The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 19, 1896, Image 1

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    # \ * ° * I
m. ' I
1 Jk . . : _ _ s : _
) 1-
/ m Exercises Were Elaborate and More
[ ' R1 Interesting Than Usual
• j Wt
• J *
f \f Which was Profusely and Appro-
jg\ . ' prlately Decorated for the
& aF > \ Occasion A Larpre
\ aJL * Audience.
.L , . | The Children's day exercises in the
, ff'Methodist church , last Sunday evening ,
1m ' attracted a large , interested and delighted -
ed audience. The exercises were among
, B the finest ever attempted by the school ,
' j ( * an everything passed off smoothly and
r in a most gratifying style , which highly
pleased all.
The pulpit of the church was appro
priately decorated with potted and cut
flowers in profusion ; while banners ,
bunting and a large motto effect "Our
fc Young Crusaders" lent a charming ap-
! g pearance to the entire interior of the
v * church.
> At'the appointed hour some forty or
. fifty scholars marched into the church
from the west ward school building ,
1 where they had been arranged under
y > special and appropriate banners , and the
IS regular programme of the evening com-
H. . menced. Below we give the
Jf1 March
M Musid No. I Choir
JsU. Prayer
' . Choir
- tW' Music N0.5
Iff * ? * . Address Kittie Stangeland
# , 5- Infant class Cold Water Army
m , \ % Reading Reve Benjamin
$ ? . ' . ' : - Dialogue Three Boys
II - - ' Song "Pansies" Infant Class
if " Address Kenneth Welles
* k Dialogue Four Girls
% Music Quartette..Vera Hileman , Edna
\ Jarrard , May Stangeland , Lizzie 'Anton
& fJh Address Elbert Berry
-W l\ \ Recitation Guy Burnett
% J \ Music Duet Vera Hileman , Lizzie Anton
% \ V Address GuyTomlinson
aJlf ' \ Address Roberta Kidder
f \ Music No. 7 Choir
% i Five Minute Talk Pastor
k Kf ) Collection. .
5 * 2T Doxology
Z& \ a ' Benediction
, &B \ "The Young Crusaders" were mar-
jft j shaled under three banners , and each
; . W V had subdivisions. "Home Guards" with
Jjk A Cold Water Army , Anti-Saloon Cadets
' "It I I * and Good ConuUCt Baud ; "State Protec-
] kA/ tors" with Good Citizenship Brigade ,
• WT Loyal American League ; "Church De-
* fenders" with Conquering Legion , Stud-
Jk > ent Recruits , as their respective snbdi-
\ Jp vfsions. The conception was compre-
3k hensive and suggestive and the presen-
K * tation clever.
\ The collection for missionary work
W amounted to $20.71 , quite a gratifying
, V JB amount , indeed.
V . = = = = =
f & Their Fourth Anniversary.
: Tfc The Christian Endeavor society of the
; If Christian church , near Red Willow ,
% . on last Sunda- afternoon celebrated
J& ! the fourth anniversary of the organ-
m ization of their Endeavor -society
% with appropriate special services , which
L \ were largely attended and greatly en-
11 v'C'A ' joyed. The society commenced three
t J'jr 3 > ears since with a small , but earnest ,
W ) membership , and they now have one of
% the most enthusiastic , helpful and ag-
• M gressive societies in the county.
\ Jp } k/ The services were attended by En-
, S. deavorers from other societies in the
* V * ' county , the McCook society having
I % ' , quite a delegation present.
1 jL May the Red Willow Endeavor society
BS" * * * 3r ever prosper in the good work ,
f li- = = = = = = = = = = = =
' % - An Alfalfa Island.
k % } Andrew Carson of the Sunnyside dairy
t fe * \ . as Just comPlete ( seeding 20 acres of
i. WJ"T s his 100 acre island in the Republican riv-
1 w er to alfalfa , which is coming on famous
ly m > ly already. He spent two or three weeks
I. / J\j in preparing the soil most thoroughly
r & and in seeding , and The Tribune be-
* $ " - - sSieves those 20 acre will produce as much
* cr
- 'alfalfa and. fatten as many hogs as any
20 acres in southwestern Nebraska. He
l expects in due time to seed the entire
\ island and enclose it with a hog tight
\ wire fence.
Worthy of Special Notice.
