends and ( Patrons : THE Mc = © J ? 3
1 J. S A" MERCANTILE CO. has moved into ® $
Hl 4i 5 § e ° / 5 store rooms belonging to ( Sab = § jjvf |
X coc an J&orlan , between the First National
t ? v
BB .J. ft f Z ? w j aud the postoffice. W&
Ib B ' ? j5 3 e very grateful for a & & gener = JSJJSS
have received the j2 § |
m m WS ous patronage zve from far =
Bi % 0 $ niers and citizens of McCooh and vicinity , and % $ $
l ib Was will endeavor in every way in our power to hs.
B' § S ? merit their entire confidence and future pai = 5ffcfts
B < I S s i S
A ffi Co7 ? e a ? see us in our new quartersj gg
\ ' , 3 They are large and commodious , and enable § S
f\ \ XfK& us to show our large stock to advantage , which SSeS
I 3 ? § ltas oeen impossible for us to do before. We t fi
R7' \ F Ii w soon have large shipments.of necn goods rum
tt.f Q5 § l aM nesi and in future we will always cn = J
deavor to give our patrons the opportunity of § | | S
S3 § patronizing their liome store , and of helping EJKs
> 5 S efr own town and us , and not compel ihen 2
Rjfeij to go outside to make purchases of any kind , jrffiw
Site because their wants could not be supplied in sfefe
Sjyp their own town. S p
1JWSS If at any time we should not have what SJcS
Jjfrjc you want , ask for it , and we will get it. Our § ftjj *
S § § object will be to please our customers , sell our pSS
SyS goods at a living profit , and 'treat everyone Sf2W
$ & $ alike , so that we , will always merit their con = SJi p
2U § fidence and patronage. 2Si
S2 Claiming everyone as our friend , and WyrZ •
h - Swfti bidding you all welcome , we are always , Pyj5
H | S Your obedient servants , $ SiJ5i
B VssS5 §
No. 2 , through passenger. 5:55 a. m.
No. 4 , local passenger. 9:00 P. 51.
No. 64 , freight 4:30 a. m.
No. 148 , freight , . 5:00 A.M.
No. So , freight 7:00 a. M.
No. 75 , freight 6:45 A- * ' •
No. 3 , through passenger. 12:40 A. M.
No. 5 , local passenger. 9:15 r. M.
No. 03 , freight , . . . 6:00 p. M.
No. 77 , freight 5:20 p. M.
No-149 , freight 7:00 P.M.
No. 175 , accommodation , leaves. . . . 9:00 : A. M.
No. 176 , accommodation , arrives . . . 6:40 I' . M.
Es Note : No. 63 carries passengers for
Stratton , Benkelman and Haigler.
All trains run daily excepting 14S , 149 and
176 , which run daily except Sunday.
No. 3 stops at Benkelman and \Vray.
No. 2 stops at Indianola , Cambridge and
No. 80 will carry passengers for Indianola ,
Cambridge and Arapahoe.
Nos. 4,5,148,149 and 176 carry passengers
for all stations.
When No. 80 is annulled No. 148 will leave
at 8:00 a. m.
You can purchase at this office tickets to all
principal points in the United States and Can
ada and baggage checked through to destina
tion without extra charge of transfer. For
information regarding rates , etc. , call on or
address C. E. Magner , Agent.
Mrs. J. E. Forbes was a Lincoln visi
tor , Friday last.
Mrs. Edward Ellis has been quite dis
abled by an attack of rheumatism. .
Mrs. G. E. Leming of Gillette , Wyom
ing , is visiting relatives in Red Cloud.
Mrs.E.Hanson accompanied her sister
on her way to DenverWednesday night.
A 12-pound baby was born to Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Gold , of our city , Tuesday
Miss Washburn arrived in the city ,
Monday night , and is the guest of her
brother Fred.
Mrs. J. E. Morrissey and Miss Anna
Miller are visiting friends at McCook ,
this week. Holbrook Herald.
F. A. Thompson and familj' have
moved into the Henderson residence va
cated by L. B. Stiles and family.
Engineer and Mrs. Barney Lewis ex
pect soon to move to Denver , we regret
to learn. They are now visiting in east
ern Nebraska.
Mrs. W. S. Tonilinson , Guy and Nina
departed on Wednesday for Barnesville ,
Ohio , where the3' will spend the summer
at her old home.
Fireman Houchin's three children had
a runaway , Tuesday afternoon , with a
pony and cart , down to McFarland street.
No one hurt. Damage nit.
