/ .r' " . _ I 7 < . . > ,1 l I ) T r " > , - \ ' . . . 'L ( - " ' flcooh tt' U t. . . . . . , , ' , , . _ . FIFTEENTH YEAR McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 5 , 1896. NUMBER 3. k B THEIR COMMENCEMENT The McCook High School Graduates a Class of Fifteen f WITH FELICITOUS PARTICULARS t a The Menard Opera House Crowded to Suffocation and Hundreds Seek Admission In Vain. Great Interest. Last Friday evening in the Menard opera hall , overwhelmed with fragrant , beautiful flowers , surrounded by loving . families and admiring friends , under the : happiest auspices and with the most charming particulars , the ten girls and five boys composing the class of ' 96 of the McCook high school were with great eclat ushered out of school life into life's school. The opera house , long before the hour set for the opening of the exercises , was crowded to its capacity , and two or three I hundred people failed to gain admit- tance. The scene was one of keenest interest and eager expectancy , indicat- ing the high estimation in which our public schools are held and the special , personal regard entertained for the mem bers of the graduating class. I The stage of the opera house was most attractively decorated with bunting of the class colors and flowers. Upon it were seated those who participated in the programme. The girls in their pret ty gowns , the boys in tasteful raiment , together with their bright environment , formed a most pleasing and enchanting picture that appealed most fetchingly to the audience. Promptly at the appointed hour the orchestra opened the exercises with their overture , "La Mascotte" , Audran. , The school children , who were seated in the gallery , followed with "Lead Kindly Light" . The orchestra continued with "Scadella" , a selection by Flotow. All were received with approval. \ The earnest invocation of Rev. Hart L. Preston of the Congregational church was followed by an excellent selection from the orchestra , Rodney's superb 1 "Calvary" , and the opening music closed with a lively , well sung bugle song by the school. The salutatory was delivered by Roy " Smith with a quiet dignity and intelli- ; 1 gent force quite characteristic of that promising youth. Pearl Brewer , who has grown into young womanhood in our city , made a pleasing impression with her essay on "Memories" . "One of Nature's Beauties" was the topic of the essay by Edith Oyster , and , she spoke of her floral subject very en- I ( tertaininglv. I Following "Fra Diavolo" , Auber , by I the orchestra , Louis Thorgrimson , the class poet , told of his "Final Difficulties" in manufacturing an essay with splendid descriptive effect. Mabel Wilcox gave one of the most interesting and distinctively original essays of the evening on "From School Life to Life's School" . It was enjoyed. "Women of America" was the topic of an excellent paper by Maude Doan , who described the American woman's great accomplishments and prophesied her glorious ; future with evident enthusi asm. asm.William Mahoney was at his best in describing and "roasting" the "Follies of Fashion" . It was one of the best essays of the programme. "The Century's Progress" was given comprehensive and interesting treatment by Josie Mullen in her entertaining , care- fully prepared essay on that topic. Della Battershall spoke upon the sub- ject of "Our Sphere" , handling the topic with much cleverness and merit. The orchestra then rendered Strauss's "Queen's Lace Handkerchief" effectively - ly , and Erwin Hopt delivered one of the most thoughtful and meritorious essays of the evening on "Our Sure Defense" . Ethel Oyster very nicely and vividly " portrayed the advantages and possibilities - ties of "Hitching Your Wagon to a Star" . It was a strong effort. "Climbing" was the basis of Bert Beyrer's essay , which contained many valuable lessons of life gathered from a vacation in the Royal Rockies. The school gave a stirring song , "Guard the Flag" , which was followed I by Martha Battershall's essay on "In- fluence" in which she dwelt upon the power and subtlety and charm of per- sonal influence very creditably. Lora LeHew gave the class history , and her work was well performed , embracing - bracing many happy hits , anecdotes and a complete history of each member the class. The valedictory