In mentioning the performance of the
• Mandolin club of that city , last week ,
the Alliance Grip states , "but the guitar
! and banjo solos by Russell Thorpe , Jr. ,
and Clyde A. Stultz are worthy of special
notice" .
Thanks for the Assistance.
I wish to return thanks to all those
who were instrumental in assisting in
making the entertainment , last Friday
evening , the gratifying success it was.
Mrs. Wiixiam Duxton.
sj > ' j If You Want to Know ?
, iP Subscribe for The McCook : Tribune ,
and. know all about it for $1.50 a year.
* " ' b It's easier than borrowing.
p Wet :
| b JK ' Little Ray LaTourette has a very sore
jf W foot , from jumping on to a rake in his
The Entertainment In Opera House
Last Friday Evening.
A fair sized audience gathered in the
opera house , last Friday evening , to
witness the entertainment by local tal
ent , consisting in the main of a cantata
entitled , "Twenty Little Workers" , and
concluding with the comedy entitled ,
"Country Cousins" . Besides there were
several other numbers on the programme
of special merit. The entertainment
was given under the direction of Mrs.
William Duttou , assisted by Miss Grace
Sanborn and reflected to their credit , as
' well as to all who were engaged in the
production. The proceeds go to pay
balance due on the organ recently bought
for the Fitch school house.
The cast of characters was as follows :
Esmerelda . .Miss Grace Sanborn
Mr. FitzAllen . Charles Heber
Mary Douglass Miss Nettie Smith
Miss Burnett Miss Mabel Jordan
Mary Ann Strongly Jessie Murray
Country ( Mr. Ducklow Roy Dutton
Cousins ( Miss Ducklow Jessie Johnson
Grandmother Mrs. Wm. Dutton
Flower girl Nettie Dutton
Tom , tormenting brother Louis Johnson
Bridget Mulroney J. F. Forbes
The Brigade baud added its wealth of
harmonious sound to the occasion.
Pythians Attention !
You are hereby requested to meet at
the city hall , Sunday , June 21st , at 3 o'
clock p. m. , for the purpose of marching
to the cemetery and commemorating Py
thian memorial services. Knights will
as far as possibie provide small bun
ches of flowers and evergreens. Visit
ing knights are requested to take part
in these services. E. J.Wilcox , C. C.
Good wages to a competent girl , in a
small family. Apply at Mrs. S. Strass-
t 1
Mrs. James Barnes is still quite ill.
H. H. Berry was a Bartley visitor ,
C. B. Shute moved down from Cul-
bertson , last week.
Samuel Graham came over from the
Beaver , to day.
Banker Frost of Bartley was a city
visitor , Monday evening.
John Dinneli. returned from the
mountains , Wednesday night.
Register Campbell spent Wednes
day and Thursday in Hastings.
George Hocknell and family left ,
Thursday evening , for the mountains.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Wells went in
to Oniaha , Tuesday morning , on busi
Rev. R. L. Knox and family are
spending the week with friends out west
of here.
A. H. Kidd , the well known Beatrice
lawj'er , was a Commercial guest , Monday -
, day night.
Mrs. A. M. Drew and the family de
parted on Tuesday morning for Osceola ,
this state.
Editors DeWald and Adams of
Trenton observed our gait by electric
light , Saturday.
A. D. King of Culbertson and A. J.
Vennum of"Palisade were city visitors ,
Tuesday evening.
Messrs. George 'Hocknell and W.
S. Morlan were Lincoln visitors Satur
day and Sunday.
Mrs.W. S. Cornutt , Misses Dot Dav
enport and Clara Kleven visited friends
in the city , Sunday.
Rev. J. A. Badcon went down to Or
leans , Tuesday morning , to enjoy a few
days of the Chautauqua.
Mrs. J. F. Heber , came down from
Denver , Monday evening on No. 4 , on a
visit to McCook relatives.
Mrs. James Eaton came down from
Denver , Monday morning , and will
make her home here for the present.
J. H. Goodrich of Wauneta was con
fined to bed at the Commercial house ,
Wednesday , suffering from over heating.
Colonel Easterday arrived home ,
Monday night , from his trip to Omaha ,
Tecumseh and other eastern Nebraska
C. L. DeGroff was up from Nebraska
City , Saturday and Sunda3' , looking
after his extensive and valuable interests
in our city.
Mrs. Fowler of Denver , nee Minnie
McConnell , arrived in the city , Tuesday
evening , and is the gnest of her Sister ,
Mrs. Albert McMillen.