The company's windmills and tele
graph poles suffered in the storm of
Wednesday night on the high line , and
about Republican City and Oxford.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Stiles and family
departed on Saturday evening for Salt
Lake City , Utah , where Mrs. Stiles and
the children will spend the summer with
her mother for the benefit of her im
paired health.
Fireman * R. L , Harris and wife are
down from the Wyoming division , visit
ing friends here and at Holdrege. He
is well on the way to complete recovery
from his recent scalding , and is just out
of the hospital at Grand Island.
Col. A. Campbell of McCook was in
the city , Saturday , to see how things are
going the world over in politics. His
mines have not commenced to pay
enough yet for him to make the race for
congress , this fall. Hastings Democrat.
The report is received here , this week ,
that our old citizen , T. A. Wilburn , late
roadmaster of the Holdrege-Cheyenne
division , has been transferred to the Red
Cloud division , succeeding Mr. McFar
land. The latter becomes superintend
ent of the Cheyenne branch , vice Harman -
man resigned. The office of roadmaster
on the above line , it is understood , has
been abolished. Oxford Standard.
Mrs. Jack Cook's little nephew of Mc
Cook is visiting with her this week
Walt Cox of McCook has Fred Wilson's
place with Conductor Lyman's crew on
the St. Francis branch , while Fred is
awar on his wedding trip. . . .We under
stand that the railroads have abrogated
the payment of freight on stock by
weight , and that they will return to the
old method of paying by aarloadjots
Conductor Green and Engineer Sprague
have been indefinitely laid off for an al
leged violation of a company rule. It is
the opinion among the boys that the lay
off will not exceed thirty days
Through the resignation of the assistant
superintendent of the B. & . M. at Holyoke -
yoke , Colo. , D. F. McFarland , roadmas
ter of this division for the past seven
years has been promoted to fill the va
cancy at Holyoke. He has also been
given the additional duties of roadmas
ter. This makes Mc an assistant super
intendent with all the perquisites and
emoluments that the term implies. We
are pleased to hear of this good fortune ,
although under all the circumstances it
would seem to us that Mc would have
preferred remaining on this division ,
where his property interests are quite
extensive. We learn that a man by the
name of Thos. Wilburn has been ap
pointed to this division succeed Mc
Farland as roadmaster. And report says
he is a very fine man , too. Republi
can City Democrat.
B gglfclCMCSSBiaiyBnnswiiniiirtf
m 1 w a i fc 1 11 nil m
Highest Honors World's Fair ,
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
Sl"7 ? 7"7 " - - : v- - : , -v-- : : , -j. . : . - . = .33
Fishing tackle at McConnell's.
Nails 4 cts. per pound at LaTourette's.
Screen wire 10 cts. per yd. at LaTour
Preserving Kettles at cost at LaTour
Scythe , Snath and Stone , $1.20 at La
Solid Copper Wash Boilers $1.87 , at
You should have one of those hand
some 16 to 1 badges at Beck's , first door
south of the postoffice.
Fifteen (15) ( ) cents will buy a box of
nice writing paper at this office , con
taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel
Women pin from left to right , men
from right to left. Women button from
right to left , men from left to right.
Women stir from left to right , ( their tea
for instance , ) men from right to left.
Women seldom know the difference be
tween a right and a left shoe , and if a
housemaid brings up a man's boots , she
will nine times out often , place them so
that the points will diverge. Can these
peculiarities be explained ? London
For Sale.
One fire proof safe , weight about 1000
pounds ; also one Howe platform , double
beam counter scale. 1. M. Smith.
Plenty of Farms for Rent.
A number of good farms for rent.
Call early and get your choice. Apply
to P. A. WELLS , over Citizens bank.
Dr. Z. L. Kay.
Office , upstairs in the Farmers and
Merchants bank building. Residence ,
room 21 , Commercial hotel.
Fishing tackle at McConnell's.
To California in a Tourist Sleeper.
The Burlington Route personally con
ducted once-a-week excursions to Colorado
rado , L'tah and California are just the
things for people of moderate means.
Cheap , respectable comfortable , expe
ditious. They leay uaha every Thurs
day and go throiyrithout change , to
San Francisco afc. Los Angeles. The
tourist sleepers in which excursionists
travel are carpeted , upholstered in ratan
and have spring seals , spring backs ,
mattresses , blankets ; curtains , pillows ,
etc. Only $5 for a double berth , wide
enough and big enough fortwo. Theroute
lies through Denver , Colorado Springs ,
the wonderful canyons and peaks of the
Rockies , Salt Lake and Sacramento.
For rates and also for illustrated folder
giving full information , call on the near
est agent of the Burlington Route or
write to J. Francis , G. P. & T. A. ,
Omaha , Neb. .