by May Putnam was an excellent effort and received for that young lady many merited compliments. The graduating essays were each and all delivered without notes , ( except the p class history , ) and as a whole were remarkably - markably uniform in excellence and merit ; and were among the best in the history of our graduating classes. After the singing of "Dream of Home" by the school , Mayor Troth awarded the ( diplomas in a brief address of well chos en language and advice. The orchestra then rendered the "Gloria" from Mozart's 12th mass ; Super- intendent Valentine made some general remarks in his usual , happy strain ; the orchestra played "Operatic Sensations" , Clauss ; the school gave their closing song , "Abide With Me" , and the bene- diction was pronounced by Rev. Pres- " ton ; thus closing what all agree was one of the most successful and auspicious fi commencements in the history of the 'I McCook schools. The teachers , scholars and school board each and all come in for their mead of praise. The whole affair was + + very gratifying and no loyal McCookite is less proud of the public schools of the city on that account , but the rather more proud and enthusiastic. . x - IT WAS ENJOYED BY ALL. The Entertainment by the South McCook School. The meeting of McCook lodge , No. i , Star of Jupiter , Monday evening , was up to the standard in attendance and interest. There was the usual business transacted. Two new members were initiated into the order. It was finally decided to hold a picnic on Thursday of this week at the Fitch grove on the South Side. After the business of the evening had been finished up the follow- ing programme was given by the mem- bers of the South McCook school : PROGRAMME. Recitation - ' 'Eddie" . . . . . . . . Ruby Fitigerald Drill = "The Duel" . . . . . . . . . . . . lenrv Amend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and Jay Nicholson Recitation - "My Dead Doll" . . Effie llolcomb Sonjj . . . . . . . . . . Birdie Carty and Ray Huber In 1Vonderland..2 Little Children Recitation - "Our Baby" . . . . . . . Maude Best. Recitation - "Nora" . . . . . . . . . . Nora Fitzgerald Recitation - "Popcorn" . . . . . Jakie Hofferbur Song "Happy Band" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recitation . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . Ethel Patterson Tambourine Girls. " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Good Bye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " School The entire programme was a credit to the scholars and to the training of the teacher , Miss Nora Stroud. It will be better appreciated when we state that some of the performers-and they are all very young-have only been over from Russia two or three years. : ' 8c'f ! . . . " . JVC . " . . .y.y-q 8c'THE , : ? . THE ' tktti PEOPLE. 8c c c Ec eta BERT BEYRER is clerking for Albert McMillen. MRS. W. MORLAN visited near Ken- esaw , first of the week. DR. j. A. GUNN visited in Iowa , close of last and first of this week. O. FROST of the Bank of Bartley had . . business in the city. Tuesday. S. W. CLARK , ex-postmaster at Bart- . ' ley , was a city visitor , Tuesday. A. D. KING. the Culbertson banker , . was a city visitor Saturday evening. MRS. MARY DUFFEY was a passenger , Monday evening , for Grafton , on a visit. Miss ONA SIMONS is clerking in the dry goods department of the Mercantile Co.'s store. Miss MARY STEVENS of Hastings was the guest of her sister , Mrs. Frank Ken- dlen , this week. A. J. CLINE examined the Citizens bank , Monday , finding that establish- . ment in good shape. ELLIS DIVINE was over from Danbury to our Decoration day exercises and to meet his many friends. MRS. J. H. BAYSTON is entertaining her mother , Mrs. Chrysler , who arrived in the city on Sunday night. JOHN CORDEAL resumed work in W. S. Morlan's office Monday , much improved - proved by his vacation and rest. MR. AND MRS. H. P. SUTTON took in the races at Denver , Decoration day , returning - turning home , Tuesday morning. J. H. BERGE of the treasurer's office participated in the district Sunday school convention at Trenton , Sunday. DR. B. B. DAVIS was out from Omaha , I Saturday , on a professional visit , arriv- ing Friday night and leaving Sunday morning. MARIE AND ALICE ROBIDOUX of Ben- kelman were the guests