Mrs. Fred S. Harris and little
Aimee of Omaha arrived in the city ,
close of last week , and are visiting her
parents , Mrs. and Mrs. Joseph Menard.
S. H. Heard and family left forSanta
Ana , California , lastnight , to make their
home there , having sold their real estate
and other effects in South McCook.
Their daughter Anna is now living in
Mrs. W. T. Constant , sister of J. H.
Ludwick , died in DesMoines , Iowa ,
Wednesday afternoon , from effects of an
operation for removal of a tumor. The
remains were shipped to Lincoln , where
the burial took place today from the
residence of H. Trowbridge. Mr. Lud
wick left for Lincoln , last evening , to
attend the funeral. His little boy ac
companied him for treatment for his
General Hobart of New Jersey His
Eunning Mate.
In the Platform Great Enthusiasm
Exhibited Siive r Men Bolt
raska in it.
The work of the national Republican
convention that opened , Tuesday , in St.
Louis , is finished. Major McKinley is
the nominee for president , General Ho
bart for vice president. The platform
declares for gold standard , opposes free
silver , pledges protection to American
industries , favors reciprocity and just
retaliation , endorses Harrison's adminis
tration , denounces Democratic rule , fav
ors protecting American sugar , endorses
the Monroe doctrine , extension of civil
service , opposes use of public money for
sectarian purposes , favors liberal pen
sions , advocates government construc
tion of the Nicaraugna canal , favors res
triction of immigration , aud favors good
offices and active interposition for resto
ration of peace in Cuba.
"The District School" .
Notwithstanding the heat , Monday
evening , the attendance upon the meet
ing of McCook lodge No. 1 , Star of Jupi
ter , was sufficient to crowd the hall , and
the session was one of the livliest in
weeks. There were four new members
initiated and two applications were fav
orably voted upon for admission into the
lodge. This closed the business session
and after some delay caused by the fear
of an approaching rain storm the enter
tainment of the evening was given.
"The District School" was. the title of
the fun provided , with Dr. J. A. Gunn
in the leading role as schoolmaster.
From the grand entry till school was
out for vacation , there was a succession
of amusing declamations , laughable sit
uations and fun galore , keeping the audi
ence in a gale of merriment.
A Card to the Public.
St. Louis , Mo. , June 17 , 1S96. At 'he
request of the Associated Press , the
United Press and the newspapers gener
ally , the Western Union Telegraph Co.
entered into an agreement with the
Postal Telegraph Co. not to distribute
any bulletins of the national convention ,
with the exception of the ballots. The
Postal Teleg aph Co. have violated this
agreemen' Dy distributing such bulletins
to both the newspspers and the public ,
and the Western Union Telebraph Co.
will start free bulletin service for the
nevspapers and the public generally , to
morrow. ( Signed ) R. C. Clowery ,
Vice Pres. and Gen. Mgr.
Joseph Spotts and Albertena Yonce
were married , Tuesday of this week , at
the farm of A. A. Phillippi over in Valley
Grange precinct , Squire H. H. Berry
performing the ceremony. The Trib
une offers its congratulations and well
Yesterday a reception and farewell
dinner were given at the Spotts home
in East McCook , the reception being
to the newly married couple and the
farewell to Mr. Spotts' mother , who will
shortly leave for her home in the east.
The occasion was a joyous one.
The charivari in the evening by the
lads of that neighborhood was lively , too.
A Card of Thanks.
For the many kindnesses and untir
ing assistance and helpful sympathy of
our friends and neighbors throughout
our late sorrow and bereavement we are
most profoundly grateful and deeply
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Lewis.
A Benefit Ball.
The members of the McCook club will
hold a benefit ball in Workman temple
hall , on the evening of Tuesday , July
I4th"r Best of music will be provided and
a good time is in prospect.
Barbed Wire $2.75 per 100 pounds at
Much of the small grain needs mois
ture. Some has already been badly
damaged by its absence.
A woman can make a fire as well as a
man with one of those fire kindlers sold
for 35 cents at Bullard's.
Sylvester Cordeal will be located in
new quarters upstairs in the Farmers
and Merchants bank building about the
first of the month. ,
Harry Chapin recently graduated the
Central high school of Ashtabula , Ohio ,
and the Daily Beacon of that city says :
Harry Chapin read the Class Will , in
which everything that had been theirs
to enjoy was bequeathed to the class of
' 97. There were numerous individual
bestowals which were very fanny.