To Subscribers of The Tribune.
Readers of The Tribune will please
remember that cash is an essential in
the publication of a paper. The pub
lisher has been very lenient during the
past few years , on account of crop fail
ures and hard times , and as a consequence
quence many hundreds of dollars are.
due on subscriptions. We are now compelled - i
pelled to request all who can to call and j
.make settlement in full or in part. In 1
view of the facts , our subscribers must I
feel the justice and urgency of this re
quest. The Puelisher. .
Notice to Bicycle Riders.
Riders of bicycles will please observe
the ordinance against riding on the side
walks , and parents should see to it that
their children refrain from riding on the
sidewalks and rapid coasting within the
city limits. Due attention must be giv
en these requests , public safety and re
gard for life and limb demand it.
Ed. Jordan , Marshal.
Denver , Colorado.
One fare plus $2.00 for round trip ,
tickets on sale June 14th and 15th ; lim
ited forreturn , leaving Denver not earlier
than June 20 and not later than June 25 ,
except by depostitng ticket with joint
agent before June 20 extension of return
limit may be obtained up to and includ
ing July 15.
Chautauqua Assembly
At Orleans , Neb. , June 1-27. One
fare for the round trip from points with
in 150 miles of Orleans ; tickets on sale
June 1st , 2d , 6th , 7th , 9th , 13th. 16th ,
iSth , 19th , 20th , 23d and 27. Good for
return until and including June 2Sth ,
Orleans Chautauqua Dates.
T. DeWitt Talmage. Sunday , June 7th.
William Hawley Smith , June 1 , 2 , 3.
David C. Cook , June 10 to 17. Joseph
T. Berry , June 18 to 25. M. M. Park-
hurst , week of June loth. Write to J. L.
McBrien or H. R. Easterbrook , Orleans ,
Nebraska , for catalogue.
1 =
Chautauqua Assembly
At Beatrice , Neb. , June 1S-2S. One
fare for the round trip from all points
• within 150 miles of Beatrice ; tickets on
sale June 18th to 18th inclusive. Good
for return until and including June 29th ,
l wCi l H M
irmnw I i ur ii I ! !
. I
- . I niir . .i.imw.n
. . . .liMTTr.l.rrnM , , n . < .t. nr ,
A Big Line of I
I Swisses , Organdies , Dimities , Jaco2 | I
I nets , Lawns , Linen Lawns , Percales , Etc. , 2 | l
I just what you want for hot weather. z II
I * * • 0 • • * g B l
9 Dress Goods prices are low. See 5 II
1 our Lawns and Challies at 5c. per yard , z | 1
S Summer Corsets 43c. each. z Jl
2 Still have nice assortment Ladies ' l | l
S Shirt Waists. Agents for the celebrated 2 I
5 Butterick Patterns. | I
I Grocery stock fresh and first-class. 2 I
S Our prices are always the lowest. | I
fa AT THE . . . I )
m People II
Wh ° m I
| 1 Write | S I
gfeS Might as well get some- § ? fc | H
gggj thing that ' s neat and stylgg | M
3v3p 1 ish as to b'uv somethinq S P. M
SI < 2XI thatisnt- 8 3
Kf | • 'AV What's the use of buyKftg
wta T ing a poor article when wftir H
sum zm
gg you can get JLhe Best for g ft
Sy ? the same money P8 H
m AT § 8 I
9 Tke HI I
§ * Tribune § 1 I
@s ? Office. * , , . % M I
sMRS. E. E. U7TER.i . j
Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo , j i 1
ES-Studio Rear of C. L. DeGroS & Co.
McCook , Nebraska.
-Agent of Uncoln Land Co. OSce
Rear of First National bank.
The Orleans Chautauqua.
One of the most attractive features of
this year's Orleans Chautauqua is that
the Burlington route -will sell round , trip
tickets at the one way rate from all sta
tions within 150 miles . Ask nearest
B. & Jkl. R. R. agent to give you full in
formation , not only about the cost of
visiting the Chautauqua and when the
low rates will be in effect , but also about
what there is to do and see and hear
after you get there.
Real EsiateCollections , Insurance J I
McCook. Nebraska. im
. *
- < -
5gTNotary Public. East Dennison street. -m
McCook , Neer.\sk.i.
CS 05ce Over the Famous clothing store.
General law practice in state and federal
courts. Stenographer and Notary in office. ? ' 1
Omce over Citizens Bank of McCook. r
W. V. CAGE , I
McCook , Nebraska. % . \
J3""Onice hours 9 ! o 11 1 va. , a to 5 and
7 to 5 p. m. Rooms Over the First National J&
bank. Night calls answered at the office. *