of Rev. and Miss Marie Hickey early in the week , return- home on Wednesday evening. MR. AND MRS. T. H. L. LEE of Exe- ter arrived in the city , closeoflast week , and will visit their daughter , Mrs. L. R. Hilemau , for a week or longer. MRS. P. T. FRANCIS left on 4 , Mon day evening , to spend a week visiting Mrs. John Welborn in Indianola , after which she expects to visit in eastern Nebraska. COLONEL F. MERWIN of the Nebraska - braska Editor and Beaver City Tribune sojourned in the valley's finest , Monday night , on his way up to Imperial , where he spent Tuesday and Wednesday visit ing an oldtime friend. MRS. ARTHUR SNYDER , who has been visiting in the city , the past week , left for Pittsfield , Massachusetts , yesterday morning. Mrs. Snyder has been in the northwest during the past winter and spring , in Oregon and Washington. MR. AND MRS. A. G. BUMP arrived in the city , Saturday night , from Los An- geles , California. A number of railroad men have been temporarily laid off , and Al. thinks there is no place on earth like McCook in which to spend a vacation , and they may make quite a sjtay. JUDGE M. L. HAYWARD of Nebraska City spent Sunday in our city , guest of Supt. Valentine , and had the pleasure of meeting many of our leading citizens , quite a number of whom are much interested - terested in the Judge's candidacy for the gubernatorial nomination. The Judge spoke at Minden on Decoration day. Supt. Valentine. went down there to meet him , and persuaded him to spend Sunday in the best town in the Republican - can valley. The Judge left for Beatrice , Sunday night , having made an excellent impression during his stay here. N. S. HARWOOD , president of the First National bank of Lincoln , spent Satur- day in the city , looking after his inter- ests here , he being one of the stockholders - ers in the Citizens bank of our city. From here he accompanied Oscar Calli- han to Benkelman , where he remained over Sunday. Mr. Harwood indulged in a drive out into the country about our city , and reports corn prospects here and in fact all over this section of the state as being finer than in eastern Nebraska. He appeared to be much encouraged and elated over the outlook for Nebraska , this year. , , . THE HEROES HONORED Tributes of Respect Paid to the Deeds of the Departed Veterans BY THEIR LIVING COMRADES And. Others Who Are Now Enjoying the Heritage Purchased by Their Valor and Blood on the Fatal ! Field. Decoration day was appropriately observed - : served by J. K. Barnes post , G. A. R. , I old soldiers and citizens generally , last Saturday afternoon , the formal exercises being held in the Menard opera hall in the presence of an audience that well filled the house , Mayor Troth acting as chairman of the meeting. The program consisted of music by the high school orchestra and Congregational church choir , prayer by Rev. J. M. Bell. Read- ing of orders by Adjutant J. H. Yarger. Oration by Post Commander H. H. Berry. Benediction by Rev. G. P. Fuson. The line of procession was then formed by Marshal J. A. Wilcox and assistant J. S. LeHew and the march to Longview cemetery commenced with the post and old soldiers in the van , the school chil dren , city officials members of Council too and citizens in carriages following. The procession was a long one and the attendance very large upon the services at the cemetery. The services at the cemetery consisted of the decoration of the monument to the unknown dead by twelve little boys and twelve little girls of Mrs. Cordeal's primary room , with appropriate recita- tion and costume ; and the decoration of soldiers' graves by the G. A. R. post , , with impressive ritualistic work. The graves of the following departed veterans were decorated : C. L. Miller , Chester Ward , Charles E. Fox , D. L. Clement . Elias H. Conrad , Thomas B. Walker , Smith Gordon , R. S. Cooley , J. D. Gerver , J. B. McCabe. Which ended the services of the day and occasion. The attempts at decoration were meagre. The banks and postoffice observed the day by the usual closing. While business houses generally were closed during the afternoon services. The only incident of the march to the cemetery and of the day was the smash up on cemetery hill caused by teams backing into each other. The vehicles of S. G. Goheen , Alex. McDonald and Robert Johnston were in the collision. The McDonald rig was badly smashed up , and both of the others more or less broken. No one hurt , however. . There was a pathetic lack of flowers , which should not be. Decoration day is no occasion when political organizations , public or secret , can properly parade. The occasion seemed to lack the usual deep interest of the people. Even the exercises at the cemetery failed to hold the undivided attention. A Splendid Rain. This section of Nebraska was visited by two splendid rains , last Saturday , the precipitation from the eaaly morn- ing and night rains amounting to over 2Ji inches. The night rain was quite general , and the good results to small grain and corn can hardly estimated. . The farmers and others as well are feel- ing most jubilant over the prospects , which all admit , ( except in a few isolated - ed instances , perhaps , ) were never more encouraging at this time of the year. These late rains increase the rainfall to about 11 % inches for the five months ending May 31st. Last year the precipi- tation for the same period of time was but 3Ji inches. The outlook now is that Nebraska will redeem herself , this season and do it on a grand scale. Second to None. The fifteenth year : initial number of KIMMELL'S TRIBUNE came in on reg- ular time , last week , chock full beauty and wisdom , arranged as only Frank Kimmell can arrange these things on paper. An individuality sharply defined - fined , unassuming , positive and agree- able. A model country paper second to none in the great newspaper state of Ne- braska.-Indianola Reporter. Watering Troughs and Posts. A substantial line of hitching posts has been provided in the rear of the Morlan-Strasser-Meeker buildings for the accommodation of the farmers. A water- ing trough will also be put in at the same place. Both will be great conveniences for the driving public. The Officers Elect. At the meeting of the A. F. & A. M. brethren , Tuesday evening. the follow- ing officers were elected for the ensuing year : J. A. Wilcox , W. M. ; A. Probst ; S. W. ; H. H. Easterday , J. W. ; S. Cor- deal , Treasurer ; . E. E. Lowman , Secre- tary. Postponed Until June 7th. The lovefeast and preaching announced to be held , last Sunday in Ira Miller's grove has been postponed until June 7th at the same place. Services the same as announced , last week , only Rev. J. A. Badcon will not be present. Philharmonic Club. There will be a meeting of the Philharmonic - harmonic club next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at Mrs. E. E. Utter's studio. A full attendance is desired. Business of importance. FINE PIANO FOR SALE - $500.00 piano f1 good as new , for sale very cheap. Inquire r at THE TRIBUNE office. # DEATH CAME SUDDENLY. B. Troxel Dies In a Pullman Car Near Cheyenne. Thursday. rhis community was greatly shocked , close of last week , to hear of .the sudden death of B. F. Troxel , late of Denver. The deceased left Denver , early last Thursday morning to go to Cheyenne on , some mining business. When the train arrived at Cheyenne , about two hours later , he was found dead in the sleeping car. As the deceased was a sufferer from rheumatism , the supposition - tion is that he died with rheumatism of the heart. The remains were taken to Denver , where they are resting in a vault awaiting the arrival of a brother from Philadelphia to decide the place of inter ment. The deceased and family lived in our city for a number of years , and this sud- deu and . , lonely death of Frank Troxel brings sorrow to many a heart in this city , where his cheery presence and happy nature made him a host friends , who will join THE TRIBUNE in exteud- ' ingthe ! widow the protoundest sympa- . th. th.r .4 . /r The Great Road Race. The great bicycle road race at" ' Denver , last Saturday , drew quite a crowd from here. This place furnished two num- bers of the 88 persons that finished in the 25 mile race , S. D. Bolles and Knud Stangeland. Bolles finished No. 40 in 1:12:53 ; Stangeland No. 47 in 1:14:32. The time prize was won by Hachen- berger in 1:06:53 ; the race by Dean in 1:09143. The local participants in the race were in very fast company and would doubt- less have finished nearer the head but for the air and altitude , which effected both more or