The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 12, 1896, Image 1

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The Court House Bonds in the Sum of
Ten Thoucand Dollars
A Small Vote Cast but There Were
Only Twenty-Six Votes In
Opposition to the
The result of the election , Tuesday , on
the proposition to vote city bonds in the
sum of $10,000.00 to aid and assist Red
Willow county in building a court house
is gratifying. Although there was a
small vote cast , the result was practically
unanimous for the bonds , but 26 out of
a total of 24S votes being cast against
the proposition. It is gratifying as indi
cating the determination of the people
of this city to keep their promises , and
as showing a disposition on their part to ,
do their utmost in assisting Red Willow
county in the building of a suitable
and creditable court house , jailand sher
iff's residence. McCook has performed
its duty 111 this matter as agreed and it
now remains for the county to provide
such a sum of money , which will , * in
connection with the amount voted by
this city , afford the county proper build
ings in which to transact the business of
the county.
It is-the opinion of The Tribune that
if the harvest is what the crop prospects
now indicate it will be , that the people
of the county will be willing to vote suf
ficient bonds to build county buildings.
The county does not require anything
stupendous or florid in the line of archi
tecture , but should have roomv , conven
ient , substantial and well appointed
structures of reasonably attractive ap
pearance. Perhaps $25,000.00 would pro
vide and furnish all the necessary build
ings to fill the county's needs for the
next fifty years.
Voters Be Watchful.
Grand Master Workman Tate of the
A. O. U. W. is ever watchful of the in
terests of that order. la a recent issue
of the organ of the order he says : "Re
cent developments in this state lead mete
to believe that an organized effort is be
ing made to drive fraternal beneficial so
cieties out of existence. Not long ago a
dispute arose between the auditor of this
state and the Farmers' Mutual Insur
ance company of Nebraska. The com
pany then commenced proceedings in
iTHE court to compel the audi
tor to issue a certificate for them to do
business. Am I not justified , brethren ,
in view of these thing , in asking you at
the primaries in your county and state
conventions and at the polls , to see to it
that no man , in any party , shall be nominated -
inated or elected to any state office or to
the legislature of this state , who carries
a stiletto for the A. O. U. W. or kindred
organizations" ?
Their First Observance.
The Children's day exercises of the
Baptist Bible school held in McConnell
hall , Sunday evening , were attended by
a large crowd , and the event was a suc
cess in every way. This is the first time
that the Baptist people have observed
this day in McCook , and taking into con
sideration the difficulties they labor un
der in having to use a public hall for
their services they should feel a com
mendable pride in its success. Rev. E.
A. Russell , representing the Publication
society at Philadelphia , made a short
How About It ?
The question is being frequentty asked ,
"Will McCook celebrate the Fourth of
July ? As no action has been taken , of
course the question remains unanswered.
Perhaps it would be just as well to de
cide this matter , or give out the idea
that no celebration will be indulged in
by our city , this year.
Dryden Carmody.
Andrew C. Dryden and Julia Carmody ,
both of Trenton , were married by Rev.
R. L. Knox in the Commercial house
parlors , Wednesday of this week. They
are at home to their friends after today
in Trenton. Miss Carmody is an ex-
superintendent ol Hitchcock county.
Hit and Miss Social.
A hit and miss social will be held on
the lawn at Rev. G. P. Fuson's home ,
( Spearman residence , ) on next Wednes
day evening , June 17th. Ice cream and
cake will be served. You are all cor
dially invited.
By Order of Committee.
A Wise Dehyphenation.
The Times-Democrat last week ap
peared under the caption of "The Mc
Cook Republican" , which sounds and
appears much better , though not so mis
leading and sonorous as the old hyphen
ated title. The action was a wise and
proper one.
The Epworth League Have a Poet
Whittier Programme.
The j-ouiig people of the Methodist
church spent an evening with Whittier ,
Tuesday evening , under auspices of the
literary department of the Epworth
League. There was only one source of
regret , namely that the attendance was
not larger , as the programme was inter
esting and instructive. Those having
the literary work in charge feel a little
discouraged on account of the small
number that turn out on such occasions ,
but hope to make the next meeting , ear
ly in July , of such attractiveness as will
draw more people to enjoy the exercises.