Two . Weeks' Session Provided for
from July 6th to 17th.
The annual institute for Red Willow
county will be held in our city begin
ning July 6th and closing July 17th ,
two weeks. '
The instructors will be : Language ,
J. E. Hosic. Geography , History aud
Civics , J. L. McBrien. Arithmetic ,
Physiology and Book-keeping , J. F.
Carnahau. Primary methods , Miss
Tillie Moore.
The lecturers will be : State Superin
tendent , H. R. Corbett. W. H. Cletn-
uious , President Fremont Normal. Wil
liam Valentine , Superintendent McCook
Schools. J. H. Miller , Editor North
western Journal of Education. J. L.
McBrien , Dean Orleaus college. Rev.
B. S. Haywood , Holdrege. J. F. Ho9ic ,
State Normal.
An examination will be held on July
i8th , for those who wish to attend a high
school of the county , next 3'ear.
Certificates will not be granted per
sons under 17 years old.
Arrangements will be made to sec " * e
board at reduced rates.
The Last Entertainment.
The closing lantern class entertain
ment of the summer was held in the
east ward assembly room , last Friday
evening. The assembly room was com
fortably filled with guests of the special
work department , and a very enjoyable
programme was given. The audience
was delighted with "Venice" and "The
Brook" , Prof. Valentine reading the
charming poem in connection with the
exhibition of the latter slides. A vocal
solo-by Sarah Oyster and a piano selec
tion or two by Lillian Troth rounded out
a felicitous evening.
For Sale at a Bargain.
Farm adjoining the city limits of Mc
Cook on the north , ninety acres in cul
tivation , seventy-five acres pasture , all
under fence , excellent soft water , four-
room one-story frame dwelling house ,
frame stable and carriage house , etc.
Dwelling within three-fourths of a mile
of high school , west ward school , six
church buildings , city park and site of
the r.v court house , etc.
This is a good orrgortunity forany par
ty wantinga gopd rain and stock farm ,
so located as to have all the conveniences
of city life. Easy terms. P. Boyle ,
On the premises.
Suit Commenced.
E. K. Doan has commenced a suit in
Squire Berry's court against W. O. Rus
sell to recover $100.40 for flour sold to
the latter , who is alleged to have been
the owner of "The Only" grocery , ot
which A. M. Drew was manager previ
ous to the recent sale of that stock to
I. A. Sheridan of Indianola. We under
stand , that the flour was bought within.
a few days of the sale , a part of it on the
da3 * of transfer.
Mrs. L. J. Beck has a most extensive
stock of fireworks , balloons , lanterns ,
and flags , and she is selling them very
cheap. Call and see the great assort
ment now in. and more coming. That
15-foot balloon is a daisy.
The wind and dust and fear of an approaching
preaching storm , last night , interfered
with the band concert somewhat , but
there was the usual large attendance and
delight experienced.
Fishing tackle at McConneli's.
f %
thj&cJScJ&zj&zjBc : Or rffa- Tffirrffe j bc jflcaBrjjt
Methodist Sunday school at 10 ;
preaching at n ; Junior league at 3 ;
preaching at 8 ; prayer meeting at S on
Wednesday. J. A. Badcon , Pastor.
Catholic Mass at S o'clock a. m.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
Rev. J. W. Hickey , Pastor.
Baptist The regular services will be
held in the McConnell hall. Bible school
at 10 a.m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and
8 p. m. B. Y. P. U. meeting at 7 p. m.
A cordial invitation to all.
Rey. G. P. Fuson , Pastor.
* Episcopal Services will be held at
the Episcopal church , January 12th and
every alternate Sunda } * at 11 a. m. and
8 p. xn. Sunday school at 10 a. m. every
Sunday. Ladies' Guild meets every
Wednesday evening after the 7:30 ser
Congregational Morning theme ,
"God's Law and Man's Life" . Evening
topic is , "Being Ashamed" . Sunday
school at 10 o'clock ; Endeavor societj'
at 7 o'clock. Leader , Mr. J. F. Gan-
schow. Prayer meeting , Wednesday ev
ening. All are cordial invited.
Hart L. Preston , Pastor.
I. Pe\v , the Danbury sheepman , had
business in the new county capital ,
E. N. Allen of Arapahoe , and Frank
Rathbun of Frontier county , candidates
for the state senator nomination , were
in the city , Wednesday.