less. The boys performed very well considering. The Populist Convention. Tb Populist . county central committee - tee was in session , last Friday afternoon , at Indianola. Every precinct but two was represented , besides committeemen at large from most of the precincts. It was decided to hold but one county con- vention and the date was set for July 9th and Indianola was named as the place for holding the same. The representation - tion was based on the vote cast for J. H. Bayston for regent in 1895 , giving two delegates at large from each precinct and one for each fifteen votes or major fraction thereof. It was recommended that the primaries be held on July 6th. A Deserted Wife Dies. Mrs. Henry Ballrich , nee Miss Cora Duwey , died at an early hour , Monday morning , consumption. The deceased wajj / the crippled daughter of Solomon Dewey and wife , had been deserted by her husband , and at her death was a county charge. The remains were interred - terred in Longview cemetery , Monday afternoon , brief services being held at the house and grave by Rev. J. A. Bad- con. con."A " " . "A Little Misunderstanding" Lee Sloan and old man Ernest , the butcher , had a "little misunderstand- ing" , Saturday evening , in which Sloan was badly used up. We understand that Ernest has left town. It is claimed that the trouble was not of Ernest's seeking , but that be sought to avoid until patience - tience ceased to be a virtue. Neat and Handsome. THE McCooK TRIBUNE is one of the neatest , handsomest and best patronized papers n the state and last week turned its fifteenth mile stone. It has been owned and edited by the present owner for thirteen . years. - Red Cloud Belt. Fishing tackle at McConnell's. ; ; THE CHURCHES. 1l'Lr.l1..1'r.r1it ' .tLu . : ! l : ; CATHOLIC - Mass at 8 o'clock a. m. High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. , with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. All are cordially welcome. REV. . J. W. HICKEY , Pastor. ' METHODIST-Sunday school at 10 ; preaching at II ; class at 12 ; Juniorleague at 3 ; Epworth league at 7 ; Epworth league concert at 8 ; classical music. All are welcome. J. A. BADCON , Pastor. EPISCOPAL - Services will be held at the Episcopal church , January 12th and every alternate Sunday at n a. m. and 8 5 p. m. Sunday school at ro a. m. every Sunday. Ladies' Guild meets every Wednesday evening after the 7:30 : ser- vice. BAPTIST-Bible school at 10 a. m. Rev. E. A. Russell , State Sunday school ) ' Missionary will preach in the morning at II o'clock. B. Y. P. U. at 7 o'clock , p. m. Martha Battershall , leader. Chil- dren's day exercises . the evening at 8 o'clock. Services in McConnell hall. All are cordially invited. G. P. FUSON , Pastor. CONGREGATIONAL - Morning theme , "The Mission of Sorrow" . Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Endeavor society 7 o'clock o'clock. Pearl Brewer will lead ; the topic is "Humility" . Prayer meeting at 8 o'clock , Wednesday even- ing. The pastor will preach the anni- versary sermon for the South Side Y. P. S. C. E. , therefore there will be no even- ing service at the : church. HART L. PRESTON , Pastor. CHRISTIAN - J. M. Morris , the Chris- tian Evangelist , will preach in the Me- nard hall. Subjects : Friday-"How to Become a Christian" . Told so that a lo-year-old child can understand. Sat- urday - "Which Way" ? From chart. Sunday-At 3 p. m. , "Conversion , or the , Changes Wrought in One Who Be- comes a Christian" . Sunday-At 8 p. m. , "The Golden Chain of Salvation" . Illustrated by a chart. Song services at 7:30 each evening. All are cordially in vited. . A DOUBLE AFFLICTION Engineer and Mrs. Barney Lewis Lose Their Only Child WITH FATAL WHOOPING COUGH Little Josle Succumbed to the DIs- ease , Sunday About Noon , the Last of a Family of Six Children. Engineer and Mrs. Barney Lewis were robbed of their last house hold treas- ure , last Sunday morning , when death placed his stern seal upon their only child and greatly beloved little daughter Josie. The little one had been suffering for a number of weeks with whooping cough , a malady which had proven fatal to five other members of the family , but some hopes were entertained that her life might be saved. But from the storm of Saturday morning she gradually grew worse until death ended