The programme on Tuesday evening
was :
Biography of Whittier L. E. Cann
Paper "Influence of Whittier"A.
A. L. Smalldon
Reading "Snow Storm" . . .Kittie Stangeland
Lessons from Barbara Fntchie.-E. L. Rohlf
General discussion
Address "Whittier as compared with
1 Iolmes" I lannah Stangeland
It is proposed to introduce some unique
features in the next meeting , which will
be duly announced.
r " 3
George Hocknell went up to Den
ver , Tuesday night.
C. J. Ryan was in Lincoln , close of
last week , on business.
REES HeaTON was over from Curtis ,
close of last and first of this week. -
W. P. Hall , the Holdrege lawyer ,
was a Commercial guest , Monday night.
J. M. Hughes of Decatur , Illinois ,
was a Commercial guest , Tuesday night.
Miss Nora Stroud will teach a sum
mer school in the South McCook build
R. O. Phillips was out from Lincoln ,
Saturday , on Lincoln Land Co. and ditch
Rev. J. A. Badcon preached the I. O.
O. F. memorial sermon at Wauneta ,
Sunday last.
J. H. CHRISTNER of Hayes Center was
at political headquarters for the valley ,
Monday evening.
Mrs. O. S. BURNETT has been visit
ing her mother , Mrs. A.J. Anderson , in
Hastings since last week.
Mrs. Page T. Francis left on Satur
day evening for Louisville , this state , on
a visit to her old home and friends.
Mrs. Eliza-G. NETTLETON has gone
to Lincoln , where she will remain a
, number of weeks taking some special
work iu the state university.
E. E. Magee left lor Lincoln , Tues
day morning , to spend the summer va
cation at home , and do some special
work in the state university.
Charles McConnell arrived in the
city , Wednesday night , from Virginia ,
Illinois , where he has been indulging in
a vacation at home for his health.
Register Campbell ' was in Hastings
ings , Sunday , preaching the doctrine of
goldbug salvation to the recalcitrant
Democracy of that burg. But they
would not.
Mrs. Herman Pade has gone to 1
Wisconsin to spend the summer at her
old home. W. H. Davis and family are
occupying the Dixon residence in the :
Mr. and Mrs. Hocknell and little
Marguerite came down from Denver ,
yesterday morning , and are occupying
apartments over the First National bank
for the present.
Clyde A. Stultz of McCook , Nebr. ,
is coming to assist the Mandolin club in
their entertainment. Mr. Stultz is a
very fine guitar player , and will be quite
an acquisition to the club. Alliance
M. Stern was out from Chicago , early
part of this week , on business connected [ l
with his interest in the city and vicinity.
He has large faith in the future of this
city , expecting great things when the
country gets to its normal condition.
Prof. J. F. Hosic , who has been the
successful principal of the Arapahoe
public schools for two years past , and 1
who is well and favorably known to
many of our readers , has been elected
to a professorship in the state normal
school in Peru. Success attend him.
W. O. NORVAL , who has been in Pitts
burg attending Prohibition convention ,
arrived home on Saturday evening. He
went with the broad gauge'fellows who ,
stood out for silver and nominated Bentley -
ley of Nebraska as their candidate for
president. The narrow gauge fellows
named Levering of Maryland.
1 X
Arrangements Being Made for an Old
Style Celebration.
Another Meeting Will be Held in the
City Hall , Tomorrow Nijrht ,
to Push Along : the
Good Work.
Pursuant to call a few citizens met in
the city hall , last evening , and decided
to have a celebration of the Fourth of
July iu our city , with appropriate and
attractive particulars. The following
committees were named :
Arrangements L. W. McConnell ,
C. E. Magner and H. H. Berry.
Finance F. A. Pennell , E. L. Lay-
cock , Z. L. Kay , F. A. Thompson , Frank
Harris and C. T. Brewer.
Amusements A. G. Bump , Ed. Jor
dan , George Johnson , C. B. Gray , R. M.