Mrs. H. L. Wheaton , nee Miss Car
rie Shepper , arrived in the city , Wednes
day night , with her two sons , from Sun-
bury , Ohio , and is the guest of her
sister-in-law , Mrs. J. F. Ganschow , with
whom she lived here in the early days.
Arrangements Perfected for a Rousing
Oldtime Celebration.
Amusements , Parade , Music. Fire
works , and a General Good
Time Is Assured.
Come All.
That McCook will celebrate the na
tion's natal day , and do it on a big scale ,
is now assured. A number of hundred
dollars have already been raised to de
fray the expenses of such a celebration
as our people propose to have , and an
absorbing programme of entertainmeut
has been provided.
There will be bicycle races , foot races ,
sack races and other amusements , for
which good purses will be offered.
Judge G. W. Norris of Beaver City will
be the orator of the day. The Brigade
band of our city will provide the music.
A large appropriation has been made for
fireworks , and a great pyrotechnic dis
play will be given in the evening.
McCook has not indulged in a celebra
tion of this kind for a number of years ,
and it is proposed to make this a highly
creditable success , to do their utmost to
entertain those who may come to cele
brate with us and do all they can for the
comfort of their guests on the auspicious
Come to McCook and help us make the
celebration unequaled in southwestern
Home Interests.
Home interests constitute one of the
strong arguments for home trade and
and home patronage. The laboring
man , the mechanic , and all sorts of bus
iness men are alike interested in spend
ing their money at home. This policy ,
if carefully followed , builds up and pro
tects home industries. The interchange
of labor and articles for home use , the
buying and selling through the dealer ,
one and all combined-is very often the
guarantee of a successful business en
terprise. The mechanics , the laboring
men , and families of moderate incomes
are very loyal on these lines. So far as
their wants are concerned , they are sup
plied by doing all their trading with
home merchants. Our merchants and
dealers recognize this fact. When the
shops are running on fuii time , when
labor is plenty and produce commands a
good return , then business is on the up
grade. The reverse of these conditions
makes dull trade with most every kind
of merchant trading. It is a good pol
icy to buy at home anj and everything
that is handled over the counter or can
be procured by orders. Business men of
all kinds should bear these facts in mind
and never go abroad for anything that
can be procured in your own town and
county. Alma Record.
Are Growing Poor Seed.
Many mistakes are being made now
during this alfalfa craze by so many try
ing to grow it for seed instead of haj * ,
and the result will be a large amount of
very poor seed will be put on the mar
ket ; seed that is immature , more than
one-half of which will not germinate , be
sides a very large amount of very valu
able hay will be spoiled. It may seem
severe to say that not one fanner in ten
in Nebraska , growing alfalfa , is at this
time competent to grow seed , and this
is throwing no reflection on the growers ,
but the fact is , so many of them are in
experienced in alfalfa culture and so
many of our fields are new , that our
growers must have patience , wait until
their fields are older and better set and
until a number of crops of hay have been
grown. We will not learn to swim by
watching the fishes , nor to fiy by watch
ing the birds fly , no more can we learn
all about alfalfa culture by reading about
it , though with experience and practice
what we read will be of great benefit to
us. Nebraska Farmer.
Pay Your Dog : Tax.
Owners of dogs are requested to call
at the office of the city clerk at once
and pay tax on their dogs. The police
are instructed to dispose of all untagged
dogs as provided by city ordinance , so
owners of valuable or pet dogs should
act promptly in this matter.
Ed. Jordan , Marshal.
Badly Demolished.
Tony Probst's baker's wagon was bad
ly demolished , Tuesday morning , in a
runaway. The wagon was overturned
and practically demolished in the drag
ging process that followed. No one in
the vehicle
John Hatfield and son are in the swim.
They have just put up a lot of that cele
brated hog wire fence sold by Bullard.
It can't be beaten.
The Brigade Band of Our City at
the State Fair.