her sufferings about noon Sunday. Funeral services were conducted in the Congregational church , Monday afternoon - . ternoon at three o'clock by Rev. H. L. I Preston , assisted by Rev. J. A. Badcou. The floral tributes were both lavish and I lovely and the services most sad and pa- thetic. Human language and sympathy fail utterly in the face of bereavement and sorrow like this , and we can but turn the sad and stricken parents to Him who shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. But so far as human sympathy can go they have it most profoundly and abund antly from the-entire community. Made the Levy. The board of education held its regu- lar monthly meeting on Monday even- ing , allowing a number of bills and transacting other routine business of the school district. A resolution was ! passed authorizing the using of the legal I limit of the sinking fund of the district with which to take up the unpaid war- rants now outstanding against the dis- trict. The levy of 20 per cent. was made for school purposes for the ensuing year. This is the limit of the law , and if all taxes are paid will bring into the school treasury about $5,000. The expenses of the school year will be in the neighborhood - hood of $9,000 , a sum that will leave a deficit in the school treasury even after all license money is paid in ; so it will be seen that the financiers on the school board have quite a problem on their hands to pull through the next school year in good in good financial shape. The board will hold a special meeting on Saturday night to consider some important - portant matters. . List Your Property. If you want to sell your farm or town property list them with the Republican Valley Land Co. Office in court house. C. B. GRAY Manager. PURELY PERSONAL. E. E. MAGEE went over to Curtis , midweek , on a visit. H. W. KEYES came up from Indian- ola , Monday night , on some business at the county seat. MR. AND MRS. J. E. ROBINSON went over to Curtis , Tuesday , with his father , on a short visit. MRS. ALBERT MCMILLEN entertained her parents , Mr. and Mrs. McConnell of Trenton , over Sunday. Miss CLARA KLEVEN returned to Culbertson , Wednesday night , after a visit to friends in this city. MAYOR TROTH went away yesterday , expecting to be absent until Monday on business more or less political. H. O. SCOTT of the Bartley Inter- Ocean took in our commencement and Memorial exercises , Friday evening and Saturday. GEORGE E. THOMPSON , a former bus- iness man of our city , but now of Audu- bon , Iowa , spent Wednesday in the city , on business. Miss BELLE BOLTON of Akron , Colo- rado , came down to the commencement exercises , and has been the guest of Miss Addie Doan. Miss SELMA NOREN : will arrive home tonight from Lincoln , having decided not to remain for the commencement exercises , this year. MISSES Lou BEARDSLEE and Clara Happersett of Indianola took in the commencement - mencement exercises , visiting friends in the city until Sunday evening. MBS. D. L. McBRiDE and Miss Han- nah drove down from the Frontier coun- ty farm , Wednesday , and visited in the city briefly , the guests of F. D. Burgess and family. Commencement Aftermath. The floral and other presents to the graduates from families and friends were never more lavish , rich and beautiful , making one of the happiest incidents of the occasion. It is to be regretted that so many : failed to gain admittance to the opera house , and thus had to forego the pleas- ures of the event to which all looked for- ward with bright anticipations. It has been suggested that the charg- ing of a small fee of admission would relieve - lieve the overcrowded state of things at future commencements. It has been followed successfully for years else- where. "View With Alarm" . Now that St. Patrick's church had the flag of our common country flying at half mast , Decoration day , Council 100 should "view with alarm" . . A VERY NARROW ESCAPE. Otto Pate Just Misses the Weight of a Failing Stable. Thesod stable on T. J. Pate's farm , just northeast of the city , caved in late Saturday night , as a result of the heavy rain , severely injuring three horses shel- tered in the stable. Otto Pate just escaped - caped from the falling stable in time to save his life , or severe injury at least. He had ridden home on