Osborn , Daniel Lucas and P. Walsh.
Fireworks E. L. Laycock , A. S.
Campbell , E. E. Rowell , James Starr
and R. M. Osborn.
Bicycle Races E. J. Wilcox , C. A.
" , Leach and E. E. Lowman.
Base Ball George Johnson.
Vocal Music F. M. Kimmell.
It is desired that each and all of these
committees report at another meeting to
be held in the city hall tomorrow even-
ing. Let there be a full attendance , in
order that this matter of celebrating may
be gotten well in hand and under way.
The Twinkling Stars.
The hail was comfortably full at the
Monday evening meeting of McCook
lodge No. 1 , Star of Jupiter. There were
two initiations of cauaidates and one ap
plication for membership in the order.
Besides the transaction of the regular
routine business of the lodge , it was de
cided in the future that only members
of the lodge should be allowed to enjoy
the privilege of the entertainments of
the order. When exceptions to this rule
are made due notice will be given in the
public press.
The programme of the evening is con
sidered one of the best , and was thor
oughly enjoyed , judging from the gener
ous and hearty evidences of approval
vouchsafed those engaged in the several
numbers. It was as follows :
Flute solo Roy Smith
Miss Pearl Brewer , organist.
Reading Dr. J. A. Gunn
Violin solo Miss Bertha Boyle
Miss Mabel Perry , organist.
Vocal duet Geonje Johnson
Charles McCarl
Recitation Ethel Barnett
Vocal solo Miss Ellington Wilson
F. 'M. Kimmell
The programme for next Monday ev
ening is "The Country School Master" ,
and promises to be replete with amuse
ment and entertainment.
Verdict of Not Guilty.
The case of the state against Mrs.
Peters of Grant precinct occupied Squire
H. H. Berry's attention , Wednesday.
County Attorney Keyes appearing for
the state and A. F. Moore defending.
T. C. brother-in-law the
Kelley , a - - , was
complaining witness , and the charge
was that of assault with the intention of
doing great bodily harm. A jury was
empaneled composed of C. B. Gray , Ja
cob Steinmetz , E. W. Hendricks , John
Williams , George Poh , J. H. Ludwick.
Their verdict was not guilty , and Kelley
pays the freight , or rather the cost of the
The case is one that periodically arises
in Grant precinct and attracted considerable
erable attention from the public during
the trial.
The Official Vote.
The vote on the bonds stood as fol •
lows :
FIRST ward.
For the proposition 140
Against the proposition 12 152 :
For the proposition 95
Against the proposition 14 109 1
Total for the proposition 235
Total against the proposition. * 26
Total vote cast 261
There were a few .blank and spoiled
ballots in each ward.
Merely Coincidental.
It is doubtless a mere coincidence , but
but it is somewhat amusingly true that ;
some people who are not subscribers to
The McCook Tribune , and donot read
it , are among the best posted as to its i
utterances , and the most perturbed there .
about sometimes. It is , however , mere
ly coincidental.
A Fractured Legr.
Last Thursday evening , Nellie the eldest -
est daughter of J. H. Bennett , fell down
the cellar steps at the residence , fracturing -
ing her right leg just above the ankle.
The is not and Nellie
injury a severe one , '
lie will be about as usual in a few weeks.
Meritorious and Pleasing Program
Before Appreciative Hearers.
The Epworth League concert given in
the Methodist church , last Sunday even
ing , has been highly complimented by
all who had the pleasure of hearing it ,
and the attendance was large. The
sketches and other items of the pro
gramme were also enjoyable and meri
torious , and altogether the event was
successful and enjoyable. The pro
gramme was :
Quartette. .Miss Mary Watson , Miss Hannah
Stangeland , Mrs. Brown , Mrs. Waite
Scripture reading Mrs. If. L. Kennedy
Anthem Choir
Prayer H. H. Berry
Duel Miss Stangeland , Mrs. Waite
Quartette Knurl Stangeland , Roy Smith ,
Bert Beyrer , A. P. Welles
I Iandel sketch L. E. Cann
I lymn Selection from Handel
Beethoven sketch May Stangeland
1 lymn Selection from Beethoven
Wesley sketch Miss Eunice Golieen
Ilynin Selection from Wesley
Mozart sketch E. L. Rohlf
Hymn Selection from Mozart
Mendelssohn sketch Minnie Whittaker
llymn Selection from Mendelssohn
The members of the League are sub
jects for congratulation upon the merit
and pleasure-giving quality of their con
Promises to be Enjoyable.