It will be very gratifying to the people
of our city , as well as to the members
of the Nebraska Brigade band , to lean :
that that excelleut musical organization ,
of which we are all so justly proud , has
been selected by the state fair manage
ment as one of the bauds to provide I
music during the state fair week in 91
Omaha , this fall. II
The organization will number 27 men , II
and The Tribune believes the boys will II
do themselves proud and honor our city. 91
The band will be provided with new 81
uniforms and will present a handsome II
appearance , in harmony with the artistic II
ability of the organization. II
We congratulate the boys upon secur- II
ing the distinction with emoluments II
attached. §
J FOR A CENT , j | |
Sunday was "Flag day" . ' II
Fishing tackle at McConneli's. jfl
Screen Doors 79 cts. at LaTourette's. | l
Last Sunday was Pythian Decoration jfl
, fl
Western Washers at $3.60 at LaTour- | H
ette's. f jfl
Vacant residences of a desirable sort ifl
are filling up. ' jfl
The school census is being taken bv H
C. P. Vilaud.
Rev.Knox will sell his horses , carriage H
and harness very cheap. D
i HJ
One Quart Tin Fruit Cans .54 cts. per H
dozen at LaTourette's. 'jH '
Walk up to the captain's office and ; ] H
make it right with him for those dogs of iH
yours. 'WM
The Garbers , the new grocerymen. M
have moved into the A. M. Drew rest-
dence , this week. M
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. M
Joseph Schmitzof Driftwood precinct. M
Wednesday morniug. H
You will find the official minutes of M
the late session of the board of count * |
commissioners elsewhere in this issue in H
"The Only" grocery store passed into fl
the hands of I. A.Sheridan of Indianola. fl
Monday , and he at once took charge of fl
the store and stock. ifl
There are not a few indications to the fl
effect that there will be the devil to pay. fl
not a thousand miles from here , before fl
the close of the presen : century. "Ain't H
The hit and mi ; 3 social by the Baptist H
ladies , Wednesd- evening , on the lawn H
at Rev. G. P. ason's residence , was j H
largely attended. Ice cream and cake H
were served , and the church treasury H
was replenished by a neat sum of profit. H
Mrs. J. S. McBrayer of McCook , Neb. . fl
arrived , last night , in response to a telegram - H
gram announcing the illness of her H
mother , Mrs. W. H. Edington , who has H
been seriously ill with heart disease. |
The Tribune is pleased to announce that fl
Mrs. Edington is better now. Rich Hill fl
( Mo. , Daily Tribune. , H
The Crete Chautauqua , July 3d to 15th , , M
presents attractions which should cap- |
tivitate the most fastidious. A superior ' M
collection of teachers , lecturers , exposi- fl
tors and musicians it would be difficult M
to find. As a pulpit and platform orator M
Dr. Gunsaulus has few equals and no M
superiors. Dr. Scott excels as a pulpit M
orator and as a teacher and expositor of M
modern biblical thought. Prof. Graham. M
Taylor who has won universal commendation - H
dation at former assemblies will deliver - M
a course of lectures on social economics ; fl
and Mrs. Mary H. Ford of Chicago , who H
has won a reputation as one of the most H
popular speakers of the great city , lee- H
tures daily througout the assembly and H
will give the Women's Club day address , H
July nth. Miss Myrtis Child s Chandler -
ler , soprano soloist , who delighted her
hearers , last year , returns again , and also - I
so Miss Marian A. Treat in the same I
role. The Slay ton Jubilee Singers [ col- fl
ored ] who sang before a $10,000 house at *
the Chicago auditorium , and who capt- I
vate the people wherever they go , wil ;
be atthe assembly an entire week. Prof.
Favour with his startling electrical ex
periments , McDonald with his fun , ant' |
other eminent people will appear upon
the platform. Write for programme to l. ,
Geo. W. Baldwin , Sec , Crete , Neb. } -
thFfair %
220 Main Street.
Cheapest and Best Place in McCooe :
to Euy Groceries : *
15 lbs. Granulated Sugar Sr.oo
1 lb. XXXX Coffee 20 1
20 lb. Pail of Best Fruit Jelly 50 •
1 gal. Chocolate Cream Syrup 40 ' ,
1 sack of Thorough Bread Fancy ' •
Patent Flour 1.10 *
1 sack White Bread Flour 95 ' ,
7 bars of White Russian or Silver * > J
Leaf Soap 25
10 lbs. Rolled Oats 25 5 >
5 cans Good Sugar Corn 25
1 lb. Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese .15 a ,
6 cans Oil Sardines 25
3 lb. can Standard Tomatoes xo | J
3 lbs. Choice Prunes 25 • . *
Shoes and Tinware cheap. \
J. W. McKENNA , Proprietor. #