Ellington Wil son's pony and the little animal was among the severely injured , in fact it is thought that it will have to he killed , as a heavy log fell across its back. Mr. Pate and sou worked until two o'clock in the morning getting the horses out. The stable is a complete wreck. Otto has gallantly replaced the injured - jured pony with a sound animal. - - Too Much Rain. . The W. A. P. A. social , Saturday night , was not much ofa success in point of attendance , doubtless on account of the rain storm ; , but as a large number of tickets had been sold the receipts were all right. It takes a good article of patriotism - triotism to brave such a rain as last Sat- urday night's. We understand that the proceeds of the social will be devoted to procuring flags for the public schools of the city , and thus a lesson of patriotism lie taught-not a sort which denies to fellow citizens constitutional rights , we hope. Should be Encouraged. A commendable custom which has been largely followed , this season , is that : of parties from neighboring towns attending the commencement exercises of the graduating classes of each other's schools. The schools are a safe basis upon which to establish more cordial and substantial social relations between the ; people of neighboring towns , and the custom should be encouraged for many considerations. Where's McCook's Plant ? Fairbury's ice plant is now in opera tion. The Gazette says that the capa- city is 77 cans or tanks each of which turns out a cake of ice weighing 220 pounds , every 48 hours ; making the daily output near 8470 pounds of ice made from distilled water. Exouse Our Tears. THE TRIBUNE is simply overcome and overwhelmed by the copiousness of the contemporaneous references to our recent - cent fifteenth birthday event. e = = = = - . III FOR A CENT. III . e e Fishing tackle at McConnell's. Screen Doors 79 cts. at LaTourette's. Western Washers at $3.60 at LaTour ette's. Rev.Knox will sell his horses , carriage and harness very cheap. One Quart Tin Fruit Cans .54 cts. per dozen at LaTourette's. Wait and buy your fireworks from Beck , first door south of the postoffice. The "Cash Bargain House" has a change of advertisement , this week. Musical merchandise of all kinds at Mrs. Utter's studio , rear of DeGrofPs. Two inches of rain fell , Saturday ev ening , at Arapahoe , within thirty min- utes. Floyd Berry will enter the employ of J. J. Garber , the new grocer , Monday , in the Temple building. The Tenth grade held a picnic in S. D. Bolles' grove , Wednesday , and as a re- sult are indulging in some remarkable fish stories. The postoffice at Carrico , Hayes coun- ty , has been discontinued , and patrons of that office will in future get their mail at Hayes Center. Last Thursday , L. J. Carrington of Culbertson was appointed an under assistant - i sistant to the state irrigation secretary , with i jurisdiction of the Frenchman watershed. The Orangemen have made an unsuc- cessful effort to lease the Masonic lodge rooms. Next to the grace of God. Mc- Cook needs an Orange lodge and a Jun- ior A. P. A. most urgently. Each Presbyterian Sunday school should send two delegates each to the Sabbath school institute held in the First Presbyterian church of Omaha , June 16 , 17 and 18. Iowa and Nebraska unite in this institute work. Rev. J. Worden , D. D. , of Philadelphia will be there. THE FAIR 220 MAIN STREET. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE McCooK : TO BUY GROCERIES : 15 Ibs. Granulated Sugar. . . . . . . . . . ; Ir.oo i lb. XXXX Coffee . . . . . . . . . . . " . .20 20 lb. Pail of Best Fruit Jelly. . . . . . -50 i gal. Chocolate Cream Syrup. . . . .40 i sack of Thorough Bread Fancy Patent Flour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.10 i sack White Bread Flour. . . . . . . . . ' -95 7 bars of White Russian or Silver Leaf Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! 5 10 Ibs. Rolled Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 5 cans Good Sugar Corn . " . . . . . . . .25 i lb. Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese .t , 6 cans Oil Sardines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 3 lb. can Standard Tomatoes. . . " . . .10 3 lbs. Choice Prunes . . . . . " . . . " . . . .25 , . Shoes and Tinware cheap. J. W. McKENNA ' , Proprietor.