An entertainment consisting of a can
tata entitled , "Twenty Little Workers" ,
and a comedy entitled "Country Cous
ins" , will occupy ihe boards at the opera
house , this evening , under direction of
Mrs. William Dutton and Miss Grace
Sanborn , the proceeds to be devoted to
paying balauce due on organ for the
Fitch school house. The cast gives
much promise of an eujoyable entertain
ment. Tickets 25 cts. Reserved seats
35 cts. at McConueil's. Children under
eleven years of age , 10 cts.
Horse Became Unmanageable.
While out riding , Tuesday evening ,
Elmer Benedict , clerk at the Arlington -
ton hotel , was quite severely injured by
the horse falling on top of him , hurting
him about the head and knee , and using
him up generally. The horse became
unmanageable and in turning the cor
ner of Main and Railroad streets , while
running at a high rate of speed , fell 011
its rider. Elmer was rendered uncon
scious and remained so pretty much all
night. He is getting along all right
now and will shortly be around as usual.
It Was Largely Attended.
The lovefeast and preaching service at
Ira Miller's grove on the Willow , last
Sunday , was largely attended and great
interest was manifested. The services
were under direction of Rev. E. J. Vi
vian , who was assisted by Revs. Morris
and Long. The sermon was preached
by Rev. Morris. Some twenty persons
were baptized , quite a percentage being
immersed in Red Willow creek. The
affair was a great pleasure and uplift
to all present.
Over a Half Inch.
A fine and timely rain prevailed in
this section , Wednesday night. The
precipitation according to the Burling
ton gauge at this station was .5S of an
inch. The electrical display was some
thing startling. The rain is a great help
to small grain and will give corn a great
A Special Session.
The board of education held a special
session , last Saturday evening , in which
a high school incident was given due
consideration. None but interested par
ties and the board were present , and the
investigation and findings were private.
Fishing tackle at McConnell's.
Sf.ffir - ffi-r iffrv -aSr TrTVjfnrj f Tffsj3s j&caSsjS
Catholic Mass at S o'clock a. m.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a.m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
Rev. J. W. HiCKEY , Pastor.
Baptist The regular services will be
held in the McConnell hall. Bible school
at 10 a. m. Preaching at II a. m. and
S p. m. B. Y. P. U. meeting at 7 p. m.
A cordial invitation to all.
Rev. G. P. Fuson , Pastor.
Episcopal Services will be held at
the Episcopal church , January 12th and
every alternate Sundaj * at 11 a. m. and
S p. in. Sunday school at 10 a. m. every
Sunday. Ladies' Guild meets every
Wednesday evening after the 7:30 : ser
Methodist Sunday school at 10.
Preaching at 11. Junior league at 3.
Epworth league at 7. Children's day
program at 8. One of the best ever pre
pared by the board of education : "Our
Young Crusaders" . Fathers and mothers -
ers of the children are cordially invited
to be present. J. H. tYARGER , Supt.
J. A. Badcon , Pastor.
Congregational Morning theme ,
"The People Who See God" . Evening
topic , "How Are You Helping the
World" ? Sunday school at 10 o'clock.
Christian Endeavor at 7 o'clock ; leader ,
Miss Edna Meserve ; topic , "What Think
Ye of Christ" ? Wednesday evening ,
prayer meeting at S o'clock. All are cordially -
dially invited to attend these services.
Hart F. Preston , Pastor.
An Appeal .for a United Effort to Ad
vertise Red Willow County.
Should be Exhibited at the Nebras
ka , Iowa and Illinois State
Fairs It Will Pay
Bier Returns.
It is not too early even now to begin
agitating the matter of sending a county
exhibit to the Nebraska , Iowa and Illi
nois state fairs , and The Tribune hopes
that the people of the county will give
the proposition the attention it deserves.
As an advertising scheme , for the ac
complishment of missionary work , to
induce immigration , nothing excels a
creditable agricultural display at the
great state fairs and the people of Red
Willow county will do well and wisely
to make use of this means of properly
setting before those seeking new homes
and cheap land the claims of this coun
ty. The different towns of the county
should join in with the farmers and thus
prepare a carload of the products of the
county , which will be a credit to the
county , and will fairly and fully advertise
its possibilities and inducements.
To bring about the best results a unit
ed county effort should be made ; thus
the expense and work will be divided ,
while the results will come to all parts
alike. We hope that this proposition
may at once engage the serious conside
ration of all , and that steps may be tak
en to bring about the fulfillment of the
same in due season.
T. H. L. LEE left for Exeter on 4 ,
Tuesday evening.
P. A. WELLS has moved into the old
Lee Hulburd residence , this week.
Mrs. W. S. Morlan went up to Den
ver , Sunda\- evening , on a short trip.
Mrs. G. W. Bunting of Republican
City is visiting in the city , the guest of
Mrs. A. L. Knowland.
Mrs. P. A. Wells arrived home , first
of the week , from an extended visit in
different eastern Nebraska points.
Mrs. J. P. Hall , wife of the general
passenger agent of the Santa Fe at Den
ver , arrived in the city , Tuesday even
ing , and is the guest of Mrs. U. J. War
M. J. Abbott of the Hayes Center
Republican spent a few hours in the
city , Tuesday evening , 011 his way to
Omaha to at'tend Masonic grand lodge
Mrs. Amanda McClelland arrived
in the city , Wednesday night , from
Leon , Iowa , and with her daughter , Mrs.
J. P. Hall of Denver , is the guest of Mrs.
U. J. Warren.
J. T. Bullard came down from Pali
sade , Tuesday evening , on his way to
Omaha , to attend the grand lodge meet
ing of the A. F. & . A. M. , and incideit-
ally to take in the races.
Miss Amy Robinson , a student of he
state university , spent Tuesday night
with Mrs. S. L. Moeiich on her way
home to Trenton , whither she jour
neyed the following morning.
H. W. Cole left on Wednesday morn
ing for Geneseo , 111. , to see his aged mo
ther who is quite ill. He may go on to
Buffalo , New York , to attend the su
preme lodge meeting of the A. O. U. W.
Colonel Merwin of the Beaver City
Tribune indulged himself in 100 feet of
lawn hose , sprinkler and other etceteras ,
this spring , and now he wants to trade
off the entire outfit for a fiat boat and a
cyclone cellar.
Rev. J. M. Morris and family leftfor
Galesburg , Illinois , Wednesday morn
ing. The elder is an evangelist of the
Christian church and has been conduct
ing revival services in the city during
the past week or two.
John Garber and brother Charlie
left , Monday evening , for McCook where
thej- will open up a new stock of grocer
ies. We commend them to the people
of that city and hope that they will suc
ceed in their new field. Red Cloud Belt.
Colonel H. H. Easterday left the
city between two days , this week. There
is a suspicion that the Colonel went
down to Omaha to see the races and attend -
tend the grand lodge meeting of Nebras
ka Masons. He will also visit the home
folks at Tecumseh before his return.
C. E. Shaw shipped his household
goods from Denver and on Wednesday-
moved them into the apartments in the
A. O. U. W. temple , recently vacated
by P. A. Wells and W. H. Davis. He
and family arrived from Denver , Wed
nesday morning , and are temporarily
staying at the Commercial bouse , await
ing the settlement of their deparments.
A Numerous and Delighted HenrinK
is Accorded the Band.
The Pythian Brigade band gave one
of their superb concert011 Main avenue ,
last Saturday night , before an immense
gathering of delighted people. A mova
ble band stand , the gift of the city , oc
cupied the intersection of Main ami
Dodge streets. Here the concert was
given , after which the stand was drawn
away by horses , being mounted oil a set
of J. S. McBrayer's house moving trucks.
Below we give the programme rendered
to the distinct pleasure of the people of
the city who flocked to the concert with
their usual unanimity and unfailing an
ticipations always realized :
March King Cotton Sottsa
Overture Poet and Peasant Sappe
Waltz Woman's Love Fahrbacft
Selection Robin Hood DeKoveu
Overture Ten Minutes With the Minstrels
Piccolo solo Through the Air Roy Smith
. Maich National Fencihles Sousu
For his piccolo solo Roy Smith re
ceived the hand very generously. The
boys are very proud of Roy , who is a
comparatively new member of the or
ganization. I
The baud gave another delightful concert -
cert , last evening. All concerts will be I
given on Thursday evening hereafter. I
Special Lantern Class. 9
Through courtesy of Supt. "Valentine I
and the special \ork department of the
public schools a comfortable audience
enjoyed a special lantern performance in jfl
the east ward assembly , last Friday
evening , in a most gratifying way. I
Many of the pictures shown were "old B
favorites" aud ail were instructive and fl
entertaining. A short musical program H
added measurably to the evening's entertainment - B
tertainment , consisting of a flute aud H
piano duet by Miss Pearl Brewer and H
Roy Smith , a vocal solo by Miss Hannah - H
nah Stangeland , and piano solos by 9
Misses Maude Wood , Mabel Perry and H
Edna Dixon. | H
These little affairs are a source of jfl |
pleasure to all , and another entertain- H
inent is booked for tonight. H
Miss Rachel Berry , principal of the M
high school , has resigned. The resigna- H
tiou of Mrs. Sylvester Cordeal went in to H
the board some time since. Both will be |
deplored. M
a a H
Fishing tackle at McConnell's. M
Screen Doors 79 cts. at LaTourette's. M
Western Washers at $3.60 at LaTour- M
ette's. H
Rev.Knox will sell his horses , carriage j |
and harness very cheap. H
One Quart Tin Fruit Cans .54 cts. per fl
dozen at LaTourette's. H
Farmers are in the fields and the times H
are consequently dull. H
Wait and buy your fireworks from H
Beck , first door south of the postoSce. H
It is stated that small grain in some H
parts of Hayes county is needing rain H
badly. H
Fishing parties are numerous. But a H
strict regard for the truth restrains us H
from making the same statementconceru- H
ing the fish themselves. H
The members of McCook Forum lodge H
enjoyed a spread , Tuesday evening , in j H
addition to the regular work of the ses- j H
sion , and doubtless had a pleasant , congenial - H
genial time. j H
The McCarl boys of the Standard restaurant - H
taurant dispensed a large quantity of fine M
ice cream to their friends and patrons , 9 |
Tuesday evening , free. And many enjoyed - M
joyed their hospitality. j H
Red Willow county should send a | H
county exhibit to the Nebraska , Iowa M
and Illinois state fairs , this fall. Let | H
the matter be agitated in due season aud M
a creditable showing be made. M
Little Wauneta Burnett was the object M
of a napp } ' surprise party , Tuesday , on * M
the occasion of her sixth birthday. M
Some twenty young folks enjoyed the H
event with her. Refreshments were M
served and the affair altogether was one H
the little ones will remember with pleasant - M
ant : recollections. M
220 Main Street. 'H
Cheapest and Best Place in McCook. H
to Buy Groceries : H
15 lbs. Granulated Sugar $ r.oo H
1 lb. XXXX Coffee 20 B
20 . lb. Pail of Best Fruit Jelly 50 H
1 gal. Chocolate Cream Syrup 40 j H
1 sack of Thorough Bread Fancy H
Patent Flour 1.10 j H
1 sack White Bread Flour 95 H
7 bars of White Russian or Silver M
Leaf Soap 25 H
10 lbs. Rolled Oats 25
5 cans Good Sugar Corn 25
1 lb. Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese .15 9H
6 cans Oil Sardines 25
5 lb. can Standard Tomatoes 10 jj H
3 lbs. Choice Prunes 25 * |
jCfl Shoes and Tinware cheap. |
J. W. MCKENNA , Proprietor. M